Are the Jedi Emotionally Disabled? (Video Essay)

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Why It Doesn't Work! For Me!

Why It Doesn't Work! For Me!

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Star Wars is the biggest cultural phenomenon of recent memory and the Jedi are the heroes? Aren't they? Of course, they have Obi-wan Kenobi, Yoda and so many more but are they emotionally disabled.
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Links and references:
(Bowlby's Theory)
(Harry Harlow Maternal Deprevation)
(Mary Ainsworth Strange Situation)
• Why does Japan work so... (Japanese mindset) (Japan's gender equality ranking)
Statistics on crime rates gathered from statista
• PHILOSOPHY - Ethics: U... (PHILOSOPHY - Ethics: Utilitarianism, Part 1)
• The Bay of Pigs Invasi... (Bay of Pigs Invasion. Groupthink)

Пікірлер: 52
@PhilosopherKing1138 Жыл бұрын
I don’t like the Jedi order, I like individual Jedi (Luke, Obi Wan, Rey etc) and find the Jedi philosophy interesting. One of the biggest missed opportunities of the sequels was its inability to reinvent the obviously flawed ideology of the previous Jedi order into a new one that resolves the flaws of the previous eras.
@whyitdoesntworkforme9206 Жыл бұрын
I feel the same. The order is made up of a lot of good people but the order itself is kind of poison.
@ramonserna8089 Жыл бұрын
I get were youre comming from but bear in mind: 1. In the precuels the Jedi have become complacent and weak. The only one who still hears the will of the force is Qui Gon, the rest are offuscated by the war and Sidius influence. 2. The reason why they request a neutral state of mind is because the force is has much has curse has it is a gift. Being so strong in the force could cause him great amount of grief (and it did). Thats why I dont like when Rian Johnson makes a Mary Sue ultra powerfull in the force and almost zero setbacks. 3. When Yoda agreed to train Luke it was his way to apologize and admit that it was not Anakin who was a bad student, it were them who were bad masters to him.
@ThePrincessCH Жыл бұрын
Your commentary reminds me about some KZbin comments I saw about how the portrayal of Aang and Katara's parenting in "The Legend of Korra" seems unrealistic based on their behaviors from "The Last Airbender". While I can't argue anything beyond the Air Nation's genocide for Aang, I noticed that there are actions that Katara exhibits in "The Last Airbender" that seem to support how she seems to favor her bending children over her only non-bending child. She argued that Haru shouldn't stop earthbending because of how strongly she ties bending to ones personal identity, she wanted to learn waterbending from Hama because of their "heritage" and when Sokka was voicing his insecurities about his worth in the group, Katara, the sister he grew up with, tries to console him by praising his map reading abilities as opposed to Master Pian Dao, a total stranger from the Fire Nation, who noticed qualities that are more inherent to who he is as a person.
@whyitdoesntworkforme9206 Жыл бұрын
I am in two mind about the Aang and Katara thing because a lot of the view we get of their parenting it is through the point fo view of their kids and people foten have skewed views of who their parents truely are. Now there are some concrete things we can say they did wrong with their parenting such as Aang taking Tenzin away for long stretches just the two of them. Though true favouritism is in the heart and we don't know if this was how Aang felt or if he just messed up because, remember he wasn't raised in a traditional family structure (Much like the Jedi, kids with no parents tend to have a harder time with parenting).
@ThePrincessCH Жыл бұрын
@@whyitdoesntworkforme9206 I do agree, but many of the arguments I've seen suggest that even if Aang was such a parent Katara would not abide it mainly due to their the conversation she had with her father about why he wasn't present, though they seem to overlook how much pride Katara takes in the cultural ideology of bending outlined by the examples I mentioned in my previous comment.
@DeerBoy736 Жыл бұрын
It1s a shame the original was taken down but I prepared. I recorded my comment and the conversation under.
@NoVACorpsGaming Жыл бұрын
George showed us the importance of balance. The fanaticism and the zealotry of the Jedi order, like all religions, became the ultimate downfall of it all. I absolutely loved this video essay, I really hope your channel blows up soon!
