Addressing the Ugly Incident at the Gas Station

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Gold Shaw Farm

Gold Shaw Farm

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I need to talk about what happened at the gas station the other day. I'm not saying I'm right, I'm just saying that this is my side of the story.
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About Gold Shaw Farm: Gold Shaw Farm is more of a farm-in-progress than an honest-to-goodness farm. Our dream is that someday we are able to transform our 150+ acre parcel of land into a regenerative and productive homestead and farm.

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@florindadawdy854 2 жыл бұрын
When there’s a line you need to go to the back. I worked at a gas station and had people try this all the time. Never wanted to wait their time. I would tell them they could stand there but they aren’t going to get served any faster. So yes you were right. Stand your ground
@mikepatrona472 2 жыл бұрын
Would of been fighting especially if it was a strong young man cutting old ladies and grandparents this new generation are punks and entitled they/them pansy’s
@lynncataldi5885 2 жыл бұрын
Yup you were In the right, yes a boorish jerk
@jamiejohnson3886 2 жыл бұрын
The only thing people are so crazy today. I live in Atlanta & today I received a NewsFlash saying last night we had a shooting. There was a Circle K that inside had a Subway Sandwich station. Last night around 6:30 pm a man was upset with the Subway employee because his "sandwich had too much Mayo on it". Seriously .... So he argues, pulls out a handgun & shoots both the Subway employee & the Circle K employee The first lady died & the other is in critical condition following surgery. The Shooter left the scene & is still at large. I agree with your other Poster that you were within your rights to stand your ground however people today are freaking crazy. So is it okay to possible be dead over someone else's lunacy. No.
@goldengryphon 2 жыл бұрын
Same. Dude was probably from out of town and willing to be pushy, counted on no one calling him on his bad behavior when he figured it out.
@pastlepink131 2 жыл бұрын
Usually my mom would do this or stand off to the side, never really having alot of stuff, but she would ALWAYS ask if it would be okay to check out fast. (Sometimes a few situations of "Its okay you can go!" and "Nonono, sweetheart, you go!") But some people, no matter how hard you try and be nice, will pull stuff like this and it irks me
@robertlarson7224 2 жыл бұрын
As a cashier at one of those small town grocery store/gas stations (Midwestern, "We'll see ya next time!"), I 100% look to the one main line for my next customer. I'll usually even say "I can help who's next in line!" when I finish each transaction. That guy was 100% just a jerk.
@Wetlawnmulch 2 жыл бұрын
as a frequent visitor of KT, they do a pretty good job of telling line jumpers they need to go to the back of the line.
@brokenglassshimmerlikestar3407 2 жыл бұрын
It'd also help to have a sign that indicates where to queue. I feel like that usually make people wait in one single line. When there are several cash registers but no signalling structure people will be in multiple lines
@virginiamoss7045 2 жыл бұрын
@@brokenglassshimmerlikestar3407 Exactly. Create a roped off alley with signage so that it's clear. Simple as that. And don't expect too much from that low-wage earner who's very young to handle such "lawlessness". They shouldn't have to be put in that position.
@ronc7743 2 жыл бұрын
I live in Marseille France and see this ALL the time.
@sylviamaresca8852 2 жыл бұрын
I just ssk people if they're in line,and keep asking until someone says no.
@thegirlwiththatface 2 жыл бұрын
I think you’re in the right but the manager/owner should make the line situation more clear + the cashiers should enforce it.
@willgaukler8979 2 жыл бұрын
... sorry today's employee is just a cashier... what you need is a line monitor ... not my job ... ... actually your right but maybe that guy coms from a different area or time ... when you did what ever your told ... not in today's world .. IMHO ...
@angelark2011 2 жыл бұрын
I agree. I have been on both sides of the situation, i have seen places where the cashiers ask for who is next in line. They should be directing traffic.
@stephaniemiller4105 2 жыл бұрын
Totally. It's the same situation as an "express" line; cashiers are supposed to enforce that one and should and (at least in the stores I frequent) do. That being said, the guy should've just accepted he was being a jerk and gotten in line once Morgan told him. (He obviously knew and was just 'playing dumb.')
@christinedehn3257 2 жыл бұрын
A few bollards with rope/ribbon and an enter here /exit here set of signs would make the protocol clear to everyone.
@bonnieharris8855 2 жыл бұрын
You do know that store employees are being attacked trying to enforce store rules, don't you? I am sure they are not paid enough to police bad guys.
@secretjourney4815 2 жыл бұрын
A FEW THINGS- 1. Sadly as is the case, most people are compliant to bullies. (Those in line behind you) 2. If this guy kicked your arse, those in the line would simply watch. 3. This is probably the same type of guy who runs dogs through private property.
@KAnansey 2 жыл бұрын
@Johnnyy832 2 жыл бұрын
Nah I would join in with Morgan.
@kleineoOoStern 2 жыл бұрын
@@Johnnyy832 same and usually when you have two people going in everybody around become suddenly more vocal and help. I don't care if I risk to be hurt, respecting orhers is something too important to just let it go.
@flautalee3090 2 жыл бұрын
This guy missed all of the stuff taught in kindergarten to middle school.
@picadilly3184 2 жыл бұрын
Being an elderly woman, I probably wouldn't have had the nerve to do what you did, but I'm so proud of you for standing up.
@shannondeaton4831 2 жыл бұрын
I think as an elderly woman you’ve earned the right to say whatever you wanna say!😉🙂
@theguy8763 2 жыл бұрын
If I were Mr shaw and you were the one trying to skip the line, I would've happily given you my spot. Respect your elders people :)
@scionixx9568 Жыл бұрын
@@shannondeaton4831 being old doesn’t give ya more right then anyone else. But she shouldn’t feel scared if she’s in the right
@Winterascent 2 жыл бұрын
Entitled narcissists feel like they can do whatever they want. If the store employees or managers won't do what they should, which is to direct people to the back of the lines so there is order, they are asking the customers to do it, which isn't fair to them. You were in the right.
@_Fizel_ 2 жыл бұрын
1) they need to fix their line issues, like wtf complain because this is an issue 2) you are 1000% in the right 3) this has always happened, and it's only now we are seeing it because of cellphones
@emilyboller7588 2 жыл бұрын
Having been on the other side of this situation (unknowingly), I appreciate that you gave him the benefit of the doubt and pointed out the line. I came to a similar 3-cashier row and it looked to me like people were lining up in front of each cashier. Turns out I was wrong, and when I stepped in line behind the least busy cashier, this man completely lost his mind on me and started screaming about how I needed to get myself to the back of the line and wait my turn. I honestly had no idea there was an organized line (and I calmly apologized and told him this). Didn't matter, he continued muttering insults as I walked past him to the back of the line. Kindness goes a long way!
@sabby_80 2 жыл бұрын
That's terrible that he didn't even give you the benefit of the doubt. Things like this happen! I feel like someone should be able to tell the difference between an honest mistake (what happened to you) vs. someone who just didn't care about anybody else and did their own thing (the guy in Morgan's situation). I feel like the guy in Morgan's situation probably figured nobody would hassle him or say anything, because generally most people don't like "rocking the boat" and he'd "get away with it". But thankfully Morgan did step up and at LEAST gave him the benefit. So yeah, he did the right thing, and that guy should never screamed at you in the first place. Says a lot more about him than you.
@gus1113 2 жыл бұрын
Your right you are wrong for not being aware of your surroundings.
@noraarico1313 2 жыл бұрын
I was invited by a cashier to check out at her register for those with 12 or less items. There was no one in line. All other registers were extremely backed up. A customer soon showed up behind me and started arguing with me about how dare I use the wrong checkout counter. He was ranting and in a rage because I had a little more than 12 items. He was extremely insulting and I argued back. What gets me is that the cashier who invited me to her register even though she knew I had more than 12 items did not defend me in any manner, at least telling the customer she asked me to check out at her register because no one was in line and the other registers were extremely busy. She just let it happen, even though this man was mercilessly upsetting me. I left the store as if I had survived a war.
@jimputnam2044 2 жыл бұрын
Rude people everywhere now. Seems they are more lately.
@kesjds 2 жыл бұрын
As a store manager I can tell you that this scenario happens at least once a day in my store and 75% of the time the other customer is aware of the line and knows he is in the wrong. They usually pretend not to see the line and push their way forward. I am surprised no one else spoke up. I can guarantee others felt the same. What would interest me is to know on his next visit will he behave the same way? If no one spoke up in his mind it would have justified his actions and he would continue to repeat this pattern. He probably did not acknowledge the line because that would be acknowledging his mistake but your comment may have been enough to make him a a little bit more aware. Hopefully he will make different choices next time. I will say I think you handled it beautifully and don't worry about overanalyzing it, we all would have done the same.
