YES! A new Krasny video! You are my all time favorite youtuber and your rant videos and podcasts are my favorite. Even though I don't always agree with you, I love how you express your opinions and explain yourself.
@AlexKrasnyPrime6 жыл бұрын
Thank you, you are very kind :D
@rigfar916 жыл бұрын
i enjoy watching you rant on stuff. thanks for making my friday better
@adammalone83096 жыл бұрын
Solid vid. Another possible comeback for the "vegetable farming exploits people too" argument is that it is possible in principle for crops to be farmed without exploitation. Meat always requires killing the animal.
@xenoblad6 жыл бұрын
The "utopia" fallacy reminds of the phrase "don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good".
@AlexKrasnyPrime4 жыл бұрын
Good one!
@GIX11086 жыл бұрын
From a Christian standpoint being vegan doesn't really make a lot of sense. God put animals on this planet for us to use, so there's nothing wrong with breeding and slaughtering livestock for our consumption
@AlexKrasnyPrime6 жыл бұрын
Please watch the documentary "Earthlings" (I believe it's free on youtube) and tell me that if Jesus Christ saw that he would give us the thumbs up and say "yeah this is pretty much what we had in mind." #Jokes. But seriously, this isn't really true. in the Garden of Edan when you could argue man was "most pure" and "closest to God's image" Adam and Eve ate only plants. Additionally, in the afterlife when once again you are closest to god there is no slaughter and no eating meat. Only on earth when we are free to sin do we torture and murder God's creatures for no other reason than carnal pleasure. Maybe if you had no choice BUT to eat a pig you could argue that God gave you the pig to save you. But that is not the realty we live. You have a CHOICE of what to eat, and when presented with this choice a meat eater chooses to cause maximum pain and suffering. I think that is what God is looking at.
@GIX11086 жыл бұрын
Genesis 1:26 Genesis 1:28 Genesis 9:3 1 Timothy 4:3-5 There are many examples in the Bible both Old and New Testament that say that animals were placed on here for us to consume. God, in his covenant with Noah, (which applies to both Jews and Gentiles) that we are allowed to eat anything that moves. That verse from 1 Timothy is also very clear about what God thinks about eating meat. Now, God wants us to be humane to animals. That means that we cannot torture or beat animals, but slaughtering them, as long as it is for food or materials (like leather, tallow etc...) is fine. It is not murder. To use that word I think is untruthful to the definition and unfair to those who were murdered. You cannot murder and animal because animals to do not have souls in the sense human's have souls. The church teaches that animals will not be judged by God. You can kill an animal, but it is not murder. I do not know if you are Christian, but understand that there is no moral initiative to be vegan or vegetarian in the eyes of the God. However, we are supposed to not be cruel to animals and to not be wasteful. Love your videos, hope this may add some insight into your veganism. (but this may mean nothing to you if you're not a Christian ig haha)
@AlexKrasnyPrime6 жыл бұрын
Well we are certainly both cruel and wasteful when it comes to eating animals. Once again I stress that what we do to them is completely unnecessary. If Jesus Christ was presented with a choice of what to eat, a basket of fruit or a living goat I have a very hard time believing that a benevolent kind person would ever choose to murder the goat. The choice is yours to make. But having "permission" doesn't mean you are free from any ethical considerations.
@alessazoe6 жыл бұрын
Maybe there is just no god who created anything... it’s big bang, evolution and stuff.
@pownasor36 жыл бұрын
GIX1108 why would any God put sentient suffering beings on this planet just to be used for our pleasure? we can live tasteful and healthier, longer lives without eating them. I know plenty of Christian vegans btw where does god or jesus mention that its okay to treat anyone as less than yourself? because before Adam and eve ate from the tree of knowledge they were pure hearted nudists who lived in a garden... and after they Raped, Killed and Enslaved other people! Let alone the voiceless animals.
@BlackMasterJoe896 жыл бұрын
That's a funny shirt in the background. "I don't eat anything that poops." A variant of the saying "don't eat anything with a face." And I miss watching your videos! I still miss the podcast with Yury where he always mentioned his girlfriend Chloe lol
@charlesmasden4546 жыл бұрын
I'm definitely not vegan and I love quinoa. Is cruelty free really the best argument they could come up with? As a vegan do you own anything made of leather?
@gromigur6 жыл бұрын
Friend of mine was Vegan but still wore the old Leather Shoes his Grandpa wore before. If someone Vegan would feel bad surely not. If you use the ecological and other Reasons but are like Alex (have been a Meateater and changed ) then you would probably use it, just not buy a new one. There are very few Reasons to eat meat in a civilices Country (though I eat meat cause I am weak willed and love the taste. Try to reduce my consumption though)
@AlexKrasnyPrime6 жыл бұрын
Cruelty free isn't my argument, certainly not one I came up with. But it is one of the arguments people like to harp on to show that vegans aren't actually superior because they "participate in cruelty" when they own a phone, or eat Quinoa" I have never purchased (knowingly) a leather product since becoming vegan. That being said, unfortunately my car has leather seats... But I am not in the position to just get a new car so for now I am stuck with it. But I have a synthetic winter jacket, canvas shoes, a cork wallet etc... I will never knowingly purchase leather, wool or down ever again.
@viviceilo20516 жыл бұрын
@@AlexKrasnyPrime Buying vegan food is not cruelty free,its animal cruelty free,but thats also not true. Crop harvesting kills dozen of small animals. And if not that,then humans used in the harvesting for crops(slaves,not paid wages etc) are also used for the food on your plate.
@AlexKrasnyPrime6 жыл бұрын
You are doing a good job naming other problems which we need to work one. But the primary one is to not pay people money to cut animal's throats.
@xenoblad6 жыл бұрын
@@viviceilo2051 Don't animal products use up MORE crops? Livestock have to eat crops too. Due to Trophic levels, about 90% of calories are lost each step up the food chain.
@johnnytremp6 жыл бұрын
Do you not believe that plants are living things too?
@AlexKrasnyPrime6 жыл бұрын
I agree that plants are livings things. But they are not sentient beings.
@johnnytremp6 жыл бұрын
First google result for sentience in plants: "Plants sense light, but they also communicate with one another using chemicals. They “know” when they're being touched. They integrate all of this information without the kind of neural system that animals have. And they have memory-the ability to store and recall an event at a later time." Maybe they are? P.S. When is the podcast coming back? :) P.P.S. here's another interesting article:
@AlexKrasnyPrime6 жыл бұрын
All of these plant sentience articles are based on the same research which is often misconstrued. Plants reacting to stimuli has not sentience. Plants do no feel "pain" because pain is a defense mechanism animals have evolved to avoid damage which is beneficial to survival. it makes no sense for a being without the ability to get away from pain to feel pain. That would be a tremendous waste of evolutionarily resources. Also in a general sense, a plant's method of reproduction is to be consumed and processed by animals. All of those is irrelevant of course, because even if you feel sympathy for the plants, you would do the plants a greater justice by eating them directly. As I said, many more plants are killed and eaten by animals which are in turn killed an eaten by us.
@viviceilo20516 жыл бұрын
@@AlexKrasnyPrime Ergo plants r sentient