Ace Analyst: 10 Things to Ensure MLP G5's Survival

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MasterCode Ace Analyst

MasterCode Ace Analyst

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Generation 5 of MLP has had a rocky start and has yet to really regain it's ground with storytelling on par with Frienship is Magic. Today we'll be discussing 10 things G5 must do to ensure it's survival.
Twitter: / mastercodeaa

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@sleipnirthe8th339 Жыл бұрын
Maybe a hot take, I feel tell your tale should of been what Mym is supposed to be, don’t misunderstand it as replacing it, I mean, the TyT episodes could of easily become full length, their slice of life, simple lessons and establishment episodes give a charm that we need more of, this is what made g4 so great. We need more slice of life stories and establishments
@Star_Strike Жыл бұрын
I think the main reason G5 is limited to three locations is because the animation budget is too low for the animators to build the sets needed for stories taking place outside of Maretime Bay. I am willing to bet this is why we didn't get to see any of Bridlewood or Zephyr Heights in Chapter 2. Once Winter Wishday came out though, they were able to build the sets for Bridlewood and Zephyr Heights because the sets for Maretime Bay were complete. Sparky Sparky Boom Man XD
@sleipnirthe8th339 Жыл бұрын
I like that idea with the characters Goals, cause it’s definitely something we need to be invested in wile progressing in episodes. I like the idea with hitch maybe wanting to advance maretime bays or even equestrians whole security and safety, maybe becoming part of the royal guard
@daviddyer3543 Жыл бұрын
11. Let the Mane 5 and co go to the G4 places and restore them (Manehattan needs Rarity for You brought back in business and a Mane Melody built near it. But for the time being, Canterlot IS STILL OFF LIMITS because Opaline still controls what used to be Celestia's (Princess Twilight's) Castle. I'm surprised that Opaline is not planning a full scale invasion of Maretime Bay yet. 12. The Mane 5 should be able to contact the spirits of the other Mane Six. Also, are there other Apple family members still here?
@SilverSpoonRiche Жыл бұрын
6:40 This is what galls me, I LOVE Opaline and Misty in TYT. They FIT in a cartoon environment like Team Rocket. Misty is adorable and Opaline is hilarious in TYT, not only that, through the amulete Opal gets to INTERACT physically with the environment. She may as well be a hologram like the Emperor Palpatine in A New Hope. Do you think Team Rocket would fit in a live action or CGI Pokemon movie without massive changes? No, they wouldn't.
@FunkiNeon Жыл бұрын
G5 already has a strong foundation all it needs is more secondary characters with their own arcs and a larger storyline and it’s good to go
@HandheldGamer1991 Жыл бұрын
They dont care we have 2 shows and the comics and all have problems and make the cast of g4 look like morons. I just consider g5 at this point to be some alterante universe were twilight had brain damage or something after derpy droped a second piano on her.
@StarMic-o7 18 күн бұрын
The joke at the end killed me _💀_
@johnpavlick7740 Жыл бұрын
I would agree that G5 could use a lot of improvement, but I feel like it’s a question of whether Hasbro wants it to succeed or not. If they want to repeat G4’s success they know how to do it. Get the most competent creators they can and give them total freedom. However, I see Hasbro is either struggling internally with their management and finances, or they very deliberately want Bronies check out so they won’t have any more fandom drama.
@Vigriff Жыл бұрын
Possibly both.
@sleipnirthe8th339 Жыл бұрын
Can I Just say… The producers and writers should take those kinds of fans and fan theories for granted. Cause they are trying to fix there problems, plotwholes and such. And even create new interesting story ideas out of these problems. “Take notes producers if you care enough, we are just trying to save your show“
@sonicspeedproductions2.04 Жыл бұрын
You do realize g5 just got here right? You're rushing the g4 lore too quickly bruh
@sleipnirthe8th339 Жыл бұрын
@@sonicspeedproductions2.04 im not just talking about the g4 Continuety, cause their also are Problems g5 has in itself, like the writing and such. I feel the people are both trying too hard and not as much sometimes. Not that I don’t hate g5, I can still give a lot of positive, it’s just that, The problem and plotwholes do really stick out, and have to be improved or be addressed sooner or later. Ya get what I mean
@anotheryoutubeaccount5259 Жыл бұрын
@@sonicspeedproductions2.04 Exactly. Fans are clueless on what G5 even is.
@sleipnirthe8th339 Жыл бұрын
@@anotheryoutubeaccount5259 still tho, even in its early start, it leaves a not as Good Impression That what g4 left us, but of course I can Wait for them to improve, the thing is they let us wait too long. The same time I’m not sure if they ever gonna address the plotwholes or gonna explain them satisfyingly
@somerandomdude7785 Жыл бұрын
I agree with you about Hitch. He should be a cold judge, jury & executioner, using animals as his lackeys, something that Fluttershy has never done.
@albatross1688 Жыл бұрын
I don't know if I'd go that far. I do kind of like that he has a quirky side too. I just don't like how it's handled. Being very Twilight Sparkle like in wanting things orderly and organized is a character flaw that makes sense to his character. The other forced quirkiness by and large seems out of character, and fails to amuse me in the slightest.
@anotheryoutubeaccount5259 Жыл бұрын
@maravreloaded 3 ай бұрын
8:20 long term goals can carry-on a show FOREVER. I mean, look at Pokémon. It took 25 YEARS to Ash Ketchum to become a Pokémon master.
@starcatcher9699 Жыл бұрын
If I'm being honest, the only thing I personally find interesting about Sunny is her mom and dad. We don't even have a hint as to who her mom is and Argyle's past fascinates me. Meanwhile: Zipp is the true protagonist, she's actually trying to preserve magic. Leading to her being a little overzealous at times and I love it. Pipp... has musical numbers. Not the most interesting thing but I love musical numbers, even the bad ones, except for rap and screamo. And, being a singer, she will provide that which I crave. Hitch's relationship with Sparky is gonna be interesting if/when they meet the dragons. I also want to know if he'll have some kind of brotherly relationship with Spike. I hope so because that sounds adorable. Izzy's childhood interests me. We don't know where her parents are or if they're alive. We just know that she didn't have friends back home because of her bright sparkles. Dr. wolf suggested that Izzy and Sunny could be long lost sisters though I'm starting to think that she's related to Misty. Misty is obviously going to be a member of the Mane Six, Opaline controlled and abused her so much that she never got a Cutie Mark which is horrifying to think about, and apparently Opaline saved her when she was young which means that either she wondered away or Opaline lured her away.
@gwendolyndunn8021 Жыл бұрын
Ah, so Misty was like Towa, all she though about was a dream, and she blindly walked into the "forest of thorns" and then was manipulated for several years. People, this is Go Princess Precure levels of intrigue! USE IT! GO USE JAPAN FOR INSPIRATION IT WILL HELP!
@gwendolyndunn8021 Жыл бұрын
Continuing the Precure comparisons, I think Opaline fits the bill for a great Precure villain, and the Misty treatment leads to comparisons with 2 brainwahsed sixth rangers, due to their upbringing with a villain and being raised/indoctrinated by them into doing their bidding, but interactions lead to a potential face turn. Seriously, all we need are Precure writers and we're golden
@gwendolyndunn8021 Жыл бұрын
I already see the Misty face turn, because of the Precure parallels. Continual interaction and learning of better life and she'll face turn and become their sixth ranger.
@4agonism Жыл бұрын
I really hope they work on this show. I want to see the characters expanded upon and the story worked out, I want to see character growth and this video captured perfectly everything I have wrong with G5.At the same time, I have a lot of things right with it, and I hope that it's given the chance to develop like friendship is Magic did.
@gwendolyndunn8021 Жыл бұрын
Mastercode, you think babies are immune to development? Go see the current Precure Season Hirogaru Sky on its developing baby. Also there are other Precure seasons where a baby of some sort got involved and became key focus.
