A Church in Crisis w/ Ralph Martin

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Pints With Aquinas

Pints With Aquinas

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I chat with Ralph Martin about the current crisis raging against the church (from within and without) and how we can stay sane and become holy through it all.
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@HeyBuddays 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this Matt. I am in RCIA and some of the Pope's most recent comments have shaken me so deeply. To the point where I told people I was going to quit. Listening to this, I realize that I am not alone in my thinking and that the best course of action is to continue my path in joining the church and praying for those leaders being mislead by Satan. The church will continue to stand and correction will be given by God when God decides. Best I can do is follow scripture, pray and raise my future kids with strong convictions so they aren't mislead by compromised officials.
@jsonS1977 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks Matt for this interview. I am a Protestant who has since my earliest of my conversion to the faith (from Buddhism) always considered the Catholic Church (I even made a pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi last Christmas). I peek into your channel now and then and when I listened to this, it made quite an impact on me. I also got introduced to Renewal Ministries through this interview and I love so much of what they share. Thank you.
@BeenThinking 3 жыл бұрын
I’m not Catholic, but one of the biggest draws for me is the unwavering loyalty to tradition. As a kid I was bored to tears with mass, but I now have a newfound appreciation. It is not charismatic or intellectual sermons that keep faithful Catholics steady. Rather it is a deep reverence for traditions, and a firm belief that they were established for a divine reason. A reason so divine that 2000 years ago it had the foresight of knowing that society would reach a place where anyone can argue their way in or out of any belief. Humanity has outsmarted itself, and it appears that we need tradition to guide our intelligence, not the other way around. Respect.
@ClosetPankin 3 жыл бұрын
The thing that concerns me is how fervently people don't want to acknowledge the possibility that blasphemy made it into the Christian canon. This is the same world of Adam and Eve, which is to say, a world where man's will can override God's. So the thought that the Bible provides a divine doctrine is completely dependent on the thought that a divine will directly controlled the entirety of the Bible's creation. And when you consider that the Bible teaches subjugation of women, other races and the beating of slaves to the brink of death - does that not directly contradict Jesus' sole commandment, to love thy neighbor as thyself? Maybe the reason why these traditions are being shedded is because they are mortal creations for the purpose of control and dominion, things that are inherently Luciferian in nature. The archetype of Satan is built around separation, and from separation comes the ability to deceive. Considering that, what does the thought that abandoning ship leads to eternal damnation create? A fear of leaving a set of rules. It's the most classic sales tactic ever. And the end result is a mortal instutition, the Church, that relies on its followers to keep its body alive. There's a reason, as Ralph Martin said, that the more educated in Catholicism one becomes, the less likely they are to subscribe to the ruleset. If you ask me, God is most definitely real. But it's something beyond being wrangled and captured in doctrine. This world is a divine place, and you don't need to be restricted to find that divinity. Maybe your fear of tradition falling away isn't such a bad thing after all.
@progidy7 3 жыл бұрын
The "unwavering loyalty to tradition" is a facade. Individual parishes are not allowed to change the rite of Mass (traditional, eh?), so that's why you don't see any live nativity scenes during Christmas: It's not in the official rite of Mass. But the one time that someone did it, allegedly Jesus himself appeared as a baby in the manger in order to give his approval. The Mass is supposed to be the MOST perfect expression of communion with god. Except now they have two. Apparently there are two distinct and yet simultaneously perfect and not lacking expressions of communion. That's illogical, and the Novus Ordo is not traditional. Jesus himself said that everyone must eat his flesh and drink his blood. Then the Church decided to prohibit people from drinking the blood. And then that was the tradition for a long time, until they reversed it again. Paul argued very explicitly that if a woman did not veil, that was going against nature itself . He further said that there is no Church of God that would allow a woman to not veil. In 1917, the Catholic Church explicitly required veiling. Then in the 70s they threw that away. Not only is argument from tradition a literal logical fallacy, they don't even follow it.
@BeenThinking 3 жыл бұрын
@@progidy7 Friendly reminder of non Catholic here. When I refer to tradition, I think about the ability to cast our own reasoning aside for the sake of trusting a divine establishment. True, this could be used for inappropriate control, but the only other option is for everyone to go their own way with an infinite amount of Biblical interpretations. Of the two, I would consider the former to be more scriptural. While the veil tradition is a good example, I consider the greater tradition to be church hierarchy. Yes, they changed the veil rule. But if the church were to reinstate it, I believe Catholics would abide. That trust in hierarchy is the tradition that catches my eye. If Catholics disagree, they still follow the church. If Protestants disagree, they leave and form another church. Zero respect for authority, and that doesn’t quite make sense to me.
@ClosetPankin 3 жыл бұрын
@@BeenThinking You should very much reconsider whether or not this is a 'divine establishment'. It's an establishment that was adopted by the Romans as an official arm of their empire after trying to stomp out Christianity for a while. This establishment led conquests raping, pillaging and killing across Europe. This directly goes against your Lord and Savior's sole commandment. And considering the controversy around protecting known child molesters... is it really fair to call this divine? When you know Lucifer would pose as Christian? The world is a divine creation and thus, the pursuit of the Divine / God can be found throughout it. Just look at Buddhism, for instance. It's a pursuit of the divine truth that insists on being philosophy rather than religion, and their story of Genesis is so similar to the Christian one. Ask yourself: Could I be robbing myself of a deeper understanding of God? These traditions are dying because they can't hold water. You actually have to rationalize that these beliefs are unreasonable in order to test your faith. That's emotional manipulation. That's trickery. God's children deserve better than that.
@progidy7 3 жыл бұрын
@@BeenThinking > When I refer to tradition, I think about the ability to cast our own reasoning aside for the sake of trusting a divine establishment. Yes, "assent of the intellect". It's a Catholic requirement. And I think it would work, if it were indeed led by an inerrant/infallible/unambiguous Holy Spirit. But when I look at the examples I gave and others, it's hard for me to conclude that that's the case. > While the veil tradition is a good example, I consider the greater tradition to be church hierarchy. The tradition was both established *in Sacred Scripture*, and was declared to be in line with nature. For the Church to undo it after 1900 years means they went against both. (Also, Catholics will often cite Church Fathers, and if all of them agree on something, then that's infallible Universal Ordinary Magisterium. Well, they all agreed on this...) Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving!
@dirjohnny 3 жыл бұрын
I've gone to Extraordinary Form masses for decades, and I've NEVER heard a priest say "I know you don't understand what's going on, that's alright."
@dirjohnny 3 жыл бұрын
Also, this was a great interview! Ralph Martin seems like a formidable defender of the faith!
@alisa4124 3 жыл бұрын
@@mitromney We go to Mass to worship God, not to entertain ourselves, if you are willing to skip Mass because it "bores you" maybe you should reconsider why you are Catholic and not Protestant
@GB-jc8eo 3 жыл бұрын
@@alisa4124 Yeah dear goodness that's like the worst thing I've seen in a while. "I'd rather spit in the face of Jesus, and risk eternal damnation by committing a mortal sin rather then attending what the great majority of all saints attended." @Adam Adamowicz please repent for that, no one says you have to prefer or even love the TLM, but you cannot hate it. Also since when are we supposed to be joyful at Calvary?
