Cadbury the Cottontail Rabbit - 3 Years Old

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Cadbury is now 3 years old and is still doing great. This video shows him running about the bedroom while Diego (black and white cat) observes him. As you can tell, he is very much a happy bunny even though he doesn't live outside as a "wild" cottontail rabbit. Cadbury has remained completely healthy and even has become more tolerant of visitors to his rabbit room. He has also been trained to jump on my shoulder for a treat (wish I could get a video of that!). He will sit on my shoulder as long as I keep offering him treats or fresh veggies. You can read more about Cadbury's story at
By the way, I apologize for the video portions that are out of focus. It seems that my camera's auto-focus mechanism was not working properly with the low light levels of the bedroom. I'll try something different next time.

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@moewilson4605 7 жыл бұрын
I owned a wild eastern cotton tail for three years. A few days ago I found her laying on her blanket and hay, dead from a stroke, the vet thinks. She was my Bon Bon and we had a good three years together. I loved watching her do her nocturnal binky moves. I never caged her and she was toilet trained all on her own. I figure the three years was a gift for both of us, as I saved her from a crow that dropped her on the road in front of me as a wee baby. Good bye sweet Sidey.
@aleksandramakari 4 жыл бұрын
I had one named bun bun too. But she got released into the wild. Mine rn can't be released, and that's why I even have him.
@mjbiswingingit5347 4 жыл бұрын
Rescued one today being attacked by two crows. Poor thing didn't have a chance. Wet and cold. They pecked the fur off its rear and it was bleeding. Got some things to take care of it at our local country max. Wounds aren't fatal. Was a bad day for this little bunny.
@mjbiswingingit5347 4 жыл бұрын
P.s. it's name is Autozone for the mechanics rag I wrapped it up in. It wasn't very dirty.
@Carolina-wt6be 4 жыл бұрын
@g.s.632 4 жыл бұрын
Thank the Lord for you ! May she rest in peace, she sure will
@PR0JCTD 3 жыл бұрын
I still have my Wild cotton tail her name is bun buns shes 11 years old at the moment, I remember when i called the wild life foundation and asked what to do and all they told me was it should have a heart attack within the first week of stress i was like THE HELL IT IS im so glad to see other people able to doing the same by taking in rabbits that have been abandoned at a young age and raising them.
@paleo704 3 жыл бұрын
@GWIShades 3 жыл бұрын
I know this post is a bit old but how did you go about treating you bun for certain health issues and trimming their claws and such?
@GreekGirl0918 2 жыл бұрын
Any updates on the bunny?
@PR0JCTD 2 жыл бұрын
@@GWIShades When she was really young I got her in the habit of being handled so she’s easy to trim up sometimes this doesn’t work for all pets my old veterinarian use to suggest “knocking them out” if they’re to uncontrollable meaning drug em up but I would expect a dosage for an animal that small to be even less then an Dog/Cat etc
@PR0JCTD 2 жыл бұрын
@@GreekGirl0918 Yeah next time I’m in my old town I’ll drop by my parents place and take a quick video and post it onto KZbin for people interested.
@Punkpsychobilly 4 ай бұрын
I see that even the cottontails take on the standard orb shape while in captivity.
@adrenalinewill 4 жыл бұрын
Cottontails are adorable!
@bvby.daijah4696 7 жыл бұрын
Hello my name is Amanda, in early June of this year I found a baby cotton tail rabbit on my back deck. Unfortunately one of my cats took the bunny from the nest and left it on the deck. Ever since then we have been taking care of him. We named him Bunchie. My female cat named Paris loves him to pieces. I didn't think that he could be domesticated, but I was wrong. He is now a part of our family and wouldn't change it for the world. I love your video, and how your cat just sits there and watches the bunny!!!!
@dehartlaub 6 жыл бұрын
Amanda, I hope your bunny is doing well. Make sure to get him neutered at about 5 to 6 months of age. And at 6 months old you will need to start adjusting his diet to that of an adult rabbit. If you ever have questions about him, please feel free to contact me as I had great success with Cadbury.
