I'M STRUGGLING! Why I've Been Gone | We Need To Talk GRWM

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Alexandria Ryan

Alexandria Ryan

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@Alexandria-Ryan 6 ай бұрын
Hey guys! Im so sorry I have been gone for a week or so! I have been kind of struggling on my new medicine and its been really difficult to film but I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things! Let me know hoe you guys have been! love ya💖
@promise3333 6 ай бұрын
Sending hugs Alexandria!!!! Hope you’re doing okay now. Take care of yourself, there is nothing wrong with you taking a break and getting healthy.
@robinking6342 6 ай бұрын
Hope you're ok!
@jacintadonadio1208 6 ай бұрын
Take care of yourself sweetheart 🇦🇺💜
@rhoward295 6 ай бұрын
I’m sorry to hear about your health issues, and also your fur baby’s health problems (especially when they’re as yet undiagnosed). BTW, the name of the condition you didn’t know how to Google that the neurologist discussed with you is trigeminal neuralgia, just an fyi. And yes, rarely, they forget to tell you about important results, so ALWAYS call if you haven’t heard because most often no news is good news, but not every time). One more thing to ask the neurologist about is temporal arteritis (recommending due to your reported “extreme exhaustion”). Pain can also cause extreme exhaustion
@LaceyNatasha41 6 ай бұрын
I have taken Lexapro and I was on it for awhile like 4 years and it seemed to help a little bit with Luke u said the physical side of my anxiety but on the other side of things it did make me extremely tired and exhausted feeling also it made me very depressed and it got so bad. So yes I had to stop taking it.
@WildCynnie 6 ай бұрын
One thing my psychiatrist has explained to me is that when you have anxiety mixed with either/and/or depression, neurodivergency, etc, once you start treating the symptoms of anxiety, it will make the symptoms of the other things either pop up ten fold or just shut them down completely. As a personal experience, once I started treating anxiety, my autism came smacking in my face and I realized I was in a massive burnout and it took me 4 months to get over it. Give yourself grace, listen to your body and rest a lot. You need it and you deserve it!
@maryboberry1807 6 ай бұрын
I have a friend who keeps a tree up all year and just seasonally decorates it. Keep the tree. 😉 And I’ll watch you do advent calendars all year round too.
@Yenneffer 6 ай бұрын
Yes, hang some Easter eggs on there and you're golden for a while lol.
@Plum_bird 6 ай бұрын
We used to do that at my old job.
@MamaMOB 6 ай бұрын
@Alicelittlecross 6 ай бұрын
Me too!! It’s adorable
@ladysamu9329 6 ай бұрын
I do the same thing! We call it our family tree of life. We decorate it for birthdays, holidays, and seasons.
@tinklecatyt8350 6 ай бұрын
I work in Ortho! You’d be surprised how often we hear this exact story, and we do often find broken bones in the foot as a result! If you haven’t already, please go get an X-ray just to make sure you’re ok! Hope you feel better soon!
@stacey_moc 6 ай бұрын
Much love to you. ❤ Anecdote, not evidence: I was on anxiety meds for 2 decades before someone pointed out IT'S THE ADHD. Off anxiety meds, on adhd meds. Finally feel sane at 40.
@jillianj310 6 ай бұрын
THIS!!!! The anxiety was actually overwhelming from the adhd. Stop/lessen the overwhelm, the anxiety goes down! The dopamine goes up, the energy stabilizes, motivation goes up… it’s amazing. My husband was taking Xanax multiple times daily for anxiety, I got diagnosed with adhd while explaining my symptoms he goes “yea, but I have those issues too… everyone does” and I was like “OR it’s adhd.” He talked to his dr, got diagnosed is taking meds for adhd and is off Xanax.
@tinyprettymoon 6 ай бұрын
My bf was the same. Xanax was the only anxiety medicine that worked at all but his doctors stopped prescribing it so he was on his own until he got his ADHD diagnosis and an adderall prescription last year
@JadeCC92 6 ай бұрын
Yes! I only got diagnosed last year aged 30 because I masked my ADHD really well. How did I mask it? I created maladaptive ways of coping with my ADHD symptoms that gave me crippling anxiety and stress 😂
@bethlovesthings 6 ай бұрын
Yep, this is sadly very common! Thank you for sharing your experience.
@maddiemcnugget1076 6 ай бұрын
Honestly this makes me feel a bit better. I highly suspect that I have ADHD, but would like a formal diagnosis, but I don't even know where to start. I'm 25 and people say even 25 is "late" to learn this... I feel like my life is just starting at 25. How is it late? IDK! My perception of time is so off.
@glowfi2516 6 ай бұрын
I've been on lexapro for nearly 5 years now. The first two months were what you were talking about- brain foggy, slept all the time. Coffee wasn't waking me up, just kind of going through the motions. Then it got into my system, and it slowly got better. I still get a little brain-foggy at times, but that normally means I actually need to sleep better. BUT if it doesn't get better, it just means it isn't working! It's not uncommon for the first SSRI to not work. You got this!
@sarahedge154 6 ай бұрын
From anxiety experience, here’s my advice: see a psychiatrist for your prescription, they’ll nitrate your dose, change your meds to the one that’s right for you, because there are many and I had to take 3 or 4 before I got a good one. Also, sometimes medication alone doesn’t work entirely for anxiety and you may need talk therapy for awhile, just to give you tips and tricks to help get through your day. Even with all that, I won’t drive long distances or on highways. Good luck!
@MichelleC1974 6 ай бұрын
Yes, I agree. I talk medication and did a DBT group for a year, now I am doing EMDR.
@BlueMolly2024 6 ай бұрын
I have to triple the agreement in seeing a psychiatrist. I have clinical depression and generalized anxiety. It took me a while to get on the right meds to get me through the days. I was on Lexipro years ago, and it made me so exhausted. I’m on Cymbalta, Remeron and Klonopin, and they’ve been so helpful.
@BettietheRipper 6 ай бұрын
Yes! PCPs can only go so far with psych meds, only a true psych provider can work out the nuances of medication 😊
@carrieradtke983 6 ай бұрын
Yes... My daughter has been thru a lot of meds. Some knocked her out completely, others made her sick. Psych did a gene test to see how medication works with her body and she can only take 3 different meds. And all that she was on were on the terrible reaction list.
