Atheist Testimony

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By popular demand, here it is. I hope you enjoy it. Apologies for the erratic editing job, the video was edited down from over 20 minutes to just under 11, so the whole thing is rather cut up, but it gets the story across well enough I think.

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@sbrunell777 15 жыл бұрын
I don't know why you were so hesitant in posting this video I personally found your testimony to be very interesting and unique. I'm very glad you posted it.
@bewarethelizards42 15 жыл бұрын
This was worth watching, definitely.. glad you posted it :D
@freethinker3161 15 жыл бұрын
im really glad you had posted this. you could just switch your friend for my mom and it's the same thing. only i read Harris and that's when i became a full blown agnostic, now atheist.
@jewsforjesus 13 жыл бұрын
@slipperywhenwet5 Sure they seem happy, but like the grass it will soon fade and die, the happiness God gives is eternal. It is more than human emotion, it endures the most painful moments in life.
@ThoughtfulAtheist 15 жыл бұрын
i should say there are *almost always* more proactive methods of punishment than life incarceration....there are ALWAYS more proactive methods than capital punishment.
@jewsforjesus 13 жыл бұрын
@slipperywhenwet5 What about the Japanese or the Bible belt tornado victims, the Gospel has already been brought to these countries it is God who judges the hearts of people. Death is a sad and terrible thing, but it is nothing compared to eternity separated from God. Just because you cannot conceive God being able to give everyone an opportunity does not mean He cant. The rain falls on the righteous and the unrighteous.
@happytrailsgaming 14 жыл бұрын
I can relate. It sounds like God did answer your prayers that one night asking for comfort by giving another chance with your best friend. Come to find out your best friend didn't turn out the way you wanted him too.I had the same issues growing up with religious do's and don'ts resulting in huge resentments. Come too find out later through seeking the Truth that no matter what... it's about a personal relationship that no human can render. It's about Grace, Faith,Hope,Love. God Bless
@joep1432 13 жыл бұрын
So in the same way you could not know God was there to help the night of the party because you dont know him on a personal level. Read his word you will find comfort in it, it is his truth all the way.
@AncientAtheist 15 жыл бұрын
Definitely was worth posting. I can honestly say - I never went through my agnostic Jew phase. :) And after that story, I so glad I didn't. When I went from religion to atheism, it happened pretty fast and there was no real agnostic or other middle phase at all. There was a couple of years of teenage questioning, and when I came out of it on the other side it was -- I'm an atheist.
@jewsforjesus 13 жыл бұрын
@slipperywhenwet5 So you think it is because she is religious that she misses the dog more than you or maybe she is not afraid to show it?
@joep1432 13 жыл бұрын
Brother God has sent his comfort long before you asked for it but in your distress you were too blind to see that his comfort is in his word you did not feel Gods presence because you did not know God. Example: If someone very close to you dies and says I will always be with you and through out your life you think of that person or see something that reminds you of them then you feel their presence at that very moment because you have a memory of that person or knew that person...(continued)
@ThoughtfulAtheist 15 жыл бұрын
I do not think of vengeance as a virtue. They can do no further harm in why should they need to be punished? There is far more good that can come from them while they are still alive. Tis the human condition. Some people are good, some people are not so good. I gain no pleasure from assuming they will be tortured for eternity.
@happytrailsgaming 14 жыл бұрын
God wouldn't want to punish him..That's not God's nature.. He would want to lead your dad to repentence and healing. Same for you too
@ThoughtfulAtheist 15 жыл бұрын
I think the focus should be "what good can come from these bad people" rather than "these people deserve to be punished". If you want to look at an admirable, humanistic approach to law and justice, take a look at norway.
@slipperywhenwet5 13 жыл бұрын
@JewsForJesus Atheists are the happiest people I've met. To say you cannot be happy without god or Jesus, or to say its worse then death is avoiding the plain and simple evidence, something theists do often.
@joep1432 12 жыл бұрын
@ThoughtfulAtheist may god reveal his glory to you and bless you with his abundant joy, peace, and love amen!