@Ashleybyrd1992 6 жыл бұрын
dehartlaub hello. we just rescued one from my cats mouth. it got injured but the skin didn't break it's just a baby. I really need some help. can you please give me your email address to contact you ? thank you.
@MrMiami4vip 7 жыл бұрын
coolest Rabbit ever
@e1i6 Жыл бұрын
Seeing these videos make me happy because these animals are friends and it's nice to see them live on through the comments
@noraraeafm 2 жыл бұрын
I just rescued a cottontail with back leg paralysis, I'm so happy to see they can handle home life well
@Breakthroughthematrix 3 ай бұрын
So adorable ❤
@larryhost9851 11 жыл бұрын
What an exquisite creature.
@GonzoLuvsYaoi 9 жыл бұрын
My stepdad brought me 3 cottontails once. He works in a Landscaping Company and once in a while they run into a nest with babies but at the time a few bushes had to be removed so he didn't want to leave them their without any protection so he ended up bringing them to me. I'm not a licensed vet or rabbit expert but I know a lot about animals. The first few weeks were kind of hard because they still had their eyes closed so they still depended on mamas milk. I used cat milk as a replacer for rabbits milk and they took it right away. As soon as they were able to eat then I weaned them and changed their diet to grass, veggies, and pellets. Now the rabbits are about 4 months old now and they are happy and healthy.
@dehartlaub 9 жыл бұрын
GonzoLuvsYaoi .Gonzo You are very fortunate that they survived, as nearly 90% of young cottontails die in captivity in the first few months. It will be time to get the cottontails spayed/neutered in another month or two. Also, you will need to switch them over from alfalfa-based hay/pellets to timothy-based hay/pellets in the next couple of months. That will be healthier for them in the long run.
@GonzoLuvsYaoi 9 жыл бұрын
dehartlaub I've heard those statistics but I honestly believe it depends on the person who is taking care of them. Baby cottontails are not as needy as a puppies or kittens that needs to be feed every 2 hours or so. I feed them once in the morning and once in the evening (about 5 mins ). As soon as they opened their eyes I introduced them to grass/hay and pellets and of course I still gave them their usual amount of milk as well. Then in about 2 weeks later of this, I changed their milk for water and began to give them a number of various greens and other rabbits foods. Honestly I must say they did grow up so fast. T-T but in the end it was worth it. The one male shall be leaving soon. I've contacted a friend of mine who works as a vet and she owns about 2 acres of land. I told her about wither or not I should get them spayed or neutered and she told me how she recently adopted a few domesticated pet rabbits about the same age as the cottontails. We have made arrangements and she will be taking him. Cottontails don't breed with regular domestic pet rabbits so their is so fear of them having babies in the future.
@happywife6193 6 жыл бұрын
@babymammoth1213 5 жыл бұрын
hey I have almost identical situation as you! I got 4 baby cottontails when my parents in law had their fence rebuilt and workers accidentally destroyed their nest. They were probably 1 week old. Now they are one month old and weaned. I kept them in the cage because they pee and poop everywhere. Are your bunnies also in a cage or are they free roaming inside house? Did you get them potty trained? Thanks ahead for your reply :)
@johnsheppard1476 4 жыл бұрын
@@GonzoLuvsYaoi they actually do!Even lions and tigers have ligers-needless to say that European wild,domestic and cottontails are perfectly breeding as despite diversity of appearances especially among domesticated ones all rabbits are *one species* :cottontail and European are actually subspecies and domestic and European are actually one subspecies!So despite for example a continental giant rabbits being 25-30 and more kilograms of weight and being over a metre long,which have ears actually literally large enough that an entire adult cottontail can fit in it,being on average 1.5 kilograms of weight in comparison to 25-30 kilograms and more which is up to 20 times bigger-yet they are still one species and yes,you can breed them to each other!
@PaulWillliams 2 ай бұрын
He is so adorable
@Xamsims 2 жыл бұрын
Don't get why some people say you can't keep a cottontail as a pet. I had one back in 2005 bc my dad caught and brought it home lol. He was a sweetie but needed training and getting used to people like any other rabbit, in the end he got used to us and loved cuddles and pets. He lived until 2008-09 if i recall.
