Cat Person | Movie Review (Non Spoiler + Spoilers)

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Alachia Queen

Alachia Queen

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@GeorgeGlass298 7 ай бұрын
I was not prepared for how triggering this movie was going to be. Her disassociating during the sex scene was way to relatable.
@kitten358 7 ай бұрын
The whole at this point it's easier to just have sex than to explain why I don't..... ouch iv been there
@bees.857 7 ай бұрын
I think we've all been there and as a collective, we need to figure out how to get out of these situations without being afraid. I'm old af and I still haven't figured it out.
@GeorgeGlass298 7 ай бұрын
@@bees.857 That's because it's not an us problem it's a them problem. It's not something for us to figure out. Until dudes start changing there's no way we will safely be able to get out of those kind of situations. We literally would be risking our lives.
@bees.857 7 ай бұрын
@@GeorgeGlass298 and that's the saddest part, THEY don't think they're the problem, so we have to protect ourselves. Just like the girl in the film, i assume every man is going to murder me. I have a 22 year old daughter and I'm scared every day.
@bees.857 7 ай бұрын
@@GeorgeGlass298 Just to clarify, I was agreeing with you. I cried through the sex scene because I've been there so many times where it was just easier and safer to give them what they want 😪 Side note: I love your username 'He goes to a different school' lol
@whithehearthro 7 ай бұрын
This movie was a wild ride. I really enjoyed the twist of how she misunderstood him. He was definitely creepy but she broke into his garage and tried to pepper spray him. I struggled to understand the parts in the movie where they were in the counselors office together. I figured it was her imagination.
@chefnedarque 9 ай бұрын
When the 2 cats finally ran out, omg🐈🐈
@Alachia 9 ай бұрын
I thought it was a dog and a cat. Lol
@caseymarie625 7 ай бұрын
I was like the cats are real !!
@ems3376 7 ай бұрын
And they were named after Junji Ito's (a prolific horror comic author) actual cats! Such a fun easter egg.
@hippos47 9 ай бұрын
Not a lot of reviews on this one. Appreciate yours. There's so much hate for the third act of this movie but I found it pretty fun, and pretty real (as scary as that is). The sex scene made me cringe so hard I had me questioning my own dates. Yikes.
@plazawall586 5 ай бұрын
even when it got to the third act of the movie I thought she was imagining that part like she did with some scenes in the movie
@zitajanko7030 7 ай бұрын
Loved this review i’m glad someone else appreciated this movie as much as i did😭 but you didn’t mention how he stalked her before they even met, although it doesn’t really affect most of the movie I feel like that played a huge part in the deception on his end and just really showed how much control he had the whole time
@caseymarie625 7 ай бұрын
When I saw the dog it changed everything for me
@adamvasques4789 5 ай бұрын
Seeing that he was stalking her at the end besides, it seemed an honest depiction of male female dating interactions
@adamvasques4789 5 ай бұрын
Holy crap it's a happy ending!! 5 mins remaining hold on.
@adamvasques4789 5 ай бұрын
So she meets another schlubby guy or while another schleppy guy asks her out at the end of the movie. And that's it credits roll. The original guy really wasn't that bad of a guy in the first place, was he? Good movie .
@itsbecca 4 ай бұрын
@@adamvasques4789 I mean he stalked her with the idea that it would be a "cute story someday" and while her breaking into his home was insanely out of line, and ILLEGAL, his reaction to that was pretty scary. They had an all out brawl. He CHOKED her. That is messed up.
@scottboswell6406 9 ай бұрын
This reminds me of a French film, "He Loves Me . . . He Loves Me Not", starring Audrey Tautou! In the first half we see her POV, as the star in her romantic but tragic story. The 2nd half, from the man's POV, is like a horror story! One thing that's so good is that this was in her romantic ingenue phase, so you sympathize with her until you see what she did!
@micalaking1904 9 ай бұрын
That sounds so interesting. I want to check it out.
@ChristopherVaughn 9 ай бұрын
I honestly appreciated your assessment of the very real concerns that women have about their personal safety. I think that most men probably never give such things a thought.
@fun-with-purpose1436 9 ай бұрын
Men think about their personal safety all the time. I live in nyc. Men get attacked and stabbed and robbed. So yeah. Men think about it too
@mightytaiger3000 9 ай бұрын
@@fun-with-purpose1436Nowhere near the same degree… ffs How often do you see men by themselves completely shitfaced without any concern outside bars vs women… How often do you genuinely worry about being roofied when you’re out drinking? How do you not grasp NUANCE? Getting robbed is nowhere near being sxually assaulted. And when someone comes at you with a knife, gun or just completely hostile, being sxually assaulted is the last thing on your mind. “But what about me!!” come off it.
@iconoclast400 9 ай бұрын
​@@mightytaiger3000wow ... you're so much those feminist who hates man cz they think they're better than them😂
@Anothernammee 6 ай бұрын
@@mightytaiger3000you do realize two things can be true at the same time 🤦🏾‍♀️
@gemlouise1260 5 ай бұрын
​@@mightytaiger3000Men are statistically far more likely to be the victims of violence and far more likely to be the victims of murder than women are. Even if that wasn't true, men worrying about their own safety would still be just as valid as women worrying about theirs.
@HUeducator2011 6 ай бұрын
I loved this movie. It was very relatable as a formerly anxiously attached person. 14:28 the daily terror of being a woman was captured wonderfully
@nukiesduke6868 9 ай бұрын
18:00 the sad part is thanks to social media and phones there's already 2 generations of people that have zero clue how to communicate with each other face to face. Gonna be tons of failed relationships. No wonder it coincides with the declining marriage and birth rates.
