Canon 600 EX-RT Speedlights and the St-E3-RT Transmitter

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David Schlatter Photography

David Schlatter Photography

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A behind the scenes look at the set up for runner shoot, using 8 Canon 600 EX-RT Speedlights and a St-E3-RT Transmitter on a Canon 1DS Mark lll.

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@poki357 10 жыл бұрын
Great video! I'm a new 600 ex-rt convert - I bought one at a time as I could afford them and up to 3 now. Dependable, powerful, portable and fast setup! Time=$$$.
@davidschlatterphotography 9 жыл бұрын
Thats how i started it too. I recently picked up a couple of Elinchrom rx 1100 which i i am able to use in conjunction with the speed lights to give me quite a bit more power. Although they are really heavy. Its about the weight of a car battery. And before people complain about the cost... I know these systems are a lot of money. I have owned a studio since 1987, I ve been doing it a long time. If a tool can do the job better, i usually find a way to get it. I know a lot of people can't afford it, believe me, i understand! I've been there. But fortunately now I can.
@michonn2 10 жыл бұрын
It would be easier and cheaper to get elichrom quadra for the same lighting
@davidschlatterphotography 11 жыл бұрын
This is a real clean and reliable hi speed sync option! Hands down easier and much faster to use than radio poppers. It works out of the box, no problems. As far as the alien bees, I'm not familiar with those, but I thought those were ac powered? These are battery operated and all controlled from the camera position. You can't beat that! In my experience over the last 25+ years cheaper always costs me more in the long run! You are better off saving and buying the right tool for the job.
@TheSmartWoodshop 11 жыл бұрын
It would have been interesting to see some shots with the runner coming out of the blocks.I didn't get a sense of action. I liked your set up and use of speed lights. Did you try it with fewer lights? Was the need for 6 up front necessary for the amount of light or faster recycle time?
@PiotrTester 9 жыл бұрын
good setup! enriching - tests and opinions
@goldenboi24k 10 жыл бұрын
6 Speedlites all together??? Dont forget most of your viewers can afford that kind of setup!
@bkatzb 11 жыл бұрын
theres nothing basic about 8 600's and a mk iii like WTF. him: heres our basic set up you can easily replicate this set up by simply purchasing 8 600's and a mk iii
@davidschlatterphotography 11 жыл бұрын
As far as the budget,... its photography, why would you want a budget?! But really, i had several flashes before using hi speed sync. I was using radio poppers. I had some individual flashes with radio poppers. I had several other flashes with one radio popper that was retrofitted to fire multiple flashes. That was not cheap either. The expense of the poppers along with the retrofit. I also found them to be temperamental. It was frustrating.
@socialysehavasmedia2022 9 жыл бұрын
Hi! We loved your video on the Canon STE3-RT ( and we'd like to seek your permission to share it on Canon Imaging Asia's Facebook page (! You will be given full credit and your video will be shared with our 1.2 million fans. Hope to hear from you soon!
@MYTRB 11 жыл бұрын
Wouldn't it be cheaper to use alienbees instead?
@shaynesabala 10 жыл бұрын
Why not just use one strobe and two speed lights and save a tone of money? At 600 dollars x 8 = 5400 that's a pretty ridiculous set up.
@davidschlatterphotography 10 жыл бұрын
It may be ridiculous, but how awesome is that! But really, in this situation, I could have gotten away with 3 speedlights without a problem. I was originally set up so that runner was backlit by the sun. The plan was to use the high speed sync to darken the sky and I like the power this affords me. After setting up and shooting a few other models,... by the time this subject showed up the clouds had come in, so the power was no longer an issue. You can't control everything. I just picked up an elinchrom ranger rx. I am working with high speed sync in conjunction with the 600 rt's. It works great!
@ScrewMaga 10 жыл бұрын
Daves Digs This video inspired me to order my first two Canon 600EX-RT flash units and a ST-E3-RT transmitter. last night. After watching many videos and seeing how useful flash can be... I cannot hold back any longer. I only have a Canon 5Ti, but am betting the flash units will be useful in many situations. I can foresee needing at least two more flash units down the road. Especially for portrait situations and bright outdoor shoots. I am no pro by any stretch of the imagination. However, I am a very enthusiastic enthusiast! I deeply appreciate all the tutorials and work you professionals post. They are very helpful. 8 Speedlites ridiculous? I don't think so. A man has got to have his toys. The more Legos the better. I'm also far from wealthy, but live frugally so that I can enjoy my hobbies to the fullest. Again, thanks for a great tutorial.