@StarzGecko Жыл бұрын
I believe I’m liking Fanfics of G5 more than the actual products Hasbro has released for G5 since the film. I loved the movie but everything afterwards has not been very entertaining while fanfics that were created after the film that at the time there was a long period of no new G5 content had completed filled me with entertainment and enjoyment. I completely agree with all the points even for Hitch since he was a real guy in the film. He didn’t just acted like a true man but rather lived like a real man would be like but than for some reason they dumb him down that makes me sound like some idiot that never finished school and has to rely on others for guidance over things that shouldn’t need any help with… It definitely annoys me that’s for sure… What Hitch should be is the honest and genuine friend in the M5 group like looking for advice or talking to not being dumber. Sunny’s goal should had been completing her father’s work and that would be bringing magic back because what if the Crystals wasn’t enough? It would be really neat if they had the M5 explore the unknown in like shows that have the main cast go off an adventure to save the world. Misty and Sprout duo is a good idea and I agree I do feel like the writers miss up with not using him more… they could had at least have Opaline hire him or something. With Hasbro having sale issues G5 I don’t see being a 10 year thing like G4.
@mohammedal-mustafamirghani5010 Жыл бұрын
The worst thing about Opaline to me, is that she is a rehash. A villain is after the magic of ponies(though they changed it to dragon fire later) and has an assistant/sidekick who is obviously gonna turn to the good side cause we ve never seen that before(cough Tirek & Storm King cough).Though I hope they try to do something unique with her.
@somerandomdude7785 Жыл бұрын
At the Tirek part Cozy Glow actually stayed evil to the end of FiM, never turned good.
@mohammedal-mustafamirghani5010 Жыл бұрын
@@somerandomdude7785 I am talking about Discord not Cozy in the episode Twilight's Kingdom. He helped Tirek in stealing the magic of ponies.
@garveyneal1672 Жыл бұрын
2:50 1. Exploration 4:14 2. Sparky Sparkaroni's character development 5:13 3. Opaline: True Villain arc 7:41 4. Long Term Goals 9:32 5. Misty Joins the Mane Cast 10:17 6. Developing G5 Lore 11:21 7. Fixing Hitch's Personalty 12:53 8. MYM and TYT separate Canon 13:41 9. Spourt the New Starlight 14:52 10. Writing and Pacing
@Peekofwar Жыл бұрын
I too want Misty to defect to the mane cast. Would also give her a chance to come forward and be honest about herself, and could even be how the mane cast even learns about Opaline's existence.
@MrConredsX Жыл бұрын
I think Misty joining Mane is very obvious, they already hinted at it by giving the Marestream plane the sixth seat so that's a given. Not sure if it happens in the next set of episodes but it's very likely it's going to be resolved if Opaline get the magic from Sparky
@dougsfilmtv9810 Жыл бұрын
I think they could explore the old places from G4 like Ponyville or Canterlot. What happend to the other creatures in G4 and where are they in G5? Why not bring back old characters as well? I think that would be an improvement.
@drewluczynski9609 Жыл бұрын
Okay, about the long term goal thing: Pinkie Pie didn’t have one until literally the last season. Fluttershy wasn’t until season 7 And Applejack never had one period. G5 is still within its first season. I think characters not having long term goals makes sense.
@catraaaaaa Жыл бұрын
Applejack has been working on her farm since the day she was born. She’s always had a goal
@drewluczynski9609 Жыл бұрын
@@catraaaaaa When compared to the others, that’s not really a long term goal. That’s just living the same life when you’re introduced
@catraaaaaa Жыл бұрын
@@drewluczynski9609 and as an adult she chose to continue working on the farm, AJ and Bigmac used to argue over who would take over the farm after granny passes away when they were younger, considering Bigmac has a child/a whole family to focus on in the finale its safe to say she is in control of it, shes making money off of the apple business while enjoying her work, good *goal*
@drewluczynski9609 Жыл бұрын
@@catraaaaaa I still stand by my point that Applejack’s goal was non existent and kind of helps with the weakening the point of goals for this current gen in this video
@albatross1688 Жыл бұрын
Am I to understand that the fandom has been misleading me all along and G5 isn't this highly successful start to a generation that's amazing and on par with G4, even surpassing it in some ways? I wholeheartedly agree with you, and have been led to believe I'm in the minority as someone who's been critical of G5 (even though I've kept up with every episode of both series). Regardless of how successful G5 is, it has a lot of problems IMHO from a quality perspective that ought to be addressed.
@sonicspeedproductions2.04 Жыл бұрын
That's your problem you people keep comparing g4 to g5
@albatross1688 Жыл бұрын
@@sonicspeedproductions2.04 To be fair, Hasbro's decision to tie the two series together surprisingly doesn't help us separate them.
@mohammedal-mustafamirghani5010 Жыл бұрын
@@albatross1688 Exactly, I also don't like people comparing G4 & G5, but you can't help it when Hasbro themselves marketed this as a continuation of G4, at this point they are asking for comparison.
@Sprakogkreativitet04 Жыл бұрын
Maybe misty should be new Starlight?
@JCBro-yg8vd Жыл бұрын
1. Zephyr Heights and Bridlewood are still ripe for further exploration, especially since Bridlewood is canonically now a part of what was the Everfree Forest. Why not have an episode where Zipp goes to Bridlewood to do some more digging into Misty's past, and learns that no one actually remembers ever seeing Misty? 2. Sparky is in the same boat as Flurry Heart: A baby character in and of itself is incapable of advancing the plot, they can contribute to other characters but they cannot hold the story on their own unless we're talking "Rugrats" which even then relied on exaggeration. 3. Opaline kind of reminds me of Crystal Empire King Sombra and 2017 movie Storm King. They're a complete joke that do nothing of interest even when the narrative wants you to assume they're the big bad. If they expect me to believe Opaline was the threat that brought down Twilight Sparkle, they need to do more than just make her one-dimensional evil. 4. Pipp starting a charity sounds like a good extension of her establishment of Mane Melody. Maybe she could become inspired to do something for charity after something happened to one of the Pippsqueaks. Hitch and Izzy definitely need some goals, otherwise they're at risk of being like Applejack in that they're completely content with where they want to be and have no desire to seek out conflicts. And Sunny at the very least should be pouring time into continuing her father's research. 5. I can pretty much guarantee this will happen at some point before long, especially with the way Opaline keeps treating Misty. 6. The crystals have me concerned that G5 is going to pull a "The Last Jedi" and undermine G4's happy ending so the new main characters can fix it. It didn't work then and it won't work now. Undermining the happy ending of the past is not a good way to go. "Legend of Korra", for all its missteps, showed how you do a continuation right: Things change, address issues that the old guard didn't get to fix or couldn't fix. 7. I understand that in a more slice of life based show, Hitch probably isn't going to be exactly like he was before. But we at least need to see him be more competent at his job and more proactive in trying to solve problems. If they really want him to be a dad, why not have him face the usual parenting dilemma of trying to juggle work with taking care of their child? 8. If TyT is to be canon to MyM, then TyT needs to stop doing what it's doing and needs to have the production values to reflect it. But at this point, I think it would be better if they just scrapped TyT, it's costing time and resources that should be put into MyM. TyT shouldn't be a crutch the writers used to get around having to explain things like the existence of the Brighthouse. 9. Definitely agree on the need to do more with Sprout. He's a childhood friend of two of the main characters, he doesn't deserve to be thrown away. I get the feeling that "A Maretime Bay Adventure" is supposed to be his canonical redemption story, but that game's story has so many holes and contradictions that make it impossible to fit into the timeline. 10. Probably would help if they weren't splitting up episodes across multiple "chapters" and wasting time on fourty four minute specials where nothing of substance happens. Also, it seems like the writing staff is very small, only four writers, which is not enough of a team to be able to develop any kind of long running show.
