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@generalshockwavekingpin326 Жыл бұрын
Interesting to note that JKD instructor, Chris Kent, said that Bruce Lee was very interested in wrestling and submissions. JKD instructor, the late Larry Hartsell, who was also a friend of Bruce Lee, said that Bruce Lee wanted to include more wrestling and submission techniques into Jeet Kune Do than it already had, but sadly, Bruce Lee died, before Lee could incorporate them.
@koden24 Жыл бұрын
You could tell that in unfinished game of death, the fight with Kareem, and enter the dragon, the opening fight with Sammo, where Mr. Lee was heading!
@ainako255 Жыл бұрын
Do you think most of JKD now just tries to live Off of Bruce Lee's legacy?
@benm8274 Жыл бұрын
@pancho43 Жыл бұрын
@@benm8274 Nobody cares about Bruce Lee and even less people know that he had his own martial art called JKD. When you say that you practice Jeet Kune Do people ask is it something like Aikodo or Taekwondo because of the word DO. When you mention Bruce Lee people tend to think that you jump around whipe your nose like Bruce did and scream like him and that you are a show off. So to answear your question, in 1975 you could make money with Bruce name today in 2022 you can make money with MMA, BJJ or when it comes to Self Defense Krav Maga. So no, all those JKD instructors are Bruce Lee fans and they're the reason this art still exists. In 50 years it's very possible that JKD will die out. Because kids wanna do MMA or Kickboxing.
@matttheamerican3766 Жыл бұрын
@guillermoletsworkitout3522 Жыл бұрын
I heard he did a fencing stance and use boxing and made it work with every style
@anthonyallen3328 Жыл бұрын
What happened to jkd practioneers??? They don't do the sparring. Anyone who does functional sparring knows the principles of JKD alone as a stand-alone is not enough against a resistant opponent. You need to learn standing wrestling and some submissions to learn how to finish an opponent if needed. That's why Bruce went from JunFan to JKD because it was more than just the principles. It was gearing to sparring and learning other arts to help round you into a complete fighter. The original JKD practioneers are still stuck in 1964. Without other functional skills. It's difficult to just finish a determined person with intentions to kill you with just a straight blast alone . You have to consider plan B for knowing you may need to clinch, so you need to learn how to clinch wrestle to use foul tactics and finish your attacker. If you go to the ground, BJJ is not the only answer you can use catch wrestling as well to control your attacker and prevent a weapon draw. All fights should start on the feet and end on the feet, not on the ground
@MousyBScrappin Жыл бұрын
This was a solid video. The info regarding Bruce’s 1st attack makes so much sense in light of his interest in fencing and emphasis on building so much off of the straight lead.. Love seeing solid reality based takes on Bruce because his real thoughts are much more interesting than any of the nonsensical myths floating around about him. It’s those same myths that feed haters like Chael who say dumb things for attention like Bruce was a complete puss who couldn’t fight, which is then Parroted as truth by his followers & it just muddies the waters unnecessarily.
@MrKeepnit100 Жыл бұрын
It's just like Confucianism\Buddhism more of a philosophy than an "art". But PHYSICAL CONDITIONING WAS KEY TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF SKILL. The problem with most "masters" of it is they treat is as an art and have no concept of the reality of what is going on these days.
@lannelbishop3668 Жыл бұрын
Dr. Ummah I came to a very similar conclusion 30 years ago. Guru Inasanto in my opinion was never really into Jeet kune Do besides being a good friend of Lee and status , fame and money that bought him. Dan was way more into Filipino Martial arts and Muay Thai. Bruce Lee simply didn’t have enough time to shape his art the way he truly wanted through trail and error. Dan’s senior students simply bought into BJJ. It’s like Kyokushin was awesome in the 60’s then Oyama got too famous got swayed by Japanese celebrities and Kyokushin became rockem sockem robots. Tadashi Nakamura and Shingeru Oyama’s systems are better version of Kyokushin They developed more technical systems. Joe rogan is the best salesman BJJ ever had. All that bullshit about there so much to learn until you wreck your spine. I love karate because I have long limbs and I could hit people before they came hit me most of the time. Boxing , karate and judo are the arts I studied. I always admired wrestling but I’m not athletic enough to wrestle properly. JKD produce some good martial artist and fight film choreographers but not too many ring fighter which is fine in my opinion. Some martial arts like knife fighting are not meant to be witness. If Bruce Lee were alive today JKD would look totally different. It would different drills and it would have katas and two man forms.
