Apocalypse Revealed - Swedenborg & Life Live

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Off The Left Eye

Off The Left Eye

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@greatgrandfather3329 5 жыл бұрын
25 years ago my first wife left me with our 2 children .... it was a heart wrenching time in my life, but i was an a$$ and caused the divorce.....we came to an agreement that allowed me to visit my children every second weekend, but not limited to those weekends. 2 months after i signed that agreement, my wife moved 6 hours away ... with the children.... i was broken... BUT... for the next 3 years virtually without missing a visit , i drove the six hours each way, and MOST of the visits, bringing the kids back to my home for the weekend..... i literally had 12 hours of personal reflection time every second weekend. this was a bi-monthly roller coaster of emotion, but the blessing this brought me was that on half of the travel time on these visits, i was alone,........with my mind.... over the three years i developed my belief system and it has remained with me ever since... i had many prayed questions answered during the time i was given for reflection .... i now actually thank God for those times..... it changed my life.
@carolesanchez5700 5 жыл бұрын
Great Grandfather, I love your story and how you used that time to let God speak to you. You could have just wallowed in anger and resentment and ended up bitter and angry. I believe it happened this way because you started out honest enough to own up to your participation in the divorce. Bless you!
@greatgrandfather3329 5 жыл бұрын
@@carolesanchez5700 thanks carole .... i am humbled by your reply
@angelgirldebbiejo 5 жыл бұрын
What a great father.....and wise....used that time to mediate and reflect....blessings to you!!
@offTheLeftEye 5 жыл бұрын
@Great Grandfather your message is so deeply moving to me. Our minds are vessels that can be filled with the essence of either heaven or hell. It sounds like your long journeys provided the space for the Lord to shine in and recreate your inner life. I feel blessed to have you with us, my friend.
@greatgrandfather3329 5 жыл бұрын
@@offTheLeftEye wow... i am deeply humbled by the responses here.
@g01tr3 5 жыл бұрын
For years I had severe anxiety and depression. Intrusive thoughts and what-if thinking almost destroyed me. But living through this I was humbled and learned to treat others with more respect and compassion. I also learned that it's only with help from the Lord I could untangle the impossible mess my mind was in. God anchors my mind in sanity and helps me evolve past my flaws and grow towards the light. At my darkest time I had awful nightmares that would send me into panic. I thought if there could exist such hellish mindscapes, surely their opposite must exist too. It was shortly after I encountered this KZbin channel. Words can't describe how grateful I am to have found Off The Left Eye which led me back to the Lord.
@offTheLeftEye 5 жыл бұрын
Mike, I am so grateful for you. And what a journey you've been on! What amazes me is wisdom you've gained having endured such hardship-- you are able to convey with such tenderness that hope is real, the Lord loves us, and to never give up. Thank you, my friend.
@richardleigh4003 6 ай бұрын
I know those demons that were troubling you. If they are still around a little you got to tell them: it is YOU who are having all these sick thoughts not me. It is YOU who are obsessive and perverted. It is YOU who cannot see God or Heaven. And that is why YOU are in Hell, now begone in Jesus's name!
@shannonporter6899 5 жыл бұрын
Jonathan's icebreaker reminded me of my own. During this past summer, I got a kidney infection, which doctors had mistaken for kidney stones, but within days it turned into sepsis and I was hospitalized. It was so scary and the worst pain I've ever had. The fever and chills that accompany sepsis are...miserable. While in the hospital, I woke up to my husband on the side of my bed crying, I didn't understand how bad the situation actually was and he didnt want to tell me. For days I couldn't walk on my own and would relapse until they could find the correct antibiotic. But during this time I felt complete peace. I knew that God was aware of me. I was totally at ease if it were my time to die. I only felt sadness at leaving my husband and 3 small kids. Luckily I got better, but for days after that I would see these bright bulbs flash in my room at night. It was to the point that it would wake me up, thinking there was lightning right outside our window but there was no storm going on. I would see them above me in the sky while driving. I thought I was a little crazy, but after looking up others experiences with that, I guess they were spirits or angels? I really think that I was just close to the other side and it stayed with me for a while. This all happened during an incredibly emotionally straining time in my life. I was mid faith-crisis from the religion I was raised in. So even though this physical reaction was painful and scary, I wouldn't trade it for the world. It made me understand how aware God actually is of each and every one of us.
@offTheLeftEye 5 жыл бұрын
Shannon, I'm amazed by your story. It's remarkable that even during that painful experience, you were able to access the Lord's love and feel His presence. How often do we forget these things when bad experiences come our way! Thank you for reminding us that no matter what, God is here and guiding us with His love and wisdom.
@rubarb0406 5 жыл бұрын
Curtis, you made a quick but incredibly profound comment during this broadcast. You stated something to the effect of how the Book of Revelation is a spiritual overview of our lives regardless of when we live relative to the end-times. I believe you hit the nail on the head. Many interpret the book to be a prognostication for the future when it probably has more application to our lives right now. In this context, the entire Bible is a metaphor for our lives. That is to say that there might be a little (hopefully very little) of the Sadducees and Pharisees in each of us and as mortals we go through cycles where at some points of time in our lives we are good and at other times not so good. Kudos to you and Dr. Rose for another incredible presentation.
@angelgirldebbiejo 5 жыл бұрын
Good explanation!!
@offTheLeftEye 5 жыл бұрын
Spot on, Gordon! What you're hitting on is the beauty of Swedenborg's teachings-- they unlock the deeper meaning within the Bible, something meant to be timeless and yet directly relevant to our current states. Revolutionary stuff, my friend!
@richotto100 2 жыл бұрын
Friends: Thank you so much for this excellent show! A big portion of my personal spiritual food is the nourishment I get from watching your shows. I screen shot the section where you talked about internal and external thoughts. An honest world; a wonderful place to think about. Thank you for all the work on and off screen all of you put into producing this show so that I can walk around this morning with heavenly ideas in my head.
@offTheLeftEye 2 жыл бұрын
Such a lovely message to start my day with, Mark! We're so glad you're out there "picking up what we're laying down" and that it feels helpful to you in your day-to-day. We feel the same way about the value of taking in spiritual food, and that's why we want to share these ideas! Thanks for your warm affirmation, and may heavenly ideas sustain you today!
