Ace Analyst: My Little Pony G5 - Friendship is not Magic

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MasterCode Ace Analyst

MasterCode Ace Analyst

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With the next generation of MLP soon to be upon us, we have to ask ourselves... how is friendship... no longer magic?
Twitter: / mastercodeaa

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@edwardcarlisle1779 2 жыл бұрын
What happened to Equestria is actually very simple: ponies forgot. Like humans, ponies have an uncanny ability to forget what's really important. Twilight did establish peace at the end of G4, but peace never lasts long. Give it two or three generations of ponies, and they start to forget why friendship was so important. As time goes by, mistrust and then paranoia take over, fueled by greed and then hatred. The final result is either another war or the country becomes stale. In the case of G5 Equestria has become stale after all these years and has lost its magic as a result.
@randompeep3929 2 жыл бұрын
then how come we see g4's main six as figurines in one of the g5's main characters bedrooms?
@edwardcarlisle1779 2 жыл бұрын
@@randompeep3929 Because someone at some point was making money off of Princess Twilight Sparkle and though her friends would be a few extra bits. The main six are remembered for a brief moment, and then they are regulated to toys with a legendary story behind them that less and less people remember. Time takes it's toll.
@shawnbay2211 2 жыл бұрын
I personally don’t really like this theory. But it’s not your fault, I just don’t think there’s a justifiable way from going from the end of G4 to G5 and explaining it with human sociological occurrences. But I also don’t believe they could naturally forget about friendship (without radical intervention). Twilight wrote the book on learning friendship. Twilight became a benevolent ruler who probably normalised having friendship schools. I can’t imagine something human happening in MLP, such as capitalism… but the new society looks a lot like the 21st century form of society. That’s weird to me because Equestria was an authoritarian socialist society run on magic and magical artefacts. But this new society is technological, incredibly xenophobic, probably capitalistic. How can a multicultural, multi-species society regress to being a segregated one purely on forgetting friendship? I’d imagine they’d have to be much more misanthropic if that were the case.
@edwardcarlisle1779 2 жыл бұрын
@@shawnbay2211 Fairly put and argued. Though I would never describe the Equestrian monarchical government as socialist, especially when there was plenty of capitalism going around in the show (Donut Joe's). Myself, I like to look at situations simply and practically. Simple question, simple answer. The ponies are a reflection of humans, so they have the remarkable ability to forget. Also, Twilight may have written the perfect book of friendship, but after her death, it would be shelved as time progressed. It's simply the way life and common sense works. Peace never lasts because people will never let it, and apparently, neither do ponies.
@misspinkpunkykat 2 жыл бұрын
​@@randompeep3929 Probably like how today how people still know about people who lived thousands of years ago like Cleopatra and Nefertiti.
@sophiegerlofs4611 2 жыл бұрын
Plot twist G5 is just cozyglow getting what she wanted
@raeffaweekes1735 2 жыл бұрын
@Sophie Geelofs lol
@kavitaingale9146 Ай бұрын
I still don't get why cozy wanted magic to be gone
@brucegay9569 2 жыл бұрын
The lack of magic would explain the possible over reliance on technology.
@raeffaweekes1735 2 жыл бұрын
@Bruce Gay that can be the issue I like your theory.
@0deadx21 2 жыл бұрын
It's only logical, like in _Onward_
@Max_The_Flower 2 жыл бұрын
Like in the real world
@ChaoGardenTastic 2 жыл бұрын
Twilight outlived her friends and the two sisters and became disheartened, just like Discord. Discord, in pain of loss to Fluttershy and her friends, stopped caring for chaos. Twilight loses more faith and friendship magic, and the evil three break outta their stone prisons and overwhelm twilight and Spike. Spike holds off the three until Twilight casts a spell that locks them all in limbo, leaving society to slowly lose friendship magic and harmony over 1000+ years, to become G5.
@IceFox606 2 жыл бұрын
This is a very depressing but cool theory
@dnmgaming4558 2 жыл бұрын
if this is true wouldn't they eventually return?
@whoscatimi7590 2 жыл бұрын
That would actually be really good
@Heavilune 2 жыл бұрын
I will miss the original Mlp.....*breaks down in sadness* okay....I’m....okay
@MLPDethDealr32 2 жыл бұрын
ill be keeping the flame going in stories I'm writing.
