9:15 NO. HELL NO. 那句"絕對不行" 可讓我一口大笑出來了。But it's absolutely true and had to be said though, so I'm damn glad you did! 13:08 Omg YES finally someone said it! Coleslaw的確一點都不健康! (It is, however, really delicious IF it's done properly - I once thought it was impossible to ruin a coleslaw. How utterly wrong I was.) 14:57 I almost sent my tea out my nose at the 量怎能少呢. SO TRUE. Especially Texan servings... 15:27 讓我們裝健康... *splort* Yes. *cackles* Justification is everything! That's one really lovely 員工餐, I bet they enjoyed every bit of it (and well-deserved too!)