@Ajlez 2 жыл бұрын
"next visit will he behave the same way?" That is a very interesting question. People who do this type of thing are [presumably] used to not being stood up to. I think a lot of people imagine that their words won't change anything, but that isn't necessarily true. (and that said, I do think this is one of the causes of weird violent outbursts - someone who expects no one to stand up to them doesn't know how to react when it finally is unpredictable and possibly dangerous too)
@animehuntress9018 2 жыл бұрын
I noticed a lot of people have less patience for telling people there is a line and more cutting like this since Covid. Like you I always saw this about 1 to 3 times a day... but a definitely noticed it more after covid and everything was lines.
@jcriverside 2 жыл бұрын
It's up to the store to treat customers fairly & make it clear to all if a line forms. If they don't, they're going to have conflict based upon the fact that inevitably someone will feel entitled to cut in line. I tend to speak up, for which I've been thanked, apologized to and taunted. I speak up when someone interrupts a customer service type conversation with a store worker as well - it seems most often to be men who try to pull that shit. When I worked retail decades ago, I always told the interrupter that I'd get to them just as soon as I was finished with the customer I was currently talking to.
@alexgonzales6171 2 жыл бұрын
from someone who just got out of retail, you were totally in the right and thanks for sticking up for the little guys. sometimes it just gets so tiring and draining - it’s kind of rare when a customer sticks it to another customer. it’s super refreshing lol
@robinviden9148 2 жыл бұрын
1. I’m Scandinavian, so this story about the queue-jumper situation at your grocer's gave me an anxiety rash. 2. I just cannot stop wondering about what the dogs and the calves were so interested in.
@JessicaNiles 2 жыл бұрын
I must know- would Scandinavians never consider such a thing!?
@keith5615 2 жыл бұрын
I have see Danes queue jump at Fakta.
@keircampbell9374 2 жыл бұрын
@@JessicaNiles most of the civilized world would be chagrined at such behaviour. But all cultures have their share of rudeness too. In Canada you don’t line jump. We have an astute sense of fairness. So if anyone tried that, they’d get a jersey pull and a timbits 3 pieces real quick bud
@zarroth 2 жыл бұрын
for #2, I'm guessing a mole/vole or the like. Those things will kill fruit trees, and he happens to be building a food forest in that area.
@catsj1767 2 жыл бұрын
Um no hand sanitizer after he went though the spot 😖🙂🙂☺️
@Zabyne84 2 жыл бұрын
I recently had this EXACT scenario. Only the 'real line' was well established with a roped off cordoned section. Had one old lady walk all the way around the cordoned section and hop into the next available cashier. I silently ignored this until she called her friend over. I pushed in between them very similar to what you did and the 2nd lady scoffed and said 'Excuse me," I turned and looked her dead in the eye and said "You're excused" and went about my transaction. Some people just want the bend the rules to benefit their own wants. They knew without a doubt that there was an established line. It was bloody well marked out.
@l.w.5345 2 жыл бұрын
Taking advantage of their age thinking they're innocent or something
@sunnybelisle4007 2 жыл бұрын
PERFECT response!! :-D
@annwilliams6438 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, that is really annoying. I have joint problems that make standing painful for me. However I am neither a pensioner nor full time in a wheelchair… having people who are still perfectly able push in is just distressing, no matter their age or anything else….
@jcriverside 2 жыл бұрын
Mostly, you can tell when they really don't know and when they feel entitled. If they seem entitled, I speak up. If they're frail or seem confused, I always offer to let them go ahead of me if no one else is waiting.
@angelamarie4137 2 жыл бұрын
When I was a cashier, I would make customers go to the back of the line if I caught them cutting. One time, a fight broke out at Christmas time over line cutting, and some guy hit me with a toaster oven that he chucked. You would be amazed at how insane people become because they feel entitled and lack patience.
@cherylhuot4436 2 жыл бұрын
Once it was pointed out the “line starts over there” the guy was an asshat for ignoring it. Genuinely Not knowing the line set up and feeling “the rules don’t apply to me” puts him in the jerk category. Standing your ground was the right thing to do. That he still cut in line may have given his ego a tiny feeling of victory ….but what a hollow victory. He looked like an asshat in everyone’s eyes in the store. But, in the big picture, Coming to blows over such things would have been foolish.
@ColdEmperor 2 жыл бұрын
Only if he doesn't push his luck. If he's a jerk and then digivolves into a douche he deserves to have his teeth knocked out.
@wendyweaver8749 2 жыл бұрын
McFly needs to have an overhead/suspended sign stating "Line starts here" and the cashier's should gently enforce use of the line by indicating the line when someone tries cut in front of it. My local CVS established a line during COVID heights with spacing labels on the floor. After the labels were removed, it took just six weeks for a "line starts here" sign to be installed.
@dawgbone98 2 жыл бұрын
During covid, a lot of the grocery stores in my area switched from the "find a register and get in line" to a single queue. It was fantastic. You no longer had to guess which line would be good and more importantly, it didn't create a giant mass of people and completely eliminate a path that from one of the store to the other without having to go zipping through various aisles. Once things opened up more it went back to the old method and it was pretty clear the queue method was superior. For the first time ever I talked to a manager and suggested they switched back, which they did. I will say the responsibility of "sir, there's a line over there", shouldn't fall on the customer.
@evancombs5159 2 жыл бұрын
Studies have been done on this, and the single queue is on average slower than multiple queue. So a single queue is not clearly superior, but you might prefer it because it requires less work on your part because you are no longer attempting to maximize your efficiency. You can get a similar affect with a multi queue setup by always going to the closest queue, and not worry about finding the fastest queue.
@eric2500 2 жыл бұрын
Beyond saying that one time, it should not fall on the Cash Register Clerks either. If the pandemic taught us anything, it is that people should not have to risk their lives working long hours at indifferent pay, just to be insulted and menaced by jerks.
@parrotcracker6629 2 жыл бұрын
During covid most stores added a sticker to the bottom to space everyone out and I must say lines have gotten more organized. No more wondering where the line starts or end. I used to hate it how lines curved to the sides, now they can go into the aisle in a straight line.
@anitraahrens905 2 жыл бұрын
Store owner(s)/manager(s) are acutely aware when a store experiences a heavy traffic flow and should plan for it. Morgan, what you experienced was preventable with proper traffic control at the checkout.
@BBDoesTheThing 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed. It might not happen enough to motivate the store owners/manager. Prob need some motivation for the right practices to be implemented.
@MorePranaGardens 2 жыл бұрын
You were absolutely right. The only reason to disregard common decency (getting in line) is entitlement. If he honestly thought it was ok to jump the line, that tells us that he believes he has more rights than others. People like him keep doing things like that because people let them. I don't let them either.
@anitraahrens905 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed. The sense of entitlement is out of hand.
@ShirleeKnott 2 жыл бұрын
@@anitraahrens905 imho you are 100% correct!
@virginiamoss7045 2 жыл бұрын
The recent attitude of late is to do whatever you want and, if it's a problem for you, ask for forgiveness. The next phase will be to pull out your conceal-carry and dare anyone to do anything about it. What's the next phase after that?
@katiehathaway743 2 жыл бұрын
@canukmrsben 2 жыл бұрын
@MPG: Totally agree, 'people like him keep doing things like that because people let them' and like yourself, I don't let them either. On that note though; one time I accidently butted in line and was served but only noticed when I had turned around after I paid for the purchase that there was a line up, BUT profusely and sincerely apologized and actually received an applause by doing so but talk about embarrassing!
@debrafisher7373 2 жыл бұрын
You're definitely seeing a change in how we humans deal with each other. Rudeness and impatience are on the rise, as is crime. I live in the same area you are in and I see people saying and doing things that just didn't happen in our neck of the woods 2 years ago. It's sad.
@Hammerite 2 жыл бұрын
I live in europe and i've noticed the change as well. I try to remind myself it's just a small group, most people are still decent but it definitely seems like people just do whatever, others be damned.
@deanfirnatine7814 2 жыл бұрын
A lot of big city people who do not respect rural values, they are lucky they are in the rural East and not the rural West or they would be getting hurt
@gocards6390 2 жыл бұрын
@@deanfirnatine7814 his depiction of the guy makes me think it was a local, not some1 from the city. and id bet he voted for the guy whos followers wear the "F your Feelings" Tshirts
@Broockle 2 жыл бұрын
I mean it really has nothing to do with the people I think. It's entirely how the store is setup. It's the sunken cost fallacy at work, someone gets in a line, then 1-2 mins later realizes there's actually a longer line and then they feel that if they move to the bigger established line they have wasted their 1-2 mins. So the more stubborn variety of personality ends up behaving this way.
@Biftapopoulos 2 жыл бұрын
I don't think so, I work in a little shop in Belgium, around Brussels, and people are mostly behaving correctly. A few idiots here and there, some thieves but no violence or rude exchanges of words. Crime has been relatively stable for the past decades. However, we do see on social medias a lot of violence. We are definitely way more exposed to it than 10 years ago, but that's not something we experience or actively witness a lot more. We just see more videos, posts or stories of violence and perceive it as a growing tendency while in our everyday lives, everything's normal.