@bradsizemore3333 3 жыл бұрын
I attend both the Novus Ordo and the Usus Antiquior (Latin Mass, Extraordinary Form etc.) and I think it is, for the most part, a polemic used against traditionally-minded Catholics to say that we are hunkering down or that we're angry. I take my family to the TLM because it is, objectively, more beautiful ninety-nine times out of a hundred; I say objectively because it's true, unless we're willing to abandon the objectiveness of beauty--it is more beautiful because it has organically developed to be thus. I take my family because, at least in the Diocese where I live, it is one of the only Masses where the Sacrament of Penance is offered before (and sometimes during) every Mass. I take my family because I have never heard heresy taught in a homily at the TLM, and I have heard it taught and hinted at in the Novus Ordo. I take my family because I have never seen Our Lord dropped on the floor at the TLM, while I have personally witnessed this more than once, more than twice at the Novus Ordo. Yes I like asperges, and bells, and incense, and Gregorian chant, and subdeacons, and special blessings for candles, and Epiphany water, and processions, and cassocks, and birettas etc. because I am a Roman Catholic! The Desert Fathers, the hermits, the early mendicants etc. all taught and lived austerity and simplicity but they never thought to demand it in the Liturgy. Simple people like Louis Martin couldn't grasp Latin but he is a Saint. If was, as a Church, are going to say that a Liturgy is the Ordinary expression of the Mass then it ought to be the norm not the exception that it is orthodox and beautiful. This isn't about the personal sanctity of those who attend this or that Rite, it's about the Liturgy fully expressing in the most profound way possible the Paschal Mystery: the offering of the Son to the Father in the Spirit for the glory of God and our salvation.
@Jerds 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for perfectly summing it up
@zacharywilson8353 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for saving me the effort of having to write a similar response
@stephenbeach6700 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah agreed! I was sad to hear Ralph offer those tired old objections against the Latin Mass. Seems to be a prejudice that’s engrained in that VII generation that younger generations don’t have any worry over. There’s enough entertainment in the world ... I’ll take the ancient mass over the NO any day. PS. I’m so tired of hearing that, in the age of technology and online education, that the faithful are too dumb to possibly follow along Latin. It takes minimal practice with a missal and one can follow along. I just don’t get these arguments that we need to dumb everything down to the lowest common denominator.
@morinrealty 3 жыл бұрын
@@stephenbeach6700 I agree. I though Ralph’s commentary was extremely off-putting.
@lemonvariable72 3 жыл бұрын
Ordinary form? You say that like the two are comparable. The NO has heresy right in the general rule
@eileencunis7888 3 жыл бұрын
Dear Matt -- and all those who are doubting -- the Novus Ordo is celebrated with breathtaking reverence and beauty at the Cathedral of St. Joseph in Manchester, NH. As refugees of the liturgical winter, we now drive an hour to participate.
@Wonderpattypatty 2 жыл бұрын
Praise God! So is our Novus Ordo in Waynesville, NC - the most reverent and heartfelt we’ve ever participated in!! Also one of the reasons my family and I moved here.
@roses8631 3 жыл бұрын
Bishop Anthanasius Schneider came to our Parish last January and celebrated the Novus Ordo Mass in Latin. It was celebrated Ad Orientum. It was very reverent and beautiful. I also went to an ordination Mass a few weeks ago. that was very beautiful even if it was NO.
@inkyerekess3326 3 жыл бұрын
I just started watching this channel and have enjoyed much of the content. The older gentleman in this video essentially said hey I respect our pope and love our pope. Then he proceeded to crap on him for the rest of the show. His book is in many ways a screed of look how bad our pope is. I became a Catholic prior to Benedict became Pope. I have since led my mother, father, and wife to the church which is something I am incredibly proud of. They would not have joined the church except for Francis. They have told me openly that she is a major reason why they join the church. I understand that a number of Catholics do not like pope Francis because they feel he’s too liberal. This is especially true in the United States and I’m going to say what may be unpopular, but much of the anger at Pope Francis in the United States is directly linked to a politicization of the Catholic Church and that if you were not a Republican you were not a Catholic. I have left almost every Catholic message board that I once was part of because of the political vitriol. I love our pope and I’m growing tired of what is in many ways open hostility towards Vatican II and using pope Francis as a means of trying to revert back to a period of time where I one hundred percent would never have become a Catholic. I hope this did not come across as antagonistic. I love my brothers and sisters and the church that quite literally saved my life.
@Mari_Oh 3 жыл бұрын
Don't lose hope. I can't be on any message board or even listen to these, or any, Catholic shows anymore. I'm just going to turn the computer off. The whole "Trump is God, you're going to Hell if you aren't going to the TLM" is very discouraging, indeed. I love the Lord, the church, the Rosary, the Mass, the Eucharist. I never encounter ANY of this nonsense in real life. All the division and anger and "conservative/liberal" extreme divide is ALL ONLINE. Let's just turn it all off, love the Lord, go to Mass, and keep the faith.
@inkyerekess3326 3 жыл бұрын
@@Mari_Oh thank you! That was powerful!
@matthewcruz1709 3 жыл бұрын
Only heroes run into a burning building - let's pray it's to help put out the fire and not just 'rescue' people from it. Those outside are weeping.
@a.p5079 3 жыл бұрын
but let's not simply stand idly by feeling righteous when we CAN help people without harming ourselves.
@leetowsley1279 3 жыл бұрын
Where else would we go! 🙏 Truth
@inesyalacki3405 3 жыл бұрын
Anglocatholic, western rite Orthodox?
@fr.victorperez7714 3 жыл бұрын
Are you related to Fr. Peter?
@leetowsley1279 3 жыл бұрын
@@fr.victorperez7714 yes Fr.🙏🏼
@fr.victorperez7714 3 жыл бұрын
@@leetowsley1279 he is my housemate!
@leetowsley1279 3 жыл бұрын
@@fr.victorperez7714 Your penance! lol 😂 Nice to meet you!! God Bless
@J.Aleksander 3 жыл бұрын
I’ve always enjoyed this quote from Spurgeon and I think it’s one we can enjoy and learn from even though he wasn’t a Catholic: “If sinners be damned, at least let them leap to Hell over our dead bodies. And if they perish, let them perish with our arms wrapped about their knees, imploring them to stay. If Hell must be filled, let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go unwarned and unprayed for.” Charles Spurgeon
@cherylschalk9106 3 жыл бұрын
I have learned a lot from Ralph Martin, thank you for the interview. Regarding Catholic who struggle with Scripture, I want to share my simple plan for myself. I made a commitment at Mass that I would learn about everything that is in the Mass, listening to every prayer and participating fully. I called it “Mass as Class” I feel like it was a calling. I also studied the Gospel of John. Now 20 years later I am fully involved in all aspects of the Church. It has been very fruitful and I think the key for me was to fully immerse myself in the Word. Even if I didn’t understand it, I still kept reading until it clicked. I am so grateful that the Holy Spirit ‘woke me up’ that day. Good luck to all who are currently devoting themselves to the “Word”
@pamh5441 3 жыл бұрын
Sadly Catholic education in my diocese here in Queensland Aust is rubbish. More young people are turned away from the church by the lame religion instructions and bored ignorant teachers
@buchanandugan8725 3 жыл бұрын
how would you make it better? i taught ccd for 25 yrs and would hope to have been effective
@kathycorkery 3 жыл бұрын
Depends on the teacher and program. Mostly all volunteers . I was ccd teacher one yr and knew nothing! At least I tried and was a good professional school teacher to begin with...the teachers my son had were pretty clueless and inept at managing teens! More harm than good was done!