@whyitdoesntworkforme9206 Жыл бұрын
Thank-you so much. I looked at this very much from the logical end point of where all powerful, long-lived organisations end up which is why I don't understand the argument some fans have that this was the wrong way to frame the Jedi. I had a lot of problems when I first uploaded this video so re-uploaded. Now the first upload seems fixed but I don't know whether or not to unprivate it and delete the one. Thanks for the well wishes. I've only been monetised for a short time but hopefully I can get some good stuff out there 😁
@Lucky91731 Жыл бұрын
Ok I finally got around to finishing this video and damn I’m speechless (not really I gotta rant). I always thought the Jedi order kinda sucked as a large faction especially after the prequels and clone wars but this video has definitely made convinced me to hate them as a whole. Obviously individual Jedi are still really interesting and members in the order have their moments like Plo Kloon and his wolf squad. Anyways this video also makes me more upset about how people can hate The Children of the Watch Mandalorians over having a war helmet as a religious garment (and other things obviously) while loving the Jedi because… light side greater good? Anyways here’s a rant: As someone who’s about be in the military in like a month I’m most interested the clones and the military aspect of republic era Star Wars (what a surprise lol). As military generals the Jedi suck. Their strategies are very medieval, you’ll see that a lot of Jedi put themselves up front in the middle of the open with their army right behind them. While Jedi can deflect blasters and hop over tanks, clones are boots on the ground soldiers with space guns… they need to find cover. Instead of doing long trench warfare and taking things slow and tactically, you’ll notice a lot of early clone wars battles are simple “move forward, keep moving forward, we have more numbers anyway.” Idk if it’s intentional but the clones have become more tactical throughout each season of the clone wars (and way better in the bad batch) especially when they don’t have Jedi leading them. Obviously the Jedi’s tactics come from the old republic when there was more Jedi and Sith melee battles but those tactics suck ass for people who have ranged weapons. Lemme put this in perspective: you are a normal space foot soldier bred in a lab to hold blasters, shoot blasters, clean blasters, clear rooms with blasters, do warfare with blasters, throw grenades, you go the training academy with people who are the exact same as you, who are trained exactly like you, you have chemistry with this squad and these tactics that involve blasters, grenades, and the limitations of being a normal fleshy human. All of your training is in a lab on an isolated water planet with some simulations of different worlds but in reality you’ve never even touched grass. Once you graduate, suddenly you are led by a space wizard with a laser sword who has never touched a blaster, who is 100% melee based in his fighting, who can jump 50 feet in the air and deflect projectiles and move shit with his mind in some weird jungle planet with giant alien worms trying to eat you as you’re being shot by angry robots. This guy is nothing like you, can never understand how to fight like you, and you’re supposed to do what he says because “good soldiers follow orders.” Obviously a lot of Jedi generals learn how to work in tandem with their clones and you have arc troopers and commanders to lead the foot soldiers but that can only go so far. Most people agree that special forces clones like the Republic Commandos are the most elite clones and better fighters than their more common brethren because they’re simply built different. While that’s part of it, the reason why I think they’re so effective is because they’re usually never working with Jedi. They can use boots on the ground tactics that will work best with their weapons and limitations rather than trying to keep up with space wizards with glow sticks. I mean as much as people kinda dislike the bad batch, they are more effective then most regs due to not being under Jedi squad leaders and their ability to improvise to their strengths and weaknesses. Oh and if you’ve played Republic Commando, even though it’s not cannon anymore, the Jedi, specifically master yoda, reward delta squad’s valiant effort and struggle by forcing three of them to abandon their dying brother who’s begging for backup so they can do more combat… for the greater good am I right? In U.S. Military’s Soldier’s Creed we have a like that says “I will never leave a fallen comrade.” Idk if the grand army of the republic has a soldier’s creed but if they do I guess that part wasn’t written in there. Also I’m surprised you didn’t mention the Lawquane family when talking about Jedi treatment of the clones. A clone goes missing and starts his own family and suddenly this makes him a target for desertion. In real life yeah soldiers can go AWOL and do stuff like this and can be punished accordingly but the average solider HAD a childhood, and HAD a civilian life, they COULD’VE HAD someone to love and make a family with. The clones never got that. There’s a really good fan animation that shows order 66 from the clone’s eyes and brings up the concept of the inhibiter chip being a device that alter’s the memory of a clone to make them HATE the Jedi instead of loving them so that way they were more compelled to kill their generals on their own whim out of hatred rather than 100% mind control. If that’s truly how the chip worked, I don’t think it had to alter many memories to make the clones realize what’s really been going on. This was a weird rant made at like 06:00 in the morning so forgive me if some things I said make no sense lol Also I know all I said wasn’t really as focused on the moral issues as your video but it’s something in my mind
@whyitdoesntworkforme9206 Жыл бұрын