@pierre-mariecaulliez6285 Жыл бұрын
9. I figure an actual redemption for Sprout during the Opaline arc : after the main cast challenge and are rufflestomped by her, from the bench comes Sprout, of all pony, trying to rally everypony and defend themselves together ! Of course, he would be shot down due to his previous endeavor on the topic, and this would be a perfect opportunity for him to grow, rise and actually DESERVE the trust he abused earlier, giving the defeated main cast their second wind while he holds the line... Also, I have this weird idea in the back of my mind about Onyx, the poet of Bridlewood... During the special, we see that a unicorns' random sheer turned out to become a spell, and if you remember, Zecora decided to speak in rhymes to practice spellcrafting, even though she never achieved "proper" magic. I picture Onyx as becoming an accidental master spellcrafter (kind of like Sunburst, not nesseceraly a god level magician, but good with coming up with spells), devising the Mcguffin Fixitall spell just by expressing her feelings on a particular situation through poetry ! Not to be overused, but could Deus ex a couple medium crysises (also, her being shy about it and Pipp explaining to her the benefits of a pen name would be in character for Pipp ;7 )
@SpeedyFire229 Жыл бұрын
Here's what think about each one 1. I agree yes most of G4 took place in Ponyville and having live in a small ag town myself I liked that but I agree they need to explain (especially bring in the old G4 town) 2. Yes he needs to grow up soon because all he's been so far is the main cast taking care of a baby 3. Yeah she's been around for this long yet all she's been doing is be the stereotypical mustached top hat villain and there's still stuff they need to explain especially before she finally powers up 4. Agree they need to do more because so far it's just seems they are kicking the can down the road for there goals 5. Yes give us our complete Mane 6 6. Yeah the past needs to get talked about because even if all the pony races started to hate each other but even in real life you can't just say all of Baltimore Vegas Philadelphia New York just moved into just 3 towns 7. Yeah Hitch Changed completely I hope they can bring those traits back before he suddenly becomes just clueless 8. Yes because most people won't watch both especially since Make Your Mark keeps getting told as the main storyline 9. Yes Sprout just isn't a background charter 10. Agree at times it seems the writers are trying to find a reason get a fill a 30 Minute time slot so when there is something important that needs to be done it seems either forgotten or forgetful
@mylife-23 Жыл бұрын
I like the color pallet
@newbiegamelover4767 7 ай бұрын
I haven't seen any of G5, but judging from what you said about the main series and the Tell Your Tail series, it sounds like the creators are treating it like a sort of ARG. And a not very well set up one, either.
@alexcanine4948 Жыл бұрын
@copingflower1909 Жыл бұрын
G5 is just a mess, and it really sucks that it is, we probably won't ever get anything like G4 again offically with both current day cartoons shitting on having everyone enjoy them, to modern day Hasbro who have been undercutting almost all of their brands for the sake of a big fat return on investment, or lack there of
@SilverSpoonRiche Жыл бұрын
Ah to be fair, there are four locations. The b!tch Queen (I forget her na) Oh Oplaine's castle is another location. But yeah, both the former land of Equestria and the number of ponies are greatly diminished. I wager about a couple 1000 left on the planet with Z Heights containing the bulk of the survivors with no other intelligent life forms left in this sad sorry land.
@travissmith2848 Жыл бұрын
That's sure how it looks!
@SilverSpoonRiche Жыл бұрын
@@travissmith2848 There is not even an Equestria left despite the characters saying there is. There is three separate independent city states. Well that's being generous. Z Heights is the only entity with a central government and infrastructure. I can only guess they are printing the paper bill bits we see the other townsfolk use. I don't know how Maretime Bay even operates with Hitch as the only authority figure. And Bridalwood is basically a hippie commune with no authority figure other than the fattest gaming guy. And there is only like a couple dozen or so Unicorns left in all the land that was Equestria. Pretty grim.
@travissmith2848 Жыл бұрын
@@SilverSpoonRiche Yeah....... Clearly not everything in between is a smoking crater, but nothing in the movie or so far in the show even hints that there is anything else. Lost cities? Lost tribes? One would think these must be out there and they pose quite the opportunity for stories.
@SilverSpoonRiche Жыл бұрын
@@travissmith2848 Canterlot lies in ruins. That's canon thanks to the IDW comic. Feels like we missed some sort of Fallout Equestria type era and now the land has been restored but the population of the planet has not. I guess ponies forgot how to mate or there was a mass sterilization of the tribes. Unicorns are about extinct in this timeline. And that's just the ponies. All wild life and domesticated pets now have horns or wings. Weird. Even Opaline was shocked and confused when a snail flew through her magic floating smoke head in TYT.
@travissmith2848 Жыл бұрын
@@SilverSpoonRiche Kinda figured with Canterlot. The castle Opaline is living in is rather..... distinctive. I guess what I'm trying to say is that with a once wide spread and thriving civilization with the equivalent of around 1970's tech in the metropolitan areas seemingly reduced so drastically and only now developing 2000's tech there has to be a great many stories to tell about how and lots of old places to find. Possibly even other survivors from guess we can call it the purge. On the other hand, we know of at least one earth pony cabin some distance away from Maritime Bay, and the place doesn't look like it has a movie production studio, but does have a theater showing a blockbuster film. Which, again, shows a great place to visit in a story if only a little bit of thought were put into world building.
@Peekofwar Жыл бұрын
What if Hitch was replaced by Chrysalis or a changeling drone? Just a thought.
@dripcat7332 Жыл бұрын
I actually wrote 3 whole episodes for S2 and backstorys and everything about how eq fell and what happend between g4 and g5.Heck I even wrote how the ponys tribes split apart.That could actually save g5 and even make a pretty good and memorible show!!
@user-lp4ux8pg1n Жыл бұрын
Can I take a look?
@dripcat7332 Жыл бұрын
@@user-lp4ux8pg1n I mabey make a weebcomic in the future about it
@eagelcat Жыл бұрын
I agree with you pretty-much I think the best thing is to do with Haitian merge the new version of the character with the old version of the caricatures
@somerandomdude7785 Жыл бұрын
As for Zipp, instead of being a detective, she could either be a scientist or a soldier in the frontlines.
@SilverSpoonRiche Жыл бұрын
Oh and they need to STOP with the Sparky magic fart jokes in TYT, good Luna! /)_- I just want to say this was a great video, even though i don't agree about certain things and I am not sure it can be saved. I've pretty much lost hope and ready to bail in a lifeboat with my emotion and sanity in tact and watch it sink. -_-
@n.b.eskerata1678 Жыл бұрын
I agree with every point you have made. Even if the show creator's ignore everything this video says (they will), at least you said what a lot of other bronies were thinking. G5 has a very, VERY steep hill to climb. One thing I hope the show addresses is where all the non-ponies species went. Did all the Kirin, Changelings, Griffons, Ect, die? Or did they move to Arizona? Or what?
@FuriousFanBoy- Жыл бұрын
probs move to ohio
@shampooh8r Жыл бұрын
The moment when you suggested that Sprout and Misty would meet and become friends, you just gave everyone shipping fuel.
@yondaime500 Жыл бұрын
My two main problems with G5 (aside from the overall writing issues like boring dialogue) actually come from the movie's shortsightedness: - The world is too small and limited, because the movie established that only 3 pony cities are left, and they didn't interact with one another for centuries, so it follows that the rest of the world is basically empty. Apparently the writers are trying to fix that with the "magic bubble" thing, so we'll see how it goes. - Sunny is too passive as a protagonist, because her one life goal was accomplished in the movie, so now she's just enjoying it. She even says so in Winter Wishday: "It already came true". Compare that to Strawberry Shortcake's wish in her New Year episode. Or Kipo Oak in basically every episode of her show. I don't mind the other characters doing their slice of life thing, but at least the protagonist needs to be doing something to progress the story.
