A Brief Retrospective | Star Wars: The Phantom Menace (Part 5)

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The Bread Circus

The Bread Circus

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@FriendlyDarkwraith Жыл бұрын
If you need Quarren in the Galactic Senate like The Phantom Menace portrays, is giving them a colony elsewhere in the galaxy that achieved senate representation an option? Like a group of them left Mon Cala's oceans in search of greater things, ended up settling in a different part of the galaxy, and eventually were invited into the senate as representatives of their newly colonized star system? Perhaps they were exiled by the rest of their species for being too much like the fishy folk upstairs, which is why they never mentioned the existence of Mon Cala to the Republic before it became the Empire and established first contact.
@thebreadcircus Жыл бұрын
Great reasoning, that's exactly the kind of thinking I love to see. Given that there should be none at this time, how can we make sense of there being Quarren? An isolated colony has to be one of the most elegant options. Let's work through it and see what's implied. I don't have exact years mentioned for the Mon Cal timeline. For first contact with the Empire, that is definitely before the first movie: Ackbar interacts with Tarkin. They could have met each other as early as 10 BBY, or as late as a few months in 0 BBY. That does give us a little wiggle room, we can shuffle some dates as needed. The other key date is what year the Mon Cal reached out into space, that's our focus. Personally, I think the Mon Cal had been in space for multiple centuries. They had time to work out all the details of space travel, including a limited form of hyperdrive. Mon Cal had explored the nearby star systems, and it's very likely that they set up a colony or few. However, before first contact with the wider galaxy, their range was sharply limited. There was a tiny bubble of Mon Cal space at the edge of the galaxy. I put this era, the small fishy empire, somewhere between 4000 and 200 BBY. That range limit causes some real problems, though. Discovering a colony world in Mon Cal space would lead to more exploration of the area. We cannot say a *nearby* Quarren colony was discovered, yet the homeworld was not. By my reasoning, there are about three possible answers: 1) While setting up their local colonies, a ship full of Quarren settlers went off course. Whether that was intentional or not, they wound up in Republic space. Their colony got its senate representatives in the usual way. Basically what you suggested, a splinter faction that refused to discuss their homeworld. 2) At some point before it developed spaceflight, advanced aliens visit the planet Mon Calamari. Their flying saucer abducts a bunch of Quarren, for reasons we cannot explain. This one is appealing because of the age it allows for. Our mystery Quarren colony could have been created in the year 100,000 BBY, for all we know. The only constraint is that anatomically modern Quarren had evolved, leaving an enormous margin. You could easily have a colony 8000 years old, or any other number you care to mention. 3) Basically the same as option #2, except it happens at a different time. During the time Mon Calamari had only primitive FTL systems, starting to explore local space. Advanced aliens arrive, crossing paths with a ship on the fringes of Mon Cal space. This time the aliens are pirates and slavers. Using superior Republic, Hutt, etc technology, they make short work of the aquatic ships. The target ships just happened to have a crew of Quarren, who are promptly clapped in irons. That slave ship eventually led to a free Quarren colony, within Republic space, and at a time when Mon Calamari hadn't been discovered. With options #2 and #3, you don't even need to explain the keeping of secrets. The squid men were abducted, they would dearly love to go home. It's just that they don't know where home is, and nothing on any Republic star charts seems familiar. -DZ
@grantmonsma3569 Жыл бұрын
​@@thebreadcircus I particularly like a combination of #1 and #3 as a possibility - a sleeper ship traveling at low FTL speeds would be highly vulnerable to interference by more advanced species and could range far outside of whatever more mundane Quarren or Mon Cal space travel would be happening at the time. The Quarren and Mon Calamari tend to not get along too well anyways, so I feel like it's reasonably plausible for a Quarren-only colony ship to have headed off at a few c to escape their fishy neighbors, aimed at the most appealing system their astronomers could find within several decades' travel time. However, by the time the colonists arrive, they find that some other species with better technology, bigger guns, and fewer scruples have beaten them to the punch. After some years of the sleeper ship acting as a slave labor vending machine, the Quarren eventually win their freedom, but in the fighting the navigation data that would enable return to their home space is destroyed or lost, leaving the colonists stuck.