@appledpickle 6 ай бұрын
Sometimes when you start anxiety treatment it feels like you've lost all motivation because it was actually your anxiety creating a false sense of urgency. You do (typically) get used to it but it can take some time. Don't give up!
@daniellebill7478 6 ай бұрын
That’s actually very common when Lexapro is introduced in the early stages. It’ll level out soon.
@zoeygroat1560 6 ай бұрын
Same issue, went away after two weeks
@rachaelwhitford6989 6 ай бұрын
Same with effexor. Also if you still have extreme tiredness you can see if you can take it at night before you sleep
@bryghtfaery7 6 ай бұрын
I am a nurse that works in behavioral health. There is a genetic test they can do called Genesite. Genesite will be able to tell you which meds will work for you. It will tell you the ones that work the best and the ones that do not work at all for you. It is around $300, but it is honestly worth it. It has saved many of my patients from trying several types of meds to find the one that works best for them. I hope that helps!
@jacquelinewilson5543 6 ай бұрын
AGREED!! I also work in behavioral health and yes this test is awesome i have had it myself it is so accurate and will tell you all kinds of cool info about your body and what meds will work for your...... yes get it !!!
@dmreddragon6 6 ай бұрын
Hmm, I was given the test, and think I was deceived. Instead of helping me, maybe they used me to gather their baseline data. The medications prescribed after the test "results" came back had adverse effects on me. It would've been nice if things had worked out, as many drugs don't work the same way as they are "supposed" to work.
@bryghtfaery7 6 ай бұрын
@@dmreddragon6 I'm sorry that happened to you. When you received the test results, it should clearly state on the paperwork they give you, which meds will work for you. Did your doctor not give you the written/printed out test results? The results are color coded for easy reference. That way you are also informed?
@GinaEnns 6 ай бұрын
What all does this test tell you for $300 this could help a lot of ppl
@joanneclark8256 5 ай бұрын
@@jacquelinewilson5543 is this in canada ? and would 23 and me be similar?
@Jess-bee 6 ай бұрын
Counsellor/psychotherapist here! (+ lived experience of anxiety and depression). If you aren’t already, you may want to engage in some therapy sessions to help you add some additional strategies to your resource kit 😊 Also in regards to the tiredness, don’t forget that experiencing migraine and chronic headaches takes a massive toll on the body too. So that combined with the new meds, I can understand why you’re so tired! I hope you continue giving yourself time and space to recover. Xx
@TheAshesvondust 6 ай бұрын
Additional vote for therapy! CBT has helped me immensely to manage/work through the worst of my anxiety
@starsunmoon30 6 ай бұрын
@amyshull8263 6 ай бұрын
Also a Social Worker with lived experience with anxiety and depression- I second your recommendations!
@hopefullartist99 6 ай бұрын
What they said! I’m also a licensed therapist (and struggle with anxiety) and I agree that it’s so helpful for the combination of therapy and medication. But don’t hesitate to reach out to your providers about side effects! That is your right as a client!!! ❤ Plus, it can take some time to find the right medication and dosage that works right for you.
@chandrasunny 6 ай бұрын
When I first started getting treatment for anxiety I was exhausted too. Through therapy I figured out that everything I had been doing was motivated by anxiety so as the anxiety eased I didn't know what to do with myself. I also hadn't been sleeping properly for years and the anxiety was giving me a kind of weird energy to keep going when what I really needed was rest. My doctor was concerned that I might have bipolar because of how I reacted to medication initially but as I learned how to listen to my body and got more used to medication we where able to rule that out because I started being able to function better.
@deannamarie92 6 ай бұрын
I feel your pain trying to figure out dog allergies. My 3 year old has had severe allergies since I got him at 2 months old. He started out with getting the cytopoint injection every 3-6 weeks, depending on when it would wear off. That was not enough for him. Even with the injection in full effect, he would still get monthly ear infections, swollen feet, and bloody sores at the base of his neck. His feet get so swollen that he can't walk, and when the vets do x-rays, it looks like broken toes, but it is just the inflammation. We added weekly baths using douxo or oatmeal shampoo (douxo only during flairs) and BioHex for his feet. Again, this was not enough. When he was about 2 years old couple different vets recommended adding Apoquel daily, he had about 5 different vet clinics at this point due to appointment availability and his need to be seen right away when he was having allergy issues. They both said that Apoquel and Cytopoint work together and can prolong the effects of Cytopoint. With that combination, we were able to push the cytopoint to every 8 weeks. We did notice a huge change with both allergy medications. He grew hair! He always had a very thin coat on his back and nothing on his stomach or neck. For the first time in his life, he started shedding. This was finally a win, but it was still not good enough. I ended up shelling out $1000 and doing the skin allergy test. This finally gave a whole bunch of answers, and when I heard the results, all I could do was laugh. This poor dog was HIGHLY allergic to... HIMSELF! He was off the charts allergic to malassezia, which is the naturally produced yeast on his body, and unfortunately for him, his body produced lots of it, especially in his feet. Moving forward, we focused on keeping his feet clean and using lots of antifungal topicals to reduce the amount of yeast. We ended up moving out of state, and once we got settled, we found a new dermatologist for him. The new doctor was the answer to all of our prayers. We provided her with all of his medical records and his allergy tests. When we finally got to the appointment, she focused on his feet and pointed out that he has light black colored toes with white on the edges. She said this is not normal and that the yeast is growing inside his toe nails and that no matter how many topicals we use, it will not improve. She wanted to put him on a new medication, fluconazole. He has been on his medication since June 2023, and he has only needed 1 cytopoint injection during a flair of one of his other allergies. Find a good dermatologist and get the skin test. It's expensive but was definitely worth it in the end.
@emilyruiz8423 6 ай бұрын
I’m going through the same thing with my dog, her allergies are so bad she breaks out in hives to the point. The doctor doesn’t feel comfortable, giving her her yearly vaccination because of it.
@robinwilkerson8942 6 ай бұрын
I am a knitter but when you pick up another skein of yarn check the lot number, usually if yarn is with the same lot number are dyed at the same time and more likely to match, with that said I like the variation in the color of your blanket.
