Cross-Border Killings - Fault Lines

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Al Jazeera America

Al Jazeera America

8 жыл бұрын

Fault Lines investigates the lack of accountability when U.S. Border Patrol agents shoot across international lines, killing Mexican citizens in their own country.
In October 2012, a US Border Patrol agent fired through the 20 foot steel fence separating Nogales, Arizona from Nogales, Mexico and killed an unarmed 16-year-old Mexican boy with 10 bullets through his body. This was not an isolated incident by a rogue agent, but just the latest in a string of cross-border shootings that raise serious questions about oversight and accountability of the Border Patrol. In the last three years, Border Patrol agents have killed 6 Mexican citizens on their native soil, firing through the border to threaten and injure even more. One man was shot while picnicking with his family on the banks of the Rio Grande. Another 15 year-old-boy was hit between the eyes with a bullet for allegedly throwing rocks. None of these cases has led to any known disciplinary action or criminal charges against the border police, and US courts have rejected claims made by victims’ families, asserting that Mexican citizens do not have the same constitutional protections as US citizens, effectively giving the agents carte blanche to act with impunity. Fault Lines travels to the border town of Nogales - presently the nexus for this increasingly lawless law enforcement - to meet the Mexican families who have lost their young sons at the hands of US agents who many accuse of being immune from the law.
For more Fault Lines:

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@JoeBlow-8080 6 жыл бұрын
don't bring rocks to a gun fight!
@mrniceguy1291 5 жыл бұрын
Joe Blow you think this is justice? border patrol personal are cowards. most of them anyways.
@saosalazar5585 5 жыл бұрын
Lmao!!!!!well tell the cops that are cleansing y'all first....
@mrniceguy1291 5 жыл бұрын
y'all stay getting treated!
@wisdumbdeep5902 3 жыл бұрын
@@Mine-Finder fuck obama
@marconius101 6 жыл бұрын
You don't even have to graduate high school to become a Border Guard.?
@Bendino93till 6 жыл бұрын
evil Duck too work at McDonalds you need one what kind of shit is that right
@Tuberuser187 5 жыл бұрын
That's not even the biggest problem though, doesn't take much academic education to become a trained observer and learn how to patrol somewhere. Its the lack of tests and background checks, it can let in bad actors that just want the chance to have power to abuse and use on people, it can let in criminals looking to make money from working with drug or people traffickers. Edited because I want to add rather than comment again I find Mexicos lack of action here to be almost as bad, a border unless an unclaimed "no mans land" (of which there are about 3/4 in the world) isn't a legal vacuum and in countries signed to all the usual treaties actions taken across the boarder with affects on the other side are typically crimes. Like using the phone or the internet to commit fraud in another country can still be a crime, if the fraud is illegal of course. In these examples the gun was fired in one country but the person died in another country, I am pretty sure most forms of homicide are illegal in Mexico, negligent or criminal manslaughter, murder obviously yet they don't seem to do much about this.
@Richierich1285 5 жыл бұрын
@danniaddams5502 7 жыл бұрын
3:08 And why the extra 9 bullets?
@hamidijafri 6 жыл бұрын
Danicka Addams less to carry home?
@krismonroe2097 6 жыл бұрын
I hope Justice is served!! And my prayers are with the family.
@epic6434 5 жыл бұрын
You want this to stop as I do? Support Trump for a concert wall high enough the climb is scary and rocks don't make it over the top or you support this and Mexico is a whore for not protecting or serving the Mexican people, selling out your raise is treasonous
@joedirt8867 8 жыл бұрын
This is a tragic story, but we are only getting one side of it. I would like to see the video to know what really happened. Michael Brown's friends and family tried to make him out to be an innocent choir boy when in fact he was a violent thug that had attacked an officer and tried to take his gun away(at one point he had it almost out of the officer's hand) and then charged him in the street. I have seen many videos of career criminals resisting arrest while their family and friends are standing around yelling, "he didn't do nothing." I have also seen cases of blatant murder by officers. It would be nice to know the truth.
@lixxxxit 7 жыл бұрын
Joe Dirt - your right, that shit goes on all the time.....if the officers weren't turned into villains, then there wouldn't be the drama and boo-hoo bullshit!
