Catholic Answers Focus: What Justifies a Christian?

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@joselitonaranjo3234 7 ай бұрын
Thank you gentlemen!
@JohnEButton 4 жыл бұрын
Karlo's the man. He's the protestant slayer
@ajamusic7322 4 жыл бұрын
Not so much "slayer" as our goal isn't to just "win the argument" but to be God's instruments to reveal the truth in Christ. So that we can win hearts for God's Glory
@lcringo3498 4 жыл бұрын
That's nonsense, John.Broussardd is what he is,but he ain't "all that", and he certainly doesn't impress ME...🤨🤨🤨
@ajamusic7322 4 жыл бұрын
@@lcringo3498 is there a Catholic Apologist that does impress you, even if you don't agree with them? If so what would you say it is about that particular apologist that impresses you? This is an honest curious question
@lcringo3498 4 жыл бұрын
@@ajamusic7322 No,AJA...There is NO Roman Catholic apologist that impresses me. God bless you my friend...😇😇😇
@ajamusic7322 4 жыл бұрын
@@lcringo3498 sorry to hear that. But thank you. God bless you as well
@debshirley6904 11 ай бұрын
I would say we are made righteous and then the Holy Spirit within us leads us to Good Works which further sanctifies us and makes us more like christ. But we have peace with God because our sins have been paid for. True Believers are motivated by the love of God and the Holy Spirit. They want to obey god. It is God working in us. But we are not earning our own righteousness. That is fear-based and there is no room for fear. Perfect love cast out all fear, and we are accepted in God.
@LuisMorales-lt3sg 22 күн бұрын
so you are justified by Christ and then you can go on sinning because it is a one time event?
@albertotieghi9280 Ай бұрын
@LuisMorales-lt3sg 22 күн бұрын
imputed justification becomes a financial transaction, an accounting entry in the books
@danielrutigliano7938 4 жыл бұрын
If justification is not a one time event and we have to continue in believing and repenting of sins to be saved and stay in service to the church as having works to prove to Him our one will be saved. I'm trusting in my Saviour. I trust that what He accomplished 2,000 years ago was enough to SAVE anyone who BELIEVES on His name. I have no works, I have no righteousness of mine own, and I cannot stop sinning in this vile body. Thank you Jesus Christ for your precious gift. I believe that you died for me, that you purged all my sins on the cross, that you rose again and that you are seated at the right hand of the Father. Thank you for your grace and mercy towards me a sinner. Bless your holy name!!!!
@actuallicensedteacher1846 2 жыл бұрын
Tell me you didn't watch the video without telling me you didn't watch the video. And drop the snide "trusting my Savior" line as if non-prots don't.
@soulosxpiotov7280 Жыл бұрын
@@actuallicensedteacher1846 Depends what you mean by "trust my Savior" - does this mean "Lord Jesus, YOU DID IT ALL, ALL TO YOU I OWE," or, "Lord Jesus, thank You for empowering Me a little here and a little there to do good works, to build up some righteousness as I COOPERATE with You to be 'good enough' since I may have committed a mortal sin" ? These two points of view are not the same, which do you believe?
@davidfabien7220 Жыл бұрын
That's not right, in Romans chapter 6 three times it is said that we have been set free from sin. Unfortunately, we do have a sinful nature. Romans 8:3b says that God has condemned sin in the flesh and verse four instructs us how to overcome sin: "so that the righteous decree of the law might be fulfilled in us, who live not according to the flesh but according to the spirit. Romans 8:6 the concern of the flesh is death, but the concern of the spirit is life and peace.
@rebellisconsurgere 7 күн бұрын
where can this be found in the Bible?
@imalive4u169 4 жыл бұрын
We are justified by Sanctifying Grace which is a supernatural gift from God. First when we are Baptized we have been saved by faith and as we recieve the other Sacraments which is part of that salvation in which we work out in fear and trembling as salvation itself can be lost as St. Paul stated we might not be spared as people will fall out of a state of Grace as such only those who endure until the end in that faith will be saved which means you have to die while in a state of Grace. Not that it matters what Protestants believe as the Bible came from the Catholic Church and the Book of Romans is St. Paul's letter to the Church of Rome.
@jamesboter4378 4 жыл бұрын
Is it not the church of rome a protestant church? Or being protested until now
@AndrewLane-pm2ro 11 ай бұрын
I think all you need to know about justification is contained in just one small verse: Jesus said, "If you love me, you will keep my commandments." (John 14:15) All God has ever wanted from us is love, expressed in obedience. That's what salvation is all about - God saving those who love him.
@andrej1659 6 ай бұрын
Except nobody keeps the commandments… James said if you fail one commandment, you fail them all
@AndrewLane-pm2ro 6 ай бұрын
@andrej1659 So what are you saying? A Christian is free to sin? A Christian can murder, rape and steal and still be saved?
