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Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Operation Resurrection review. www.ClassicGame...
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Classic Game Room reviews RETURN TO CASTLE WOLFENSTEIN: OPERATION RESURRECTION for PlayStation 2 from id, Grey Matter and Activision released in 2003. Wolfenstein on PS2 is an excellent first person shooter with a huge storyline, great sense of humor and frantic gameplay that really picks up speed in the second half of the game.

Пікірлер: 373
@baconman7362 9 жыл бұрын
I am playing through the xbox version. It is amazing!
@clookoo2 11 жыл бұрын
absolutely true, I have under my TV a PS3, GameCube, Wii, dreamcast, genesis, and an Xbox 360 and they all look comfortable together, so why can't people?
@WeskerFIN 11 жыл бұрын
i used to play this on xbox: Return to the Castle Wolfenstein Tides of War in year 2003... co-op was great with friends... good memories
@MrJewbaccca 10 жыл бұрын
my first M rated game i got and my dad bought 2 copies one for me and one for my bro. I still havent beaten it but one of these days I will this was about 10 years ago. Best game i played on the ps2 and still hae it.
@theamazingguy-qn2tw 10 жыл бұрын
my first m rated game cod black ops avp socom confromtation
@theamazingguy-qn2tw 10 жыл бұрын
the amazing....guy and also I was 8
@ckhound1 11 жыл бұрын
I, like him, own a gaming rig, and consoles. I prefer almost all games on consoles. I only use my pc for starcraft and mmos, I don't personally like a mouse input and am fine with consoles, and he might be as well, its all about preference, the ps2 version isn't a worse version than the pc version, however it might be for you! So just play whichever version you love the most! That is all that matters, is fun!
@bretthicksomega 11 жыл бұрын
thanks for the info, I have tides of war, and was initially curious why the review footage looked so drastically different Ill prob pick up OR eventually just becuase I like the game, and enjoy seeing how different certain versions are
@djklink20009 11 жыл бұрын
i played this on xbox was a fun trip i couldn't get all the way through it tho too bad since it unlocks the original if you complete it, i don't have it anymore
@theoriginalfat 11 жыл бұрын
For PC this game was OUSTANDING :D
@KatzInABowl 11 жыл бұрын
Holy shizz! I forgot all about this game! It was hard.
@freedomfromreligion409 10 жыл бұрын
I've played through this game so many times, I know where every enemy is off by heart and how to go into every area to match their reaction to the player. And by the way, your supposed to fire the flame thrower in bursts.
@soulmike1 10 жыл бұрын
Quite simply AWESOME one of the best games ive ever played singleplayer has soooo much to offer combat is first class I spent a couple of years playing real people online but often returned to the single player just for fun HUGE game and genuine moments of terror and scariness if you want a rewarding and ultimately satisfying experience then go get this I promise you wont be sorry best levels are the supernatural ones but just mowing down Nazis just doesn't get boring everything this review says is totally spot on !!!!!!
@OddManSam 11 жыл бұрын
I feel like a lot of PC gamers are like: "I am a PC gamer" *puts on Hipster glasses* "Gotta' problem with that?" I prefer PC over console, but let people do what they want. Someone prefers console over PC? That's great, just don't argue with them. There are more important factors to life.
@benshea121 11 жыл бұрын
return to castle WOLFENSTEIN on the original xbox was way better. it got a 9.3 while this game only got a 7.6. this game was just shitty. to bad cgr didnt play that version. hell it was so difforent they even gave it a different sub title
@InfernalMonsoon 10 жыл бұрын
Easily the best Wolfenstein game! This game kicked my fucking ass over and over but I still love it, I have never beaten it but from what I heard, it's pretty damn long (About 10-14 hours or something like that, quite long for an FPS). I loved pretty much every single Wolf game, but I don't think they'll ever be as good as Return to Castle and 3D.
@Hijynx87 8 жыл бұрын
+DarkStarAngelo It's pretty easy to be better than wolf 3d =p It was the first fps ever made.
@tartuffethesprywonderdog5883 5 жыл бұрын
Wolf 3d is the best. Hijynx87, you're a moron.
@benshea121 11 жыл бұрын
also the graphics were far better on xbox, and the ps2 is the only one with the leveling up system (which takes away the sense of difficulty imo)
@themaniacboy 10 жыл бұрын
Wolfenstein is all about realism ? Haha, undead, cyborgs, futuristic weapons, sounds realistic enough ? I love this game, both on PC ( multiplayer ) and Xbox. I played lots of split-screen on the xbox version, so much fun.