@selious04 14 жыл бұрын
@ThoughtfulAtheist, I also realized that everything I researched pointed to Jesus Christ. So with a desperate heart I asked Jesus if He is the True God then I repent of all my sins and ask for forgiveness and to show me He is the One because I don't know what to believe anymore. At that moment I felt the most beautiful peace fill me, I've never been able to feel during New Age practices. I realized the truth that day. I've never let go of the Lord since, nor will I ever.
@GodWithUs777 15 жыл бұрын
I think talking to this gentleman will only fuel his fire, he wants to be challanged and that is why he is broadcasting himself. Pray for him, pray to the Almighty God for thoughtful atheist, do not condemn him.
@ThoughtfulAtheist 15 жыл бұрын
its a bit more personal. You can ask 3 atheists and get 4 opinions on that one...but for me, I would say my purpose is to generally seek happiness, and to help others be happy as well. To gain knowledge that I may pass it on to the next generation, and to find love because love is the greatest of all human experiences.
@ThoughtfulAtheist 14 жыл бұрын
First of all, I dont think I ever had any REAL conviction to kill myself. I was just drunk and depressed. Secondly, I interrupted myself and THEN noticed that someone was waiting for me. So God would have had to have been using ME to save my own life...and I definitely didnt feel any divine presence that night.
@ThoughtfulAtheist 15 жыл бұрын
The big bang was discovered as a scientifically viable theory about 40 years ago by a vatican priest. That there are similarities between the theory and what is said in the quran only goes to show how sensible it is. Difference is, big bang is not proven, and it does not imply god, and it is not universally accepted among scientists. I completely disagree about the existence of supernatural beings.
@ThoughtfulAtheist 15 жыл бұрын
Are there not repercussions you can not lawfully oppose upon him? It is you're choice to do so. Is it not POSSIBLE that he may be rehabilitated so that he may be a positive force upon humanity? Or is your hatred so great that you can not allow the possibility? Is his fate not within your ability as a positive member of society? I think it is...
@slipperywhenwet5 13 жыл бұрын
@ThoughtfulAtheist 15 жыл бұрын
this was a remake...the first one i thought was very dry and boring. But thank you for the compliment.
@ThoughtfulAtheist 15 жыл бұрын
Im referrng generally to the bible, but...if he can cause no further harm to your life, what further vengeance must be exacted upon him? What other punishment must he receive in your eyes? Would the almighty, all-powerful god who is just and fair have put you through such trauma to begin with?
@ThoughtfulAtheist 15 жыл бұрын
seven skies?
@ThoughtfulAtheist 15 жыл бұрын
If your pain is in this life, and his punishment is in this life, why must he suffer for eternity? To satisfy your personal need for vengeance? I don't think thats a very admirable position to take. I imagine belief in God must at least be prerequisite for heaven, yes? If so, the good one does is not the only factor for their acceptance. If not, then what is the purpose in believing in God at all?
@ThoughtfulAtheist 12 жыл бұрын
@joep1432 I was not an atheist the first time I read the bible. Not by a long shot. I looked at it longingly with faithful eyes, as Im sure you do even to this day. But I was also a lot younger and much more gullible. I think I liked most the stories which could be interpreted metaphorically or sometimes even literally with these amusing and interesting anecdotes that seemed to have moral value. When I got older, and re-examined them, I was horrified by the lessons actually being taught (cont)
@joep1432 12 жыл бұрын
@ThoughtfulAtheist that i was i am truly sorry for it. As for this statement (Religion is not about finding truth, its about finding solace.If you want truth, the scientific method is the only known means to it.) I believe that they are one in the same for the simple fact that with truth you find solace in it for if you know the truth you could rest easy. Its like your scientific method when truth is discovered by it does that truth not bring you some kind of solace....
@ThoughtfulAtheist 15 жыл бұрын
Current science has a number of plausible theories for the creation of the universe, including the Big Bang, which is widely accepted as the most likely scenario. Truthfully, however, not many scientists will tell you that is for sure what happened. No, I dont think the universe is perfect at all. Everything that happens in the universe has naturalistic explanation. I have never seen anything that has supernatural cause, and I don't think anything supernatural has ever happened.