@andrej1659 6 ай бұрын
“You don’t earn your justification but you do”
@soulosxpiotov7280 4 жыл бұрын
If Mr. Broussard would be willing to clarify, the Romans 3:24 passage "being justified" is also Nominative Masculine PLURAL. The "For ALL have sinned" in verse 23 is obviously plural, coming after verse 22 which says "for ALL those who believe," God is in the business of justifying people, that is, PLURAL (more than one person). Please note, Romans 5:1 does say "HAVING BEEN justified"...this justification before the Father was a Past Tense.
@HillbillyBlack Жыл бұрын
Faith Justifies Romans 5:1 Romans 3:28 Galatians 2:16 Galatians 3:24 First off, I think we can all agree, Protestant, and Catholic alike, if one professors faith in Christ, and has no evidence to back that up, namely, works or fruits of the spirit, I think that person has bigger problems than trying to classify works. The key to works in James 2 is 2:25. Never stop right at 2:24. Context is everything. James is wrapping up his case that genuine faith in God naturally results in a believer participating in good works. After showing how Abraham's saving faith caused him to act, James cites one more example from the Old Testament: Rahab the prostitute. Rahab's story is told in Joshua chapter 2. She was a citizen of Jericho who had heard the stories of Israel's mighty God and believed them: "The Lord your God, he is God in the heavens above and on the earth beneath" (Joshua 2:11). So when Israel's spies showed up to prepare for the battle against Jericho, Rahab hid them and helped them escape. Because of her actions, God spared Rahab and her family from the destruction to follow. It's important not to read something into the Bible which the author does not actually say. James point is not that Rahab's salvation was accomplished by what she did. The entire context of his discussion has been knowing what kind of faith it is that actually saves. Rahab's actions revealed that her faith in Israel's God was more than simply opinion: it was trusting, genuine faith. It's one thing to claim belief (James 2:14), or to have knowledge (James 2:19), but Rahab demonstrated that she had real saving faith-she "was justified," as James is using the term here-by courageously trusting the God of Israelites. This trust led inevitably to her good deeds. This is in perfect harmony with other New Testament passages such as Hebrews 11:31: "By faith Rahab the prostitute did not perish with those who were disobedient, because she had given a friendly welcome to the spies." Genuine faith in God and good works always go together. Works do not save, but they naturally flow from a legitimate relationship with Christ. Faith Alone Clement of Rome All these, therefore, were highly honoured, and made great, not for their own sake, or for their own works, or for the righteousness which they wrought, but through the operation of His will. And we, too, being called by His will in Christ Jesus, are not justified by ourselves, nor by our own wisdom, or understanding, or godliness, or works which we have wrought in holiness of heart; but by that faith through which, from the beginning, Almighty God has justified all men; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. John Chrysostom The patriarch Abraham himself before receiving circumcision had been declared righteous on the score of faith alone: before circumcision, the text says, “Abraham believed God, and credit for it brought him to righteousness.” “What is the “law of faith?” It is, being saved by grace. Here he shows God’s power, in that He has not only saved, but has even justified, and led them to boasting, and this too without needing works, but looking for faith only.” To say the early church did not teach Faith alone is a BOLD FACE LIE. It is Rome that radically departed from justification by faith alone over the last 2000 years.
@alexmarker881 4 жыл бұрын
@JustusTams 18 күн бұрын
Um. Romans 3:24 in the Greek. The word for justified is the greek word dikaioumenoi which is present tense for dikaioó. But the word justified is actually the word acquitted or declared righteous. So the present tense reality that Karlo said was actually misapplied by him to a misunderstanding of justification. He is essentially translate dikaioumenoi as being "made holy" which is false. It actually to be interpreted as "at all times even presently declared by God as acquitted and righteous." LOL
@soulosxpiotov7280 4 жыл бұрын
The subject of how to have a right standing before God is so critical - critical in that if people get it wrong, their end will be a fiery one, their end will be the Lake of Fire. For this reason is why we Prots battle over the matter of Justification. To approach God the wrong way will lead to the Lake of Fire. And hence, do we approach God with "Lord, Your Son DID IT ALL, I come to You with open hands, Jesus has done EVERYTHING that I need," or, "Lord, I'm hoping I can dwell with You forever as a result of MY COOPERATION to Increase in Justification - added to what Christ did, both His work and My own, His merits and My merits (albeit in Christ's strength), I hope (as in hope so) that I have ENOUGH righteousness since Your Son's work was not enough...." - this is the issue here.
