Are VIDEO GAMES really as BAD as HAMZA says...?

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Rob Mulder

Rob Mulder

Күн бұрын

Many KZbinrs like Hamza tell you to quit playing videos games. Are video games actually that bad for you? Do they really numb your dopamine and ruin your motivation to work towards your goals?

Пікірлер: 622
@robmulder 2 жыл бұрын
There are baby noise easter eggs in this video because my 3 day old daughter was lying next to me. Life long success and fresh dopamine systems will come to those that can point out the time stamps.
@pranavsharma8066 2 жыл бұрын
Congratulations Rob!
@hnvr8199 2 жыл бұрын
Congratulations for fatherhood Rob!
@lucasdancs 2 жыл бұрын
Congrats man
@nyd5522 2 жыл бұрын
Congrats bro
@Chrishiano 2 жыл бұрын
It's ok
@Dondlo46 2 жыл бұрын
As strange as it might sound, video games give me motivation in life, I'm hyped when I play them for 15-30 minutes or listen to the amazing music, makes me want to do the hard work after it.
@etlttc353 Жыл бұрын
what the hell
@Dondlo46 Жыл бұрын
@@etlttc353 welcome to the self improvement community
@shubhanmajumder4253 6 ай бұрын
​@@etlttc353yeah fr 😂
@rlrihards948 4 ай бұрын
How are you doing now?
@Dondlo46 4 ай бұрын
@@rlrihards948 playing less now, doing video editing a lot to start making money
@GregTheSelfImprover 2 жыл бұрын
Just my experience: when I stopped playing videogames I felt much more motivated, relaxed and productive. I believe it’s one of the steps to go from a boy to a man and it can’t be avoided
@RealNickElite 2 жыл бұрын
For sure man!
@coolguy9648 2 жыл бұрын
I mean I also had to stop gaming to improve my life but I couldn't leave them forever, so I started to schedule my time and put the extra time into gaming and it wasn't so bad for me I can keep working out and study and then start gaming
@embertheplaya5717 2 жыл бұрын
@@coolguy9648 glad someone is doing the same thing I'm doing
@GregTheSelfImprover 2 жыл бұрын
@@coolguy9648 of course those are all things acheivable even by fitting videogames in your schedule. However the thing I'm talking about is the mindset switch... you really start to look differently at the world and you naturally feel more incline to statisfy your masculine reward system through activities in real life, instead of wasting some of your potential on meaningless acheivements on videogames.
@coolguy9648 2 жыл бұрын
@@GregTheSelfImprover you are right, wasting time on games may cause less attraction to the real world however gaming is a part of me as a grew up playing them so I can't leave them forever, thankfully I am acquiring a new mindset and meditating and desipline I can effectively balance my time and not feel distracted through out the day, it hard to believe that I made such drastic change in only 5 months, keep grinding brother
@businessisboomin7252 2 жыл бұрын
Had this living rent free in my mind for the past 3 days.
@aegeus6305 2 жыл бұрын
If you don't already, you should try to journal introspectively about these types of topics that are plaguing your mind. I find it really insightful and the thought tends to disappear :)
@businessisboomin7252 2 жыл бұрын
@@aegeus6305 it's hard since I'm still taking steps to improve in mental health area (depression and anxiety with high levels of stress 24/7) so journaling might be hard but I'll try. Have started meditating and taking cold showers with some home workouts to help with stress and recover from the damages the stress caused to my body throughout the years (memory and focus, IBS with constipation and a lot more things).
@swagaholic. 2 жыл бұрын
@@businessisboomin7252 I'd also vouch for journalling. Try journalling about things you're grateful for as well, even if they're very small and not-so-important. It can really help to ease your mind especially if you do it every day. It doesn't have to be a long process either.
@businessisboomin7252 2 жыл бұрын
@@swagaholic. ok I will 🐱👍
@spiritualro8677 2 жыл бұрын
@@businessisboomin7252 hi I see you everywhere lol
@BusterBossJR 2 жыл бұрын
I think the majority of people would benefit from at least quitting them for a while. But there are people who truly can balance them and the "good" habits, if you're one of those then there's no need to quit them. This is the same for any hobby.
@brucewayne1332 2 жыл бұрын
True. If you see progress throughout your journey in a long goal you want to hit and at the same time play video games or do the things you’d consider as “fun” then go for it. But if you can’t see progress and feel like you won’t be hitting your goal and having fun, then you might need to quit that degenerate activity. By the way, having progress in hitting your goal can be something as simple as, if your goal is to get a better grade in a subject that you did worse, can be going from a C- to C. Or it can be as simple as being successful in small portion thing you wanted to be better at. These things make you grow, thrive. Of course, it is a small and slow process throughout your journey but it is still progress and that is what matters because it is something that you accomplished like a small skill or partially learnt skill or something you couldn’t do or could do before but you are better at it now. You don’t need to be significantly better by 80%, it could be 10 or 5, it does not matter because as long as you see that you have gained a tiny little bit of progress than you are good. Now however if you are planing to hit this goal in a specific time and do not have months or years, then obviously you’d need be focused and driven, meaning you might need to cut the degenerate activities that you do in life. If it is getting a higher score in your school subject and you have limited time to study then you might need to reconsider your degenerate activities, or limit the usage of time of them. Overall if are disciplined at the extend that video games don’t give more dopamine than your long goal or you’re NOT having the constant thought that you are more enthusiastic/looking forward to playing video games than you are hitting your long goal, then you’re all good. However, in most circumstances, teenagers aren’t that well disciplined which means that they might not hit their long goals and have fun at the same time. I’m not saying it is impossible for a teenage boy, it is that I’m a little bit dubious. But this does not only apply to teenagers, in few cases, there might be men who have fulfilled their responsibilities, reached their goal, financially happy, have a girlfriend, happy with their body shape, then of course you can play video games here and there.
@BusterBossJR 2 жыл бұрын
@@brucewayne1332 Yeah I agree. I also think its important to realize our differences and the fact that some people are more to themselves and might not enjoy going out to events and stuff as much as being at home so for those people I don’t see the problem with their fun time being videogames for example. Both things are a waste of time at the end of the day if we’re just looking at what it does for your life and goals, but one is looked upon as favorable when that doesn’t have to be the case. They’re both fun for different people
@brucewayne1332 2 жыл бұрын
@@BusterBossJR true. People are unique in their own ways and one might not be the same as the majority. However, I think going out to events can be more beneficial than staying at home, since you meet people and in someway socialize which benefits your well being a bit. At the same time, that may not be true for all people because they can be the party type people and so it’s not healthy. Overall they are both bad depending on how of a person you are.