@celticcheetah6371 2 жыл бұрын
I'm British - the very thought of jumping a queue makes me feel physically ill. I have literally never done it haha.
@caseyleichter2309 2 жыл бұрын
Line etiquette is pretty clear: you were in the right. I have occasionally also made the mistake of mistaking where the actual line was - and always apologized and got in the proper queue.
@MsSunnyDenise 2 жыл бұрын
I always ask if I am unsure where the back of the line is. That’s the difference between someone who is genuinely nice and courteous and someone who feels entitled to be next (not you, the guy in Morgan’s story).
@gotc86 2 жыл бұрын
​@@MsSunnyDenise , EXACTLY! When there's any question, I ask the person, "Excuse me; are you in line?"
@kayleenfeher4341 2 жыл бұрын
No, he knew exactly what he was doing. He just feels like he can get away with it because apparently no one has stood up themselves enough because they don't want conflict. We have enough of those people where I am at and we live near a large university and the capital of our state. The white thing near your arm looked like a bit of down. Should have seen the time I was in DC and I was on the escalator with my large suitcase and I accidentally took up the entire step...I got screamed at by some woman who just assumed that I was being rude, instead of asking if it was my first time there and letting me know that the proper etiquette is to pull everything to the right so people in a rush can push past me on the left...
@elisemiller13 2 жыл бұрын
@Pat Luxor The opposite of common sense does not mean the bearer of the suitcase is "entitled". In fact, people who are traveling, (even those with common sense) can sometimes lose their footing in new surroundings. Plus, when someone is writing of an incident they didn't intend, (as in the key word "accidentally") then why are they being judged?
@BrokenCurtain 2 жыл бұрын
I've encountered a few line skippers like this and they're always like "oh, I didn't know". But I can usually tell from their expression that they're lying. Thankfully, I'm pretty tall (over 6 ft.) and broadly built, so I'm hard to ignore and they go back in the line when confronted by me.
@djhrecordhound4391 2 жыл бұрын
Yep I'm over 6' as well. When someone cuts in a line, my reactions vary. It usually involves roasting (insulting) the rude person... --to others in line (loosens tensions) --to the cashier (sometimes gives them a heads-up of goings-on if they're very busy) --to the rude person themself (usually if they start bullying anyone)
@newkkl 2 жыл бұрын
I’m an average size grandma and here is Life Lesson #43 passed down by my dad: 1) no cutting 2) let the lady with one item go through ahead of you while you unload your cart, 3) cough up a couple bucks for the guy who doesn’t quite have enough money for all that cat food or diapers or briquettes.
@jcriverside 2 жыл бұрын
@@newkkl - exactly!
@MrsPink64 2 жыл бұрын
As a retail worker, I have sent many a cutter to the back of the line. I lost some of them, but the lined up customers have often said things like, “See ya!” Or “Don’t let the doors hit your backside on the way out.” Or even, “Thank you” to me.
@deborahellenberger7153 2 жыл бұрын
I would have done the same thing. Too often bullies come in the form of shoppers. Encounter them from time to time. On the other hand, most shoppers are sweet and will say, “Go ahead, you only have a couple of items.” Love your channel.
@Dimpledballz 2 жыл бұрын
I just had a person ask of they skip the line because they had tickets for a show in Las Vegas. I told him, no, I along with all these other people have and will continue to wait patiently in line. Turns out he was there with his entire family of 6 who had 100+ items. They all ended up leaving the store because they weren't patient enough to wait.
@thegirlwiththatface 2 жыл бұрын
Omg ☠️ I get the sense they were lying. Who the hell buys that much before going to a show? The audacity of people
@KAREN-OAKES 2 жыл бұрын
I hope they restocked the shelfs with the items they picked up but didn't buy !!!
@SharonRepici 2 жыл бұрын
Ah yes, the "Can I go next, I only have a few things." customer who if you allow them to go will wave over the family member pushing a loaded cart. If I want to allow someone with a small basket to move ahead I will mention it is OK before they ask. Have only been burned once in many years.
@bkm2797 2 жыл бұрын
Rudeness with regard to waiting in line has been going on forever, there are always those who try to cheat thinking most will back off and do nothing about it. Like you Morgan, I refuse to let that happen, I want them to know there will be those like you and me that will gently remind them where the back of the line is. So good on you! Thanks for sharing!
@necridos 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who worked behind a till for ten years, I thank you for your service Morgan. It really does help a minimum wage employee when they don't have to deal with dick customers by themselves.
@pamelaremme38 2 жыл бұрын
But the cashiers need to enforce this too.
@Roukle 2 жыл бұрын
Morgan's energetic storytelling with his hands waving everywhere and his face in the camera *seems* so unhinged, but he talks about totally normal stuff in a reasonable and logical way. The contrast is adorable.
@ndwolfwood09 2 жыл бұрын
No Morgan, you're in the right... that slub should have followed the rules (cashier or store owner need to be more assertive and rule with an iron fist and/or put a sign on where the line starts) and it's people like him that dismiss others and the rules that cause trouble and are the bad apples in society... and since there are a bunch like him, same mindset, in our country and social media not helping. Will eventually one day lead to our downfall and demise...
@inannaliban 2 жыл бұрын
Couple years ago my husband and I were in line at Costco. The line was quite long and people had politely (We are Canadian after all) left gaps for people to get through to isles. There was a small gap between us and the senior gentleman in front of us. An older woman came up and sort of angled her cart between us and the gentleman in front. She was looking everywhere but at us, so I politely said, "Did you need to get through?". In a rather rude tone she snapped at me, "No, I am in line". I let out a small laugh, as did the gentleman in front of us, and told her that the end of the line was quite a ways behind us. Meanwhile the gentleman in front took a step back to close the gap up. She was obviously angry at being called out for her behaviour and said, "Fine then, I want through". The man ahead of us laughed at this and said, "The boat sailed on that one, back you go". Everyone within hearing range laughed as he said it. She huffed, stood there for a moment more as if expecting someone to speak up for her, then resigned herself to going the back. For the record, the gap he closed up would have allowed her access to the other tills with their equally long line ups. He was preventing her from trying the same thing further down. Some people are just entitled.
@katharinawinter3788 2 жыл бұрын
As a grandmotherly type person - white hair, small and round - I have the freedom to speak out. "Excuse me Sir, the line ends over there!" and not in a quiet voice..... And I don't have to be afraid of a fight (Who would tackle a granny?) 😉 You are absolutely right. Some people are just rude. On the other hand I have no problem of letting people go in front of me when they ask friendly or when they have just one or two items. I'm shopping, not fleeing something....
@garyduran1 2 жыл бұрын
@sharonholding5982 2 жыл бұрын
You were in the right. You did not jump in front of him, he knows darn well there's a que line, he didn't care. I wished the sales clerk and staff would have spoke up. Good Vlog . Always Love seeing the cattle, the flocks and of course Toby and Abby.
@jimputnam2044 2 жыл бұрын
The sales clerk needs to send these people to the back of the line. But they are intemidated by this kind of bully also.
@1350-x7f 2 жыл бұрын
He's also known and disliked in the area. It's his karma.
@private15 2 жыл бұрын
Yes it is the sales clerks job to direct people to the line but line markers and roped area would help and the sales clerks are also tired of dealing with rude people and they don’t get paid enough to argue with people.
@rainbowdemon5033 2 жыл бұрын
lmao that happened once in my local supermarket, where at the end of the day some teenagers tried to cut the line and immediately me and the guy behind me both spoke up , thus restoring the sanctity of the line
@nancy12452 2 жыл бұрын
I live in Italy....the rudeness here tops any place I've ever seen. But what I'd be concerned about someone being either crazy, or on drugs. The older I get, the more I can't stand people. But, you were absolutely correct.
@stoffmeister7095 2 жыл бұрын
You were in the right. Let's look at this from a behavioral perspective: The culture among the shoppers in this store is to form a single line. This is what is considered being the most fair way to treat each other in the store. As we humans evolved as animals of prey, we feel an urge to act similarly, in unison, like a school of fish. Behavior that we can expect is something we find comfort in, because the unexpected behavior is what makes us nervous, as we can't anticipate what said unexpected behavior looks like from beginning to end. Compare this to a school class, sitting down at their tables, everyone writing in their notes, listening to the teacher. Everything is calm, and expected. If one student then stands up and slams his fist on the table, or starts to sing, then the first emotion that goes through everyone in the room is panic: Something unanticipated is happening, something unknown has forcefully breached into their reality. Their eyes all lock upon that one odd student, in shock, until they can figure out what is going on. Same thing in the store, with the man you met. Nobody did anything out of cultural shock. You being the exception, as you quickly managed to not only understand the situation, but also communicated that "this is how we are supposed to act in our culture, fall in line". Quite literally as it were. And just to clarify, the word "culture" is supposed to have the definition of "the common behavior patterns among a select group of individuals" throughout this comment. The dictionary does a poor job properly defining that word, unfortunately. Hope it gave some deeper insight in what happened to you.