@mercibeaucoup2639 4 жыл бұрын
@soulosxpiotov7280 4 жыл бұрын
@@mercibeaucoup2639 Unfortunately the Roman Catholic church makes it complex, and as a result, the church of Rome really does have a different gospel. And that's the point: is eternal life and ALL the justification needed to dwell with God forever front loaded - at the front, at the point of saving faith - or is it OBTAINED by cooperation with Christ, hence faith + works or faith + merit to 'increase in justification.' Christ's work is complete, He did it all, it is Christ and His righteousness that a person is to boast in for their salvation. To give partial boast in something else ("Lord, I really really REALLY tried my best to cooperate along with Christ to INCREASE in righteousness since I didn't receive all I needed when I first came to faith in Your Son") is a different gospel. And allow me to make this clear - if a person believes in a false gospel, if they place Partial dependence upon Christ and Partial dependence upon themselves to dwell with God forever, their end will be the Lake of Fire. What how would you answer in all that I wrote here? Do you agree or disagree.
@normaarroyo6671 Жыл бұрын
@@soulosxpiotov7280 The Sons work was never to transfer His merit to you. Rejecting this false notion, the opposite view of faith alone doesn't suppose the work of Christ wasn't enough
@soulosxpiotov7280 Жыл бұрын
@@normaarroyo6671 However, when does the repentant sinner receive Christ's merits, and by how much? Is Christ's righteousness imputed to the newly converted sinner at the onset of saving faith, front loaded at the very beginning, or, by "acts of cooperation a little here and a little there, just in case I may have enacted a mortal sin"? And hence, what is the new convert trusting in? His cooperation with Christ or ALL of Christ, ALL His merits, received freely up front?
@normaarroyo6671 Жыл бұрын
@@soulosxpiotov7280 The sinner was never meant to receive the merits of Christ. This is a presupposition on the text. Everyone is going to be judged by their works. You hell bound protestant thinks they receive a skip judgment car because they trust a fact. Scripture never speaks to it like this . Wake up from your presuppositions
@debshirley6904 21 күн бұрын
When you turn to Christ and trust Him to save you, He gives you a new heart. You are born again, and you have a new heart and motivation to love and serve him. When you do sin , you are heartbroken. You repent and ask for forgiveness and start over. It is an ongoing process for the rest of your life called sanctification...God's work in you...
@aka.yehoshua 4 ай бұрын
Didn't make any sense to me. From 13:20 to 14:20, I felt like I heard a self-refutation. Unless I misunderstood or you failed to articulate yourself. So, Christs righteousness would make us righteous one time for all, but in your view it makes us righteous over time? Not at once?
@normaarroyo6671 Жыл бұрын
It seems to me that the view promoted is a one time event of justification, and then keeping your justification. Rather than a process of justification like they claim
@thinkerj 3 күн бұрын
Those who believe have been justified by the blood of Christ (Rom. 5:1, 9).
@mjt532 8 ай бұрын
Maybe it's my Protestant background, but I can't make heads or tails out of this.
@wjm5972 4 жыл бұрын
Paagraph 1995 in the CCC.That is the answer
@soulosxpiotov7280 4 жыл бұрын
Romans chapter 2 has to do with PERFECTION. It begins with those who judge Gentiles even though those judging Gentiles do not obey God's Law themselves. The context also includes that if Gentiles, even though they are not circumcised, if these Gentiles were to KEEP God's Law, they would be able to judge those Jews who judged them. Hence, a DOER of God's Law is someone who KEEPS God's Law - perfectly. Since we're sinners, sinners thus require Christ's righteousness as a gift.
@kazper177 4 жыл бұрын
Does that mean I have to get circumcised?
@soulosxpiotov7280 4 жыл бұрын
@@kazper177 Physical circumcision? No. Spiritual circumcision, circumcision of the heart? Yes. This is God's work, even faith; faith is a work of God (John 6).
@jonathans3580 4 жыл бұрын
Chuck M Romans 2 clearly presents eternal life as a reward for perseverance in good works and obedience. St Paul is not presented an impossibility, he says that to these HE WILL give eternal life. This of course could only be the case for those made alive in Christ in whom they can merit. When one is dead in sin, there is only demerit. The works of the law, can not justify man, because he has broken it and thus is condemned, however, when we are regenerated, our sins are forgiven, we are justified, and we can increased the justice received by keeping the commandments, which is necessary for salvation (Matt. 19:17). Thus St Paul says, the doers of the law, those Gentiles who keep the commandments, will be justified in God’s sight.
@soulosxpiotov7280 4 жыл бұрын
@@jonathans3580 Hello Jon, this is an experiment, but for some reason I seem to be locked out writing comments. Please read below if you happen to get this message.