@DannsProductions 9 ай бұрын
I mean they both were awkward and didn’t have a decent conversation at the beginning when they had their first date. They never got to know each other… truly. It was mostly projections on her side… and probably on his side as well.
@Geeo_561 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for doing such a thoughtful and lengthy video about this movie. I just finished it and was really hoping I could come online and satiate my desire for discourse too!
@Daigham23 9 ай бұрын
Projection - precisely why it's incredibly hard to have a relationship with anyone now a days, romantic or otherwise. The sad and super frustrating thing about it is that the ones engaging in this way have no idea what the alternative looks and or feels like to know any better. Interesting concept for a film that seems to be very close to imitating reality in a somewhat profound way. Thanks Alachia, appreciate the feedback as always #Queen
@praxidicethorn5905 6 ай бұрын
Nice to see someone actually taking about it!! It really is a shame that this movie ended up being kind of swept under the rug.
@RoxZombie 4 ай бұрын
He stalked her before they met because "he wanted to meet someone face to face". When she told him she was no longer interested, he sent a barrage of aggressive messages. He waited outside her work, watching her in a threatening manner. He attacked & detained her and she only defended herself and tried to escape. But because he didn't just let her burn to death and he actually did have 2 cats locked up in the basement for some unknown reason. So he's not actually the bad guy or a creep. It was all in her head.. suuuurrreee.. great message 👏
@jonah5548 3 ай бұрын
He attacked her? She came to his fucking house to put a tracker on his car
@RoxZombie 3 ай бұрын
@@jonah5548 he still attacked her
@sjin8896 9 ай бұрын
You could buy a tactical pen - I've got one from the gun brand uzi. They're made of gun metal, can break glass and have a dna catcher on them.
@Polemicist_ 9 ай бұрын
Based on how you describe the main character's actions, last year I did exactly what she did (projected an idealized image of a prospective partner onto her instead seeing amd loving her for who she really was). After the woman I was talking rightfully stopped texting and seeing me after saying some deplorable stuff to her, I went through a two month depression where I had no will to get go to work or eat (lost 15lbs. in three weeks). But, my best friend swooped in and suggested I start watch Heide Preibe videos on unhealthy forms of attachment and creating fantasies about people in your head instead of seeing them for who they actually are. After a few months of constant discussion with my friend, I went through a mental, emotional, and spiritual paradigm shift and my personality completely changed. While I haben't pursued a relationship since that incident late last year, I am forever grateful for the experience because I now know what it feels like to mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically volitile and stable (open to new perspectives as well). And in case your wondering how as I guy I became as emotionally unstable and started behaving a completely unhindged, batshit crazy GF, I think it was because of these main reasons: 1. I had no true idea what a healthy day-to-day relationship between a man and women looked like given I was raised by a single mother (she did her absolute best, but still) 2. I hated myself because I felt like I was failing at everything in life and even my family reminded me how dissapointed they were in me 3. I was extremely socially isolated 4. I was always tired from working 90-120 hrs./week doing two manual labor jobs 5. I didn't have any physical (gym) or emotional outlet (friends) 6. I had no idea how to pace a relationship so I rushed things right off the bat (this goes back to point 1) 7. Since I was trying to use various men I respected on KZbin as a replacement for a full time father figure (I just listemed to a lot of their videos), I got a big picture view of _their_ interpretations of masculinity, but I still didn't understand how to be a man in the modern age when it seemed everything in society is designeddf to prevent a man from being his true self and actually masculine. Like when it came to women in particular I had no idea how to control the masculine desire to dominate, protect, and make a woman exclusively mine. So with my understanding of masculinity I ended up trying to strip the woman of her agency as I saw her as "my woman," not as what she is. Which was just a person I crossed paths with that I really like for a multitude of reasons. 8. I had a savior complex derrived from my religious upbringing where I openly judged everyone harshly. I thought I knew the answers to everything because the answers to life are escribed in the Bible. My interpretation of the Bible was misconstrued too because instead of accepting others and letting God do the judging, I judged and thought I was better than everyone else because I had moral superiority over them..yeah, I was insufferable when you got to know me even slightly. There are more, smaller reasons but I feel like this is already much, much, much longer than needed to be. And if you actually read this, far I'm fucking stunned and I hope you felt like you learned something or can relate so you don't feel like you just wasted your time (btw, I'm not religious anymore). Anyways, love the review (like all of your reviews) and I just felt compelled to share my personal experience regarding the dangers of projecting a false image of someone onto them, and how learning to accept people for how they truly present themselves changed my life so drastically it did a paradigm shift on my personality.
@mightytaiger3000 9 ай бұрын
That was such a good comment. Kudos to you on having the ability to see past your conditioning. I don’t know which men specifically you were watching on the whole “masculinity” thing but I think the part about looking to them as some father figure applies to a lot of men at the moment, from 13 years of age to even early 40s. It’s not been good for culture at large and certainly not for the dating field. The only redeeming thing I ever heard was that “women like a man whose look is intentional and manicured”. But that’s about it and frankly not as important as being a decent person. I’ve mostly had male friends throughout my life and I think I am able to sympathize and empathize with people in general, which includes men. However I’ve listened to every level of that “masculine” pyramid… from the slimy Pick up “artists” to the Bro Rogan types and Jordan Petersons… And they are all so wrong in the advice they are giving men when it comes to women- and for many, depending on personality and character tendencies, it’s actually dangerous to listen to such things. Other than starting off by not seeing women as a hive mind but as individuals with different likes and personalities, if men want to know what women think or want, they should ask… well, women. I hope you were able to make amends with the woman you insulted. I think that would be healing for both sides.