@FriendlyDarkwraith Жыл бұрын
@@thebreadcircus This is why I love your channel. I like option #3 in particular, because IIRC, we've seen Quarren interacting with the Hutts before, and if you want to invoke KotOR, they often occupy roles in criminal organizations similar to the Hutts, such as the Exchange. So maybe something of the slugs rubbed off them, since this behavior doesn't seem to mesh with the normally sheltered and isolated nature of their species back home.
@darthguilder1923 Жыл бұрын
Or the Quarren could have just moved to an uninhabited world and then joined the republic even after the Mon Calamari joined. We know there’s multiple human-inhabited worlds in the republic as well as multiple Aqualish and Gran ruled worlds, so a species from a member world establishing an independent government in a distinct territory from their homeworld could feasibly be accepted into the republic
@DIEGhostfish 10 ай бұрын
@@thebreadcircus Also could even be a situation where the Quarren just happened to be the ones elected to the senate, elevated by the local sector government as figureheads for some reason. But honestly I'm fine with moving the Mon-Cal first contact back.
@Gingerbreadley Жыл бұрын
I do not like the old mon cal lore. Them discovering space travel and instantly being on par with the galaxy in tech is just ridiculous. It makes every other shipbuilder in the history of the galaxy look like idiots.
@BurnDoubt Жыл бұрын
I truly pity Darth Maul, only he and Anakin fully understand the heinous torture of creamy Sheevs machinations.
@EdwardDanks009 Жыл бұрын
You had me at "creamy Sheevs". 😅
@sethlovric2979 6 ай бұрын
"CREAMY SHEEVS" Is the most cursed thing I've ever read. Congratulations.
@timmytheevil Жыл бұрын
I'm not sure if I'm being deep meme'd or not, but at 34:13, as you say the Quarren aren't shown to be part of the C.I.S., there is a Quarren inside Poggle's command chamber.
@antonisauren8998 Жыл бұрын
I never liked WEG Calamari history. It might be racist, imperialist view, but I can't imagine cut off from civilisation fishfolk on the edge of the Galaxy building fleet of liners to contest Empire at Endor in the decade or so and get prominent position in NR by doing so. It's like fishy Wakanda. I don't remember single mention of that lore in old books either, like Anderson didn't knew about it or disregared it back then.
@nightthrasher24 Жыл бұрын
The Quarren Senators represent Mon Cala in TPM. Their senator, Tikkes defected to the CIS and can be seen in the Geonosis (AoTC), Utapau & presumably Mustafar (AoTC & RoTS) scenes with his fellow Separatist Council members
@darthguilder1923 Жыл бұрын
Exactly, it’s such a weird thing to miss and then insist is wrong
@Jamesthemaze Жыл бұрын
Ima be real the poltics in the prequels aren’t that bad
@LightningWaltz Жыл бұрын
The politics are shady, underhanded, power hungry, deceitful, and mired in rhetorical debates. So, pretty darn accurate!
@Jamesthemaze Жыл бұрын
@@LightningWaltz ya yet people complain their dumb and not supposed to be in a kids film, which is very stupid lol
@LightningWaltz Жыл бұрын
@@Jamesthemaze I prefer when my movies are multi-layered, with stuff in there for both younger and older audiences. Case in point: the adults have the political machinations, and the kids have Jar-Jar. Having this for all to appreciate is what truly makes something a "family film" (not the same as "family friendly", but they have a lot of crossover). And films like that mean you get to enjoy them when you've grown up for entirely new reasons.
@Jamesthemaze Жыл бұрын
@@LightningWaltz tbh jar jar isn’t even that bad. I don’t get why people hate him and i didn’t particularly agree with changing that up but I understand how people can be annoyed by him
@LightningWaltz Жыл бұрын
@@Jamesthemaze Jar-Jar as comic relief is fine. There's a place for that in stories, especially lighter ones. My biggest disappointment was that I think he was *under*used. Give him an opportunity to grow as a person and have more of a character arc. The big battle would have been a fine opportunity. Let him come up with a plan or something. He never really got to have his own moment in the film. So ultimately, it's not that I dislike Jar-Jar, it's that I hate the wasted potential of the character (something I felt *a lot* of with the sequels).
@midshipman8654 6 ай бұрын
i think “space is cold” is also ment in a more metaphorical way. the galaxy is a big cold place and you have to be prepared for that. also, I do t think it makes sense for the Mon Cala to be a newly promonent race, given that they have such a prominent ship building industry with mon cala cruisers.
@KaygeeFromNanotrasen Жыл бұрын
I know you roll with old-school lore but I cannot deny how cool the Quarren are in the 2003 Clone Wars series; otherwise another smash hit!