@dehartlaub 11 жыл бұрын
Cadbury gets the same diet as my domestic rabbit. What this means is that he gets mostly timothy hay, one handful of timothy hay pellets a day, one baby carrot each day and a small saucer of veggies once a day with one grape, small slice of apple, etc. for fruit. You should not be giving your bunny milk unless it is 4 weeks old or less, and then it should be one of the milk substitutes recommended on rabbit websites. Please send an e-mail through KZbin if you have further questions.
@aleksandramakari 4 жыл бұрын
Give them lots of milk when they're babies, especially if raising them to release back into the wild. Give them fat you know.
@Ninja0608 2 жыл бұрын
My gf and I just rescued a baby bunny from a crow and are now caring for it. It’s cool to know others have also met wild rabbits. She is very skittish though. Slowly but surely though, she seems to love us.
@colleenrusso9379 2 жыл бұрын
Wow it sounds like my story. Slowly ours let’s us pay him longer then a second and it’s when I have his treats. I’m hoping that it gets better. I’m constantly googling what can a rabbit eat and not eat. I know he LOVES cilantro. Good luck
@smv1013 4 жыл бұрын
That’s a happy wabbit 😁🐰I found one in a trench about a month ago he was very little now he’s bigger and loves to hop and run/jump in 360 and wat not.
@0xenfreeArt 10 жыл бұрын
People say it was really hard to raise a cottontail because of mainly their diet, baby rabbits needing certain neutricions, can you tell me how you raised Cadbury? Not just what you fed him, but when did you get him (Was he found or bought/given) and how did you raise him, as well as advice what to feed them as they grow. I want this for future reference, I'll probably own a farm so having wild rabbits running around digging up crops will be a bad thing. Also, I caught a baby rabbit once, and it wouldn't eat the lettuce or carrots we gave it, when we set it back outside for the night because it wouldn't eat, it just sat there the entire night and didn't budge. I kind of want to know if it was still nursing or was scared enough to starve.
@dehartlaub 10 жыл бұрын
Baby cottontails are very hard to raise, with up to 90% of them dying within the first couple of months. Cadbury was nearly 4 weeks old and weighed 4.2 ounces when I rescued him from the front yard, so I was able to feed him normal rabbit food (hay, pellets, some veggies, etc.). He was the first cottontail that I ever rescued that ate in captivity, as most are too scared to eat. As for the rabbit that you caught, he was probably scared to death and may have gone into shock (which would explain his behavior when you released him). If he weighed less than 4 ounces, then he also may have been still nursing. Feel free to send me an e-mail and I can give you more info on raising a cottontail rabbit, as it would take a lot more space than I have here to explain.
@haileystout8641 6 жыл бұрын
I have a cottontail right now, I just fed her goats milk every time she looked restless. And she has grown full size. 😀
@haileystout8641 6 жыл бұрын
She now eats hay and pellets.
@aleksandramakari 4 жыл бұрын
If a bunny is too small, even four weeks, they still need milk. Fresh veggies give them diarrhea, which they don't survive. Alfalfa hay is good for babies, cause calcium. Which makes their pee have calcium in it, Whic you can see, cuz foggy and when it dries, it turns white. Nursing ones are hard to raise, but sometimes we get lucky. Last year they all died though. :(
@sownpeace 3 жыл бұрын
We are taking care of a baby swamp rabbit and doing well. Someone brought us to her from their yard that the siblings left and she remained in the nest. The mother would have come back for her, but the damage was done and the lady wouldn't take it back to the area as we suggested. We syringe fed a mixture of goat milk, cow milk cream, water, critical care for small mammals, and bene-bac bacteria for the gut. Introduced hay and water a week later. She is now around 5-6 weeks and she has gained the necessary weight and skills to be released. It is illegal for us to keep it, or we likely would keep it in an outside/inside mixed area. Releasing this week in protected area. It is so cute, and it will be hard to say goodbye to i but it probably will be happier in the wild. The swamp rabbit, I found out, can swim, unlike it's cousin the cottontail, so we'll put it near a meadow with a pond. Your rabbit is cute. He looks like he is trying to go outside - I do hope that you give him outside time since wild rabbits really need that. I can't believe the cat doesn't go after it!!!