@SinjonM 5 жыл бұрын
I know that the icebreaker/icemelter is over, I managed to watch/listen to the majority of the stream while driving home from and and getting groceries from the store. I did want to add mine even though it won't be broadcasted. When I was in 7th grade, (I'm 22 now) I had an encounter where I was beaten relentlessly in front of my entire school. Pushed into a deep depression that lasted years ultimately resulting in attempted suicide. The attempt failed and I am I ever so glad it did. I now I have a wonderful family with a beautiful healthy baby boy that I couldn't love more. The beating humbled me, and taught me many valuable life lessons. The most important one is that no matter how terrible the situation, it's not exactly what happened, but how you deal with it and learn from it.
@gavinomalley7099 5 жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry, dear brother. May I share a dream I had recently....I was beaten to a bloody pulp, I was laid down and my arms outstretched, I felt a spike ready to be driven in my hand, I cried out, "I love you, Father!" The next scene I was hanging on a cross in the darkness, but I knew God would carry me through. The next scene I was sitting at a table with others and I just looked up with a heart so full of love I just sang praise to God without words, just a melody. I was so filled with love that I was unaffected by all that had just happened. I believe love is the key that can carry us through anything. I hope this helps, my friend. My heart is with you.
@tinopacino9400 5 жыл бұрын
Sinjon McCreary Yes the Lord will Humble is in Various ways. We need to thank him for purification . Like when the Lord told me You will thank me Later..
@offTheLeftEye 5 жыл бұрын
Sinjon, what a remarkable story of overcoming adversity and transforming your pain. I deeply honor your courage and willingness to share what you've learned with others. We are grateful for your presence here :)
@gavinomalley7099 5 жыл бұрын
I love the lesson Dr. Jonathon Rose gave us in my favorite episode, "The Spiritual Battles of Jesus Christ".... he said with everything Jesus went through, kept up all night, tortured, beaten, the crown of thorns, he kept coming back with love, they tried to stir his anger, but he was so strong, he just kept coming back with love time and again. That has become my new mantra..."keep coming back with love." He said that is something we just don't understand yet, we are just not there. This has been a life changer for me. Thank you Swedenborg family, love you all.
@offTheLeftEye 5 жыл бұрын
@@gavinomalley7099 Gavin, I agree, that was such a powerful way for Dr. Rose to present it. It's a wonderful, tangible thing to keep in mind through any struggle. Sending love right back to you!
@Soekke233 3 жыл бұрын
Good that you explained this book. I am searching the meaning of the book and found your channel. Thank you.
@offTheLeftEye 3 жыл бұрын
So good to have you here! I hope your search continues to bear fruit! We have a new website that may be helpful to you, too! OffTheLeftEye.com collects some of our videos into topics you may find interesting or relevant, at the very least. Many blessings to you! I’m glad you made your way here!
@gsand07 5 жыл бұрын
What a show! The ice breaker responses brought me to tears. Oh my goodness. The resilience of the human heart is beyond belief. My first “breaking open” happened all within a one year period...divorce, losing our home, losing my younger sister to cancer (she was just 37 leaving 2 children) and then my dad having a heart attack, and my sons beginning to “act out” in ways that I seriously didn’t know who they were anymore. These things can bring us to our knees-that is the blessing I came to realize. I have since had a “steady” inflow of crises, the difference now is that I immediately give it to God , stay close to Him and just continue forward. I am so grateful for the sharing and the people in this community! Thank you OTLE❤️
@offTheLeftEye 5 жыл бұрын
The personal testimonials our fans share consistently move me to tears. We have such a beautiful family of viewers and friends here-- most certainly including you! You've come a long way on your spiritual path, and the Lord loves you beyond anything one can imagine!
@gsand07 5 жыл бұрын
offTheLeftEye thank you for making me feel welcomed here. Honestly, this is the first time I have ever felt comfortable enough to open up about sensitive matters that weigh heavy on the heart. OTLE gives a caring place to unload, learn, and grow spiritually from one another. It’s magical!
@nickjamesb2051 5 жыл бұрын
Swedenborgeans unite!
@angelgirldebbiejo 5 жыл бұрын
@offTheLeftEye 5 жыл бұрын
This is truly becoming a movement :)
@Preliminimal 5 жыл бұрын
Great episode, thanks everyone at OTLE.
@offTheLeftEye 5 жыл бұрын
I'm so glad to hear that! You're very welcome :)
@vickikondylas555 4 жыл бұрын
thank you Curtis and DR ROSE
@offTheLeftEye 4 жыл бұрын
It's a real honor to share these teachings, Vicki :)
@jewellee2363 5 жыл бұрын
I feel God brought me closer to him through the tragedy of losing my father and my baby 3 weeks apart. I posted this before. I shook my fist up to God at the time bc I couldn't understand how a loving God could let this happen to me. one day about a year later I was driving my kids and felt this overwhelming feeling go from my head to my toes. it was a feeling of pure love that brought me to tears.at that moment everything made sense to me and I saw God's bigger plan. it was an experience ill never forget and will always trust in him now. he had a perfect plan for me but i couldn't see it. not long after that I had my 5th child. my rainbow baby. there is so much more to this story, but i just know that God's plan is perfect and now I seek him always. that's why I'm here. thank you all💙
@offTheLeftEye 5 жыл бұрын
Your message has left me without words. The depth of tragedy, the stirring of divine love from with, the wonder at His plan...I honor your courage to share this with us. Thank you for being here.
@jewellee2363 5 жыл бұрын
@@offTheLeftEye 💓
@bettyabote4229 2 жыл бұрын
God has good plans for us.
@bettyabote4229 2 жыл бұрын
True Curtis we do go through end time circle. Good explanation. Thanks OTLE team
@offTheLeftEye 2 жыл бұрын
You're very welcome, Betty!