@BusterBossJR 2 жыл бұрын
@@brucewayne1332 yup i agree
@queueshit5137 Жыл бұрын
@@brucewayne1332 facts mate. i mean sometimes i think friend of mine always hang out and spend dollars everyday. where i would prefer stay at home to play games (single player ofc like god of war etc.), but on the other hand still goes on college, joining many volunteering, meet new people, jogging every weekend when I'm free, while i am also like to play a game(because of the story tho, or fun experience like nfs or forza). so what u say is fact, depends on te people. Even when this ytuber say when i play just about an hour, then my daily productivity distracted by "i wanna play that game again, unlock this that etc", i think that's his own problem because i never encountered any of those in my entire life. If i do jogging or muay thai, never actually think "i wanna unlock that weapon later or etc."
@azwan4710 2 жыл бұрын
I think you have hit the nail on the head completely here. You have expressed into words exactly what I've experienced and yet haven't really noticed before; even when limiting video games or some other form of digital entertainment to an hour a day I am still thinking throughout the day "I can't wait to play/watch soon." I'm not motivated by my goals I am instead motivated to consume some digital product which usually leads me to binge watch anyway because I'm an addict. Well thank you for the advice.
@businessisboomin7252 2 жыл бұрын
Video games aren't 100% the devil. But not playing altogether is probably the best option for MOST people. But I'd say that doing an experiment for 2 weeks to get away from video games is what will actually open your eyes to see if you're genuinely enjoying the videogames or just being a slave to them. And honestly, not everyone that plays video games is same stereotypical person that all self improvement channels mock in their videos. Just to summarize: Video games are worse than drugs and porn, because they aren't 100% bad and also not 100% good so it's difficult to draw a line between indulging in them or just giving them up forever unlike porn that destroys you mentally and physically and even Psychologically (objectifying women just to bust a nut) or drugs that do destroy your dopamine receptors instantly along with porn and how they make your life dependant on them. Video games are like stem cells, they can turn into many "cells" so it's hard to fit them in one box.
@FatMonkeySexMonkey 2 жыл бұрын
@businessisboomin7252 2 жыл бұрын
@@FatMonkeySexMonkey baka
@resident8935 2 жыл бұрын
@@FatMonkeySexMonkey cmon man this comment deserves better
@resident8935 2 жыл бұрын
@delcea1914 2 жыл бұрын
Stfu, just stop playing and thats it
@Nightmaresfromthemetaverse 2 жыл бұрын
I just think it comes down to people being mentally weak and having no sense of moderation about anything. I play less videogames now in college than when I was in high school and I had no issue easing up to focus on school. Now my playing times is mostly story based stuff on the weekends and that’s after my school stuff, work, the gym, and my social life. Not every thing we do in life has to be about chasing greatness, we gotta relax at some point too and for me my Saturday night gaming is relaxing
@todio5484 2 жыл бұрын
To be fair, we are unique, each of us. Rob, Hamza, and other self-improvement youtubers, they all have good intentions. But after all, their words are just opinions and advices. Choose what works best for you( for this gaming issue, i choose the cold turkey method because i find myself binge gaming all the time ).
@vergil_6707 Жыл бұрын
@biznaguinh4 Жыл бұрын
Human beings are not "unique" or whatever this suppose to mean.
@dark-gaming--8232 Жыл бұрын
Hamza still says tons of misleading information. His videos are a mixed bag
@queueshit5137 Жыл бұрын
@@dark-gaming--8232 yes, just watch his diet tips like 2 or 3 years ago where he says calories are important, i could eat junkfood while still sixpack. then latest tips says sugar is what u have to avoid, it's not about calories.
@nozomechanm5169 Жыл бұрын
Both these guys sound like hard core scam artists tbh. Can’t believe people are taking this video seriously, as if you’ll just magically gain motivation to do things that are inherently boring and tedious just because you stop playing video games. I’ve gone months without playing video games before and I was just as unmotivated to do important but boring work as I was before.
@szymondudzinski6661 2 жыл бұрын
My dad plays videogames in a way that we all should IF AT ALL. Here's how: only single player games, only in the summertime when he literally has no work to do. And he doesn't even play them that much in the summer anymore because that's when I hang out with him basically every day.
@dagan8659 2 жыл бұрын
no need to do it, just don't play, who cares what your father do.
@szymondudzinski6661 2 жыл бұрын
@@dagan8659 it's a form of maintaining the entertainment (he has literally so much fun killing nazis in wolfenstein!) while not making yourself a degenerate
@szymondudzinski6661 2 жыл бұрын
@Crzh i can see your point. and about the 'no purpose' and 'too much free time' - just find a cool hobby that's not destruvtive. i've found playing guitar for me, but maybe you wanna play sports, or draw, or write your own books, or cook, or maybe something else? there are a million possibilities and it doesn't have to be working on something to be productive ;)
@George19090 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah I think multiplayer is what makes it way more addicting and also less fun after a while.
@smokelessaif8697 2 жыл бұрын
My dad does the same thing. Single player games end. When u get into online games there is no end
@Person-eh9nr 2 жыл бұрын
Hamza acts like everything you do in life HAS to be productive or building you towards some sort of goal. If that were the case, life would be pretty much pointless. Part of the reason we should be productive anyway, is to be able to have more satisfying leisure which will increase your enjoyment of life in general.
@paintyxd 2 жыл бұрын
That's when you're successful.
@creationofmax3187 2 жыл бұрын
Gotta enjoy life too u dont wanna work 24/7 u will not be as happy as u could have fun enjoy yourself be happy
@Bearical 2 жыл бұрын
Problem is, most people aren't productive. He's trying to get the hopeless young men to do better. After that, you can do whatever.
@pabloescobar4029 2 жыл бұрын
U have to minimize it to be able to have freedom in the future.
@Person-eh9nr 2 жыл бұрын
@@Bearical I don't not agree with that, it's all about time management. But that doesn't mean that EVERYTHING we do has to be productive. That's even more a waste of time than being a slob imo.
@Carl-FriedrichWelker 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks🙌🏻I don't even play video games, but it transfers to instant gratification as well and really resonated with me👍🏻
@SPedneau Жыл бұрын
From my experience with deep video game addiction, I found it to be more of the symptom of my problems. In my first half of college I was working on a major that had no future from a toxic department. Instead of hitting the books when I got home, I would binge on Diablo or Baldur's Gate. When I changed majors and started to enjoy my studies, it was a total 180. I would play 2 hours tops and still study.
@raplover3803 2 жыл бұрын
When I was 16 years old. I learned sacrifices are important to achieve goals. And it's true.
@stef6556 2 жыл бұрын
Videogames are just one of the many activities that can give you a dopamine boost. Things like watching Movies or shows or going on social media are the exact same. All of these things fall into this category of dopamine boosting activities that don't have any real benefit. Novels or other books that tell a story, instead of being focused on being educational fall into this category too. But should we forfeit all of these activities to better ourselves? I think Rob managed to sum it up well in the video. If you are having no trouble improving yourself in spite of playing videogames, then by all means keep playing. However, if you do notice that they are a hinderance to your work flow and constantly gnaw at your mind, then for the sake of achieving your goals, you might consider stopping them until your aims are realised.