@Calbeck Жыл бұрын
You make great points. Problem is, Hasbro is having a number of financial problems, which if you noticed elsewhere, resulted in their recent move to monetize the fan side of D&D (which they own through Wizards of the Coast). What that means to MLP is that the current push here is the same there: to make more money. So they're focusing down on toy sales. Sparky is going to remain a "toyetic" character - cute for cuteness' sake - simply because Hasbro thinks that will sell better to little girls, which remain MLP's target audience. Almost everything else about G5 is following this "toyetic" arc - and the writers for each series openly say they don't actually care about tying any of the lore together. That's a thing ADULTS care about. Despite G4 immediately resulting in a massive spike of toy sales, the assumption at Hasbro is that these were all (or at least mostly) being bought for little girls. It didn't matter how often they were told that "grown a$$ men" were buying merch, "those are just outliers". So they just don't see any reason to implement any of these ideas - it would just be them spending more money, to NOT get more money, so far as they believe. So why G4 then, folks may reasonably ask? Simple: Hasbro thought the IP was functionally dead at the time Lauren came in. Remember, G3.5 wasn't beloved even in its own time. Plus, doing things in Flash made the show cheaper. G3.5 was as cheaply done as it was because G3 had kind of flopped even with lots of expensive animation (relatively speaking). Hasbro WANTED to do a new series for toy marketing, but didn't really care what was IN it so long as it didn't cost them a lot of money to DO it. Perfect storm. Someone who cared about the IP and had brilliant ideas for rejuvenating it was given the reins - at least until it took off again, at which point the Money Eyes opened up and Hasbro started Hasbroing again. G1 was originally great. G2 was not bad for its era, but everyone agrees it "lost the magic". G3 overcorrected in that department. What we're seeing is likely a repeat of the cycle - we are back in Gen 2, but with CGI.
@VcSaJen Жыл бұрын
"Hasbro is having a number of financial problems" MYM chapters 1-3 were written before any problems "Sparky is going to remain a "toyetic" character - cute for cuteness' sake" Not if they plan to make a talking toy out of him: he must talk for that to happen "and the writers for each series openly say they don't actually care about tying any of the lore together" Never said that "being bought for little girls" And that's true: BECAUSE little girls like quality writing and animation. Faust was proven right. "G2 was not bad for its era" G2 show didn't exist.
@travissmith2848 Жыл бұрын
And what is more toyetic than Zipp's detective gear? Heck, Not only could you have a "Detective Zipp" standalone release, but you could have an roll-play set with strong STEM elements!
@Calbeck Жыл бұрын
@@VcSaJen Most toys sold to girls are non-talking. There's never been a need to make a talking baby toy. And Hasbro's been having these problems for YEARS. This is not a sudden thing, just an increasingly difficult one for them, and was the primary reason they brought folks over from Microsoft to run Wizards of the Coast. Which led to the current OGL issues that have the D&D community up in arms.
@Calbeck Жыл бұрын
@@travissmith2848 Don't believe there won't be! -:D
@anotheryoutubeaccount5259 Жыл бұрын
Sensible comment. I doubt G4 made much money toward the end of it's lifespan, most of the herd of ironic/unironic male creep fans that flocked to FIM in the early day had already dispersed.
@turtletum Жыл бұрын
I personally agree with all these points. The fact that the majority of what G5's missing is Basic Storytelling & Writing 101 gets on my last nerve. There was potential even in A New Generation; I despised it, but finally got to a point where the first half is actually enjoyable. When it comes to Hitch, he's my favorite character. Regardless of the changes, he's the most tolerable in the series, however, Movie Hitch is the best version of his development. Overall, idk what may happen this year or next, but they better do something quick; the fire is already spreading.
@travissmith2848 Жыл бұрын
Don't forget "voice acting" that is more narrating with funny voices than real dialog.
@jakafontorkar9776 Жыл бұрын
The comics were good...? Did we read the same G5 comics? Because only the first issue was anything that could be considered good, but then again, Force Awakens was considered good, until The Last Jedi turned its ugly face, and in hindsight, even the 1st issue isn't very good. I honestly prefer TYT because it's more comedy focused and doesn't make G4 elements a mockery. Anyway, pretty much all of this, but in the "current year" where people in charge are creatively bankrupt I don't see anything changing. And if Tony Fleecs, who's been an active writer for G4 comics really is gonna join the creative team, then he's gonna have a Herculean task ahead of him to make sure he doesn't repeat the faq-up that the comics did in explaining HOW Equestria collapsed (because that was BAD writing on the level that can't be described).
@somerandomdude7785 Жыл бұрын
How about adding elements of eastern animated shows so it would appeal to eastern audiences too?
@anotheryoutubeaccount5259 Жыл бұрын
How about no. Isn't there enough anime around?
@lifeslogical8895 Жыл бұрын
If they’d just spend the money and stay faithful to g4 lore without wiping it clean.😢
@rowanrawlz1871 Жыл бұрын
For misty: yeah they are heavily hinting at her joining. Her character archetype kinda requires it anyway
@albatross1688 Жыл бұрын
At the very least we know she's going to turn on Opaline and side with the Mane Five at some point. It would make sense for her to join the group. Whether what should happen does though remains to be seen, given how many missed opportunities for things this series has so far.
@rowanrawlz1871 Жыл бұрын
@@albatross1688 Well i mean if she wasnt gonna join them then they wouldnt be constantly hinting it
@albatross1688 Жыл бұрын
@@rowanrawlz1871 True, and I would be 100% with you if G5 was a series that wasn't plagued with decisions that don't make sense. As it stands I'm 50/50 on whether Misty will join the Mane Five, or if she will just be forgotten about like Sprout after the current arc.
@FuriousFanBoy- Жыл бұрын
vvooohoooo mane 6 2.0 + a baby dragon! classic
@changelingkingcocoon5029 Жыл бұрын
G5 is relagated to 3 locations you say? You're not wrong. But where was G4 at the beginning? Relataged to 3 locations (Ponyville, Canterlot, and the Everfree Forest). It looks like G5 is on par in that regards so far. More so considering one of G4's beginning locations was just a forest. As you said, G4 did exploration LATER in the show. At the beginning, it was primarily relegated to Ponyville. I agree that G5 should start exploring more at some point. But right now, it's okay to keep it simple. G3 Spike wasn't "just hatched". He was just sleeping. G4 Spike was only a baby dragon relatively to other dragons. But he was just as old as the CMC, and perhaps more mature. I don't have much to say in defense of Opaline. To be honest, with her and Misty, G5 is beginning to feel like that MLP rip off show. You mentioned how memorable the villains of G4 was. But you left out Sombra. Was he not memorable enough? Although, you may not have noticed this. But Opaline's castle is in fact Canterlot Castle. That's a neet little tidbit. Why do the characters need "clear goals"? Again, when G4 began, the characters didn't have clear goals. I suppose you could argue that Twilight, being Celestia's pupil had a goal because of that. But her personal goal in that sense is actually less than Zipp's, because unlike Twilight, Zipp actually knows she's going to take the thrown. Rainbow Dash does have the goal of becoming a Wonderbolt. And Rarity expanding her fashion empire. But that leaves half of the cast without clear goals. And it was likely more clear what G4's character goals were to the characters because Cutie Marks played a bigger role in that regards. Technically, Sunny had already achieved her goal, and that was bringing Earth Ponies, Unicorns, and Pegasi together and bringing back magic. Misty will likely become a member of the main cast. It was eluded to in the Xmas special, with the bus having 6 seats. I have no argument about developing lore. It's been demonstrated that Hitch doesn't like change. So it would make sense that he's more nervous now than he was in the movie. He know has to deal with the inclusion of Unicorns and Pegasi, as well as the advent of Earth Pony Magic. And now with Sparky... So many things are changing in quick succession. So he's having trouble adapting. That's why he's more cool and collected in the movie. TYT and MYM are separate canon. At most, TYT is supplementary. Granted, you shouldn't need TYT to get context for MYM. But it was stated that TYT was not necessary... Then again, Hasbro has gotten into some hot water with Wizards of the Coast's business practice with the new OGL. Although I'm not opposed to seeing more Sprout, I'd disagree with the idea of making him the "new Starlight". Anything benefits from better writing. But I feel like you're comparing it too much with G4. The reason why I don't advocate for comparing them in that way is because G5 is not G4. And what I mean by this is G5 is a completely new team with a completely new style. The more you want G5 to be like G4, the more you take away their creativity. G5 should be allowed to have it's own style SEPARATE from G4. One of the most glaring problems with media today is either lack of creativity, or lack of leaving things to the imagination, or both. I mean, I understand that at this point, originality is dead. But creativity is not a synonym for originality. As much as I would like to see a proper live action version of DBZ, the reality is that the only that made Dragonball Evolution a bad movie was it's connection to the Dragon Ball Franchise. It's actually pretty decent as a martial arts movie. And Reboot: The Guardian Code is a good live action reboot of Code Lyoko. But I digress.