@ThoughtfulAtheist 15 жыл бұрын
If your father is dead now, I would say you should move on with your life instead of taking pleasure in imagining his pain. As for creation, I go with the most current answer science can provide us: I don't know. I can guess, but I don't know. I don't see how its a relevant question for my life either. As I said before, if God created the universe, its fairly clear to me that hes had little/no input since then. That is deism and it in no way supports dogmatic faiths.
@ThoughtfulAtheist 12 жыл бұрын
can bring one solace. But so can lies and hallucinations. I would argue that religion is like a drug for you, the high from which can last a lifetime. The difference between your philosophy and mine is that I do not need science for my solace as you need your faith for yours. Science comes out with new discoveries all the time, and I find it fascinating, but it brings me no greater COMFORT, just greater intellect. My solace comes from within, and I dont NEED to know the unknown to justify it.
@happytrailsgaming 14 жыл бұрын
@MissHope23 It only hurts you when you don't forgive just saying. One thing i don't quite understand from your comment is that the people you do forgive aren't judged by God based on your forgiveness? The three that is... If so how can anyone including yourself be forgiven? If it's based on human efforts....Just wondering
@ThoughtfulAtheist 15 жыл бұрын
so you believe in hell as the only form of vindication upon him that MUST be fair...that MUST be true? right? Only god can punish him for what he has done? If he has done you so wrong, it is your obligation as a human of no less and no greater value to remove him from your life. Failure to do so is no fault of anyone but yourself. God, if you you truly look into the scripture, is NOT just and fair. If i were you, I wouldnt trust him either...
@happytrailsgaming 14 жыл бұрын
@MissHope23 Well first only he and God know his heart so with that said...but the important part is that you have forgiven him through the forgiveness God has given you. So pray for him and accept whatever God's will is. God bless! :)
@ThoughtfulAtheist 15 жыл бұрын
right...and there's plenty of stuff in there thats NOT scientifically viable...the fact that they got it right on occasion doesnt really impress me. sorry.
@slipperywhenwet5 13 жыл бұрын
@JewsForJesus My dog I've had since I as long as I can remember died a couple weeks ago. I got over it in a couple of days, but my very religious mother still gets upset about it occasionally.
@ThoughtfulAtheist 15 жыл бұрын
Yes...all of it. I do not believe in a creator.
@ThoughtfulAtheist 15 жыл бұрын
ill get right on it. While I do that, I hope you will be searching for some intellect. Thanks for the comment.
@ThoughtfulAtheist 15 жыл бұрын
wrong...they get punished in this life...not the next. punishment for atrocities against humanity should not be ignored. However, there are more proactive methods of punishment than life incarceration. Again...take a look at norway.
@ThoughtfulAtheist 14 жыл бұрын
@selious04 There once was a muslim named humpty dumpty...and he sat on a wall until one day he fell off it and broke every bone in his body. Then a bunch of pagans came on horses and tried to heal him, but they could not. Then, suddenly, humpty dumpty had a vision of jesus in the clouds and so he said "I believe in Jesus as lord" and suddenly he was able to walk and move again. Unfortunately, all the worlds fairies died in the process. Come on man, you dont actually believe this BS do you?
@ThoughtfulAtheist 12 жыл бұрын
...In this story, I am not blaming God, I was expressing the first time I realized that there was really no one there. I remained an Agnostic Jew for 2 and a half more years after that point, fully entertaining the possibility of the Abrahamic god. I certainly was not an atheist from the start, and I didnt say that in the video. I said I was an atheist for a lot longer than I realized by the time I started calling myself one. I called you an asshole not because I think you are one (cont)
@MichaelMcAllister 15 жыл бұрын
See but that's the thing that I take issue with. Why is God so selective, especially if we are to believe that he/she/it is everywhere? T. A. seems like a good guy, does he not? If your mom or dad didn't lend you a hand in one of your greatest times of need, I'm sure you would be very upset. You might not even talk to them for several years because of it, no?
