A Homeless Polar Bear in London - Ft. Jude Law and Radiohead

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Greenpeace International

Greenpeace International

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@danna4252 9 жыл бұрын
ppl say that animals are dangerous and do harm. when in realty it's us not them
@shane8001 9 жыл бұрын
my eyes are filled with tears, what we have done to this beautiful world
@epikster4518 9 жыл бұрын
shane made it better
@andreyandreev7195 8 жыл бұрын
Mine too:-( :'(
@Kavutea 11 жыл бұрын
This made me so sad, just because many people really don't care about anything but themselves..
@andrewhuff6543 9 жыл бұрын
@sarahdidcott274 12 жыл бұрын
Amazing piece of work. My heart breaks, but it's a beautiful way to get this across.
@misser555 10 жыл бұрын
It's was so good that Video. I Could Cry Just Watching The Video 📹. SAVE THE ACTIC :-D
@allaroundkema440 5 жыл бұрын
michael petersen I cried!!
@elizabethreichstein9201 2 жыл бұрын
Very powerful, depicting the tragedy of the human species and their impact on our fellow animals and our earth.
@The666MAYKON666 12 жыл бұрын
The video was great. The world need and respects the Arctic forests and animals need a home.
@jdcapshew 12 жыл бұрын
This is terribly sad, but hopefully it will motivate those who care about the earth and it's inhabitants.
@klinajordan 12 жыл бұрын
Well done to all the team at Greenpeace who made this such a beautiful, heart-breaking call to action... and for making the bear look so real! Big love from an almost invisible extra who volunteered on the video shoot :)
@SeamosmasAnimales 12 жыл бұрын
El final narrado por el actor Jude Law, en el cual pide el apoyo de la población para unirse a la causa y evitar que el Ártico sufra más daños. Por su parte el líder de Radiohead escribió un mensaje ;“Tenemos que detener a los gigantes del petróleo en el Ártico. Un derrame de petróleo puede devastar esta región de belleza impresionante, y quemar ese petróleo solo haría más grande el problema que enfrenamos todos: el calentamiento global. Es por eso que apoyo esta campaña”, señaló.
@elizabethmendesmadanelo4947 9 жыл бұрын
How could this poor animal be in London? Isn't there anybody responsible for this? One more cruelty against animals!! My GOD
@shotay51 9 жыл бұрын
Are you stupid ?
@kevinmyers3357 9 жыл бұрын
I don't think it's real I think it's protestors inside
@Janietoogood 7 жыл бұрын
It's a quadsuit, you can tell by the way its' limbs are moving.
@buzzkill131 12 жыл бұрын
there are two colors in my head "what? what was that you tried to say?"
@Chifori01 2 жыл бұрын
Nature is our connection with beauty, life, love. We are human when we feel part of it. Not when we create a whole artificial world that despises the treasure that Mother Earth offers us. La naturaleza es nuestra conexión con la belleza, la vida, el amor. Somos humanos cuando nos sentimos parte de ello. No cuando creamos todo un mundo artificial que desprecia el tesoro que nos ofrece la Madre Tierra.
@sacredgodslayer 12 жыл бұрын
Artic must be saved, Earth must be saved. Money is not everything. A true smile, some true happyness can't be bought with money.
@sophiejohnston2850 10 жыл бұрын
I almost cried... people never consider the animals because they are too busy living in sheltered little bubbles without any sort of consideration for the impact their lives have on the world and the creatures who inhabit it. It makes me sad, it really does, but that's not to say it's all our fault. The environment is changing, it always has and always will. I guess it's just a sad fact of life that we can't always beat the inevitable, even if that inevitable change was caused by us. It's not as though our predecessors knew the impact industrialization would have on the environment...Sure, the video is pretty emotional, and it doesn't really make sense that there's a homeless polar bear in London, but that's not the point. The point is that we've forgotten about the impact we're having on the planet, and this was just an effective method of reminding us all of that.
@pennoula89sk 6 жыл бұрын
Actually the presence of a polar bear in London does make sense and that's the message of the video. What we do in our cities, how we live our loves full of garbage and pollution, will affect the life of a polar bear thousands of miles away from us. It is gut-punching in terms of realising that indeed we do not live in bubbles, and our actions affect the entire world.
