Broadway MUSE and Maestra discrimination update!

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Kevin Lynch

Kevin Lynch

11 ай бұрын

Hey friends! Today, I'm addressing my previous video on Broadway discrimination. I received a demand letter from MUSE and Maestra, so I'm sharing my experience with their application process. My opinion is that I've faced discrimination because I'm not a woman or non-binary.
They denied my profile without valid reasons and haven't responded to my requests for a conversation. I believe art is suffering due to identity politics and gatekeeping. Check out the screenshots for more details. Let’s discuss the importance of fair opportunities in the industry.
#Broadway #Discrimination #EqualOpportunity #Theater #Fairness #ArtAndCommerce #SpeakUp #MyExperience #OpenConversation
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@TheHManShow 11 ай бұрын
Rather than promoting togetherness like they say they’re doing, they’re actually pushing people away! Shocked but not surprised honestly
@PhantomOperaWickedTheaterPhan 11 ай бұрын
I hope your situation improves. On a side note, I paused the video and read your resume and it is very impressive! I know you are well-versed in music and have had a lot of experience with it, but it’s amazing what you have done and continue to do. It’s awesome. Thanks for speaking out on this. I love your content and don’t stop what you are doing! You are an amazing musician and contributor to the arts! Thanks
@KevinLynchNJ 11 ай бұрын
Thank you! It's all good intentions here. I want everyone to have a fair shot at these things.
@PhantomOperaWickedTheaterPhan 11 ай бұрын
@@KevinLynchNJAbsolutely agree!
@mustuploadtoo7543 11 ай бұрын
Please make more analysis videos, they are the best thing about this channel 😅
@mustuploadtoo7543 11 ай бұрын
But I also understand that you can use your youtube platform to speak out on issues that seem unfair to you, i hope it works out in the end with you and MAESTRA 🙏
@KevinLynchNJ 11 ай бұрын
I like what they are doing, but this one I feel they got wrong!
@user-hg4xs6qg2p 11 ай бұрын
Two things can be true at the same time: Broadway pits are insular and homogenous, and there is some long overdue work that needs to be done to make them reflect the beautiful diversity of music and musicians. However, the way this experience went about it could have been handled in a more productive, less reductive way. If anything, I hope Maestra and MUSE will do what they say they will and offer more opportunities in the future, encouraging more pits to open their doors to new voices from all walks of life. P.S. Georgia Stitt's husband is Jason Robert Brown, who has had 8 shows on Broadway, every single one of which, including the 3 that have opened since Maestra was founded, has been music directed by white men.
@DMasterChifu 7 ай бұрын
ooof! miss me with this video.
@genesis631 11 ай бұрын
Having the criteria being race based to correct the lack of representation has good intentions, but isn't practical or sustainable if the ultimate goal is to be judged based on your work. It's too messy. There has to be a better way. No matter where people stand on it, a lot of this sort of this will now be challenged in a really messy way based on the precedent SCOTUS recently made. What is the end goal ultimately and how do we get there? I really think theater in general needs a total make over and it just needs to be way more accessible in general. A lot of the art coming out of Broadway specifically feels so insincere and pandering like New York, New York.
@KevinLynchNJ 11 ай бұрын
Agreed! Broadway pits are so tightknit that you have to know someone to get in there. This kind of opportunity would have been golden if everyone was welcome to be part of it.
@genesis631 11 ай бұрын
@@KevinLynchNJ that's so disappointing. I thought you'd for sure have Broadway credits. I don't know why people would be surpried to hear that people on the outside of the industry would want an opportunity like anyone else. No one can control the cards dealt at birth.
@KevinLynchNJ 11 ай бұрын
Exactly. As the great philosopher Gaga said, “No matter gay, straight, or bi', lesbian, transgender life I'm on the right track, baby, I was born to survive No matter Black, white or beige, chola, or Orient' made I'm on the right track, baby, I was born to be brave I'm beautiful in my way 'cause God makes no mistakes I'm on the right track, baby, I was born this way Don't hide yourself in regret, just love yourself, and you're set I'm on the right track, baby, I was born this way”
@user-pi8mt3rq4x 10 ай бұрын
The elephant in the room: that there are in fact limited opportunities for artists of any and all stripes. It is all corporate run and profit driven. If it does not make money for the oligarchs of society, it is not done or at the least deemed not worthwhile. This leaves artists scrambling for crumbs and trying to make sense of it as if things would be all right if only we distribute the crumbs equitably! Or worse, those who think that there are equal opportunities but only prejudice is in the way! What if it were not profit driven, but art driven instead? Hey--capitalism is a problem if not the problem. Just saying.