@TheUmmahFightCamp Жыл бұрын
That is a very very controversial statement on the "kata" and two man forms that I never thought about! I think you are on to something though! I think he would have found them to be necessary.
@johncarroll772 Жыл бұрын
Are you serious have you ever read what Bruce said about Kata. More like shadow kick boxing practice.
@miketurley3296 Жыл бұрын
Subscribed because this is the most logical coach on the Net ... The Logical Fight Camp
@TheUmmahFightCamp Жыл бұрын
@miketurley3296: Thanks dude!
@lsporter88 Жыл бұрын
I agree. I would also add, if a system doesn't work on both the battlefield and the street, against multiples, with weapons's not a comprehensive system, maybe not a good one for true self defense either. Great commentary.
@kennethkotelo893 Жыл бұрын
Dude, I made the same point about wrestling to someone using your same logic and they didn't understand me. I told them that if you can't use a martial art in a streetfight against more than 10 opponents then that martial art is useless
@lsporter88 Жыл бұрын
@@kennethkotelo893 Some people just aren't that smart. I'm not trying to be mean, but they're stuck.
@kennethkotelo893 Жыл бұрын
@@lsporter88 I agree, I think it's because we've gotten too used to debating as men. I think men should settle debates through fighting (obviously there should be some exceptions). I think debating should be left to women because I think because as a society since we have been debating far more than when I was a child, I think people have come to the idea that debate solves all issues. Personally I think there are certain things we shouldn't debate because doing so legitimizes evil (by entertaining it). If we had fistfought over those issues we would not have had to tolerate so much evil because we tried to show it respect instead of sending it straight to hell
@kennethkotelo893 Жыл бұрын
The reason I think debating should be left to women is because it's a waste of any man's time to debate an issue if he can use the threat of violence to settle the issue. That's a better test of leadership and competency than winning a debate
@johncarroll772 Жыл бұрын
Jesse Glover said that Tommy Carruthers was the closest martial artist to Bruce that he came across.
@shadeedmuhammad8107 Жыл бұрын
Well the brother brings up good points. I would like to add 1. Martial art as we know seem to be more of the Asian people from of a reglion/way of life. Use to organize people and give guidance and structure to a society. So that's probably way it does not seem so practical. Through the age seems like it became a from of meditation through practicing it as a fighting from 2. Martial arts forms come people who are not big people as a whole. Therefore martial art is a SELF DEFENSE concept for protect. Protecting not only oneself but protection for a person at a disadvantage. At the time the people were rule by kings and their armies. Seems like everyone want to make an offensive concept but to me seem to counter attack at most. 3. Lee's fight style seems to be to get your opponent out of the way the fastest way possible. You should not be in a fight forever. If so then it becomes a show for others or an ego problem. To hit first and know your opponent out should be everyone goal. Not to show who is the best at fighting.
@williamcryts5337 Жыл бұрын
Really people should just buy Lee's books and be done with it. Thats what he would have truly wanted. You going STRAIGHT to source materials, learning from them, taking what you need. Your art would never be another mans art. He was also heavily influenced by fencing. its where he created his one inch punch. funny enough these techniques existed in pugilism but he never found a direct source of it. He reverse engineered what he learned in fencing and "created" techniques that he did not find yet. It why he was also so obsessed with what you call the "first attack". Fencing has a huge love of single tempo actions. To attack and defend at the same time is considered some of the best techniques. this effected him greatly it seems. In historical fencing these were called mastercuts in German tradition. He had a huge collection of books and he tried to understand what he needed and what he did not. It makes you truly wonder what he would have done if he didnt pass away young. TLDR go study! Go read books! Go watch fight footage!
@tyronemorales8848 Жыл бұрын
Another great video sir
@koden24 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Sir. I thought the same thing to, but your points are spot on. Would you say Bruce displayed a lot of His combinations in His movies more for show, for the movies itself, with some realism, or the opposite, if what I’m trying to say makes sense!🤜🏽
@MG_Is_Here Жыл бұрын
In the 90's, Dan Inosanto started incorporating a considerable amount of Silat martial art systems into JFD which some of the old school JKD practitioners objected to this. Do you think Silat added or took away from what JFK was supposed to achieve?