@renamon5658 3 жыл бұрын
If cozy glow was able to get rid of the magic and she is just a child it's possible for another pony villain to do the same and succeeded
@bengilhooly3616 2 жыл бұрын
This is my theory: peace never lasts right? So probably after the mane 6 all passed away, a new villain came to be and destroyed balance. Equestria was enslaved and as a result, everyone began losing trust in one another and friendship was abandoned all together. Soon that new villain passed as well but Equestria was still out of balance so now it's up to the new g5 ponies to restore harmony
@SDseb 2 жыл бұрын
Indeed that’s very plausible. Nothing stays the same in society, especially if it has been thousands of years. We’re not sure exactly how long has passed since the shows finale. But we do know that it is Ancient Equestria. So at minimum 1,000 years. So many things could’ve happened during those times, honestly I would be surprised if nothing bad happened between G4 and G5.
@bengilhooly3616 2 жыл бұрын
@@SDseb it's either what I said or people just naturally forgot about it. Or maybe someone started spreading a rumour that they were just a myth and that friendship isnt actually magic
@tidepod10yearsago97 2 жыл бұрын
@randompeep3929 2 жыл бұрын
@@SDseb how do we really know if it's ancient equestria tho? sure towns have dirt roads, but there's also trains and las pegusus and manehattan are definitely modern, heck their las vegas is literally the ponified version of ours! bc of that, their is no way to tell for sure when g4s mlp is set in, which is why I have a hard time believing these types of theories.
@randompeep3929 2 жыл бұрын
@@bengilhooly3616 then why spend so much time and money with the school pony main six if a new villain is just gonna go off and ruin the balance? there's also the pillars of equestria, and celestia and luna are still around to, just not on the throne anymore. when the main six passes one of those groups (if not all) could come around and help defeat them. plus, twilight's a literal god now. if not demigod. she's not only the chosen one of the element of magic, but an alicorn on top of it. she can't die anymore. if luna was able to survive a thousand years on the moon with no food or water, and still be practically as insane as she was beforehand, then why would twilight be able to still die? plus, nobody would believe friendship isn't magic bc their a myth, nobody would even believe the main six is a myth in the first place; ponies still know about their feats as we see figurines of them in one of the g5 bedrooms. the truth, the hard sad truth of the matter is, Hasbro doesn't care. they dug up a half assed problem for the new ponies of equestria, didn't care about lore, about the previous generation of ponies, and came up with a stupid plotline for a modernized world of new ponies. and that's that.
@PeacePetal 3 жыл бұрын
I think the magic disappeared BECAUSE friendship disappeared. Friendship is literally magic, right? What if the ponies lost magic because they lost friendship? Given the flying Pomeranian and the enchanted Bridlewood forest, magic clearly still exists in the world. But the ponies have lost magic, probably because they stopped trusting each other and live in paranoia and separation.
@NobodieZ26 2 жыл бұрын
2;00 My theory, The writers...they just didn't care.
@randompeep3929 2 жыл бұрын
yeah, its a harsh reality but its the only thing that seems the most logical to me...
@_miichu_ 2 жыл бұрын
With so much little information we can't really guess what's going on and be right, we will obviously have to wait until G5 comes out
@raeffaweekes1735 2 жыл бұрын
@Miichu yep I agree with you.
@esmetheexpressohyena9337 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe twilights friends died and that’s why There are all paranoia and miss trust are there because without her friends she is no longer the princess of friendship.
@AmericanUnionState1824 2 жыл бұрын
I believe that MLP G5 is the prequel for Fallout Equestria.
@beccacroce7380 2 жыл бұрын
I like to think that the "pegasi can't fly because of no magic" is something that the older pegasi lied about. Sure, magic is a big part of the world, but pegasi have wings for a reason, and the flying comes naturally to them, like birds. And during the movie, just before Sunny and Izzy leave with Pipp and Zipp with them. They learn to fly as they make their exit.
@beccacroce7380 2 жыл бұрын
@@_miichu_ pegasi is plural in mlp
@_miichu_ 2 жыл бұрын
@@beccacroce7380 oh I didn't know that
@anetizen6404 2 жыл бұрын
I hear that zipp, pipp and Haven use *metal wires* to pretend they could fly lol g5 boast busters
@beccacroce7380 2 жыл бұрын
@@anetizen6404 Once Zipp and Pipp join the team, I think they may have a scene where they learn to fly without the wires, and maybe there's a flying sequence to celebrate it (but since the sisters are new to it, they are a bit wobbly). Then it cuts to the next scene. This is what I think could happen, but it might not.