@carlos.vmartinez3855 6 жыл бұрын
@guillermojimenez2152 6 жыл бұрын
Susana Covarrubios First of all your cap setting is locked second so you're saying that a border patrol behind a fence has a disadvantage of a boy throwing a rock PLZ he wanted to kill him if he just wanted to scare him he would of shot one in the are but instead the boy got shot 9 times they are evil.
@mrniceguy1291 5 жыл бұрын
Joe Dirt what could he have possibly done? lets be realistic. If it would have been the other way, where someone from the Mexican side killed someone from US side there would be hell to pay.
@yngsol 5 жыл бұрын
@James Dean facxxxxx All the racist people been patiently waiting for trump to lash out so they can follow
@gxrmanii 5 жыл бұрын
Corruption.........starts at the top.
@peterrod5239 5 жыл бұрын
the fact that the video surveillance has disappear and the border guards are nice and quiet ha all the markings of a cover up.
@mczenk5095 5 жыл бұрын
Don't assault border patrol and you won't die.
@juliomoreno3141 5 жыл бұрын
@CarlosHerrera-um5xs 6 жыл бұрын
Winners get to write up the history books.
@kbs5150 6 жыл бұрын
Nice hit video.
@bajamcguide 2 жыл бұрын
So many hateful comments here. Makes me feel sad to know that these kind of people exist in my country.
@chloet182 5 жыл бұрын
I can’t blame the boarder officers refusing to take part ...the director had already made up what the story was ...irregardless of the truth!! Three deaths is three to many !! The reason why more haven’t been.mudered because they defend themselves and neutralise a threat ! How would you like it if you where doing your job and people were throwing boulders at your head in a attept to KILL YOU !’s by no means an “overreaction” there is a threat to life they are not the criminals here !! Most bias one sided crap 🙄 Even if they took part and told of how he was a thug that tried to wrestle for a gun and was violent to all authorities this documentary would call them liars
@jhonfamo8412 6 жыл бұрын
Jeez this is f'd up
@briancanfield5658 5 жыл бұрын
They shouldn’t be charged
@fontaineking5158 5 жыл бұрын
Give as good you get.
@dianezapata 5 жыл бұрын
That’s an overkill
@MsSparklingwater 5 жыл бұрын
Fear. Fear on all immigrants crime. There is so much hype. Everyone is scared for their lives. The guards are stressed to the edge. They are being shot at and having things thrown at them. Keep kids home to keep them safe. It’s becoming a dog eat dog world. Lord help these kids. Protect the children and guards. Calm the world. Protect your people.
@CrakenFlux 5 жыл бұрын
I am for the steel fence, sorry Al Jazeera.
@lylebrown689 5 жыл бұрын
Wab Kinew native from Canada
@annmariefoster140 5 жыл бұрын
This reporter looks Native American
@robertsanchez1025 5 жыл бұрын
what about Canadian felones running from the law
@robertsanchez1025 5 жыл бұрын
that is not a ravine that is called The Channel and its were you get dumped may be if border patrol lured how to read before shooting a gun they wood now that
@icmozart 5 жыл бұрын
He’s lying he didn’t see shit is just making up stories WTF
@juand.ramirez3721 5 жыл бұрын
Fuck you racist pig!
@floranderson2251 5 жыл бұрын
What if Neanderthals were still alive? Lucy pushes an untidy mop of red hair away from her brow and puzzles for a moment over the problem she faces. Although she has a large brain and is quite strong, some things remain just beyond her abilities. Take the tablet she's pondering -- were it of the stone variety, she could imagine any number of things to do with it. She might carve the likeness of a wild animal onto its face, or break it into smaller pieces to sharpen and use for hunting. But this tablet, with its gleaming electronic visage and brightly colored icons, confuses this Neanderthal confronted by modern conveniences. The idea that members of an ancient race predating humans could coexist today creates odd hypothetical scenarios. But what if Neanderthals were still alive? .
@UZI9MMAUTO 4 жыл бұрын
Solution? STFO of OUR U.S. Border! Oh, rock throwing is DEADLY! Even a small stone is FATAL! FFS!