@whodatninja439 11 жыл бұрын
Classic Game Room needs more Stella The Wonder Dog - I bet you get lonely in that space station of yours :P
@TonyBurrito 11 жыл бұрын
The catacombs part delayed my playthrough like 2 years cause it was so scary. Ze germans speak so funny in RTCW and the atmosphere is still the best ever in fps genre:)
@SoaringLettuce 11 жыл бұрын
''The walking undead and of course, a flamethrower...'' SOLD
@vinniecorleone62 4 жыл бұрын
So pleased you enjoyed the game Mark, it was my original PS2 copy I bought new! Best enjoyed with a California Lagunitas IPA bud, loved your review my good friend!
@AleK0451 10 жыл бұрын
Is this version different enough to the PC version to warrent buying it, bearing in mind I have no friends for the co-op mode.
@freedomfromreligion409 10 жыл бұрын
there are extra levels at the start of the console version and added secrets throughout all the levels in the game... plus its a console version, that alone makes it worth getting.
@AleK0451 10 жыл бұрын
Freedom FROM Religion Does it being on a console make it worth getting though?
@freedomfromreligion409 10 жыл бұрын
***** Its an FPS so I'd say yea.
@AleK0451 10 жыл бұрын
Freedom FROM Religion If anything that means I should get it on PC, which I already have.
@ORLY911 11 жыл бұрын
You should really review Blood (you can get it on gog as One Unit Whole Blood), it's a gothic duke nukem, basically. Your melee weapon is a PITCHFORK.
@bkirk0510 10 жыл бұрын
This and XIII were the best games on Xbox Live at launch. So many great matches ...
@The_Husband_of_Jane_Lane 8 жыл бұрын
This game and XIII came out in 2003, Xbox Live was launched in 2002.
@anongrey 11 жыл бұрын
Brings back some good memories.
@AgsmaJustAgsma 11 жыл бұрын
Mark reviewed the PC port of X-Com: Enemy Unknown. Hell, he even said that it was the best port. So I don't see your point, mate. Of course, CGR reviews console games most of the times, but that's what they do best. That and being better reviewers than IGN or Gamespot. Oh yeah, and also BGamer, fuck that community.
@StopFear 11 жыл бұрын
At the time was pretty fun. Not a very fun ending. But throughout the game much more fun than the more recent Wolfenstein of 2007. I remember on PC this was primarily big because of multiplayer and flamethrowers in multiplayer in particular.
@spiderjerusalem100 11 жыл бұрын
Yeah i know right. I play games on PC as well as the 360 and i love both. There's some awesome games i can only play on console and some awesome games i can only play on my PC. Screw all that elitist "PC is the best" bull crap.
@The_Husband_of_Jane_Lane 8 жыл бұрын
I have this game on Microsoft Xbox, which I bought at Street Light Records in San Jose, CA, it's a great game.
@Lihoratka 7 жыл бұрын
They sell classic stuff at this store?
@The_Husband_of_Jane_Lane 7 жыл бұрын
Yes, they do.
@Lihoratka 7 жыл бұрын
@nejinaji 7 жыл бұрын
that was an incredibly specific comment.
@Lihoratka 7 жыл бұрын
Yes, I read it first when i was sitting in my home's sofa in Porto Alegre, RS, 3 months ago, using my smart phone
@nirvana-qk9ju 8 жыл бұрын
I have quite Literally just jumped back into this on Xbox, after about 8 years. Played through wolfenstein 3D, bagged myself the achievements. So now, onto return. So far, loving it!
@StopFear 11 жыл бұрын
I remember playing Return to Wolfenstein on the PC. The graphics were very impressive at the moment. Shiny leather, particles , mecha nazis.
@zummone 11 жыл бұрын
Shut up, every game Mark reviews is okay, for every console. And those jaggies are because an interlacing issue fucks it all up.
@gattocake 11 жыл бұрын
"PC is more if you don't care for gameplay or story just the graphics and want the best you can get." please kill me
@Lb8068 11 жыл бұрын
Except they are. PC building is hardly a niche market in this day and age when it's effectively just slotting in lego pieces. People who buy prebuilt are people who have more money than sense and are willing to pay three times the cash of what it would normally cost them to built it themself. Mice provide a larger area of movement than an analogue stick does providing greater control.