@corretorquasebom1555 2 жыл бұрын
when Tirek took the magic of the pegasus, they couldn't fly (I think, I don't remember the episode very well, but I know there's a scene where he takes "magic" from the pegasus)
@davidweiss2407 3 жыл бұрын
It is very possible that the very peace is what might lead to things progressing to how they are in G5. After all, if there is no adversity to challenge the ponies and have them exercise their friendship muscles it would cause their society to become lazy and less vigilant. They might not see smaller issues arise and do nothing to fix them which allows for bigger problems to occur as a result and eventually snowball into something that drives a wedge between not just the other creatures but the pony tribes too. So, in a way, Equestria might need its villains to give the ponies that constant reminder that they need to remain united for the benefit of them all.
@norad_clips 2 жыл бұрын
I do hope they don’t give Twi a _The Last Jedi_ treatment, whatever the explanation turns out to be
@aidanbarnes4290 2 жыл бұрын
looks like everything in the 2010 series was utterly pointless. The mane 6 fucked it up
@JonathanGaeta 2 жыл бұрын
I’m getting Star Wars sequel trilogy flashbacks from this
@dragonninja3655 2 жыл бұрын
That is like saying ww2 was pointless when we enevitably have to go to a major war again. And all it takes is one generation of kids either not being properly taught about the past or being taught lies to reset a society. That is why communists, socialists, and fascists and the like always go hard after the schools and destroying the family. The ponies being separated now is completely believable, especially if there was a villain involved.
@aidanbarnes4290 2 жыл бұрын
@@dragonninja3655 yes I love churros dipped in hot fudge
@Actionfan19 3 жыл бұрын
Maybe it's like in the Pixar movie Onward. As technology advanced more and more, magic was used less and less resulting in it fading away. And going from one of your theories collecting recourses for the aforementioned advancing technology can cause issues with other lands. So maybe after how ever many years after the events of the final moments of the final episode societal needs caused a societal collapse.
@raeffaweekes1735 2 жыл бұрын
@Actionfan19 that theory makes a lot of sense that how magic faded way by the advancement of technology. I also have evidence,that may be the reason to so why magic faded away,when you look up my little pony a new generation trailer(NOT THE OFFICIAL ONE,I HAVE TO WAIT 3 DAYS FOR THE OFFICIAL TRALER TO COME OUT THE VIDEOS NAME IS MY LITTLE PONY A NEW GENERATION MEET THE PONYS the KZbin channels name is Netflix Features)at the time stamp 38 seconds we see pipp with a modern smart phone (or it’s just an normal touch screen phone)and we all know how those phones work right,good, anyways phones can load up it the internet, watch KZbin videos, post pictures,send emails,etc,and don’t get me started on the performance/speed of phones,they can partially send messages really fast sometimes instantly, you can make friends like literally half way across the world,make live streams for ponys to watch all over Equestria and,yea, but it doesn’t explain why earth ponys and Pegasus lost their magic including unicorns, it doesn’t make sense, like for example.Pegasus isn’t so-pose to lose their magic to walk on clouds and fly, they still need it,I remember reading a comment while scrolling and reading comments I saw one and read it, it said that we have very little evidence and thus we can’t make theories(the line doesn’t have the exact same word but it’s along the lines and very similar if your looking for it there the commenters name Peace Petals) so I think we should do that and wait for the official trailer or when the first episode comes out, just saying, so yea,this theory is WAY too long lol 😂 so yea my theory bye.
@GeekGirl-ub7ki 2 жыл бұрын
What I want to know is how Equestria is not in eternal winter at the mercy of the Wendigos? I wonder if no magic is their way of trying to explain why the Wendigos didn't take over? They need to find an explanation for why that hasn't happened so I think they might be connected. I hope they have good reasons for those two things because it will make me enjoy the show less even if everything else is good.
@Corrector1 2 жыл бұрын
I've seen it suggested that windigos only show up when the tribes are fighting, not just when they're separated.
@GeekGirl-ub7ki 2 жыл бұрын
@@Corrector1 Hmm. That is a possibility.
@lauracristanchogisellegonz7169 3 жыл бұрын
Laura cristancho Equiestria's Antichrist might be Queen Haven from The G5 Movie.
@-A-Hybrid-Skunk-Productions- 2 жыл бұрын
I get the feeling. Or I think Cozy Glow had a backup plan that would go into effect over time if she was ever captured and defeated. She was and probably is an evil genius. Maybe she knew she would be captured so she had her back up plan set-top go into effect over time if she was defeated. She may have figured if she can't have magic, no creature can.
@TheCommenterDragon 3 жыл бұрын
Since Twilight and her friends were pretty much the only ones keeping the magic of friendship alive in G4 at the time, it's quite possible that as the Mane 6 all eventually passed on the magic that they created together just slowly started to fade away over time, and with no one left to keep friendship alive in Equestria, the trust between the 3 pony races went away with least that's my theory.