@tammydaniels-n4p 6 ай бұрын
yes my grandmother crocheted and she looked for same lot numbers to
@checktheinsanity 6 ай бұрын
Also confirm. Because my mom knit a lot, and I work phone lines for a craft retailer haha
@danikaskye6511 6 ай бұрын
I started taking lexapro three weeks ago and I have been feeling the exact same way. Everyone is telling me to push through and honestly today felt better than the last week so I’m hopeful! I hope it works out for you ❤
@toxyvella 6 ай бұрын
I genuinely feel the population as a whole is....exhausted, depressed, anxious, frustrated. It's the state of the world and we're all in survival mode, even if we don't realize it. I'm just trying to keep going...it's been rough. Take solice in knowing you're not alone ❤
@dmreddragon6 6 ай бұрын
I too have noticed this.
@freudianslipandfallover 6 ай бұрын
i completely agree. ironically, after alexandria mentioned her parents were going to paris & switzerland, i wanna mention after a couple of trips over there last year believe it or not it's really less stressful there. pop culture is doing a job on us. social media too. while i'm not ignorant and know it also plays a large part of daily life in EU it's not like here. if you guys get a chance take a trip and see for yourself. culture is different. i've never felt so much like i wanna leave the States, and i LOVE my country, but i literally keep having to be put on more meds for anxiety and depression and get headaches and people are so mean. if anyone is interested i found a great yearly visa for france that's renewable annually if you promise not to take a french job. so if you're looking to work remotely away from the US, i can at least you point you in the right direction. It's called the Financially Independent Persons Visa (you gotta have at least 16,000 EURO deposited in one of their banks), but as long as you have that you can renew you visa annually and work remotely from your US job and get the heck outta here
@maddiemcnugget1076 6 ай бұрын
@@freudianslipandfallover I feel this so much. I went to the Philippines and literally everything feels more chill there. Only thing I dislike is that the workers hawk over you while shopping in certain stores. I also like living in the US and I don't want to be a modern day colonizer (I am Filipina so moving to the Philippines would not really be colonizing...) and I will account, I was on vacation while I was there. There are a lot of political bs and people that make your head want to explode there as well. But I just felt more alive there. As humans we are meant to relax, enjoy hobbies, take leisure, but I know a lot of modern structures don't allow this for us. We aren't meant to work 40 hours a week for some bozo we don't care about (of course we can work 24/7 for things we care about like kids and loved ones or a small business we own or take great part in). There are ways for us to enjoy life, but like the original commenter said... there's a lot of stress going on right now all over the world and at least we aren't alone.
@ShelleyKimmel 6 ай бұрын
I can relate to your feelings of anxiety and depression. I take an antidepressant and anxiety medication as well. I'm coping with my daughter turning 18 and planning to move in with her boyfriend when she graduates....she's my youngest and I'm not handling it well at all. You have a very supportive community here, of people that love you, please know we all will be here for you as you navigate the various issues you are facing. I'm keeping you in my prayers, same with Tater.🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️
@betsybabf748 6 ай бұрын
Always call for results if they don't call you. Yes, I have had a doctor forget to look at my results, and it resulted in a cancer scare and my needing surgery so for peace of mind, just touch base with your doctor in those situations. I was on Lexapro for a few years. I was exhausted, but when I was put on it I was also just suddenly widowed, caring for a parent with terminal cancer who also died and raising a house full of grieving children so I can't determine if the Lexapro was the cause of the exhaustion.
@m.service5584 6 ай бұрын
Praying for you, hon.❤
@lisamariesweet1297 6 ай бұрын
Hey, I’ve been on a few different anti-anxiety and antidepressant medications, as well as prescriptions for headaches, and I can attest to the fact that the exhaustion/lethargy/ lack of motivation IS only temporary, and you will eventually feel like you’re old self again (just less anxious and stressed all the time). Plus, at your follow up appointments they’ll ask about all that so they can address and resolve any of those kinds of issues. But this phase of things won’t last long ( even though it feels like it when you’re going through it) 😊 things will get better! Hang in there! Much love, prayers, and blessings😊💐💐💐
@victoriasowa2396 6 ай бұрын
A Lexapro, migraine, and fibromyalgia girlie here! I’m so happy that you’re figuring out your health stuff - pain is the worst! Never feel bad about prioritizing your health over videos. 💜 you’re my comfort channel, always Edit to add: meds always take some getting used to, but make sure to tell your doc about your fatigue bc you might just need a different med. wishing you the best!
@donnanoe6736 6 ай бұрын
Cymbalta, Migraines, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome here. I get Botox for my headaches. So far it works.
@insleyperdock9988 6 ай бұрын
I’ve been on Lexapro and it made me a zombie. I could just sit and stare into space all day long. I felt emotionless, like nothing bothered me. Which you may think sounds not too bad, but it was horrible. I had to get off of it because it changed my life for the worse. I was given Buspirone for my anxiety and it helped me so so much. Wishing you so much luck on your health journey. I know it can seem like so much at once, but you will get through this. 💛
@kkossor 6 ай бұрын
The shooting pain could be TMJ (Tempromandibular Joint Dysfunction) Your Dentist can check your bite and it can be fixed easily.
@chrislynn9666 6 ай бұрын
I was coming on to say this too- I’ve had it for years and it comes from clenching at night. It can take so long to get diagnosed but sounds just like this!
@NicoleCamp88 6 ай бұрын
@@chrislynn9666Got my device in December and my everyday basic headaches went away, my neurologist was so happy.
@jmarshal 6 ай бұрын
It definitely sounds like TMJ pain to me, too.
@chrislynn9666 6 ай бұрын
I strongly recommend Priya Mistry, DDS You tube channel. She specializes in TMJ diagnoses and treatment. I can’t be her patient (too far away) and don’t know her, but her channel has been really helpful.
@bronteharris5174 6 ай бұрын
I was actually crocheting while watching this video!! I love crocheting during all of your videos! I hope you're able to get back some of your energy, starting new medication and trying to take care of your health is not easy, but you're doing great. much love from a typically silent fan
@almo33YO 6 ай бұрын
Girl! Fellow ADHDer on an SSRI (Zoloft). I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO DIE OF FATIGUE FOR THE FIRST TWO MONTHS. I’m 3 years out and it’s great. Recently added Wellbutrin in the mix and I feel normal for the first time in 44 years. I’ve been able to get off adderall. Good luck. Hang in there!