@cessna2737 10 ай бұрын
You can't run a broadway show with no money, genius.
@KevinLynchNJ 10 ай бұрын
Your comments give me life 🥰
@user-pi8mt3rq4x 9 ай бұрын
That isn't the issue. And, name calling is apparently necessary for you? @@cessna2737
@kittee6409 11 ай бұрын
Can we see exactly what you sent to them? I agree that these programs are discriminatory 100%, but it's hard to have a full opinion on the discourse between you and the organizations when we didn't see what you said.
@landontheicon4591 11 ай бұрын
why dont you update your profile picture
@KevinLynchNJ 11 ай бұрын
I updated everything just for you ;)
@s.j.johnson1961 11 ай бұрын
You are being barred. And labeled. Does it make sense to combat racism and exclusion with racism and exclusion? Not to me. I’m sorry you’re being discriminated against by these apparent hypocrites. The industry needs to start looking at a person’s credentials and talents rather than their race and gender, which should be irrelevant in this case. You are right to speak out and have the right to defend yourself. Keep up the good work!
@jonathanhart5257 11 ай бұрын
I have family, friends and study with professors who play/sub in broadways pits, how did they get there? Hard work and moving up the ladder. A problem with this, and our society overall, is people don’t understand hard work; people want everything to be handed to them on a silver plater. This whole situation is ridiculous, I remember not even 10 years ago when this wasn’t even a thought…simpler times.
@Blackkittymom 11 ай бұрын
Bravo Kevin! You already know how I feel but wanted to publicly support. As a woman I get to voice my opinion (it shouldn’t matter but the shrieking trolls will want my identity card lol) that I would never want doors opened because of my immutable characteristics. I want to make good art and be seen as a good artist, not a diversity hire. This is only creating division and makes people suspicious when jobs are given to people in these groups. Nothing you said here was mean or malicious. And Georgia if you’re reading comments… considering who you are married to, it takes a lot of audacity to criticize and demonize powerful white men. Who would you be if not for your direct proximity to one of the most powerful white men in the industry? Hypocrisy is gross. And hiring anyone not based on merit and talent is ruining the arts. It needs to stop. I want more Kevin’s in this industry! Anyone else reading this, hire this man. He’s super talented and a super good guy. That’s the kind of person who deserves work. Broadway is so full of blatant nepotism as it is and these programs only proliferate that. On another note… art should be about ART. It is not a human right to be on Broadway or be in a Broadway pit. We should WANT to give paying audiences the absolute best and we are not doing that in a lot of cases right now because we are putting identity politics at the forefront and not the art. And it is damaging the industry. Just read the numbers. Look at the companies shuttering. The products we’re promoting are not bringing in audiences. And it’s time to stop blaming the pandemic.
@KevinLynchNJ 11 ай бұрын
1000% agree thank you! Great points. These people also fail to see that the fact they are even at this level just shows their privilege.