@birdfanboi 7 жыл бұрын
Bugs and Sylvester
@blondespitfire 11 жыл бұрын
Awww...he's sooo cute! And gets along with the cat too! :)
@melaniecarlton9872 4 жыл бұрын
I rescued a cottontail from cats in 2012. Her name is Thumper and she's 8 years old now and still runs amd binkys in our room.
@melaniecarlton9872 4 жыл бұрын
@MaximilianMus 2.O Every couple weeks when they get too long. It's a stressful two person job, but important!
@melaniecarlton9872 4 жыл бұрын
I don't remember exactly when we started trimming them but I'm pretty sure we had her for a few months. I've heard of rabbits getting their nails trimmed as early as 4 weeks old, but I guess it depends. When they're babies, their nails are very thin. I would say use your best judgement, and maybe ask a vet what they think (I'm definately not an expert and I can only share my experience). Is this a domestic rabbit?
@animallover751 2 жыл бұрын
My bunny's a cottontail too!💕
@colleenrusso9379 2 жыл бұрын
My husband found a baby cottontail 2 months ago. I think he was like 9 days old cuz I bottle fed him. Now we have a huge cage and I feed him like a prince. My question is, he’s still very scittish but let’s me pat him more and more but do you think he will get so used to is that he won’t be scared
@glowlighttetra6444 10 жыл бұрын
I hade a wild rabbit but I left the cage open when I went somewhere and he ran away
@lrc3847 5 жыл бұрын
If the rabbit was a pet, it would be returned or be somewhere around you. So it was still wild.
@ratha8799 2 жыл бұрын
@@lrc3847 unless it got ate
@TornadoCrewStormChasers 3 жыл бұрын
I commercial mow in my retirement. I hit a nest killing one. Another one ran from the nest. The third bunny was under nourish and could not stand. His left eye did not look healthy.. I took him home. For two weeks now I have been feeding him 3x a day. He loves carrots and I give him special milk which I bottle feed. He now looks good. Both eyes are good, and he is starting to hop around (though his balance is still a little shaky). He is a boy and we named him Scoober. Not sure if he will ever be 100% to release him.
@aichinnag 11 жыл бұрын
Hello, I have a month old wild bunnie who lives with me for 4 days. he is accustomed to me, eating a lot and sleeping side next to me and also not afraid, playing and running around the house. but my friend want to take him away because he think that he will not survive for a long time and think it feels miserable. what do I do, I give him away? I love him so much and i think he feels happy with me.
@williamsoong2316 5 жыл бұрын
How did it turn out?
@dehartlaub 11 жыл бұрын
Cottontail rabbits should get as much exercise as possible. Try rolling up a towel to put under the doors until she gets bigger. And try blocking off an area for her in your bedroom so that she is less likely to get "lost". She may still turn out too wild as she gets older, so be prepared for that. If you do keep her, make sure she gets spayed when she is about 5 to 6 months old. Hopefully you will be able to rabbit-proof a room for her as she gets older so that the cage can go away.
@Carolina-wt6be 4 жыл бұрын
ADORABLE. They both are. How was the process with the cat?? He's so comfortable around him.
@euphoria.yunjin 3 жыл бұрын
even the cat is like bro chill😂
@klolwtf6973 2 жыл бұрын
super kewt!
@loisrichardson7811 10 жыл бұрын
Just curious as to how Cadbury handled being spayed, any problems with the surgery? I have four cottontails that I bottle fed that are too tame to go into the wild again (plus I didn't raise them to be food for an owl) . I'm a little worried about how they will handle the stress of being spayed and neutered when the time comes (they are only 6 weeks old now).
@dehartlaub 10 жыл бұрын
Cadbury had no problem with being neutered, although it was a little bit of a challenge for the vet. He was eating as soon as he got home and showed no negative effects from the surgery. So as long as you have a vet that is rabbit savvy, then you should not have any major problems. Please e-mail if you have any other questions; I'd be glad to offer my experiences with a cottontail rabbit.