@98bocinas 9 ай бұрын
wow good for you, that's so good that you noticed you were wrong and tried to change
@sugarwaterpurple5280 9 ай бұрын
I appreciate this comment and your taking the time to identify and understand what led to the downfall of the relationship on your end. Not many people use a bad experience to gain self awareness. I know that you will take these lessons into your future relationships, and I wish you success!!
@ktnup 7 ай бұрын
That was such a great comment. It sounds like you really did some work on yourself and it paid off! I wish more people could be this honest and introspective! Society as a whole would benefit!
@kkn1414 7 ай бұрын
I appreciated your review and the movie made more sense to me after I watched your review but I still find it hard to believe that the movie is telling me its ok for him to choke her and hurt her when she was trying to leave the house because she projected her fantasies on him and broke into this house? That him hurting her while she was trying to leave his house is justified because his life was going to be over and he tried to save her at the basement fire? She undoubtedly played a role in this relationship falling apart but to explain away or gloss over physical violence is crazy to me. I also find it weird that you gloss over the age gap when she is younger than 21 and he is closer to 30 as he is "emotionally stunted" so she has equal control in this relationship?
@Marie-cq5td 4 ай бұрын
It’s really a movie you need to see.raising so many questions, feelings-and misunderstandings it’s a very interesting movie- I lack the words to explain-…. Thank you Alachia for talking about this movie. Best vibes to you ❤
@Pirategod23 7 ай бұрын
The cop was the smartest one
@dontheador6649 9 ай бұрын
Damn. All this time I thought I was a great date! Now I'm beginning to question myself. In all sincerity, though, this movie sounds fascinating and thank you for bringing it up. I'll definitely give it a watch. This also sounds like a commentary on how most people meet and go on dates nowadays. Via the Internet and SMS there are a lot of things that get lost in translation. Great video!
@maeannengo4908 9 ай бұрын
I didn't even know this movie exists. When I saw your notificafion pop up, I thought you're gonna talk about memes/jokes about cat people 😆
@Alachia 9 ай бұрын
the movie got like a 3 day limited release. The showing I bought tickets for only had 2 other people in the theater. I was reading that no streaming service has offered the film much money. It might be in movie purgatory at this point.
@CaroleMcDonnell 9 ай бұрын
I'm in a bit of a quandary listening to you. First, i love your insights. And i do love the idea of the film you describe. I like gray areas. But, as a writer, and a fellow reader, I really dislike the idea of someone taking someone else's story (and heart) and changing the emotional idea. I was peeved about the change in Sister's Keeper, Mrs Palfrey at the Claremont, and quite a few other stories that were adapted to film. It feels like such a violation and stamping upon the vision of the short story writer. I find myself thinking three things. The first: Couldn't the screenwriter have written her own story instead of usurping and undermining someone else's truth? The second: The short story sounds like the visual of The gift of Fear by Gavin DeBecker. The third: I wish I hadn't heard that there was an original short story.
@Alachia 9 ай бұрын
Yeah, I know what you mean. I think that's why a lot of authors who sell their stories put a clause in to have creative control. I think the film takes a much darker approach to the short story with the horror angle. I think it would have been easier to market if it had stuck to the short story but I also think that's why the story went viral...because it was so limited in scope. Everyone wanted to add their opinion because it's quite naive and vague on many aspects. I really appreciated the film makers taking the story to the next level but obviously, it wasn't the right choice from a business standpoint. I wonder if the story would have been better as a tv series. Part 1 being from Margot's side and Part 2 from Roberts.
@scottboswell6406 9 ай бұрын
I'd say, writers work in one art form, film making is another, and in all adaptations (translations) changes need to be made. The writer does (usually) have a choice if they want their writing to be adapted; if they want to write the screenplay and direct themselves; or are they willing to let their work be reworked by artists working in a different art form to tell a possibly different story (in exchange for money or other reward). You create your art, that will always be there, but you also have to be willing to let other artists have their vision, or what's the point. Perfect example, Stephen King famously hated what Stanley Kubrick did with The Shining. As the writer he had a point in wanting his story told his way, but Kubrick did create a work of art that stands on its own. Both works have merit and their own fans.
@CaroleMcDonnell 9 ай бұрын
@@scottboswell6406 I understand adaptations more than you know. I've had my stories made into short films, graphic novels, plays, and even a dance. But the point is the possible undermining of the author's main point, and that screenplays are written for the masses and so there's often a lowest common socially=accepted or agreed-upon denominator. A writer spends five years writing a book and speaks her truth. A screenwriter takes the story and adapts it to what is trendy for the larger population. Example. Again from Mrs Palfrey at the Claremont: The book is about the idea that the young need the old or at the very least that both age groups need each other. The film does the cultural thing and turns a great novel into young folks pitying a doting old woman. Why? Because films are for a wide audience that is influenced by societal trends. Or a book can say that a main character is dark-skinned black. By the time it becomes a movie, the main character is light-skinned or white because that is how the culture perceives it. This leads to the reinforcement of cultural experience of films where dark skin black women are not worthy to be heroines. Mercifully that is changing. I won't even discuss how the film Sister;s keeper undermined the author's intent. In this case, in an effort to expand the humanity and assumptions in life, the screenwriter got rid of blame. All well and good but choosing to invalidate the short story's focus on blame, we are stepping away from the culturally-ignored notion of blame. In the long run, the short story serves as a warning and the film seems to serve as a commentary on mutual understanding and the dangers of immature imagination. Both are valid. But the filmmaker could have written her own story about misunderstanding..with a totally different set of characters. Now, when someone sees the film there will be confusion about the actual title of the story. In addition, no matter how famous the short story is now, the film will be the story to enter into the cinematic culture. It's just messy all around. Hence, a usurpation.