@davidschlatterphotography 10 жыл бұрын
If u get stuck let me know. I will try to answer anything I can to help u out! In the next week or so I will be using some of the speed light to light a horse in an outdoor studio set up with a large black background and a smoke machine... At least that's my vision.
@ScrewMaga 10 жыл бұрын
Daves Digs Hey Dave! I've got three now. Getting ready to order number four. I'm thinking that 5 will do what I want in most situations (Though I will continue to add 600Ex-RTs in the next couple of years) . I like the idea of being able to gel flash (for color) adjoining rooms and background. I've also upgraded to a 70D. Just moved so still unpacking things. Again, thanks for your video. Do you like the Westcott Triple Threat?
@trevspeaks3 10 жыл бұрын
Not usually one to leave negetive comments... But it seems to me like the runner doesn't belong. The background seems under exposed or something???
@billrhea 8 жыл бұрын
Any chance we can see the raw files... This photo is way over photoshoped.
@nikkiferguson2607 9 жыл бұрын
Is your canon transmitter sending the signal to your speedights without additional wireless trigger on the mount?
@davidschlatterphotography 9 жыл бұрын
Yep, thats whats nice about the canon 600 speedlights. You can control them from the camera and do high speed sync too.
@davidschlatterphotography 11 жыл бұрын
Hey Ron, it would have worked with fewer (2 or 3) speed lights for the main. I set up with the intention of the sun behind the subject in the background sky. By the time the subject arrived and we got to shooting, the clouds had come and dropped the ambient exposure way down. I was wanting the sun in a starburst by using a fast shutter speed (1/4000-1/8000). Instead of removing the extra speed lights, I just dialed back the exposure down on them. I'll be PSWLV. How bout you?
@davidschlatterphotography 9 жыл бұрын
Sorry for the late response, you ended up in the spam folder. I am not familiar with a way to autofocus with that setup. I have played a little with the Cam Ranger. It allows you to hook up an ipad and focus from the ipad. I'm not sure if that would help you out or not?
@sammyrivera1141 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing.
@marcelgavrila5474 6 жыл бұрын
Hi, you can set flash zoom from Canon ST E3 RT transmitter?
@kennethgnielsen 9 жыл бұрын
I am triggering the 1D MK IV from the flash, using the SR N3 cable to the ST E3 RT on the camera, the only problem is that there is no autofocus at the camera when the shot is taken. As the subject might even move slightly, it is then out of focus. Is there any way to enable autofocus when taking a remote trigger shot from the flash?
@jakeshort1699 10 жыл бұрын
8 speedlites my rear-end!! I'd haul a small generator and strobes onto the track before paying that kind of money
@davidschlatterphotography 10 жыл бұрын
The main purpose for me of the multiple flash heads was to have high speed sync, up in the high shutter speeds which is not as easy with strobes. This video I could have gotten away with 3 maybe 4 flashes. High speed sync wasn't necessary because of the overcast. A bit earlier the sun was out. What do you do? I use the 8 flashes with the trampoline and the motorcycle shoot where i needed 1/1000+ of a second. Since I published these videos I picked up an Elinchrom RX 1100. Using this I am able to achieve the high speed sync with this set up as well, which is nice. Because of the power I can use a standard soft box and still achieve the speeds I need. I shoot cheerleading stunts where the kicks are fast, so 1/1500+ of a sec in necessary. This seems to work well for me.
@davidschlatterphotography 10 жыл бұрын
I do like the toys!
@jakeshort1699 10 жыл бұрын
Daves Digs Oh I can certainly understand someone in your area of expertise having more than just two or three! I do wedding and portrait photography, use off camera flash, and I'm just looking to get into HSS to be able to get a different type of "money shot" for portraits. I've done 15 weddings total over the past two years, and I'm only a sophomore in college so of course my budget is limited, HA!
@davidschlatterphotography 10 жыл бұрын
I have had my studio for 27 years, so I am always looking for something new to inspire me. I have some old norman 400 b's. I was able to get those to work with HSS also. The older flashes or slower flashes seem to work well for this. This weekend I am hoping to try a baseball and soccer player with water. HSS will be super important. Hopefully everything doesn't get soaked!
@ScrewMaga 10 жыл бұрын
Great video! Thanks! Why do we start so many sentences with "SO"? Wonderful photo.
@ejikeonwunabonze 7 жыл бұрын
Hi.. That's a great tutorial. Please what's the name of your speedlight/flash bracket? And where can I buy? All I see online is triple brackets. Thanks
@goldenboi24k 10 жыл бұрын
The beginning track made me think of DigitalRev TV. They use that a lot.
@akpevbe 6 жыл бұрын
Wow thats £4,000 for those lights....If only the godox ad200 was out at the time, would have saved you lots of money. Good shot still
@thure1982 9 жыл бұрын
Why do you have two groups at the same angle (main light)?