@whatdoyousuppose 11 ай бұрын
I’m stating my opinion and this is what I think: I have truly tried to hear you out on this but I’m sorry it’s just reading as “white cis man doesn’t get 1 (one) opportunity in a sea of privilege and is whining about it”. This is not a great look. You may not have had the same resumes as other white cis men but that doesn’t make you inherently more deserving of being included with those who are SYSTEMICALLY oppressed and marginalized, like the system was not built for women & trans folks/NB ppl & BIPOC to be a part of it, it was built for people like you regardless of where you came from or if you have money or connections or Broadway credits already or whatever, it will always favor white cis men bc that’s how it was built. So the one opportunity out there that is encouraging women/non-binary/BIPOC people to have their voices amplified in a system that was, may I repeat, never built for them to succeed to begin with is now overlooking you and telling you that you are not who they are looking for right now for this - maybe now you understand how we feel, but multiply this one opportunity with the HUNDREDS that have always existed and will always exist for white cis men, even if not expressly written as such. It’s not just about equality, it’s about EQUITY and leveling the playing field, if you can’t understand the difference between these two and why equity is what’s being demanded by those systemically ignored and oppressed routinely because of their identity, I just don’t know what to say. Just because you’re a cis white man who doesn’t have Broadway credits, you seem to be equating yourself to women, trans people, non-binary people and BIPOC bc you think you’re on the same level only because you’re just a cis white man without Broadway credits - that is abhorrent. So you’re saying a woman is a man without Broadway credits, like what are you trying to say there? Are you saying women and people of color are just the same as if white cis men but had less power or influence? Please clarify bc if that’s so, that is ridiculous! What you’re saying could set a very dangerous precedent. We already saw affirmative action done away with by the Supreme Court. What kind of world do you want to live in? What do you want these organizations or people in employment positions to do for you? I’m genuinely asking. What you need to be doing is applying for these jobs just the same way the rest of us all do without an organization bolstering you up because your identity does not necessitate the need for the playing level to be leveled. I don’t put myself in any of these directories for my work and I do fall under categories with my identity where I very much could. Maybe you just need to work harder. You’re not being discriminated against because you are not and never will be a person impacted by systemic oppression- look up what that means if you’re confused. Do you have women and BIPOC close to you in your life to talk to about these issues, how do they feel? Do you know how much harm you are causing even if unintentional? Impact > Intent and I fear that what you’ve done here, regardless of intent, will have a far wider reaching negative impact to your career than had you just stayed in your lane. If you care so much about not being hateful and lifting up voices who get systemically oppressed, your actions do not align with your words and that’s a problem. What made you want to apply for that opportunity? What made you want to try to join but ultimately call out these organizations? What is your need goal here? I’m giving you an opportunity to talk, and maybe you should take it before you unintentionally harm others again, you’re lucky I’m patient and am open to dialogue. But you have to at least hear me out first and not shut me down because of what I’m saying or what you perceive my identity to be bc I just sat here and listened to you explain your issue and I couldn’t just sit here and not respond. Also, unrelated , what are your thoughts on the Barbie movie? peace & love ✌️🫶
@Blackkittymom 11 ай бұрын
I’m a woman. I don’t think he’s harming me. As a woman I don’t want to be given jobs because of my immutable characteristics. Being on Broadway is not a human right it’s art. We need basic human rights for all and we need to give beautiful, organic art to the world. Have you seen Broadway lately? Have you seen who works in pits? I know plenty of very diverse people working in all areas. These groups just cause division. That’s why it needs to be called out. It’s not helping it’s hurting. It causes more nepotism when you’re brought into certain circles. Working hard when there are blatant politics at play doesn’t get you anywhere. There are hundreds and hundreds of insanely talented hard working artists who cannot get into the right rooms and in front of the right people because they don’t know the right person. I know way too many insanely talented people who deserved work and never got it because they don’t know the right people. These groups breed more of that kind of thing. It’s all toxic. Now go ahead and tell the woman why she’s wrong and mean like Kevin. Also who is he actually ‘harming’ here. Not me. How insulting to be seen as so weak, frail and incompetent that this is something I would see as ‘harm’. Do you think so little of women and our abilities? Yikes. If you think actual harm is someone telling a very well thought out opinion backed with evidence publicly, congratulations you my friend are privileged.
@whatdoyousuppose 11 ай бұрын
@@Blackkittymom I’m also a woman, hi! And I’m of the global majority. And I was harmed by these comments! Just because you personally weren’t harmed, it doesn’t mean that these comments weren’t harmful, that should be a simple thing to understand. It’s almost like we’re not a monolith, that’s kinda crazy huh? Like one experience doesn’t invalidate another huh?? Multiple things can be true at once! I work in the industry and I have seen Broadway lately, I know people in the pit and the people directing them. I’m telling you right now that what I’m hearing from Kevin has left a negative impact and I am asking very candid questions to try to get to the heart of this issue, I’m trying to make sure I’ve fully heard him out before it blows up into something else entirely. I’m open to this dialogue. I don’t have Broadway credits. Do I attribute that to my identity? Yes and no, but mostly no, it’s complicated! There are two separate issues at hand here, and if we conflate the two, that is where things could get extremely dicey. Nepotism is one issue, the other issue is systemic oppression. You didn’t at all address how I’ve been saying that the system was built for a specific demographic from the ground up and how that demographic, regardless of how they personally on an individual level have benefited, but rather how they as a demographic as a whole have benefited, holds the privilege in this situation. I need you to tell me what you think of affirmative action, because that will inform where this conversation will go. I’m not saying that people deserve opportunities just solely because of their identity, I’ve never said that in this entire exchange, in fact, I’ve been arguing pretty much the opposite, and I’ve been telling you that people deserve equity not just equality. I am once again asking, what kind of world do you want to live in?
