Hi Dr. Chapp , just wanted to commend you for absolutely killing it on Pints with Aquinas! Hopefully, you will gain an even greater following now from that appearance
@gaudiumetspes22dr.larrycha2610 күн бұрын
@trad-lite7 күн бұрын
That was one of the best interviews Matt’s done. So much relevancy and honesty. Dr. Chapp speaks from the heart and you know what you’re getting. He’s not grifting. His voice matters.
@rickmiller20427 күн бұрын
If every reporter was as careful as Christopher, though no longer a reporter, we would not have the massive distrust we have of news organizations of any stripe. Excellent discussion.
@newglof955811 күн бұрын
Dr. Chapp - i dont know if you take requests but some content on Josef Kleutgen and Vatican I from your perspective/a historical context would be fascinating Not really much out there in podcast form
@trad-lite7 күн бұрын
Fun Fact: If you edit out all of Chris’s long pregnant pauses and “uuummmmms”, this episode is only twenty minutes long 😅
@mikehornick497111 күн бұрын
Francis autobio cover resembles Obama 2008 campaign poster. Hope is a theological virtue. The title might instead have honored a cardinal virtue: Patience.