@m1abrams340 Жыл бұрын
Bullshit, acting like thought provoking stories that aren’t just, “penguin facts #4838592” is stupid, literature helps us analyze and understand perspectives, as well as give us stories about morality, identity and so much more.
@JJJJ-lk8wj Жыл бұрын
@@m1abrams340 You're right, uneducational stories are also beneficial as it expands your vocabulary. It's much better than video games
@VitoDoza 4 күн бұрын
@@m1abrams340 video games also have moral choices and rich stories that gives philosofical perspectives. you never played a modern game to be able to say something like that, you must think all games are just like mario
@proximityclockworkx1572 2 жыл бұрын
Heroin is destroying your body and mind at the same time, very rapidly. And it is waaay more easier to get addicted to it, than to video games. Stop drawing a paralell where there isn't any. Video games are not a life destroying drug like heroin is. You can be healthy and have fun in video games at the same time, so long as you aren't living for the game. The same argument could be made for the weekends. Many people's minds adrift all day long, thinking what they will do on the weekend, so much so that they aren't present in the moment. Waiting to have fun isn't the issue. It's missing the contrast. When all you have is fun, it is no longer fun. Have to do things we don't like in order to appreciete the things we do like. Simple as that.
@proximityclockworkx1572 Жыл бұрын
@@akawikaa Negligence destroys the body, not the games. When you play all day long with no care in the world, it is negligence what destroys your body. Time, I agree with time, because it does eat up your time, again, when all you do is play. In moderation, it is not a problem, since it doesn't work like an addiction then. You couldn't moderate if you were addicted. But it is much easier to break free from, than from heroin. Heroin is a path of certain death. Very slim chance to recover from that, and one day, you'll overdose. Can't really overdose on games now, can you? You very very much missed my entire point.
@faultyclone0013 Жыл бұрын
I used to play video games daily and religiously back in the day. That being said. I'll probably play a newly released title 3-5 times a year for a few weekends at a time. Now i find gaming helps me unwind and is just the same as watching a movie because most of the games i play are single player story games
@monkessj469 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks Rob!! Appreciate the content 🙏🙏🙏
@farrisb3003 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the free episode. I thought you would take another route, I like how simple you put your idea.
@sethbingo 2 жыл бұрын
I have noticed that my overall motivation in life has increased from decreasing the amount I play videogames. It's as if there's a direct correlation. I don't think everyone is like this, but it has certainly helped me.
@paritoshkailas725 2 жыл бұрын
There is a direct correlation because video games gives alot of dopamine and we naturally as humans want more dopamine but this makes other activities feel dull in comparison with video games which causes u to loose motivation to do the other tasks.
@troyadams4109 Жыл бұрын
First time I’ve seen you and I had to follow. You are very convincing with your words and I love how you share your personal experiences instead of just telling us how it is
@333sskskxjzsskxk 8 ай бұрын
just here to say I've quit wasting time on my only game a week ago, and am feelin so much happier my suggestion don't watch vids bout nofap nor bout quiting videogames just test for yourself
@Hsgm7 5 ай бұрын
@ChrisZ70 2 жыл бұрын
I have been addicted not to video games (which I got over in my 20s) but to online chess. Online chess is evil. It is the devil. Thank God I finally have given it up. I have said that literally a hundred times before and relapsed back into it - spending entire days playing one-minute chess trying to get the highest rating I could, feeling that dopamine rush, but mostly finding nothing but anger and misery and wasting collossal amounts of time not developing myself in a real way. FUCK chess.
@adrenoid9570 2 жыл бұрын
@fernandosegovia8806 2 жыл бұрын
I can beat you.
@preml-ch3rp Жыл бұрын
Bro when I left playing video games like pubg and stuff I got addicted to online chess because there are no people to play with me offline and I got addicted for month I played to even without studying for exam and I barely passed 😭😭 finally I'm out of that addiction , but now comes other stupid addictions now I have decided to no to get addicted to stupid things ever , people in reddit and other websites most of the time give wrong advices and people think it is right like me and destroy their own life without knowing the consequences that would come later ,
@individual5021 Жыл бұрын
I personally as a teenager am trying to avoid playing videogames for the sake of it (When I spend hours playing a multiplayer game to level up I don't really feel like I've done anything good for myself) But I am passionate about Stories, Writing, Cinema and there are some videogames that I would consider true pieces of art that are worth putting the hours into. But yes it is absolutely true that they distract you from your other goals.
@pedroclaro7822 Жыл бұрын
Yes! I can lose myself into being comfortably numb with online videogames, but rarely with an offline one. Offline videogames can be very satisfying, and even life changing.
@gorgeousnoxy481 Жыл бұрын
Thank you. This was definitely something I needed to hear.
@darienmedrano5116 2 жыл бұрын
In the moment when the Skyrim sign appeared, I knew this message was sent for me. Because I'm re-playing it for the 2nd time, and because I found you're videos like a month ago but I've never started to practice in depth (I did quit social media like a 80%, but still not enough) so... The stars aligned to send me a message, a real sign, to know, this is for me in this very moment of my life
@Subkubchik Жыл бұрын
I think a lot of people, when quitting videogames, will realise their real life not fun but hell.
@preml-ch3rp Жыл бұрын
@DarkVirtue97 Жыл бұрын
That's why you build up your real life lol
@lisandrosantana4241 Жыл бұрын
As a gamer I can say that this man speaks the truth. The topic is confusing but the results don't lie.
@chev.o.ndagrind1041 2 жыл бұрын
I remembered back ago having fun was going outside with friends playing cricket, football etc. I Miss it
@vega786 Жыл бұрын
I wish I could do the same thing, I have loads of friends but they aren’t committed to meeting up in real life. They would either talk on call or tell me to play video games.
@ttgttg351 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much brother! After listen to your video, I decided to cut all the video game for cooking because I always wanted to cook a good food for my beloved one 🥰
@h34lth01 2 жыл бұрын
balance and discipline is everything
@archangel5723 2 жыл бұрын
Not only videogames but every fun activity , I personally still find motivation to pursue my goals even if I play. I also think that thinking about videogames when you're working.. well it depends , if you are a student and are constantly thinking about it in class you may have a problem. Otherwise is just normal , not everyone will have a job they like. People like to lie themselves but no one will skip these activities forever , the brain needs to relax every now and then , if it's not videogames it will be watching tv , films , reading , eating.. Don't lie to yourselves guys , playing is OK as long as it doesn't interfere with your goals and your life.
@Potatolands Жыл бұрын
Thank you, i needed this.
@ApproachingAuthenticity 2 жыл бұрын
Bro, videogames, KZbin, Netflix all do the same thing. They help you resist your own drive to succeed. But your nature is greater than that
@atlasischill Жыл бұрын
Honestly I think taking temporary breaks is the best thing my life was in a really bad and unproductive state but I took a break and I felt way better but I played video games again and it hasn’t really messed up my goals if I have free time sometimes I’ll hop on with my friends and have a good time but definitely take breaks or it can get out of hand but you can defo combine games with productivity i personally just use it to spend time with friends but it might not be for everyone.