@KingGameReview 11 жыл бұрын
I played this game on the Xbox and it is the one game EVER to give me motion sickness... I have no idea why.
@KRAFTWERK2K6 11 жыл бұрын
YAY! Still have my copy of "RTCW - Tides of war" for my XBox. "RTCW - Operation ressurection" seem to be almost identical. "Tides of war" horever was more like a directors cut of the regular RTCW, with a few more extra missions at the beginning. Grey Matter did an EXCELLENT modern version or the original Wolfenstein 3D. Killing Nazis hasn't been more fun since killing Nazis ^^
@TDUShelby 11 жыл бұрын
First person ADVENTURE. Ah, the genre I love. Half-life, 007 Nightfire, Goldeneye Reloaded, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. Don't get me wrong, I've cut my teeth the Battlefield, I have followed the Call of Duty, but at the end of the day, I want games to TAKE me somewhere. Context, situations, MORE THAN 5 HOURS LONG!
@WHATISUTUBE 11 жыл бұрын
Recently got through Batman Arkham City, gonna boot up NiGHTS and Alan Wake next. Your argument is invalid.
@MrOrangeJuicex 11 жыл бұрын
This game was awesome
@GhostsDontWalk1 11 жыл бұрын
Mark has said before he's not a fan of PC games. I think he's said the biggest reason is because he doesn't want to stare at a computer monitor for hours on end when he already has to look at one so much for his job. It's hard on his eyes.
@RetroAmateur1989 11 жыл бұрын
and just when i thought "he finally did a PC game" i see PS2. i kinda think he boycotts PCs. He chooses the lesser version of a game and he hasn't even reviewed Hydorah which is one of the best sidescrollers of all time out there and its freeware too.
@kamikaze9699 11 жыл бұрын
So, in other words, this FPS sounds right up my alley. I prefer slow pick up and more adventure elements, mainly because I suck at FPS in general, but enjoy the genre nonetheless.
@Vokoca 11 жыл бұрын
I remember the first catacombs level in this game used to scare the shit out of me. I played the first three levels or so over and over just so I didn't have to fight the zombies. :D
@simplebodo 11 жыл бұрын
6$? In germany, a good (cut) version of RtcW cost way more then 50€. And the Ps2 and Xbox Versions over 100€ (and not even in german, because they are banned). But as always a good review.
@csicskabanghead 11 жыл бұрын
I think that the ps2 version is better than the pc version.... This once. But why did they name it operation ressurection? Its the same as the normal.
@1shoryuken 11 жыл бұрын
Mark has done PC reviews, and he will probably review doujin Shmups but its pretty damn obvious that he gets a ton of stuff to review from donations etc.
@Angeline1994 11 жыл бұрын
If you're looking for LAN multiplayer and splitscreen Co-op, Tides of War is the way to go. If you just want the Story, Operation Resurrection should suffice. Be warned, Tides of War has issues on the Xbox 360, as in multiplayer is damn near unplayable. Though as far as technical things go, ToW has surround sound, whereas OpRe only has stereo. ToW also runs better than OpRe when played on the original Xbox. OpRe has some occasional slowdown during super heavy fights.
@GuiltyKit 11 жыл бұрын
Compatibility mode only goes so far, of course. There are lots of older games where you'll have to fiddle with figuring out dosbox or something else to get a game running. And then there's the old games that ran at a speed proportional to how powerful your CPU was. But yeah there are tools available. I do kind of miss having a couple junkboxes built specifically to play old D&D RPGs or what not, though. Also great review, I loved the RtCW games!
@ShitFictions 11 жыл бұрын
i was expecting mohammed from qatar giving this game
@Dr.SkullScience77 11 жыл бұрын
Right, now it is personal insults when I originally wanted to comment on my disdain for fanboys and trolls! This must be a wind up and/or a teenager who has too much time on their hands! If neither then i can only forward my sympathies as this is something beneath me! I do not care why you play games so why bother telling me the obvious! I have tried to be neutral and say enjoy both, my preference is my own and do not denigrate someone else for theirs, as long as they ain't a troll or fanboy.
@stozzer77 11 жыл бұрын
Ha ha! Look at the pc fanboy go! Unless you have time and money PCs are a pain in the backside to get the best performance with money needed for upgrading! Consoles are great out of the box with next to no hassle and will give 5 years plus top gaming. The 360 and ps3 are still getting top exclusive games at the end of this generations cycle! Just go to any high street store to see what priority pc gaming has or should i say lack of!