@AD-lb8xs 6 ай бұрын
Same here! Love Zoloft lol
@riveramnell143 6 ай бұрын
Congrats on feeling normal!! That’s huge. ❤
@StLsalsagirl 6 ай бұрын
Yup, maximum Zoloft and Wellbutrin for years. Added D3 and Super B Complex too. I still feel like I'm on the struggle bus, but I'm better than I was.
@brendaharvey7886 6 ай бұрын
So sorry to hear about the troubles, but you are my hero - you keep pushing through it and taking care of your great pups. I hope sharing helps - it always does for me.
@WeAreAnEndangeredSpecies 6 ай бұрын
I was diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia at 15 I've had it for many years now. It's a tough illness, I wish you the best in your struggles!! I've never really seen too many others around my age with it before.
@jillianj310 6 ай бұрын
This is an anecdote piggybacking on someone else’s comment, I had anxiety and some depression (what I thought was depression anyway), I was having daily headaches too. I got diagnosed with adhd, started taking adderall and it’s been a night and day difference for me! After the first week my regular headaches were gone, my general daily “anxiety” was gone, it was actually overwhelm. My motivation has increased, my energy to get through the day has increased. It’s been amazing. I was just so depleted from trying to function in a state of dopamine deprivation that it was actually debilitating. Do I still have adhd symptoms? Yea, I definitely put my dogs (clean!) poop bags into my purse this morning instead of into the stroller for our daily walk, I’m hyper fixating on remodeling our kitchen, and gardening… I forget what I’m doing the second I walk into another room. lol but I’m actually doing the things most of the time and the most debilitating symptoms are manageable. I’m not a dr, and there could very well be other stuff going on. But I really think addressing the adhd will be a big piece of the puzzle to getting you feeling better.
@starsunmoon30 6 ай бұрын
This !!!
@teri2466 6 ай бұрын
Great advice!
@sweetpeasouthernhome 6 ай бұрын
Oh my gosh this is me lol!
@heavenlycute 6 ай бұрын
Yes! I was diagnosed with ADHD at age 43... since I was 14 I've been in and out of therapy for depression and anxiety with various medications added to that. After getting ADHD meds, so much of my anxiety has been wiped out: I can go into the shops on a Saturday and not end up sitting on the floor sobbing from anxiety and overwhelm afterwards. 45 now and I often wonder how my life would have been very different had I been diagnosed earlier.
@jillianj310 6 ай бұрын
@@heavenlycute yes! I'm 37 and only diagnosed in September. At first I was really sad for younger me who struggled for so long without knowing it could be better/easier. But my husband reminds me that we can't change the past, but we can enjoy the now and look toward the future. And, I probably wouldn't be where I am now or who I am now if I had been diagnosed earlier. And I love our life together and wouldn't trade our family for anything. So it's just part of the journey, and it was a struggle but at least I know why now. And it wasn't some fundemental personality flaw in me making me a bad human.
@ddebarre7192 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing with us. I'm always ready to listen, so share any thoughts that pop in! My brain goes off on tangents, too. Your crochet work is beautiful, and when you are ready to crochet again, I'd love to see more! Give your body and brain all the time they need. We'll still be ready for more videos. You're the best!
@tiffh9072 6 ай бұрын
As someone with depression, anxiety, and ADHD... it's hell and takes a few tries to find the right combination of medications and talk therapy is also great to help you find the right tools for when you do feel more anxious over something(or ya know, seemingly nothing at all) ❤ YOU GOT THIS! ❤️ I didn't get my license till I was 25/26 because of my anxiety and even with the medication, I can't drive on highways because too many cars make me nervous. My best friend also doesn't drive due to her anxiety and she'll be 30 this year. It seems so common for those with anxiety to struggle with that stuff which sucks in the US because our public transit is very underdeveloped compared to other countries.
@lethfuil 6 ай бұрын
Yeah. Not driving in my country, in my (very rural) area is a pain in the ass, but not really too problematic. In the US I guess you'd be completely stranded, in some places?
@Care2004Bear 6 ай бұрын
When I started Lexapro, I was exhausted for a couple of weeks but it does go away and you experience a daily nice calm.
@VictoriaERav 6 ай бұрын
Trigeminal neuralgia! I was diagnosed with this so long ago, I have NEVER heard anyone else talk about it. It can be so painful and debilitating 😭 Have you also ever had your hormones checked or any of your vitamin levels? A huge reason for my migraines had to do with my hormone levels and my period anddd because I was deficient in multiple vitamins. I'd definitely say look into that as well. And just remember, medications can be trial and error and if you feel like something is not working for you, listen to your gut feeling. ❤
@mosbyjessica 6 ай бұрын
Team TN too! 😂 not a group I signed up for..but. The amount of meds I have been on to try and tame it suck.
@poietes7337 6 ай бұрын
And don't be afraid to tell your doctor about any and all concerns. If they don't listen or make you feel silly for asking about something, find a new doctor.
@melodysayer2226 6 ай бұрын
Sometimes it takes trials of different meds or combinations of meds. Usually a psychiatrist has the best knowledge of what will work for you. Your regular doctor can then write the prescription. Whichever hormonal treatment being used for your endometriosis can cause headaches-especially if they’re trying different treatments. Have the X-ray of your foot! If there’s a fracture, a special boot can be used to take the pressure off while walking to help your foot to heal. I speak from experience on all these issues & was a RN for 37 years! Poor Tater. Thank you for keeping us updated about your life-please continue to do so!!
@colortherapy-d8g 6 ай бұрын
Lexapro got me driving again, until I moved to a new state and don't know the roads lol. BUT the fatigue and weight gain are no joke. After 4 years I'm being weaned off it and starting a new medication because the fatigue hasn't gone away. I've literally fallen asleep at work. I could sleep all day. I hate that when something helps in amazing ways but it also gives you some downfalls that I guess are better than anxiety and depression.