@PeacePetal Жыл бұрын
By the end of the first season of FiM, they had already gone to Cloudsdale and Appleloosa in addition to the three locations. They had also mentioned many other cities throughout Equestria, giving the impression that the world was expansive even if they didn't have the time or budget to show us all of it immediately. Compare that with G5, where they've repeatedly stated that this is ALL of Equestria. The entire world of G5 canonically consists of one city and two towns. Which is especially problematic when you consider that technically this is supposed to be the same world as G4. So I guess 95% of the population died in yet unexplained events? I couldn't agree more that G5 should have its own style separate from G4. The single biggest problem with G5 is the way its handled its relationship to G4. G5 would have been better off as a hard reboot with an entirely different world and characters.
@changelingkingcocoon5029 Жыл бұрын
@@PeacePetal As you have said, those locations were visited/mentioned by the END of the first Season. Season 1 was 26 Episodes. How Seasons work in G5 is more complicated. But so far, we're approximately the equivalent to only half way of G4's Season 1. I don't recall it ever being said that those three locations are "all of Equestria". Espeically considering that it's been debunked already in the comics. We don't even know exactly where in Equestria this takes place other than the name of the locations. And even if all those locations no longer exist, why assume that means that the ponies died? It's still undetermined how much time has passed between G4 and G5, so that could make an impact. I think that G5's connection to G4 allows G5 to do things that no other Generation has done.
@PeacePetal Жыл бұрын
@@changelingkingcocoon5029 In TYT, Alphabittle said all of Equestria was present at the Equestria Games. But we only saw ponies from the three towns we know. Obviously TYT's canonity is questionable, but this is consistent with Sunny's statement in MYM C1 that "anypony can live anywhere!" after listing the three towns, as though that's all there is. In total screen time, G5 sits at about 579 minutes, which has already overshot the 572 minutes that we would see from a single season of FiM (these are approximate). The point being, defining a season in G5 is difficult, but it's been running as long as FiM S1 in terms of screen time and already much longer than S1 in terms of real-world time (17 months since debut, or even if you exclude the movie it's been 10 months already). They've had more than enough time to expand on the world. "I think that G5's connection to G4 allows G5 to do things that no other Generation has done." Well, you're right about that. No other generation has made the predecessor's protagonist responsible for the creation of Crystals that hold ponies' magic hostage and drop them into endless abysses when they get into minor arguments. Truly unique in the history of the franchise.
@changelingkingcocoon5029 Жыл бұрын
@@PeacePetal TYT's canonicity isn't just questionable. The showrunners have specifically said that TYT isn't canon. Why is Sunny listing only three towns mean that those are THE only three towns in Equestria? Runtime isn't a good way to determine that though. MLP is episodic by nature. This means that each episode is it's own story. And this means that you should base the length on the number of episodes, not how long the episodes are. The same applies to how much time passed since the series aired. Just because they were able to make 26 Episodes of G4 in real time doesn't mean it would take the same amount of time for G5 Episodes. Real World time is not the same as In Universe time. Also, you completely misrepresented what those crystals do and Twilight's intent. You've also misrepresented the point I was making. Also, we technically only know of how and why the crystals were made form third-hand experience at best. So there might be something that we don't know. And technically, the crystals were causing those abysses.
@zerqu5154 Жыл бұрын
2:50 Exploration: Absolutely agree that we just simply need to know/see more about/of Equestria. There are so many questions that could lead to interesting stories in this show. Where did all the other races go? What happened to other locations we know from G4? Are they all crumbled and forgotten like Canterlot? Really hoping that future chapters go in to these ideas. HOWEVER, I find it extremely unfair to compare the locations we've seen in NINE SEASONS of FiM to the locations of MYM. We only know so many locations in FiM because it had the time to expand like that. MYM did not yet. The roughly combined runtime of G5, including both MYM and TYT, is about as long as 28 episodes of FiM. Which means we only now learned to know about Discord in G4. In that time, G4 didn't explore that many locations either. We knew about Ponyville, saw Canterlot and the Everfree Forest for brief moments, and visited Appleloosa only once. G5 can hold up with that, so far, and I'm sure we will see more in the future. 4:09 Sparky: Also agree that Sparky was nothing other than annoying in Chapter 2, however, I thought that he seemed to already have grown a little in the Chapter 3 Christmas special. He seemed to be able to understand what other said and even gave his little "wow" reaction at some point. IF he continues to learn speech this fast, maybe he finally has the potential to become a good addition. Here's to hoping. 5:11 Opaline: Again, completely agree that she sucks in every way as of now. Can't stand her looks, her boring inactivity, still don't even know what her actual goal is and why. It's not like they can't do anything with her, either. She can still do things even if she is forced to keep herself hidden. They could've made her look at maps, books, charts, anything that gives information, try to puzzle things together in her mind and thus already work on future plans. Maybe she could brew potions or tinker on some devices that could help Misty in her missions. Instead she sits there slumped over in her chair playing with some bottle. 7:40 Long Term Goals: Sure. I don't think goals like that are really needed but they definitely would make a good addition. I especially like your goals for Hitch and Sunny. One of the first four TYT episodes shows us how Zipp made an obstacle course for the Pegasi to try and school their newly regained flying ability. Couple that with the scene of the Wonderbolts poster in the movie and I thought that Zipp could become the one to revive the Wonderbolts. I guess the show didn't think about that, though. 9:31 Misty joining: Yes. I genuinely have absolutely zero doubt that that will happen. It will. I imagine it going something like this: Opaline gets enough magic back so that she thinks she is strong enough, also thinks that she doesn't need Misty anymore, thus betraying her by telling her that she stole Misty's magic back when Misty was only a foal (which is why Misty can't get a cutie mark). Now Misty has a DUN-DUN-DUUUN moment and, after getting over it, becomes the key to defeating Opaline. 10:16 G5 Lore: Well, I see this is part of the first point, Exploration. 11:20 Hitch: Agreed. He really just feels so watered down compared to the movie. I also feel that Izzy is very different. She was happy and energetic in the movie, while just overblown in MYM. She seemed to have some buried wisdom when looking at the Badge moment in the movie. I don't remember such a moment in MYM. There was also this hinted at sadness in the background during the movie. Again somethin I don't remember seeing in MYM. The comics do a better part on these things, though. 12:49 TYT MYM Canon: I don't know what to say other than "Yeah". 13:40 Sprout: I really don't understand why people care about this dude. I've always treated him like your typical one-time villain like so many other we know from G4. He had his time, now the time is over, all is good. I had a fantasy once of him maybe joining Opaline as henchman and maybe that could have been cool but that obviously never happened (YET?!?!!). Anyway, really don't care about seeing him again. 14:51 Writing/Pacing(/Animation, I guess): Yes, the writing of the first two Chapters wasn't all that good for the most part. Combine that with bad animation and a lot of things just fall flat because they feel unnatural or the timing wasn't there. I do, however, think that they are improving with time. The Zephyr Heights part in Chapter 3 had me laughing quite a lot because the, imo, better animation helped bring everything together so well. This shows me that they will get even better over time and makes me hopeful for the next chapters.
@TheDataByteChannel Жыл бұрын
I definitely agree that these issues need to be implemented into the series. I definitely wouldn’t say it’s terrible as I feel we've had worse reboots/continuations *cough* TPG 2016 *cough*, but feel in a way this series won’t kill the brand like others are saying. Think of it like Transformers, one series comes out to an roaring success, than the following one drops the ball. I do enjoy this series, but do feel it could definitely be improved. If the fandom is heard by the creators in ways that do not attack them(like what Star Wars has become), I do feel the problems the show has can be fixed. And if not, maybe the following series will have things that this gen should’ve done.