@Dr.SkullScience77 11 жыл бұрын
Oh, and Metro was a political move as the 360 and PS3 are both getting it and all independent tests show the WiiU is faster. Rumour being they were given the Dev Kits very late. My point is enjoy both consoles and PCs but they are very different beasts, you have obviously taken your stance and are well on the road to being a fanboy, if not already there. I own consoles and PCs and do not feel the need to denigrate either for they are aimed at differing demographics. Just enjoy what they are!
@Dr.SkullScience77 11 жыл бұрын
Oh, and 750 dollar build will "PROBABLY" be good enough! Enough said really! I don't see the comparison, consoles are for gamers who want to play games 'out the box'. PCs, no matter what you say, require tweaking from the get go. Auto-detection is fine but what serious PC owner doesn't use advanced graphics options. But dedicated hardware is always superior. Any programmer will tell you that. Such is the vast array of processors, gfx chips etc.. plus market forces, compromises are made.
@Dr.SkullScience77 11 жыл бұрын
Erm, this isn't a wind up is it? You are talking as if I have no experience with PCs when I have 20 years + (yes, way back then!!). As compared to? I know PCs inside out. But I digress! You do realise in your previous post you said I was wrong on all 3 counts, hmm, so the 'bang for buck' I was apparently wrong on! Erm, buy a 150 dollar new PC and see how it performs compared to PS3 or 360! LOL!!! Ofcourse PCs are capable of higher fps, but as you said, a 750 dollar build! No contest!!
@Dr.SkullScience77 11 жыл бұрын
What total garbage! I love my PCs, and own a variety so I can play new to old, from cutting edge to the likes of Blood 2 and Kingpin! I have been doing this for years! Own all the major consoles and many rarities. Even the most cutting edge PC will work fine with one game but will need time tweaking and optimising for another even if that game is less technically advanced. It is all about dedicated hardware. Consoles have the inherent edge in terms of smoothness. PCs require time and money!
@MrUberguber 11 жыл бұрын
They are much cheaper because they are over 8 years old. I have a pc i made 5 years ago for 600 dollars and works just fine just turn down shadows and aa on some games and you are good, i can always upgrade it when the new consoles come out to stay above the curb. I am not willing to hold out on ancient hardware just for console exclusives at a resolution that looks blurry on a 1080p monitor, to each his own i guess. At least the ps3 has a good blu-ray player on it.
@Dr.SkullScience77 11 жыл бұрын
This is the very worst case of PC fanboyism I have seen in along time. CGR is a celebration of all things gaming related. Like Mark, I am a collector, I own many many consoles and PC's. There is no contest in terms of stability, consoles give greater gaming performance and more bang for buck. If you have a considerable amount of time and enjoy constantly tweaking to maximise performance/graphics and stop the innate 'pc judder' then they are fun. Oh and Xbox version of this game was superior.
@OddManSam 11 жыл бұрын
Me and many others enjoy console gaming for its simplicity. And after a few weeks, $60 pricedrop to $50. And don't take me for an ignorant console fanboy. I love all platforms but prefer PC. I'm just saying that consoles are useless and many people (like me) enjoy them still. Even though I really enjoy PC gaming more. Also, PC doesn't have a lot of my favorite exclusive titles like the Legend of Zelda, Metal Gear, ETC. But I'm not hating or fanboying, I'm just saying consoles are useless.
@jcynavarro 11 жыл бұрын
"Hydorah which is one of the best sidescrollers of all time out there and its freeware too.".... even if there's a lot of people out there who like the game.. not everyone thinks the same. And just because you like the game, does not mean mark does, or anyone else here in the comments. I for one think the game sucks.. but you dont see me trying to make everyone else think that too.
@B4Gamer115 11 жыл бұрын
- CoD-EA = Call of Duty Enlightenment Army. - They worship CoD, and claim it was the first FPS. They wouldn't care if Wolfenstein was made by the same company of CoD, and the fact that they both have used the same engine (and yes, it was the id Tech 3, AKA Q3 Arena engine). They still view Wolfenstein as a "lesser" and "mediocre" game, which is not true. If you do see a person comment how CoD is superior to this game (in any way), flag their comment as spam / thumb them down.
@mrnicktoyou 11 жыл бұрын
I loved this game, especially the parts when you visit the German villages. But it looks horrible on the PS2. The PC version is vastly superior.