@jreverie7018 2 жыл бұрын
thanks for this. confronting for me, in a good way. so well said. it's funny, I've told myself similar stuff but it hits harder hearing it from someone else. subscribed!
@NANiGAMER666 8 ай бұрын
If you can't manage your life and gaming both then your not a gamer you are a patient real gamer manage gaming and his life ... AND BROTHER ALL GAMERS ARE NOT ADDICTERS ❤
@thefin4lb0ss 2 жыл бұрын
I'm not sure. Like, my life isn't just about productivity 24/7. Maybe I do just want to hop into a game of Street Fighter 4 and have a set of 3 with a randomer online. This doesn't take me an hour like he keeps saying in his videos (and I don't want them to). It takes me 10 minutes a day. Maybe 20 if I'm really enjoying myself and get that competitive rush with the person I'm playing with. This is perfect for me, I'm currently at a spot in life where I'm so busy with work, travel and maintanence (e.g exercise and side hobbies) this is the most I can allow for myself without feeling like video games are weighing me down in what I need to achieve. Also can I just say video games kept me away from the bullshit that was going on in my ends growing up. I had friends from the estate who were out all the time who ended up getting a girl pregnant, on drugs or in prison. Meanwhile I said no to going out with them on occasion and enjoyed playing MGS2. No regrets. Everything in moderation.
@sarsary 2 жыл бұрын
the world of fantasy can make u more creative some times ..but if did t fill the void of reality between u and people u will start to hate any person u meet . our expectations about reality as a gamers start to be hight , the realinty is to share pain expiriance with people to understand the ...some times we need fun out of reality but we go so far .
@nidla6391 2 жыл бұрын
I play video games because that's what I also get creative on. I make soundtracks, write stories, design levels, characters, code, so, I have to play video games. Although, I do not play as much as I used to before, but I still do from time to time. Nothing wrong with taking a step back sometimes, but don't let the rest overcome you, play video games in moderation.
@rainretribute9852 Жыл бұрын
I’ve been working on some stories for about 5 years now. Do you work with others with your video game and art creations?
@nidla6391 3 ай бұрын
​@@rainretribute9852not really cause i dont have a team just yet. i just write, design maps or interiors, and make the soundtracks.
@ACTmewthew 11 ай бұрын
Thank you sir! God bless you!
@IsZarPlays Жыл бұрын
I subscribed and really liked your content. Thank you very much for the great videos. I cut out video games from my life since yesterday because I have more important goals and I am pretty sure there is nothing positive behind those virtual products. I am sure it's going to be harsh at first because I have been a gamer since I was 6 years old, but I am a man and I will deal with it.
@diegolikescode Жыл бұрын
Thanks Rob, thank you so much! And happy fatherhood broh
@rigzyv2643 2 жыл бұрын
They are as bad. I feel like crap after a gaming session and frankly I don't find the same joy and happiness that video games gave me in the past and Hamzas videos on video games finally made me stop playing for good. I haven't ever felt better than now. I suggest everyone to stop playing them as it does not have any benefits whatsoever in the long run.
@Lillenmedmillen 2 жыл бұрын
Completely agree, I get all warm and stressed out inside and my eyes get dry and itchy. It’s always better to be content with less than more
@pogers7025 2 жыл бұрын
Same brother
@caesar7786 2 жыл бұрын
Because you don't know how to balance things in your own life..if you play them too much, sure, but if balanced, not at all, and can even give you numerous positive benefits. Tons of people literally play games and yet, they still live a successful and happy life If the best decision FOR YOU is to quit, then it's fine, but don't suggest others to follow the same way of your life..i know how to balance things in your own life, gaming has always been a part of my life, and i will NEVER stop gaming, no matter how much would you cry about it.
@rigzyv2643 2 жыл бұрын
@@caesar7786 Your comment sounds passive agressive and like your justifying you playing videogames which means you know subconciously that it's not a good activity. Why balance something that is already time consuming and harmful for you? Cut it out completely. And truth be told most of us aren't successfull and most likely neither are you, so your argument that there are successfull people who also play videogames is meaningless as neither I or you are someone like Elon Musk who can afford wasting his life away to gaming
@caesar7786 2 жыл бұрын
@@rigzyv2643 because none of the things you've said was true, just pure myths about games & gamers that have been debunked many times. Have you even read my comment? I'm literally defending video games..yes it's a good activity, mainly for reducing stress & depression, especially when you're having a horrible day..i was just saying that when too much, like EVERYTHING else, is not good, sure, but if balanced, gaming can be beneficial & healthy for you, just a quick search and you'll find numerous benefits of it. Everything is time consuming, so idk wdym That's a plain myth, and has been debunked several times..again, it's a great way to reduce stress & depression...yes, it's "bad" when you get addicted, but when not & balanced, it can be good & beneficial for you (and that's not even the game's fault, that's the person fault for getting addicted to it & can't balance their things in their life) What i meant by successful is a person who gets a good job & gets paid very well, no need to be famous at all..and tons of people also live a happy & healthy life while being gamers, which disproves your claim that gaming is totally harmful. Again, when balanced, gaming is NOT a waste of time at all, especially when you don't get addicted & feel happy and enjoy playing it..and again, it can even give you positive benefits.
@lamborghinicentenario2497 2 жыл бұрын
Heroin kills your body, video games don't Why drive a Lamborghini? It's funner than working. So should that be cut out of your life? That being said, I agree with the rest of the video
@Kevin-sf9zr 2 жыл бұрын
Hate to admit it but I have to agree with what has been said in this video. I'm 36 and have played games for most of my life. The joy playing videogames is mostly gone, I just play them to pass the time (aside from great games like The Witcher 3, Red Dead Redemption 2...). I always knew I wanted to do develop games or at least work in IT or produce electronic music but instead of working on my career I simply loaded up a game, which was easier and more fun. The kids these days might even have more difficulties because when I grew up I only had a few games which lasted maximum a few hours. Now, kids have to deal with games that are 200 hours, not even talking about multiplayer games combined with all the unlockables, weapon skins etc. In the end it's simply not worth it because real life memories have much more value than any game memory will.
@yeabsirasisay8097 2 жыл бұрын
Hehe in my country people who even have gaming pc are like 0.1%. So it's very rare to find someone who's addicted to videogames
@Kevin-sf9zr 2 жыл бұрын
@@yeabsirasisay8097 What country is that? I'm not addicted in the sense like that I would stop going to work or go to family meetings etc. but I certainly would be more succesful if not for games.