@jacb111 12 жыл бұрын
my planet is dying my earth our earth :(
@jadach88 12 жыл бұрын
I have no words to say. I do what I can and I pray for Artic. It's really sad.
@greyson6762 4 жыл бұрын
Was that polar bear a quadsuit costume, it was very well made! Sad video 😢
@lunaazzurra7995 5 жыл бұрын
Beautiful and heartbreaking advertisement....I have just been reading about ICELAND supermarkets stance on environmental issues, particularly palm oil, and I noticed their logo about halfway thru this ad...we had this ad play a lot in NZ too and it always just about made me cry..I urge UK shoppers to get behind Iceland and other responsible retailers who along with Greenpeace are trying to do their own little bit, however big or small, to save this planet and its beautiful creatures before its too late💔💔
@randomtinypotatocried 9 жыл бұрын
London seems to have bit of a problem with homeless polar bears. Maybe someone should do something about it.
@marbelal 9 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your work, Jude Law and Radiohead
@jeremvfx 3 жыл бұрын
We are working in this video in english classes
@BlueValerie_ 10 жыл бұрын
@derrielianti 12 жыл бұрын
i can't watch it for the 2nd time. what a heartbreaking video!
@벨체리 4 жыл бұрын
I think this is a quadsuit
@IWouldChange 12 жыл бұрын
"Be the change you want to see in the world" - Gandhi
@BoneyardLabs 12 жыл бұрын
I wonder how many of you people who are saying we are a virus so happen to have a young son or daughter; have them look at you and you try telling THEM that they are a virus. Let it sink in, grab a hold of that feeling when you tell them they shouldn't be alive; tell them this world is too fragile for someone like you....then sit back and take a good look at how your views affect others; maybe you should reanalyze.
@MPdub 12 жыл бұрын
I know this sounds quite "tin foil hat" and all... but I wouldn't be surprised if corporations are quite happy (read: actively encouraging) the demise of the Arctic expressly for the purpose of exploiting the yet untouched natural resources. The quicker the better for them, so that they can reap the benefits in their lifetime. Tragic.
@AquarielCharms 12 жыл бұрын
I saw your channel and then I look at Greenpeace channels ...amazing activism, the risks they take are life threatening. You don't have videos uploaded, I doubt you planted trees, perhaps you watched others plant trees. I think the only lobbying you do is put down Greenpeace.
@TheSampian 12 жыл бұрын
Once again another shinning example of how lust for money trumps all especially when it comes to oil companies(i.e. the tar sands in canada). Fossil fuels will hopefully be a thing of the past sometime in the future and hopefully we will no longer be destroying two of the greatest things this world has to offer us: pristine environments untouched by humans and the species that inhabit those environments so we can fuel our cars. Makes me think that i also need to contribute less to this problem.
@pezcore68 12 жыл бұрын
corporations used to do more than just sell us cheap products. they used to build parks. they used to run shelters. they used to give back to their workers and communities. corporations today are not the corporations of even 50 years ago. dont kid yourself. i like your ASSUMPTION that nothing would exsist without them tho, we can play that game all night though (assumptions). unfortunately that doesnt belong in fact based discussions.
@carlfxy 12 жыл бұрын
Spot on, but its a good opportunity to encourage people to grow flowers, don't use pesticides, and stop using non organic fertilizers and be generally be organic, and let nature strike its own balance around their homes. I am horrified to see the amount of filth my neighbors pour in and around their homes to kill spiders, when the spiders are their to stop to critters getting into the home in the first place. I wish I could buy a bunch of praying mantises to kill the crickets every year thro..
@carlfxy 12 жыл бұрын
Crank up your A/c or turn it off. Cycle, run walk whenever possible instead of driving, or use public transportation whenever possible. Encourage your friends to do so. Stop using pesticides, non organic fertilizers on your lawn, let nature strike a balance in your yard without using chemicals, use clover !! Eat more vegetables, and less beef. Plant a tree or two, grow plants and loads of flowers.