@scottboswell6406 9 ай бұрын
@@CaroleMcDonnell If you have had that much experience and success, I'd think you'd be more understanding. No matter how much time and effort an author puts into a work, it will ALWAYS be open to translation in ways the author never intended. All art forms have this. Kurt Cobain hated that many of the people who made him miserable loved his music that he never intended for them. Once you put it out into the world, it becomes the world's. I say there's the choice of not allowing work to be adapted as some writers choose, work as closely as you can with the adapters, both the screenwriter and director, to make sure their most important points are preserved, or become the screenwriter and director. Even THEN, depending on how much money is involved, the producers and studios will have their say. My ex loved the Jack Reacher stories, but when Tom Cruise, who is as opposite the character as it gets, bought the rights and decided to star in as the titular hero, she resigned herself to just skip the films and stick to the written works. Why adapt instead of create their own version? Mainly because their inspiration came from that original work, and adaption acknowledges that work. Look at how many writers have been ripped off by someone taking their work and doing just enough (or not) to claim it was 'original'? Honestly, most writers get the worst end in adaptions most of the time. Hopefully they can retain some artistic control, but that's rare. If they at least get enough financial support that they can continue writing their books/short stories/whatever, that's the trade off. Finally, there is always the possibility to get another adaption done. I wish my ex got to see the latest version of Jack Reacher which is Perfectly cast!! How many versions are there of "A Christmas Carol"? At least most of the get it close to correct! If you want to see Scrooge as an American, there are a few. You can even watch Cicely Tyson as Ebenita Scrooge! There can always be a time to get it right.
@CaroleMcDonnell 9 ай бұрын
@@scottboswell6406 uhhhm. Wait up. One sec, Scott, are we in a debate or something? I do think you're making this way more argumentative than is needed or even applicable. Return to my first comment. I said this film is probably good and for the most part I didn't pick on the film at all. Just that as a writer i know how sad it is for writers to write their heart out in one story and for another person to come and flip it. But all that aside, I'm thinking that someone should adapt this youtube give-and-take between us. One character representing me will say four or five points, then another character represent you decides to make a long-drawn-out conversation about one aspect of the conversation, totally intent (it seems) to demonize me or make me seem way more dangerous than I actually am. Sounds a bit like you're not understanding the theme of the film, doesn't it? Please! Chill! It ain't all that serious and neither you nor I are super-wise about the other. We're all living in a world where we don't see or understand strangers we chill with. For someone praising adaptation and themes, you are doing just what the film adaptation warns about: judging me. "Let it go, let it go. Turn away and slam the door!" See whaht i did there.
@Bakarost 9 ай бұрын
I enjoy the depth of your reviews. Thank you. Subbed since your napoleon movie review
@Jay828__ 9 ай бұрын
Wish I heard "Don't call me" a few times....... Sounds like it would make a good double feature with "Oleanna". Thanks for putting this on my radar
@Kori-T 9 ай бұрын
I didn’t even know this movie existed until just now.
@caseymarie625 7 ай бұрын
I recommend watching it even after this review it was an emotional roller coaster of a movie
@Rainbowxpride89 9 ай бұрын
Been dying to see this movie since Sundance last January. It never played anywhere near me, so I have to wait for streaming.
@Alachia 9 ай бұрын
it only had a 3 day limited release here in Austin. Right now, no streaming service has given the production company an acceptable price. I hope it finds its way onto streaming at some point. I'd hate to see this film go into the ether.
@autumnlee488 7 ай бұрын
Its on Hulu now! watched it last night
@Pirategod23 7 ай бұрын
As said it’s on Hulu now
@missmoody5841 9 ай бұрын
I remember reading the original cat person short years ago after hearing about it on Tumblr & watched the movie the other day. I was actually very much caught off guard as to the direction it to after where the short ended. I have very mixed feelings on where the movie went but I appreciate your insight & I can’t wait for your next video. I’ll sub so I don’t miss it. Good luck with your channel
@Alachia 9 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@concentricvoid 9 ай бұрын
This is a great review. I haven't seen it but it hits home for me. I've been through a dark relationship and you're right, we both saw something in each other but we filled in the gaps with our own fantasies. Some of us are damaged people.
@Totorus 9 ай бұрын
Sounds super interesting, i definitely going to watch!
@xrxez-mp5016 9 ай бұрын
I'm so hyped for this movie I've never heard of and have no way of watching lol thanks Al. 😅
@ahmorgan 9 ай бұрын
I am loving all of these uploads!!
@Gemmalemonade 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for putting out a 30 minute review!! 😭
@adamvasques4789 5 ай бұрын
I'm 3/4 of the way through it now. Such a good movie, gonna check out what else the directors .
@DanielMCulp 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for this review, Alachia! I would have never heard of this film if not for it. When I saw you reviewed it, I checked it out on Hoopla, and loved it. Among the best films I've seen this year, and I have you to thank for shining a light on it!