@Shelbybellebeethrifts 2 жыл бұрын
Grocery store cashier here. I live in an extremely populated are, and in my opinion, You did fantastic! Most people will just start screaming at each other. Yesterday I was screamed at multiple times for many things that are not my fault. I have been called many MANY names for absolutely no reason. I have come home crying because I have been belittled a treated like absolute crap. So calmly stepping forward the way you did and sticking up for both your self and other is amazing! Here’s my hill and I will die on this hill. Society wants me to teach my children to say yes, no, thank you and please, right. So I should expect that out of adults also. This crappy sense of entitlement that comes from people when they speak to others is the most frustrating thing I have ever witnessed in my entire life! I am 30 years old, I am an adult. Just because you’re 40 years old or older does not give you the right to scream at me and cuss at me because you’re my elder. A sense of mutual respect should be shown to every single person no matter their age, gender, gender preference, skin tone, religion, anything!
@SharonRepici 2 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry you get treated that way. Personally I prefer the self-checkout because I am fussy about how my groceries are bagged, but my husband insists we go through a cashier line. Either way we always make a point to greet the cashier and then thank them for ringing up our groceries.
@tommielourogers4327 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your service. On behalf of my over 40 generation I apologize for some people’s behavior. If it is of any help to understand why we have become rude and unstable, it is because our lives are falling apart and we can’t do much about it. We can’t afford the price of food and we are skipping meals. We can’t afford our medications and so we are rationing them. Both of these things are messing with our brain chemistry. But the worse thing that is destabilizing is that we have been raised to believe in America and that our government in general was good and fair and would protect us. So we built our entire lives on these promises and now we see a government that is more concerned with the people in other places than they are in us. The rugs under most parts of our lives have been pulled out from under us and we are too old to recover all that we have lost. Personally I don’t go shopping anymore. I am afraid I will have a complete meltdown in public so I order everything delivered. But I see how my friends and peers are struggling to hold their emotions in check while in public. They write about how ashamed they feel in text messages and emails. They don’t mean to be so rude, but they are terrified. I realize that this is no excuse to take it out on you or any other person. You didn’t destroy American energy independence. You didn’t cause supply chain issues. You didn’t cause the worst inflation we’ve had since the great depression. But unlike our grandparents we are not prepared to handle this level of economic collapse. And we feel like we can’t do a thing about it. We suspect our votes don’t count. We suspect if we go protest in front of a government building we might spend the last 20 years of our lives in prison. Everything we counted on, other than God, is falling apart, and we’re having a hard time handling it! So please forgive us for our bad behavior. You certainly do not deserve to have to witness our meltdowns. I but I would expect you’ll be seeing a lot more meltdowns.
@SeekingTheLoveThatGodMeans7648 2 жыл бұрын
"God bless you, but we all must wait" moments
@crazylifehomestead 2 жыл бұрын
I would ask them if they feel better OR do they need to take their medication now? lol
@bfinfinity 2 жыл бұрын
I truly feel for you & agree 100%! So, what in the world are these older ones thinking, who are appauled at children not schooled in polite behavior doing, thinking, promoting if THEY are not held to the same standard!? When you go to work, you are there TO DO A JOB. This job DOES NOT INCLUDE an emotional relationship with each customer depending on hiw THEY are feeling today. They OWE YOU RESPECT just because you are another “fellow” human. You have all the rights accorded by laws where you live & you should be treated as a fellow citizen who possesses thise rights. More than that, the creator has feelings about how you are treated & will eventually demand an accounting from those not treating you with respect. You deserve to be treated respectfully NO MATTER HOW CUSTOMERS ARE FEELING TODAY! EVERY DAY!!! Currently, MANY MANY people are BEING BANNED from many places of business for treating others as you are being treated. There are vicious old women & men who set out each day to insult & humiliate as many as they can every day. They are referred to as “Karen’s” “WILD Karen’s” and Ken’s or Kevin’s. One thing I learned from hearing about these people: They’ve been around for eons, they attack innocent people then lie & say THEY were attacked, but they rarely realize that when THEY DEMAND that managers come & police are called, that THEY THEMSELVES WILL BE ARRESTED & go to jail….and they will be convicted…..BECAUSE: Now the whole world has VIDEO TAPES of everything that happens in the businesses. So, managers have gotten wise to these vicious people & have begun taking a “Mug Shot” of them from video & posting it in a place checkers will easily see it & KAREN/KEVIN ARE REFUSED SERVICE next time they show their face. And, if they don’t leave POLICE ARE CALLED & video tapes shown AGAIN as the reason why. If you don’t have a: “We can refuse service to anyone, for any reason” policy at your store, your manager NEEDS TRAINING. These angry customers ARE COMING BACK & KILLING PEOPLE IN STORES. You DON’T NEED customers like that!!! All you are doing is working for a little income to cover your expenses & they turn it into a huge emotional abuse experience that isn‘t worth it. And this is WHY so many are quitting their jobs: ABUSE! And it’s WRONG!!!
@Hammerite 2 жыл бұрын
i feel you man. just today i had a discussion with my wife about how it seems in this post covid world where people no longer have to live by covid rules it somehow seems some people assume it means ALL rules are now invalid. I've also noticed how it seems people in overall have less patience and seem to lack general decency. I dunno, it just feel like, in the past few years, humanity as a whole has drifted more apart.
@pamelaremme38 2 жыл бұрын, lol, lol. You can't be serious!!! Why aren't all the animals dead? ALL the animals. Use your brain and common sense with a lot of research. Not the idiot box or radio or masonic run hospitals.
@catsj1767 2 жыл бұрын
Actually, it’s the up and coming entitled generation that the parents followed the book series What to do When You’re expecting. Those books should be banned
@doloresreynolds8145 2 жыл бұрын
@@catsj1767 Actually, the younger generation is challenged regarding work ethic, but (as a grocery big box store worker) people of all ages are suffering from the ‘entitled to my way’ trait, and personally, I see more of the 40+ crowd acting out that way.
@leagueaddict8357 2 жыл бұрын
I usually go in the back of the line, albeit I walk faster than most people so maybe me walking to the back to some people seems like I get ahead of them even if they weren't in the line but it would be impossible to know from 5-10+ meters away from the line if someone wants to go in that line. I would say I would much rather leave the line and go to another casheer if I feel like it's taking too long, and I've had a situation like that where the casheer every 3 items with no exageration asked some other person through a phone how much does this thing cost while then also having to wait batches of 3-8min just for someone to get on to the other line and tell her the price of the most basic products in the store. Needless to say I was done waiting because another line with a bigger Queue the last person in that line had already paid for his groceries while there was only 1-2 less people in the line that I was in out of the original 5. I'm not the most patient person on the planet but I'm usually willing to wait in line and follow some basic principles but some others are simply put quite rude and most of them don't even have the physical strength to defend themselves, albeit violence is not my go to thing to do It's quite foolish to disrespect someone who is physically stronger than you in a major way.
@allister.trudel 2 жыл бұрын
@@catsj1767 I've been a cashier for many years and though there are certainly entitled people of every age, a majority of older white people were being problematic in general...
@melissaguerrero8982 2 жыл бұрын
I love the editing in your videos, I love how it makes the video 10x funnier/better! Keep up the great work!