That was certainly enjoyable and interesting to read. Rant in my comment section any day. 🥰 There was a more I wanted to include. I had thoughts on Cut but I cut it (no pun intended) because the story itself isnn't very Jedi centric and the point about the slavery was made exactly the same with the Slick example. It's mostly to do with Rex's characterisation. I had a lot fo feeling about the Cut episode because the framing of the situation was a little off. Like it wasn't really heavily leaned on that Rex would be ruining a man's life and ripping apart a family if he reported him. And the family as just so bloody grateful. If I were Cut's wife I would be getting in Rex's face and saying, "You want to take away my husband and take my kid's father away from them for running away from something he had no choice but to participate in? Sleep with one eye open soldier." I think it's another example of the writers knowing what the republic and Jedi are doing is wrong but either not taking it as seriously as they should just not noticing how serious it is. And I love how you brought up soldiers because I have recently gotten very interested in the unique relationship soldiers have. Blame my getting back into Punisher comics for that. I read fanfiction (don't judge me😆you have to wade through a lot of crap but some writers are actually pretty awesome) and I think the writers interpret the clones I a family unit and they take brother to mean sibling isn't of meaning brothers-in-arms. Soldiers (I imagine, as I am not one) have a very, very unique bond that is hard to explain because it’s forged in very unique circumstances. Most of us know we would die for the people we love but we are rarely put in a position where that is a decision we will have to make. Not only that but we will never have to contend with the fact that a person may die in front of us and we (for the moment) will just have to ignore it and keep going. How do you reconcile dying for the people standing beside you while also accepting that you can’t indulge in mourning them when they die for you? This naturally will create a unique yet powerful, if difficult to understand bond with very unique ways of interacting with your peers. This bond is rarely portrayed in fics. It’s kind of sad that these unique relationships aren’t at least attempted in fics, especially since the Clone Wars resonated so much with soldiers and soldiers families in its portrayal of the clone. So yeah, the bond between soldiers may outwardly seem distant to most people especially those of us who grew up with all the hugs and kisses we could ever need. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t deep, or meaningful or can’t be portrayed well without just throwing in overly tactile, sometimes cloying interactions that don’t happen among soldiers, tend not to happen among men in general, and definitely would not be natural for soldiers raised the way the clones were. And lastly, I think there is a lot of lost beauty. Military training is designed to break you down so you can be forged into something else. And it does do that. The clones all being the same on the surface but different deep down is what being a soldier is. Being out in the battlefield as one unit, you were forged together on that training field and you have a shared fate to step onto a battlefield and maybe die but underneath it all that, a spark of what makes you, ‘you’ is still there. The whole siblings angle kind of dilutes, if not erases all that nuance of what it means to be not only A soldier but SOLDIERS. Of course the only angle I can see this from is a writers angle so please feel free to correct me on anything there. And that's MY rant over :)
@Lucky91731 Жыл бұрын
@@whyitdoesntworkforme9206 I’d say your imagination of a soldier is pretty accurate in terms of an infantry foot soldier or anyone in the combat roles. (Contrary to popular belief Combat is like 25% of the U.S. military (roughly, I’m not an expert on numbers) while the rest are all jobs you can find in the civilian world from law enforcement, plumbing, vehicles like trucks and cars, engineering, construction, etc. as well as disaster relief such as evacuation of civilians during a hurricane. We (the U.S. Army) even have an E-Sports team lol). The lost beauty, as you said, in relation to military training is that people forget how much those 10 weeks of boot camp forge your social skills and bond with all kinds of humans. Right now I do weekend drills once a month getting me ready for boot camp, my platoon is made up of some people like me who haven’t done boot camp and some people who have done boot camp and/or job training for their specific military jobs. Everyone here is different, there are people here who I’d never associate myself with out in the civilian world but because we go through the same adversity together and live in a scenario where working together is key to survival (especially since if one person messes up everyone is punished). There’s such a strong sense of community, the reason why people pass boot camp is not because of their physical strength (I mean it because physically idk how tf some of these people passed) but because of their bond as a unit. Everyone encourages each other and picks each other up. When you have a problem with a person in school or work your boss or teacher goes “stay separated, leave em alone.” Meanwhile in the military: there was an instance where during an army boot camp, two soldiers got into a fight and instead of separating them the drill Sargent forced those two to hold hands wherever they go and to do everything together and eventually they became best friends. I know that story sounds messed up but the point is boot camp forces you to put aside differences with others and learn to work things out even if some drill Sargent have their own… unique methods of doing it. Anyways the reason why I think the writers gloss over the everyday soldier life is because it’s a kid’s show and most people I’d assume are there for the legacy characters and Jedi stuff. Also, I like fanfic’s too whenever they’re good so I’m not judging that lmao. I had this idea to write a story of a Jedi padawan who was basically raised by clones because their master died but had to take charge of a clone squad anyway because (insert circumstance). The Jedi would learn how to use a blaster and adapt pieces of clone equipment and combat while mixing it with what they learned from the Jedi academy. I thought of the different ways you could make unique fight scenes. Luckily the game Jedi Survivor comes out this week and I heard there will be a lightsaber/blaster fighting stance so I’ll get to live out my fantasy there. Man this would be way easier in like a discord call or an open podcast or something because typing this out and re-reading it for grammar mistakes and making sure it’s clear while portraying everything I wanna say is definitely a… thing. Oh one more thing: from a writing standpoint, heck just a Hollywood movie standpoint I feel like a story about stormtroopers or clone troopers written in the style of All Quiet on the Western Front or Hacksaw Ridge would be a unique concept. A story grounded, maybe not in reality, but from the view of a “normal” soldier. Maybe make a clone story that’s similar to the Umbra ark where clones are forced to turn on their Jedi general because of serious moral problems like uh… idk Jedi war crimes? Granted a live action clone wars story would be weird to film especially since you’d have… one dude playing like 6-20 guys at once but I guess Hollywood can figure that out. I really liked rogue one and andor because of how grounded those stories were and it would be nice to get a clone story that’s got the same feeling. Ofc it is Star Wars and I completely understand that this is definitely a more family friendly entertainment franchise and I don’t think EVERYTHING needs to be serious, gritty, and force you to question life but I still think my concept is neat. Anyways looking forward to that Mandalorian S3 review 🫡