@lalopopoca1177 5 жыл бұрын
Border patrol agent in my trunk.
@spiderlegs50 6 жыл бұрын
This was done on O'bammas watch,, I find it to be wrong in all ways,,
@chazgurrero3090 5 жыл бұрын
We nececita in abogado Americano especialista en causas desto. Le acompanio sus sentimentos.
@floranderson2251 5 жыл бұрын
Why should Africa care about the CFA Franc zone and its politics? Mubita establishes a damning connection, “Whether French, English, Portuguese, Spanish, Arab or German, colonialism bites with the same fangs and remorselessly sucks the national resources of former colonies. All former subjects are united by one fact: that we have no (or very little) control over our national resources and economy.” Sadly, younger Africans have been made to believe neo-colonialism is simply an excuse by failed African leaders. Neo-colonialism is real and the 14 CFA Franc zone countries are the perfect case study. Equally sad is that some of the older leaders (the Presidents of the 14 countries, for example) continue to secretly worship the colonial master, plunging their nations squarely into the hands of the modern day economic imperialists. The pomp and fanfare of Independence Day celebrations is nothing if colonialists continue to hold the wealth while Africans suffer. There is no independence without economic self-determination. Africa should not should not play into Europe’s piecemeal approach to independence. .
@epic6434 5 жыл бұрын
It's sad but if African leader's didn't make it serve the people it's cause it served them and that's what weak, selfish, sell out liar does for their country and you hate it cause your mad at the wrong people your leader's educating the public? Or have Africans working in these companies taking your resources? What if they gave it back and left would their be anyone to know what to do with it? It's a problem with a ignorant leader's that only stand smile speak take pictures and rape girls in their own country cause he's special piece of shit that looks like the smartest of the bunch and less proud of his people
@hihowego4133 5 жыл бұрын
Brought to you by your truthful honest liberal politicians . !!👍🇺🇸
@6232knight 6 жыл бұрын
American's are always in denial....
@floranderson2251 5 жыл бұрын
The Politics of the CFA Franc Zone: Financial Anachronism and Monetary Nazism /The truth is Europe needs Africa more than Africa needs Europe but Africa simply does not realise her importance in the global economy. According to Bloomberg, no less than $20 billion in African foreign reserves is held in trust by the French government earning 0.75% interest. The deposits started more than fifty years ago when the then colonies had to send their reserves to the French treasury. Now, 14 African countries are giving the French 50% of their reserves “to ensure the CFA Franc in the countries remains convertible into Euros”. 12 of the countries are former French colonies and Equatorial Guinea, a former Spanish colony joined in 1985 while Guinea Bissau, a former Portuguese territory joined in 1997. The Western African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) and the Central African Monetary Union (CAMU) use the CFA Franc and policies set by the European Central Bank end up being implemented by both the Central Bank of West African States and the Bank of Central African States. The structure is so designed to make sure France and her European sisters have a decisive say in the affairs of the 14 states. As Julie Owono says, “…no decision can be taken today by central banks of the CFA Franc zone without the endorsement of French representatives serving on their boards of directors. This is financial anachronism. Healthy countries continue to be baby-sitted monetarily by their former colonial power. Fifty years after African countries’ independence, the monetary policy of the CFA Franc zone remains decided by France, depending on its own interests.” Professor Nicolas Agbohou is also known to have called the whole system “monetary Nazism” in his book “The CFA Franc and the Euro against Africa”. The fallacy of beneficial oppression The sad part is Europe seems to have convinced herself that this situation is fair to both sides or even more beneficial to Africa. This is not surprising as the same Europeans believed every other manner of colonial exploitation to be a blessing for Africans. The IMF’s Anne-Marie Gulde says, “It is not that France is necessarily wanting these funds. It’s a necessary evil for them, in order to backstop the (fixed exchange rate) of the CFA Franc.” Using Guides thinking, the CFA system which is an imposition of French monetary policy and French economic control is a blessing for the 14 African countries. A condescending Europe that assumes the big brother or big father role (since Peven called African states daughters of France) is not a new phenomenon at all. Oppression has always been justified as a necessary institution for the development of the oppressed. This is the fallacy of all ages. Since the 12 former colonies have remained in this union for so long, they may have also started to believe that they have no future without France, a lie the West will keep peddling. The truth is Europe needs Africa more than Africa needs Europe but Africa simply does not realise her importance in the global economy. Africa should not be a charity case! Dr Charles Mubita, a PhD holder in International Relations from the University of Southern California quoting from former French President Jacques Chirac said, “Without Africa, France will smoothly go down to the rank of a third (world) power.” Many Western powers were built on the sweat and resources of Africa and her children. Denial of that simple fact is denial of Western privilege at the detriment of Africans. Denial is insulting the African’s age-old struggle against exploitation and unwittingly supporting colonialist tendencies. ,
@jonjacob2852 5 жыл бұрын
Bull shit!