@samipeltonen9337 Жыл бұрын
I came to write this! Love that series
@xeltanni8999 Жыл бұрын
I like how you think a 20 year old reference couldn't possibly be "old school" since it was something you liked, gramps. =P
@KaygeeFromNanotrasen Жыл бұрын
@@xeltanni8999 I was born in the mid 2000s after the fact and still hold in high regard. That makes me old?
@xeltanni8999 Жыл бұрын
@@KaygeeFromNanotrasen Sorry I thought the silly face emote was enough to show I was just teasing. I didn't intend to give offense.
@KaygeeFromNanotrasen Жыл бұрын
@@xeltanni8999 bruh that should tell you how young I am, I didn't even get it 😅 no offense taken!
@courier665 Жыл бұрын
The Narrator's voice and mannerisms gives me the image of a sophisticated well learned man of high repute but everything else about your videos says "Massive internet shitposter" and this makes me both confused and highly entertained.
@ladsvideos Жыл бұрын
Love the video as always! Not on the same page with you on the whole not Quarren & Mon Cals in the prequels though. I think the Senate scene has issues as well but because there should be both Mon Calamari and Quarren in the pod since they share the planet, and not just 'the squids'. As for the apparently old bit of lore that Mon Cal only joined the wider galaxy a few years before A New Hope, this seems very weird to me. Sure it backs up why they just suddenly appear in charge of the Rebel fleet at Endor, but their out of the blue appearance was clearly for budgetary and film making reasons. The idea that whole species and a planet with the most sophisticated and powerful capital ships in the Rebellion would remain unnoticed by the rest of galaxy until 3BBY is just a tad unrealistic. While not as egregious as the Emperor miraculously being still alive on a planet with a ludicrous amount of Star Destroyers that no one has noticed, mentioned or even hinted at- the Mon Cals popping up out of the blue with ships the Rebellion desperately need, is of a similar ilk.
@darthguilder1923 Жыл бұрын
I agree it’s unrealistic that they would just appear as a deus ex machina for the rebels and so I prefer them being more established, as if they independently developed space travel they likely would have eventually met the republic. J disagree though that both species would need to be in the senate pod. We know for example that there’s no gungan senator for Naboo at first and in the EU there’s examples of single species representing others on mixed population planets like the Gran on Malastare. We could view the Quarren representatives as being part of a political compromise between the two species, since the Mon Calamari seem to have the stronger position on the planet maybe senate representation is a concession to the Quarren to keep the peace between them.
@histguy101 7 ай бұрын
A better explanation would be the Mon Calamari joined the Rebellion after A Mew Hope. You'd think the events of that movie(such as the Empire destroying an ancient and beloved core world like Alderaan, everyong being terrified of what the empire could do with this weapon, then the Rebellion swiftly destroying it) would be cause for large segments of the empire joining the Rebellion, anyone who was disgruntled, especially sophisticated nonhumans getting screwed over. We should be seeing all sorts of new faces, species, and ships. In the Nucanon, Mon Calamari are part of the rebellion before A New Hope for some reason.
@xeltanni8999 Жыл бұрын
I am surprised you didn't dig into the senate building design a lot deeper. Everyone hits on the brute fact of "it looks like a mushroom", but nobody seems to consider it more. This whole trilogy is about corruption and decay and the heart of all of it is a fungus; the immortal, never-ending undead monstrosity that literally feeds off decay and spreads its pulsating tendrils and spores around to continually increase its reach as it infects and overcomes everything in its path. There is a lot of symbolism here that I'm not sure has ever been fully examined. ... that or I'm reading way too much into things.
@KarmasAB123 10 ай бұрын
Love it
@histguy101 7 ай бұрын
Fungus shaming is not cool
@xeltanni8999 7 ай бұрын
@@histguy101 I suppore you're right, but that doesn't leave me mush room to mold my argument!
@DIEGhostfish 10 ай бұрын
The moncal ships are too on-par with other galactic powers to have so recently been a minor power, just look at how far behind Hapan Turbolaser tech fell from just a few centuries of isolation, plus they're also making long range pleasure cruisers for the rest of the galaxy that they converted into warships. That market doesn't make sense if their contact was so recent.