@Bigbaymonstermare 2 жыл бұрын
I’m Canadian living in the U.K. which is like a combination of super friendliness and following etiquette. “Queue jumping” is a huge social taboo in the U.K. and a huge no no that in Canada (although I sometimes let people jump ahead if I’ve got a whole cart/trolley, or if they’re with young children and the kids have had enough or the parents is clearly struggling and I’ve even helped people like that pack their shopping in bags and 99% of them are grateful and polite and appreciative - I even had someone pay for my entire cart once because they had such a tough day with their kids and I let them hop ahead and helped them wanting nothing in return, but what he didn’t know is in those days I was a newly single mom and money was so tight for about 3 months that I didn’t always eat dinner, I fed my child until things got better for me with a good job, etc.,they saw me telling my toddler that I couldn’t buy something he wanted that day and my son asked what I would eat for dinner and I tried to convince him I wasn’t hungry, that he needed the food to grow big and strong. The guy who paid for my shopping thanked me again (he had a non-verbal autistic child and another one he told me had serious ADHD issues and I was a lifesaver, and he pushed a $50 bill into my hand - it’s hard for me to remember those days and I cried when he helped me - I needed that money so badly and he told me to go buy myself some dinner and pay it forward, which I’ve done - I’ve done the same thing for other people, but what I’m trying to say is that etiquette and rules are important and I think that reminding him where his place in the line was, was appropriate and I would have done the same. As I said, queue hopping in the U.K. is considered so rude and disrespectful. That being said, sometimes a bit of kindness goes a very long way. Again, in Canada, I am addicted to my Tim Horton’s coffee and I’m so glad they are opening these restaurants in England!!! But because of its popularity, in the morning during rush hour in my small town, there is a very long line in the drive through. They never make police/firemen or paramedic in uniform pay for their bills, but they usually tip the employees very well instead or pay for the person behind them. It became a trend I loved….you wait and are jonesing for your coffee and reach the window to find out some kind stranger ahead of you has paid for your bill. Again, during my rough times, there were several times that I couldn’t repay that favour because the order behind me was bigger than mine and I had carefully budgeted. I would feel bad when I found out my order was paid for, but one of the floor managers grew up with my younger sister and knew my circumstances and would usually put an extra Timbit (a doughnut hole) in the bag for my son and we never talked about it, but my sister has a big mouth and I knew she knew my struggles. I would instead just tip the girls and since then, once things got better for me, I was able to pay that forward, sometimes paying for the person behind me, even if the person in front of me didn’t pay for my bill, to make up for those awful times. There are so many good and decent people in the world, and we tend to focus on the negative. I’m one of those people who _will_ say something if a person is queue hopping, if they don’t have a blue badge and park in the handicap spots because they’re “just running in for one or two things” I always say something to them and if they’re rude about it, I say something to the security person at the door. I have Ehlers-Danlos, an invisible illness where I live in chronic pain. I occasionally have to use crutches and I hate when people break the rules and park in the last handicapped spot (or no effing lie, I saw a douche bag park diagonally across the last three at Tesco one day! He DID get caught by security, as they watched me, on a very bad day pain wise, hobble in with my crutches, trying to shout out after the guy who did it. I need those spots on a bad day. I think you basically hate when people break social barriers and taboos because it isn’t fair for those who follow the rules and wait patiently for our turn. I think someone needs to say something to them. They aren’t aware or don’t care or don’t know what others are going through. So my opinion is, you were in the right. Sorry that was so long, but I needed to show that there are really good people alongside those who flout the rules and conventions of society 😀
@puregibberish 2 жыл бұрын
Truth is you gotta weigh your options here. I’ve stepped up to argue on behalf of abused store employees as a former retail employee myself. But in this world of wackos you never know who’s going to take that confrontation as excuse to grand theft auto your butt over a spot in line. I’m tall, big but not muscly and would probably say I can be imposing, but carry myself relaxed, quiet, and friendly because I’ve found that’s the way to get the smoothest experience in most public environments. Others I’ve see carry themselves with “small dog” attitudes barking orders and throwing their (small) weight around. I guess my only advice is read the room and your potential “opponent”. Sometimes people are ok being corrected, but here lately telling someone anything to correct them has turned into a gamble on how they might react.
@puregibberish 2 жыл бұрын
@Jesse Porter I understand what you are saying and will just leave two separate situations I personally dealt with/witnessed as examples of outcomes here should you or anyone else care to read: 1. Years ago I managed a retail pharmacy. A "customer" came in 5 minutes to closing and demanded their pain meds (which were out of refills) be ready right away to take home. I was helping the pharmacist close out her area and was counting down registers and overheard her letting the customer know they were out of refills. The customer raised their voice and yelled that "was not their problem" - the pharmacist (one of the kindest, softest-spoken persons I've ever met) said "I'm sorry sir, please do not yell, I'd be happy to call your physician to see..." and she did not finish her words - the man had reached across the counter, grabbed her by the lab coat and pulled her clear up off her feet over the counter while yelling expletives and racist comments about how he "wasn't about to have this (expletive) woman tell him how to talk". I jumped the counter two windows down and it was all I could do not to break this person's arm to let go of my employee. Something stopped me from going further than I did in breaking this persons grip and pushing them away and I'm thankful for it today because I'm sure I would have lost my job and my freedom for going harder on this "customer". 2. Last summer I was up in a quaint little mountain town in Colorado vacationing with my wife. We are familiar with the "shoulder season" and make a point of it to visit touristy places when there's less people around to avoid crowds and lines, etc. Small town, mainstreet has the only grocery store, hotels, and most restaurants, rest of the town is dirt roads and residences for the locals. During shoulder season, and in particular due to COVID staffing issues, most restaurants close earlier than they have in the past in this little town. Throughout our stay in town we had come across a seemingly nice family group, middle-aged guy, his wife and young kids. The guy wore shirts with political slogans I'd find myself in agreement with, some of them funny enough to point out to my wife. The last day of our stay was a Saturday, and we had made a point to get to the restaurant we wanted to get into earlier before they closed their doors to patrons and kitchen to new orders. We were waiting for our table to be bussed when I overheard an argument outside the door. This guy we had seen around town was wearing a "lions not sheep" shirt and was berating a teenage girl as she was putting away the hostess stand and explaining they were not taking any more tables (the restaurant was full, the town had taken away their outside seating as the COVID situation relaxed). I then saw the bartender, a guy far bigger and scarier than me, set down his tray, walk out the door and get in between this a-hole and the girl (who was now crying) trying to disarm the situation. The bartender was nice, but firm, and even offered to call up a restaurant a block or so down that was closing an hour later to see if they could get them in. The "Lion" was having none of it and motioned to his wife to get out of the car and went to pull the restaurant door open and said "he'd talk to the manager". The bartender reached out his arm, and pushed the door close (never made any physical contact with the guy). The Lion took three steps back and raised his shirt brandishing a holster in his waistband and just yelled "get your hand off me (expletive)". This being a small town that was probably the worst mistake the Lion could have made. Within what appeared like 5 seconds he had 5 or 6 guys with handguns drawn at him. He wouldnt back down until the cops (thankfully) pulled up and arrested him. By that point I had walked my wife back behind the bar and had joined others at the door to hold it shut (it wouldnt lock). All that over a table at a restaurant. So yes. I am saying weigh your options. Cavalier attitudes are not bulletproof vests. I understand and appreciate the necessity to reinforce societal norms, but at the end of the day I along with many others just want to go home to our loved ones and some hills really are not worth dying on.
@somanybookstbr9716 2 жыл бұрын
He looked at a line of waiting people and said 'there's no line!'. That says it all about this guy. I'd bet he was a big bully in school too. 👺 And the store needs to make the line clear with signs at least and the cashiers need to pay attention. Leaving this to the customers to handle is bad policy and unfair. You did good Morgan. 🌟
@IbelongtoJesus. 2 жыл бұрын
@goldengryphon 2 жыл бұрын
Throwing all responsibility to a minimum wage employee isn't the best thing to do, but the cashiers do have a bit more at stake and slightly more ability to fix problems. It depends on what their instructions are when dealing with out-of-towners, confused patrons, or otherwise problem customers. I've had to deal with "They know me here" guys and point out that, since I work here and don't know them (the current line-breaker), they (the rest of the customers) must not know them well. But saying something can always be taken out-of-context too. It's hard and social constructs vary, especially in small towns.
@permiebird937 2 жыл бұрын
The shop needs markings and signage to explicitly tell customers where the line is. It makes it easier for staff to manage line jumpers, if they can point to a sign and tell them the line is there.
@redheadsrule2785 2 жыл бұрын
Lines like that form in our grocery store (I line in a small town) and there's no issue with telling someone "hey, the line forms back there" happens all the time and people seem to be good decent people and go to the back of the line. Good for you for stepping up.
@Dobviews 2 жыл бұрын
This is a huge issue that I dealt with quite easily, as a cashier I would refuse to check them out until they had gone through the line. I once had a young woman throw her items at me when I told her to use the line and not cut. It is the "me" phenomenon in society.
@stephaniewilson3955 2 жыл бұрын
I was once at a main Post Office with an insanely long queue. Someone came in a joined friends whom he had left to go off and get a McDonald's (or something similar) and was boasting about it. Right until he reached the counter and got told to go to the back of the queue as he would not be served unless he did. I think he left but I know the entire queue was pleased to see him put in his place.
@gotc86 2 жыл бұрын
Saving a place in line for a friend is ok, I think, but not just letting the person join the line when he happens to come in.
@Mulberrysmile 2 жыл бұрын
Existing in a society means accepting the rules of the culture. I was stationed in Spain, and as a normal American, my “personal space” is about an arms length between myself and another person. So I’m standing in line and someone just walks up and gets in front of me. Not wanting to start something, I just let it go and establish my space behind the lady. Then it happened again. And AGAIN! I looked at the other lines and noticed that the people were so close they could lick the neck of the person in front of them! I forced myself to close the gap and no one else jumped in front of me. No one had recognized that I was actually standing in line. So while there are variances in how we form a que, it is pretty universal that we have them. And accommodating the unwritten rules of a society is part of the grease that keeps the society from the friction inherent in social interactions. Unlike me in Spain, you were in a place where the custom is clear. There is no reason to not take your turn, and no reason that the other person should assume they can cut in. The store should paint some lines or have a rope a sign to direct shoppers to the single que, avoiding the situation of false misunderstanding by selfish people.