@FabAgainOver50 3 жыл бұрын
pamela hanrick How do you reach the conclusion its the " lame religion instructions and bored ignorant teachers. " ? do you think predatory catholic clergy might have any influence on their decision to stay away ?
@iveymcaleer 3 жыл бұрын
seek Jesus through the Scriptures, don’t let people who appear to be hypocrites pull you away from the reality that God is always good and wants you to be apart of His kingdom. Read His word to understand who God is. I recommend starting with the Gospels (Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John)
@iveymcaleer 3 жыл бұрын
let me know if you have any more questions :)
@billo875 3 жыл бұрын
Excellent interview Matt. We need this kind of thinking and faith in Ireland. It’s so seriously demoralising here. Thank God for the growth on lay leadership and that they have taken up the baton of holiness!
@jacquim5012 3 жыл бұрын
I really do love listening to Ralph Martin speak about his love for Jesus and the Catholic Church. He’s a great teacher, filled with the Holy Spirit! Thank you 💕
@Arkangilos 3 жыл бұрын
I’ve never heard a priest say that at the FSSP parishes, nor have my SSPX friends (about the TLM). That’s pretty dishonest. In fact, every single priest I’ve met has said, “Pay attention and unite yourself to this” regardless of if that’s through rosaries or set prayers. But either way they always understand *what* is happening at mass. That’s more than I can say for when I went to NO mass where very few people I’ve met understood what mass was.
@giovannimusumeci2707 3 жыл бұрын
I was born in 84. Live in Brisbane Australia. I can relate a lot to what Matt is saying, his experience in many ways mirror mine. I will say that I was fortunate enough to be taught by 2 nuns in primary school. I will forever be grateful to my grade 3 teacher Sr Irene Marie who used to pray a decade of the rosary with us after lunch most days. She even used to pray the Fatima prayer at the end of the decade. I never understood what she was saying and I did ask her about it at the time, but she was very vague. She said I would learn more about it when I was older, now it makes sense.
@avemaria5994 3 жыл бұрын
Hi from Brisbane too Giovanni. God bless 💕
@jwolsk2 3 жыл бұрын
I just want to say thank you Matt and thank you Ralph for continuing to fight. Though I imagine it is a huge sacrifice to put yourselves on the frontlines with your family behind, I just want to encourage you all that souls are surely being changed and saved through your work. Thank you for all you do! God bless you
@stevenshoenikker9469 3 жыл бұрын
I agree with several other posters that Mr. Martin is way off the mark in his comments about the Latin Mass and Traditional Catholics. I have never heard a priest celebrating the TLM tell his flock that "he knows they don't understand" what he's saying. It's actually to quite the contrary - the vast majority of us who attend the TLM have FLED from the uninspiring Novus Ordo Mass. As such, we have taken the time to understand the Tridentine Mass, learn the responses, learn enough ecclesiastical Latin to follow along, and ultimately to realize what's been robbed of the Catholic faithful going on almost six decades now. It's gotten to the point with Ordinary Form Masses, that as long as it's not a clown or rock 'n roll Mass, it's "reverent." But you still have bland, effeminate music, an altar crowded with women which doesn't inspire any young men to the priesthood, no enforcement of dress code, homilies which largely never touch on the hard teachings of the Church, confession 30 minutes or an hour at best per week (compared to daily at a TLM parish), disinterested altar boys (and girls), cartoon catechism classes, Bible studies using the horrendous NAB, touchy-feely hand holding, the Confiteor often replaced with the less "offensive" vernacular Kyrie . . . the list goes on. The NO crowd will always respond with, "but we have the Eucharist!!!!" Ok, then act like it. The OF Mass is the equivalent of letting a little kid in a Halloween army costume guard the Tomb of the Unknown Solider - the Tomb is sacred, but the ceremony supposedly marking its reverence is an informal pantomime of ritual.
@jefffinkbonner9551 3 жыл бұрын
@@lisaemmanuel4334 Yes, you are lucky. Those more traditional, reverent Novus Ordo Masses have been dubbed “unicorn” masses for a reason: because they’re so rare and hard to find. Besides, anything traditional and reverent in such masses were borrowed or informed by the Traditional Roman Rite.
@patm4116 3 жыл бұрын
I will add also to your text Stevens hoenikker that as I never really understood the Novus Ordo Mass at all and even it was in the vernacular language it also didn't bring me closer to desire to know, love and serve God at all. The word God was just a word to me not a Supreme Being. It was primarily through praying the Rosary at an early age and then coming to be acquainted with the Latin Mass. Deo Gracias et Mariae nunc et semper. But every time I make a visit to a modern Catholic Church to keep Our Lord company, it's like I'm visiting Our Lord as he was placed in a dungeon before he was to be crucified. Shame on those that allowed the Protestant freemason clergy to tamper with the old right of Mass. They've been long gone hopefully in purgatory and not in hell. Only God knows... My God I love Thee in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Peace ✌️ out 👍
@Goretti8201 3 жыл бұрын
I wholeheartedly agree with Dr. Martin on a "new clericalism" in the church. Instead of exercising governance and helping the faithful discern their charisms, we seem to have a plethora of "exalted administrators" leading our parishes, too busy to be spiritual fathers to their flock. We badly need reform of diocesan structures in our country if there is to be any hope of evangelization. It breaks my heart to think of the tremendous fruit we are losing because of this, both in vocations and in bringing souls into the church.
@karenbliss5075 3 жыл бұрын
One must always remember what the bible states -That the Jesus himself in Matthew 16:18 states about the church and that the gates of hell shall not prevail against the Church. The church is made of sinners and all of this confusion and scandals is the fault of sinful man. The Church and I am talking about Holy Mother church (IE: the sacraments, the Mass etc) is what we during this time should be focusing on and keeping the Bible (the inspired Word of God) as our guide. We need to CLING to JESUS and no one else and Jesus himself states that salvation is through Holy Mother Church. We need to TRUST in GOD, Jesus and the Holy Spirit and develop your relationship through daily prayer . Vatican II happened by the will of GOD for a reason. It has allowed people like Dr. Martin, Matt Fradd, Scott Hahn, Tim Gray, Brant Pitre, Jeff Cavins etc to teach the truth of the Gospel. God is more powerful than anyone and anything
@erics7992 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you. This was always coming. God knew exactly what was going to happen. If one takes an honest look at the history of the two centuries that preceded the Second Vatican Council he or she can see that there was a lot of bad stuff swirling around in the pot and that what we are are living through did not come out of nowhere. The Church prior to the autumn of 1958 was not the paradise that some traditionalists make it out to be. It was all there and simmering under the surface. I frankly am happy that it is all out in the open now and they aren't hiding behind masks anymore. So now we face the test. We are being given every opportunity to leave and to abandon God and forget about everything He has done for us and for our ancestors throughout the ages. But this won't last forever so don't do it. The devil is having his hour but God will have his Day.