@embertheplaya5717 2 жыл бұрын
@@yeabsirasisay8097 has to be some place like central or south America
@yeabsirasisay8097 2 жыл бұрын
@@embertheplaya5717 Lol no man. I rly think everyone in America is either addicted to video games or social media or another shit
@caesar7786 2 жыл бұрын
@@Kevin-sf9zr you just need to balance things in your own life, so no. But i disagree with "games are not fun anymore'", there are literally still a lot of great new games in 2022..yes, some became bad, but NOT ALL. Well, games vary differently, not just multiplayer games with skins and stuff..i think there are also kids who play other games.
@oskarnowak5362 2 жыл бұрын
I just cut out the really cringey things like cod Minecraft so on. I reduced gaming to like a minimum where it doesnt negatively effect me. Basically the only games that i play are games that i would actually be proud to show off to someone. The biggest one being my sim racing game. I do feel like the attention could have been spent better but i do feel like the effort that i put into it paid off. It’s really competitive in a sort. Whenever i show it someone and im a couple seconds faster it does make me feel proud because it took a lot of learning to get to this point. I also really like cars so it contributes to my sort of passion
@Stories885 10 ай бұрын
I think the do what works for you method is important. My limit with video games is about an hour. They just don’t hit me like they used to.
@JamesBond-sr7fw 6 ай бұрын
That’s you dude I have 3 degrees and worked in over 10 different companies in the engineering field and I played video games, not allot but some. I think like everything you can’t over do it.
@MineCreed 2 жыл бұрын
this needs to go viral, great video bro
@preml-ch3rp Жыл бұрын
But it will never go viral and it's the sad truth
@Mr.Coffee576 2 жыл бұрын
I think Hamza means multiplayer games when he says "video games are bad". Because he constantly brings Runescape as an example which is MMO, and MMO games are designed to be addictive. Especially modern MMO. Which is not the case for all video games, because a lot of single player video games aren't addictive, has a great story, teach us about morality by making choices and make us more creative. Eg. Mass Effect, Witcher 3, SOMA, RDR2, Deus Ex. I was never addicted to these games, played twice a week for a hour, and digested them slowly like a novel. You don't "grind" in these games.
@Kevin-sf9zr 2 жыл бұрын
You can still spend many hours in Mass Effect or The Witcher 3 but I 100% agree that multiplayer games are much worse, especially nowadays. Competitive games make you spend tons of hours to become good at the game. MMO's make you grind so many hours to level up + sometimes takes over your social life as well. Co-op games may be the best to play if you are going for multiplayer games but like all games they still contain unlockables like weapon skins or other stuff...
@Kristian_2k 2 жыл бұрын
He has said before that the only good in video game you will only do is probably play with friends and have fun.if you play alone(single player and multiplayer) you are basically losing time
@nicksosa8225 2 жыл бұрын
I can actually agree with this, I’m so glad you mentioned SOMA, it’s not too popular but very special to me and one of the few games that was really worth the time in exchange for an experience, especially compared to the multiplayer games that soak up hundreds of hours for nothing new
@robmulder 2 жыл бұрын
Are you unironically claiming that games like Mass Effect and the Witcher 3 don't have a massive effect on the dopamine system...? You make a point that an MMO might be worse than the witcher is, yes, but still, it's the exact same thing that's happening to you. Saying that an MMO is bad while the witcher isn't, is like saying TikTok is bad but Insta is fine to someone that is trying to quit social media. One might be slightly worse than the other, but both are 'bad' for the exact same reason.
@xdntreborn3269 2 жыл бұрын
@@robmulder all games have huge impact on dopamine receptors tbh, that's why I don't play them, I tried playing Serious Sam 4 after 2 weeks of video game break and I got so big dopamine boost and at this point, I was really lazy for few days
@asdfffgfdgdfgdfgdfgdg 2 жыл бұрын
Hey Rob. Can you make videos about how to set goals? I've recently made some changes and told myself my goal is to improve my mental health and body. But for some reason im not satisfied with only this. I think my goal sucks... Also a video about activities we can do on dopamin detox would really help most people . Have a good day.
@exnihilonihilfit6316 2 жыл бұрын
You can write in a journal. You can't read.
@eve_______ Жыл бұрын
Sounds like personal responsibility and not the product. Hate the player, not the game!
@eitkoml 2 жыл бұрын
KZbinrs tell you to quit playing video games, so you can watch more of their videos.
@xdntreborn3269 2 жыл бұрын
damn you can't defend video games like that 💀
@diegol212 Жыл бұрын
Someone had to say this
@barbariangamer6209 Жыл бұрын
i've been a vid gamer almost my entire life the addiction spiked from are 14 to 20 it destroyed me Completly but let's be honest guys it all comes from poor mental Health that over indulge this over Stimlating Activites but thankfully at the end of my 20's i started taking things Seriously to be honest i still wanna play some vid game but only as Reward i also do watch Anime but only the ones i really need to learn something new wether it be Historical, Shoenn, Martial Arts etc
@Shura31412 2 жыл бұрын
To be honest I completely agree with Hamza. It is a distraction from the grim reality at best and takes away your purpose from you. Rather than thinking about my studies, I was busy completing daily quests on Fate Grand Order. Thank God I did not spend more than 1 week playing that game.
@dark-gaming--8232 Жыл бұрын
And i disagree with Hamza.
@dark-gaming--8232 Жыл бұрын
@Patrick Keep in mind, watching movies, TV isn't really any better than video games.
@DarkVirtue97 Жыл бұрын
​@@dark-gaming--8232True, but it's less addictive. It's easier to watch 1 episode of a tv show for an hour then go back to work then to only play 1 hours of video games the go to work
@serkany5905 10 ай бұрын
⁠@@dark-gaming--8232The instant gratification of watching a movie or show isn’t there as it is with video games.
@blue_ish4499 8 ай бұрын
The main issue is technology as a whole we as humans do not work as intended within this world, the non-stop supply of pleasure is a trap (gambling, scrolling, video games, etc), but now it has reached level where people do not seem to be ''there'' anymore and it's fucking up everything, especially for young people, our generation is lonely and without any real purpose but infinite comfort and I believe we need to pause all of this crap before its too late.
@theenigmaticnovaofactivity4065 2 жыл бұрын
Forgive me for coming home from sweating my ass off wiring houses for ten hours and not wanting to enrich my understanding of Hindu eschatology poring over the Bhagavad Gita.
@rubenmedinarosas9490 2 жыл бұрын
Definitely will do that “not play video games” and try at least and enjoy more of outside
@hi-mv7eg 2 жыл бұрын
Well in my opinion, quitting video games was really good cause I found so much more time for important things in my life like school, family, programming and fitness.
@SamuraiMedia907 2 жыл бұрын
Depending on the situation they certainly can be. Been there done that.
@yasin6118 11 ай бұрын
If we don't level up in the real world, there's no reason we should level up in a virtual world.
@AmanSharma-ob4fi 2 жыл бұрын
Well rob you shattered my perception today, I am changing my view now thank you.