@whyitdoesntworkforme9206 Жыл бұрын
@@Lucky91731 That thing about forcing the two guys to hold hands and be friends made me chuckle. I use to be a teacher and that is exactly what I would have done with two kids who were fighting. I’d never have thought it could be applied to adults. I guess not in the civilian world but when you are in an environment where you ‘have’ to do everything an authority figure tells you I guess it could work. Sorry, I know it’s serious business, it just made me chuckle. In terms of the show toning things down because it’s for kids I think you’re right though, the thing about the clone wars is, it didn’t hold back the same way a lot of shows do when it comes to depicting hard hitting stuff. Though I think they shied away from a lot of the training when it came to the clones because these men are literally bred for war and given nothing else their whole lives. So take the toughness of boot camp, remove the grown men and replace them with children. Not only that but remove, phone calls home, shore leave or anything else outside. Then it becomes a nightmare that keeps me awake at night. It annoyed me that they ignored that but, the Jedi have to be the heroes and it’s hard to make characters seem like heroes when they are making use of child, slave soldiers. I think people find it easy to ignore the slavery because of a lack of what I like to call ‘sympathy for the strong’. When we think of slaves we don’t think of people like Commander Cody who spin kick droids or blow fuel barrels up in General Grevious’ face. We think of the beaten down, the abducted, the whipped, the people who’ve had their spirit taken. When in reality that is not what most slavery looks like. It can be much more insidious and subtle to the point where people can walk right past it and not even know what they are looking at. I am trained to spot this so I know but most people don’t. When we look at the clones we see, strong, capable, intelligent, high-spirited young men so … people like that couldn’t possibly be slaves. I’m not much of a gamer, I’m more into puzzle/mystery based games but Survivor does look awesome, I’m sure I’ll be borrowing my brother’s copy a couple months down the line when I have too much time to be bored. You mention Jedi war crimes. I think you could watch Clone Wars and make a drinking game about how many times they commit war crimes. The use of flame throwers and the abuse of the truce flag … twice come immediately to mind. Still writing up that Mandalorian review, it’s a doozy. I started with pretty much everything wrong I saw but then decided to scrap it and try to go for a more big picture approach as I was just ranting at that point. Hope you enjoy it when I eventually get it done.
@Lucky91731 Жыл бұрын
@@whyitdoesntworkforme9206 The two guys holding hands is definitely pretty, I love that story. A lot of silly things like that happen in the military as with any other job. Sometimes a recruit does something so hilarious the Drill Sargent can’t help but break character and laugh. So recently I finished the game Jedi: Survivor and the previous installment Jedi: Fallen order. I know you’re not much of gamer but the story of the protagonist Cal Kestis is someone I think you’d enjoy diving into. I’m not gonna spoil a lot but I’ll say that the people who wrote the story and characters of those games played with the idea of Jedi starting to break away from tradition. Allowing themselves to be attached to other people and the concept of all Jedi facing the dark side but it doesn’t necessarily make them “evil” if they do. Granted it is a Star Wars product so ofc the Jedi Order is ultimately considered “the good guys” but they aren’t portrayed as 100% pure good like they are in other forms of media. I mean I wouldn’t say Cal is like T’Challa turning around to his ancestor’s force ghosts and yelling “ALL OF YOU WERE WRONG!” But his connection to other people and even his fighting style that the Jedi Order would have likely frowned upon. Heck just his personal lightsaber alone is something that the Jedi Order would consider… wrong. Aside from Cal, I like the world building. A lot of neat stuff I can’t go into without spoilers.
@paulpritchard206 8 ай бұрын
Believe it or not is the jedi actually needed to be destroyed because they were bringing the force out of balance it was the will of the force for Anakin to turn to the dark side for balance
@liliecoffey8846 Жыл бұрын
I always thought that the Jedi organisation was supposed to be like bad
@whyitdoesntworkforme9206 Жыл бұрын
I know Lucas meant to add nuance and more of the Jedi's flaws. I don't think he meant for it to be interpreted as this bad. Also there are so many people who love the Jedi who just ignore it or make excuses for them.
@GHOSTRIDER373737 Жыл бұрын
I finished listening this video when it was just uploaded, wanted to left a comment but forgot about it. I'm not sure if you are familiar with the Legend material, but the Jedi and Clone Trooper relationship were heavily explored in the Karen Traviss Republic Commando novel series, one of the Jedi name Bardan Jusik openly questions the idea of using Clone Troopers as slave army, to the point where he quit and joined Mandalorians. I highly recommend this series since you like Mandalorian culture, Karen Traviss built the foundation of the Mandalorian culture and it was very interesting. Also I played The Old Republic MMO, so I wanted to add something else to the topic, the Sith during the that period are basically religious fanaticism, most if not all of them are willing to commit atrocities for the sake of their beliefs (both in story, and it's playerbase mind you), the concept of unnecessary violence seems to not exist among them, though there are few exception like Lana Beniko, who is a very interesting character but IMO a very poor Sith. My point is for whatever falws the Jedi had, at worst people consider them to be timebomb during war time that could fall into the darkside, but Sith are just absolutely terrible with no redeeming quality, even the most progressive ruler among them like Acina/Vowrawn (Vowrawn is the emperor if Empress Acina died in-game) consider bombing civilians as a valid strategy to win the battle. Jedi are not perfect, but I wouldn't trade it with Sith at any given day.