@leeabe3932 3 жыл бұрын
Lord to where else can we go. You have the words of life. John 6.68 One of the best interviews I've heard all year!
@susanstewart1136 3 жыл бұрын
Both the Novus Ordo and the EF of the Mass are beautiful because we have the Eucharist before us. The difference between the two is the sacredness of the liturgy and our presence being quite obvious through the quiet and the reverence throughout the Mass and afterwards where the faithful linger after the Mass in thanksgiving prayer. This is also found in NO Mass but it is quite ‘spotty’ throughout dioceses in contrast with the EF’s faithfulness in always maintaining the sacredness and reverence. The faithful do not need to be fluent in Latin to “learn” the Mass. Missals offer both Latin and vernacular side by side so the faithful can truly learn the meaning and the DEPTH of the beauty happening before them (the preparation for the Sacrifice at the altar). It isn’t ‘all of us’ at the altar, it is the priest in Persona Christi offering this Sacrifice on our behalf to the Father-- while we the laity may “unite ourselves to It”-. Hands down that the faithful who attend the EF Mass with a Missal -AND follow it (including the side notes explaining what every prayer and rubrics), gain a deeper insight of the awe-filled reality and gift of the Mass!
@sheetalsilveira9554 3 жыл бұрын
Oh bless you for giving out free copies of the book. Can’t wait to order this book, although I’m in Australia... Hallelujah...finally someone just said it and wrote a book ‘The Church is in a crisis indeed...’ Answer to many prayers..🙏
@annarichardson7517 3 жыл бұрын
This has been an answer to my prayer! THANK YOU for bravely calling out wrongs while still proclaiming the beauty of the Catholic Church and hope and giving me a call to lead and be courageous!!!!
@bernakinch9781 3 жыл бұрын
What a great conversation. Dr Martin you give a very reasoned, truthful and yet hopeful assessment of our faith and our church. I agree with you that now is not the time to hunker down but to fight against the principalities of darkness with our prayers and our sacraments and above all, to love one another and to stop our internal fighting. A house divided cannot stand....
@palsenka5755 3 жыл бұрын
I am Catholic secular nun from Croatia - I am steady Catholic - from birth to the end.It is difficult time so what ?It is not a first time for Church. We have the Truth! The path - and Jesus Christ....Sacraments, The Bible Less listen to media - less talk to people - regardless -strenghten your Faiith - it is a good time go to Mass daily -pray, adore ...God Bless !
@Shadpoke 3 жыл бұрын
I didnt get the free book, but watching this was worth a lot of info. Thank you dr. Martin. I bought your book.
@christinehanus9030 3 жыл бұрын
Great podcast! It’s so important for Catholics who care to have a good dialogue and not write each other off when they have an area they might not totally agree on, such as the best/only right way to celebrate the liturgy. The primary tool Satan has left to use against true believers is to drive a wedge between us. Now that the church has less clear teaching and poor leadership, we must be very careful to examine our own biases every day and beg the Holy Spirit to help us not get lost. To discern what we should spend our time and energy promoting and defending as we try to grow in holiness and charity. We need to listen to each other, respect each other and pray for each other. God bless you all!
@marjohannele2027 3 жыл бұрын
I converted to Catholicism from having no religion at all in the early 80's. I can say I was absolutely sincere in my desire to know and love God. I went to NO, that's all I knew. Eventually I caved in to satan's whispers, divorced, became totally hedonistic and part of the pagan system. When God saved me again, all I knew again for several years was the NO. While I grew spiritually, it was so easy to justify so much in me that God hates, so it was like one step forward and two back. But of course He had my back! First I flipped my politics (courtesy of Milo Y) and then, through a friend, I found the Latin Mass. I knew I had found what Jesus had given us, and I agree with all those who say we have been so disasterously robbed. To me it IS disasterous, so many souls are being lost, I can't be complacent about it. I still go to NO because the nearest traditional Mass is 500 km's away, and I know it's valid, and I do offer up my grief in it to Our Lady, but I also drive the km's once every 4-6 weeks to attend the traditional form, so I am sustained in my faith as God wanted me to be. I am not in fear, nor 'hunkering down'. I want to know and love God and become holy. Maybe for cradle Catholics, and for those who have not fallen as far as I did, the NO is 'sufficient' but for an increasing number of us redeemed souls, it is not enough to keep us saved. (and - missals exist for those who don't know Latin).
@writer89 3 жыл бұрын
Love hearing Ralph Martin talk. I wish our priests would talk to us about the same things, but as he said, they can be afraid.
@fr.victorperez7714 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Matt for this show. This is what we need a balanced, honest and charitable look at the crisis. Before everyone defended Francis. It is good to see someone like this be able to look honestly at this pontificate but also not fall into lack of charity. I like his balance and his embrace of Vatican II. But still fighting for souls and seeing it in tradition. Very hopeful.
@adamhopper5941 3 жыл бұрын
I have an honest question. There is criticism (near the beginning of this talk) regarding Pope Francis teaching to evangelize by leading by example and being ready to answer questions. I believe Bishop Barron also leans this way and he gets a lot of criticism as well. I realize that there is a long history of evangelizing in a certain way. However in the world I live in if I were to try to overtly evangelize in most occasions where I'm around people (not counting COVID as a barrier here) this would actually do more harm than good in my humble assessment. I feel that not only would I not be listened to but I would be pushing people further away no matter how kindly and humbly I approach it. However alternatively I try to be a good example. A light to people. I kind of "ninja" into conversations that I'm a person of faith so that people can realize that they can debate or ask me questions about that. For example, "Man, I had some awesome food last Sunday after mass." I'm telling them about awesome food but also sneaking in that I go to church. I find by being an example and being a light that people approach me all the time and ask tough questions that I have prepared myself to answer and it's a beautiful thing because I'm luring them in...instead of hunting them down. So all that said, my question is....what is so wrong with not being "overt" or kind of aggressive if that is the right term and actually trying to lure people in on their own decision so that they can be in the best position to actually want to learn from us?
@adamhopper5941 3 жыл бұрын
@Bosco's box Hello Bosco, and thank you for helping me out with my question. I really appreciate it! I would first say that I do not believe I'm selling anyone a book on anything with my strategy to let them know that I am a person of faith in an indirect way. All I'm selling is that I have a belief system and then they can choose if they wish to ask me about it. I'm not telling them anything false nor selling anything. Just a strategy to say hey I obviously go to church and if you ever have any questions perhaps you can ask me. My strategy is based on how tribalized and divided people tend to be about any ideological standpoint. I know that if a person can ask me about my beliefs they may actually listen. If I tell them when they don't ask they (in my experience) do not listen and even float further away. Further to your point about preferring death rather than deny the fullness of the truth...I agree. I would hope and pray that if I had to I would make that decision. Although I'm not all that certain of what that has to do with my question about the methodology of trying to evangelize. I certainly agree that we should not reject the fullness. I also agree that mere criticism ought not keep us from the truth and to compromise our own beliefs. So I guess I'm not sure why you are pointing that out to me because I do believe in the fullness of the truth. I do believe in not compromising it. So we start on common ground my friend. I'm just trying to figure out the best way to reach people without damaging their possibility of finding that truth that we have found.