@soulosxpiotov7280 4 жыл бұрын
@@jonathans3580 There is a particular truth I don't know if you know, so I'll explain here (I'll have to break this up into two sections since I think youtube has a cutoff when it comes to size of content). The Lord Jesus said to the rich young ruler, who asked Him "What must I DO to obtain eternal life," Jesus said "KEEP the Commandments" (Matt 19:17). The Lord Jesus also said "Be ye PERFECT as your heavenly Father is PERFECT." (Matt 5:48). "For as many as are of the works of law are under the curse: for it is written, "Cursed is every one that continues NOT in ALLLL things which are written in the books of law to do them." (Gal 3:1). And now, as you had brought up Romans 2, it as as you say that those who PERSEVERE in good works and obedience - Not A Little Bit Here And A Little Bit There - but CONTINUOUSLY do good and obey.
@davidfabien7220 Жыл бұрын
I believe that the completely free gift is God's abundant grace which he lavished upon us resulting in justification and salvation. On the other hand, salvation cannot be completely free because the gospel solemnly urges us to work out our salvation with fear and trembling for God is at work in us to will and to do for his good pleasure. God's power and grace are always at work in us, and furthermore to steer us back again in the right direction - if we are willing - when we go astray. God's justifying and saving graces are and will always be there to restore us if we shall fall away, provided we don't deny and reject these graces. First and foremost, we ought to always let God's salvation work its way out in our lives; it's surely in our will and capacity to stop the process at any moment.
@soulosxpiotov7280 4 жыл бұрын
There is a distinction between having a right standing before God, justified in Christ, and REGENERATION, which is the spiritual change in the inner man, resulting in a New Creature in Christ. Justification and Regeneration are two different things.
@soulosxpiotov7280 4 жыл бұрын
@Dr. Alan Hales I completely agree, provided - this initial justification, that is, Christ's righteousness credited to the believer - is ALL that is needed to have a right standing with God, the true believer is now Propitiated, God's wrath has now been appeased PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE - such that there is no need to 'increase in further justification with MY cooperation with Christ" - if you believe in faith + NOTHING at the onset of saving faith to obtain eternal life and justification (both Front Loaded, not later) - then I would say you and I are on the same page. And I think we are on the same page, based on other comments you had posted below.
@normaarroyo6671 Жыл бұрын
@@soulosxpiotov7280 bunch of baloney
@soulosxpiotov7280 Жыл бұрын
@@normaarroyo6671 What is a bunch of baloney? That justification & regeneration are distinct, Christ's righteousness credited to the believer (Phil 3:9), the true believer BECOMES the righteousness of God in Him (2 Cor 5:21), or that there is NO MORE WRATH for the true believer (Romans 5:9)? Or, perhaps, based on the Lord's words in Luke 18, between the Pharisee and tax collector, Only One Went Home Justified? (?????) Which is 'baloney' and unbiblical?
@normaarroyo6671 Жыл бұрын
@@soulosxpiotov7280 No, justification and regeneration are coextensive, not the opposite. Phil 3:9 doesn't say Christ righteousness is transferred to you account . 2 Cor 5:21 doesn't say Christ righteousness gets transferred to your account There isn't anyone justified by his blood who has interior deficiencies in justice. And the one that went home justified was the truly broken in spirit, not a fake broken person who rose up and still had interior injustices in his heart. Sorry, you are making to much room for sin , it's baloney
@soulosxpiotov7280 4 жыл бұрын
The answer for being justified BEFORE GOD is: Christ's blood, that is, Christ's Sacrifice (Romans 5:9) and the creditation of the righteousness of God imputed to the true believer (Phil 3:9). The GREAT EXCHANGE is shown in 2 Cor 5:11; in this verse we know that the imputation of the righteousness of God to the believer is God IN HIM (that is, Christ). We know that "to justify" means "to declare righteous" or "declare innocent" is because man justifies himself (Luke 10:29), man is justified in a court of law (Deut 25), and Man Justifies GOD (Romans 3:4). Man obviously does not Make or Infuse righteousness into God.
@jonathans3580 4 жыл бұрын
Interestingly, Scripture doesn’t teach the imputation of Christ’s righteousness. Romans teaches that faith, which belongs to man, is credited to him as righteousness, and not the record of Christ. Rather, we receive justifying righteousness, including the remission of sins in regeneration through faith in baptism (John 3:5), (Acts 2:38). This righteousness does of course come from God and Christ and does not come from within us, but is placed within us through grace and the Holy Spirit. Romans 5:19 says many will be MADE righteous, and 2 Corinthians 5:21 says we BECOME the righteousness of God in Christ. If Christ’s righteousness was imputed to us, there would be no need confess sins to receive forgiveness and made righteous (1 John 1:9), (Matt. 6:12). This alone completely refutes the Protestant heresy. If justification is a sole event, there is no place for future remission of sins, for the actions of the justified are not considered by God, since the perfect record of Christ excludes the need for worry about sin. This is contrary to 1 Peter 4:18 “If the righteous is scarcely saved, what will become of the ungodly and the sinner?”