@whyitdoesntworkforme9206 Жыл бұрын
Oh, I am all about Legends. Other than the Mandalorian I don't really consume the mainstream star wars content religiously. I watch the mando episodes in Boba Fett and Obi-wan Kenobi which I was quite disappointed with but I'm quite casual about those projects now. The books, comics and old republic games however, oh my god I love them. Yes, I really like Traviss's work. I think she goes a bit too easy on the Mandalorians. As much as I love them they have their dark sides (no pun intended) but loved her work. Kal Skirata just adds to the growing line of ManDADlorians I fell in love with. In terms of the Jedi I definitely believe they, in general are better than the Sith but better is a relative term. If you could exchange someone who beats you to someone who emotionally neglects you ... maybe that is 'better' but still aweful and worthy of scorn. I don't think it helps to compare the jedi to the sith when talking about how bad they are. It's just an unhelpful case of whataboutism. I think I said in the video that it is actually quite sinister that they get to say, "There is good and there is bad and THEY (sith) are so obviously bad so what we are doing is permissable." Would I rather have a jedi than a sith? Yes. Would I rather have a Jedi order or a sith empire ... that maybe depends on which sith empire your talking about I don't think it has to be one or the other. If it wouldn't potentially kill most life in the galaxy I would be with Kreia on this ... kill the force. Oh that note, what do you think of Kreia? She's one of my favourites.
@GHOSTRIDER373737 Жыл бұрын
@Why It Doesn't Work! For Me! ManDADlorian... can't believe that's the first time I heard of it, describe Papa Kal perfectly lol. I played KOTOR and bought KOTOR2 not long ago but never had the time to play it (which I should really make sometime for it if I wasn't so busy at modding other video games), though I know Kreia bring up the greatest question of Star Wars franchise, why is there only the light side and the dark side? Why is it always Jedi vs Sith? I can't share my opinion on Kreia yet so I will share some of SWTOR's interesting ideas inspired by KOTOR2. (Contain minor spoiler of SWTOR) 1. There is a secret society known as Star Cabal who's agenda is to destroy both Jedi and Sith so the galaxy can be rule by ordinary people. 2. There are numerous times when Jedi and Sith can actually co-exis and even working together, like when Revan was able to rally both part of the Republic and part of the Empire to his cause, since he has master of both the light and the dark side who also embodied the best and the worst of Jedi and Sith. The Alliance formed by the player to fight the Eternal Empire also forced the Jedi and Sith to work together. One of my favourite thing about this game is you can play as a totally chilling lightside Sith, one of your Jedi companion name Ashara, who basically get kick out of the order would lament about her frustration to you, and instead of trying to turn her to the dark side, you can tell her you believe her to be a Jedi and encourage her, like a good friend. 3. Valkorian who also master both the light and dark transcend into god hood and his Eternal Empire force users basically build a religion around him. Anyway I believe the idea of both Jedi and Sith learn to cast away their disagreement and actually live together peacefully is something should to explore more often, it may even lead to the natural conclusion of Star Wars stories, for the Jedi/Sith conflict that is.
@justalonelyman994 Жыл бұрын
Great video
@ramonserna8089 Жыл бұрын
On the matter of training: Keep in mind the Jedis recluit babies and small childs. Anakin was considered old and he was 8 at the time. Most of the children have never met their parents nor they were raised by them. Thats why the Jedi is a brotherhood: They are each other family.
@whyitdoesntworkforme9206 Жыл бұрын
Exactly, but I feel this proves my point even more. The reason often cited for taking children away from their families is so attachments don't form because they are apparently dangerous (but that's another point). Saying, 'well, the Jedi are their family anyway,' just removes any reason they ever had from removing them from their original families to begin with. And if they don't act like family (and that means attachment because children attach themselves to the nearest adult, that is an unavoidable survival mechanism. it's just what children do) then they are horrible for denying a child something we know is essential to grow up emotionally healthy. So either they are awful for denying these children that which all children are owed. Or they DO give these children that, but that means they have no reason for taking them from their families.
@ramonserna8089 Жыл бұрын
@@whyitdoesntworkforme9206 I think they do provide that emotional support. Obi Wan clearly loved and revered Qui Gon, he even honored his promise to him even if he disagreed with it and Anakin said Obi Wan was like a father to him (although I think he was more of an older brother but you get the point). Jedis are modeled after real world monastic traditions and in those communities they do see each other like brothers and sisters, likewise some tribes raise their kids communally insted of individually so the kid never know who their parents are and see the tribe has their family. Has to why they are taken from their original families I have a few theories (this is obviously non canon since only George Lucas can say for sure and he seems pretty detached from Star Wars these days).: 1. Jedis are supposed to be a neutral party in the galaxy. Thats why they are effective diplomats, because they rarely take side on a conflict. Has you say in the video one of the greatest causes of falling to the dark side is trauma, and that is why a lot of jedis opposed entering the war. Having Jedis of different backgrounds and nationalities could potencially sow division in their rank. 2. You dont have control of outside attachments. Because Jedis are not supposed to intervine forcefully they also couldnt end slavery in tatooine. That caused Anakin to be separated from his mother and ultimately caused great pain to him with her death. If you knew the planet your family and friends are is attacked wouldnt you try to intervene even at the cost of dissobeying the council? 3. The training itself is supposedly very difficult and demanding. I dont think they could keep ties with their families anyways.