@ThoughtfulAtheist 14 жыл бұрын
@selious04 sounds to me like "swallowing bs without inquiry" is something you've made a habit of...and are quite content with. Have fun with that.
@joep1432 12 жыл бұрын
@ThoughtfulAtheist ("Nothing will turn someone into an atheist faster than reading the bible cover to cover.")............ Well your right because you are already an atheist your already mad at god or the idea of there being a god so of course reading the bible will will make you feel that way cause you gave it no chance from the begining. And i did not imply anything i merely gathered my conclusion from your video post you try to blame god when hes not the problem its the relationship that.....
@ThoughtfulAtheist 15 жыл бұрын
of course, that evil place you speak of, will also contain all the good people of the world that didn't happen to believe in Jesus, or Muhammad, whatever your belief is. And what if something terrible were to happen again? Would you still view it as a test? And if you're so much better now because of it, why should he be punished so severely? You make it sound like he did you a favor. I know you can't possibly believe that.
@ThoughtfulAtheist 15 жыл бұрын
On a very basic level, I believe that you die and are absorbed by the earth, becoming nutrients for other life. I dont view it as reincarnation. I have a few videos on this, i would recommend going through them. Start here: watch?v=EJ7aMHgilr0
@joep1432 12 жыл бұрын
@ThoughtfulAtheist So if my statment is true then by your own words the scientific method is also not about truth but finding solace in understand the unknown. Plus science in itself is proving more and more these days that there has to be some kind of higher power (jesus) but in the end brother i ment no harm but to merely show love by sharing some of what i know to be true by experiance
@ThoughtfulAtheist 12 жыл бұрын
...but because to be SO incredibly presumptive as to assume that YOU, someone who Ive never met and who is getting all his information on my transformation from one with faith to one without it from a 10 minute video, could possibly have any insight into what my relationship with God was or wasnt and then tell me where I went wrong with my a MORONIC, CRUEL, and unapologetically ASININE thing to say. And finally, on the matter of solace vs. truth, it is true that truth (cont)
@ThoughtfulAtheist 14 жыл бұрын
@selious04 which lies would those be now? Im a preacher of doubt, pal...I demand proof of things before I take stock in them, and I strive not to hold beliefs. People like yourself are willing to die for their beliefs...and worse yet, kill for them. Not me, I dont have beliefs like that. I have ideas. Ideas are malleable and improve as newer, better information comes in. If a feeling in your tummy gives you enough meaning in life, have fun with that. Try not to hate what you dont understand.
@slipperywhenwet5 13 жыл бұрын
@JewsForJesus And the Japanese...?
@mariepadilla6106 14 жыл бұрын
@ThoughtfulAtheist lol!
@joep1432 12 жыл бұрын
@ThoughtfulAtheist you had with him not he with you because he sent his comfort way before you ever asked. But you didnt know to look in the bible for it from what i drew from your video post other wise i believe that you would have found it and you would have never posted such a video unless like you said you were already atheist from the start you just didnt know yet so i truly dont feel like i was being an asshole towards you as much as i was trying to be loving and helpful but if you feel...
@ThoughtfulAtheist 14 жыл бұрын
Its a good thing you believe that intellect wont save anyone in this life or the next...because you clearly have none yourself. Im not arrogant nor ignorant, and my age has nothing to do with it...furthermore its not a trait of all atheists, and that you think so shows how foolish you really are. Your supposed wisdom is a hoax, a facade on which the entire meaning of your life is hanging. The meaning and value of my life is far from non-existent so be mindful of the ignorance you spread here.
@ThoughtfulAtheist 14 жыл бұрын
*Yawn*...the same tired arguments all day long... YOU are the only people saying something came from nothing, science doesn't say that. Look up the watchmaker fallacy, itll do you some good. Oh, and the fact that you are content in that your feelings of emptiness are subdued by a fallacious belief in God is your own perogative. When it comes to happiness vs. truth, id rather have truth every day buddy. Now go and your imaginary friend should go play outside.
@mariepadilla6106 14 жыл бұрын
@ThoughtfulAtheist LOL ur a funny guy
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