@Loky500 2 жыл бұрын
U everywhere xD
@theponyofglory8545 2 жыл бұрын
@@Loky500 And is that by any chance a problem for you???
@raeffaweekes1735 2 жыл бұрын
@@theponyofglory8545 no, it’s just petty much every mlp video we will ALWAYS see him, I mean his name is literally The COMMENTER Dragon, no offense to his name.
@theponyofglory8545 2 жыл бұрын
@@raeffaweekes1735 i'm aware of all that, but that doesn't mean they have to say such words to him over such a trivial thing.
@ryanomin 2 жыл бұрын
@@theponyofglory8545 jesus youre sensitive
@user-wm1yc2gk2w 2 жыл бұрын
How magic was gone? Friendship IS magic. Friendship in Equestria was at such a low point that it literally broke magic.
@crocoshark4097 Ай бұрын
This just popped into my head at the "Earth ponies with horns" comment. Earth pony: Aha! Now all our magic is gone. Now you unicorns are just like us earth ponies! Equality! Unicorn: *pokes face with horn* Earth Pony: AH! OW! MY EYE!
@calebprescott440 3 жыл бұрын
I still wish we had mane 7 vs grogar
@olleselin 2 жыл бұрын
Someday we will
@DuckDecoy13 3 жыл бұрын
4:31 my theory is that towards the end of Twilight rule I think something bad happened that caused her 2 take away all of the magic of there world. My money's on the hell spawn
@randompeep3929 2 жыл бұрын
i dont understand why so many people think its that friendship died when the main six ponies died between g4 and g5, or ponies forgot. i think the answer is very simple, Hasbro just didn't care. obviously ponies didn't forget because we see figurines of the main six on a desk in one of the g5 rooms, and if the friendship magic died with the main six, then why have a whole major side plot with the main six school ponies in twilights school of friendship? g4 also can't be a show because ponies would be applying what they learned from the show to their everyday life in g5, just like in reality. plus, if friendship magic really *was* gone, then wouldn't the windigos or smth would have already taken over, we wouldve seen a much more major threat than everyponies magic mysteriously having disappeared.
@sethspinda 2 жыл бұрын
What I think is that the crystals were made to seal their magic, once things begun going south for equestria, perhaps Twilight saw this and requested Cadance to make the three crystals to seal all the magic of each tribe away so things don't get out of control. The only way to break the spell was for all 3 tribes to come together and accept each other again. The sudden release of magic, Along with the sudden harmony/peace, caused the pony at the center of everything, Sunny, to become an alicorn. There is a theory where Sombra became an alicorn after the 3 tribes first came together, but his alicorn magic was pulled from him by starswirl and sealed into a gem, which later went on to become the alicorn amulet. Maybe Twilight put her alicorn magic into these three crystals along with the rest of the magic so the pony who brings back harmony to equestria would rewarded for their efforts. (Twilight may be able to do this without actually giving up her alicorn magic, considering Celestia did give Twilight the alicorn magic, but it was technically finishing starswirls spell that made her one) The fact the sun and moon still rise and set proves someone is still possessing magic in equestria since discord in the comics states he can't fix the planet and Make it spin again, which enforces my belief that Twilight is off in the everfree of the present keeping it tame (since starswirl can't anymore) and making sure the sun and moon rise and set respectively.
@gavinelrod3113 2 жыл бұрын
Are you sure the mean 3 didn't do this in gen5?
@silly_lil_kel 2 жыл бұрын
OMG I was so shock But where did they got the guns and weapons
@Sunset_Shimmer_Fan_ 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe that’s how this movie got its plot! Because it’s called “A new Generation” it makes it more relatable to how WE have changed in our life! Maybe this is a sort of, “Martin Luther King Jr.” style world. That’s why all Earth ponies, Pegasus, and Unicorns are divided. So...I think I can see where the writers were trying to go.
@fluttershyisnotadoormat4678 2 жыл бұрын
That sounds interesting :D
@Peekofwar 2 жыл бұрын
Who knows... Maybe Cozy Glow somehow escapes the statue imprisonment and finally get her wish of removing all magic, but then it backfires as she couldn't do anything to stop her "subjects" from not following her, and she gets what's coming to her.
@corretorquasebom1555 2 жыл бұрын
im so hyped for g5 aaaaa
@DuckDecoy13 3 жыл бұрын
I wonder what event led to the beginning of G5. Was it because something happening towards the end of Princess Twilight's rule over Equestria? Is the other creature Nations of their world long gone?