@Thareldis Ай бұрын
​@@ramonserna8089 That's called being in a cult if you ask me. Taking people out of their surroundings and giving them a new "family", but also tying the affection they get shown to following a strict code is literally manipulation and abusive behaviour. I like the Jedi as an idea and know a thing or two about the inspirations for them, but in the end they were portrayed as religious zealots and hypocrites both in the new canon and the EU. If they were peacekeepers, then they wouldn't have watched the Mandalorians burn down entire civilizations, just to have an excuse to sit on their arses and talk about philosophical dilemmas, instead of acting and actually protecting people and then proceeding to banish Jedi who dared to try and make a difference. On the other hand they could've investigated why the CIS actually wanted to achieve independency, instead of just blindly following the Republic into war with them. Or how about them completely neglecting anyone outside of the Republic's jurasdiction? If they were truly neutral, then such borders wouldn't have had been a reason as to why they did not help people who needed it. The last point you made is the most concerning. Difficult training is no excuse for severing ties to the support systems any individual would've had if they were able to have contact to their families. I've trained traditional martial arts for quite a while. I'm talking working normally and then proceeding to go to training at least three times per week and then quite often training for additional four to seven hours on saturdays and also going to longer trips to East Asia to then again train for hours on end every day, no matter how hot, humid and exhausting it was. So I would say, that I have some understanding of how this kind of training would feel like. I stopped for one main reason, among other smaller ones: They tried to mould you in a way where their training, philosophies and traditions were your go to mechanisms of living and solving problems. If you had "distractions" like other people around you, they tried to either sever you from them very slowly, by implying that they were bad influences (Like Jedi tend to do here with attachments etc.), or they tried to pull everyone around you into the fold. And the thing is, that I to this day think, that they never intended, of becoming a modern cult, but were so dogmatic about following old traditions, that never were properly modernized, that they slowly began thinking, that their way of life has to be so good, healthy and in balance, that they were often right and had answers to most problems anyone could have and all this to such an extent, that they didn't notice what exactly they turned into. Thing is, that I never had any reference of how all this training and having a community with a big shared special interest could've been done in a less toxic way and now I have. Now I am able to see the good in those kinds of activities, while sniffing out all the cultish bullshit, that tends to plague most successful projects with any ties to older traditions. Same can be done with topics like the Jedi. You can like individual Jedi for their actions and the way they lived in those stories, without ignoring the absolutely toxic and abusive tendencies the Jedi Order had displayed in all of it's iterations over the years. Them being portrayed as the protagonists in the Star Wars universe, does not make them the heroes and their methods "good" in a moral way. In the end I actually like that they are so.. well problematic. It shows us that good intentions, can devolve into toxic shit and "breaking the rules" can lead to better results and individuals who do good things for the sake of it and not, because some set of invented rules said so and claimed moral superiority.
@JusUltimate Жыл бұрын
If you understand the lore at some point the Jedi deviated from their original philosophy and denegrated into the stoic, cradle robbing warriors we know them to be and who train kids from young to be stoic, cradle robbing, warriors like them. They aren't real Jedi. Lol
@Temple277 Жыл бұрын
Again im kind of late ( new viewer here, u deserve more subs for sure imo! 😉), but have u seen The philosophy of kreia video? It takes almost the same time as your video has and its Just pure goldness, its based on kreia which is a character from knights of the old republic 2 video game and she is (imo) the best star wars character ever made, since there is no star wars character who can top Her imo in terms of writing and etc. In fiction overall i can say that (and Yes, i am very biased towards DC Universe 😂) that only most DC Characters from Comics top kreias character, but shes one of the Best characters ever made in fiction imo, so im short im gonna make it short to u if u wont watch that two and half hours video ( if im not mistaken about The time for this video) she hates the force because Just because of it everything bad happens in the star wars universe, and shes Just a force user, shes neither jedi, or sith, she was both, and in Her opinion, u need the contrast from both sides of (insert philosophy, thing or topic someone talks about) to be able to speak the truth for what each thing represents, and she also taught the mitra surik ( Players character in Kotor 2) that The true lesson of Strength is not to take power, its to refuse to it she also taught the mitra surik many things but one of them that stood out personally for me was that The sword philosophy which is: u shouldnt rely on a sword you are fighting With, u should always rely on yourself. Or something similar at least, so yea, i really recommend for you to check that ("philosophy of kreia") video out since because of that video i basicaly agree With what u say in this video, anyway i think u deserve more views, subscribers, likes and etc, and if u will read this comment, then have a great day!
@whyitdoesntworkforme9206 Жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for the comment. I'm so glad when anyone comments on my Jedi video I put a lot of love in that one. Yes I have seen the Kreia video and honestly if it wouldn't kill so many people to do so I agree with Kreia. If I ever did a video on her it would be an intellectual exercise on the morality of killing God.