@DanknDerpyGamer Жыл бұрын
I've seen a lot of people look at the way the franchise should move forward, and IMO draw some weird conclusions - for example, talking about how FiM's popularity was kind of an accident. IMO, that seems... true, but doesn't change that it was the QUALITY of the show that got people really invested, and kept it going for 9 seasons. Even if the show becoming popular like it did was an accident, it doesn't mean that MyM, and future gens of MLP, can't have the same level of care, planning, worldbuilding, storytelling, etc put into it WHILE pushing the franchise in different, or new directions. I just don't understand the thought process the people I am referring to have, I guess....
@MrConredsX Жыл бұрын
We only need more episodes of Make your Mark that explores Opaline and make Mane5 travel around Equestria. Thats all it need.
5:59 why not a Dragon Fire For God sakes?
@DanknDerpyGamer Жыл бұрын
Sheesh, the way a couple of people are commenting on your criticisms of MYM, mostly much further down in the comments section, anyone would think you ran over their pets or something. 😂😂
@somerandomdude7785 Жыл бұрын
There are 2 things to fix G5 in my opinion, either re-hire the original FiM Season 4 staff for MYM or hand over MYM to WildBrain.
@dripcat7332 Жыл бұрын
Or change the director to one who is actually good in storytelling and knows about FIM stuff
@mylife-23 Жыл бұрын
Why do they all need a leader thou? Why keep every place under king or queen rulerships ?
@anotheryoutubeaccount5259 Жыл бұрын
Because they have to.
@mylife-23 Жыл бұрын
@@anotheryoutubeaccount5259 not rly....
@anotheryoutubeaccount5259 Жыл бұрын
@@mylife-23 Ok, show me an example without
@ManaAdvent Жыл бұрын
G5 shot itself in the foot already by being a forced sequel to a superior product that feels like executive/corporate meddling than creator's choice. And at this point G5 doesn't feel salvageable at all. Since I've been to a few retailers like Wal-Mart and JC Penny's and already they have G5 toys at discount and on clearance. Heck, a Books-A-Million had shelf dedicated to Avatar the Last Airbender (Not Korra) while they sprinkled few G5 merch on a Disney dominated shelf. And we are talking about a gen that's barely a little over a year old and stuff is already on discount. That's a bad sign.
@anotheryoutubeaccount5259 Жыл бұрын
Well maybe they're just old products. I see plenty of G5 merch here.
@charlottecardonnel6182 Жыл бұрын
I WAS SO PISSED WHEN THE LIGHTHOUSE WAS INTRODUCED IN A 5 MINUTE EPISODE ON KZbin. Like it was surreal. The establishment of maretime bay as the main place of action, as the capital of mixity and unity amoung pony kind, oh, and also pipp strange hair salon, like, gosh, everything important is thrown like ; oh it exist know, in five minute or less (like how ALL PEGASUS KIND just learned how to fly, and the only struggle was three randoes in the TyT episode) it's appaling how bad the writting is and it pain me so much as I really love mlp, and the New style as a 3D artist, it has so much potential! But the writting oh my God the writting !!! Also even the fact the canon series is split between "episodes" (I say it this way because the formula and time of the sais episode varied so much it's hard to see à pattern) And five minute shorts on a different pmateform is a pain to watch
@marcinmarszaek4425 Жыл бұрын
I like how g5 go. I appreciate movie, comics, podcast, game, make your mark and tell your tale, even when I see reasons why most people don't. And so far I like how story develops over different media. And I think it's because I got different view on some or most topics. Like Hitch for me after movie is still in a way a fish out of water, where In movie he worked as sherif for probably multiple years and knowing ins and outs of everything about world, situation, ponies and etc at the time, and he was nearly always serious and on alert because of "threats" form unicorns and pegasus. But after the facts when magic was restored and all pony kind live together there was no reason for him to be on alert so much and allowing him self to lay back in a way. And because of magic he have a low amount of experience how to regulate and solve problems that happens now with it. For time before restoration of magic law boks, rules and guidelines were created for a good while, before he become a sherif, and he got a lot of time to learn about them since he was interested form youth as his grany say. And when Hitch can't follow well organised rules and ways of doing things, and have to improvise he gets completely lost. And A fact of Sparky in his life and need of becoming a dad have soften him up, at least that's how I see it. And yes, I like Sparky. Box for hates ----------> \______/
@abyssGazerTV Жыл бұрын
No. No. Let's not. G4 spiraled into complete nonsense during the later seasons because people were expecting it to be a serious fantasy show with deep lore and an ensemble cast when it's supposed to be a slice of life type thing with friendship lessons, and for some reason writers decided to obey those expectations. We shouldn't be aiming to replicate that in G5.
@MILDMONSTER1234 Жыл бұрын
That’s actually why I like season 9 though, people who wanted complex lore apparently found season 9 Sombra to be disappointing but his more goofy nature actually made him better there then in season 3
@renamon5658 Жыл бұрын
Listen to the fans
@sweetdreams1028 5 ай бұрын
Hasbro: Yeah… no.
@loudradialem5233 Жыл бұрын
I don't have hope for it. The current executives in Hasbro seem too greedy and have no interest in quality.
@travissmith2848 Жыл бұрын
Just the pre-intro roll got a thumbs up! 1. Absolutely! And _if_ ponykind has been reduced to only three isolated communities there is even *more* opportunity to explore what was. 2. Yeah...... cute distraction needs to be just a cute distraction or made serious. As is, he comes off as..... Well, it seems the new staff don't respect their audience and figure if they don't have cute cooing and mindless movement the kids will just walk away. I had soft-ball hoped that G4 would show off that kids can handle deep stuff if you keep the words small and show rather than tell. They're smart, and resilient if given the chance! 3. Yeah...... her threat level could be better. But dialog in general in this show is weak and I've seen brony fan creations with better voice acting! Sadly, there are a number of similar shows with the same issue. Apparently, corporate group-think says that the pre-middle school crowd _want's_ flat, over enunciated delivery clearly recorded in isolation and stitched together in post. And really, do _any_ of the characters have more than one or two points to their personality? 4. And again we see someone's (not sure if it is writers, producers, or someone at corporate) underestimating kids and thinking that they can't possibly follow multiple ongoing storylines. That or decided "it's just to sell toys to little girls, don't bother putting any thought into it." 5. Agreed. And I think it is a given at this point. 6. Yeah........ This wink and nod stuff can't go on. Either explore how the rest of the world developed and strengthen the connections between generations or just quietly drop all connection other than a few character names/designs and do something totally new. 7. Just Hitch? Okay, I see. Yes, he has the greatest movie-show disconnect. But still...... they all seem to have been made rather shallow. 8. *YES!* What is alpha canon, what is beta canon, what is apocrypha, and other such needs to be firmly established and fairly rigorously followed. This should be true in any series. 9. Or....... you know, just solidly relegate him to background status. The current approach of trot (yeah, yeah....) him out when you need a punching bag or someone to bumble into setting off the conflict needs to change anyway. 10. Oh, yeah!
@SilverSpoonRiche Жыл бұрын
Hitch needs to be a good Sheriff first or just resign. He's a joke. And it's sad for me to say that because I really like him, but he can't do anything right. He's a failure as a law enforcement officer and his failure was the driving force behind the plot of the movie. Had he stayed in Maretime Bay and handled the hysteria that followed Izzy's arrival, we never would have gotten Sprout as the big bad. And don't even get me started with him as a dragon pet owner/parent. He's lost that thing at least three times now. Sadly, he keeps finding it.
@magicalhikari5859 Жыл бұрын
Speaking based on what happened in the movie… I think him leaving his job role might be a bad idea canonically
@SilverSpoonRiche Жыл бұрын
@@magicalhikari5859 I mean let Zipp take over as Sheriff. She appears to be the main character anyway.