@dextrodemon Жыл бұрын
9:30 you know as a kid i assumed it was cold like a double meaning type of thing. like it's not cold on the ship because space is literally cold, even though it is, but travelling through the vast empty coldness of space is also 'cold' in the like uncaring sense. but i think it's actually cold on the ship, just like if you've had to wait around somewhere like a hospital where its big and empty and they keep the aircon on all the time. i guess i was doing that kid thing where you like subtly correct things in your mind, so i assumed they would never write the ship being cold inside because of space. but secretly of course i think i was right then and am right now.
@TaraCicora Жыл бұрын
Ya I always considered that cold also referred to his fear since it is brought up when meets with the council and also in Rebels whenever Vader is near.
@MadnessHEROReverend 7 ай бұрын
You mentioned that the Quarren should not be in the senate since they share a home world with the Mon Calamari, and according to established lore, the Mon Calamari only recently join the galactic scene during Imperial Era. However, there are several incontinuities across multiple media types with this notion. Based on the galactic time scale, the first earliest inconsistency in the timeline would be Quarrens off world as seen as early as the The Kotor and TSL games era, which would indicate that the species would have had to have left the planet before the games take place. The 2nd of course is the mentioned scene in the galactic Senate, the next time we see a Quarren in the separatist leadership council on Geonoiss, then on Mustafar, then the next time we see them being the Clone Wars TV show having a few episodes take place on Mon Cala. There are a few explanations that could explain this incongruity with continuity. The real world answer is probably the most correct one, which is that George and the other creative writers forgot that Mon Cala wasn't brought onto the galactic scene until the Empire came into power. Or WEG made a mistake regarding the lore of the Mon Calamari and Quarren, and what George and LucasArts created, then put on screen is cannon. (At least until The dark times, with Disney in control) However, that's not a satisfying enough answer. Lore wise, I think we can do better. I think it's likely that the Mon Calamari and Quarren did in fact develop or use hyperspace technology at sometime around when KOTOR and TSL take place, with few Quarren and Mon Calamari deciding to leave and explore the stars, while most of their races were content to stay home. This means there is the possibility of Quarren/Mon Calamari settlements being established on planets other then Mon Calamari. However, following this train of thought, we come up with a new question. Why don't the people of Mon Cala still have Hyperdrive technology before or during the clone wars era? There are a few possibilities for this. For sake of argument, let's go with the most believable answer. Considering we know that the Mon Calamari and Quarren don't exactly get on well, it isn't hard to believe that both species could have gone to war with each other. A war so brutal and devastating it caused the knowledge of Hyperdrive technology to be lost, for a few centuries at least. Such a loss of technology has even happened on our own world, one such example being Greek fire. Other examples of such technology loss are consistent with other sci-fi based universes, like Battletech/Mechwarrior, Fallout, and Gundam. This could also go a long way and explain the tension between the two species and why they don't tend to socialize as well. As Far as the conflicts on Mon Cala during the Clone Wars, well... unless we assume that only the single capital city of Mon Cala was involved, there isn't much we can do to explain that gaff away... which brings us back to the real world answer, George, Jon, and Dave forgot their own established lore regarding the races of Mon Cala. It's either that or the factor that lore was lacking regarding the Mon Calamari and Quarren at the time that WEG was writing the TRPG book and decided to take creative liberties on the subject, and no one told them their head cannon was not what George had in mind.