@LI-pm3mh 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for giving a real review
@ems3376 7 ай бұрын
I'm glad someone is talking about this! I just came out on hulu so I'm sure more people will be wanting to discuss. What a buckwild movie. I had to take breaks it go so intense towards the end
@avasimone3334 8 ай бұрын
such a fantastic analsys and review, thank you for sharing your thoughts
@Marie-cq5td 4 ай бұрын
@crowboggs 7 ай бұрын
Didn't read the short story (or know it existed until yesterday) and very much agree with Alachia Queen's take. It was a very interesting "case study" that was realistic enough to critique the behavior of both characters (who are both almost painfully inexperienced and naive, as we all were at some point in time) but also uses cinematic conventions to show how their fears are not only valid (Margot's are more often far more valid due to the nature of the potential consequences she could potentially face, imo, though she is not an objective observer of her situation... who is?) but also how they are partially created through a failure of communication and socialization outside of direct experience with people (e.g. when the audience is first introduced to Margot working and texting behind the concession stand of the cinema, there is a natural sound infusion in the scene of a film trailer narrator giving a very "traditionally" gendered synopsis of an old horror movie that is selling the advertised film through a very gendered synopsis of the horror film, and this advertisement permeates the world of the film and the audiences perspective, even if most of us (including Margot) aren't consciously aware of its intention or presence). This film asks a lot of really pertinent questions on a variety of levels, many of which have to do with perspective, agency and boundaries. Even if the third act kind of runs somewhat far afield of realism, it continues the lines of reason/intuition to their emotional/logical conclusion that works (a literal and figurative house fire). If the film does have a "moral to the story," (which I think it implicitly works towards) it is that a lot of the missteps that these characters take can be avoided (hopefully and more than not) through direct, in-person communication (and I think the dialogue near the end of the film between Taylor and James puts a bow on this intended lesson). Thanks for the solid review, Alachia Queen.
@bouncyshak 5 ай бұрын
Girl, he stalks her, calls her a slur and literally kidnaps her? She made dumb decisions but she's also half his age. It definitely wasn't a 'both sides bad' msg, tf?!
@amandeepvirk7989 5 ай бұрын
I agree with this but it’s definitely more grey than black and white
@OcpCommunications 5 ай бұрын
Nice job reviewing a film that I honestly was really surprised by. I thought it was well written, featured great authentic performances and had some really dynamic and strong direction. And I think the film was misunderstood. It's not a woke movie at all. It isn't even a film that is just saying that all men are bad. It's really showcasing that both genders when it comes to a relationship collapsing share an equal part in the chaos.
@kendi1417 9 ай бұрын
How date you suggest both people in a relationship have some responsibility for its outcome? This movie is a definite skip for me based on your description.
@margaretjefferies6539 5 ай бұрын
Just saw it last month, never heard of it and love it so much
@mightytaiger3000 9 ай бұрын
Hadn’t heard about the short story or the film but this review sold me on checking it out. I have had some really bad experiences with people wanting to start relationships overall, not just romantic, through text. It’s basically now to the point where I can tell when someone is trying to do that so I keep the replies almost monosyllabic and take ridiculously long to reply. Our time and focus is precious. If someone really wants to get to know ME, then they have to make the time and space. I’m not some vague contact on someone’s phone that they can reach out to while they’re waiting for something else or don’t want to feel “awkward” while alone in public.
@romanaa7070 6 ай бұрын
Excellent analysis. I randomly woke up at 3 am and somehow someway happened upon this film. At first I thought I'll just have it on to have something to fall asleep to. Ofcourse that didnt happen. Wasn't expecting what was coming at all. As a film it's great, though I have a lot to say. The lack of sleep and pounding headache isnt gonna let me elaborate my thoughts how I want so I'll come back to this comment after some rest, hopefully.
@Alachia 6 ай бұрын
Rest up!
@nath.538 5 ай бұрын
I loved the film and enjoyed this review , thanks
@mariburns8758 9 ай бұрын
I think it would be very unwise to be honest to the other person on a bad date bcuz you have no idea how they will react. consider yoran van der sloot. best to continue being polite and go as soon as possible. also, just make first dates coffee, or something short, don't let the other person pay, certainly don't have sex or be alone, etc. Be smart.
@johnb7337 9 ай бұрын
It sounds interesting. There's a tone issue I have trouble with experiencing in darker or more realistic films though, that if the feel is off it's a bad experience to go through, regardless of the ideas and characters. Even something fantastic that mixed in some positive themes like Guardians of the Galaxy 3 I wouldn't want to re-watch. That's what made the The Menu so amazing, that it was dark, and not headed to a positive place, but the tone variations and balance worked.
@scotter 9 ай бұрын
So glad you have a healthy awareness of being vulnerable when in public! I think that is rare with most women I've known who tend to not really think this way. Trying to come up with a better word than "tactically".
@boobooweewaa 9 ай бұрын
80% of violent crime victims are men. The whole I'm too scared to walk out at night because of men is really nothing more than another way to attack white men and of course useful idiots parrot it. The statistics just don't back up the mindset. Imagine if we said the same thing regarding black folks how fast you'd get cancelled. The hilarious cherry on top is they'd actually be more justified in worrying about them statistically speaking.
@phatboybunny 9 ай бұрын
​@@boobooweewaaThat's an incredibly short sighted and emotional response. You clearly manipulated statistics to match your agenda of men being wrongfully accused of commiting the most crimes against women by stating that men are 80% of crime victims without mentioning that men perpetrate around 78% of all crimes and women are most likely to be victims of domestic crimes, 64%, and sex-related crimes 82% perpetrated by men. Then you mentioned white males, which literally no one, not the video creator or the commenter that you responded to, brought up. Maybe you should think more logically than emotionally next time because no one was attacking you or the group of people you belong to 👍. I don't mean to come across as rude and I apologize if I do but I really wanted to give you more context to what you were speaking on.