@Blackkittymom 11 ай бұрын
I want to live in a world based on merit. Would you want your doctor picked solely based on merit or by their immutable characteristics? Supporting women solely based on being a woman is not good feminism. It’s tribalism. I don’t care what our former systems looked like. Women have made great strides in the world because of their strength and talent and hard work. You’re not harmed. You’re just fine. If you’re not you need therapy, not everyone else needing over backwards to coddle your sensitive feelings. I worked my way into my circles from literally nothing and no contacts. Just hard work before any of this nonsense took hold. And trust me, women were doing fine. You do realize that Georgia Stitt is married to Jason Robert Brown, one of the most powerful and privileged white men in the industry right???? And Georgia bullies the very type of person she directly benefits from. How do you square that with her behavior? We don’t need people like her as women being such a bad representation of being in the industry and making more barriers for truly talented people to get work. I’m sorry but if I had to choose between spending my money on seeing a well written, moving piece of theatre by a white man or a mediocre, pandering, forgettable, virtue signaling piece by a woman, I would choose the white man’s in a heartbeat. And since you’re so bent on how the ‘system was built’ (once again this is ART not food or shelter or transportation or education etc etc this is a LUXURY good) you’re right! This art form was built off of European operetta and opera which was founded and developed by wait for it… white European men. This is a truly Euro centric art form so YEAH it will have leaned toward that demographic. And they will have perfected the art as it’s been their wheelhouse for decades and centuries. And that’s ok. That’s how art forms work. No one is ‘entitled’ to participation in an art form. If that were the case the debate in ‘appropriation’ would need a big overhaul. Your worldview is based on extremely modern and narrow concepts that lack the bigger picture. As a woman it would really help if others of us would use some logic and rational thinking to not make us look so weak and fragile and uneducated. It seriously does more damage than good which is what Georgia is actively doing. Women have talent and can move up the ladder without being tokenized.
@Blackkittymom 11 ай бұрын
@@whatdoyousuppose also probably best to stop wasting both our breaths. I will never side with your mindset. I find it incredibly condescending that people would think as a woman I need unearned handouts just for being a woman. But I wish you luck with it. My money will go to supporting good art and the people I want to work with are the kind who want to make that good art. Not to people who just share my identity. That’s what religious people do.
@KevinLynchNJ 11 ай бұрын
@Blackkittymom I absolutely agree with you. Even them using "white cis man" tells me they have a prejudice and bias towards people who look like me, yet they don't even know me, my character, my kindness, my good heart, my flaws, or anything! Insanity.
@cessna2737 10 ай бұрын
When they're presenting the opportunity as only available to members of these organizations and you are expressly prohibited from joining the organizations, it's reasonable to conclude that you didn't get a fair shake for the opportunity based on your non-membership they had a hand in. Those statements they said were defamation are definitely not. The letter was intended to scare you. Their lawsuit would get dismissed after you file a motion for summary judgment if that's the best they can come up with. Those are reasonable conclusions you made based on how THEY framed the application process. Also, this Idiot lawyer should learn what defamation per se means. If you had said these organizations were sex trafficking children, that would probably qualify as defamation per se. All you did was offer an opinion/conclusion that many other people made when they saw the posting. Nice try Kunal Shah, d u m b f u c k at law.
@Isa-qz9mb 11 ай бұрын
We should not be hiring people just because of their skin color, race, sexuality, or gender at all. If you really listen to that it’s actually discriminatory itself. You get opportunities because you’re good at what you do and reliable and you fit the role.
@KevinLynchNJ 11 ай бұрын
Legit all the arguments should be summed up with your comment. This is exactly the point!! Thank you.
@Isa-qz9mb 11 ай бұрын
@@KevinLynchNJ okay I have to tell you btw your “I know things now” behind the score has helped me wonders!!
@KevinLynchNJ 11 ай бұрын
The irony! I am planning to create more videos!
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