@somerandomdude7785 Жыл бұрын
Make him a vigilante instead.
@SilverSpoonRiche Жыл бұрын
@@somerandomdude7785 They did that, as I understand it. Though he is still sheriff, he tried the masked vigilante shtick. And somehow he got those two Royal Pegasi Guards from the movie to be his sidekicks. I have only seen screenshot and that is enough. I remain stuck after Izzy does It. I have not watched MYM beyond that. i have watched every TYT episode and loved most of them. They are short and sweet.
@somerandomdude7785 Жыл бұрын
While Zipp gets to be the queen of Zephyr Heights, Pipp would be the city's Master of Propaganda & Sunny will be the first president of a new Equestria.
@vocaloidotaku8125 Жыл бұрын
you know dude maybe put all you comments in the same message......just say'n
@pipppetalss5 Жыл бұрын
I bet you can't respond to criticism on your video. 😂
@kadendusk Жыл бұрын
Number 11: Stop trying to make Izzy just Pinky Pie with a horn and I don't mean normal Pinky, I mean obnoxious "lol I'm so random guys, laugh at how random I am!" Pinky Pie. Izzy was 100% the best in the movie and now she is only 2nd to worst out of the mane 5, she's only 2nd because they did Hitch just as dirty but he is packaged with sparky sparky boom man and that puts him at last by far. It's like, every now and then Izzy does something that feels in character (for what we saw in the movie) and it isn't just batshit insane and that's actually fun, she's goofy but not to the point it's actually annoying but then the other 90% of the time she is just Pinky on a bad day. It's just genuinely so sad, after the movie I had such high hopes for G5, sure the movie wasn't "omg best movie ever!" but it was fun, had really good songs tbh and the characters (other than Pipp, she got the shaft in the move) felt like distinct characters that where different from the mane 6, now they are just the mane6 but not as well written and none of them have end goals, even Sunny's ideals have taken a back seat to making smoothies and at this point (as you say) Zipp is the main character of the show.
@izzymoonbow36 Жыл бұрын
continuity mistakes in g4: 😊 continuity mistakes in g5: 😠😡💢 mlp fans just love picking on g5 let not forget this is the same Fandom who forgave discord for the crimes he did in season 9 but took them 2 years to forgive starlight.
@mylife-23 Жыл бұрын
I like hitch 🤔 I think they should have both the brave and the sensitive hitch balanced together instead of tough all the time like toxic masculinity or sensitive all the time.
@AkumaTh Жыл бұрын
I'm going to defend Hitch's supposed change from the Movie to the Series. Simply put, Hitch didn't change, everything else did. When Hitch was cool and collective, there were established rules, ideologies and capabilities. Everyone knew their role and Sunny was the only real X Factor bringing in Chaos. But now, you have Unicorns and Pegasi freely walking alongside Earth Ponies instead of being feared, magic returning so you have to deal with Unicorns doing magic and Pegasi flying, Earth Ponies can now grow plants whenever they like, and a bad arguments could not only lead to the end of magic again, but the destruction of Maretime Bay. Like look at Hot Fuzz: Nicholas was a great cop but when put in a new situation his actions aren't as great since he doesn't know the location, the new people around him and their eccentrics. But eventually after he figured it out he became a good cop once again. Hitch is in that early state as pretty much this is a whole new world now. What worked before can't work again. He has to learn to adapt to the new changes and while he learned the lesson about accepting, there's still the fact he needs to create new rules to deal with these new changes.
@8nicopink868 Жыл бұрын
Very good argument there. I'd also like to argue that the reason Hitch has more of that happy dorkiness he has in Tell Your Tale and Make Your Mark is that, in the movie, we mostly see him in moments of tension. He's dealing with a childhood friend who has refused to listen to him for years keep causing trouble, and in the movie we see him finally try to cut ties with her. How is that comparable to moments in Make Your Mark where he's happily spending time with new friends? How do you compare a moment where Hitch is upset and angry, to moments where he is happy? His job may be getting more stressful, but the rest of his life has been looking up. He's got new friends, he's got a closer relationship with his childhood friend, he has a baby he utterly adores. He's of course going to be happier than he is in the movie.
@BuizelCream Жыл бұрын
I like all these that validate the ideas, which explains the transition of Hitch's character from the movie to after that, but the execution of those ideas actually matter more. What should have tied all these together is a well-planned execution of a character arc. There should have been good written plot beats that show the audience of how Hitch became that way. The canon we got did try, but it was more of a jarring shift than a convincing transformation from a competent sheriff to a sloppy dad.
@AkumaTh Жыл бұрын
@@BuizelCream I think the movie did the job fine enough. In the beginning, competent sheriff who knew right from wrong. Then as he chase Sunny got put into more situations that makes him look awkward while still trying to be the competent sheriff. And by the end, when everything he learned was flipped on it's head as the weapons he was okay using on enemies was using on friends instead. Even an idea he had that sounded good damaged the Lighthouse. It's a new world for him and by the end of that movie everything literally changed.
@BuizelCream Жыл бұрын
@@AkumaTh Hitch's journey outside Maretime Bay in the movie made him realize the benefits of staying open-minded, leading him to discover that magic was real all along. He readjusted his priorities for the greater good and helped liberated the earth ponies from fear of the other races through the return of magic, instead of keeping on protecting the earth ponies from outside threat that never existed. Because of coming back as the hero with his friends, Hitch's reputation as the competent sheriff was never actually tainted by the end of the movie. 🤔 This is where the tricky part to explain comes into play. Because in simpler terms, personalities doesn't really change, especially when we're talking about core traits, even if Hitch went through experiencing change due to the return of magic in Equestria. It's difficult to expound all this in shorter texts. But to get to the point, Hitch's personality technically has been altered in order to serve the new role he has in the series, which brings situations in their stories that doesn't really help need Hitch's movie personality. The thing is, Hitch was written in the movie the way he was because of the role he has in the conflict of the story about the fear of other races and the uncertainty of the outside world. He was written as the protector and maintaining the status quo of what has always been. We don't have that same conflict carried over for the series. In fact, the stakes MYM has isn't in the same scale or vision from the movie at all, nor does it explore the movie's conflict themes for sequel stories. Instead, it relies on the crystals too much and hasn't expanded its magic system. Then we got Opaline, a one-dimensional villain, that has not helped add sophisticated angles to the conflict the movie has already explored. And Misty is learning about Equestria through an entirely different lens; not about overcoming fear of other races like Sprout was, but out of naivety and curiosity, which is fine, but doesn't carry the same weight as what should be the follow-up thesis to explore where the movie left off. (This is why TYT and MYM feels so alternate-universey in its very core.) (There is about the misleading information angle they're trying to go with about the true history of the crystals, but we still have to see how that is executed later.) And with Misty never interacted with Hitch yet, it goes to show how far of a tangent Hitch went when stories are made for him. He's basically beating around the bushes at this point, and how he's written ever since shows how altered his personality has to become in order to fit in. (He has no character arc goal. And his dad arc so far is quite disjointed at best when tying his movie arc into all this. It's like the execution of this idea turned out to be just a random chapter added in his life, instead of something cohesive that explores the depth and nuance of how Hitch was written back in the movie. These should have co-existed as ideas instead of fighting who gets the spotlight next, you know? 🤔) Right now, Hitch's stories revolve around slice-of-life friendship lessons, with lessons that doesn't really measure up to the mature level of character he was written back in ANG, which makes sense. TYT and MYM's story maturity scope is downscaled compared to ANG's, and Hitch has to be altered to fit being the Mane 5, or else he could have been too mature to deal with all the random shenanigans that's going around the series that should have been beneath him considering how competently charismatic he was in the movie. He would have probably been off-screen a lot in the series, doing competent sheriffy things and developing the town, like forming a royal guard system like this video suggests. In fact, I still believe that by writing Sprout out of the series, it cost Hitch's character depth. Sprout's character carries themes that naturally compliments and explores Hitch as how he should have been written beyond the movie. Sprout could have naturally caused ongoing conflicts for Hitch that directly deals with his sheriff role, whatever angle Sprout could have been given, reformed or not. 🤔 (Not to mention childhood backstory and conflict to bring up into current stories.) My apologies for a long reply. There's a lot of ground to cover as to explain all this as to why. Oversimplifying it simply shoves a lot of important contexts under the rug tbh. 😅
@Massitho5378 Жыл бұрын
Don't forget : G5 is in his beginning. So they will develop things later, probably in a sequel of Make Your Mark. Wz have to be patient. The G4 is overrated. They don't make all things in one time. The exploration could be in a sequel of Make Your Mark where the Mane 5 discover other kind of creatures leaving in Equestria and a new treat.