@nukiesduke6868 9 ай бұрын
@@phatboybunny The fact "domestic crimes" have to get their own category just so women can be painted as the disproportionate victim rate quite literally proves "manipulated statistics to match an agenda." The irony and lack of self-awareness. Most violent crime victims are men. But they can't say that. So they had to create entirely new categories to fit the narrative. That's how you get 'domestic abuse.' Someone hitting you still falls under assault and as stated by booboo and myself so new categories were made and pushed to paint women as victims. Which is no surprise considering victimhood is a currency at this point.
@Alachia 9 ай бұрын
I think your statistic is lacking context. I agree, that the victims of violent assault are mostly men. However, there is context for those crimes. They aren't generally from random encounters. While I think it's wise for both women and men to be vigilant at all times when in public, most of the men I have ever met don't have an active fear or rape or sexual assault in public places. 90% of adult rape victims are female. Females ages 16-19 are 4 times more likely than the general population to be victims of rape, attempted rape, or sexual assault. Women ages 18-24 who are college students are 3 times more likely than women in general to experience sexual violence.
@scotter 9 ай бұрын
@@Alachia I agree. I was not clear. I think, like you do, that for men it is less about fear and more about "situational awareness." Oh maybe you were addressing a post the user deleted?
@diddo9338 9 ай бұрын
Your dogs are so cute 🥰 I also like the choice of exploring different perspectives and not creating one dimensional characters. Antagonists need more nuance and main characters should have flaws, duh! The low ratings might've been a case of the filmmakers not knowing their core audience. However, who is to say? There is this post #metoo aura many women feel, questioning if they went too far to vilify men, thats real but they're too afraid to admit it. Some of the readers of Cat People have probably out grown many of their opinions or at least evolved to more nuanced opinions. But still, as you pointed out, their opinions are contending with that primal fear of being taken advantaged of.
@mightytaiger3000 9 ай бұрын
I understand what you’re saying about listening to both sides, definitely enriches the movie from what your review is stating. However isn’t it a little ironic that the man casted in a movie to give a voice to that other side that maybe should be given the benefit of the doubt.. turns out to have accusations about preying on underage girls? Like I’ve repeated in some of my comments. I’ve mostly had male friends but these recent 5 years have really shown to me that I was giving the benefit of the doubt to men way too much. If not regarding what men have done themselves, the reactions of other men to those actions leave so much to be desired. I mean, women have sat through movies about war, car racing, assassins, and apocalyptic scenarios with male leads… but it’s an impossibility to market this movie to men?? I think that in itself says a lot about the state of things in general, even if on a personal level we may not deal with these kind of men on a day to day basis.
@ShoutOfCoffee 9 ай бұрын
Hi Alachia. I'm new subscriber. Found you by accident about month ago and since then I have a really good times watching your videos. You doing fantastic job. I have one request. Did you ever watched 2018 South Korean "The Witch" part 1? I really, really, really would like to know your opinion about this movie. Believe me or not it is superhero movie done super well (at least in my opinion) and I really think you would love it. There is also The Witch part 2. Please make this review. I'm begin you Thank you.
@Alachia 9 ай бұрын
Thanks for the recommendation. I have never heard of it before. I will try to find it.
@peterpineapple7420 9 ай бұрын
When I first saw the thumbnail, I thought it said "Cat People". (I saw the 1982 version when it first appeared on cable.) I can see how the short story would work With the changes from the short story, I hope the film encourages more reflection. I too have found people are uncomfortable talking with in person and jump to conclusions too quickly, when the thoughts may not warranted at all.
@NamekNamek 9 ай бұрын
I wouldn't watch a movie like this in a million years, but I very much enjoyed your review.
@snomad2248 7 ай бұрын
@snomad2248 0 seconds ago I just saw it now. Had I not watched Cousin Greg in “Succession” would I feel differently about the character? I’d say Margot was probably 19. Quite well done. Her friends were annoying. But this is something that is well written from both points of view.
@anorax001 9 ай бұрын
Excellent review on a film I probably won't watch. I simply don't relate to the smartphone generation as I grew up and married well before smartphones/cellphones/social media even existed. In my day you were forced to communicate face to face if you wanted to date someone and dating websites/services were considered sleezy ways to pickup someone only for sex. Because of the necessity of face to face communication you knew very quickly if the person was genuine or not. I don't even know how people manage to meet other people for serious relationships in the modern era with smartphones/social media. It must be an absolute minefield.
@mightytaiger3000 9 ай бұрын
Do you also skip movies that take place during medieval times because you grew up with proper plumbing and electricity?? How ridiculous. “It must be a minefield…” Well, you don’t have to guess. You could listen to the younger generation through the work and art they’re creating, instead of taking the classic boomer approach “It doesn’t affect me so I don’t care”. And maybe, just MAYBE you could then take your place in society as an elder and be able to understand what the younger generation is going through, and give proper advise were the situation ever to arise… Good thing you grew up during more “human” and “real” times though… really shows on your curiosity and ability to empathize with others….