@soulosxpiotov7280 4 жыл бұрын
@@jonathans3580 Romans 4:9 has the Greek word "eis" which means "a view to", "leading to." A person's faith is not their righteousness, however it LEADS TO righteousness. It isn't faith itself that justifies, however it leads to righteousness. Also, please note, that Romans 5:18 discusses the distinction between those standing as condemned and those justified, Romans 5:19 discusses those who were Made sinners, and those who WILL BE Made righteous (future tense).True believers in Christ are justified now, but they have not been Made righteous. True believers stand justified, that is, declared as sinless before God, but in the future they will be Made righteous at glorification. And concerning 2 Cor 5:21, did you not write "BECOME"? So, then, you agree with this passage? How does a person BECOME the righteousness, of all things, the righteousness of GOD? In HIM? Is it your belief that through Purgatory you will BECOME the righteousness of God, or, is it through Union with Christ, IN Christ? And now I will deal with the distinction between Propitiation and Fellowship for you in the next comment.
@soulosxpiotov7280 4 жыл бұрын
@@jonathans3580 There is a distinction between PROPITIATION and FELLOWSHIP, is the issue here. PROPITIATION has to do with God's Wrath - but the "Full Payment Price" to appease the Father was fully, fully paid for by Christ on the Cross. What happened on the Cross made available God's wrath on the unsaved sinner to have that wrath 'appeased away' by Christ's shed blood. The Full Payment Price was paid for by Christ, FULLY, ~2000 years ago, although the actual Propitiation of a person occurs at the point that person comes to a genuinely sincere saving faith - a faith that leads to Regeneration, Eternal Life and ALL the justification and ALL the glory you need IN Christ. It should also be noted that the full payment price to have sins appeased is for Every Single Human Being in history (1 John 2:2). However, there is a distinction between the APPEASEMENT of GOD'S WRATH and FELLOWSHIP. So, do true believers in Christ still sin, since they have not been glorified in God's presence yet? Of course they do. And so, if a true believer sins, what are they to do? They are to confess according to 1 John 1:9. Why? So as to return to FELLOWSHIP with the Lord, since the context of 1 John 1:9 has to do with FELLOWSHIP with God ( 1 John 1:6). So here's the deal: Are the past, And present, And future sins of a true believer IN Christ Propitiated for, as in the Father was appeased? Yes - in this particular sense their sins are forgiven FOREVER - past, present and future sins, In The Context of propitiation. true believers in Christ sin, in that these sins affect their Fellowship with God? Yes, they need their sins forgiven by confessing TO GOD as 1 John 1:9 so as to restore the true believer in Fellowship with God.
@danielrutigliano7938 4 жыл бұрын
@@soulosxpiotov7280 also Catholics do not believe in assurance of salvation and that it can be lost. It escapes me how anyone can bare fruit for God while thinking that they themselves can be lost if they dont persevere or endure to the end to be finally saved... Nothing like walking on egg shells for decades thinking at some point you can lose your salvation if you don't keep the law. Unbelievable. God bless bro...
@thecrazyenglishman1066 4 жыл бұрын
Only to sit and think of God' Oh what a joy it is! To think the thought, to breathe the name; Earth has no higher bliss. Father of Jesus, love's reward! What rapture will it be, Prostrate before Thy throne to lie, And gaze and gaze on Thee! FW Faber.
@davidfabien7220 Жыл бұрын
God is not our sugar daddy to tolerate all our whims!
@soulosxpiotov7280 4 жыл бұрын
Both justification and Eternal Life occurs in the Past, front loaded; Romans 5:1 says "Having Been justified" and 1 John 5:11 says "And the testimony is this, that God HAS GIVEN us eternal life, and this life is in His Son."
@danielrutigliano7938 4 жыл бұрын
Amen Chuck. It's all Christ who SAVED us and declared us justified to all those who BELIEVE on Him.
@davidfabien7220 Жыл бұрын
God has given eternal life to all of us, but it also says that he is not willing that any should perish.
@Joshuaengels 2 жыл бұрын
Galatians teaches on this exact subject…..and Paul strictly instructs works of the law do not add to our perfection.