@RiosSumari Жыл бұрын
He's not wrong, this show is a sinking ship. And I'm pretty convinced at this point we won't see the other creatures like griffons, Kirin, Yaks, etc. The writers seem determined to focus solely on the ponies. I find myself only watching Tell your Tale and nothing else because its the only thing still entertaining about G5 now.
@sonicspeedproductions2.04 Жыл бұрын
Ever heard of progress? You think the other species are gonna appear this early. They are trying to rebuild the old equestria but people like you don't give the show time enough to exploit it.
@RiosSumari Жыл бұрын
@@sonicspeedproductions2.04 We literally had Gilda(a griffon) in season 1 of Gen4. I'm not saying the show doesn't have room to grow, I want it to succeed like Gen4 did. But so far I'm not confident about its chances.
@VcSaJen Жыл бұрын
The show is called "My Little Pony".
@sonicspeedproductions2.04 Жыл бұрын
@@RiosSumari the barrier blocked all the kingdoms temember. All the speices had to leave during the opaline situation.
@somerandomdude7785 Жыл бұрын
Non-ponies are irrelevant.
@sonicspeedproductions2.04 Жыл бұрын
You can't just let g5 run it's course can you? You gotta rush the g4 lore into a new generation so quickly. G5 is doing everything g4 didn't do. .Two shows that tie into the stories .Comics .Games .Merch G4 didn't need a show like tyt to push it's story forward
@sonicspeedproductions2.04 Жыл бұрын
@@juilirawal303 first off g4 didn't have a CONSOLE game and second all the g5 haters have been talking about the g4 continuity issues and third of all yes I am judging by the cover, not the first time this dude trashed on g5 like the rest. If the thumbnail doesn't signify I don't know what will.
@Groza_Dallocort Жыл бұрын
@@juilirawal303 I would say that FiM did not start out with comics that came later on in the shows run. Still we got what one movie, two specials and eight episodes of MYM so far and people say it bad and such. Was the first eight episodes of FIM really that good or is most of the analysts just watching with rose tinted glasses
@izzymoonbow36 Жыл бұрын
great point the movie didn't need to explain everything and I enjoy g5 for it is but no this guy acting like g5 is dying because g5 didn't reintroduce the other creatures at once.
@DanknDerpyGamer Жыл бұрын
Sheesh, Sonic, the guy just said the writing and storytelling had issues, he didn't run over your goddammed pets or anything.
@izzymoonbow36 Жыл бұрын
@@DanknDerpyGamer did you not see his lame skit in the beginning which prove my point on how he thinks that g5 is dying? I also hate how this Fandom think that g5 shouldn't be a g4 sequel will somehow change the writing and the storytelling when it not.
@SilverSpoonRiche Жыл бұрын
Sprout? Ha ha ha no.. That guy needs to seek Opaline and just be the bumbling henchman he deserves to be. if she was smart she would cultivate the darkness in him after Misty chooses her true path with her friends. I hate him and I do not want the show to try and change that feeling. Got sick of that in G4 with trying to make me give a sh(yay) about Garble of all people.
@anotheryoutubeaccount5259 Жыл бұрын
@SilverSpoonRiche Жыл бұрын
@@anotheryoutubeaccount5259 No what?
@anotheryoutubeaccount5259 Жыл бұрын
@@SilverSpoonRiche Why would Sprout do that lol
@SilverSpoonRiche Жыл бұрын
@@anotheryoutubeaccount5259 Because he is stupid and spoiled. And because I don't want the show to try and redeem him when he learned NOTHING at the end of the movie. Buck that guy.
@somerandomdude7785 Жыл бұрын
You forgot 1 thing: NO MORE HOLIDAY SPECIALS!
@saraphitafrostthorn1236 Жыл бұрын
You could let the series grow and quit trying to turn it into g4.5
@8nicopink868 Жыл бұрын
That's too much to ask of someone who thinks the G5 comics are the best G5 content since the movie
@albatross1688 Жыл бұрын
Tell that to the writers and Hasbro.
@anotheryoutubeaccount5259 Жыл бұрын
@DanknDerpyGamer Жыл бұрын
> *turn it into g4.6* Umh... how do these suggestions even approach something that could be labled as trying to turn G5 into a "G4.5?" Surely you're not just basing that on complaints regarding the writing, the story telling, the elements that helped made G4 rock, but aren't exclusive to a show like MLP G4?
@discoqueenmom Жыл бұрын
I bet we will have a G6 comming soon when G5 fails lol
@DanknDerpyGamer Жыл бұрын
IMO if Hasbro wants MLP to succeed - and I do hope G5 ends up improving over time don't get me wrong, they need to understand the combination of elements that helped make the production of G4 so appealing to watch, enjoyable, and able to last as long as it did - even if it doesn't result in something as hype as G4, it will still help (and it doesn't need to reach that level of hype to be awesome)
@fucktard69 6 ай бұрын
I agree
@mikewillson2983 Жыл бұрын
even if g5 become it own thing the writing will be the same admit that you're hating g5 because you miss g4 this backlash makes me sick it equsetria girls and pony life backlash all over again
@izzymoonbow36 Жыл бұрын
great point. they think g5 being it own thing will change the writing and storytelling it not.
@PeacePetal Жыл бұрын
Yes, because if someone disagrees with your opinion, they must automatically be lying to themselves and their motivations are selfish and immature.
@izzymoonbow36 Жыл бұрын
you missed the point all what he said that g5 being it own thing will never fix the writing or your backlash I never called you liar. also do you have something nice to say about g5 ponies or how about who is your favorite? I don't think so.
@izzymoonbow36 Жыл бұрын
​@@PeacePetal he never called him a liar all I said that g5 being it own thing will never fix the writing or the backlash and I wanted a proof that he care about g5 ponies because most analysts don't prove to me that they care about them.
@PeacePetal Жыл бұрын
@@izzymoonbow36 For the record, my favorite G5 pony is Pipp Petals, and I have quite a lot of positive things to say about her. But that's beside the point, because Mike said, "admit that you're hating g5 because you miss g4 this backlash makes me sick," and you agreed with them. There's nothing sickening about disliking G5. And there are plenty of reasons to dislike it besides just missing G4. Your off-the-rocker, backlash-y responses (why send two, eh?) are just what I was talking about. Don't assume that just because someone disagrees with you, you have to prove them wrong.
@aaronknight1430 Жыл бұрын
This show is flat and super boring storytelling Your ideas so are very good far better quality storytelling creativity. I eg if the villian was any good I unsure (some of my ideas not always be so very good) one she try to steal the life-force from the magical creatures of equestria and to stop her killing them all twilight has to teleport one way into a different world really etc villian cannot get to them the changling, hippogriffin and dragons etc to save their non pony friends from death and extinctions you can build to up makes it better also this happens 3-4000+ years after G4 so the characters work have meaning Very old building show them of a great time along ago like roman and mayans etc all over the land and related to 2000 year long time where the spieces and pony's build up a civilization of magic, engineering, intellectual, artists, science, technological etc advancements as part of a greater golden age. than g5 inc rise a fall of this ancient equestria full of storytelling growth If the written better it belittle the world 🌎 If you can show this so you can build new ideas storytelling and concepts of that their so ideas helps you fans growths and creativity building
@somerandomdude7785 Жыл бұрын
Kill Sparky's character. For the first time ever in MLP, dragons become actual antagonists.
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