@shannadawn1698 5 жыл бұрын
ES: "Only those undergo temptations there who have lived a good life in the world according to their religion, wherein were falsities of doctrine in which they believed. For by temptations falsities are shaken off, truths are implanted, and thus they are prepared for heaven..." (35-36 minute mark.) This very much goes with the icebreaker, because what I thought to write in response to it (but refrained) is what this part of Swedenborg's writings is bringing to my mind, now! I experienced a situation where I had been living in a way that I thought was required of me, due to my indoctrination of a "christian," religious, mindset. It involved my believing that none of my own desires or needs were valid, and that I was to be performing actions that were dictated by the 'church' (said to be the mouthpiece of "God") on a continual basis. I grew more and more depressed in this existence, over time, and to the point where I finally said, to God, that "I give up. If you want me, come and get me." I had started making music, from my home studio, around this time, as a catalyst for feeling and expressing some long-suppressed emotions. I interacted with several other remote, indie, musicians during that time, and formed some long-lasting friendships with the artist community. As I had spent my entire life not feeling strong romantic feelings toward anyone (or, not feeling strong emotions, at all) it did not ever occur to me that I would find myself attracted to one of them in that way. I was also married, at the time, to a very religious man, and so - in my mind - that doubled my security in not forming attractions for other people. I took the institution of marriage very seriously. Nevertheless, I inadvertently fell deeply, deeply, into emotional attachment (what most would describe as Shakespearean, romantic, love) with a fellow artist. My feelings for him were at the level that I had only felt the experience of God, prior. This shook my world. After trying - and failing - to rid myself of this connection, I confessed my attachment to this other person to my husband of the time. What followed was a very, very, nasty persecution of me, by the "church." In spite of the fact that I had not felt or acted on any sexually-related thoughts, I was told that I was 'cheating' on my husband, and that I was "following Satan" to have experienced this connection. I happened to live in a very small town in the Appalachian region, at the time (we had moved to where my husband had grown up,) and so I was literally the 'talk of the town.' They drug me before church leaders, and even took my children from me, temporarily, over all of it. The strange part was that, throughout the whole experience, I had not ever felt closer to God. Even though I initially feared I was going to 'hell' over it, I felt as though this experience had unlocked a part of me that I had been suppressing for most of my life. It was the part of me that had needs, wants, and desires, and I finally realized that God was interested in that part of me. Instead of conceding to the religious leaders over their assertions that I was acting 'sinfully,' I stood up to them and held my ground about the fact that my spiritual life was enhanced through my inability to rid myself of this feeling. It was the first time that a 'temptation' was so strong, that my willpower could not beat it into submission. The fact that I could not overcome it let me know that there was something supernatural at work within me. And the fact that it brought Love, Wisdom, and insight let me know that it was not from anti-God sources. This knowledge gave me the strength I needed to persevere through the trial, and I ended up getting my kids back, and moving back to my home state with them. I didn't end up with 'that guy' (which is another long story.) And, I would like to say that this experience was the start of my making great choices for the rest of my life. What it turned out to be, though, was a rebirth, and, subsequently, was just the beginning of the rest of my (long) journey. I was reborn, through this experience, out of a life of religious piety, and into a life which included both my mind, and my heart. Swedenborg's description, here, confirms my impression that I experienced a 'heavenly' transformation - through experiencing a temptation that was too strong for me to withstand - even while still here on earth. Thank you for this space to share! There are not many I encounter who are of a mindset to comprehend my descriptions of spiritual experiences! :)
@gsand07 5 жыл бұрын
Shanna Dawn Wow! You truly went through an apocalyptic experience and came out the other side! Congratulations?? I don’t know if that is an appropriate response but there it is...thank you for sharing that. I went through a similar crisis many years ago and so I totally understand what has happened to you on the spiritual level. God bless you.😘
@shannadawn1698 5 жыл бұрын
@@gsand07 Yes, congratulations to both of us!! Hehe :)
@offTheLeftEye 5 жыл бұрын
I'm so grateful that you decided to share that with us, Shanna. We are blessed to have you here!
@bettyabote4229 2 жыл бұрын
It's only truth, love and goodness that can set our minds free thankyou for the elevator pitches
@offTheLeftEye 2 жыл бұрын
Yes indeed. And I'm glad you enjoy those elevator pitches! :)
@LUCIOdaMayTricks 5 жыл бұрын
You convinced me absolutely on how worthy apocalipse explained is. Congrats!!!
@offTheLeftEye 5 жыл бұрын
That's wonderful to hear!
@TheCubeMusic 3 жыл бұрын
I feel extremely strong in spirit but not so much in this physical body !
@offTheLeftEye 3 жыл бұрын
Spiritual strength is a great gift, The Cube!
@nadinerogers5653 5 жыл бұрын
I am so grateful for all the people who shared their experiences in the icemelter section and the comments. It is very moving to me to hear everyone's stories and know we are all striving together towards God's love and wisdom. My response to the icebreaker might seem a little convoluted but hopefully I can explain it well enough. All my life I have had a tendency to try to "be good" - don't make mistakes, don't do anything bad, follow the rules, etc.. Nothing wrong with that, but my attitude was that I have to do it myself to avoid hell, so I will please God, so people will love me, etc. I was trying to be good on the outside because I was so afraid that I was actually horrible on the inside. Well, try staying peaceful and calm and gentle when you go live in a totally new culture with a new language where you don't know how to do anything and then you adopt 10 kids who don't have any feeling of connection to you nor a need to please you. I was under enormous stress in every way and I found myself losing my temper, breaking down in tears, not being the strong, helpful parent that I wanted to be but rather a complete emotional mess. I loathed what I saw in myself- my worst fear was true. I really wasn't a very good person, just like I had always tried to act like. But even though it was extremely painful to have to acknowledge how far from my ideal self I was, I didn't have any choice but to keep pushing through and to try to somehow go on. I had made a commitment to raise these kids and I couldn't just start over in something that maybe i would have more success in. But facing that reality in a way freed me from a kind of bondage where I was always afraid of making a mistake or being found out as being a person I was ashamed of. The terror of seeing my own worst is not there anymore. I've already seen it and even though I'm not proud of it I survived it. It made me have more compassion for other people who have made mistakes. I don't look down on them because I know I have made grave errors myself. I love Swedenborg's interpretation of Jesus telling the disciples to forgive "seventy times seven" as meaning that forgiveness is an inviolable command. How can I not forgive when I know what I've been forgiven of? I think I am a more humble and understanding person because of my own failings,
@maryvalentine4924 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing this Nadine! It is a beautiful story of transformation and spiritual growth that i resonate with since I too have been forgiven much. Yes forgive "seventy times seven". I also think of the Lord's Prayer - Forgive us our debts AS WE forgive our debtors. Has to be important for Jesus to put it into this prayer. ❤️
@offTheLeftEye 5 жыл бұрын
Nadine, I am so deeply touched by your message. What a profound journey you've been on, my friend. Your story is a potent reminder to me that our pain can be transformed into something useful if we let the Lord in. I hope you know how special you are. How loved you are! Thanks for adding such genuine warmth to our community :)
@CableGirl35 5 жыл бұрын
I was brought up Catholic, I drank Swedenborg's teachings up soooo fast. Most Catholics I know acknowledge that the Catholic Church is far from perfect but the religious fundamentalism we keep is that God is loving and merciful. Once a Catholic accepts this fundamental truth and not the falsity which uses fear, then Swedenborg's teachings speak perfectly to a Catholic's heart. Catholics who use love as their means of salvation jive so well with Swedenborg, perhaps even more so because there's way more symbolism involved from old traditions.