@carlfxy 12 жыл бұрын
tintin, thanks for your concern, but the polar bears are going to be ok !! Google ' Antarctic Temperatures of the Past Two Centuries'. Greenpeace are doing what greenpeace does best ... canvasing for support / cash. Look if you're worried about it, plant some tree's (and look after them) I've done 27 in the past 3 years alone. Cycle, run, walk when you can. Don't use the air conditioner, or turn it up as much as possible. Dont use pesticides, and only organic fertilizer on your lawn ... etc e
@carlfxy 12 жыл бұрын
You're right, thanks for calling me out on it :) But, as you said I am so god-damned smart, but others have already come up with alternatives. But we can't really afford them. The question, do we save our pennies for the chevy volt, or do we buy the beater and drive that ? It's really about personal choice. We can have choices imposed upon us through taxation, or by corporate machines like greenpeace which manipulates the public to lobby against reasonable exploitation / use of our environment.
@gcwedel 12 жыл бұрын
...on behalf of us corrupted, undeserving, sad, pathetic, selfish little beings called humans, I apologize to you, dear Polar Bear (and all of Earth's inhabitants)... because not even a cute British actor or a mega famous alternative band will accomplish anything to protect you... and just like Lonely George last week, we'll live to see the end of you... we'll witness your extinction, with our pockets full of money and our hands blackened with oil... :'(
@MrZombikilla 12 жыл бұрын
This is indeed not a real polar bear, but so what? you can tell it is a fake (Really cool) polar bear costume. but it is about the message that should count. it is sad what is happening to Polar bears, and other animals in the world. and we should try and conserve our wild friends, and help them live good lives, and let our future generations know what a polar bear is...
@Marhowl 12 жыл бұрын
You are right. I don't have any idea how much young children know about current technologies and how well they will be able to use it. But that's exactly the problem. They are educated in a way to know absolutely nothing about the importance of nature. We can't go developing new technologies and exploiting resources forever. I believe there is a limit at some point
@Nivyzieck 12 жыл бұрын
Did anyone really get the message? Or are all of you just going to talk shit about something thats really happening, fucking hell just because this problem dons't effect you in comparison to a polar bear, dosn't mean you have to insult a creature, whom the irresponsibility of corparate propaganda is killing not only polar bears, but amongst many others to! Please think people!
@carlfxy 12 жыл бұрын
Captain Watson remains detained in Germany, what are greenpeace doing about that ? He's had the single biggest impact on whaling, in the past decade, using his own cash and boat. Contact Germany's federal Ministry of Justice and urge for Captain Watsons release ...
@connerbell8599 Жыл бұрын
I agree with this one! Everyone lost their ways of cleaning up earth and taking care of it; everyone and everything is causing all of the animals to get out of their homes, hence allowing them to crumble to dust and blow away from life. And I have HAT IT!!!
@tienshenhan86 12 жыл бұрын
It's our nature to self destruct, greed is in our blood, it's what made our ancestors horde and have a better chance of survival. Now that we have no need for that, the trait still exists. So will destruction.
@SamuelPerryFalvey 12 жыл бұрын
i think he means that if we stop breading cows and pigs their numbers would fall creating less Co2. (because majority of their food is grown by us).
@Orelion 12 жыл бұрын
If governments would spend half the resources used for military action for finding an alternative fuel we would get a result in a year or two and stop abusing our planet and paying high gas prices.
@DanielvanHauten 12 жыл бұрын
Really nice and even more sad... good job guys
@wakingtheworld 12 жыл бұрын
I'm no expert but I think the bear's real alright and they dubbed the London footage in the editing room. Very cleverly done despite no 'green screen' in the Arctic!
@libelle156 12 жыл бұрын
Changing one person's behaviour won't do much, but changing the way the world thinks will. We need to see what we are killing, so that the horror of it will make us stop.
@MrMoeJK 12 жыл бұрын
Radiohead and Greenpeace = Perfect Match!
@itchywitch 3 жыл бұрын
My sentiments exactly!!!!!
@AmatiArtemisia 11 жыл бұрын
Reason why Greenpeace rejected it: "It was supported by the U.S. and Russian governments ... those who refuse to act against climate change and protect the Arctic Circle. We could believe their position is political greenwashing. It's non-sense to bring such a proposal and refuse to act on the fundamental problem of the Arctic. Now we must fight the cause of the disappearance of the polar bear, find solutions to a global level. We have to take responsibility to live up to the challenge."
