Great video Lilly! Awesome autumn colors and lovely aerial footage in the mountains!! You appear happy 😊. Thanks so much for sharing your experiences.
@HelloLilly3 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much! 😊
@thetahs3 жыл бұрын
@Mikaela_Westmt3 жыл бұрын
The autumn foliage in the mountains is breathtakingly beautiful, Lilly! 🍁🍂🍁 Will you ever let us know which prefecture you're in? I'm dying to find out, haha.
@HelloLilly3 жыл бұрын
Thank you!!! Maybe eventually I’ll tell everyone where I am. Last year I had an issue with a stalker so I’m just a little hesitant about it..! Sorry!!
Lilly, what a rare opportunity you went through! I did not know that Torii (鳥居) is called Torii “Gate” in English. In Japan, Torii is believed to be the gate for the gods. I think the gods will soon come down through the newly made gate and see each of the members who did this awesome work.
I 'm relieved the video is back without edit I was worried about religious issues 動画が編集無しで復活して安心してます。 What happened ? Shrine (TORII) is the symbol of gratitude and respect for nature 何があったの? 神社や鳥居は自然に対しての感謝や尊敬の象徴です。 KOTATSU is a wanderful heating equipment but Once you sit down KOTATSU you can't stand up again (笑)It is so sweat to eat MIKANN In KOTATSU 炬燵はとてもいい暖房器具 ただ一度炬燵に座ると なかなか立ち上がれない。炬燵でみかんを食べるのがすごくいい。
Good morning this time did you wake up already? so about your nice video, yes, yes, yes, I have to say yes to this very nice your video . last night , at first, i could not watch your nice video but I could not see it. so a few hours later, I could watch it completely. it was very nice video to me. why I could think this video was nice. because this video is being our country's Spiritual simbol. in anyway, it is always showing mysterious something mental stablility to us when we standed in front of this Torii. yes, and you built the new one on this site with other your frineds. so, I could understand that other your friends asked you to buid it on this site with them . That their action to you was showing that you were already becoming resident of this vilage . I could understand it . because i came from country side . and i know it very well. Torri has someting very spiritural power someting . your very nice innocent mind might had been accepted by this village's nature god . i think. I don't want to tell you about God .... because everyone has different God but in Japan, we have many kinds of God. example , this nature. yes, we have our won nature's god. so peopole who are living in the village has someting Awe to the nature . let's enjoy your naure life . i want to help you very much . in anyway, I want to watch your nice video more.
@林ピャオ3 жыл бұрын
Hi lilly san good eveing this time . yes now I am doing like your nature life style a little bit. yes, today and tomottow, I did take my off days for my car camping at this place where is very close to the haneda Air port . I may be able to do like nature life style a little bit?
Monotheistic country such as the US think one single god exists outside of this universe while polytheistic country such as Japan think numerous deities exist inside of this universe. Do you sometimes sense any spiritual feeling from anything when you see that shrine, etc.? Or do you think God is controlling everything after all?