@offTheLeftEye 5 жыл бұрын
I can totally appreciate that! I too came from the Catholic tradition, being raised by Sisters of Saint Joseph. I've found that Swedenborg's teachings, in many ways, can offer what you've described. Having an understanding of God as love and mercy is critical. I'm really glad you're here, Erika. -Chris
@lengnauer78 Жыл бұрын
Judgement? No! But consequences? Yes! In the end, God doesn't judge us, but our loves and habits definitely do determine where we spend eternity! Once I understood this through Swedenborg, it has changed how I view my struggles. For the icebreaker, thinking about a trial that ultimately freed me from mental bondage, I went through the loss of a relationship that was very important to me at the time. While in the 'dying' phase of the relationship, I was devastated but thanks to OTLE, I bathed myself daily in truth. On this side of the 'death', I see how that relationship was toxic and that now I am truly freed. Even when I am tempted to look back on that relationship and wish for a different outcome, the truth I now know protects my heart.
@offTheLeftEye Жыл бұрын
So glad the ideas have given you a new perspective, lengnauer. And thanks for sharing your powerful of being freed from bondage! A gift!
@kelleykubas7050 5 жыл бұрын
You guys are great, I've been sharing your work!!
@offTheLeftEye 5 жыл бұрын
That's so wonderful to hear, Kelley! Thanks for supporting us in that way :)
@joaquinestrada9289 5 жыл бұрын
Hey I got constant ringing in ears started about may 2015 since than I have been on a journey that I wouldn't believe if I didn't experience it. Oh its not tinnitus!
@offTheLeftEye 5 жыл бұрын
Hi Joaquin, that is certainly a mysterious message. Feel free to share more with us, if you'd like!
@jenniferpollard4466 3 жыл бұрын
@julianbristow4793 5 жыл бұрын
I can understand the trials that we humans go though in different ways. I have experienced both physical pain and clinical depression myself and I feel that led me to the mercy of God. I think if we are sincere enough, God does hear us and eventually it gets better. I think these painful episodes serve as a reminder that there is a better existence for us if let Jehovah into our 💜 hearts. I’m thinking this world can’t offer that.
@offTheLeftEye 5 жыл бұрын
Beautifully and poignantly said. Thank you so much. The struggles of earthly life can eventually serve as a contrast to the love that Jehovah wants to give to us.
@julianbristow4793 5 жыл бұрын
offTheLeftEye Yes! Jehovah’s way is the only way that makes sense.
@TheCubeMusic 3 жыл бұрын
No wonder we are all a little psychologically damaged because of the news 📰 we all need more news 🗞 from heaven.
@offTheLeftEye 3 жыл бұрын
Amen to that, The Cube!
@dianebloyer8721 3 жыл бұрын
I have been watching lots of the Swendenborg docs and am impressed. What is a good diet for our bodies. Thank you.
@offTheLeftEye 3 жыл бұрын
I'm so glad you are finding good food for your spirit in these concepts, Diane! We're grateful to have you join the audience!
@veralish 5 жыл бұрын
Thank You, All...The Great work...Is Now...Presenting...From a small seed...Redwood...Awesome Wonder of This World... P.D. My Friend N'd More...
@offTheLeftEye 5 жыл бұрын
These certainly are revolutionary ideas, and we feel honored to help spread them throughout the world. Thanks for your love and support, Shane!
@ksenijavojisavljevic2034 5 жыл бұрын
The believe that the death is the biggest tragedy of a loss for ever, which changed with the informations about souls, that for the first time I heard from James Van Praagh. It turned everything in a different light that lifted fears, judgements, separations, pride, overcautiousness, ambitions, angers ....
@offTheLeftEye 5 жыл бұрын
I really appreciate your message, Ksenija. Death is that inescapable reality that connects each of us. And yet the Lord's goal is that death becomes the gateway to eternal joy and purpose. Have you seen our episode talking about this? kzbin.info/www/bejne/fZ7HY6Rnd7Gln68
@TheCubeMusic 3 жыл бұрын
Curtis ! The Master of Cool T Shirts
@offTheLeftEye 3 жыл бұрын
@sharapalmer7024 4 жыл бұрын
I like your new video's, especially the where Dr Rose talked abt living in the House of God, that explained a lot to me as to what the House of God is. I was surprised!
@offTheLeftEye 4 жыл бұрын
Shara, I'm so glad it resonated with you! What surprised you?
@trulee663 Жыл бұрын
Going through it now. (Grieving my husband’s death, 7 months ago) Hoping to rise out of it sometime soon and accept my life as God leads me 😇🙏😇🙏
@offTheLeftEye Жыл бұрын
Oh, our hearts are with you, Tru Lee, as you keep waking up to see what THIS day will feel like. It's an unpredictable process and an unpredictable timeline. We're holding your heart tenderly while you walk the path!
@trulee663 Жыл бұрын
@@offTheLeftEye Thank you for your kind words. I am so grateful for these programs that keep me focused and enlightened. I saw a comment by someone who felt her husband led her to your channel. I felt the same way. You help us more than you can imagine💕
@offTheLeftEye Жыл бұрын
@@trulee663 That is the reason we are here. It matters to us that you can find some consolation for your enormous loss. Give yourself time and space to adjust to life without him. It is a big deal.