@jjusttlistenn 6 ай бұрын
Welcome to the Lexapro club! It's the best thing that's ever happened to me. It does take 4-8 to really feel a difference, so you gotta stick with it. It has completely opened up the world to me. My first few weeks of Lexapro, I would get extremely tired after taking it because it changes your sleep a little bit (you may be having super vivid dreams). Your body adjusts after a while. Took about 2-3 weeks. Taking it at night helps.
@KylaSibbett 6 ай бұрын
Same here! Lexapro changed my life! It's like magic. But unfortunately coming off of it is not as magical. I missed a refill 1 month and I haven't taken it since. And now I have a agoraphobia so that's fun and my anxiety is the worst it's ever been and I want to start taking Lexapro again but I don't want to go through the withdrawal process all over again because that was probably one of the hardest things I've done. I guess you can't have something good without the bad as well.
@c.j.4180 6 ай бұрын
Hahaha, the lexapro dreams are reeeeeaalll. I kind of like them though, mine are so whack but so vivid so remembering them when I wake up is like watching an absurdist comedy. 😆
@jjusttlistenn 6 ай бұрын
@@c.j.4180I had one so vivid where I married Henry Cavill that I woke up and thought I actually was 😂😂😂.
@MellaYellow 6 ай бұрын
Hi Hun 🌸 I have to take Lexapro due to intense PTSD nightmares but I am tired, brain fog, useless but no nightmares. I guess in my case it's a pick your poison deal. I'm glad you came to chat and hope you feel better soon!
@samanthaestrada9476 6 ай бұрын
I personally love your rambling update videos. I wasn’t even watching the makeup. Love that you keep us up to date on what is going on in your life!! Thank you!! ❤❤
@boogiebear3095 6 ай бұрын
@jamierussellville101 6 ай бұрын
Bully breeds are notorious with skin issues. We went to a mostly homemade diet. It really helps. You might try doing a certain protein for a couple of weeks to see if any makes it better or worse. Like do beef for 2 weeks, then do pork for 2 etc. We do 1/2 cup of kibble and weigh out his protein which we cook ourselves.
@taylorpengov8907 6 ай бұрын
Hi there, don't get discouraged. I'm a nurse and it takes awhile for your body gets used to the meds and the reason your tired is because your body has been on high alert because of the anxiety so now that these meds are calming your anxiety down your body is relaxing. So it will take awhile for your body to get used to it and then you will feel more like yourself. Stay strong. I also struggle with anxiety and depression and had the same problem. Love ya ❤
@evaleslie3287 6 ай бұрын
Oh my gosh!! I hope you and tater start feeling better soon and figure out what's going on. And good luck with the house hunt my husband, daughter and I just moved out to Kentucky and so far we're loving it. We went to your shop a couple days ago and it is so cute! I loved your little crochet items too. I'm still a beginner but it brings me so much joy. Your dad was in there working that day and he was the sweetest! 😊
@lisagaramone3570 6 ай бұрын
Omg girl!! I had almost the same thing happen with my foot and it turned out I had shattered the bones in my foot and I had to have surgery to fix them. PLEASE GO GET IT LOOKED AT!!
@thesussexbunion 6 ай бұрын
You are appreciated, and loved. I'm sorry about your health issues, as well as Tater's. We'll be here if you need us.
@rachaelstewart3497 6 ай бұрын
So happy you are getting treated. I have neuralgia from nerve damage from shingles in my spine. So I get it!! Hopefully you will be in the mend soon!!
@maggiejackson6364 6 ай бұрын
Hey! Glad to see you back! I do wanna say, as a adult woman with ADHD and anxiety, I 1,000% know what you’re going through! I will say my anxiety is way better and easier to manage when I’m I’m treating my adhd! A lot of my anxiety and depression wa caused by my untreated ADHD! Also lexapro can make you super sleepy and maybe it might be a little of coming out of fight or flight! I would definitely push for adhd treatment as well!
@sfroio 6 ай бұрын
Completely agree! My ADHD meds do more for my anxiety than for my ADHD (and anxiety meds made my headaches worse). Also, with ADHD meds, even if it might take a while to figure out which is right for you, you'll know if they're working right away.
@shadowplay1990 6 ай бұрын
I’ve been on lexapro and it does take a minute to get used to, now I’m on a new anti-depressant. I’m also on a daily headache medicine due to daily headaches/migraines and depending which it is it drains you and puts you in a fog. I’ve been on that headache med for almost a year and I’m still in that fog, it’s better but still happens. We’re all here for you friend!! ❤❤
@daniellebill7478 6 ай бұрын
I’m struggling too! Very very much so. Thank you for sharing!!! ❤❤❤
@tonyaweaver483 6 ай бұрын
I think right now everyone is struggling ❤
@thepinkgirl9110 6 ай бұрын
The blanket looks amazing! Just a friendly tip from a crocheter who also just learned this lol: although the yarn skeins have the same name, the dye lot might be different so there will be variation in the color of the yarn just based on how that lot was dyed!
@DebbieBlatt0816 6 ай бұрын
I bought my boy a “doughnut” instead of the cone- it worked amazingly for him. And my pit had the same issues with paw chewing, until I started putting coconut oil on his food. 1/2 tablespoon would be a perfect amount for your boy. ❤❤❤
@decatan3 6 ай бұрын
Coconut oil has been a huge win here too for our dogs allergies. 1 melted tbsp for a 45 lb staffy - and she's been itch free for years
@DebbieBlatt0816 6 ай бұрын
@@decatan3 The benefits of coconut oil, are amazing.
@strikingoranges 6 ай бұрын
I started Lexapro earlier this year and experienced overwhelming fatigue and brain fog (not ideal in conjunction with ADHD) for about 3 weeks before my energy levels evened back out. Everyone's brain chemistry is different, but I've had significant improvement in my anxiety symptoms. If you take the medication in the morning, try taking it before bed to lessen the fatigue. I also recommend taking short naps if the exhaustion creeps in midday.
@myndataylor892 6 ай бұрын
Happy Birthday Jeremy 🥳🎂
@m.service5584 6 ай бұрын
@danadunn1418 6 ай бұрын
As soon as you described your head/facial pain I knew it was Trigeminal neuralgia. I have type 2 where it’s more of a contestant deep aching and burning. It can well and truly suck! I’m so glad you were able to get a diagnosis. It took me almost a year and it was rough. Meds can really help. They make me so tired but it’s better than the pain. Will be praying for you!