@adamhopper5941 3 жыл бұрын
@@xaviervelascosuarez Hello Xavier that is an awesome response and I completely see what you are saying. I love the idea that it comes down to love and can I love enough to risk talking about these topics with someone that may reject it. Thank you so much for giving me more to think about on this topic. So I want to share a couple of thoughts about this...I have the complete opposite experience than what you described. I get asked hard questions about the faith almost everywhere I go! I will be reading a catholic book in a waiting room at the doctor and someone starts to converse with me about it. I pray at dinner silently to myself in a restaurant and can get into a great conversation with a neighbor. Work people talk to me all the time. I happen to believe that God has a plan for us and that God seems to like me to be in the role of an apologist of sorts (mind you not as good as those Catholic Answers folks). I love being in the path of people that have tough questions and can actually give them something reasonable to reflect on. However based on your response I will be thinking more about what that love looks like and if I should be more bold. Also I'm no stranger to Fr. Pine and I love his stuff! Thank you for sharing and I will think about it a lot!
@vituzui9070 3 жыл бұрын
​@@adamhopper5941 It is a prudential matter. The whole question is whether being more assertive would indeed drive people away even more from the faith. If this is true, then your strategy seems to be reasonable and the best possible in those circumstances. However, you have to distinguish between driving away people from the faith on one hand, and vexing people on the other hand. Sometimes (but not always) a more assertive evangelization may vex people at first, but then lead them to the faith anyway, and in a more effective way than if you had remained more subtle. So it's up to you to discern : Would being more assertive just vex people, but be more successful overall, or woul it actually drive people away from the faith? I personnaly cannot know, because there is no way to know your own circumstances better than you.
@adamhopper5941 3 жыл бұрын
@@JackFalltrades Hello Nicholas, thank you for helping out with my question along with all these other folks! I'm really open to information and just want to figure things out. To answer your question many people have asked me about religion and or why I believe there's a God. Your question feels very specific. How many people have asked me about the Catholic Church? I'd say a fair amount. I certainly don't have statistics for you. However I have had plenty of conversations about why the Catholic Church instead of Protestant etc. Although lets face it few actually say "Protestant" which seems to be a term that is getting outdated for some but I believe is a very relevant term. If I am guessing about the bedrock of your question I would guess that you are asking if I feel I'm actually helping as many people as I can to find the truth. The answer is "I think so." I think the people that God puts in my path are getting something out of our interaction. I have not "run away" from anyone about it. I just simply try to be subtle and draw them in. I assume you have more for me and I look forward to it!
@adamhopper5941 3 жыл бұрын
@@vituzui9070 Hello Vitu, thank you for your feedback! Yea I would have to agree with you that it is a prudential matter. I do try to discern about which method is best in a given scenario. I live in a very very very progressive area. I run into Atheist's more than I do any other type of person. So therefore just simply hinting at the fact that I am a man of faith is PLENTY to get them drooling to ask me why I believe in such "non-sense." Their words not mine so I hope that does not offend. I will take what you said to heart and really try to discern. Thank you and God bless!
@julianapontes4712 3 жыл бұрын
Best interview ever! Thanks! Hello from Brazil
@jennbull0247 3 жыл бұрын
I am a convert, baptized just 6 months ago (thanks to Matt Fradd and Scott Hann--excellent evangelists of The Catholic faith!) I find the V2, and TLM vs NO debates dizzying (I have bigger fish to fry, like learning to be a Catholic), but I'm still searching for a new Parrish. It's not so much circling the wagon for me, I just want my kids to see Catholisim practiced both inside our home AND at church. Our current parish rarely mentions feast days, never says a Hail Mary or St Michael prayer, hardly ever talks about Saints, heaven or hell. Just feel good homelies, and don't get me started on irreverent holy communion. I'm a convert mother, with an unbelieving husband (praying for his conversion) trying to raise Saints... I need backup. Just ordered the book!
@ksanto9797 3 жыл бұрын
I am also a convert (30 years ago)so glad you came home!
@ksanto9797 3 жыл бұрын
You probably won't find the perfect church because we are still all sinners and striving for perfection. But, while you are looking, focus on the sacraments and going to mass, read to your kids, talk to your kids, share your love and joy. Keep watching Scott and Matt but check out Kimberly Hahn's podcast. She is Scott's wife and would be a blessing for you. Blessings and prayers.
@jennbull0247 3 жыл бұрын
@@ksanto9797 I get that no parish is perfect. Sometimes I wonder if everyone running off to Latin mass leaves the NO parishes void of practicing and faithful Catholics. But I get why they are running, especially families. Im reading Ralph's book now! It's fantastic.
@sandradoherty9358 3 жыл бұрын
Ralph great answer about the passion of Jesus. Fr Kevin Scanlon RIP, (He & Sr Briege McKenna, had Ministry for Priests), told us the same thing a number of years ago. He guided our group, in N Ireland.
@mariajordan3650 3 жыл бұрын
Archbishop Vigano sees things in a very deep, spiritual discerning way, and he cannot help not to state them. Not because he wants to form divisions in the Church, but rather in his big concern about the future of the Church. When the truth comes to the surface it will always divide. Jesus Himself has spoken about it! His Sword that will separate even the closest families.Another thing is, nobody from the Pope "party" will even want to listen to people like Archbishop Vigano, so any dialogue is cancelled before it has even begun.
@michaelpolito1877 3 жыл бұрын
Two thoughts: Bentley Hart argues in his book "That all shall be saved" against the "eternity" of hell, not whether or not hell exists. Pope Benedict XVI writes in Truth and Tolerance concerning the salvation of those outside of the Church, "And should not the highest respect for the mystery of God's activity always be our guide? Do we necessarily have to invent a theory about how God can save people without abandoning the uniqueness of Christ? p. 53
@Sondre7 3 жыл бұрын
So I am myself a conservative, but I think this episode and many in the comments are not respectful enough. The Pope is not a political office. While I will pray for wisdom for the Pope, the way the Church works is as a hierarchy where we all agree to go along with the Pope for the sake of unity. Further I also think a lot of you are wrong. The Pope is perhaps of the left, but when you read Fratelli Tutti, he is clearly drawing a line in the sand against postmodernism, relativism, tearing down of tradition, tearing down of statues and much more. I find him to be very holy when I listen to his homilies. And I think what he is doing is actually to find the holy middle ground that meets the emotion of the left, while keeping the theology pure. So I wholeheartedly disagree. And to go so deeply into one appointment like this person did is just cherry picking. So many appointments are made, and they are made for a multitude of reasons. They are not political appointments. This is just falling prey to social media outrage. It is not news when Pope Francis appoints someone conservative, which he does all the time. I pray for all of you to please respect the Pope, and pray for reconciliation and peace in the Catholic church. But start with yourself, not with "the other side".