@IbrahimHoldsForth Жыл бұрын
my life would legit be better if I had spent the last two years playing video games instead of certain other activities
@imposteronyt Жыл бұрын
By the time you can be free to play games even in moderation, you won't need to. Exercise and focusing on your goals already is the natural way to activate your reward centres in your mind so it wouldn't really serve any purpose to you. When I started making gains I went from playing games daily to basically never without even trying because it's simply not needed
@sarsary 2 жыл бұрын
if u try to avoid ur real problems by playing video games its a reason to make u adicted to it . but in my journey i explore something important about human nature , the balance between luxtury and real life progress can make u strong mentaly and out of stif stuation ... some games has artistic insprations if u pay atintion out of fun ....if ur an artist dont avoid that aspect , some games seems similer to manga storys with deep meanings ...not like marvel and dc superheros ...
@TriggerStand 2 жыл бұрын
Your channel is very underrated
@snowythecolaaddict Жыл бұрын
I'll give my view on things from my own experiences. As an autistic male, I find that videogames are a highly effective way of drowning out anything that may cause negative stress, anxiety and definitely helps prevent sensory overload. When I am doing sport like swimming for example, my mind is focussed fully on the task of completing the set and it's never thinking about videogames. Unfortunately thanks to a suspected nerve injury which affects my right shoulder down to my right hand, I am unable to go to the gym like I have wanted to integrate more into my routine. Videogames are a great source on inspiration I find as sometimes I like to casually draw to wind myself down before I go to sleep. I find that I get more satisfaction out of sport than I do with videogames, this could be due to having a life goal to be a Paralympic swimmer or it could be another reason. This is different from person to person but overall videogames are only bad for you if you don't regulate how long you are on them for. I know someone who I suspect to be videogame addict and they would sometimes call into school sick because their mind was focussed on videogames. People may have different experiences to me and that's fine as overall every human is unique.
@cerradin 2 жыл бұрын
I wish I could enjoy videogames again tbh, nowadays I mainly use board games and simple multiplayer games as a method of social activity with my long distance friends
@khato111 3 ай бұрын
Here's the thing. I watched a video from a medical expert on energy drinks. One thing that he said really stuck with me: he was talking about how he used to have an addiction to energy drinks, and that it's possible to have them in moderation and that it's fine to have energy drinks in moderation. However, he said that moderation didn't work for him. He's just a person who can't have them in moderation. And that's what stuck with me. I have been thinking about quitting videogames, and when I tell people they say "well I play videogames and I'm fine", "oh you should moderate them", but I just don't think it works for me. I want to be bored, I don't want to be so close to something that gives me instant gratification at the expense of what I actually want to do (read, study, try new hobbies etc.). Maybe I am one of those people that can't handle moderation. I need to put my foot down and draw a clear line in the sand. No more games.
@trevishickson3252 Жыл бұрын
That’s the thing I honestly think gaming may effect everyone differently cuz honestly speaking for myself whenever I have to put in work or have responsibilities gaming never clouded my mind the way y’all describe it . Prime example when I’m at the Gym lifting weights bro the LAST THING on my mind is a video game I’m focusing on my form and doing better then yesterday
@philj9594 Жыл бұрын
You are the norm. These people have addictive personalities and are erroneously attributing the root cause to video games and also operating under the false premise that just because they experience something a certain way that everyone else must experience it that way too. Basically they are actually incredibly stupid.
@atomic5366 2 жыл бұрын
i deleted all my video games 5 days ago and i feel more productive, better about myself and i really dont wanna play again, it is really time consuming and there are a lot of toxic people so just trow it away.
@trippledott8729 Жыл бұрын
I have a cousin that has pretty stable career in esports. So i think that video games aren't all that bad but when you're losing focus on your life, health, career etc.. then that's when its bad. Sure you can make a lot of friends and genuine happiness through video games but if thats not happening and your life is not really progressing then that's when you should take a step back or take this video game thin seriously and have a career in it.
@tripaloski_6971 2 жыл бұрын
I just tend to pull myself away of videogames. When I saw this video I just realized that I haven't played videogames for at least 2 or 3 weeks now. Sometimes I get back at it when I have a lot of free time but always get away from it eventually especially because almost all of my friends and I are in university now. Playing alone feels like a huge waste of time even tho I watch netflix in the evening.
@metro2197 Жыл бұрын
@tripaloski_6971 Жыл бұрын
@@metro2197 yooooo
@rohansensei5708 2 жыл бұрын
If you play casually no but if a game makes you go hardcore and makes you grind as much as gym does then yes. I quit fighting games just because of that and trying to remove playing games completely from my daily routine. The only positive effect of anime&video games to my life is they made me go study iaido and thanks to that I've met a lot of people that are absolute chads.
@arkadiuszjandylewski152 Жыл бұрын
I'm addicted to internet browsing.
@dudedude365 Жыл бұрын
Put mobile on gray mode then addiction is would go away
@Yoshsterpalooza 2 жыл бұрын
They’re not bad, people simply have self control issues. It no different that any form of entertainment really, and any form of entertainment, whether it be television, movies, reading, working out, biking, etc. can be distracting
@jamalsdurag599 2 жыл бұрын
@gruntkwintin 2 жыл бұрын
@Yoshsterpalooza 2 жыл бұрын
@@gruntkwintin yea bro, let me cope with the fact I have self control and you probably don’t.
@middleofdecember9862 2 жыл бұрын
Most video games are much exiting than many other kinds of entertainment. give you much more dopamine
@demolitionist42 2 жыл бұрын
@@Yoshsterpalooza cope
@Nizar_chkih_ 2 жыл бұрын
I'am just a 16 years old boy and I'm trying to stay productive by going to the gym read some book and the end of the day I reward myself with playing some games I don't think it's that bad. And I don't know if I'm supposed to follow those self improvement stuff because I think I'm still young for these thing.
@fernandosegovia8806 2 жыл бұрын
I don't know, by the way people are talking about it here it almost sounds like a cult and the way you live seems nice; but hey, it's a different lifestyle, if it peaks your interest, go ahead and give it a try.
@SaitamaRusso 2 жыл бұрын
@@fernandosegovia8806 it is a cult. Beware.
@fernandosegovia8806 2 жыл бұрын
@@SaitamaRusso Thank you for the warning, my fellow Russo.
@uimasterroshi171 Жыл бұрын
Nice opinions, but yes opinions, nothing with real scientific value. Video games are not really a problem. The problem is the world we live in. Why do many have no motivation? Why can many barely move out of bed? Why is our head the entire time by money, work, and planning? When I'm at work and start thinking about how I will play video games later, I'm happy because I have no real problem currently. I have also the luck that I love my job and don't see it as real work. That's an interesting topic but games are just a very small spectrum of it. Games saved me that can I say for me. They gave me the motivation to keep going and did stop me do murder, my old boss because that guy was a walking demotivation incarnate.
@osprey5611 2 жыл бұрын
Alot of people who play video games dont even have fun, they are just so addicted. Like those mmo rpg games where you play for hours doing mindless tasks just to get an in game item and these games have mechanics to keep you hooked and addicted.