@anorax001 9 ай бұрын
​@@mightytaiger3000 You completely missed the point I was making but that is fine. Technology and social media are destroying meaningful human interaction. The sad thing is our younger generation and other "gens" are being monetised and manipulated by corporations without even realising it. Hence why I feel people need to move away from their electronic devices and stop being brainwashed by this online crap. I do feel empathy for our "younger generation" but walking around with a smartphone glued to their faces every waking moment isn't conducive to human interacton however you want to spin it.
@winterfall2735 7 ай бұрын
This girl is the epitome of why men go to jail for rape ECT. She is literally crazy.. still thinking about him after she broke in an tried to kill him..
@sadegg4467 7 ай бұрын
the epitome?? the epitome of why men go to jail for rape is that they’ve committed rape. wtf? u need to be locked up.
@amcaesar 9 ай бұрын
Adaptations adapt source material -- I think that altering it is the nature of art.
@davidlynch7828 6 ай бұрын
Just about to watch it on your recommendation it just came out on binge in Australia
@blinkzone1 9 ай бұрын
I thought this was going to be a remake of Cat People
@AzyxA 9 ай бұрын
@mightytaiger3000 9 ай бұрын
@lemina6180 9 ай бұрын
I just want to know what the therapy session was about!! They ended up together?! But didn't he just despair in the end
@Alachia 9 ай бұрын
That was part of her imagination. She kept developing stories of who she wanted Robert to be.. in that scene, she was making up a scenario in which that encounter could be seen in a good light.
@gemlouise1260 5 ай бұрын
I doubt he ever wanted to see her again after what happened....I'm assuming she killed his cats in that fire 😢 Those final scenes seemed like a missed opportunity for them to actually communicate and get a better understanding of one another.
@Shaylovespopeye 7 ай бұрын
She is terrible person she ruined his life over her fears wow she needs therapy’s
@TheEnzyme94 9 ай бұрын
Males do this also! The getting out of Target, the car ritual etc. Always! And the fear and insecurity of dating for males is also a horror. Will you be misinterpreted etc. I think it is really easy to see the story from the female side but for males we are seen as numb empty vessels with no emotions. But we also feel like we will never live up to the expectations of what ever, "..... did I take her to the right restaurant? (not Cheesecake factory bc only poor guys go there etc.)" Look forward to seeing this film. Kind of scared to watch it. Never read the short story! Thank you for the review!
@mightytaiger3000 9 ай бұрын
I’ve mostly had male friends my whole life and they absolutely do not do the same rituals as women. I can see a sharp contrast when I am hanging out with male friends vs all the women I work with. No woman I know would get blackout drunk and ask for the car to stop to go into a dark alley by herself to take aPiss. Neither would she carelessly just sleep it off inside an ATM while waiting for the subway lines to open so they can go back home after a night bar hoping. No guy friend has ever been careful that something was slipped into his drink. When it comes to camping or living in an RV, no man is placing an extra pair of men’s boots by the door so they’re not perceived as being vulnerable. Much less placing women’s shoes. Being “misunderstood” during a date is absolutely not the same as being assaulted. Please get a clue. The moment women have the cultural microphone for half a second, you guys gotta start with the “but what about” and false equivalencies. That actually showed me which of my male friends were genuine caring people, and which were just “nice guys”. You sound like the latter. No empathy and ability to listen at all.
@traceymigeri5623 5 ай бұрын
Where do I watch it?
@Alachia 5 ай бұрын
hoopla, Hulu, Prime Video, Fandango at Home or Apple TV
@Milton2k 9 ай бұрын
Seems the movie says: "Oh, ok, at least I am not the only stupid one"....
@awetoasty 7 ай бұрын
emotional horror movie
@damo6794 5 ай бұрын
Great analysis
@tituspannell6009 9 ай бұрын
I'm a male, and I find it strange that a movie like this would be divisive to any body. The film that you just described sounds 100% truthful for both genders. This sounds like a really good unique artsy film that I would be really interested in watching. The emotional horror aspect, even though I don't do horror, makes it sound real interesting. I don't like feminism, because the ideology is more for the destruction of families and just having women replace men in a power role instead of actually coming together, but I do think that women's voices should be heard. It's just weird to think that only their side should be heard at the expense of silencing the male viewpoint. That's why I am respecting the heck out of this director for presenting both sides of the argument, because their are viewpoints that the other side is not seeing. I would like to know, why are feminist afraid to have a man express his voice and viewpoint in equal fashion be it in art, entertainment, politics, or so forth? The dialogue, just like in the film with the lack of communication, would solve a lot of problems, and it would clarify so much both both genders.
@98bocinas 9 ай бұрын
feminism doesn't look for replacing men, but having the same opportunities as them and being viewed equally
@tituspannell6009 9 ай бұрын
With all due respect that concept sounds real good on paper, and I 100% believe in that concept especially when it comes to equal pay, the problem is that the execution is nothing like that. The people who are in power who run the movement just want to flip the script. They want to be in power, and they want men to feel the same level of disenfranchisement that they felt. Even the men who try to help their cause they bring heavy heat against. I've seen it personally. @@98bocinas
@NightOwlandtheMoon 9 ай бұрын
@@98bocinasyes, so glad to see this reply
@ramdom_assortment 9 ай бұрын
Wait under age as in under 21, or under 18? It's asinine to have two adult ages. "Oh you can vote for the legislature at 18, but you don't have the mental capacity to drink until you're 21."
@Alachia 9 ай бұрын
it is very weird that we can't drink until the age of 21. I think the main thinking behind it is road safety. Teenagers are very irresponsible when it comes to drinking and driving and our car culture here is massive. Of course, this hasn't stopped texting while driving from happening which I think is a lot worse. but yeah. weird huh? You can be drafted to serve your country at 18 but not have a beer.
