Like your home cooking style. Simple is best. I bet is yummy too. I do not know of any restaurant in Houston, Texas in the US that serve Abalone Chicken Congee and I probably can't afford anyway.
@VeryGood_VeryGood3 жыл бұрын
⬇️⬇️English recipe follows⬇️⬇️ 鮑魚雞粥 材料: 新鮮鮑魚8隻 急凍雞扒2塊 白米3/4膠嘜 程序: 1. 大火在煲內煲滾清水1升。 2. 白米,清水浸5分鐘。 3. 雞扒,清水解凍。 4. 鮑魚,用不鏽鋼羹,從它的嘴刮出鮑魚肉,然後除去內臟。 5. 水已煲滾,加入白米,大火滾起,繼續攪拌,避免黐底。 6. 粥滾起後,轉慢火,放一雙筷子在煲上留一條縫隙,避免滾瀉。 7. 鮑魚肉,加入生粉1湯匙,捽乾淨,清水沖洗乾淨,擎乾水。 8. 雞扒已解凍,倒去水分,用粗鹽1湯匙乸15分鐘,清水沖洗乾淨,擎乾水,用廚紙索乾。 9. 雞扒,切去脂肪,切粒。 10. 雞粒,加入調味料: a. 胡椒粉半茶匙 b. 雞汁半湯匙 c. 生粉1/4茶匙 撈勻。 11. 粥已煮成稀飯,加入滾水至適當稠厚度,攪勻。 12. 粥已滾起,加入雞肉,轉大火至再滾起,放鮑魚,再煮2分鐘。 13. 完成,倒入大碗內,可享用。 Abalone chicken porridge Ingredients: Fresh abalone 8 Nos. Frozen chicken steak 2 Nos. Plain rice 3/4 measure cup Steps: 1. Heat up water 1L at high flame in pot. 2. Plain rice, soak in tap water for 5 minutes. 3. Chicken steak, defrost in tap water. 4. Abalone, get the flesh with a stainless steel spoon. Remove the intestines afterwards. 5. Water boils up, add in plain rice. Boil it up at high flame. Continue stirring. 6. Turn to low flame after boils up. Put a pair chopsticks between the pot and its lid avoiding boil over. 7. Flesh of abalone, add in tapioca starch 1 tbsp, rub until it is clean. Rinse thoroughly. Drain. 8. Chicken steak has been defrosted, pour away water. Season with cooking salt 1 tbsp for 15 minutes. Rinse thoroughly. Drain. Dry with kitchen towels. 9. Chicken steak, cut off the fat. Dice it. 10. Season the chicken: a. Pepper 0.5 tsp b. Chicken sauce 0.5 tbsp c. Tapioca starch 1/4 tsp Mix well. 11. Porridge has been cooked in form of congee. Add in appropriate amount of water to a suitable thickness. Mix well. 12. Porridge boils up, add in chicken. Turn to high flame until boils up again. Put abalone, boil for 2 minutes more. 13. Complete. Pour into a big bowl. Serve.