@GWIShades 3 жыл бұрын
Hi i know this video is quite old but hoping someone may stumble across my comment and be able to help. I've had my cottontail Fee for about a year now and i hand reared him from just 10 days old. I tried to take him to a wildlife foundation but they said they would only euthanize him. I opted to take car of him myself and he's overall in fairly good health. He seems a bit small for his age but maybe he's just a runt lol. Anyways i don't know how to go about treating him for common health issues, nail trims and other common things like that. All the vets i called told me its actually illegal to have him as a pet in my state and they wouldn't treat him. He's very friendly with me but doesn't like being picked up or held so u don't know how to go about trimming his claws or treating him for issues like ear mites. If anyone with experience could give me some advice id greatly appreciate it!
@mizv6769 3 жыл бұрын
Hi! I also have 2 wild cottontails that my husband and I saved. The mother was brutally killed by a neighborhood cat along with their other siblings I assume, so we saved them and took them in. They were 10 days old and no one would take them and also said either release them or they would euthanize them. I just couldn’t put them back outside at 10 days old because I know they would die. I was also told they would never survive being in my home that they would die from stress, but they are so healthy and do great and we can’t just release now. I am following your comment because I am also curious as to how to get them care since they are illegal and vets won’t care for them. Hopefully if one of us figures it out we can tell the other!! Good luck to you
@GWIShades 3 жыл бұрын
@@mizv6769 if i do get a response i will let you know! Good Luck with your buns!
@walterhartwellwhite6788 2 жыл бұрын
@@GWIShades i also have a cottontail for 2months now he also don't like getting picked or he will just run away in the corner and hide and after some time he comes to me on his own, lowers his head under my palm and tells me to pet him. Does your bunny behaves same as mine
@GWIShades 2 жыл бұрын
@@walterhartwellwhite6788 He will let me pet him when the mood is right lol. I can even get him purring from time to time.
@walterhartwellwhite6788 2 жыл бұрын
@@GWIShades happy to know 😄
@LieuNguyen-mv1ou 3 жыл бұрын
my cottontail rabbit misa that we caught (was chased by an animal) recently died in july. he was attacked by a cat. the cat was an outdoor cat so it’s different and more aggressive. luckily misa survived a few more hours after the event and didnt die immediately
@theajplayer5559 9 жыл бұрын
Did He Get Used To You And Not Get Scared Of You Or Is He Still Scared Of You? Because I Have A Cottontail Rabbit My Self ( AGE 9 ) And We Just Got Her . So After All That Time I Was Just Wondering If They Stay Scared Or If They Start Out Scared. Thank You !!
@michaelschmidt5702 3 жыл бұрын
so cute!
@rachelwinkler6335 4 жыл бұрын
Hello there! I just found your videos on Cadbury! I have a Cotten tail who is about 4 weeks old that we rescued from dogs. She’s very tame and loves my husband and I. I’ve been hand feeding her for 3 weeks now and she’s recently started eating solid foods. But I have some questions if you don’t mind! For instance does Cadbury eat rabbit pellets along with veggies and hay or do you only feed veggies and hay? Also I believe my Cottontail is a female (we named her Hope) and I read in another comment that you suggested to get their cottontail neutered, would you suggest I spay my female and why do you recommend that? Also I saw in a separate video that you have another rabbit and I was wondering if it was easy to get the two of them to get along or not. My husband suggested that when ours gets older to get her a friend but I wasn’t sure that would be safe for them. Thank you for any advice! Love the videos!
@PlasmaCoolantLeak Жыл бұрын
@rayne9889 5 жыл бұрын
@reviewunboxinges3228 3 жыл бұрын
My 10 year old cotton tail died in thahands of a harsh spanish vet last week and I still.cry up to now..shes all i soul died
@allyymariee9715 3 жыл бұрын
Im very sorry for your pet loss. I currently have a rescue inwhich she could potentionally be a conttontail (or jackrabbit) too. When i first got her i started noticing she started getting very random cuts, not "bloody cuts" but like a rip in her fur but not to the point you were able to see blood. Did you ever run into this issue? Ive done every bit of reasearch onto why this could occur, ive done all my research on trying to tame her and bond with her and allow her to freeroam. I always blame myself and asusme im not doing good enough and just think i should give her to a wildlife rescue center because i only want her to be happy and healthy. i try everyday to figure this crazy story out.