@21tracks2life 11 жыл бұрын
The only thing, it wants you to think off, is that 1 day- you will pass this planet on, to the next person. Your son, your daughter, a friend; the next generation.This world is magnificent, one of a kind, unique with all that lives on it and is. We like to keep that,untouched- for as long as we can. Even though we have pretty much wrecked so much- every little bit helps- to prevent it from turning it into a further wreck. Environmentalists stick to actions, Jehovah's Witnesses preach for control
@JoeMcKnz 11 жыл бұрын
I'm not watching that I don't have an hour to spare. Look, it's very easy for someone to make up some bullshit on how "pollution doesn't exist" or "pollution isn't bad for the planet". I studied environmental science, trust me. The air you and I breathe is a very specific balance of gasses. If you change that balance (which we already have done) people start to become sick, signs of pollution start to show. That's a fact. You can't mark that off as bullshit because we can test what's in the air.
@WavyNavy1 11 жыл бұрын
It sucks that the ice caps are shrinking but the truth is that polar bears are more than capable of surviving on land, it is not like they are going to die out, they will have to compete with grizzly bears but still, they will survive. In order for humanity to operate like it is now we need oil, until of coarse solar and wind and water turbine power is used for the majority of the power needed.
@DDazzle1 12 жыл бұрын
Listen Hoss, There's no argument. Scientists say the Earth is heating, I've no place calling them wrong without conducting my own study--neither do you. This is the same science that allows me to send you messages at 99% of the speed of light; that gave us medicine; that explained our origins in simple terms; that gives us clean food and water; that tripled the life expectancy of humans in the last few centuries. Trust science to answer scientific questions. And, BTW, nice name, Mr.Makonnen.
@sorengz 12 жыл бұрын
Right. Change happens. But we keep making decisions, and we sort of have to weigh them against probable futures. I guess it depends on what kind of space one thinks one is making decisions within. I for one think that inspiring people to jump off the development/growth-at-every-price wagon also may provide us with one of our best chances for living in harmony with our environment. Before the industrial revolution/modern capitalism, people understood their dependence on nature more intuitively.
@Redflowers9 12 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry, I do appreciate that we need to be more careful and intelligent with the world... but I first thought that this was a Radiohead music video because that is Thom Yorke's style. I was just thinking to myself: "yeah, sometimes I can relate to that polar bear too" and then as soon as I heard the deeply concerned voice utter into existence, I knew it was some activist ad. lol, sorry but at least that's honest feed back
@TheSamBlonde 12 жыл бұрын
Beautifully made hard hitting short, Heartbreaking reality that is going ignored whilst majority are distracted with their dose of starbucks, material possessions & selfish mentalities. There is a saying, we are what we eat, medically that is actually on point, everything we eat affects our bodies, with nature it is similar, what we put out there has an effect on nature. We live in a world of consumerism and free energy is overlooked as there is no monetary gain for "those in power" #fact
@ct1p5 12 жыл бұрын
So what? I don't understand yours either. What system would you prefer? Monarchy, feudalism, communism; they all turned out pretty shitty for the average guy eh? So far capitalism has delivered ever higher living standards and life expectancy, even for the poor fucks at the bottom (and I am one!) but if you've got a better idea I'd love to hear it, tell us more! Otherwise, it's all just hot air, and that's B.A.D. for polar bears right?
@Kenxan17 12 жыл бұрын
Do you want to kill them now you hunters? You'll be reported by the animal welfare yes but, no do not give them a hell life please? Just let them live of what they want. Do you still want to kill them? Tell me and say why the fish dude.... why the fish.... just give them fish and they will trust you but, do not kill them for they have cool coats and meat. I am very disappointed with animal abusers that are like that. They want to kill innocent bears? They will go through the animal society yes.
@Kenxan17 12 жыл бұрын
We love polar bears and why kill the polar bears if they're so cool that you'll love them? You threaten their family it will kill you. You are killed by a polar bear meaning you've seen their killer zone. You wanna hunt them over their coats? Hunters yes there are hunters that wants their coats once killed the polar bear they eat the meat and sell the coat. Law of nature of what hunters say. It is wrong they have feelings too you know? Learn their ways and you'll see their true potential. :3
@iGhost 12 жыл бұрын
Actually no need to. You have no idea how much young children know so much about current technologies these days. They learn increasingly fast and and a lot would just go into technology related uni and jobs. Despite what people have been saying how tech industries destroys the environment, they are also the ones supports their children into studying related courses just so they can get a job in our curreny technology industry. Its the least of my worries tbh.