@ghmj2607 2 жыл бұрын
Being from Europe and I have been to Spain, I also encountered similar issues all over Europe. It's not always about closing the gap though. People can tell if they're locals or not. If people don't know you're in the queue, they usually will ask you if you are in the queue. When they don't ask, I found that a lot of the time they are afraid to communicate in fear of the language barrier, or they are taking advantage of the fact that they know you're not local. It's happens to me constantly in Paris, because I don't look French but I am, a lot of people tend to overlook me. Or maybe because I'm small. It's only after I protest a little bit in French that they give me some recognition and manners. But if I accidentally cut the queue unknowingly at a supermarket I've never been to, you can be sure that someone will yell at me to get to the back of the line regardless of language barrier. This happens pretty much everywhere in the world, which is why I think that it is still a part of being selfish and not your fault for not understanding the cultural rules. Sometimes the cultural rules are if you are not a local, they you do not get treated as one. Therefore not extending you the common curtesy they would have given to a local person. India, China, Korea, Philippines, you name it. A lot of queue cutting is just that one opportunist selfish person who thinks their time is more valuable than everyone else's.
@kiradeki3561 2 жыл бұрын
I've been in a similar situation, and because I'm a little more timid, I usually just call out and say things like "Sir, the line is over here"....and then get ignored.
@princessl0llie421 2 жыл бұрын
Same..I've seen people cut in line of people ahead of me and I had to tell them to them to go to back of the line
@207Vampire 2 жыл бұрын
You were 100% correct in what you did. When I worked as a cashier I would keep an eye on my line and know who was next. If I saw someone jumping in I absolutely called them out and sent them to the back. Every single time.
@travis7davidson 2 жыл бұрын
You were 100% right for the reasons you gave, protecting every person waiting in the line. I grew up in a rural area.
@ChrisTesch87 2 жыл бұрын
You were definitely in the right. Why didn't anyone at the store (the 3 cashiers) reiterate that the line was on the left? We're all adults right? Hard to believe some struggle with the simple concept of a LINE
@aquaticma 2 жыл бұрын
I had this situation happen before. I was "the guy" but I was the tourist in this small town. I felt really bad and didn't realize what was happening because the line was so far to the opposite side that I couldn't see it. Once I realized what was happening (I was getting DEATH glares from the elderly folks, this was a high class Florida supermarket and I was probably the youngest person there), I immediately apologized to the cashier and the folks in line and ran to the back of the line. I live 2hrs outside this town and stuck out like a sore thumb. I would've felt better if someone had approached me and said, Hey the line starts here vs me just getting the glare of death from the elderly rich folks lol It happens and sometimes the people (like me) get check out anxiety or whatever and we're more focused on the task of having to socialize with another human being and making sure we have our crap together than seeing how the actual process works. The guy in your situation however is just a douche.
@stephanien6237 2 жыл бұрын
Well said. People don’t have to be AHs-just use your words and redirect people to the line. simple-polite-effective.
@lynnbetts4332 2 жыл бұрын
It happened to me when they first put in the self-serve stations at our HEB, a major grocery store. They didn't have an attendant to help like the Walmart, and the 'line' was way back near the florist, and just a few people. That area is always congested with people looking for an open lane on the regular check-outs. I didn't realize it until I was halfway through checking out and a guy muttered about cutting in line as he walked to the next station (4 stations). All I could do was say I'm sorry, didn't see the line, and left. I now watch for any signs of a line.
@aquaticma 2 жыл бұрын
@@lynnbetts4332 YES! I hate indirect communication. Just say "Hey the line is here." or "You skipped me." or something! At least we have Morgan to let us know lol
@brackalack1 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, the cashier just has to catch your attention, smile and say, oh sorry the line is on the other side. If you're friendly when you say it, hardly anyone objects. And the people who are too umportant to queue just get a horrified gasp of, oh no that would be so unfair and rude of me to treat my other customers that way, I couldn't possibly.... Not noticing a queue is fine. Expecting to still get served first is where you cross the line and become socially stunted lol
@CrystalFox1123 2 жыл бұрын
You were absolutely in the right. And honestly, when he asked "What line?", I think it would have still been completely appropriate point directly to that line. Even if this is something he is unaccustomed to, everyone else in this store is following this unspoken rule. He's an adult and should be able to hand something that simple. Now going under the assumption he saw the line and was purposefully ignoring it to be checked out sooner: Entitled people like that need to be taught that they can't just bully their way into getting what they want. Otherwise he'll go the rest of his life being inconsiderate and take advantage of others. People like that are the ones who make big scenes and scream at costumer service just to get their way. Unfortunately since they never got taught how to act as a child, sometimes we have to teach them how to act as an adult. If they continue to not get what they want by throwing a fit, maybe one day they'll realize life is a lot easier when you treat others with respect.
@pamelaremme38 2 жыл бұрын
I also blame poor parenting on submissive people who don't back others when they are standing their ground.
@CrystalFox1123 2 жыл бұрын
@@pamelaremme38 Agreed. If I was the second person in line behind Morgan, when the man asked "what line?" I would have chimed in. Something like "It's back over here" and would point out the end. By saying nothing and letting the man still cut by going after Morgan, you're just letting the man think Morgan is making things up and is trying to cut in line himself.
@pamelaremme38 2 жыл бұрын
@@CrystalFox1123 Exactly. Good people need to stand with good people doing the right thing. I feel the same way if someone is getting attacked by another person. People pull out their camera's instead of helping.
@movingforwardLDTH 2 жыл бұрын
Hats off to you for doing what was right and not just letting this bully get his way in order to avoid conflict.
@VTKingdomsawing 2 жыл бұрын
Hello again neighbor over the hill. I've been going to McFly's for 18 years and for 18 years I've had to deal with this problem there. I lost count of how many times I've gotten into verbal altercations with people over this exact thing. I have chosen to let people cut me because I had more stuff than them but have only allowed it when it was my choice. Oddly enough I would guess that most of the perpetrators of The Line Cutting have been women in their 40s and 50s.
@catsj1767 2 жыл бұрын
So why didn’t during Covid and the shut down, did they redo the store with a better lay out???
@catsj1767 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve never been to Vermont and sadly I’m getting to my mid 50’s usually I’m the doormat.
@michiganjack1337 2 жыл бұрын
“Convenience Store” works just fine. As a previous convenience store clerk, I always took great pleasure in directing those who act in such a manner to the line and refused to service those who do not respect the line. The onus is on the clerk/cashier (or whatever) to take charge and direct the customers like a traffic cop. This helps prevent any kind of situation with the patrons (however there is almost as always a customer who will antagonize). But if the cashier is too timid to take charge then you gotta do whatcha gotta do. There is a unspoken social contract amongst our species and this guy clearly ignored said contract by acting like self righteous dickweed.
@n.d.m.515 2 жыл бұрын
I didn't sign any social contract, so I don't have to follow any.
@Greg29 2 жыл бұрын
The situation in the store would drive me nuts to the point I wouldn't go there. But ultimately it's the CASHIERS' fault for letting people cut the line and not say anything, the burden shouldn't be on customers to keep order.
@Needkey. 2 жыл бұрын
There are two types of rude folks: The Oblivious and the Malicious. This seems like the latter. It's unfortunate that the others in line didn't have the spine to step up as well! The person demonstrated that they believed that their time was more valuable than everyone else's present. Narcissism. The person demonstrated willful ignorance in the face of correction. Arrogance. The person demonstrated an inability to correct their behavior, even when shown the proper course of action. Stubborn Pride.
@SeekingTheLoveThatGodMeans7648 2 жыл бұрын
If someone was in a tearing hurry for some emergency, they could always have begged the whole line for help. Sometimes, at least, it would be granted.
@jangrahame4891 2 жыл бұрын
Once confronted a little gang banger who cut in front of me as I was unloading my groceries onto the counter. He said , Hey I only got 2 things. I said that's not the point... how would you feel if someone disrespected your mama like that? He turned red then white, and apologized, so I told him to ask me if he could go next. He did, I let him go ahead of me. As he left the store, I saw people popping up from behind counters and magazine racks. I guess he was notorious for confrontational rudeness that generally led to gunfire in those parts. But I disarmed him with my question about his mama.
@thefoolishhiker3103 2 жыл бұрын
I love your storytelling style when you are doing chores.
@libbybutler7492 2 жыл бұрын
I totally agree. The cashiers & the store need to politely "school" the out of line customers. Maybe some signage too. I can't stand line breakers!
@cheryl9715 2 жыл бұрын
As a cashier at my store I can't do that my manager and supervisor will side with the person who is jumping into line, I am not allowed to tell customers what line to go to or who is next, the company basically is letting the customers tell each other other things like that. We are not allowed to tell a customer that they have to go to end of the line at all.
@mrnecrops9000 2 жыл бұрын
When I worked at a restaurant, we had an "express" preorder order line and walk-ins would skip the regular line for the preorder line. I would specifically ask if they had a preorder and if they didn't I'd say I can't assist them until all preorders have been helped. I'd then ask if anyone in the lobby had a preorder, and to line up in front of me if so. It wasn't that big of a deal anyway since the serve times were roughly the same and short anyways. Fortunately the owners of the store also like us employees to call out line cutters.