@BANANASAUCEYUM 11 жыл бұрын
But do you really need all this new technology just for video games? My favorite video game ever made is The Legend of Zelda a Link to the Past and it sure as hell doesn't have any of that shit. Games are meant for fun, not for a recreation of something you can do in real life, which is what all new games seem to be with their great graphics and shit
@COBOL 11 жыл бұрын
Oh no no no... It's always the same and also in 2013 will be the same. Games born on PC are better on PC. Games born on consoles are often exclusives and worth playing. It's not the resolution or the FPS that make a game fun. PC and console give different gaming experiences. Buy a console, relax with some good gaming on the couch and live with a smile :)
@bombjack1984 11 жыл бұрын
Thanks too for not ranting back at me unlike some others. It's true the PS2 can do more polygons and has a much higher fill rate, but it does do all that at a lower resolution than the Dreamcast (and Xbox and Gamecube). Agree with you on the Dreamcast being special, for me it was the last of the 'arcade fun' consoles before games got all serious and drawn out.
@Dr.SkullScience77 11 жыл бұрын
Just realised that I originally came on here to make a comment about fanboys and got suckered into a brainless fest myself! As I originally said, CGR is a celebration of ALL things gaming, why trolls and fanboys have to segregate even retro-games is idiotic. Enjoy them all, I know I do!!
@MrUberguber 11 жыл бұрын
I would rather update my rig every 4 to 5 years than be stuck with what ms or sony has for 10 years. What game isn't 1080p on pc these days lol? And virtually any of the older games of yester year can be modified with forced widescreen at almost any resolution.
@bombjack1984 11 жыл бұрын
They probably say it because it's true, most PS2 games only render at 512x448 which is why they're full of jaggies. GT4's 1080i mode is just an upscaled 540 line mode, it's definitely not drawing 1080 lines - compare the jaggies in GT4 to GT5 to very obviously see that.
@DonsVideoPalace 11 жыл бұрын
Worst version
@JesusProtects 11 жыл бұрын
the operation joke make me think... why don't you review board games too? theres a lot of them and some are really fun and enjoyable.
@13Gangland 11 жыл бұрын
Well video games did start on computer.. but to me, in my opinion anyway, consoles just scream gamers more than a computer.. I hate computer gaming.. there's just something about a good control and console game that feels just right..
@jakfan09 11 жыл бұрын
Yeah I guess I am,but if your pc addicted thats fine just don't try to force your opinion on me.As a matter of fact one of the games I'm playing right now is pc exclusive its called the Longest Journey its a great piont and click adventure game.
@fkkkkkenig 11 жыл бұрын
Many people prefer a Civic to a Ferrari. Ferrari's are expensive to maintain and attract unwanted attention from cops, versus a Civic where you don't really mind what happens to it. For commuting to and from work, a civic beats a Ferrari all day, every day.
@pd3331 11 жыл бұрын
Some do some don't. I am a PC gamer and I think both are good. It is true a good PC can out perform a consoles. But consoles are just easy to setup and use. I do prefer PC because of price, I got Saint Row The Third for $5 It about $40 for consoles.
@bombjack1984 11 жыл бұрын
What's happened to Mark's hair in this vid? I hope we don't have too many more PS2 reviews - those jaggies are making my eyes bleed. 'Emotion Engine' my arse - the PS2 had a lower resolution than the Dreamcast (512x448 vs 640x480).
@Palmroxx 11 жыл бұрын
"CoD-EA"? "They hate Wolfenstein." Return to Castle Wolfenstein is published by Activision (who publishes the CoD-series) and the game uses the same engine as CoD1 and 2, the idTech-engine (can't remember the version, maybe 3?) by idSoftware.
@MrXinsizionx 11 жыл бұрын
The PC version was the best.. The online FREE version of Wolfenstein Enemy Territory was great too and still is. But the xbox was a great port of these game... In my area this game without the box sells anyway from 90 cents to $1.
@kacboy 11 жыл бұрын
This guy likes to collect stuff. And you can't exactly collect all the PCs lol.
@SlothMachines 11 жыл бұрын
Eh, my mistake. Makes no difference anyway since you should just play it on PC. HD resolution, superior graphics, still active online community with Enemy Territory and 60 fps. Also, no leveling system as well.
@benshea121 11 жыл бұрын
return to castle wolfenstein tides of war for the xbox 360was better , also the game of the year edition on pc.... ps2 was shit, and does not give this game proper honor.. I think they had other people working on it..
