Yes put a new sensor in and obviously it will give you a chance to de-rust the bracket that holds the Sensor in the radiator as it is quite rusty I would soak it in white vinegar over night and then paint with hammerite, great photo of the Allegro outside the Church
@thtmotoring2 ай бұрын
@@crumplezone1 thank you very much! Will do that 👍
@ProjektAgnetha2 ай бұрын
I've got the same trouble and I bought two "new" Quinton Hazell switches but neither of them close at temperature. I cut one of them open and found the contacts were closing but there was a thin layer of oxide that stopped the circuit closing - a bit like in a set of old points. So my guess is, after they've been in a warehouse for 20 - 30 years, the contacts are just a tiny bit oxidized but that's enough to stop them working completely. I've ordered a different brand to see if they're any good. And I installed an override switch under the dash to force the fan to come on!
@thtmotoring2 ай бұрын
@@ProjektAgnetha that’s good to know. Yeah I’ve heard that an override switch is a popular modification. Hopefully when I find a replacement sensor it will do the job. Just struggling to find the time at the moment!