@hotsauce153 4 ай бұрын
Is it an adult?
@LiLiotL 5 жыл бұрын
i know this video is super old, but how did you get him so used to the cat? like how did you introduce them? and how old was he when you did?
@sinofgod6665 4 жыл бұрын
The cat is we got a bird dog that doesn't mess with chickens, hunts pheasant only. I think they ate the bugs near him, but no special training... could have a special catnip toy that's used to tucker out the cat. good stuff tho, to break away from one's instinct like the cat
@sketchvigilante 5 жыл бұрын
I have a wild cottontail rabbit as well, I had her since 2012. She was about 2-3 months old (based on her appearance) when I got her. I was wondering how your rabbit seem more friendly, my rabbit usually runs away. Is there any tips to make older rabbits get used to your presence or bond?
@ImGoingSupersonic 3 жыл бұрын
He doesn't like being picked up correct?
@EllaTrigger Жыл бұрын
Once I graduate next year after ima bring my rabbit to new home and get rid of the cage since we live in small house in my new house I want a room for him
@POSSUM_chowg 5 жыл бұрын
I'm surprised the cottontail rabbit isn't scared.
@kayla-zk6ym 5 жыл бұрын
Hi there! I found a single cottontail bunny in my backyard making a crying sound - almost like a baby bird. I brought him in and I’ve been taking care of him for the last two days. Fortunately I was able to get a very large cage and I’ve filled it with dirt, bedding, grass and hay. I’ve been giving him carrots as well and he seems to like them. I was wondering if there are any tips you could give me in regards to helping him any further? I know the laws of caring for these guys differ in every state, do you take yours to the Vet? I think I should call in today and ask them if they’ll look at him. But at the same time, I really don’t want to freak him out.
@dehartlaub 5 жыл бұрын
You did not mention how old he is, so I am assuming that he is at least 3 weeks old as he is eating solids. I would give him mostly hay (alfalfa and timothy hay, switching to all timothy hay at 6 months old). He should get no more than one baby carrot a day, as too many veggies is not good for rabbits. Cadbury did fine at the vet, but make sure your vet is familiar with rabbits (some are not), especially wild ones. As for the cage, I would get rid of the dirt as it will harbor mold and mildew. Websites such as or will give you good information on rabbits. Cadbury got about the same diet and treatment as a regular rabbit and he lived for 5 1/2 years, so it worked out well for him. However, by the time he was about 5 or 6 months old he lived in his own room and not a cage, as cottontail rabbits will not do well living in a cage when they get older. He was also neutered at about 6 months old which is recommended for any rabbit.
@reviewunboxinges3228 3 жыл бұрын
@GreenTea-kx6ro 3 жыл бұрын
Hello I was wondering if you can keep them as a pet if you catch them we have a bunch of swamp rabbits and cottontails stuff I was wondering if you can keep them inside
@SageIsabella 11 жыл бұрын
me and my love just save a six week old wild cottontail from out cat about a week ago! i was worried that the bunny would be "too wild" for us to be able to keep for a long period of time. but she seems very happy. she is still getting used to everything going on around her. i do let her out everyday for at least an hour in my room and bathroom...but she is so small she can be very hard to find AND can fit under doors....should i wait till she is a little bigger to let her out? her name is Bloo!
@Sy5- 5 жыл бұрын
Sage Isabella how is he today still alive ?
@Alanmesonanddavid 2 жыл бұрын
I found one in my backyard last time
@ahasan1995ah 2 жыл бұрын
He looks so happy doing binkies anyone who says you can’t keep a wild rabbit can stfu
@writteninstars Жыл бұрын
reread what you just wrote.