@trulee663 Жыл бұрын
@@offTheLeftEye thank you. It is so hard to live every day without my husband by my side. I have trouble just “thinking” some days and wonder why my brain is so fuddled. It takes two to work well together, not one. Just wish God had a better plan for soulmates left behind🥲
@offTheLeftEye Жыл бұрын
@@trulee663 I am sending a virtual hug. I recently watched A Man Called Otto which is about a widowed man. I cried a lot through it, seeing how deeply he missed his wife. The children's movie Up is like that too. Being apart from the one you love is brutal. I had one aunt though who was widowed for maybe thirty years, who inspired me. She talked about my uncle as if their relationship was very much alive She believed he was thriving, and influenced her in subtle ways. She has finally gone to meet him and she always said that the time apart will feel like a blink compared to the time they have together. But your loss is still very new, and raw, and hard to bear. Again I wish I could take you out for lunch and listen to stories about your beloved husband!-Lori
@JohnGarrettHudson Жыл бұрын
The revelation of how to discern between heavenly and helllish influences but not as outward force rather internal ones. Life experiences transformed in that realization from a sustenance ration into a gourmet meal with a well-planned menu of which i was empowered with the ability to pick-and-choose. The lasting effect was heaven opening to me “ask and thy shall receive” to a more perfect and practical effect. Im still gleefully exploring and playing with this amazing gift. 😊
@offTheLeftEye Жыл бұрын
How wonderful to live in gratitude, John. God's generosity is a gift, for sure!
@JohnGarrettHudson Жыл бұрын
Amen! 🙏🏻
@LoveAlreadyWon 5 жыл бұрын
Have you guys ever come across a book called "Revelation: The Road to Overcoming"? It's written by a now passed Unity Minister named Charles Neal and it's honestly one of the most amazing interpretations and spiritual texts I've ever encountered. It's only about 200 pages, a quick read. I've found it's not well known at all, I was blessed to come across it in a thrift store. You can find it on eBay for like $4. Highly highly recommend!! Oh yeah and it's a metaphysical interpretation of Revelation 😁
@angelgirldebbiejo 5 жыл бұрын
Sounds awesome, I'll look for it , I go to Unity and am a Bahai, Thanks so much.
@gsand07 5 жыл бұрын
Walk By The Spirit thanks! I love book referrals! :)
@LoveAlreadyWon 5 жыл бұрын
Angel Shining You're welcome! Tell everyone about it! It's so barely know about which is unfortunate
@LoveAlreadyWon 5 жыл бұрын
gsand07 You're welcome :) I hope you enjoy!!
@offTheLeftEye 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for adding that to the mix!
@richardleigh4003 6 ай бұрын
That's easy, I was freed from mental bondage when I put the bottle down and started breathing fresh air. The difference is that i did not want to pick it up again, as had happened many times before. It made me so happy that my mental landscape had changed for the better!
@offTheLeftEye 6 ай бұрын
Richard that does sound like real freedom! We rejoice with your fresh mental landscape. God is good.
@richardleigh4003 6 ай бұрын
Thanks brother. It's strange how being bonded can prevent you seeing your bonds isn't it?@@offTheLeftEye
@offTheLeftEye 6 ай бұрын
Yes, the binds that tie, Richard. May your freedom grow and expand, and with it your happiness. @@richardleigh4003
@zamyrabyrd 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks again for another thoughtful presentation. I did struggle with the limitations of depending on myself, almost always making a further mess of things. It took me a long time not to try to control the outcome and leave it to Providence, which is still difficult for me. But I can appreciate if the overall plan is for the good, no matter untenable it seems at present. As for the discussion of the Trinity around 21:20, it is not in contradiction to standard Christian teaching that declares "Credo in Unum Deum", or "I believe in One God". Jesus did pray to the Father, saying "Thy will be done" but also declared "I am in Thee and Thou in me". This indeed is the central mystery of the Christian religion, hard to grasp by the finite mind.
@offTheLeftEye 5 жыл бұрын
I'm so glad you enjoyed this episode! While I agree that there is common ground in that specific Christian teaching, Swedenborg does clarify that the general teachings on the trinity of persons have misled Christians for millenia. Here's an episode where devote some time digging through this: kzbin.info/www/bejne/Y4rFdnuhZ7NrbpY
@zamyrabyrd 5 жыл бұрын
@@offTheLeftEye Thanks for taking the time to answer. I may have started listening to that program a year ago or so but don't seem to have gotten to the end which I did just now. I was wondering if any of the Church fathers or thinkers had the same ideas about the Trinity. Church teaching oftentimes was simplified for the common people to grasp, of which complexites theologians sort of kept to themselves. I could be wrong about that particular instance, however. There was also a passing reference to Luther, rather a literalist anyway, who held a separation of the Three Persons? I didn't quite get that. It was good to hear the 1st Chapter of John with those insights. Still in the Catholic Creed, one does say the "Word made flesh and dwelt among us".
@harlanlang6556 5 жыл бұрын
It's good to remember that all Christian creeds are the products of human ;minds. The fact that there can be, and are, differences in church creeds shows how the same scriptures can be interpreted differently by good people. All of these past religious leaders had limitations and usually large egos. Following tradition is the main reason the Jewish leaders of Jesus' time did not accept Him.
@zamyrabyrd 5 жыл бұрын
@@harlanlang6556 I still believe with St. Augustine of the 4th century, even with the further exegesis of Emanuel Swedenborg, that the Trinity is still a mystery that surpasses the human mind. There is a limit to how much Christian teaching can be stretched which is unfortunately happening now with radical feminism and political correctness having invaded the churches. I don't think these are good intentioned but rather a conscious intent to promote Marxism through the a diluted form of Christianity. With all due respect, over 2000 years there have been many great leaders of the Church, some of whom went through trial, tribulation and even death to preserve it. St. Thomas Aquinas of the 13th century was an intellectual giant (the reason I was curious to what he thought about the Trinity) as well as a pious, holy man. I do hold, also with due respect, that a serious detour occured 500 years ago with Martin Luther's "sola scriptura" or faith without works as a basis for salvation. He just didn't interpret the Book of James, he changed it. This was not right.
@offTheLeftEye 5 жыл бұрын
@@zamyrabyrd In a show later this year, we will describe some interaction Swedenborg had with Martin Luther in the afterlife. Interesting story!
@randydiluzio8269 5 жыл бұрын
Hello friends, My father suddenly died in a car accident when I was 11 years of age. My father's death was very painful at the time. However, it taught me to value and respect life and our time on earth. Good Show Friends. Thank you.
@offTheLeftEye 5 жыл бұрын
What a painful experience, Randy. And yet to learn what you did from it-- I feel blessed that you'd share this with us. Thank you.