@lemonvariable72 3 жыл бұрын
Well problem is Francis isn't pope
@gretawaller8385 3 жыл бұрын
I agree with the op
@sophomorov 3 жыл бұрын
Go on the website www.wherepeteris.com to get exactly the Church's thought on the papacy. I agree with you. Pope Francis is very clear- the confusion lies in media coverage and how they spin everything the Pope does.
@EcclesiastesLiker-py5ts 3 жыл бұрын
The popacy is in every way a political office, and francis is the pope, and a heretic.
@jz-wf7ub 3 жыл бұрын
It is interesting...when it comes to the TLM, I see it very much as a lay-led movement. It is very grassroots, which would seem to a degree to discount the concerns of clericalism. I think of the biggest speakers in the traditional movement today, and not many priests often come to mind, but many laypeople do. Bloggers, speakers, professors. "The Mass of the Ages" is being headed by a layman with a family! I think of many TLMs that have been organized in my area, and they all have their roots in laymen wishing to teach priests and the laity about the Latin Mass. Is there a disadvantage in the liturgy being completely in Latin? I would actually say yes; I do not see why things as variable and as complex linguistically speaking such as the readings could not be chanted in the vernacular. But when I go to well-established Latin masses, I see people truly following the liturgy most of the time. I hear people chanting the ordinary. Sure, there may be someone praying their rosary, but who are we to judge? Pope Francis himself called out people who criticize old ladies who light votive candles during mass; they can have greater faith, hope, and charity than the brainiest liturgy geek in the room! I say these comments to add a layer of complexity to the discussion, because it is far to easy to assume trads are just people trying to cloister themselves off from society and judge others (I will say, however, that we ought to look to monastic life as a sort of model for our own lives. That is how the East approaches it, whereas the West often says "what is the least amount I need to do to be fine". While both views have their merit, I think we can learn a lot from our Eastern brethren in striving for lofty goals in conjunction with our Spiritual Fathers)
@thamill3826 3 жыл бұрын
The Church needs us. She needs our Love and prayer and mortification, in all humility.
@PatriciaLopez-fn8el 3 жыл бұрын
Ralph Martin and Matt May God bless you 🙏❤😊💖
@TMPSpodcast 2 жыл бұрын
I got this book today in the mail. Can’t wait to read it
@patrickconnell7704 3 жыл бұрын
Most people don't go around classifying comments into the "declarative, future indicative." I once lived in a diocese where the bishop and the priests attached to his cathedral regularly spoke about the reality of Hell and the Devil. Thanks be to God.
@a.p5079 3 жыл бұрын
Really eyeopening and just what I needed to hear as a skeptic Catholic who asks a lot of questions.
@avemaria5994 3 жыл бұрын
Thankyou for this!
@anneglossop9682 3 жыл бұрын
Excellent well balanced interview. Will get the book
@champikakumaraperu176 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much Ralph and Matt. Ruwan from Australia
@a.p5079 3 жыл бұрын
We need dedicated people speaking out like this!
@booshkaboo 3 жыл бұрын
I think a huge thing he missed about the traditional mass is that most people ARE proclaiming the gospel and evangelizing by fulfilling their Duty and teaching their children proper catechism without the abuses happening in a lot of Novos Ordo masses today. Yes, the majority do not understand Latin. Yes, they do encourage you to observe and do your part, because eventually your senses are overwhelmed by the beauty and the reverence of it all, and makes you WANT to learn about what is actually happening during the mass. What the true faith REALLY is about. I do not mean to be rude, but the truth of the matter is, you do not find that same "desire" to know Chris as deeply with the regular mass, even though it is valid and still the same as the Latin mass. Our duty to our vocation to raise children in the faith, with proper catechism, IS evangelizing by example of what it is to be TRUE diciples and followers of Christ. That is the idea of evangelizing. And when you are raising multiple children, that's where your energy needs to be going. No to the outside world. If you follow Christ's commandments, and doing your duty as a parent, or priests, that's where the most fruitfull evangelization will come into play.
@Mujercatolica1 3 жыл бұрын
I love this interview! Thank you so much. I would definitely purchase the book! In Trinidad, we don't have any traditional Masses here and having seen a Traditional Mass on KZbin, I wish we could have more love and reverence in the Novus Ordo Mass but I just do what I can to serve and worship Christ. As for the pope, I am honestly afraid of him and judging by his fruits, he is a heretic, plain and simple. I still love him with God's love but I have lost trust and respect for him. I pray for his conversion which is pretty much all we can do, just to continue to pray for our shepherds.
@navinfernandes747 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks Matt for this interview, I had my own doubts on who can be saved? Only Catholics? Only Christians? What about the rest of the world? I now understand and use a rather simple analogy to explain my understanding( I am limited by my own knowledge of scripture .. I admit).. With the rich sacraments that Christ gives us in the catholic church and his holy spirit that convicts us of our deepest sins, followed by intercession of Mother Mary and the saints, I do believe that Catholics have an insurance for the next life.. if you are anyone else, you too can make it... but you are running the race without insurance and you are left to the MERCY OF GOD... so the logical answer I come to is.. take that insurance(the catholic church and its sacraments) and you will be saved..
@TheBadgerDad_TheByzantineLife 3 жыл бұрын
Martin's comments at 42:55 seem a little off base. He appears to be resounding the same tone-deaf clarion call of "Spirit of VII"ers touting "Mission, People, Togetherness, Justice, Blah Blah Blah" without SUBSTANCE. Mission without SUBSTANCE is insufficient to achieve the primary end (telos) of Evangelization. It would be like offering your friend a box of pizza, but with no pizza inside. All of the fancy logos, designs, marketing and elevator pitches in the world wouldn't sell an empty box. Even if it did, the customer would want a refund. Don't diminish the Source and Summit of the Faith into "Liturgy is only a 'part' of our Faith" malarkey. The Most Holy and Blessed Mysteries of the Altar are Our Lord, God and Saviour, Jesus Christ, The God-Man, Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity hidden under the veil of Bread and Wine but Truly Present in Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. His Sacramental Economy, most supremely the Liturgy, is a Divinely Revealed requirement for Salvation and the Liturgy is the most fitting form of praise ever to be offered by man. Period.
@mariab.774 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks Matt for your deference to the Pope, and for your loyalty to the Church.
@laurenentwistle1207 3 жыл бұрын
I just spent way too long trying to find out if he and Steve Martin are related...
@pkurjata 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this conversation gentlemen; I will buy the book this week. Please collaborate with Mark Mallett, who in my estimation, works diligently to be thorough and balanced to assist us through living as catholics with yet another Pope in history, who is a sinner for sure, with his particular iniquities. Jesus died for each one of us, rose from the dead, and is with us every day for all eternity; it's His church; Alleluia! I look forward to a stronger, tighter, light-filled universal church and local parish too. I am 71 years old, living in Northern British Columbia, Canada, working with my wife to evangelize our 5 children and their families / significant others to follow Jesus. Please pray for us! Thank you.
@bethanyb2244 3 жыл бұрын
I don't want to paint all NO liturgies in a bad light and lump them all in one basket, and I just really wish he wouldn't seem to do that with TLMs saying that priests are telling people that they don't know what's going on in the liturgy or that people don't understand the Latin or aren't fully being part of the liturgy, I have NEVER heard that at a traditional Mass, for a priest to tell people to just pray the Rosary and sort of belittle them saying they'll never understand it. I want to give the benefit of the doubt to a reverent, well done NO, please do the same for the TLM--this is what pushes people away to retreat into their own community and being fearful of speaking of what they love about their liturgy and having dialogue with other Catholics.