@maxmadhead423 11 жыл бұрын
hey dehartlaub so brilliant to see you with Larry Host . and I love you rabbit, hope your enjoying yourself xD. very well. me an Larry Host are friends by the way.
@SLEEPDRIFT8964 2 жыл бұрын
excuse me!! As a foreigner, could u let me know how can I own a cottontail rabbit? If so, what administrative processes need to be followed? I have not seen relevant information in many places, if you have seen this message, could you please answer it? i think it will hleps me a lot, thank u !!
@JRChadwick 4 жыл бұрын
How do you find a vet who would care for a tame rabbit?
@jessthemess1988 2 жыл бұрын
I have a baby now I’m trying to raise this is cool thanks
@phaedrabacker2004 Жыл бұрын
Take it for a walk.
@kendravernon2328 5 жыл бұрын
Hello i have a wild baby rabbit his eyes have just opened 3days ago I have only had him for aweek and ahalf have you any tips on what I should be doing next he growen very attached too me and started hooping around d following me today would I have been reading so much about raising him but would love some advice if he old enough to start introducing pellets hay I do give him goats milk he only just started drinking properly last two days of 5ml milk .thanks in advance
@DavidBerquist334 7 жыл бұрын
Cute did you get it out of the wild
@dehartlaub 7 жыл бұрын
Yes, he was rescued from the front yard.
@BlakeTWiley 5 жыл бұрын
How did you tame the cottontail. I have one that I have been working with for 3 months, and they just do not seem to lose that wild nature of theirs. They seem to stay extremely skittish.
@ashleyrobinson7438 5 жыл бұрын
Bro same I need answers, mine hates me and only seems to like me when I give him human food
@ashleycrittenden2417 5 жыл бұрын
Ashley Robinson they should be eating mostly people food (like Italian parsley, spinach greens, Etc.) they also need a bunch of hay. A lot of what I struggled with, with my rabbits is they would want to come and play or come out of the cage and I would come from above.. which triggers their prey instincts. If you change your set up to where when it’s play time they walk out and come to you it gets a lot better. They sell play pens you can simply set one up and sit in the play pen until you know your rabbit is comfortable enough to where they won’t freak and hurt themselves. It takes a little bit of work everyday and it doesn’t hurt to bring them treats while working with them.
@writteninstars 2 жыл бұрын
@@ashleyrobinson7438 LEAVE IT ALONE!
@kurisu-2385 4 жыл бұрын
What happened did he hurt himself
@idiotboy1986 10 жыл бұрын
Do he drink water and when he started it? I have a cottontail as well, and I just feed him Pets Premium Milk Replacer Kitten Formula and alfafa every day. Could you just share you experience then I can learn from you, thank you so much
@dehartlaub 10 жыл бұрын
Cadbury started drinking water right away (less than 4 weeks old). The Kitten Formula is not the best for a rabbit, so it is time to stop feeding that and start adding a few veggies (one at a time, and just small amounts). Cottontail rabbits can also eat rabbit pellets starting at about 7 or 8 weeks old.
@idiotboy1986 10 жыл бұрын
dehartlaub Thank you so much, did u ever take Cadbury to see the vet?
@dehartlaub 10 жыл бұрын
jimmy Li Yes, Cadbury went to the vet a few days after I found him and he went at about 5 months old to get neutered. He had his last vet visit a few months ago (at 4 years old) and is still completely healthy.
@liareynaga6660 4 жыл бұрын
How did you introduce the cat and rabbit?
@gregorywiley4112 4 жыл бұрын
That rabbit should be 10 years old now in 2020
@accordiongordon Жыл бұрын
If you look at OP’s comments you’ll see he died some years ago
@dyllpickle3608 5 жыл бұрын
Is it illegal to keep one in the united states?
@johnsheppard1476 4 жыл бұрын
In some states that have dumb laws it's illegal,and legal in normal ones!
@somebodyelse9130 3 жыл бұрын
@MaximilianMus 2.O Probably because no one ever does it. If it became common, it might be banned in some places.
