Рет қаралды 169
Hello everyone, and welcome to todays Among Us moments video!
I'm *Anton*, the creator of the Pinnacle bot.
Everyday, Pinnacle searches the web for the best Among Us highlights available, and automatically compiles them into multiple, easy to consume livestream highlight compilations. This makes it super easy for you, the viewer, to catch up on the most relevant highlights and moments that has happened in the Among Us community, when you don't have the time to watch streams all day.
If Pinnacle has included a clip from your stream and you don't want it there, get in contact with me on my email at pinnaclemainman@gmail.com, and I will get rid of it straight away, as well as prevent pinnacle from ever considering your clips again!
** Clip Sources **
If you enjoyed the video, make sure to support the creators by following them, so that you can watch their content live!
00:00 - Intro
00:05 - Chilled hopes someone protects him in game | by ChilledChaos
Watch at: twitch.tv/Chil...
00:25 - Chilled yelling into larrys ass | by ChilledChaos
Watch at: twitch.tv/Chil...
00:55 - You'll Burn In Hell For This | by ChilledChaos
Watch at: twitch.tv/Chil...
01:54 - falscher button smeggy | by Smeggy
Watch at: twitch.tv/Smeggy
02:24 - Me Shapeshifting in front of 4 other people LOL | by nikkisia
Watch at: twitch.tv/nikk...
03:15 - Platty's gonna c*m!! | by ChilledChaos
Watch at: twitch.tv/Chil...
04:15 - Happy Men Appreciation Day | by APlatypuss
Watch at: twitch.tv/APla...
04:59 - $1300 PC !GIVEAWAY KINGDOM HEARTS 2 TONIGHT! | by APlatypuss
Watch at: twitch.tv/APla...
05:29 - hey bernie willst du mein sidekick sein? | by FeineKatze
Watch at: twitch.tv/Fein...
06:20 - UNTIL YOU'RE | by ChilledChaos
Watch at: twitch.tv/Chil...
06:37 - side did to platy what he did to chilled | by APlatypuss
Watch at: twitch.tv/APla...
07:29 - We all heard that | by APlatypuss
Watch at: twitch.tv/APla...
08:25 - The plans of a man, and his... What? | by ChilledChaos
Watch at: twitch.tv/Chil...
09:01 - Vivi ist wundervoll | by Smeggy
Watch at: twitch.tv/Smeggy
09:22 - He's Distressed | by LarryFishburger
Watch at: twitch.tv/Larr...
09:46 - SHUT THE F/// UP! | by ZeRoyalViking
Watch at: twitch.tv/ZeRo...
10:05 - BIG BRAINS & BETRAYAL! ඞ (Among Us x Town of Us) | by ChilledChaos
Watch at: twitch.tv/Chil...
10:31 - Ross Heat Death | by Giwi
Watch at: twitch.tv/Giwi
11:07 - happy birthday macxlrr... | by Amoomsa
Watch at: twitch.tv/Amoomsa
11:49 - She's Distressed! | by emerome
Watch at: twitch.tv/emerome
12:11 - shy Uwuzi | by Sysichi
Watch at: twitch.tv/Sysichi
12:18 - Among us Modalidad toritos en fuga ! Black Bulls | by soyreddington
Watch at: twitch.tv/soyr...
12:28 - Melons | by ChilledChaos
Watch at: twitch.tv/Chil...
13:16 - Not the streamer and the bday girl dead first | by Amoomsa
Watch at: twitch.tv/Amoomsa
13:50 - P L A | by APlatypuss
Watch at: twitch.tv/APla...
14:40 - Outro
--- Contact Me ---
If you want to get in contact with me, the easiest way to do that is either by email, or through social media:
Email: pinnaclemainman@gmail.com
Website: www.antonandre...
Discord: bit.ly/discord-...
Facebook: bit.ly/facebook...
Twitter: bit.ly/anton-tw...
Twitch: bit.ly/twitch-a...
Instagram: bit.ly/anton-in...
#pinnacle #amongus #highlights