@actuallicensedteacher1846 2 жыл бұрын
@soulosxpiotov7280 4 жыл бұрын
The Romans 6:16 Greek word "dikaiosynēn" (righteousness) is distinct from 'to justify' in Romans 3:24 (dikaioumenoi) and "having been justified' in Romans 5:1 (dikaiōthentes). Those truly saved in Christ will live a life of righteousness, cooperatively with the Lord, however this 'righteousness' does not add to the "HAVING BEEN justified' (Romans 5:1) as a result of the imputation of the righteousness of Christ. All that we need to have a right standing with God, in that the Father justifies us in Past Tense - is all found in Christ Himself - however, that true believer will grow in His relationship with the Lord, in righteousness, such that in time (in the future) they may receive an Abundant entrance (2 Peter 1:11).
@jonathans3580 4 жыл бұрын
On the contrary, the justifying righteousness, which is the final cause of our justification, is not the imputed righteousness of Christ, which is not taught in scripture, but regeneration. See Titus 3:5-8, Colossians 2:12-14. Thus when our own righteousness is increased, so is our state of justice before God, so we are further justified. However, we are not justified in the sense of being translated from a state of deadness in sin to a state of grace, which is the justification of the ungodly through faith, rather, justification in the sense of increased justice through good works is of those who are in grace, which is the principle of merit. This is why it is true that Abraham was both not justified by works, and then later justified by works later on that were done in the life of grace. Of course being right with God is dependent on holiness, not a fake imputation, as Hebrews 12:14 makes clear.
@soulosxpiotov7280 4 жыл бұрын
@@jonathans3580 I do want to mention here that there is a pattern of Scripture concerning justification that relates to Abraham. It goes like this: Justified by works in Romans 3? NO Justified by works in James 2? YES Justified by works in Romans 4: NOT BEFORE GOD. Abraham was justified by his faith in Genesis 15, however, what does James 2 mean? We know that the James 2 passage begins with "What use is it when someone SAYS they have faith but have no works?" And later on it says " SHOW ME (can be seen) your faith without your works and I will SHOW YOU my faith by my works." Romans 3 & 4 has to do with being justified by God - it is NOT by works. James 2 has to do with justification before MAN - in that man recognizes that another has faith. Or doesn't. A true saving faith (unlike the faith of demons) WILL grow and WILL have works, although those works did not start that saving faith, nor increase anyone's justification -BEFORE GOD. Does good works THAT CAN BE SEEN BY OTHERS increase one's testimony, one's perspective of others toward you, in that they may declare you to truly be a person of faith? Yes - BEFORE MAN. Romans 3 & 4 is being justified BEFORE GOD with NO works. James 2 is being justified, recognized as righteous, as a person of faith BEFORE MAN.
@jonathans3580 4 жыл бұрын
Chuck M This is a common Protestant argument concerning James 2, yet is is proven false in the following way. Firstly, you speak of Abraham’s justification in James merely as vindication, however this is not the clear meaning of the text as it uses the word for justification as in Romans (meaning to declare righteous). Secondly, faith alone is refuted (James 2:24), meaning faith by itself is unable to save. Thus Abraham’s works played a role in his salvation. This is not simply vindication before men, or works which prove one is justified, but rather the works themselves justify and are necessary for salvation. This is clear as James says, “if a man has faith and not works, can that faith save him?” Next, the context of Abraham offering Isaac in Genesis 15 demolishes the notion that these works only proved Abraham righteous before men. The scripture says God tested Abraham. If he had not passed the test by works, God would not bless Abraham with offspring as he had promised, which Abraham believed in Genesis 12. The promise is then conditional. The offering of Isaac was known to God alone and was done for Gods sake, and not for men. How could this justify Abraham in the sight of men if no one had known about it until it was written in Scripture. It could then serve only to vindicate Abraham in the mind of the reader of Scripture. But we don’t need Abraham’s works as a proof that he had faith, since we clearly read in Scripture that he had faith and was justified in Genesis 12 and even before as Hebrews says when he left to a foreign land. Of course, the justification of Abraham by works was done in a state of justice, and increased his justice, and it does not refer to the justification of the ungodly, in whom works can not justify, because they are in a state of damnation after breaking the law.
@soulosxpiotov7280 4 жыл бұрын
@@jonathans3580 Abraham's faith and works played a role concerning being saved from sin's POwer - in this context, "being saved" he was being saved. This is distinct from Justification, which is being saved from God's wrath. You had brought up the beginning of the James 2 passage, you had forgotten to include " "What use is it, my brethren, if someone SSSAAAAYYYYS he has faith but he has no works? Can the faith save him?" The person doing the listening has observed that the speaker SAYS he has faith, but his lifestyle shows that actually he does not. Anybody can say that have faith, saying "I believe in God," however their lifestyle shows outwardly that can be observed by others if those who say so are speaking hypocritically. The passage continues "SHOW ME your faith without your works (this is a hypothetical impossibility) and I will SHOW YOU my faith by my works." These passages demonstrate that the context has to do with people observing other people. Some months ago a Roman Catholic priest had withheld the Eucharist from Joe Biden. Why? Because Biden didn't have the right testimony, the right personal witness to the world in claiming his faith as a 'Roman Catholic faith.' You can't believe in abortion and claim to be a faithful Roman Catholic at the same time. This event plays out James 2.