@Danny-el7ok Жыл бұрын
It got diluted any not efficency and simple like food curry's all different types jkd got fucked
@RDraGon2179 Жыл бұрын
Yea, I haven't heard much on the original Jun Fan Jeet June do in a while. Mostly JKD concepts which is inosanto took it in a different direction.
@tonybreez2480 Жыл бұрын
Great points. C u next week
@TheUmmahFightCamp Жыл бұрын
check to make sure I am in town.
@mikea7732 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video sensei! I've got a question for u actually. What are your thoughts on combat sambo as a martial art? Do u see a benefit to learning it instead of just taking mma?
@TheUmmahFightCamp Жыл бұрын
Will do a video on that (GW). I have a spin on that that sits outside of the box.
@mikea7732 Жыл бұрын
@@TheUmmahFightCamp oh that's going to be interesting. I have a combat sambo place across town and I'm itching to go, but I'm curious what your thoughts are
@regcatdog Жыл бұрын
some good points.
@omaromar9427 Жыл бұрын
What you think of pual vunaks’s more modern with a mixture of different styles
@RevInstone Жыл бұрын
Look into what Paul Vunak is doing. Progressive Fighting Systems, his take is most likely the route Bruce would have gone.
@TheUmmahFightCamp Жыл бұрын
Paul still does that stupid running in straight blast! LOL. The whole eye jab thing is tired too. To be honest, I have not seen one JKD dude that looks like he could handle himself in a real street situation.
@TheUmmahFightCamp Жыл бұрын
Paul has great ideas though, like biting Kuna mutai. But still needs to let somethings go.
@ciphbudd7102 Жыл бұрын
@miketurley3296 Жыл бұрын
Coach. What you think of "Wing Chun (Do) TM trade mark . By James DeMile . I tried their introduction class. In Livonia Michiga. @. Ambrose Academy. Thx Sir
@conorfields604 Жыл бұрын
Judo or wrestling sayfe? Seems judo has the advantage as they know how to use the handles of clothing rather than body locks only
@conorfields604 Жыл бұрын
Would u do a video on Michael jai white and his opinions on Bruce Lee
@TheUmmahFightCamp Жыл бұрын
Micheal Jai White AND Micheal Bisbing are wrong!!!! They are way off and don't know what they are talking about.
@quinlannorment2561 Жыл бұрын
I believe he developed his own technique of wing chun. as what I can see from jeet kune do is personalization one's own technique. But that's my opinion sir you actual have good points though.
@lanceriley753 Жыл бұрын
Peace UNC it's the lineal champ need to get your email address again because I have some questions about how to utilize my fighting skills and a realistic setting been taking kickboxing and Brazilian jiu-jitsu trying to blend and merge them properly and I've got a couple of concerns I wanted to address with you for street fighting purposes
@TheUmmahFightCamp Жыл бұрын
@Danny-el7ok Жыл бұрын
Some of Bruce's students live of his name to make money adding kali silat Thai to it impossible to learn 5 arts in a lifetime and be top level jkd original stuff never gets outdated
@ainako255 Жыл бұрын
maybe not master 5, but learn a bit and then working them into a gameplan. Sayf has frequently said he learned at least 5, if not more. it's in his video on being the best Martial artist in social media. have done the same, including MMA Coach Erik Paulson. And others And JKD was originally at least a mix of Wing Chun, Boxing, Taekwondo, Savate, Fencing, and possibly Karate. And if you look at some of Bruce's books, he mentions and has pictures from many more arts - he just filtered it out.
@TheUmmahFightCamp Жыл бұрын
@@jack_tisson4256 I prefer to say that I "Can teach 5 arts from binning to advanced". Dont really like the whole "master" thing. Too final.
@kubikiribasara3499 Жыл бұрын
Great 👍 video sensei!! Great points!
@kubikiribasara3499 Жыл бұрын
Sensei you SURE have a way with titles. I read this one. And I just HAD to save it for later with some popcorn. Very very ear catching title!
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