@jburd8310 2 жыл бұрын
I work in a gas station that is like this with 3 register in the front center wall as well. It would be the cashier job to maintain the line and to tell that one customer the line is at said place, so you should had never been in that place to do that. But since that didn't happen, I had also seen customers argue and verbally fight causing a scene when a customer takes that role, taking up more time than it's worth. So I say let him go though ahead with out a word but say something to the cashier and/or manger once you get to the front of the store which would remind them to maintain the line... Sometimes when you get backed up running the register you don't have a moment to look up and you could miss some customer cutting like this.
@Disconnecteification 2 жыл бұрын
yooooo "Sometimes when you get backed up running the register you don't have a moment to look up and you could miss some customer cutting like this." this is soooooooo true/ relatable.
@richardfrench9721 2 жыл бұрын
Love this store!!! I know exactly what store you’re talking about. It’s definitely grown from what it used to be.
@richardfrench9721 2 жыл бұрын
My family and I go camping just down the road from there.
@meganmakesmagic802 2 жыл бұрын
same! I chucked because this happens SO OFTEN at this particular store.
@richardfrench9721 2 жыл бұрын
@@meganmakesmagic802 yes it does. Happened every time we went in that week.
@auston911 2 жыл бұрын
@@meganmakesmagic802 does 6 feet aprt rule and every other person follwoing it play into this problem?
@saltywench 2 жыл бұрын
Make sure you don't call him out, he'll just erase your comments. Good grief he needs approval.
@nonyabizznu5087 2 жыл бұрын
A 13 minute video to say someone was rude to him lol
@saltywench 2 жыл бұрын
@@nonyabizznu5087 No lie. He has serious inferiority issues.
@adderleybermuda 2 жыл бұрын
Oh Morgan, thank you! Line upholding people are amazing!!!
@elizabethharttley4073 2 жыл бұрын
The silver rule: spend your life trying not to be a dik. So simple so easy. You were correct in assisting the guy in locating the line. I had that same experience at wawa the other day. I asked where the line was. And the folks in line assisted me in finding the end. Cooperative living has been in style forever.
@The_Sin_Squad 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly, I wouldn’t even need these stories to tie back to the farm! It’s fun just listening to you talk about life in the Vermont area while you do chores.
@sylviaseyer8665 2 жыл бұрын
I agree. Entertaining!
@stephaniechavez9422 2 жыл бұрын
then don't watch. life can be so simple
@bobashawty6644 2 жыл бұрын
@@stephaniechavez9422 theyre not saying they dont want to watch, can you read? they said they enjoy listening to them even if it doesnt connect back to the farm
@lollypip5653 2 жыл бұрын
Really the cashiers should have said something to the line-skipper. It's not another customer's job (though good for you for speaking up) to manage customers. I'd e more frustrated that none of the cashiers were managing the line. (BTW I work in a place where the line works this way and people try to skip from the wrong side. It's the cashier's job to k ow what's going on)
@BBDoesTheThing 2 жыл бұрын
Thats awesome. Homedepot, walmart, circle k, pet supplies plus.. they all let customer on customer altercations like this play out on its own. I'd say what you guys do is more of the exception. I hope you are paid more than near min for having to direct customers. IMO it wouldnt be worth it dealing with the occasional karen. But hey it motivated me to get a degree and get the heck out of there.
@happycanadian8558 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who grew up in a very rural area and now live in a city, the line situation you went through is the same for me no matter the size of the store. Unless the checkouts are well defined ( think grocery store checkouts at Walmart), it’s one line, and you wait for an open till. I have had people cut in front and have said the line is back there and that person was apologetic and didn’t realize. I’ve had others not care and jump the line, but the cashier refused to serve them. Some people are selfish and others don’t realize, saying something is what I do. It can help if there’s a sign where the line should start.
@lrlasvegas6427 2 жыл бұрын
Morgan, I admire your boldness (especially at that town hall meeting!) I just wish the responsibility did not fall on the customers in these types of situations. Why can't the employees receive training and be empowered to handle register traffic?
@makeitkate3240 2 жыл бұрын
We had a situation of “who’s right?” on our farm a few nights ago. There’s a land owner in the area whose cows consistently get out and wander in the 55mph road at night, or into my property where they eat my garden, my corn, my fruit trees, etc. And we work HARD trying to keep stuff alive in the battle with hot and dry southwestern conditions, so losing a fruit tree or berry bush to someone’s unsecured live stock is toooo much. We’ve been nice about it for a few years, even when I’ve almost crashed into his black cows at night on unlit roads. Well, it happened again the other night. We were up until 3 in the morning, repeatedly chasing the cows out of the orchard and garden. We tried to call him and have him get his cows, with no luck. So we called the sheriff, who wrote him a citation. Shortly thereafter, he contacted us and told us what terrible, unchristian people we are, who don’t understand how life works in the country, and that we had better ask God for forgiveness for getting him cited. Uuhhh…
@SharonRepici 2 жыл бұрын
Here in Arizona most places qualify as open range so if we hit that black cow on a moonless night or early morning fog (and survive) we would be at fault and will be paying the rancher for his loss. In your situation I think I would send him a bill for the ruined crops.
@feuerling 2 жыл бұрын
So I googled a bible verse for you^^ Exodus 22 ⁵“If anyone grazes their livestock in a field or vineyard and lets them stray and they graze in someone else’s field, the offender must make restitution(N) from the best of their own field or vineyard." The bible literally says he has to pay you back with interest, meaning he's not allowed to let them on your land by divine decree. Hope it helps. Unless he's one of those who cherrypick from their religious book to no end...
@makeitkate3240 2 жыл бұрын
@@SharonRepici My husband grew up in Nevada with open range laws too. Here though, the owner is responsible for keeping livestock contained, and any damages they do to anyone else’s property. They’ve been back twice already tonight, even after the owner got cited last time. Unbelievable.
@RuthAnnnMorris 2 жыл бұрын
I’d of told him the same thing! If you don’t stand up for yourself then who will? The man was being rude to the other people standing in line, like what his needs are are more important than anyone else’s and he just doesn’t think he should wait his turn.
@hannahwhite7227 2 жыл бұрын
I worked at a grocery store for 6 years, and even though I don’t work in one anymore I see people do this a lot. It’s either willful ignorance (masked as being oblivious) or unawareness of their surroundings & the people around them. It just depends, but there’s just something about having to wait in line that sets some people off. most unaware people genuinely don’t realize that there was a line, apologize, and correct their mistake. In this situation on the other hand the guy pretended to not know then expressed irritation when you pointed it out to him. You did the right thing by letting him know and taking back your rightful spot in line.
@TheFamilyFarmstead 2 жыл бұрын
I love your analysis of the situation. Deep thoughts. Toby is the man, I mean dog! 😂
@pauls3616 2 жыл бұрын
You had every right to go to that cashier. I hate when they say “I can help someone down here” when they should say “I can help the next customer in line”. I just don’t let people cut in front either. Fair is fair and why should everyone else wait patiently while some inconsiderate asshole cuts in front. I have even been 3rd or fourth in line and have told people to wait their turn because the people in front just don’t want the possible confrontation.
@justincowdell5787 2 жыл бұрын
Coming from the UK where we get in line just for the hell of it, I agree with you. If you had the manners to stay in line then why the hell should someone jump the line. I always tell people who try jump that line to get to the back as I don't have time for bad manners. Keep up the good work
@GreedyGodz 2 жыл бұрын
Got spooked on the title not gonna lie. As for the skipping line I would had done the same…Hate like skippers.
@cutebunny2928 2 жыл бұрын
@Maybe_Crazy05 2 жыл бұрын
Nope I would have called him out in front of the other people in line and I would have made sure to point it out to that cashier that he was cutting in front of all the other people that have been waiting in line. I swear some people are so inconsiderate of others and feel entitled ugh..
@IbelongtoJesus. 2 жыл бұрын
@aka_GreenBae 2 жыл бұрын
I must be more of a Midwesterner than I originally thought. I'd have let it go. Then again, this kind of thing happens fairly often and we all just stand around for 5 minutes saying, "Ope! I'm sorry! Go ahead. No no, please, by all means. How 'bout them Packers, eh?"
@limalicious 2 жыл бұрын
We have a small, family owned grocery store near my grandparents. The owner's son once scanned the entire order of someone who cut ahead of my grampy, a very well-loved local, glanced at us, "accidentally" cancelled the cutter's entire order, and then asked them to go wait at customer service to be helped there. The bagger put his entire order, a rather large one, back in the cart, and ran around the store putting everything away. So when he walked over to customer service and the man started to throw a sh*t fit, the bagger just said, "Oops, I thought it was the go-backs cart!" The owner refused to fire his son, by the way. Don't mess with small town Down-Easters. Not the warmest and fuzziest people, but they defend their own.