@soulosxpiotov7280 4 жыл бұрын
@@jonathans3580 also note that Abraham wasn't justified before GOD in Genesis 12, he was justified before GOD in Genesis 15. He had a mental assent and had enough fear of God in Genesis 12 to move, but this was the case also with Pharaoh Neco, who feared and obeyed God to battle Babylon even though he was headed to his own destruction. In other words, Pharaoh Neco, even though God had spoken to him, feared God to obey, but didn't have a saving faith. God also spoke to Abimilech to return Sarah to Abraham, and the pharaoh that battled Moses eventually recognized Jehovah as a powerful God - but there was no evidence these men came to faith in Jehovah. Same with Abraham in Genesis 12 & Genesis 15; Abraham wasn't justified before GOD with a faith that saved until Genesis 15 even though he had enough fear of God to move from Ur. Also note, by your reading about Abraham in Genesis in and RECOGNIZING he was a man of incredible faith by almost sacrificing Isaac, YOU JUST NOW RECOGNIZE - THAT IS, JUSTIFY - ABRAHAM as a man of true faith. By writing what you did, Jon, you JUSTIFIED Abraham ~3000 years after the events in Genesis 22. Literally, Jon, you just now played out the James 2 passage. There is a matter of being justified before GOD and being justified before MAN, hence the distinction between Romans 2 AND ALSO ROMANS 4 and James 2.
@justified-by-faithcom 4 жыл бұрын
Are you 100% sure you have everlasting life?
@Yukaghir 4 жыл бұрын
@justified-by-faithcom 4 жыл бұрын
@@Yukaghir Based on what?
@soulosxpiotov7280 4 жыл бұрын
@@Yukaghir Do you believe that eternal life front-loaded at the point of saving faith in Christ, or do you believe that eternal life come later after (hopefully) a life of faithfulness?
@margueritelangton6362 Жыл бұрын
The one time event, when one comes into relationship with Jesus, is only the beginning - and this i was taught as a Protestant new convert. You are assigning an extreme interpretation to the term "Justification" to all Protestants; i was taught that i had been saved UNTO good works. There is a closer Protestant - Catholic interpretation than you seen to be prepared to admit. Talk about semantic hair-splitting !!!!
@dailyDorc 11 ай бұрын
A lot of these issues seem like semantic hair splitting on the surface because the small difference in understanding will undermine deeper points of faith. Justification being a one time event has led some, for example, to the belief of "once saved, always saved" and that any evil they do in life will not matter in the final judgement.
@lcringo3498 4 жыл бұрын
This is Broussard's own misinterpretation of Paul,so it's meaningless; the claims of a sinful, fallible, error-prone human being...😫😫😫
@fred3893 4 жыл бұрын
Isn't YOUR interpretation of Paul a claim of a sinful, fallible, error-prone human being?
@lcringo3498 4 жыл бұрын
@@fred3893 No,because I offered no particular interpretation; NO ONE offers a better interpretation of Holy Writ than the Author of it, namely The Holy Spirit, and since I don't believe that Broussard is an instrument of the Holy Spirit, I don't have to agree with his particular interpretation. It's just that simple.I agree with the exegesis of many people of God filled with the Holy Spirit, but Broussard is NOT one of them.. 🤨🤨😫
@fred3893 4 жыл бұрын
L C Ringo you say, 'I agree with the exegesis of many people of God filled with the Holy Spirit, but Broussard is NOT one of them.' How do you decide which people are filled with the Holy Spirit? Let me guess - the ones that say the things you agree with? I guess you feel free to ignore others (Catholics and Non-Catholics) who disagree with YOUR interpretation of scripture. That is why there are literally thousands of non-Catholic denominations and interpretations out there. You are making God in your own image.
@lcringo3498 4 жыл бұрын
@@fred3893 You're confused,Fred...the issue is NOT anyone's particular interpretation per se; there is no particular Biblical mandate that dictates I kowtow to any sinful, fallible, error-prone person's(Or group of persons given interpretation of Holy Writ ; as I said elsewhere, the only interpreter of Scriptures I myself trust is the Holy Spirit.(Proverbs 3: 5'6)--- THAT'S a Biblical mandate that I adhere to, and ALWAYS WILL. GID BLESS!!! 😜😜😜
@fred3893 4 жыл бұрын
L Ringo: You say, 'the only interpreter of Scriptures I myself trust is the Holy Spirit.)' That is what EVERYONE says. Why then are there thousands of different interpretations held by god-fearing people who GENUINELY believe they are following the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit is not telling different people different things. There can be only one true interpretation of scripture. You accuse Karlo Broussard of having an incorrect interpretation because he does not agree with YOUR interpretation. It is as simple as that.