@thebreadcircus 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for considering the idea so seriously! That's good reasoning, I largely agree. For the real-world factors, I give WEG a lot of credit in that regard. With the prequel era being restricted, it's much safer to establish that the Mon Cal weren't around in the Old Republic. If you say they did exist back then, there are very few options without needing to say what they were doing at the time. It's far more likely for that to contradict the prequels, than if you just say the Mon Cal hadn't made first contact yet. Back in-universe, my preferred solution is based in conflict, but not a war between Quarren and Mon Calamari. We leave the Mon Cal pre-cruisers / colony ships with their primitive hyperdrives. That allows them to naturally be confined to a tiny bubble on the far edge of the galactic rim. I say there was a colony ship or two that went missing instead of making it to their destinations. What happened to them? Alien abductions! Some race of slavers decided that the Quarren and Mon Cal would be the perfect livestock for their collection. Clearly that would make the slavers aquatic, and they must have access to the galactic standard hyperdrive tech. They would have towed or upgraded the colony ships, sending them across the galaxy to the alien colony world. However, this unknown race of slavers found the Mon Cal and Quarren are peaceful, but not helpless. As the Empire would come to discover themselves, thousands of years later. After fighting off their captors, the colony ships would have been brought down to settle the new world, just as planned. This leaves us with Quarren and Mon Calamari out in the galaxy, completely away from their actual homeworld. They would go on to make contact with the Old Republic, like any other species. They may even call their involuntary new colony world "Mon Calamari", because they remember that as the name of their home planet. However, they have no star charts, no ability to find their way back to Mon Cal space. I like this solution because it doesn't force you to disregard all pre-Empire Mon Cal as being non-canon. It even lets you keep stories set on the Mon Cal homeworld, because nobody realised it wasn't their original planet of origin. It's not perfect, but it's good enough for me. -DZ
@mrsamaritan6881 7 ай бұрын
The Mon Calamari being newly discovered just before the Death Star makes no sense. The pre-Disney lore had that their giant space ships were starliners, luxary cruise ships that transported people around the galaxy the way cruise ships on Earth do. The Mon Calamari converted them into warships after the Empire brutalized their world. Who were their starliners for and where did they go if they are a newly discovered speices? They weren't built to transport the Mon Calamari, it's why they're aren't filled with water, they are intended to transport "aliens". And if they are voyaging all across the galaxy, as cruise ships, how come nobody has noticed them in all this time? This new lore about them being a new species doesn't fit the old trilogy - the prequals got this one right.
@thebreadcircus 7 ай бұрын
Mon Calamari ships are *absolutely* built for the Mon Calamari. If you knew the first thing about Mon Cal biology, you would remember that they are an air-breathing species that evolved on land. They still prefer to live on land, or on floating cities above the surface of the water. Like Gungans, they prefer their envionment to be humid, but neither species are fish. They don't build ships full of water, though there will be a few swimming pools aboard a luxury vessel. Mon Cal ships are explicitly NOT built to transport aliens. This is why the command staff aboard the MC80 cruisers at the Battle of Endor are all Mon Calamari. The Rebel Alliance has plenty of people who would be qualified to serve as bridge crew, except for one thing. All the display monitors are built for the Mon Cal vision spectrum: to the eyes of a human, the screens look warped and distorted. To operate the controls, the command chairs are set up for specific movements that are natural for Mon Cals, and almost impossible for other species to perform. After the Battle of Endor, the MC90 was developed to replace their older ships. The MC80 series, being designed and built before first contact, were made exclusively for Mon Cal and Quarren crew. They didn't know of any other species: how could they have created control panels and display screens for aliens they hadn't met? One of the main benefits of the MC90 is that it was created to support a mixed-species crew, including humans and more. You say they were "voyaging all across the galaxy"? No, that is a baseless claim that goes against all existing lore on Mon Calamari history. In actual canon, Mon Cal cruisers were originally civilian ships instead of military. They were partially designed for pleasure cruises, you are correct about that. But their other function is for colonisation, to expand the borders of Mon Cal space. To transport enormous numbers of colonists and supplies to the farthest reaches of their territory. As I explained in the video, Mon Calamari space is a small region at the far end of one of the galaxy's spiral arms. They are on the Outer Rim, in space that had not been charted during the Clone Wars. At least, not charted by the Old Republic. The Mon Calamari had spent centuries exploring their local space, setting up new colonies, and trading within their sphere of influence. As the Empire continued to expand, they eventually reached the Mon Calamari, for the disastrous first contact. It is the NEW lore that claims they had been out in the galaxy for thousands of years before the Empire even existed. The original, pre-Disney lore tells us about the history of the Mon Calamari, and all your questions are already answered. The prequels either failed to do their research, or intentionally disregarded the true canon. At best this is negligence, but either way the retcon is nonsensical. -DZ
@thecreator625 Жыл бұрын
I'll point this out in regards to original Mon Calamari lore not being all that great. The time it takes to develop and get used to a technology. I refuse to believe that a couple of years are enough to go from having just discovered interstellar travel to being one of the best and largest space ship crafters in the entire galaxy.
@philanselmo1198 Жыл бұрын
shoutout to the home page of rule34. you are a... cultured man.
@thebreadcircus Жыл бұрын
Coming from the lead singer of Pantera, that means a lot to me. -ED-1TA
@philanselmo1198 Жыл бұрын
May your memory banks overflow with the sweet sounds of metal. If they dont let you clog up your disk space with music then please take that literally.