@randydiluzio8269 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for letting me share. Guys, there was a word in this show: Primuim?. Could you go into more detail about what this means, please. It's new term for me. Not sure I understand it?
@offTheLeftEye 5 жыл бұрын
@@randydiluzio8269 Do you mean "proprium"? The word that Curtis took for the elevator pitch? It basically means a sense of selfhood, a sense of autonomy, which can cause us a lot of trouble if it tries to be in charge of everything, but becomes a beautiful vessel for God's life if we open it up to being guided by God. We did a whole show about that called "The Infinite In You" kzbin.info/www/bejne/bnyzi36hp86drtE
@randydiluzio8269 5 жыл бұрын
@@offTheLeftEye yes, That's it. Sorry my spelling is not best lol!! Thank you.
@offTheLeftEye 5 жыл бұрын
@@randydiluzio8269 No worries, Randy! It's not a word anyone would have ever heard of unless you've read older translations of Swedenborg's books. :)
@lightshining2303 5 жыл бұрын
I missed the live but I haven't heard this yet I think it's about us getting to know our spirit,and what we're here to do lots of spiritual beings here that were called from higher energies to pull this energy into our spirit,to be able to help others we have to go through so much trauma and with the strength from up above we can do this,We live many lifetimes.you go from different realities,when our spirit goes through all emotions,I awakened through trauma that happened in my life,kidney stones yes,cancer yes,the loss of my husband,my mum also,these things opened me up to higher energies.I were broken and we have to experience these things to move us forward for our highest good,go through the darkness to reach the light we all have inside us,God sends us these challenges to gain knowledge,once we've gained a certain level through lots of lifetimes many many then only then can we reach this level,we start to remember where we came from ,genesis in the bible is so important.Many things are coming into our realities now for a purpose,to raise the vibration of earth,at this time,earth is reaching new heights but we have to go through many things to reach these levels,at golden age will be here when we've reached these levels,as I'm writing I feel like I don't have to think about it it's just happening.The earth is renewing just like it always has,the phoenix rises up out the ashes,everything renewed.Everything you see in dreams has a bigger meaning,research everything to find out,even the dreams that don't mean anything have a meaning.I feel like I've done this in another life weird feeling de ja vue moment just popped in.This is what I've gained through all my lifetimes.I do know we have come to release all karmic relationships to release all this energy for our highest good and tonight is important the moons energy 19th February, set your intentions.love to you all.😆😇❤💙💚💛💜💓💔💕💖💗💘💝💞💟👍the church is in your soul.children become Angels in heaven,my Angel is my auntie jane who lived for 3 month only,told by spiritualist medium.they grow in heaven.
@offTheLeftEye 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing with us! Your final thought reminds me of a show we did on children in heaven...have you seen it? kzbin.info/www/bejne/moetdYCXjcaUnM0
@lightshining2303 5 жыл бұрын
No I've not seen it but I will do when I've got time looking after stepgrandaughter lol,thankyou.
@offTheLeftEye 5 жыл бұрын
@@lightshining2303 Sounds good. :)
@falconbritt5461 5 жыл бұрын
Guys, I love your show, you are lovely people. I am very grateful for your efforts and positive influence on the world. I do have a suggestion, though. The music in the intro is, honestly, screechy. I don't wanna hurt your feelings, but it's pretty grating on my nerves... to the point I have to turn the sound off to get through that whole section. I can keep turning the sound off but surely I'm not the only person being affected this way. Any chance you might consider using a warmer musical passage that is less shrill? Something more nourishing and musical? Thank you for considering it. And most of all thank you for sharing these insights and being the clearly wonderful folks you all are!
@offTheLeftEye 5 жыл бұрын
I appreciate your honesty! Are you referring to the violin-like music in the intro?
@falconbritt5461 5 жыл бұрын
The music in the first 9 minutes is what I'm referring to. I suspect the high pitched sounds are made by a type of glass instrument. (Not violin, which has the closest resemblance to the human voice of any instrument because of its vibrato and resonance.) Thank you for taking my suggestion in stride; I felt bad for mentioning it because your sharing of the information is the most important thing by far, and you are a foundation after all. You just always say you're looking for ways to improve your show, so I thought I'd mention it. You'd probably rather not have people needing to silence any part of it. Blessings to you, and thanks again for your work!
@offTheLeftEye 5 жыл бұрын
@@falconbritt5461 If in the first nine minutes, perhaps you mean the quotes and music before the show begins? Because the show intro music is only 25 seconds long. Just trying to be clear about what you're referring to, but, either way, thank you for the kind words of encouragement about our content, and I'm glad you feel free to turn the volume down when you need to!
@falconbritt5461 5 жыл бұрын
@@offTheLeftEye WELL, it seems I had watched more than one of your vids that day! Because by Jove you're right, this intro is very short and absolutely is violin! The video I had gone back to comment about had a long string of ES quotes posted at the beginning. The shrill "glass instrument" music for those first 9 minutes was during all those quotes. I can't remember which other show of yours I had seen that day. Sorry. It seems to be background music used on a lot of your shows though. Always during quote offerings. Never mind. Blessings!
@offTheLeftEye 5 жыл бұрын
@@falconbritt5461 No worries. Blessings to you, too!
@maryvalentine4924 5 жыл бұрын
“We never produce anything misguided or wicked out of ourselves. It is the evil spirits with us who produce it and at the same time cause us to believe that it comes from us.” Emanuel Swedenborg, Arcana Coelestia 761. This program makes me think of this quote which was sent out earlier this month. I think about this and its opposite - that which comes into us that is wise and good we also think comes from ourselves but comes from the Lord through various means such as OTLE. This helps keep me grounded and humble which I need. But it also keeps me focused on what is mine and that is my pattern of choices and habits over time. No matter how short I fall off the ideal of being a good person and a help to my neighbor or good worker at my job I am assured that the habit of trying to do what is right as I understand it and the choices I succeed in making that reject bad actions and thoughts - that is what matters and is the point - and we are always going to be receiving good and wise ideas to follow up on as well as what is misguided or wicked. It makes me think of at bat in baseball. We are always being pitched at. Can I swing at the good pitches and try for the bleachers and can I let the bad pitches fly by me? Can I forgive myself for not batting a thousand, or 500, or 300 - and not dwell on it in hopelessness or self-pity? And will my batting average improve the more I practice? This last question is the one I am hoping is true. Thanks again for all you put into your shows. It reflects in what we get out of it. ❤️
@offTheLeftEye 5 жыл бұрын
I love how you interface with these spiritual concepts, Mary. There's something beautifully objective about divine truth as it permeates our mind. Keep up the great work, my friend!