@EmilySusan61685 6 ай бұрын
ALEX SUper excited to see you uploaded I always am. Your effervescent personality coupled with your sweet demeanor makes your content a joy to watch. I'm sorry to hear about your health issues, please never feel bad about taking some much needed you time. Also love hearing about your 'boys' you really are the best fur mama I've encountered. I love hearing you share about them
@trish2523 6 ай бұрын
I totally understand the anxiety/ headache/ lack or motivation/ OCD/go to sleep any chance I could (I also had a lot of guilt for feeling that way, which I should not have had). I have seen in many comments suggesting seeing a psychiatrist and I 100% agree. They can adjust dosages or prescribe a different medication that is more tailored to your symptoms. It seems like Lexapro is the new "Catch All" anxiety medication. Finding a good psychiatrist, the right type of medication or combination of medications will make a world of difference. If you go to one and you don't like them, find a different one until you get to one you are comfortable with. You CAN and you WILL get to a point where you start to feel better, it takes time but it will be worth it. There are so many of us who have been where you are, and understand how hard it can be. You are an truly wonderful person and you got this!! 💗💗💗
@snudder.s.m.l.5026 6 ай бұрын
Don't you think about us, the only thing you should think about is getting better, it's your medicine that are making you tired and it is werry normal. Big hugs from Denmark. 🌹💝🥰
@brookecharbonneau6842 6 ай бұрын
I definitely understand that life happens and sometimes you need to take a step away from posting. Thanks for always coming back and sharing with us. My dog also has a lot of skin issues and also licks his paws like mad (recently he licked off all the fur on his paws and his skin underneath is all dark and scabby, the poor guy). We use toddler and baby socks so he can't get to his paws and they work pretty well. He does try to take them off sometimes, but we generally notice well before we actually gets them off. Could be something to try with Tater so he's not in a cone 24/7.
@danilleallmon9745 6 ай бұрын
Oh how I have missed you helping me do my dishes. I had to watch old videos. Lol🎉
@hfrisch007 6 ай бұрын
The good thing is she never gets old , ❤ always good for a smile and a laugh😂
@BeckhaDoyle 6 ай бұрын
The tiredness is possibly from the daily headache medication - I'm on a similar one for a similar reason - anti-depressant used off label for neuropathic pain and I'm sleepy all the time! It does get a bit better after a while, you just need to allow yourself some time to settle - it's a lot, all at once! Take your time, we'll be here 😊
@beautifullyremastered2073 6 ай бұрын
I've had Trigeminal neuroligia since 2017, and it has been debilitating, to say the least. Medication works for a lot of people, but i had brain surgery in 2019 to disect a blook vessel from the nerve. Best decision ever! Hooe medicine works for you!
@samanthahunter1759 6 ай бұрын
I hope you and Tater get back on track soon! Take your time we aren't going anywhere!
@AdorableOracle 6 ай бұрын
I've never commented I don't think, but thank you for sharing this and so much with us!! You helped me so much as a fellow gal with alopecia. I felt really alone being in my mid 30's and not knowing anyone around my age (20's and 30's) dealing with it, since I think it's different when you're younger, at least for me. You're amazing! Much love :)
@shae113 6 ай бұрын
I'm so sorry to hear about Tater's skin issues. I had a couple of Chihuahuas with similar skin issues & one with epilepsy and we switched to a raw diet and it helped a ton for all 3 of them. I found a place that has good quality & isn't crazy expensive from a friend and they ship (they are out of the DC area, I'm now up in upstate NY). It doesn't have additives like every processed dog food out there, I get the meat/bone/veggies ground mix and the dogs love it. When we switched to the raw, they did go through a couple weeks where their coats did a heavy duty shed, but the new coats came in shiny and their muscle mass improved greatly.
@happycamper4thewin 6 ай бұрын
It’s Trigeminal neuralgia. I truly think you would benefit from therapy for your anxiety. When I started Zoloft for anxiety I felt like a zombie for about 6 months but it did go away. Hugs to you!
@chrislynn9666 6 ай бұрын
Yes, you need to check on your MRI because providers respond to results they receive, but if it isn’t received, we don’t always remember to look for it. Having said that, anything too abnormal is generally conveyed by the radiologist to the ordering provider, but it is still better to make sure. Usually you can do this online through the hospital or medical office portal.
@carrielankford4036 6 ай бұрын
I love these videos where you just talk to us and tell us whats going on in your life. You really need to get that foot checked out. I had you on in the background listening while I made peanut butter cookies.
@mokhiber1 6 ай бұрын
Alexandria the mug-rug is a great idea. If I lived near you shop I would definitely purchase one. I hope you and tater feel better soon. ❤😘
@angelface8698 6 ай бұрын
The moment you showed where the pain location was, I thought of Trigeminal Neuralgia. I've had it since 2016. While it is not life threatening, it is painful. There are medications that can help with the pain. Sometimes there is no real cause for it, and sometimes there is a compressed nerve. So, I'm glad to see you did get an MRI. A headache can flare it up too. Whether its TN or something else, I hope you can find some pain relief.
@joey_5060 6 ай бұрын
I'm not going to talk about my own diagnosis...but we have such similar symptoms. *Please* follow up and get your results from your mri. If something is there that needs to be treated, knowing sooner is better than later. Please call them. ❤
@2010kjrice 6 ай бұрын
Hello! fellow crocheter here. Sometimes with yarn you will need to check the lot number on the skein of yarn (usually listed where the color name is) to make sure you don't have the slight color variation that you have. The blanket is looking great either way!
@jom6829 6 ай бұрын
So sorry to hear you and Tater are having a rough time of it. Medication can really impact on energy, so don't be giving yourself a hard time over it, but just try and not pressure yourself to be doing everything. I'm keeping fingers crossed that the vets discover what is irritating Tater and can give him medication to help keep the itching at bay. Take care.
@theresa_lili 6 ай бұрын
I have been in the grooming, boarding and rescue business for 30 plus years. The absolute best thing you could do for your dog is to add raw organic coconut oil to his diet. Start with a minimal amount 1/4tsp working toward 3T. It will help with his allergies, dry skin and more.