@drom5970 2 жыл бұрын
I have a better idea, they should have done a prequel story, pre equstria. Or just do another series that isn't in the g4 world. Or make it a faraway land previously undiscovered untill now. Now the main 6 accomplishments remain intact.
@manygoatshaveI 2 жыл бұрын
My therory- Twilight lost control of her power and went crazy when she became ruler of Equestria. She made chaos and accidentally killed her friends. Then Twilight returned to control and realized what she had done. She used all her magic and made the three crystals, and passed. The Pegasi, earth ponies, and unicorns were separated because Twilights power erased all memory of peace.
@applecorps 2 жыл бұрын
I'm 4 months late but heres my theory. NOTE: there may be alot of typos I am a bad typer. This took months of gathering information on and researching. twillight was noticing some signs of equestria losing magic but somehow not her magic. As said in the show, an alicorn has so much magic it is enough to power up every single pony in the show. So she created the crystals so if the Pony tribes were to separate long after her rein as an alicorn, all it would take for them to realise that they should not be afraid of eachother is for the crystals to be together. In the G5 poster thing (i forgot what it's called) It refers the time of G4 mlp as "ancient Equestria" and the definition of ancient is 1,400+ years. Over time the crystals may have separated for some unknown reason. Causing the 3 Pony tribes to separate successfully and lose their magic due to lack of friendship between the tribes. Some theories on some unanswered questions may be "where are the other animals in G5 such as: Dragons, griffins, ect." the creators said that there were no animals other than modern ones like crabs and seagulls is because its to show that Equestria has completely lost its magic. "but what happened to the other animals?" people may ask, my theory is that they may have went extinct over time. some other theorys suggest that they went out of Equestria which is a pretty good theory. but one of the most asked questions is: "What happened to the main 6". the creators said that they couldn't come up with a fate for the main 6.
@morphiuszx3438 3 жыл бұрын
FoE would be 7 yrs late post Return to Harmony, mind you, & it'd cause even more pproblems to arise.
@sethmoss8671 3 жыл бұрын
1. If the 3 races of Ponies went back to being against each other, Why didn't the Windigos show up. It would result in Equestria dead, not industrialized. There shouldn't be a G5 if taken account the consequences already established. 2. It was wrong for Starlight to force equality on the population, so what would make Twilight doing something similar on a bigger scale be any more Ok? That seems a bit uncharacteristic of Twilight (or at least at the time of season 9) She'd much more likely has died before the cause of G5's setting happened. 3. We all know what happened when the Sequel Trilogy undid the happy ending of the Original Trilogy. I don't know if many people would react any different to this.
@changelingkingcocoon5029 3 жыл бұрын
I don't agree with Master Code on this. But I do feel like I need to point out why your arguments are fallacious. 1. What was previously established specifically is connected to hatred. Paranoia and mistrust are not the same as hate. In fact, perhaps I could argue that the utopia that Twilight and the Mane 6 created was so good that it destroyed any posibility of the Windigos coming back, even if things got bad. But my point is that in the Hearths Warming pagent, the Windigos coming was specifically the result of animosity between the 3 tribes. But Love and Hate is not a true dichotomy. 2. Starlight was wrong because it was for her own benefit when she did so. Also, the way Starlight did it would've been different. She forced everyone to be equal to the lowest skillset of the group. And Starlight didn't just make them "equel", she wanted them to be uniform. If Twilight did what she did, there would be significant differences. First of all, her reasoning would not be for her own benefit, but for the safety of Equestria as a whole. Secondly, Twilight wouldn't be pushing ponies' skillsets down to the lowest. She would've just taken away the magic so that it can't be used to negate egalitarianism. And she wouldn't be making them uniform either. 3. I assume you're refering to Star Wars with the "sequel trilogy". First of all, happy endings don't exist in the real world, because in the real world, there's not an ending to a story. "Happily Ever After" is nothing but a fairy tale. So anyone who hates happy endings being negated hate reality. In reality, the closest you can get is the ups in a never ending story that has ups and downs all the time. There's also the fact that almost every single sequel that exists negates a happy ending. You don't even have to mention the sequel trilogy to point this out. The Empire Strikes Back negated the happy ending of A New Hope. Originally, the first Star Wars movie was a stand alone movie. Sequels weren't originally intended. In fact, in it's original release, the first movie wasn't even labelled as Episode IV. So if you hate the sequel trilogy for taking away the happy ending, why don't you hate Empire Strikes Back for taking away a happy ending? Also, why are you choosing the worst case scenario as an example? If you want me to give an example of what to expect from a president, do you expect me to pick Trump? I find it frustrating that there seems to be so much hate for G5 based on the equivalent of the back of the DVD case the movie will come in. This hate comes from almost no information. This is the definition of making uninformed opinions.