@darthguilder1923 Жыл бұрын
34:25 This is ridiculous, there is a Quarren on the separatist council: Tikkes who is established to have been a senator before the clone wars. Also the history of Mon Cala implemented before the prequels was a quick explanation that avoided explaining the prequel era, I see no issue in changing it. If the Mon Calamari had hyperdrives and such it makes sense they’ve been in contact with the galaxy for some time.
@Crysoft2 2 ай бұрын
I take "space is cold" as equivalent to "no sunshine in space". No matter how well regulated your body is, you will feel momentarily cold in the abscence of the sun. Staying in the sun for days makes this effect stronger imo, enjoying the videos though :D
@spider-ball Жыл бұрын
29:54 Can I join the Bread Circus Research division? I'm very interest in their...projects.
@thebreadcircus Жыл бұрын
It's a hard job, but someone's got to do it. -ED-1TA
@HarcMad 10 ай бұрын
RTGame reference
@mikitazhylinski5526 Жыл бұрын
I do not get it about the Mon Cala, it was discovered and joined the Republic some 300 BBY. Jedi did mend conflicts between MonCalamari and Quarens for hundreds of years. Why is it a problem that the Quaren are in the Senate? We know that even the corporate entities had separate representatives. Aga, I see it is a relatively new lore. I mean, I do not think it is such a big issue since the original trilogy told us nothing about the history of Akbar or his species.
@orvillewright9246 6 ай бұрын
Then vacuum of fire was a great bit. Props to Bread and the originator of the clip.
@shrapnelbmg6267 7 ай бұрын
ET makes sense without much thought. Since Star Wars takes place in another galaxy and long ago, the ET ship that ends up on Earth is a generational colonly ship whos ancestors escaped the galaxy during the rise of the Empire. The ET who gets marooned is also clearly Force sensative, with a mastery of telekenisis and healing. That Star Wars exists on earth is clearly a product of the Whills communicating to George thru dreams to record the story from that galaxy for posterity. He sold his documentary as a fiction becausse he knew humanity wouldn't accept it 😂
@DIEGhostfish 10 ай бұрын
I think the Quarren and Mon Cal first encounter being in the late republic so late that it's effectively the Empire (And the Quarren get to blame the Mon Cals for both going to space in the first place and then SIDING with the Republic that then became the Empire and enslaved both is good storytelling. Though there's also old republic era appearances for at least the Quarren several Exchange bosses in KotOR2 and others. Could be a lost colony/prison ship for them though.
@katathoombz Жыл бұрын
How short is a week, didn't we just get an awesome fight analysis and now a new episode to come in a few days :D
@LightningWaltz Жыл бұрын
Faster turn around than Star Wars movies, and much better content than some of the most recent ones.
@katathoombz Жыл бұрын
@@LightningWaltz very true on both accounts. In this case the pace doesn't destroy a franchise.
@danieldosso2455 7 ай бұрын
@27:10 a fellow man of culture!
@TheRyujinLP Жыл бұрын
This is one area I'm gonna have to disagree with. While I think the EU is a good thing, I also think that forcing the Prequels to conform to it is not. I also think it makes more sense for the Calamri to have been around longer as it gives them more reason to be so commit against the empire. But that's the great part, there is so much to Star Wars we can all have our take on it and both of our takes works.
@mrillis9259 6 ай бұрын
Lucas is a car guy. So the prequels show that there used to be more choice in space ship design in the prequels. As well as better tech like Luke says about the new speeder.
@JohnSmith-wolandworld Жыл бұрын
one problem with carbonite space travel is insanity
@drackestalentorgen166 10 ай бұрын
I rather keep the Clone Wars micro series than keep the mon Calamari Legends lore
@DIEGhostfish 10 ай бұрын
31:52 Channeling Gar "Empty my nine into the squid-head line" Stasi there are we?
@Captain-Cardboard Жыл бұрын
Steve Obi-Wan Ben Larry "The Liar" Kenobi.
@Troopertroll Жыл бұрын
I thought Obi-wan cut off the other guy's arm, since he was the one who screamed.
@rifleman101 Жыл бұрын
If you want to go over the entire history of the old republic, feel free to do so.
@LightningWaltz Жыл бұрын
The bad news: I have been busy this past week and will continue to be busy well into next week. The good news: I will have multiple awesome Bread Circus videos to catch up on!
@SovereignTurkey Жыл бұрын
"... and then I threw the whole senate at him! true story."