@kepagarmendia 12 жыл бұрын
I've been to the Arctic and I've seen this unique place, untouched by greedy humans. But it is changing already...I´ve seen the dramatic changes we are creating. A good example is how polar bears are starving in these areas, with nothing to eat...Our behaviour is breaking the nature´s chain, and these regions are particularly fragile. Are we really among the intelligent species? Are we going to wake up someday?
@iGhost 12 жыл бұрын
Posted it to read comments like this. In case you did not notice, the "Problem? :P" at the end give away my sarcasm. Since bears bring their weapons with them in the form of paws, claws, teeth and brute strength, it is only fair for me to bring my share of weapons ranging from, shotguns, rifles, heck maybe even rocket launchers in the form of brute strength. About that selfish-shit ppl like me, I'd like to see a bear that shares their territory and food with other bears. Thanks for your time.
@domnmaxnmindy 12 жыл бұрын
There will be no bounds to there malice; by there strong limbs the vast forests of the world shall be laid low; and when they are filled with food they shall gratify their desires by dealing out death, labour, terror, and banishment to every living thing. Nothing shall remain on the earth or under the earth, or in the waters that shall not be pursued, disturbed, or spoiled.And their bodies shall be made the tomb and the means of transit of all the living bodies they have slain. Leonardo da Vinci
@picknage 12 жыл бұрын
As for Greenpeace being like terrorists. That's just funny and I hope you really stop and think about statements like that. The other side does not play fair at all. This is not really the place to talk about propaganda from all sides but I do think it is funny how people stand up for companies that basically buy laws to make more money and really don't care about the people that parrot their point of view- if it wasn't such an important issue I would have to love the irony of that.
@picknage 12 жыл бұрын
I always think there are two issues here- one is climate change and the other is use of resources. Whatever you think of climate change then surely people can't think they way we use things is sustainable? It seems sad that people who don't believe in climate change use this as an excuse to do nothing do save or recycle resources, or that it is alright to ruin things for future generations of both people and plants and animals.Let's starting saving things for our kids- or don't you want that?
@TheErik249 12 жыл бұрын
Canada and Russia. They'll go where the food is. They'll go somewhere. Life allways finds a way. I live in Seattle. 35 years ago,Bald Eagles where pictures in a book. Now,I see them everyday. They've been around longer than humans. They will dwindle but,they'll still be hear. None of us truly know though. If you've got another idea for them,please feel free to share. I'm listening.
@DezFramboesas 12 жыл бұрын
On real life, polar bears are as vulnerable as in this video. Yeah, polar bears would eat humans if they were in London. But the goal is not to document anything. The goal is to make people conscious of what's going on right now in a place that is far from our eyes - and would the situation be diferent if this was happening in our city? The goal is to move people; make them stop, think and ACT. Pity it didn't move you.
@divinedgar 12 жыл бұрын
i take the film as a metaphor. it's about trying to make the right choices, making civil leaders make the right choices; or at least trying to make some noise to those leaders. it is not about a single homeless bear in london, but the environment in general. i agree that one video is not going to change everything, but maybe change a collective mindset. and you're right, the earth will change regardless, but some action on some fronts needs to be taken. how we do that is still uncertain.
@TheErik249 12 жыл бұрын
Every mammal on Earth earns its right to live. Yes,the climate and the sea are warming. Yes,we are headed into uncertain times. Yes,I believe. But,a mammal adapts to its surroundings. If the BEAR is going to survive,it must migrate. WE,cannot save the BEAR. They've survived an ice age,they'll survive this. These things take time. I believe in the BEAR. Long live the BEAR. Thank you for listening.
@startvideonow 12 жыл бұрын
you have the large majority of the people in the world that want to save the earth, you have actors, sports athletes, singers etc using their image because they want the same. And none of that will make the difference because the politics don't let us. this is a fucked up world we live in, it's like what the greenpeace says : '' when the last tree is cut own, the last fish eaten, and the last stream poisoned, you will realize that you cannot eat money''.