@soulosxpiotov7280 4 жыл бұрын
...and here's the rub...Romans 3:23 says "For all have sinned And FALL SHORT of the GLORY of GOD." However...2 Thess 2:14 says "..that you may gain the GLORY of our Lord Jesus Christ." Dear Roman Catholic friend, you may think in your mind "I can have a righteousness EQUAL with Christ after Purgatory," however - what plans do you have to obtain the infinite, eternal, majestic GLORY of Christ ?? It is through spiritual union in Christ that His glory is obtainable. Those who come to a TRUE salvation will have been crucified with Him (Gal 2:20), buried with Him (Rom 6), and seated with Christ in the heavenlies (Eph 2:6). It is through this union in Christ that explains how a true believer in Christ is credited with Christ's righteousness but also OBTAIN HIS GLORY.
@danielrutigliano7938 4 жыл бұрын
Amen again bro. And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith pf Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith. - Philippians 3:9.
@boonboon5448 3 жыл бұрын
Catholics believe their works save them.. This is called work righteousness. And this isn't the Gospel of Grace.. Pray for catholics. They are deceived.
@cdeep4548 2 жыл бұрын
No we don’t think works save us. Grace through faith saves us (eph 2:8-9). We believe in the maintaining of our salvation through our works. (eph 2:10)
@boonboon5448 2 жыл бұрын
@@cdeep4548 So you don't believe Jesus Christ died for the sin's of this world. If you couldn't earn salvation with good works.. What makes you believe you can keep salvation with them. Salvation is a free Gift from God. Given to those who trust / believe .. It's clear you don't Believe...
@cdeep4548 2 жыл бұрын
@@boonboon5448 Because to believe is to obey and to disbelief is to disobey (John 3:36) (Heb 3:18-19) (James 3:24) I can go on and on. Believe is a pregnant word, it encompasses more then just a mental accent to one fact. Believe is also a (verb) it is something u do. So even ur belief is a work.
@boonboon5448 2 жыл бұрын
@@cdeep4548 We are saved unto good works my Friend.. But we aren't saved by them.. Do you reject salvation is not a free Gift?
@cdeep4548 2 жыл бұрын
@@boonboon5448 I agree with u 100%. Their is a real contradiction in Protestant theology. U say “ We are saved unto good works not by them.” In which I say amen. Where we differ is Catholics say good works are the natural result of salvation and therefore maintain it by our good works by participating in the sanctifying grace given by Christ Jesus. Salvation in the Catholic sense isn’t JUST a one time thing, it’s a continual dependency on Christ, for we believe that one can forfeit their salvation through committing mortal sin.
@cbooth151 3 жыл бұрын
What justifies a Christian? A Christian is one who believes in and acts on the teachings of Jesus Christ. As Jesus said: "If you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples." Now, do Catholics remain in the word of Jesus? In other words, do Catholics obey Jesus' teachings? NO!! For instance, where in the Bible did Jesus ever teach that... 1. God is a trinity? NOWHERE!! To Jesus, his Father--a single person-- is "the only true God." (John 17:3) 2. unmarried priests must remain celibate? NOWHERE!! 3. he [Jesus] is God? NOWHERE!! Instead, Jesus said: "I am the Son of God." (John 10:36) 4. his mother was immaculately conceived? NOWHERE!! 5. the pope is the vicar of Christ? NOWHERE!! 6. images can be worshiped? NOWHERE!! 7. priests can be addressed as 'Father'? NOWHERE!! 8. infants can be baptized? NOWHERE!! 9. Peter was the first pope? NOWHERE!! 10. Christians can recite novelas? NOWHERE!! 11. Christians should pray to Mary? NOWHERE!! 12. purgatory is real? NOWHERE!! 13. Mary is the mother of God? NOWHERE!! 14. Christians should celebrate his birth? NOWHERE!! 15. the Godhead is triune? NOWHERE!! 16. Mary should be prayed to? NOWHERE!! 17. Christians should celebrate his resurrection? NOWHERE!! 18. that he [Jesus] should be called "God the Son"? NOWHERE!! 19. he and his Father are equals? NOWHERE!! 20. that homosexuals are "children of God"? NOWHERE!! So, since it is obvious that Catholics do not remain in Jesus' word or teachings, can it be honestly said that Catholics are Christians? Certainly not!
@alexmarker881 4 жыл бұрын
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