@MrShrog Жыл бұрын
He has returned
@SamuelRU Жыл бұрын
I love how the writing knows the language of star ways and how often phrases like "a more civilized age" creep in
@antonisauren8998 Жыл бұрын
@The Bread Circus one of your earlier videos showed table from some WEG sourcebook categorising starships by their crew numbers. Could one of you guide me to the source? None of core rulebooks have it from fast skimming. kzbin.info/www/bejne/rKO0hK2ejtGjesk Found it there when talking about Radiant VII. Screen before shows cover of 1e rulebook but I can't find that text in the book itself.
@thebreadcircus Жыл бұрын
Despite it saying the classification system is Imperial, those are from the Rebel Alliance Sourcebook. Either WEG40007 or WEG40091, the information should be the same in both. Both 1st and 2nd edition have a Classification of Capital Ships section on page 50. -DZ
@antonisauren8998 Жыл бұрын
Thanks. Found it. Perfect for my thesis with statement that SSD is still a overgrown cruiser.
@nothingclever7582 Жыл бұрын
You make me want to see someone write the clone wars under chancellor vallorum
@HypK799 Жыл бұрын
What is that image at 30:02?
@thebreadcircus Жыл бұрын
The URL is on screen. Just type it in. I warn you: the full thing is extremely gross. -ED-1TA
@HypK799 Жыл бұрын
@@thebreadcircus Dang it, you simultaneously made me more wary and curious.
@thebreadcircus Жыл бұрын
@@HypK799 Well, it all depends on how you feel about seeing a fully naked Rey drenched in, uh, .. cream. -ED-1TA
@A-W80 Жыл бұрын
This is gonna be cooler than a industrial freezer
@thebreadcircus Жыл бұрын
I love how this comment only gets more appropriate after watching the first topic of the video. -DZ
@BurnDoubt Жыл бұрын
Very cool!
@clarencebeeks1528 Жыл бұрын
Dig the continued use of Mr. Anderson's Marionettes.
@thebreadcircus Жыл бұрын
They're even relevant to my point, most of the time! One of my favourite bits of trivia is George Lucas's design goals for Star Wars. Going out of his way to avoid looking like he was copying vehicles from Anderson shows. -DZ
@oilfoil3866 Жыл бұрын
I appreciate the RT clip 😊
@jauregi2726 Жыл бұрын
These videos are getting pretty wizard ♥
@exoticcarfactsofficialchan7050 Жыл бұрын
This is where the fun begins...
@kellysmith1144 Жыл бұрын
The ET was created by Spielberg and he and Lucas are close friends. That's the link.
@nicklang6798 Жыл бұрын
I've always wondered how my friends or any "Star Wars" fans became geeky than me. Now I know 😂 great stuff though
@H_Eli Жыл бұрын
The only problem with starwars is that it doesn't have enough politics
@darthnihilus1513 Жыл бұрын
Love these videos as i can watch them every monday after work while i eat something
@highjumpstudios2384 Жыл бұрын
I'm ready for a part 5 of the bread circus prequel review.
@Hello-bi1pm Жыл бұрын
Are there other parts of galaxy exploration timeline that got overwritten by later works? Why couldn't WEG just not write anything about Mon Calamari like they did with other species, is it just because they suddenly appear in ROTJ with a fleet?
@thebreadcircus Жыл бұрын
Partially that the Mon Cal come out of nowhere, yes. Suddenly they have ships that're nearly the size of Star Destroyers. Just failing to write anything about them? That'd be like there being no lore on TIE Interceptors, the AT-ST, or the B-Wing. It's one of the really neat things about Star Wars: that one droid from the sandcrawler has a model number. The devil-looking guy from the cantina has a name, a species, a home planet. All the bounty hunters Vader hired, they had names and lore too. I can't think of another example where the history of exploration changed so massively, mostly they're small things. Possibly the best place to look would be the history of Tatooine, which I'm sure has been written several times by authors who didn't read each other's ideas. -DZ
@tirirana Жыл бұрын
Getting along nicely, can't wait for the next one
@PJKP82 Жыл бұрын
Again, I don't care. Post it or don't. There is no use for this upcoming silliness.
@LightningWaltz Жыл бұрын
Well I always appreciate a heads up.
@thebreadcircus Жыл бұрын
We use this feature because we both enjoy watching it through for the first time with our audience. It makes the grind worth it. -ED-1TA
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