@jamesdonn2008 12 жыл бұрын
Wow, the video is great, the music is just as good as we come to expect from radio head. But more stunning than that are the polarised comments from both sides of the debate. What is wrong with us that makes us so aggressive about such a compassionate subject. There is so obviously no write or wrong on this subject, just better and worse. I for one hope we make the better choice.
@tintinplumb 12 жыл бұрын
So you're suggesting we do nothing and not help the only people who are willing to? Its human nature to only work for what is beneficial to us, I am not saying that greenpeace is not getting something out of this. But at least they are raising awareness, just like in this video, and are "willing" to help. And I respect that The world's environment has changed & its true, we can at least help animals from getting extinct because this will affect us all when it comes to the natural circle of life
@timeteo9 12 жыл бұрын
I hate to break it to you guys, but the arctic's still there and will probably still be there for ages to come. Polar bears are on the up, and the idea of one walking around homeless in a city like in the video is absolutely absurd... This winter the global warming scandal will encounter some extreme difficulties as temperatures worldwide fall. The antarctic is already experiencing the coldest temperatures for decade!
@divinedgar 12 жыл бұрын
well, i'm now convinced that you're educated with the name calling. and with that in mind, professor, your solution and obvious care of nature, is to keep drilling. now i know we're screwed. now i'm really depressed that someone with your mind-blowingly, impressive credentials has posted such childish statements and seems quite obtuse to the aim and production of this video. also, if you're so god-damned smart, why don't you come up with an advancement, instead of relying on this toxic crap.
@DeniseAshurstUK 12 жыл бұрын
There is nothing we can say here that will stop engineers believing that they can control the consequences of their interventions, sadly, but letters to your MPs and to the Directors / Chief Executives and Chairs of Boards of would be polluters will help... Strength in numbers... We have to match the lobbying they will be funding by force of numbers.... This requires effort and time... I am up for that... I'll still post messages here, just for causing a commotion for the Spiders sake!
@wakingtheworld 12 жыл бұрын
Thanks for that but have since sussed this out and feel a complete idiot but good costume, eh. The eyes 'blink' too but that will have been added later!
@soroksarcity 12 жыл бұрын
cool story, everyone cries when a polar bear gets homeless, but they don't give a damn when they see a homeless person...
@bluefoz 11 жыл бұрын
You completely missed the point here. The video mocks the notion that polar bears will be fine, even if we drill the arctic for oil and natural ressources. A polar bear belongs on the ice in the arctic, and if we destroy its home, then it will have nowhere to go. A polar bear living anywhere other than in the arctic is not going to happen, and that is what this video is about.
@shinymaraweera9551 12 жыл бұрын
We all use oil everyday it has become one of oiler basic needs but this is a habit that we can break if we just give renewable energy a chance if all those money hungry corporate thieves would have some faith an put their precious money into help sustaining the future instead of destroying it we could all be happy. Compromise is the key
@ershawogan 12 жыл бұрын
I give a damn about both, and based on personal experience as a major city dweller, I can report that most of the people I know also give a damn. I don't understand what you are taking issue with here. Concern for environmental justice not leaving room for concern for social justice? I think the two are intricately linked.
@Kenxan17 12 жыл бұрын
Debate: We need more polar bears in order to make people see that they're so cool that they must not die, yes you can see them on in a zoo cuz' they need proper care and all. Do you really want to kill these innocent polar bears? Just tell us why then. Give us a real answer to this. Give us everything what you think of.
@Kenxan17 12 жыл бұрын
Oil from Yemen and other countries are cool they must set up a deal on this if only the government will apply to this current situation. Trust me it will be good if they set up a deal on this and yes, what we need is not corruption you people. What we need is those who care about that animal. Do not care? Do not say anything then.
@iGhost 12 жыл бұрын
It is interesting how you keep saying humans are pathetic and yet you cannot bring about killing yourself because you have a family to care about. Contradicting much? This only shows that you have a conscience and intellectually advanced than animals in the wild. Wild animals have been known to kill their offsprings without a second thought
@picknage 12 жыл бұрын
"we can't prevent it" Should we not try? I hate this modern day attitude of "that's the way it is so..." or "we can't change things" that DOES NOT make it right! Are you saying we should not reuse and recycle, have better fuel efficiency, have renewable energy etc. Because if you are they you are helping leave a worse place for YOUR kids and grandkids
@KaikeDoCarmo 12 жыл бұрын
It's horrible how these helpless animals are living this life of hardship, dying of hunger, drowning etc. We as humans need to not just respect these animals, but the planet we live in. This is becoming out of control and needs to be seen as a life threatening problem not just for these animals but for us in the generations to come.