@gurpreetbajwa4490 9 ай бұрын
I'm more of a Dog Person honestly
@Alachia 9 ай бұрын
lol. I love cats but can't deal with their hair. My allergies go nuts.
@gurpreetbajwa4490 9 ай бұрын
@@Alachia my fav cats are the little black kittens. BTW I think you're giving the director of this film too much credit about being critical of a woman's perspective. I'm pretty sure since the guy is way older than her it's inherently an exploitative and creepy. It's not a two way street
@jm844 9 ай бұрын
LoL , not about the movie. Just beating it up
@morkeiichi3239 9 ай бұрын
@AzyxA 9 ай бұрын
Did you see her Saltburn review?... 😅
@Alachia 9 ай бұрын
I found the film very interesting. Very few films surprise me with their approach to story telling and this one did. I know a lot of fans of the short story will hate it but I loved the additional commentary.
@Milton2k 9 ай бұрын
"Todo el mundo habla de la feria, dependiendo como le vá."....they say here. Love is quite subjective. Interesting flick, I will look for it.
@ABCABBMovie 9 ай бұрын
This definitely sounds like an interesting, and even important, film. I definitely want to check it out now. My only criticism of your review is that Nicholas Braun is only 35, which I don't think is "much, much older".
@Alachia 9 ай бұрын
33 vs 20 is a huge gap. Mostly because someone who is 20 is so young emotionally. The gap wouldn't be that big a deal if it was 47 vs 35 for example.
@ABCABBMovie 9 ай бұрын
I agree with that, for sure. I'm just sensitive about people being called "old" when they're not at least in their 50s, especially since I'm almost in my 30s myself. :P@@Alachia
@Milton2k 9 ай бұрын
Hypocrisy is somewhat common at first in every relationship. Somewhat expected, somewhat tolerated. No me though... maybe even too honest. For later, there cannot be any doubt... about who I am.
@bsharp3281 9 ай бұрын
It sounds a bit like homework 😊
@Ali-gb7mf 7 ай бұрын
I gave up on dating and got a dog. Its easier....
@Alachia 7 ай бұрын
@thexfile. 9 ай бұрын
Depeche Mode recorded a song called 'Little 15' and it was about something similar.
@squattingheads 9 ай бұрын
the problem in my experience is that women generally dont like it when the fantasy is broken. For example by talking about it. Nothing gets women more disinterested than clarifying stuff. Men know it, so they dont dare to.
@fwwaller 9 ай бұрын
How about a film from a man’s perspective, about how terrible and shitty modern women can be, I’ve had plenty of experience is like that first hand myself
@mightytaiger3000 9 ай бұрын
Terrible as in… you have the mental, physical and emotional scars of being assaulted? Or terrible as in… she didn’t pay for half of the bill? Made you feel socially inadequate… Or, the worst… She showed up and looked heavier than in her pictures! Oh noes!
@fwwaller 9 ай бұрын
@@mightytaiger3000 the former
@fwwaller 9 ай бұрын
@@mightytaiger3000 the fact you're even asking this question really proves my point.
@MH-ys2gd 9 ай бұрын
actually i found it for both of them awful, and the girl was shitty tbh (i mean..she was the one who broke into his garage to put a tracking device on his car - that is pretty psycho if you ask me) and he seemed very inexperienced and very much into her and socially akward and stiff. and obviousley the reason he pursued a younger girl prolly got to do with his inexperience, woman his age would have been turned off, unless just as inexperienced as him. the end took a fucked up turn but tbh,i would have been scared if i was a man and caught a girl that managed to pepper spray herself in my garage to basically put a tracking device on my car. his actions afterwards been just as psycho as her behaviour tho. wasnt able to root for any of them
@DannsProductions 9 ай бұрын
I mean this movie perfectly demonstrates that. It’s just that it’s given through a female lens. This movie would’ve worked if it were from both sides instead of just one.
@robertdagge200 9 ай бұрын
Often you find the (young) girl is a terrifying nightmare. Lot of bunny-boilers out there....
@mightytaiger3000 9 ай бұрын
@sadegg4467 7 ай бұрын
grown men shouldn’t even be putting themselves in a situation to find that out 🙄
@dimercamparini 9 ай бұрын
Damn this movie was bad...almost unbearable at times... But yeah...If you are a GenZ uber woke feminist you will like it... (and BTW, If you are a poor little girl scared of the big bad wolf-man all the time I also highly recommend to go alone at night with your headphones on and music at high you can be totally oblivious of your surroundings...that is undoubtly the way to be most safe!) :DDDD
@fwwaller 9 ай бұрын
Oh great another modern movie about how men are terrible, that’s totally a trend thats not getting old.
@Alachia 9 ай бұрын
Actually this movie takes the time to give the guy a voice and perspective.
@fwwaller 9 ай бұрын
@@Alachia the way you made it sound. It sounds like the movies conclusion is that while the main character made some mistakes, the guy was the real monster in the end or something like that, maybe that was a miss read on my part, if that’s not actually, the case, then cool
@fwwaller 9 ай бұрын
@@Alachia I guess I’m just primed to respond in that way because there is a lot of legitimate misandry in movies now and as a guy I’m more than a little fucking tired of it
@AzyxA 9 ай бұрын
Maybe watch the whole review first...
@fwwaller 9 ай бұрын
@@AzyxA I did
@blazinghighlights6293 8 ай бұрын
She ruined his life, basic women and their delusions
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