@teodortodorov1662 2 жыл бұрын
I stopped video games, because all of them got boring to me. You may be very hyped when you started to play a video game, but later you won`t feel that satisfied as you were in beginning. I still can`t figure why you should sacrifice everything fun in your life to get better. Even if you finally make your dreams come true, you won`t feel that excite as you thought you will. You will sorry for the time you spend on your self-improvement
@hugocerf.91 2 жыл бұрын
I think there are only a few games that don’t destroy your mind : the « strategic » games because it makes you think and create. Not like fortnite, warzone … because you’re just procrastinating while playing them (strategic is maybe the wrong word but u know what i mean)
@jayocaine2946 Жыл бұрын
no, lol. Video games do not make you think, video games make you recognize. The developers did all the thinking for you already. There's an illusion of thinking, but you're not actually problem solving, you're just pattern recognizing.
@mikepat3790 2 жыл бұрын
Every day waiting to see this motivational 10minuits video continiue that
@fabianbm22 Жыл бұрын
Could you do a video categorizing which is the worst of all adictions? Videogames, social media, porn, drugs, parties, alcohol or junk food. Thank you for the video Rob, keep up the good work.
@Jeffy389 2 жыл бұрын
If playing moderately it is not bad. I used to play before more but now even 30 minutes is enough gaming for me but rarely now a days longer.
@dodonodens8802 2 жыл бұрын
I play games for the stake of making videos.
@Jeffy389 2 жыл бұрын
@@dodonodens8802 Thats better because that is something you are driving :) Most of people just plays for fun and for boredness without really any bigger meaning.
@jamesmccloud7535 10 ай бұрын
This is true. I was addicted back then but I got burned out and focused more on self improvement. I stopped playing videogames completely for 6 months and lost the desire to play, so I can say I got rid of my addiction. But a few weeks ago I got the itch to play and I said why not, and when I played I felt like a kid again and had tons of fun for an hour. But after an hour, I started to get bored a bit and my mind started thinking I was wasting time so I stopped. I probably play for an hour whenever I have free time and I finish everything maybe twice a week, but it's far from an addiction now. It's weird that before I could go for 6 hours straight playing, but only playing an hour now I get tired and actually want to do something productive.
@joehidjoestar9882 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve reached that perfect balance. Did a video on how to be productive while gaming
@_ansp_ 2 жыл бұрын
I see video games in moderation to be beneficial. If your someone that doesn’t know how to think quickly or strategize on the spot, then you can seek this through life, gaming or both. It’s kinda like when you lift weights to get stronger. Sure you can seek opportunities to exert strength in real life, but the gym/park is a fixed environment there for you to make controlled gains. But you won’t see many people training over 3 hours at the gym, so why play countless hours on a game at a time. If it’s too easy, go up in difficulty(like going from ultra violence on doom to nightmare) or aim to get more kills in a given time. However, even if it has this benefit to develop the mind this way, still prioritize your… priorities and do the rest when you have the time.
@DaniloOliveiracanal Жыл бұрын
The explanation of being thinking about playing video games while doing some other stuff is what exactly happened to me and bring me here. I was reading my book today, but for some reason I started to think about the game I would Play after that, and how I was excited to finish that book as soon as possible to go and play video game... this is totally sucks.
@philj9594 Жыл бұрын
Dude. That's called being a human being. Wtf is going on here? Okay, you got excited about something... okay now think about this for a bit. Aren't there are bunch of examples throughout your life where your mind got sidetracked thinking about something else you'd rather be doing? Now ask yourself what makes that inherently a bad thing. If the video games are not actually causing a disruption in your life, there is zero harm. Hell, sometimes I'm playing a video game and think about a book I'd rather be reading right now because I'm getting bored of the game! Do we need to cut out both leisure activities now? Yes, let's just work, work, work, to the point of burnout and crippling depression. What a solid plan guys. Absolutely brilliant. There is actually good research out there showing that video games in moderation is incredibly healthy for your brain.
@DarkVirtue97 Жыл бұрын
​@@philj9594you're making strawman arguments bro. He never said "grind, grind, grind till you die" If someone tells you to quit partying or quit porn, or quit video games or TikTok, then they are telling you to work all day ? Where did you come up with that conclusion And yeah, that just proves video games are a distraction if you are doing work and you're just getting withdrawals to play the game. Maybe it shows you have nothing else to enjoy in life. I know that sounds like a harsh conclusion but if you insinuate that no gaming means no fun, then maybe your life isn't that fun. 🤷
@sonicpsycho13 8 ай бұрын
​@@DarkVirtue97 His general argument is still true. It's just being human and doesn't devalue gaming as a legitimate hobby nor signify a problem. Would you say it's a problem if someone was doing some other activity and thought, "I'm looking forward to finishing that book tonight?" Would you call them a reading addict? It's quite common to anticipate things, or they do things that they really don't want to do, but the alternative is less desirable, like chores or exercise.
@bumly7149 2 жыл бұрын
To Rob, I really appreciate your take on this topic. You view the topic from different angles, and you don't project any feelings of shame onto us or generalize all gamers as unproductive and lazy. You simply state the problems that games can have on us without trying to shame or ridicule us or dismissing why some of us would still play games on self-improvement. Hamza was a former addict himself during a time before he started self-improvement. He'd play for hours upon hours each day, and had bad friends, no attention from girls and a pretty unremarkable lifestyle. When taking this all into account, he'll naturally look back on this time negatively and, as a result, project this onto anyone else who plays games. Whilst I agree that self-improvement is crucial for making your life better and more fulfilling, allow yourself to step back from it all every now and then, because you'll only set yourself up for failure and burnout. Whilst Hamza means well with his messages of holistic self-improvement, I don't think that it is good for him to categorize all gamers as addicts with nothing else in their lives. It all comes from a place of being ashamed of his former lifestyle before setting out on self-improvement. Perhaps he'll look back on his hookup days as shameful in the future and make a video titled "Why I hate you if you engage in hookup culture". Suddenly swearing off your hobbies forever is a bad idea, because you'll inevitably regress back to your old habits. You've definitely got a problem if you're playing for hours a day and have nothing else going on in your life. But it's not as though you're a loser if you like to play them within certain boundaries and have an all-around healthy and fulfilling lifestyle outside of game time. Take a break from games for a week or two and see how you feel. Reset your dopamine system, set yourself hard boundaries on your games and prioritise tasks such as work and having a social life whenever you can. I myself am taking steps back from games more and more. Whilst I'm not muscle-bound and able to hook up with girls very easily, I already feel much more in control of other things like my studies and my social skills by stepping away somewhat from things like games and bad foods. I exercise more, I've got a better posture, my grades are improving, and I'm generally becoming a more high-quality man. I have a long way to go before I'm on Hamza's level, but I shouldn't feel defeated or feel like a loser for playing games so long as I set boundaries on them and heavily prioritise more important things in my life. The less you play, the more fulfilled you'll feel in real life. But it's not healthy to swear off games altogether, especially if you project your feelings of shame onto others. (Edit: Ignore the troll)
@jure6528 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with you on this
@exnihilonihilfit6316 2 жыл бұрын
A change of topic: Do you think it was an adequate move, writing a whole essay on your life in a KZbin comment? I think you just indulged an emotion, an impulse - without judging whether you should act on it. From my point of view: - you wasted your time, damaging yourself; - you wasted the time of the people who read it, damaging them (reading the brain-dump of a person of no consequence [judging by your own sitrep] who can't possibly bring value, because he can't create [much of] it - judging from the sitrep, again. I mean, if you were Elon Musk, maybe I'd read but ...); - you, arguably, created no value; Which reminds me ... why am I wasting my time on you?!?! Oh damn. I'm a hypocrite. 😵 OK, I'll try to apply my own principles to my life, that is, have more integrity. Haha. Bye.