@HiThere-yr9eg 6 ай бұрын
Knitter here... You have to check the lot numbers on yarn balls to ensure they are the exact same color. Different lots can be slightly different. Your blanket looks great!!
@tasaneecampbell6495 6 ай бұрын
I am not on meds for all my problems (which are all similar to yours), but I have noticed that when the physical symptoms of my anxiety is gone, I am so tired. It is because the anxiety caused the "flight and fight" response that you also feel when doing procrastination work. I am so tired because I don't have that adrenalin pumping through me. Good luck.
@bbqbiscuit 4 ай бұрын
I have migraines and trigeminal neuralgia too. Thankfully I haven't had a TN attack in a long time, but they're excruciatingly painful when they do happen. Hopefully it starts to become less as the stress goes down!
@kkossor 6 ай бұрын
Hope you and Tater feel better soon. xo❤xo
@cindyedwards8414 6 ай бұрын
Hi there! My friend took her dog to the vet for the scratching. They told her the same thing about the proteins and she got the Hills food you were talking about. GOOD NEWS- it started working in a few days. Her vet said it should help with the dog’s stress too! Hang in there Tater- and you to Alexandria❤😊
@sunfastrose 6 ай бұрын
I’ve been on lexapro and Wellbutrin for several years, and I fully believe the combination of counseling and medication saved my life. Experiences are personal and can vary, but for me there are two things that I feel I can do better now to handle the anxiety. First, the anxiety feelings come very rarely but have not disappeared. When the anxiety starts my first step is to acknowledge that the feeling is there, then try to move on; I really think the acknowledgment of the feeling is important, vs. just ignoring it. Second is if the anxiety is over something specific I walk myself through all of the possible outcomes of what is giving me anxiety. By naming the outcomes specifically it gives me a chance to think through I would handle every outcome, even if the specific ones that worry me the most are the least likely to occur.
@madelinebuteyn 6 ай бұрын
I have been on propranolol for about 7 years now as a preventative after having multiple migraines a month. If that’s what you prescribed, whenever you go to the doctor always let them know you’re on it because it causes low blood pressure and it freaks out the bp machines
@mackenzie6166 6 ай бұрын
I’ve been on lexapro for a few years now, and it has seriously had such a huge positive impact on my life. The first little bit was rough with the side effects (the jaw clenching & the brain fog omg) for sure, but that went away. And now I’m not having daily anxiety attacks & living in a constant state of fight or flight, so yay lol
@triene8655 6 ай бұрын
The most important thing is scheduling and going to your follow-ups for your anxiety meds and being as honest as you can with your doctor. If you can push through a couple more weeks on lexapro, you can see if it’s going to work for you. I tried that first, but for me, it ended up making me a bit too ~neutral~ feeling. So I ended up switching medications. All of the medications had side effects in the first weeks or month or so that went away or lessened dramatically after that time period. That said, if it’s ruining your life and you really can’t tolerate the waiting period, tell your doctor. Best wishes, be as patient as you can and take care of yourself!
@ACWells13 6 ай бұрын
My stepmum used to work in a stroke ward and she used to make granny squares and make blankets out of them and give them to patients on the ward ❤
@morganbird8595 6 ай бұрын
Fellow Lexapro user here. There was definitely an adjustment period for me at first, but I didn’t experience the severe exhaustion you mentioned. My doctor advised me to take it at night though because she said it can cause drowsiness. Not sure when you’re taking it, but maybe switch to the night before bed if you’re taking it in the AM. Also, regarding the lack of motivation, that was an issue for me as well. I talked to my doctor about it and she also prescribed Wellbutrin. Not sure I’ve noticed a huge difference, but maybe a little better. Good luck, anxiety is miserable to live with. I hope things get better for you! ❤
@beccaandre3427 6 ай бұрын
The scam house is the drama I need in my life lololol I really hope the house hunt situation gives you a rainbow soon!
@gwendolinehall1386 6 ай бұрын
My dog has an itch problem too. 8 very expensive vet visits and still no answer yet. We have had a feeling since the beginning that it was fungal, theres black spots after the pimple goes away. We just got a culture done and are waiting on that. We basically just bathe her a lot, spot treat what we can and use Claritin/Benadryl a lot. I hope your Tater feels better soon 💗
@sarahwar3538 6 ай бұрын
Just keep the tree and make it your season/ holiday tree. Decorate for whatever! Easter, Memorial Day, Summer, Fall, etc...
@makaylatarpley308 6 ай бұрын
For yarn you have to check lot numbers! Even if they are named the same color, the different lots they create can have slight color differences. Gotta make sure those lot numbers match!
@dancingsmiler 6 ай бұрын
Ahhh the yarn colors! I feel your pain! There's a tiny number on the paper wrapper with the dye lot, and you have to make sure the dye lot number matches for all the balls, otherwise, the color may not exactly match. If you buy yarn from the internet, the dye lots might not all be the same, and it's SO frustrating!
@sunshinem.7741 6 ай бұрын
I've taken Lexapro for anxiety/depression for over a year and it has been a game changer! There's much less thoughts bouncing around in my brain to worry about, I can actually pick out a thought to focus on. Haven't had an anxiety attack before bed in ages. 26 years in and I finally learned how to truly relax. (Eliminating these symptoms also uncovered underlying ADHD that was supposed by the anxiety) If you're able to, therapy with a specialist can also really help with self forgiveness, understanding, strategies for managing symptoms and making life easier, etc. The first couple months, I slept so so well because the relief/calmness in my brain allowed it to get sleepy. As if all my energy was going towards managing my anxiety and then not having to do that my body was like "oh frick yes 😩" They should start you on 5mg for a couple weeks, then 10mg. Then decide if you need 15-20. Lexapro should always be started in increments to not overwhelm your system more. It sounds like the other med you were prescribed was amitriptyline, which I was also prescribed several years ago to manage headaches! But once I had the cause (leaning over a desk opposite in classes that killed my neck), I ended up renewing the Rx because it helped my anxiety so much!! That one MAJORLY made me sleepy for a while, for the same reason above. But once it set in, I was so extremely relaxed for a while. There was barely anything in my brain and it was the first time I had ever experienced that. It took a few months to settle down in terms of "normal person level" of thoughts and focus to come in. Still very calm. I took that for several years until I started therapy with a specialist and switched to Lexapro. If it IS amitriptyline, it's a very good multi-use drug, but many people get the side effects from it. Take a few minutes to read the little info pamphlet that the pharmacy gives you, or find a reputable source online and just try to be self reflective in terms of what effects/feelings occur in the next couple months. That way you'll have notes to share with the doctor. Actually, read about both prescriptions lol
@ashleyrae8188 6 ай бұрын
I've been on Lexapro for a few years now. I haven't had any anxiety attacks since I've been on it either, thank God. But when I was put on it my doctor told me to take it before I went to bed cause til you got used to it it makes you sleep. For about the first month or so when I took it I was asleep within 20 minutes, but now it doesn't do that to me. So just give it a little time. It seems to be a really good med. Good luck with everything!