@travissmith2848 3 жыл бұрын
It is possible that being magical beings Windigos are no longer in existence.
@changelingkingcocoon5029 3 жыл бұрын
@@travissmith2848 That's an interesting theory. But if they successfully bring back magic to Equestria in the movie, would that bring back the Windigoes? And if things really are that bad, could that result in the Windigoes attacking immediately? Could bringing back magic actually doom Equestria. Also, if Twilight was the one who removed the magic from Equestria, maybe this was the reason? Things were getting bad to the point of summoning Windigoes. So to prevent history from repeating itselfs, she removed all magic from Equestria to liteally save it from destruction.
@sethmoss8671 3 жыл бұрын
@@changelingkingcocoon5029 I don't care about the back of the DVD case and I'm not saying I'm not giving G5 a chance. I'm just not sure others would and was simply asking questions about potential plot holes.
@changelingkingcocoon5029 3 жыл бұрын
@@sethmoss8671 Fair enough. But there are people who are already criticizing G5 even before it aired. And it's just frustrating that they are making such a big judgement call on so little information.
@DuckDecoy13 3 жыл бұрын
1:24 now that is one question that we would like to know the answer to
@sarahsiemiantkowski3749 2 жыл бұрын
It will have magic to the end the movie
@kristaqshkembi8052 2 жыл бұрын
How about if some of the magic in Pedestria, comes to Equestria and somehow all the magic returns?
@dragonninja3655 2 жыл бұрын
It only takes one generation of kids to forget if their parents don't teach them properly or to be taught something incorrect and take it as fact. And even then kids often feel they are "more modern" and know better than their parents. The ponies no longer being friends is completely believable.
@ponyofsilence8964 3 жыл бұрын
0:46 yeah that was my feeling
@jirahmarteja6151 2 жыл бұрын
This is my theory what if luster dawn couldnt handle it even with her friends and kinda passed the princess tittle to the “wrong hands”
@Montork 2 жыл бұрын
whtf are the widigos rn?
@mastermold10 2 жыл бұрын
ya know, ijust had a thought...we have been makeing an interesting asumption, we know this takes place in the same world as g4....but does it take place in the same TIMELINE...maybe thats where were borking , maybe...just maybe, the world of g5 is the world that came to be if cozy glow SUCSEEDED in her first effort...she had drawn the magic away from equestria, convinced the students that it was the non ponies that were the cause of hte problem...
@maryrosekrouse4089 2 жыл бұрын
Equestria loses magic because it loses friendship between peoples, and friendship is magic!
@smartmouth1819 2 жыл бұрын
I actually prefer the idea that FiM is a tv show... as opposed to Twilight destroying all magic
@egh_7 2 жыл бұрын
I think the knights of harmony won in the comic's finale.
@L337M4573RK 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent theories and ideas, but MasterCode Ace Analyst's analysis with regard to the writers simply "hitting the reset button" is likely the most accurate. However, resetting for the sake of resetting doesn't really make much logical sense, thus the questions as to WHY and to WHAT PURPOSE did this reset occur STILL REMAIN. To find a suitable answer to those questions, we must take another look at the released synopsis for the upcoming G5 movie (and, likely, the following series) for clues. Yes, we know that Equestria in G5 has lost its magic (probably sometime long before G5 is to take place) and that the pony races have since segregated themselves due to disloyalty and mistrust, but if you read on, you'll arrive at the quick introduction to our new Mane main character, Sunny. Now, Sunny is noted as having some very familiar traits and quirks (which is, of course, something for the intended viewer to relate to), but then we read that an "Activist". Since this is MLP, we know that Sunny is likely an "Activist" for "Friendship and Harmony" (and the "re-unification" of Equestria), which (again) is supposed to be something for the intended viewer to relate to since (on the surface) it's a fairly innocent and reasonable endeavor (with regards to MLP and the current state of Equestria and its citizens). But, WHY? Why announce that Sunny is an "Activist"? Why take the now "harmonious" society of Equestria in G4, and turn it into THIS disloyal, mistrusting, segregated mess? For what purpose does a disloyal, mistrusting, segregated mess of a society now need an "Activist of Friendship and Harmony" like Sunny the...pony races............and our answers finally present themselves! G4's Equestria was reset for G5 so that Sunny's "Activism" would actually serve a "greater NEED and PURPOSE"! Think about it. What need or purpose would Sunny's "Activism" fill in an already PEACEFUL world and society like we see in Equestria at the end of G4? In truth, Sunny's "Activism" would NOT serve any kind of PURPOSE in that world because there would be no NEED for it...and THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT! The writers WANTED to make Sunny an "Activist" since G5's conception, but since G4's Equestria didn't NEED an "Activist", the writers decided to change things in order GIVE Sunny's "Activism" a NEED/PURPOSE to fulfill! (WHY did the writers WANT to make Sunny an "Activist", you may ask? Well, how else are you going to appease certain groups of (possible) political investors while simultaneously trying to encourage young viewers to (eventually) become "Activists" themselves?)