@Temple277 Жыл бұрын
​​​@@whyitdoesntworkforme9206Yep same, i really feel that kreias philosophy really works unless she starts to kill People and causing something worse then what already exists in the star wars universe, like thats what makes Her anti villain, she sees the future so i think she knows that but i dont think she wanted any of that sidious stuff to happen at the first place, thats why i think that all that stuff ( never wanting to see any galactic empire shape of terrorism anymore) and Just let it all be how it is in our real life for example, Her biggest flaw though is such a big attachment to it that she wouldnt hesitate to it without killing People and i think thats it, but also we need to remember that kreia is probably an avatar of Chris avellon (sorry if i spelled his name wrong) which is the writer of Kotor 2 so yea in short but a Little bit of long comment 😂, i agree With Her points as Well unless killing People comes to Her mind.
@cruzmartinez2297 Жыл бұрын
Yes they are. That's one of the main reasons why the Jedi fell.thats always been one of the main short coming of the Jedi. That's why they fell so easily.
@XMrJust Жыл бұрын
9:08 you should make ASMR 🤣
@whyitdoesntworkforme9206 Жыл бұрын
I love ASMR. ❤️
@jackofallclaws6672 4 ай бұрын
Apologies if this sounds weird or rude or dumb, but the way she rolled her Rs when she said immoral sounded…bizarrely sexy.
@chuckmann7127 Жыл бұрын
Why the re-upload?
@whyitdoesntworkforme9206 Жыл бұрын
I've been having awful problems with the monetization getting turned on and off in my original upload. I didn't know why it was happening (still don't) so I thought I would private that one and try uploading it again to see if the same thing started happening because this has been going on for weeks now. Though it looks like youtube might bury this one in the algorithm because the amount of views in the first couple of hours is quite below my average. Maybe it's just the timing of the upload and it will get better but I'm not hopeful. If you have any ideas for what youtube's issue with this video is I'd be happy to hear it lol. If it keeps happening I might take this one down and go back to having the original up. I don't know, I haven't been monetised for long. I have no idea what I'm doing :)
@chuckmann7127 Жыл бұрын
@@whyitdoesntworkforme9206 I imagine the less views are due in part to people having seen the video before, its length (people need 2 hours), and the fact that Kenobi is no longer in the spotlight. Not that any of these are your fault, just how it is.
@paulpritchard206 8 ай бұрын
What are her opinions on Anakin Skywalker? Personally, I have a love-hate relationship with Obi Wan. I hate him solely because he is reason Anakin never reached full potential because his defeat to Obi-Wan and him listening to the jedi high consul instead of the will of the force
@deterlanglytone 11 ай бұрын
On the Mandos. From I remember, the Clone Wars(CGI Series) retcon of Jango wasnt the brainchild of Lucas. But of Fionli. Who thought that the old Mandos were boring. Since the EU Mandos weren't Lucas' ideas anyway, the guy just let Fionli do what he wanted. As he always had a very ordered canon of "as long it doesn't contradict the live action movies its canon. Even if they contradict each other.) Because he prefered giving people freedom over having control. To be honest, it left a really bad taste in my mouth as a child and even today. Because the older EU mandos had sucha interesting culture when it came to adopting species from outside the native founders of the culture. And it made me thinkthe Pacisfist Mandos were just speciest? I was like... oh they're human mostly white folk. And boy that gave me a bad impression of them. I do like the less uniform nature their culture is respented in now though. Where there are more sects of culture within the culture rather than just sects of different morality.
@whyitdoesntworkforme9206 10 ай бұрын
The pacifists was Filonli’s idea but he did say in behind the scenes that the inclusion of the line about Jango being a common bounty hunter was in deference to what George wanted. I just prefer to think that it was a proud stuck up prime minister wanting to distance himself from the Mando’s violence by just say well, it wasn’t us he’s just a common thief, we got rid of all our warriors, we were successful. That’s my head canon. I have my own feelings on Filoni’s approach to canon and his writing in general (I’m def doing a vid about the Rako Hardeen arc one day. I know it’s popular and even fun in isolation but it’s so dumb). Another video I want to do is just n how interesting the Mandos are and how unique they are in science fiction and cultures in general. Name a sci-fi franchise chance are they are going to have a warrior race if not several. What makes the mandos different is that they are not a race. That are not a people bound by blood or shared traits but a shared way of life, belief, culture and history. That makes them 100 times more interesting than any of the warrior cultures I’ve seen in science fiction where strength and honour seem to be the long and short of it. While I do genuinely find the pacifist mandos interesting. The idea that an extreme pacifist movement would spring up eventually after millennia of destroying their own homeworld is completely in the realm of possibility. And makes for some interesting tension. But making them a race just ruined all the uniqueness of who they were and also all the positive things about their culture. Anyway, I’ll save it for a future vid. Sorry of the late reply.
@deterlanglytone 10 ай бұрын
@@whyitdoesntworkforme9206 No sorries needed. I will look forward to your future videos. I do also agree with you on what made the Mando interesting as a group.