@jure6528 2 жыл бұрын
@@exnihilonihilfit6316 what?
@exnihilonihilfit6316 2 жыл бұрын
@@jure6528 What made you think I was talking to you? Did you write an essay here?
@jure6528 2 жыл бұрын
@@exnihilonihilfit6316 you dont need to talk to me for me to comment on your comment lmao, the world doesnt revolve around you. I replied since your comment literally sounds schizo
@fullspeedaheadbarcelona6502 2 жыл бұрын
I’ve stopped smoking now for 2 weeks after many many years of it and now I’ve been relapsing to pmo since I quit smoking. As stupid as this sounds I’m seriously thinking about starting smoking again as I had pmo pretty much under control until I quit smoking.
@Jeffy389 2 жыл бұрын
I first quitted smoke, then sugar, and overall got better diet after all that i started to get over pmo and now i am almoust 2 months semen retention and im getting still flatline but if i would been quitting all those things for all once i think it woulda been too hard, but it is always possible to quit many addictions at once but it is harder.
@hamster1326 2 жыл бұрын
Smoking is way more detrimental than pmo.
@Kaif 2 жыл бұрын
thumbnail made broski look like hide the pain harold 😂😂
@Wantamantra 2 жыл бұрын
Hey man geweldig kanaal, ik hoorde eerst aan je accent al dat het europees klonk maar blijkt dat je ook gewoon Nederlands bent 😂
@tonyp9313 Жыл бұрын
When I play video games for a long time, I don't even feel like playing video games for days. You said you played 1 hour every day & when you were working that you wanted to go home & play that video game? I don't know what you were gaming if it was retro or Modern games but it makes a huge difference. For modern games it feels like a chore. Too be honest if I play a game like The Quarry where it takes me Super long to get through it or try to 100% it, I don't even feel like playing the game for weeks. Which is I did beat now. I still have to go through it to get the other ending. I don't even feel like doing all that.
@lucasdancs 2 жыл бұрын
Tbh it really depends on what type of videogame you play. I think that moderation is the key here and if I play once a week I don't think it's going to be bad for me.
@amarson2322 2 жыл бұрын
@Riadurrohman 2 жыл бұрын
Same for me 30 minute to 1 hours of video game everyday after my daily pray
@fydamara 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah this is true
@exnihilonihilfit6316 2 жыл бұрын
You'll pay dearly for this conviction.
@lucasdancs 2 жыл бұрын
@@exnihilonihilfit6316 Not going to waste time with you.
@Cheessballs Жыл бұрын
When I'm older I'm probably gonna cut out video games but plays it once awhile but more focused on making money because I'm only 14 so I don't really do anything like a job I do have school but that's easy so in the mean while I'm still gonna play video games.
@Lonystal 2 жыл бұрын
VideoGames in themselves aren't the devil. It's your addiction which is ruining you. And it's mostly the multi-player games that completely ruin you. Recently I've really lost the desire in playing videogames. Idk how to explain it, it's like I really want to play videogames and enjoy them but it just doesn't click anymore. And I've figuret out that my "devil" isn't videogames in this case, but it's something else, mainly social media
@StephGoKrazy 2 жыл бұрын
I still don’t understand this I play video games at least 3-4 hours a day, go to the gym , get all my class work done, hang out with friends and family and I read books at least once every other day. Games arent the devil people make them out to be. And on top of all of this I have a full time job. I feel like some people just lack the willpower to pull away but maybe I’m being arrogant. Edit: Motivation is overrated willpower is what you need no one is motivated 24/7 you need the will to get things done not fleeting emotions.
@robmulder 2 жыл бұрын
I can personally also bring up discipline to do the work I have to do, even when I do play video games..., but there is a huge difference (at least, for me personally) between being able to force yourself to do the work you have to do, and feeling that true deep lust towards life and motivation to work towards long term goals you feel when you don't play video games.
@businessisboomin7252 2 жыл бұрын
@@robmulder reaching that level of discipline AND mindfulness will make us "reset" to when we actually found simpler things really enjoyable and time had value. I'm no philosopher or even educated enough (reading books) but I must say that the same way we perceive the animal kingdom for inspiration in all fields, why don't we do the same for kids? We always focus on the elderly or mature ones with wisdom and knowledge, but why don't we go all the way back to the root? We are naturally built in a specific way that gets altered by the external and internal factors alike. Example: kids are mindful, to the point of feeling like the day is too long. They breathe in the correct way naturally till age 5 (diaphragmatic breathing), they get excited by the simplest things, they enjoy what adults would consider "boring", they ask a lot of deep questions that adults Don't even think about cuz adults think what they know is the ultimate knowledge and everything they know about was meant to be that way no questions asked. What do you think?
@lifeenjoyer6077 2 жыл бұрын
@@businessisboomin7252 This is so true, i was thinking about this recently, kids are always so present and grateful for even the smallest things like walking in the park and they find such joy in playing with their friends, they're not afraid of failing or discovering new things, they're always in the search for more adventures, and they are very rarely evil or intentionally deceitful, i know i was that way when i was a kid, i believe one day (probably soon) i can be like that again, of course with a much needed dose of maturity and discipline, but i would like to be that mindful and joyful constantly again.
@midasotm3057 Жыл бұрын
thank you!
@Just_Tries_Stuff Жыл бұрын
I’ll say one thing, video games have strayed me away from all the bad things like underage drinking, drugs, sex all that stuff. Call me loser if you wish but I’m glad I wasn’t indulging myself in all those vices. I have never gone through a “big” period of my life without playing video games so I’ll start on that to see if anything changes. I’m scared if I give up games then my life will grow stale and boring. It was fun escaping to those digital worlds as a kid but now I’m an adult and I need to survive and thrive in the real world. I want to try new things and go new places but how can you leave a place that you known your entire life? Do I have the right to be scared or is it fear holding me back?
@weirdo3116 Жыл бұрын
I just dissagree. Not with your personal anecdote but the overall outlook on video games.
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