I disliked this ad. I did not like this ad because you do not use any Swedish products. Why do not Burgerstore have any collaboration with Swedish companies and their products?
@BurgerstoreSweden3 жыл бұрын
Hello! Thanks for Your respons. Actually we use a lot of Swedish products in this AD, Burgerstore spices are made by use locally, all metal smash tool and griddles are made by us locally in our hometown and stands for a large part of our sales and advertising. The Kamadogrill is from the Swedish company Kamado Sumo. Looft lighter is from the Swedish company and are invented by Richard Looft (Swedish). 85% of our suppliers are from Sweden. Such as as Skånsk chili, Zigges bbq, Lagritos, el chivo , Ciona Umani , Öchips from Gotland , all asortment from Kockums .. Tools in Wood. Yes we could go on with the list ;) We appreciate the you brought this up, it can get us to really enlighten this!