@ferozi_chhori 3 жыл бұрын
0:07 U can hear the cat purring
@michaelbarclay3631 9 жыл бұрын
Lol at the end of the video, he was like.. the cat jump over that :-0
@jedihunter176 7 жыл бұрын
What cottontail species is he?
@dehartlaub 7 жыл бұрын
He was a mountain cottontail, which is common where I live (7,260 feet elevation).
@jedihunter176 7 жыл бұрын
Nice! Around here there's desert cottontails and they're very social. I'm surprised to see a supposedly solitary animal like a mountain cottontail interact so much.
@demonpuffs8440 3 жыл бұрын
My cotton tail is almost a year
@brianmills4123 5 жыл бұрын
just got an injured one
@honestreviews9500 6 жыл бұрын
Could you possibly throw us an email on how to raise these?
@dehartlaub 6 жыл бұрын
If I could figure out how to send an e-mail through KZbin, I would contact you. Since that does not seem to work any longer, you can contact me by e-mail or phone through my "Falcon Coins" website.
@josephksung 9 жыл бұрын
do you bathe your rabbit?
@bean-uk4cm 7 жыл бұрын
Joseph Sung tf no never wash your rabbit they clean themselves good
@happywife6193 6 жыл бұрын
Please don't bathe your bunny I have a cage free bun hun and she's my 3th one they can die from a bathe don't take the chance... If they get a dirty butt just clean it off please never bath your bunny, my friend had one for 5 years and I stressed to her not to bathe him but she did for 5 years then one time to many he had a stoke and died slowly it was horrible. Don't take that chance. Even tho he did not have issues all the years before that one time killed him. It's never a good idea.
@ablue5419 3 жыл бұрын
She is some kind of please let me go outside I enjoy grass and dirt making holes jump and run the fastest I can I want just be wild and free not in a small room 😔
@Giveaway18 4 жыл бұрын
They taste so good
@SgtHawk13 Жыл бұрын
pretty redneck of u buddy
@ReveredDead 5 жыл бұрын
@aleksandramakari 4 жыл бұрын
Wascawy wabbit.
@GorillaGlue42 2 жыл бұрын
The amount of people that are forcing these animals to be pets is alarming. It’s one thing to rehabilitate and help out an injured animal, but to try and turn these wild rabbits into pets is cruel. All of the “My wild rabbit wants nothing to do with me, how do I make it like me” comments are especially cringy to read.
@cac_deadlyrang 2 жыл бұрын
@g41thomas 6 жыл бұрын
Should you that it is unlawful to pet a wild animal without special permission!!?
@dehartlaub 6 жыл бұрын
No, it is not unlawful here to pet most wild animals that allow you to pet it. In fact, the Royal Gorge Park used to sell deer food to encourage people to feed the deer there healthy snacks instead of chips and other junk food. The fact that I was still petting Cadbury after 3 years means that he was not fox, coyote or hawk food like most of the other cottontail rabbits in this area. If a wild prey animal such as a cottontail rabbit decides that he likes human contact, then it will have a much better life indoors then his wild relatives. No outdoor cottontail rabbit has ever lived more than 5 years, and Cadbury lived for 5 1/2 years without fear of being eaten. Sorry you have a problem with that...
@g41thomas 6 жыл бұрын
dehartlaub well it is unlaw in U.S and it makes sense. As obvious this animal is not even acting normal...
@roydroll2542 5 жыл бұрын
GETREAL! Oh, shut the fuck up, asshole.
@johnsheppard1476 4 жыл бұрын
@@g41thomas lol,I am in Ontario and you know whom I will train and actually use as a hunting comrade-kind of nimble alternative to hunting dogs?Just the same noble and majestic creature as once my grandad used to hunt with: *the Great Siberian tiger* !And yes,he or she will live much more exciting,full,safe,long and happy life together with me!Because there are no domestic and wild animals-this stupid and pathetic classification is invented by the ancients that just were not familiar with how the animals really behave,live and must be treated and sorted for their own choices like!
@Woogieboog 6 ай бұрын
eww wtf gross what is that.
@That0n3SC3NEKID_XD 4 ай бұрын
that describes you perfectly
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