@RachelsBadAssJamz64 7 жыл бұрын
@ClintMaas 8 жыл бұрын
You'd think Mexico could send somebody over to either bring these boarder agents back over Mexico or be taken out. Just odd Mexico does not take action of things like this.
@3506Dodge 7 жыл бұрын
You're suggesting that Mexican officials should illegally cross the border to enter the U.S.? That would violate American sovereignty.
@dondreytaylor8001 6 жыл бұрын
and you're suggesting that unjustified bullets flying over the border of Mexico doesn't violate theirs?
@emmanuelg40historytalk74 6 жыл бұрын
Mexican Government hates Mexicans (specially those that have Indigenous and/or African blood) so yeah they probably don't care about it.
@warriorfitness5133 6 жыл бұрын
Dondrey Taylor you must forget when the Mexican Army fired over the border from a helicopter. But that's okay right???
@warriorfitness5133 6 жыл бұрын
Noe Garcia lol you're so edgy... Calm down hero...
@mikeallen7830 8 жыл бұрын
Im on the fault linee
@chloet182 5 жыл бұрын
Can nobody just call their kid Tod Smith or Pablo Escobar there are always about 6 names
@floranderson2251 5 жыл бұрын
Revealed: How France Remains a West and Central African Colonial Master Sometime in the 1940s, a French Foreign Minister, Rene Pleven was recorded as saying, “In a show of her generosity and selflessness, metropolitan France, wishing not to impose on her faraway daughters the consequences of her own poverty, is setting different exchange rates for their currency.” The faraway daughters were African colonies and this came after proposals to introduce a common currency (CFA Franc) for a union of these territories. Though Minister Pleven, may have claimed this system was for the benefit of the foreign territories, one needs to understand that Europeans have always harboured delusions of a “mutually beneficial colonialism” for a long time. Colonialism was looked at as a manner to help the “savages” of Africa achieve some degree of civilisation and that thinking is still prevalent. J alata Asafa in the research paper, The triple causes of African underdevelopment: Colonial capitalism, state terrorism and racism says, “These countries used the discourses of the superiority of their race, culture, civilization and Christian religion to promote and justify destructive and exploitative policies such as terrorism, genocide, and economic exploitation.” The CFA franc is the legacy of colonialism and no matter how anyone may spin the story, it remains more beneficial to the French than the Africans: a perpetuation of modern-day colonialism. .
@re-verdesiendomexico5188 5 жыл бұрын
hahaha huge rocks? Over a 20 plus ft cliff plus the fence? Give me a break! We should look for those guys and recruit them for throwing events in the olymplics! They must've had great strength and aiming capabilities to throw like that while running away.
@nammer77 5 жыл бұрын
Kid was probably a lookout for the cartel.
@hugogonzalez5989 5 жыл бұрын
they got tunnels pendejo
@michaelpowell7120 6 жыл бұрын
Target practice.
@jshorto 6 жыл бұрын
Soon as I started watching this I stopped cause I knew the outcome already as in american personnel don't have to answer to anyone when it comes to non american victims, it just gets fobbed off or ignored unless its an american victim.
@nanisplaytimeandmore8358 6 жыл бұрын
Rosie O’Donnell lol
@myralawson4543 5 жыл бұрын
This is just BS
@duckvenom 5 жыл бұрын
weak propaganda.
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