@sito69xl 5 жыл бұрын
Ten and half years with anxiety disorder taught me how to have a healthy father and son relationship between G-D & myself to heal emotional and spiritual wounds from previous decades of gaslighting .
@offTheLeftEye 5 жыл бұрын
Juan, it sounds like you've done a lot of learning and growing. I'm so glad to have you here!
@Willowtable 5 жыл бұрын
Wonderful get together tonight.
@offTheLeftEye 5 жыл бұрын
I'm so glad you thought so!
@TheCubeMusic 3 жыл бұрын
I know it is not good to judge but sometimes it is difficult and it is prevalent what to do ??
@offTheLeftEye 3 жыл бұрын
That's a really tough part of being human, The Cube -- isn't it? One way to think of it is that we are not to judge someone's SPIRITUAL state -- like whether they're worthy of heaven or hell. We CAN make discernments about people's outward behavior, and whether we can be around it or support it or condone it, etc. We CAN create and keep healthy boundaries for ourself. But what is inside a person's spirit is known to the Lord alone. We can't possibly know all the factors that are going into the way someone chooses to live, so we can put an angelic view on it, and wish them well, and then trust that they are in the Lord's hands. Have you discovered any effective ways to deal with the tendency to make judgments of other people?
@michelerodriguezgalaviz4265 Жыл бұрын
Hello, please address what was Swedenborg view on cremation?
@offTheLeftEye Жыл бұрын
Hi Michele -- He did not address the topic in any specific way. But because he learned that we just step out of our body when we die, and our spirit goes directly on to life in the spiritual world, what happens with the "shell" or "husk" that was an earthly vehicle for our soul doesn't matter much. It's only physical level. The REAL us is spiritual and continues to live, as if we just stepped from one room into another.
@joaquinestrada9289 5 жыл бұрын
How can i get in contact with one of you live ? I was given an abundance of knowledge
@offTheLeftEye 5 жыл бұрын
You can write to us at offthelefteye@gmail.com. We look forward to hearing from you!
@joaquinestrada9289 5 жыл бұрын
What does east and west mean specifically to spirit? I need help from someone with knowledge and not afraid to speak. I have so many questions
@offTheLeftEye 5 жыл бұрын
Here's a passage from Swedenborg that may be uesful: "There are four states to which the four quarters in the world - east, west, south, and north - correspond. East corresponds to a state in which good is on the rise, and west to a state in which good is on the decline; south corresponds to a state in which truth dwells in light, but north to a state in which truth dwells in shade..." I hope that gives you a good starting place! We are totally here for any and all questions you may have!
@sumanghosh-pb3dw 3 жыл бұрын
23:59 - in the spirit world we know each other's thoughts. 26:40 - if u were a good person n did things u didn't know were bad because u learn they were bad in the aftrlife. At 1st u can't get into heavn but can latr. 50:00 - the spiritual sun is in the spiritual world n it's love n wisdm.
@offTheLeftEye 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks, suman. On your second point, yes -- we all get a chance to examine the motives behind our behavior, and to realize whether we really align with that behavior -- in our hearts -- or not.
@harlanlang6556 5 жыл бұрын
A great show! I have just a comment about God being compared to the sun, and it's such a great metaphor. The appearance of Jesus could be seen as a spiritual sunrise, with the rays of the Sun gradually reaching further and further, with the heat of the sun rising gradually. The light of the Sun is knowledge and the heat is love. The seasons of the year are also connected with the relative light and heat of the sun. There's the springtime when the Sun awakens a sleeping earth (people) and flowers begin to appear. Summer is the fullness of the heat and light causing the blossoms to become fruits. Fall is the harvest time and the gradual cooling of the days. Then comes the dead of winter to eventually be followed by a new springtime and a new cycle. Did Swedenborg ever compare the cycles of nature with spiritual cycles?
@offTheLeftEye 5 жыл бұрын
An inspiring reflection, Harlan! Swedenborg most certainly compares the cycles of nature with spiritual cycles. Here's a passage from Heaven and Hell: "It is much the same for all the things that occur as a result of time, such as the four seasons of the year called spring, summer, autumn, and winter; the four times of day called morning, noon, evening, and night; our own four ages called infancy, youth, maturity, and old age; and with the other things that either occur as a result of time or happen in temporal sequence. When we think about them, it is from a temporal standpoint; but an angel thinks about them from the standpoint of state. Consequently, anything in them that is temporal for us changes into an idea of state for the angel. Spring and morning change into an idea of love and wisdom the way they are for angels in their first state; summer and noon change into an idea of love and wisdom as they are in the second state; autumn and evening, as they are in the third state; and night and winter into a concept of the kind of state that is characteristic in hell. This is why similar things are meant by these times in the Word (see above, 155). We can see from this how the natural concepts that occur in our thought become spiritual for the angels who are with us."
@harlanlang6556 5 жыл бұрын
@@offTheLeftEye Fascinating! This is another instance of words being inadequate to describe the reality. Living in the temporal world makes understanding the world outside of time and space impossible to conceive. This is a concept being addressed by theoretical physicists who also know, but don't understand, that there is a state of reality outside of time, that time and space are only real in the physical universe. No wonder that the religious "thinkers" of Swedenborg's time were not enthusiastic about his ideas. Baha'u'llah was faced with the same challenge in the 19th century. We're living in a time when there seems to be a convergence of new thinking from both the spiritual and scientific communities pointing to a new and deeper understanding of reality. We're all really lucky to be living at this time of the birth pangs of a new world.
@offTheLeftEye 5 жыл бұрын
@@harlanlang6556 Yes, very exciting times, where science and spirituality are beginning to interact!
@joaquinestrada9289 5 жыл бұрын
Can you love an empty vessel
@offTheLeftEye 5 жыл бұрын
Could you elaborate more?
@tinopacino9400 5 жыл бұрын
Swedenborg has to be careful about what he published because of risk of persecution. So that may explain his timeline of his publishing’s.
@offTheLeftEye 5 жыл бұрын
A fair point to consider, Tino! Thanks for adding that insight to the discussion.