@gmamara 3 жыл бұрын
YES! YES! YES! The default position is that we are under wrath. Thank you! We become children of God in baptism.
@pedroalvarez2803 3 жыл бұрын
This is a great video, it definitely hits close to home with a lot of the concerns and doubts that I had. I'm buying his books now thanks so much!
@volusian95 3 жыл бұрын
A great episode! I love Dr. Martin, the only thing I would disagree with is the TLM, since even if we can't understand the Latin there always is the option to follow along with a missal
@EastLosAngeles1964classic 2 жыл бұрын
@a.p5079 3 жыл бұрын
Matt & Ralph were really synchronizing here, love the vibe
@adeodata6364 3 жыл бұрын
What a blessing this was. Thank you so much 🙏🏼💜
@mariajordan3650 3 жыл бұрын
That's so true, that in times of John Paul II and later Benedict XVI the Church seemed to be the safest place to belong to. But it was because of the radical faith and absolute clarity of Truth that they both followed. In the case of Francis everything seems to sink in confusion, to circle in a deep spiritual deception and sin also. And no matter how much we may love or feel compassion for Francis, this man is no more fit for the office of being the Pope! In this level there is no sentiments that should guide us, because the All Loving heavenly Father will never be led by sentiments towards us, but by His very Truth that even He will never trespass!
@mariacortez5931 2 жыл бұрын
I think like him. He is amazing
@momof3sok121 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much Matt for giving out these free books! I pre ordered mine. But thank you so much. ❤
@Arkangilos 3 жыл бұрын
Nobody I’ve ever talked to has ever interpreted those documents in light of tradition. 99 percent of the people I’ve talked to have said that I was being medieval because I interpreted V2 in light of tradition. Anytime I was in a conversation and tried this “continuity” stuff they said the Church is new, that it doesn’t hold to those medieval ideas anymore.” “Interpreting in light of tradition” only works when the church and her bishops actually do so, and I rarely see that, even if they pretend to by saying those words.
@crecenciogonzalez7683 3 жыл бұрын
B-basic I-instrutions B-before L-leaving E-earth
@Linkgt 3 жыл бұрын
Lost me at his opinion on the TLM @ 40:00, Unfortunately a common, boomer take.
@Daniel_Abraham1099 3 жыл бұрын
@dylang606 3 жыл бұрын
Western rite orthodox is like Catholic mass before they changed everything. Latin, incense, the whole thing
@Linkgt 3 жыл бұрын
@@gk7754 True. To be fair, the rest of what he talks about is spot on. But again, his opinion of the TLM is that of ignorance. The NO was clearly created with the intention to appeal to Protestants...this is public knowledge that you can easily find online. No matter how "reverent" an NO mass is, it is still only a shell(and a protestant-esque one at that) of the true mass, the TLM.
@marcokite 3 жыл бұрын
Amen! he's in denial...he says the N.O. liturgy can be said with dignity etc...EXACTLY....it CAN be said with beauty.. but 99% of the time it isn't....Ralph says the Church is in crises but doesn't think we should question Vatican II. WHY does he think it's in crises?? p.s. at the TLM I have NEVER heard a priest say that he knows we don't know what's happening, total nonsense.
@marcokite 3 жыл бұрын
@@Linkgt - the way he refuses to connect Vat II with this mess dents his credibility
@zestotemp 3 жыл бұрын
People just say bad things about trads because the existence of traditionalism implies there’s something wrong with untraditionalism. Get on the train; there’s nothing bad about us. We’re not “failing to evangelize.” The fact is that outside of traditionalism, even in reverent liturgy NO parishes, you generally have a watered down Christian community. I’ll turn the comment back on the guest: it’s not trads who think that the liturgy us everything. No, it’s conservative non-trads who hide behind a tolerably reverent liturgy to cover up for cafeterianism. Ultimately, unless you subscribe to the Catholicism of the Bible, Fathers, and Councils, you are following a piece meal religion. Let’s not mince words: non-trad conservatives on the whole subscribe to a religion with several chunks missing: namely the doctrine of Scriptural inerrancy, divine providence/Predestination, and the doctrine of no salvation outside the Church. Ultimately this is the dividing line. If holding to these makes you “hunkering down”... Well. Go all in. Don’t worry about what names people will call you. (Thr guest is not speaking from experience when he talks about “clericalism.” We would all do well to look to history to see the proper relationship between the parish priest and the layman.)
@jacksonesq2778 3 жыл бұрын
The Novus Ordo is inherently irreverent, as an intentionally Protestantized concoction. There are no reverent Novus Ordos, no matter how they appear to be, just as there are no humanitarian serial killers.
@lininacrowne1941 3 жыл бұрын
My 13 years of catholic school and theology (combined with secular education on the history of the church) did in fact form the groundwork for me leaving catholicism. The more you learn and the deeper you get into the hypocrisy the more likely you are to leave.
@billmartin3561 3 жыл бұрын
To me the key is better catechesis of our youth and adults. Coming to mass weekly is enough for you alone, but isn’t enough for the success and growth of the Church. All Catholics should be encouraged by their Priests to be actively involved in their parish life, in whatever capacity they have passion for. RCIA, children’s ministry, community outreach, etc. we have to be visible in our communities...not just go to mass once a week and then go home.
@Steve-qr2lm 3 жыл бұрын
Great video Matt and very timely! Bummed I missed out on the book, that’s the Perth Timezone for you 🇦🇺🤓
@annmarie3573 3 жыл бұрын
Love Ralph Martin!
@patm4116 3 жыл бұрын
I was born and went to the Novus Ordo masses and never knew this name before until I attended the tridentine Latin Mass. I may not understand the Latin but the soul does. It's a supernatural intimacy with Our Lord. Thank God for the Society of Saint Pius X and the Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre to bring to light the errors of the second Vatican council II. Thanks Matt, for this interview but there's a lot of confusion & apostasy in the Church due to the men of the Church. The book of the Apocalypse says so. Also people, read the 400 year old prophecy of Our Lady of Good Success. Never ever attend the Novus Ordo Mass because it's intrinsically evil. Just like Our Lord in the dungeon of the Roman Empire or as today the world of today. Peace ✌️ out 👍
@jen9774 3 жыл бұрын
@ Pat M .....so what do people do if there is no other form of Mass for them to attend?
