Respect from Pakistan 🇵🇰 Thank you indeed for making it simple 👍
@nidatracy2743 ай бұрын
I don't run stuff real well I am blind and disabled but after this incident happened the nurse told my mother to get me to the emergency right away I had 3rd degree burns I needed to be in the hospital that was not a she did not say it in the pleasant voice so she said is there a remedy that I can help her with the pain and the nursery applied that she could put vinegar on me on my burns my legs had burned literally together like when you fry a piece of chicken and you have the leg and you twisted it up and it's cooked and you got a real good crisp on it where it's not moving if you move it then stuff starts falling off that is how bad I was burned so trying to go to the bathroom with another adventure cuz I couldn't get myself there it hurt too bad to even try and walk because I couldn't stand up and walk I had to be squatted down almost in the same position as I was when I was in the boat so I found myself kind of crawling and going forward first with my arms! THEN WHEN I THOUGHT ALL WAS GONE THE FOLKS WE WERE CAMPING WITH LEE ARTHUR came to me they had a much nicer unit of course Please remember that we are camping camping especially back then okay you didn't have these big fancy trailers of the glamping at that everybody does now there is no such thing I mean us kids up outside which is fine actually I think they made me they did make me sleep outside because she did not want to hear me crying I don't think I had ever felt anything so horrible in my life and I thought I was going to die I was so sick I couldn't eat I couldn't drink I was so sick and everything was just wrong I can't explain it but when you get that sick I suppose it would be a heat stroke only I was a child and I was burned third degree burns all over my body I could not stand up on my own my legs were literally fried together some Mr Arthur came and he gently picked me up I'm trying not to hurt the back of my legs he had to hold me more at at like my upper waist because I've been burned so bad and the hard part was even trying to just sit down to do it because I had to be able to get there and and get on it and I was so short and Tiny and I was burned so bad it was atrocious I will tell you that that's not even some of my my granddaughter says I'm a surgeon's favorite chew toy cuz there's always something always always always always always I just can't seem to escape it not for lack of trying that is but I ended up with the melanoma and I went to my doctor he took a tiny punch
@Makoed763 жыл бұрын
@nidatracy2743 ай бұрын
Anyway I'm sure nobody's even going to read this I doubt it anyway so the parts of my body that got burnt that bad ended up with freckles I had massive my body was covered in blisters literally covered in blisters stretch my legs down I couldn't do it she told me shut up that there was nothing wrong with me and we're leaving to get in the camper but I still could not walk every time I tried to search my leg and walk normal I couldn't straighten it because it was ripping my skin off now I couldn't exposure like that possibly because I'm a redhead and had such a severe sunburn at that time I had only had a couple others after because I was very careful very careful could that perhaps contribute to the melanoma that I got one of the hardest stories I think I've ever had to shove out of my mouth I talk a lot and I don't say anything it's cuz I can't find the words to shout out turn the sound partly intelligent there but yes my mother should have taken me to the emergency room she should have actually called the ambulance I should have been putting a burn unit that's just a question ironically I have no freckles on my stomach or around my back or on the back of my knees or none where my legs were burned together I don't have any freckles there but my hair is still read it will always be read the genetics in my family the women of all retained their gorgeous red hair so I will be able to keep mine I'm just curious if that could have contributed or perhaps set the seed or something like that for later years because that happened when I was nine
@nidatracy2743 ай бұрын
I'm going to continue my comment because now I kind of got off topic Tell somebody had mentioned something about it and you know I'm blind so I hadn't really noticed it I don't stand there and look at myself in the mirror cuz I can't see me anyway anyway I was given a surprise party for my ex he had turned 40 I'm 11 years older than him and it was a beautiful turn out our attorneys and you know friends family that kind of thing and when she was leaving though she said you should have that looked at and she pointed at my chest well I didn't even know what the hell she was talking about anyway basically just forgot all about it you know I am did not take a second notice because I don't look at myself hence the two different color shoes am I underwear on backwards when that happens it's a bad day continuing on.! I apologize for drifting off Anyway I never thought twice about it you know it was just a mole and then I believe it was 2 years later I started it started itching I don't know if anybody else has happened to did it started itching I thought oh good grief what is itching me there and it was an itch that it can't scratch especially when you got your foot on the pedal and you're in the fast lane it's awful is there anyone in look in the mirror I found it anyway and I looked at it and I was kind of like you know moving it around and this and that and it started bleeding and I thought oh great right on my chest you know really so anyhow I honestly didn't think much of it until it got a little bit worse and then I thought you know what she said something about that now I could not tell what kind of movies I am a redhead I have lots of freckles only the areas that my body was exposed my mother never took me to the doctor she didn't come over and check on me I was left there just shivering yet burning it was terrific all I could do was cry and then when my mom did come back over I begged her for help for water and stuff and she just went off on me she said that she wished I wasn't here I ruined her vacation how stupid could I be I ruined her vacation she told me to shut up you'll be fine there's nothing wrong with you and just left me there and those weren't nice at lawn chairs like what we have nowadays it was a kind that you know when you adjusted it as a rubber things going back and forth but each movement was was like flipping knives stabbing into me literally in the area that I was trying to even turn to so I was stuck on my back with my knees burnt together that man was the only one that would help me go to the bathroom because I could not walk to the bathroom find me his wife Alice she came and helped my mother never helped Anyway my hair color is the pretty red I don't I don't unless you're a redhead you don't know what the pretty red is I'm not the obnoxious red color it is a beautiful color that women's drive to get and they can't because you can't duplicate the color of mine I'm pushing 60 and it's still that beautiful red it just gets a little bit darker in in the winter I really don't go out in the summer anymore I sold the farm but could a burning like that possibly set the the road for the melanoma or could it be hereditary now both sides of my family don't cancer but it was breast cancer lung cancer and kidney cancer no one had melanoma and they had bad hearts my big question is because mine was a significant size is huge when they got down in there it was just you just said and there's you can even fill the hole in my chest anyway and then they found another tumor that is the one that I'm so baffled on