@pastorcodymitchell1456 3 жыл бұрын
This’ll be a rough listen I already feel like crying
@noah_nothere 2 жыл бұрын
My little pony friendship is tragic
@remusthethrashman 3 жыл бұрын
Am I the only one who thought that Cozy Glow, Tirek, and Chrysalis broke from their stone prison and wiped the magic of the world again and also fed lies of who did so everyone would fight as a revenge? Just me? Ok.
@LILIES02465 2 жыл бұрын
@egh_7 2 жыл бұрын
I starting to hate g5 more everytime it is talked about. (This is a personal opinion brought to you someone who hates not knowing anything about things)
@olleselin 2 жыл бұрын
I'm with you on this
@58jharris 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed. It sounds dumb. The franchise was already going dumb though before FIM ended.
@dnmgaming4558 2 жыл бұрын
they better have continued in the same universe but Idc if it is not the same time I care about teaching others what the past was like and the great storied to be told without a past there is no future/present also every time I think about them scrapping/abandoning those great tales and history it makes me angry.
@Gungelion 3 жыл бұрын
Now I haven't been following the latest news like most (mostly because of spoiler and speculation) but a thought occurred to me. What if the reason why everything changed in equestria is because the villains won? now you yourself probably thought about the Trinity of villainy (my name for them) being released from the statue somehow. BUT, what if they won by using time travel? what if the movie in the series isn't far off in the future like we think but rather a alternate timeline taking place closer to the end of the series? As for why the stories of the main six still exist, we've already seen that the tree of harmony can be somewhat immune to the effects of time travel. just a thought from someone who's not been paying attention to the news too much.
@miloaguilar6284 2 жыл бұрын
Save Mlp G4 again please 🙏🥺
@corretorquasebom1555 2 жыл бұрын
no, no one "saved" g1, g2 and g3. Why would g4 be anything different?
@olleselin 2 жыл бұрын
@foxygaming8923 2 жыл бұрын
We can't
@miloaguilar6284 2 жыл бұрын
@samsantos8754 2 жыл бұрын
mlp g4 and g5 therory:twilight is looking for future spell so she can watch whos the girl that should have her magic before she dies so she pock sunny because she has friend she believe of magic and friendship
@God-T 2 жыл бұрын
Hitch is not a good character, his prejudice won't just go away overnight they just get reinterpreted just like Sprout they both were indoctrinated to think and believe it. Sunny was the only one to learn both sides from her father while her two friends had completely different views and this isn't me saying Sunny actions was right but to point out that false belief can really make anyone blind to the truth. Sprout setting up a riot was the result of his mother being a bad infuse on him, "flying ponies & horned ponies are the Enemies!" telling a child to be scared, what do you think would happen?
@Emily-hg5ox 2 жыл бұрын
No of course not how doing this never do this
@jillevers1432 3 жыл бұрын
I like to think it’s was Luster, Twilight’s student. She did say that friendship was unnecessary and too much hard work.
@sethmoss8671 3 жыл бұрын
But didn't she change her mind after hearing the story? I think there are more reasonable explanations than blaming it on some student.
@jillevers1432 3 жыл бұрын
Well no we can’t blame her. Perhaps in the time everything of life affected them. Just thinking under Twilight’s rule friendship prosper, but under a new rule (probably Luster), perhaps she went through a life change in Equestria that lead her to no choice but to end friendship. Don’t know how but that’s just my thought. Each ruler is different
@MewDenise 3 жыл бұрын
Ooooh. The idea that the mane 6 made the choice to take away all magic is interesting :O But I don´t want to hype myself. I have a feeling that all of this happened efter the mane 6 died... not that I like it that way.