@ROS14075 2 жыл бұрын
What we're Swedenborgs Revelation about The Mark of The Beast?
@offTheLeftEye 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Rowena -- Here's a short clip about the Number of the Beast -- kzbin.info/www/bejne/q17PnaWYr5p3e5Y. Let us know if that answers your question!
@ROS14075 2 жыл бұрын
@@offTheLeftEye Thank you
@ksenijavojisavljevic2034 5 жыл бұрын
Hi.... the quotations I can not see to read. Can you please make them rather in better print than in an interesting design.
@gsand07 5 жыл бұрын
ksenija vojisavljevic Oh that is too funny! I used to have trouble with the text BEFORE they changed it! I used to have to pause several times just to follow it! 🤷🏻‍♀️
@offTheLeftEye 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the feedback, ksenija! I'm very sorry that this particular font is not working well for you. As you can see from the comment by gsand07, we get different feedback from different people, so, whatever we choose seems to be better for some and worse for others. I don't know when we will try a different font, but for now, we would be very happy to send you the text of the quotes in an email or a KZbin or Facebook comment if that would be helpful to you!
@sharapalmer7024 4 жыл бұрын
What's the difference in Catholics and Protestants?
@offTheLeftEye 4 жыл бұрын
Christian doctrinal interpretation can vary from denomination to denomination, but I think the essential difference is that Protestants are Christians that split from the Catholic church and challenged the idea that one must be Catholic to get to heaven. Some chose a faith-alone approach but not all (for example, the General Church of the New Jerusalem is a Swedenborgian church that would also be categorized as Protestant).
@TheCubeMusic 3 жыл бұрын
You know how you say that true innocence is a willingness to be led by the lord, by the same token would that mean 😢 that a willingness to learn would be following the Angels 😇 to heaven.
@offTheLeftEye 3 жыл бұрын
Well that's a lovely way to put it, The Cube! Sounds good to me!
@hopntobewheatnotatare5314 5 жыл бұрын
Hey...do I detect a little bit of Vatican bashing out of Swedenborg? I'm liking this guy more everyday. And it just popped in my head that if Swedenborg was around today, man would he be busy writing a new book on those guys...lol And I get it, the Roman Catholic church is just playing their part in this big story of life where the world is but a stage... *but do they REALLY have to do such a good job of playing the bad guy?*
@offTheLeftEye 5 жыл бұрын
Swedenborg was definitely not one to mince words when it came to the dangers of using religious ideas for the purpose of control and domination--a symptom he saw at play in the Catholic church of his day. You might be interested in our episode about the Last Judgment as Swedenborg describes it - kzbin.info/www/bejne/Z5LEpYakqZWUnsU - which, he writes, is still having an impact on society today!
@sharapalmer7024 4 жыл бұрын
Was David, in the bible real? or is he symbolic of the Spiritual world? was also Bathsheba real and was their relationship true or is it a parable of a truth that the Lord wants us to know. I know he spoke plainly to his disciples but used parables for the ppl.
@offTheLeftEye 4 жыл бұрын
Hi Shara, I think Swedenborg implies that David was both a real person and has a story that is symbolic of all of us as well. I'm not sure if he was real or not, but the symbolic meaning is the most important one anyway! Here is one thing Swedenborg wrote about David and Bathsheba, I believe there is more elsewhere in other books: From: Spiritual Experiences 2621. About David; about those who are immersed in the delight of adultery and cruelty "When I was reading the passages about the adultery of David with Bathsheba [2 Sam. 11] and about his cruelty against the children of Ammon [12:31], one whom they said was David was presented for quite a while, for days, with whom I spoke, thinking he could have been among the upright, but if it is he, or if the one with me reflects his personality, as is apt to happen, then this is a leader of adulterers and of the cruel, who derive the highest pleasure from adulteries and cruelty; moreover, he is violently sharp-witted, be-cause he goes in his fantasy higher than others. I have heard that in his lifetime, by the words he wrote in the Psalms he understood himself, not so much the Messiah, Whom he did know, but whether he believed Him to be Jehovah the God of Israel, I do not yet know. 1748, 16 July. See 2 Sam. 12:31." I found this at newchristianbiblestudy.org where you can search through and read Swedenborg's writings for free! Thanks for your question, Shara!
@sharapalmer7024 4 жыл бұрын
@@offTheLeftEye WOW! this is absolutely fascinating. I will search thru it. Thank you so much for your indepth research. I will do the same!
@vickiejacobsen8497 2 жыл бұрын
I’m confused about the statement on how we are not judge here but we carry our flaws and wrong doing to the other side and judged on the other side 🤷‍♀️ I have always felt are soul are better there and the wrongs that we do here are because we are in a moral body …… we have a lot of temptations in our bodies……. I don’t think our souls can kill someone over there or steal or drink and take drugs so what evil would some souls be doing over there 🤷‍♀️?
@offTheLeftEye 2 жыл бұрын
Great questions, Vickie. The word "judgment" is a tricky word. It implies someone else chooses are fate, but in fact, this is not true. The process of "judgment" really a process of self-actualization; seeing what we love and prioritize most, and finding the place that best suits those qualities. A heavenly state would be for someone who cares for God/a higher power and for others, as well as themselves, and strives to use their loves and talents for the benefit of all beings. A hellish state would be for someone who cares only for themselves and nothing for others, who has prioritized selfish goals to the detriment of humanity with no regard for others, or enjoys hurting others or cruel behaviors, or focused on material goods and gains instead of more spiritual things. A good life has a balance between the two. We need physical things because we are in a physical world! But they can't control us. What matters most is how we love and how we act. These are the things that define us. Swedenborg says that "love is your life," and it's true. It's the essence of who we are. In the other world, we find spiritual company that meets our loves. For more about what that looks like, check out these episodes: "Will Life Be Different When You Die?" kzbin.info/www/bejne/q2eacoh7nsZ5e5I "What Is Hell Really Like?" kzbin.info/www/bejne/nYmmgGSGa9dggdk For more on the process of finding our true selves in the other life, check out "The World of Spirits" kzbin.info/www/bejne/p6DEgaqer6l7ja8 Hope that's helpful! Let us know if that resonates with you.
@vickiejacobsen8497 2 жыл бұрын
@@offTheLeftEye yes that makes a lot of sense ! Thank you so much !
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