@_Plumtree_ 2 жыл бұрын
You’re right, and it’s irritating when people jump a line. And also, if that’s the worst thing that happens in your world this week, it’s not a terrible week. I do hope Mcfly’s management sees this and fixes the line situation for everyone. Om 🌞
@TheLindagdetroit 2 жыл бұрын
I would have spoken up as soon as he skipped the line and said where the end of the line is. I was a Shipt Shopper for over a year, 10 to 15 checkouts a day. The store I shopped knew I was the self checkout line manager, lol. "Form one line, back here, across the aisle so people can get through. We don't do 2 lines here." I've found the simple phrase of, "We don't do that here." gets the desired outcome most of the time with little drama.
@maryadams3173 2 жыл бұрын
You are right. He knew and decided he was entitled. A male Karen.
@jenniferr2057 2 жыл бұрын
@HelpfulHoney Жыл бұрын
I’ve been to McFly’s and seen that situation transpire. It is very frustrating when you’ve been following the unwritten protocol of checking out to have someone cut in front of everyone else. Let me just say it is very obvious in this store the way the checkout works. This man was a bully and didn’t think anyone would say anything. You did the right thing!
@dianneshaw6259 2 жыл бұрын
One line for 3 cashiers is best practice: quality improvement studies show that in most circumstances, this moves everyone the fastest. It reduces the effect of cashier performance (e.g. one slow one) or other causes of variation like a customer with a large order or many questions or one who just wants to visit. As to what you did; I think you pointed out there was a line, and were polite. It’s hard not to be curt. Most people assume a long line is bad…and think three lines is better. It is not.
@pamelaward1428 2 жыл бұрын
I always tell them as soon as I see someone is about to cut in the line I tell them the line is behind me. That usually stops a line cutter immediately because now they can’t fain ignorance, because they’ve been called out and told where the line is. If they still chose to cut after that…. Well…. Then they are just jerks and, depending on my mood I’ll make an even bigger stink about it. I’ll rarely give the little head nod you did because it’s easy to ignore and pretty they didn’t see. So, you went from passive to aggressive which could have started a fight. If you’d have been just more polite and assertive then he probably, albeit begrudgingly, gone to the back of the line to keep from looking like an absolute jerk. Just my two cents.
@crazylifehomestead 2 жыл бұрын
Morgan, I believe you are correct in this situation. This is called etiquette. Apparently this guy doesn't have any knowledge of etiquette whatsoever. My honest and humble opinion as always, Mo.
@LisaLou4sho 2 жыл бұрын
Social queues. He didn't get that in his home training memo. I would of done the same thing. In fact, I would of made a outloud statement. Excuse me sir, the line is over here. No cuts today! Shame and embarrassment are called for in some circumstances. If he resisted I would of made the same type of statement again and got back up from the 5 ppl behind me! We've all been waiting 5 minutes in line and so shall you! Good on ya for being assertive! 👍🏼😂😉🎉 P.S. Now there have been a time or two in my 62 years where I've asked permission from the ppl in line if I take cuts...for whatever reason. Not often but I have done that. If they say no then I take my place in line. No hard feelings. 👍🏼😬
@sixstar2067 2 жыл бұрын
One time I was at the dog park with my pup and he found a spot in the taller grass that looked exactly like that one. He was really focused on it, sniffing a lot and pawing at the grass. By the time I saw what he was doing and walked over my pupper had a tiny baby rabbit in his mouth. Unbelievably, he didn't hurt the bunny, he was like cradling the rabbit in his mouth and just holding it there. Naturally the poor rabbit was terrified. I did manage to pry it out of his mouth and put it back, and luckily I had my dog's Frisbee with me. It's his absolute favorite toy so I tossed it as far to the other side of the park as I could and did my best to de-slobber the little bunny and put them back in the little divot he came from. Within a minute or two he was gone, I'm hoping Mom came and got them to someplace less dangerous. I still can't believe a prey animal was so careless as to either give birth or just leave its baby in a place that reeked of dog urine. I'm fairly sure everything worked out fine.
@uwillnevahno6837 2 жыл бұрын
freakin hell the first 5 mins could have been condensed to 30 seconds to "I'm in line and a guy is going to try and cut in front of a bunch of us".
@MissKing722 2 жыл бұрын
He went through the same exact thought process everyone else goes through when they see a line. He then decided to try and cut so he doesn't have to wait. He didn't have a handicap or an actual reason he couldn't wait. The audacity of some people.. *shaking my head* The only thing I would warn others, is to gauge(assess) the situation your in. Don't do something if you have any reason to believe that something could go horribly wrong. But if you think you can handle it or its no big deal, go for it! We can stand together and teach people like that a lesson. Even if the video wasn't all about the farm, it was still an important topic, Im glad you put it out there for people to hear and talk about. Also, you didn't do anything try-hardy or in the wrong. I think it just rubbed you the wrong way because you respect and care about others. P.S. I like when you put out these kinds of videos. You have a very unique perspective, are honest, and detailed. So for me it is interesting to say the least.
@barbhenley4692 2 жыл бұрын
@j.s.korenic007 2 жыл бұрын
How do you know the guy didn't have a handicap?🤷‍♀️ Not all disabilities are visible... Looking at the same scenario from another angle, he indeed DID have a handicap - the lack of common sense. Sadly, there are currently over 8 billion sufferers world wide 😂
@crystalbuchanan8581 2 жыл бұрын
We're taught to stand in line as children at school. He knew very well what he was doing I'm sure You did the right thing. As for everybody behind you in line, they need to stand up for themselves and not expect someone else to solve their problems.
@alexismacdonell7947 2 жыл бұрын
I've inadvertently jumped the line a few times however, thankfully, someone pointed out to me that the line ended somewhere else. I was grateful for being prevented from making an error that can really anger people. I think you were correct in indicating the back of the line was somewhere else. Some people are going to willfully ignore that; those types are always around. Where I live, rules are still rules and aren't being broken any more than usual.
@alinatr2693 2 жыл бұрын
You're right,if the store didn't label the checkouts,it's 1 line😌 I think it's very nice of you,to "show " him,where he has to wait...people are so rude and don't care about others,sadly you can't expect others to be as kind and friendly as you.
@cooleyc 2 жыл бұрын
You were in the right - trying to be polite while standing up for everyone else who'd been waiting. We had a somewhat similar situation at a movie theater. I'd gotten tickets for an early movie release and we showed up over an hour early so were first in line to get in the theater. Others lined up, and then one large family with kids gathered off to the side. It became clear that they were trying to squeeze in first, so as they were lining us all up, I mentioned to them that there was a line and most of us had been waiting for about an hour. They laughed at that and I could hear them sarcastically mocking us. So when they let us through, I walked super fast and got in the theater first to claim our seats. One of the ladies cursed at me, the others started yelling, but I ignored them. After the movie, one of the ladies came and started screaming at us, although her mother shooed her away and then came and told us one of the kids had recovered from cancer and they were trying to keep her away from people but take her to a movie. She admitted they should have told us what was up and honestly, that would have solved the whole problem if she had. We couldn't tell anything was up since no one had masks or even looked mildly sick. So yeah. It sucks, people are rude, and if we just were more kind and communicated rationally with each other, it wouldn't be such a big deal.
@MissouriCrookedBarnHomestead 2 жыл бұрын
You were right and I'm one of those people that does speak up. Honestly, a lot of people are completely forgetting their manners or completely disregarding them. If someone is physically able, then they can wait until everyone takes their turn. If it is someone elderly or they have much fewer items than I do, occasionally I will let someone go ahead of me. But, I do not encourage bad behavior out of people. I'm vocal and I stand up for myself.
@nikikirk4473 2 жыл бұрын
And the cashier should say something to him when he walks up and tell him sorry sir but they were here 1st
@kleoonyoutube 2 жыл бұрын
Nah u cant really do that as a cashier , they will just be a jerk , make drama out of it and take up even more time. Easier to just check them out
@nikikirk4473 2 жыл бұрын
@@kleoonyoutube I mean yes and no depends on type of place
@burgundymarcia 2 жыл бұрын
I accidentally did that one morning after getting breakfast for the office. I had never been to that store before work before, so I didn't realize that there was a line that ran around the shelves to the other side of me. I was SO embarrassed when I realized that there were actually a bunch of people patiently waiting in line out of view of me as I stepped up to the cashier. To be fair, though, if I had seen the line there, I would have had to pass on getting breakfast, as it would have made me late for work and despite bringing food, the boss would still not have been happy to have me late to the meeting.
@d.k.m8284 2 жыл бұрын
I had a summer job as a cashier in a small grocery store, one day there was a guy (probably about late 20s) and he cut infront of an old couple, he thought I didn't see it but I caught in the corner of my eye and I was so mad, I finished scanning another customer and he came up to my station, and before he could say anything I put the "this cashier is busy sign" on my conveyor belt and told him I was on my break and he had to go to another cashier, and today was a very busy day, so he had to wait so long, I even told my manager about it and he respected my decision.
@sherreeroper7656 2 жыл бұрын
You were absolutely right.. the cashier should've said something to him and not checked him out.
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