@Mr-__-Sy 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with everything you said, but why put it on Twilight? Hear me out, I don't think it will be Twilight that does those but Discord, or he will actually be the catalist for it to happen, so here's the theory: No one will mess with twilight because of what she accomplished, this puts pressure on Luster, but she will be fine for most of the time because some of the elements and people they knew might actually still be alive while she rulles so she's quite safe for most of her rulling time, if not for all since, according to some theories, she might be Celestia's daughter and this leaves us with her heir and that passing of the torch which will go perfect except for one thing, in the coming months/years after that coronation some events will take place that will force that new queen to ask for help from Discord and when that will happen the final puzzle pice for the scheming elite will be placed in the machine and the mechanism put into motion, but Discord did had a backup in case this happens, enter screwball whom might or might not be his daughter or heir in the chaos realm, which when will find out what happened to Discord will siphon out all the magic out of equestria along with the remains of Discord and the ruller at that time, sealing them out of equestria for good as a punishment. Now, if Discord were turned into stone and shattered or killed and if screwball did knew that the ruller at that time was innocent or not and then blamed everything on it and punished them to be prisoners in the chaos realm is up to you, but I think queen Haeven was involved in that somehow, judging by from what the movie description says to us about a jewel theft
@StarshadowStudiosRS 2 жыл бұрын
Transformers: Optimus Prime: I will find the legacy after Equestria Girls. With Teenagers with attitude: Sunstreaker Hound Inferno Prowl Smokescreen
@MewDenise 3 жыл бұрын
Well... look at our own world history. All the kingdoms that have risen and fallen. Wasn´t the Roman Empire suppose to be an era of peace before everything went to shiz?
@sethmoss8671 3 жыл бұрын
But friendship wasn't a big factor in real life kingdoms
@AJponyAPschannel 3 жыл бұрын
I’ll be honest, I’m starting to lose optimism for G5. No trailer (worried maybe people will think it’s bad?) this is Netflix’s, who didn’t give dark crystal a season two after winning an emmy Although for the theme of the story, I can see it going/taking inspiration from present day America, where, just because the civil rights and King were successful, that didn’t mean rasicum went away, and can’t easily be lost if not fought for because ‘the world is more accepting than it was in the 50’s’
@SirSqueakStir 3 жыл бұрын
I agree with you on the first point..... As for the second it's a 50/50. I lived in both FL and CA and I saw more and more people caring for each other in both states as well as how toxic people are in both states. The thing is people will always discriminate against each other over other things like hobbies, hight, weight, favorite shows, etc other than the usual suspects people link the word/behavior. For example the recent suicide squad movie from when I've heard of the reviews it's a really good movie really good entertainment if you're into that stuff but Twitter has gone crazy cuz birds of prey wasn't as well received and they're now trying to attack that movie. hell those same people have attacked MLP for being I wish I was joking "not woke enough" and somehow "being racist". Like my mother says "you can never please everyone, you can only please a few" I'm also worried for the show do the fact that when shows are based off nowadays issues they go way too much into politics and trying to push one side narratives rather trying to show both sides and trying to come to acceptance. Netflix already got hit hard for their horrendous marketing as well as the lies behind the recent He-Man masters of the universe. We could only hope that they will try to stay away from this and hopefully do it in either a good way or just flat out just try to tell a story.
@corretorquasebom1555 2 жыл бұрын
it aged like milk, there will be a trailer in 3 days
@olleselin 3 жыл бұрын
@foxygaming8923 2 жыл бұрын
We can't
@Meme-Dealer8323 2 жыл бұрын
Mlp g4 is dead
@mig0171 3 жыл бұрын
In my opinion I prefer mane 6 story much better 😊
@sergioandrescontreras5251 3 жыл бұрын
Don’t worry. Twilight’s journey wasn’t for nothing. She and her friends inspired a lot of people. Including the main character of G5 Sunny. And now is up to Sunny and her friends to finish what Twilight and her friends started. And I can’t wait to see it.🦄❤️🎥🍿🐴🧡
@MLPDethDealr32 3 жыл бұрын
I wont be watching G5. I'll be keeping Twi and her adventures alive on my channel and writing. Dont forget that Hasbro hired the writers that tried to cancel Dr Suess for being a symbol of " White" Supremecy. There's enough woke crap killing Franchises i love. It needs to stop really. ALso, if the Pony races are separate... WHERE are the Wendigos. And sorry but I hated the finale. Im reworking the Starlight vs Chrsyalis scene into something better then what they gave us.
@margustrees7747 2 жыл бұрын
🇬🇷ai kno apoutet 🦄reli 🇬🇷yes
@miloaguilar6284 2 жыл бұрын
Save Mlp G4 again please 🙏🥺
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