@pulsini 11 жыл бұрын
if someone can tell games that have old guns like in the first cod games the good cod games i mean guns like the thompson or springfield ones n.n i like the old guns it doesnt matter if the game is old, i play on the ps3 :P
@MrRedberet 11 жыл бұрын
It sure is an awesome. As awesome as Wolfenstein (2010)! But, if anyone asks me, this game looks a lot better on the PC. Better graphics and the gunfire sound of each weapon is completely different. Much better, in fact!
@JiGGdoGG 11 жыл бұрын
Bought this game back then for the pc along with MOH allied assault. But it was only "Return to Castle Wolfenstein". Didn't have the "Operation Resurrection"on the Box. Love those games to this day.
@sludgeworldorder 11 жыл бұрын
Tides of War on Xbox is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy better than this! Better graphics and a much smoother frame rate. Although the character customization is kinda cool, but that's the only thing.
@jakfan09 11 жыл бұрын
I mostly do console,but I don't like cod all that much so your logic is wrong.I play ps3 for games like uncharted,gow,infamous,ratchet future trio,and mgs4.PC has great games to,but I just perfer consoles.
@BANANASAUCEYUM 11 жыл бұрын
But what I'm saying is that you don't need good technology for a good game. That includes modern times. The SNES holds up great today and it had a 16 bit CPU, 128 kilobytes of RAM, and 512 X 448 resolution
@MrUberguber 11 жыл бұрын
True, but i am not talking about classic games i am talking about current gen. back then virtually all games were exclusive to console and you could not get them on pc so they were worth buying imo.
@jakfan09 11 жыл бұрын
Call of duty is on pc as well do some damn research.Also I don't think there is a ps3/360 emulator and as far as older consoles go I like to have a physical copy unless the game is too expensive.
@neverliftoff 11 жыл бұрын
That really is not a valid argument, PC exclusives exist, they are normally indie games, but if you just did a tiny amount of research, you'd see that PC gamers have a comfortable amount of games.
@EdFengyaProductions 11 жыл бұрын
Why in the world is everyone saying "jaggies"? It is called Aliasing. It is something that happens on any platform to an extent. (Though x16 SSAA or MSAA does look pretty dam perfect, sorry consoles).
@bootblacking 11 жыл бұрын
This is one of the worst games I've ever played. What I did like about it, however, is that you can run full-speed while kicking and stabbing all at the same time, which is hilarious for two minutes or so.
@mohabiraq1 11 жыл бұрын
I remember it had the same artwork, am not sure if this one is only for consoles but it looks the same , same monsters, the civilian at 4:15 , the drunk guy singing in the basement, etc..
@MrUberguber 11 жыл бұрын
Have fun with your 720p resolution, 30 or below fps, junk controls and 60 dollar games. lets face it modern consoles these days are just over advertised cheaply made slow gaming pcs
@NinjaPieceLOL 11 жыл бұрын
if you wanna play another first person shooter adventure game, i recommend the Metroid Prime. i only found your review for the 3rd one. you should review all of them! even the DS one! =)
@bombjack1984 11 жыл бұрын
'Jaggies' is an accepted nickname for Aliasing, the same as 'PS2' is an accepted nickname for PlayStation 2. Or do you complain about that too? Jaggies jaggies jaggies jaggies jaggies.
@DestroyerTriple 11 жыл бұрын
shooters are usually technically better and smoother controlled on the pc, you know because of the awesome pinpoint accuracy of A MOUSE. I play half life 2 on my pc all the time.
@trulygg 11 жыл бұрын
I'm pretty sure a game can still bring back good memories even if it's not 20-30 years old. I mean you surely have some game from the early 2000 that does the same for you, right?
@stoltobot 11 жыл бұрын
I remember a pirated copy or twenty of this game floating about our dorm at uni. It was interesting for the time. I wish I had money to buy a PS2 at that time though.
@bretthicksomega 11 жыл бұрын
someone tell me which is better? Tides of War? or Operation Resurrection?
@SlothMachines 11 жыл бұрын
Only reason the xbox version was better and had a higher score is because it had multiplayer. This does not apply now since neither versions do anymore.
@jakfan09 11 жыл бұрын
I didn't say pc gamers I said pc fanboys.I don't have a prob with pc gamers or pc gaming in general.I just hate fanboys it dosen't matter what kind.
@jerryjoe88 11 жыл бұрын
OPERATION? I got that game for xmas when I was 8. I was soooo happy to start me some surgery. he he he he
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