@patm4116 3 жыл бұрын
Well, @@jen9774, I don't attend at all. If you're familiar with the Latin Mass then that's good. But if you don't know anything outside of the usual Mass you normally attend then I guess I don't have the authority to tell you what to do. What I can say is this, that there will come a time as Our Lady of Good Success gave to Mother Mariana of Jesus Torres that there will come a time where the churches will be forced to shut down. If that happens it's no brainer, you pray the Rosary every day. More than one if you can. Because God knows how much we need to store more graces and pray for the interests of God in order that He will answer our own interests and desires for good also. The Novus Ordo Mass is so distracting that I remember I had no supernatural desire for it. I just went to that Mass because to fill my Sunday obligations. That was what I was taught. It was more to challenge myself that I can at least attend Sunday Masses every Sundays as a promise to myself and never thought of pleasing God. Novus Ordo is more man centered and not God centered as you would find at the Latin Mass. Some modern churches have the tabernacle in a side room or on the side of the altar of some sort. Novus Ordo is just a break away from the Church's tradition of which St Paul did say to stay steadfast to the traditions. And by doing so not to be seen but to obey God as He would like us to. When man steers from the truth then "God is to be obeyed first than man". Remember Our Lord's words? Strike the Shepherd and the sheep are scattered. Read the book by Dr Taylor Marshall called the Infiltration. It should be made clear how the enemies of the Catholic Church could not destroy from without but are trying from within. But they have no concept that the gates of hell will never prevail. That doesn't mean we should then not worry about putting the effort for saving our souls if Christ's promise re the Church. "Work out your Salvation with fear and trembling" as St Paul said. If there are anymore questions I'd be happy to answer them if I can. God bless you & your loved ones. Peace ✌️ out 👍
@roberttickle9157 3 жыл бұрын
You are just spreading heretical dissent.
@patm4116 3 жыл бұрын
@@roberttickle9157 When man errs then the faithful should obey God's laws above that of Man. So I don't think that's heretical at all. Not one bit. But if you seem to know your faith so well then you should pray about what is more pleasing to God and not erring men. Men that alter the faith for the damnation of souls. Peace ✌️ out 👍
@alamedavigilante 3 жыл бұрын
The readings absolutely must be in English or there's no point. However, the unchangeable parts like the Kyrie, Gloria , Credo, Sanctus, Agnus Dei, Anima Mea, even the Pater Noster, can all be understood in Latin with a little effort. Hybrid Mass is great.
@mpasaa 3 жыл бұрын
The main problem is lack of accessibility to the Pope, Bishops and often our priests for many reasons. When we cannot voice our concerns or they simply ignore us it seems like we are dealing with the world instead of fellow Catholics. The lack of clarity and COURAGE from Rome on down will result in a smaller church. Maybe that's not a bad thing but losing souls is not a good thing no matter what the reason. I pray for our church and the leaders who are right now cowardly in the face of all challenges....that they receive the strength of the Holy Spirit so they can trust in the Lord and stand up against the ruler of the world.
@sandortoth231 3 жыл бұрын
come to St. Josephs Camperdown Sydney NSW Australia a Novus Ordo Mass said with reverence, and love.
@Cratees 3 жыл бұрын
A wonderful counterpoint by Ralph Martin for Novus Ordo for its rationale. I still think both sides have valid arguments.
@irishtickles 2 жыл бұрын
@kimgibbs5544 3 жыл бұрын
Wonderful interview Matt. Keep fighting the good fight!
@justingrove5190 3 жыл бұрын
16:49 It might have been, but it is also the case that literally the first thing that Pope Francis did when he came out on the balcony was reference Hans Kung's The Church. That was really all the give away that you needed.
@milviawinters5302 3 жыл бұрын
Can you please let me know the author of the little booklet “Magnificat” that Ralph held up as I could not see it on the split screen, thanks 🙏
@mattharazin5578 3 жыл бұрын
@amielaberilla1299 3 жыл бұрын
Many thanks Matt. God bless.
@ransomcoates546 3 жыл бұрын
Martin is an unreconstructed charismatic son of Vatican II. You may occasionally get something useful from the good ones in that group, but the whole enterprise is tainted by its origins.
@nutran5534 3 жыл бұрын
So true what you said about us having to look to our local parish for the answers
@rosiegirl2485 3 жыл бұрын
If I were to give an answer as to why I wouldn't leave the Catholic Church, due to all the depressing condition she is in..would be.... That it is easy to despair when everything appears to be lost..and that the ship is sinking! Look to our Blessed Mother, St.John, Mary Magdalene, and others at the foot of the Cross! How easy it could have been to despair, to feel that all was lost...but they held onto their faith, and the promise from Jesus! I am sure that in their human mind, that they could have never imagined the miraculous resurrection! We to, need to hold onto the promise of Jesus that the gates of Hell will never prevail against His Church! We need to trust that the Holy Spirit is guiding her! We cannot just sail through when times are good! We need to stay the course...because this is our Lord's Church...and I for one..will never abandon her! God bless, and trust in Jesus! 💠
@montseromero 3 жыл бұрын
Excellent! And thanks Matt for the books.
@mariacortez5931 2 жыл бұрын
We need to pray, to fast and trust the Lord. It is not just the clergy fault but it is ours too. We have to examine our lives because we are always seeing others lives but not ourselves. We must pray for our pope bishops and priest. I do not want them to go to hell.. I want them to repent and go to heaven.
@jean-guydallaire6527 3 жыл бұрын
Why is the church in crisis... perhaps it is part of the process. I believe Our Creator is in charge and everything is unfolding as it should. Put on the helmet of salvation and let us be guided by the Holy Spirit... yes, in a world in search of God.
@davidscript 3 жыл бұрын
These issues are happening in all denominations that had not already fallen to the false teachings of the world. I have found that because there has not been a deliberate and intentional focus on discipleship throughout all denominations this is happening. When we leave the great commission up to clergy to do this happens. We are all called to make disciples there are no exceptions to the great commission.
@susanmas4825 9 ай бұрын
There is power in God’s word! God is His Word and the Word is God! The Catholic Church has always been less than competent in proclaiming God’s word. We need less verbose writing in Papal documents and get to teaching the Bible. “If you remain in my word you will truly be my disciples, you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. “ John 8: 31-32
@abelovedchildofgod7383 3 жыл бұрын
If the church is corrupt in her teaching which in principle that cannot be, but if that were the case then the church is no longer infallible and the whole thing collapse to the ground and thus we can no longer trust the church anymore or even in the first place.
@michaelavincent503 3 жыл бұрын
@MattFradd It is not called Parlour that’s a porn or dating app. DONT load that! It’s an app called “Parler”which is the French word for speak.
@HosannaInExcelsis 3 жыл бұрын
What a holy man
@mariajordan3650 3 жыл бұрын
Hey, of course the Lord has permitted all this confusion, because not only He executes His Free Agenda blessing towards us but also because we live now in His Grace time through the Cross of Jesus. So not only the whole church but also each of us, can go astray from God's truth and will all be permitted until we want free willingly again turn back!
@jimgerwatoski8018 3 жыл бұрын
Great talked ! loved this and found it very helpful
@mattl1508 3 жыл бұрын
So many red pills being served my head is spinning. This was an excellent podcast.
@johnbartholomew2381 3 жыл бұрын
Very impressive intellect - Ralph is clearly the Real McCoy in terms of the Catholic Faith... great guest Matt!!!
@MRBOBBY8706 3 жыл бұрын
22:45 yup! Refer to Jesus visiting Simon the Pharisee's house in Luke 7. Those who are forgiven much love much. Those who have been forgiven little love little. 37:20 Gotta be charitable when doing the good work. Don't be mean like I was being before. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8.... Replace the word love with your name and see if it's true.
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