@joshuaweinbender6075 6 ай бұрын
What about the padawan massacre where the masters killed their students over a vision in the old republic or when the jedi were willing to occupy a planet against duchess satine's wishes and refused to help when she finally begged them to come
@whyitdoesntworkforme9206 6 ай бұрын
Oh yes I know that one. Funnily enough though (remember what said about blaming a group vs blaming an individual) I'm.more inclined to blame the individual Jedi for that one rather than the order as a whole.
@Thareldis Ай бұрын
@@whyitdoesntworkforme9206 The story around Zayne Carrick if I remember correctly, isn't it?
@JordanTheImortalmisfitReviews Жыл бұрын
After seeing the prequel series if I was Anakin i would have join the dark side too except for killing children of course.
@whyitdoesntworkforme9206 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, Revenge of the Sith is my favourite of the movies but that was bad. I don't know how you jump from. "What have I done?" to "I'll do what you ask just save my wife." to being able to murder children.
@Thareldis Ай бұрын
I've had a similar experience in my life, regarding having certain positive values, that are delivered in a toxic environment. Ironically it has to do with something the Jedi, at least the prequel era ones were inspired by as well. Traditional martial arts training and the philosophy and culture behind it. Imagine finding one of a few traditional Kung Fu Schools, that objectively not only isn't teaching absolute bullshit, but is among the best globally when it comes to quality, winning international tournaments and actually teaching people how to fight with techniques, outside of the modern MMA bubble. Now take that amazing training combined with pretty useful meditative and spiritual stuff, that can help getting through mental health related problems etc. without falling into the typical delusional crap you see a lot online. Sounds good? Yeah.. everything else around it was just dogmatic shit, abuse of Chinese culture, to control the people training there and all of the instructors getting more and more up their own arses, because they all were so good at what they were training for. Thing is that the guy opening the school over 20 years ago did train in Hong Kong and had to live by their standards, but then proceeded to take everything he learnt, even all the toxic elements back to the west and then without adapting anything to suit our lives over here just taking everything on face value and teaching it like that to his own students. And now we have a martial arts school, that has success due to the phenomenal training quality, that teaches young people and children to show blind loyalty to their superiors and not question the practices that are problematic and try to take away their individuality and autonomy, which at that point is just a cult that trains together. And no matter how much you try to tell them, that their best students are breaking away from them, due to the idiotic dogmatism and refusal to change, they'll remain the opinion that they did nothing wrong.
@whyitdoesntworkforme9206 Ай бұрын
I'm really glad I know all this now. Thank you for your comment and your insight. 🙂
@reckszkingzactivitiesrkat.4134 6 ай бұрын
Yeah if I existed in that universe then I definitely would not be a Jedi what so ever 😆⛔️. I would 1000% be a old republic sith specifically , dark Jedi or just one of palpatine’s dark side underlings or something like that. Who in the hell wants to be apart of that silly Jedi order , you see what them idiots did to Anakin skywalker?! Completely alienated the guy , treated him like he was less than & allowed the “will of the force” as an excuse to not take power in their own hands & make changes for the right reasons. This is why the sith / Palpatine’s new sith deserved to win in the 3rd movie , they deserved to win for as long as they did because the empire was a better alternative then what ever the Jedi was fighting for 😆🤷🏾‍♂️✅.
@whyitdoesntworkforme9206 6 ай бұрын
If I had the choice I'd be Mandalorian. Ignore the force altogether and see those who use it as a challenge 😁
@reckszkingzactivitiesrkat.4134 6 ай бұрын
@@whyitdoesntworkforme9206 Now that is a good point , I overlooked that entirely since you was mainly addressing the force addicts on this video 😆👏🏾. Keep up the channel it’s really good.
@maxmagnus3793 9 ай бұрын
To me the problems with the Jedi mostly started in the prequel trilogy, and since then they have been propagated into the sequel era as well. But yeah in the prequels the Jedi were weighed down with so many issues. It got to the point where it's impossible to see them as heroes, what with the whole cult mentality they have, the way they deny their members love and families and the way became stooges for the Republic government. Because of all these issues the Jedi are also terrible role models. I don't want to aspire to be an emotionless protector soldier of the Force, brainwashed to detach myself from everything and everyone while fighting wars for a semi corrupt government. All the while taking young children from their parents and putting child soldiers on the front line. In my headcanon I still see a "good" Jedi order that I can extrapolate from what we saw in the original trilogy. A small order of knights and mystics who travel the galaxy and take up service with various employers for causes they deem worthy. Like Obi Wan Kenobi entered the service of Bail Organa. The rest of their time they spend in meditation, study and training to perfect their art and their martial skill as well as finding inner peace and communing with the Force. As they travel, they may take on talented young adults as their apprentices and pass on their skills. They are free to make friends, form attachments and start families, as there is nothing unnatural about love and friendship. In fact, a spiritual connection with the Force and inner balance helps the Jedi to take a wise and mature approach to their relationships.
@theloneeaglegaming5565 6 ай бұрын
Didn’t Luke already did this and succeeded in Legends continuity(ie the expanded universe)?
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