@NorseButterfly 6 ай бұрын
The second octopus looked remarkably like Oscar the grouch. Please take that as a compliment as the largest crochet project I've ever completed was a full sized blanket out of a giant granny square. When buying yarn of the same color, match the lot numbers. Yes! Go get your foot xrayed! As for the trigeminal ( try-gem-inal) neuralgia, it can be severely painful. My aunt has it and had surgery to relieve the pain a few years ago. And tell your Dr what the combo of meds is doing. It might be too much. I was on Cymbalta (could only take it at night) and Buspar. I became a log.
@sandrab1529 6 ай бұрын
Feel you, I'm so tired all the time I feel like when I had a depression without the sadness...
@erinich17 6 ай бұрын
It took about 3 weeks to feel the lexapro effects and I’m so happy I started it last year. I also have been taking adhd meds for 20 years. I have migraines too. I don’t take daily meds for them, but the meds I take when I feel one starting makes me super sleepy. I hope you feel better soon.
@Queenofcats36 6 ай бұрын
I've been on SSRIs for nearly twenty years. The tiredness eventually goes away. It's temporary. I also take meds for migraines.
@Jaxdom 6 ай бұрын
You've already got plenty of excellent advice, so i just want to send you a big, gentle hug & lots of love ❤
@NatalieWeeznet 6 ай бұрын
For me, when I first got presribed my anxiety medication, it made me incredibly sleepy as well. So I feel like it's not just you!
@tylerhenwood7035 6 ай бұрын
I have a dog with allergy issues like that and when its worse around their paws its usually because of both dirt and grass, we switched to turf in the yard and saw a huge improvement but the blood test would probably show that, also pine needles are not great for most dogs as an allergen. Wipe his paws after every time he is outside and see if that helps until you get the allergy report!
@mdots05 6 ай бұрын
In 2020, I started a headache medication, an antidepressant and an epilepsy medication at the same time and have been taking them all ever since. The fatigue and emotional strain I experienced for a couple of months at first was so foreign to me and I just remember crying all the time. However I think it just takes time for your body to adjust. It's so much better now -- I will say my energy still feels less than it used to be but it's the trade off for managing my headaches and other things. Just saying I can relate to what your feeling but wishing you the best as you treat your pain ❤️
@vickibarana7635 6 ай бұрын
The useless feeling should go away - I was on lexapro for many years and remember having the physical feelings of anxiety toning down but yes I was tired - my sister did tell me she had those symptoms so I think it's what happens when your body is adjusting to lexapro. OH Poor Tater - dang! Hopefully the blood test points you in a good direction! You are the best pet parents for him - just incredible! That house was wicked cute. Too bad the ceilings are so low. OMG how amazing is that blanket!! That's incredible!!! The squares are just cute! Love these videos lots of fun and like a chill time with friends!
@name_here_ 6 ай бұрын
Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I had the same extreme exhaustion on Lexapro (plus always hungry) and I stuck it out for MONTHS before asking for a change and I have to say I feel soooo much better on Prozac (I've been on it for about 6 weeks now, but I felt the difference in TWO DAYS). I'm not saying you should switch, obviously that's something to talk to your doctor about, but try not to allow your anxiety over complaining or saying something stop you - I stuck with it longer than I probably should have and I'm so glad I finally asserted myself and made the change. Sending lots of supportive vibes 💜
@cavafrick 6 ай бұрын
I've taken Lexapro & it does take a while to get used to. Give it some time & be patient w yourself, but also know that there are other medications that you can try if it doesn't end up working for you ❤
@rosaliewitch 6 ай бұрын
I hope it works out and don’t be too hard on yourself!! Especially while trying to bring your brain and body out of constant anxiety, you may be physically drained because being on constant “fight or flight” from anxiety itself is EXHAUSTING, so it can also be your physical body maybe feeling some relief from being removed out of the physically demanding parts of anxiety. Give it time, and if you can remember, jot down how you’re feeling and talk with your doctor! And don’t ever feel bad or guilty about advocating if something isn’t making you feel good, they wanna help you! Especially cause it’s also a lot about rebalancing brain chemistry, and that itself is tricky for each individual-
@KrystalKairi 6 ай бұрын
I hope Tater gets some relief with the new food! Our dog had a couple of intestinal issues which meant she was on that same food long-term - worked wonders for her, though was definitely the most expensive dog food we ever bought haha.
@comfyviewer 6 ай бұрын
I paused the video so I could comment about your foot. The exact same thing happened to me. I woke up in the night and didn’t realize my entire lower half of my leg was asleep. Tried to walk and stepped onto my own bent backwards foot. It made the crunchiest crunch. I didn’t break anything though, instead I tore the tendon in the top of the foot. I had the bruising and swelling and such. The ortho said I might need tendon replacement surgery, which is a huge deal. I did physical therapy first to see if it would get better and luckily it got well enough I didn’t need the surgery. I highly recommend going and having it looked at to make sure it doesn’t need more attention.
@ashleyrouleau5571 6 ай бұрын
Praying for you❤ the medications take a toll at first but they get better. Keep your doctor updated with how youre feeling and theyll adjust the dosage or switch to a different medication all together. Mental health medications are all trial and error and are diffrent for each person. Stay stong were all rooting for you!
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