@DominiqueJavet 12 жыл бұрын
Less conversation and more action! And stop making movie to rise money, I'm waiting more from Greenpeace than putting names under a flag in the artic... be passive witnesses prouved that's inefficient in the past, you have to act on a more direct way. And the best part, you have money to do so with your millions annual budget.
@Lazlotoja 12 жыл бұрын
I'm not sure if you are joking. Imagine that your home place is erased from the face of the Earth and you are about to choose: becoming homeless wanderer or take a "nice apartment" at the concentration camp. I actually think that we are lost as a human race. It's just question of time we are wiped out of this planet. For it's benefit of course.
@nashwa1nosha1smokey 12 жыл бұрын
Its not a real bear :) Its like, an animatron...its not a real polar bear. No one's ignoring him or anything...it would be pretty hard to ignore a polar bear in the streets of London! :) Your concern is very touching though...its great to know how some people care!! The point of the video was to show you the damages people make to the polar bear's real home, the Arctic.
@MegaTrailerparkboys 12 жыл бұрын
its not an opinion this video is an opinion research it dont listen to greenpeace have u ever done any of ur own research or been to the arctic?
@crowgrrrl 11 жыл бұрын
If compassion and wonder at nature is not enough, consider that the Arctic is not somewhere else, it's part of your living, breathing, interconnected ecosystem and home. We'll kill ourselves with our greed and pride. It's a shame we'll take out all the other things that are so beautiful first.
@jcdenial 11 жыл бұрын
Guys... please.. just ignore the troll....hahahaha "Fuck it man, let's go hunt some polar bears and drill for some nice crude oil, god I love oil so much, it's the bes thing in the world." "We gotta exploit resources!" I honestly hope no one is taking this seriously...
@widakusuma 11 жыл бұрын
I dont know that polar bears act like a wild dog/cat. I love them, it's just not appropriate to depict them that way, you know wondering around the streets, sniffing things, or get into the traffic. Please make more realistic yet intriguing and touching video.
@maxrome67 12 жыл бұрын
If you came here you either like Radiohead, Jude Law or Polar bears (or maybe even all 3 of them) If you don't like any just move along, nothing to see here only a beautiful endangered species, a cool Radiohead song and Jude Law giving a heart felt narrative.......
@futurfry 12 жыл бұрын
You sure? I've watched plenty of videos like that. Humans can live literally anywhere.. this animal cannot, and that's our fault. THAT'S why the video means something. By the way, I've seen plenty of videos of homeless people, and seen/met many on the street.
@kosherlocust99 12 жыл бұрын
Massive pity about the depressing as all hell Radiohead number - but I suppose it is quite apt considering how sad it all is. Still, it's hard for me to get behind anything Radiohead is a part of. Oh alright, I support. by the way, this is a simply brilliant idea.
@mirandacollett 12 жыл бұрын
Overpopulation is killing our planet - why don't more people take a stand against this? If the human race stopped breeding so indiscriminately, we would not need this formerly pristine region in the Arctic. Meanwhile, I think this is an excellent video clip and quite hard hitting. Thanks!
@iGhost 12 жыл бұрын
Posted it to read comments like this. In case you did not notice, the "Problem? :P" at the end give away my sarcasm. But since you called me an idiot, carebears like you would actually be the first to die should any said apocalypse arrives Thanks for your time.
@LeoBeoo 12 жыл бұрын
the world is absolutely not over populated, the problem is the equal distribution of food and so on. We use Korn for heating an buy useless junk while people don´t have the possibility to build a simple well. Don´t repeat just slogans you hear like a parrot, read some books and make your own opinion.
@warbabybites 12 жыл бұрын
What an interesting viewpoint. My memory must be misfiring - please refresh it by letting me know the last time that any animal species decimated vast tracts of the planet or practised genocide on a global scale. Awaiting your words of wisdom with bated breath.
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