@davidschlatterphotography 9 жыл бұрын
Henrik Thuresson I have all of the flashes set up in 3 groups. 4 A groups, 2 b groups(background usually) and 2 c groups. I just added the flashes, and instead of changing the group it is easier just to add them where i want them. I guess I could have changed the group, but this was easier. Just being lazy. I was expecting sun. If it would have been full sun behind, it would have been necessary for a lot of fill light, the sun would have been overhead behind the subject.
@thure1982 9 жыл бұрын
Daves Digs Thank you! To me this seems a bit overkill though. Could you make the same shot without that many flashes? Or are all main lights at full throttle?
@davidschlatterphotography 9 жыл бұрын
For what ended up as an overcast morning, it was. But this set up works in full sun great!
@stevenygz 9 жыл бұрын
Very cool photo! I like it a lot!
@jj9k 11 жыл бұрын
great video thanks for sharing!
@johnbishop6687 9 жыл бұрын
Hi Dave, I'm new to flash photography but love the 600's because of their easy of use. I'm slowly building up an arsenal with a grand total of three so far :-) I've read some negative comments from people saying your amount of 600's are overkill etc. I see it as a very clean way to operate, no cables, no poppers and no umbrellas sailing by in the wind. I have a question about the group setup you have. In this video you have three groups. Would you first fire each group individually to see the effect the light has on the athlete? And if so, in which order would you do this? If this type of question has been asked before can you please point me to the link. Many thanks for your time posting these 'behind the scenes' videos, your style is simple and inspirational. Thank you :-)
@davidschlatterphotography 9 жыл бұрын
I have three groups the main, background (skim light) and the last group is added to the main lights. They all fire simultaneously. Ii just added the two groups together for the main light, which i know is way overkill on a cloudy day. But this set up works on a bright sunny day as well with plenty of power! For a light reading... I usually have a pretty good idea at what one speedlight will fire individually at two of my paces. It is usually within a 1/3+- stop or less. You can use a light meter, take two or 3 paces and fire it at a manual power setting (ex 1/2 power). Then when you are out in the field, you know roughly where you will be depending on power, and if you are closer or further from the subject. It gives a starting point. (Test in a controlled environment). Then at that point you can take a shot and make adjustments. I always test my equipment, so when i am in the field with a subject, I will only need to take a test shot or two. You never want to have your subject (paying client) sit there while you are trying to figure out your equipment. Even my Elinchrom RS 1100 with a soft box I have tested and know at a specific power what f stop that will give me at 3 of my paces. Its not a perfect way, but it works for me. It gets me close in the ballpark, and then just minor adjustments after one test shot. It really helps to know your equipment. My way is stepping it off in 2 or 3 paces. I had someone show me a string attached to a light. You would hold it out and at the end of the string you would have a specific f stop. I felt that really looked stupid. I guess it worked for them. I'm sure if i did it they would be tangled all the time! LOL
@johnbishop6687 9 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge Daves. The internet can throw up huge waves of material, I'm glad I found your channel while ploughing through the surf. John :-)
@bayozan1 10 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your technique. May I ask what bracket is it you are using to mount the six flashes?
@davidschlatterphotography 10 жыл бұрын
two of these back to back Ill be shooting another one of these in a couple weeks using an elinchrom ranger rs and the 600 rt with high speed sync. Ill be videoing that one and I'll put that up on youtube.
@davidschlatterphotography 10 жыл бұрын
So I was thinking about what you said.... so I thought I would work on that. So I appreciate you're input. So... thanks
@stevenygz 9 жыл бұрын
Do you really recommend using the Canon flash and its remote trigger? All worth the money?
@davidschlatterphotography 9 жыл бұрын
I love the canon st-e3-rt transmitter that works with the canon flashes (600 RT). It works flawlessly compared to the radio poppers. Way less to deal with. You just diail it in and it works! Never been disappointed. I get a lot of flack for my equipment because of the cost.... People are always complaining on this about "if I had the money..." But if you have the money and can afford it, I would highly recommend it! I have been doing this as my full time job since 1987. If I couldn't afford equipment by now, I wouldn't be doing it!
@davidschlatterphotography 9 жыл бұрын
By the way if you think you're going to get it, just by one transmitter and one flash. Try it out quick. If it doesn't work return it.
@stevenygz 9 жыл бұрын
Daves Digs I got my flash and transmitter they work great! Only issue is it's hard to focus in low light
@anandhraju2969 9 жыл бұрын
Xpensive xperiment....y u need 8 no flash light. .u can use soft box......
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