Coping with Labor Pain WITHOUT an EPIDURAL | Birth Doula | Lamaze Childbirth Educator

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Bridget Teyler

Bridget Teyler

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@hmills9118 2 жыл бұрын
I had a beautiful, calm birth with my fifth baby. I never thought I could manage that due to my past experiences but prayed and meditated a lot leading up to birth. My husband was shocked when I started pushing and baby was born because I was so quiet and calm. Never even moaned or anything. So different from my past births. What helped me was saying different mantras to myself quietly. I usually said them mentally or whispered them under my breath. I would also visualize inspiring things. As a Christian my mantras were "Christ is my peace" and "Christ is my strength"... I also visualized or thought about Mary before her birth or about the heroes of our faith, early church martyrs, etc. Somehow remembering what they went through so heroicly helped me. I also focused on my hands, forehead, and mouth. I was sure to keep them relaxed. I kept my hands open, palms up. I made sure I wasn't furrowing my brow or clenching my jaw. I truly believe being calm and quashing fear is the biggest thing for a natural birth. Fear makes everything so much worse. I also wouldn't allow myself to think ahead or wonder how long labor would be... or how painful things would get ... or even to try to keep track of how long a contraction was or likely would be or when the next would come. I was totally in the moment I was in. Looking back I don't remember pain. I hope my experience helps someone! We are expecting number six any day and I am hoping for another peaceful birth ❤️
@Sarahbetho 2 жыл бұрын
Congrats on your 6th baby!!! I’m 8 months on my very first (and possibly only🤷🏽‍♀️ only God knows that) and that’s my plan is to bring some Catholic images. St. Jude, a Our Lady of Guadalupe and Guardian Angel candles, some Holy Water from the Jordan River and if I can find an image of good quality in time, the Divine Mercy and also my own Rosary and the baby Rosary I was just gifted by my God Mother. All as focal points and will likely say to myself “Jesus, I trust in you”, “the Lord is my Shepherd, there is nothing I shall want” and “Give us your peace O’ God”. I don’t honestly fully intend on having a fully unmedicated birth, but if it happens and I can, that’d be great. I’m also being induced for medically necessary reasons. So anyway, I just came to say, I loved hearing about your birth story and it definitely helped reassure me that what I’m planning is on the right track. If you’ve had #6 how was your experience this time?
@moniquezambrano1125 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing I love that you included your faith filled mantras I will also be using your mantras! 4 more weeks to go 😁💙Thanks again!
@nyaropelizabeth2669 2 жыл бұрын
Im soon entering the labour N Jesus Christ is whom I look up to.
@hmills9118 2 жыл бұрын
@@Sarahbetho Have you had your baby?? :-) Number six was much more difficult! I was in active labor at the birth center for 9 hours and when I came in I was already at a 6. The last five minutes I was groaning in agony and asking for the nitrous. But the peaceful mantras helped so much for the rest of labor. I found out after he was born that the umbilical cord was wrapped in such a way that it slowed his descent which is why I had just terrible back labor. I would do it all over again but it was a much rougher go there at the end! All of the things I learned and used last time helped me through the long ordeal, though. I would do it all again!
@lizzdoe2821 Жыл бұрын
That’s so beautiful!! ❤️. This is my goal for my future babies!! Thank you for sharing!!❤️❤️❤️
@emilyharrison7 4 жыл бұрын
Had my baby naturally a week ago! I watched your video and a couple others two days before I was able to stick to my birth plan of no epidural. It was 14 1/2 hours but only 10 minutes of pushing, over the last 2 1/2 hours of labor pains I did squats during all of my contractions and laps around my house which totaled about 4600 steps and honestly laying down or sitting during those contractions was so much worse. This experience was wonderful. I was walking 10 minutes later and probably healing better because of it! Thank you for the videos 🤗
@delilahmorm4282 4 жыл бұрын
Thanku for sharing! Im giving birth in "5 days" & im so anxious😭❤️
@headacheification 4 жыл бұрын
So happy to hear your experience. I am almost due like any day now and I am so nervous and scared. Do labor pain feel like your abdomen is about to drop or explode? I have been having some of these pains every now and then and not sure if they are contractions or just round ligament pains.
@Maria_C 4 жыл бұрын
@@headacheification They feel like very severe period cramps. You feel your muscles tightening so it makes you want to clench/tense up but its worse when you do so always try to relax and breathe through them.
@kelseyfayejohnson 4 жыл бұрын
Delilah's Diary how did it go?
@delilahmorm4282 4 жыл бұрын
Kelsey Welsey . Not well, ive never experienced such pain in my life. I took the epi
@littlemizrandom 4 жыл бұрын
I really want to do a natural birth but everyone I talk to says I will change my mind or that I'm crazy... I really want to do this!
@Jessicace 4 жыл бұрын
You can do this! 💪 I got similar feednack from others and I found it so unsupportive and undermining. Your body and birth 💕
@kittykat981 4 жыл бұрын
Saaaaaame 😭😭😭😭😟 I believe I can do. My sister did it even though she says it was painful but worth it
@samakhan584701 4 жыл бұрын
If only we can get some encouragement. I am mentally preparing myself through these videos but people think i m crazy
@lb-w3980 4 жыл бұрын
People that can't comprehend things aren't going to encourage you to do so. I've never heard of anyone laboring longer then 2 days, so the "pain" isn't long and it's relative. You're built for this you can do this.
@grazke3 4 жыл бұрын
Of course you can do it! I had natural births with my two children. No epidural and it is doable. Trust your body 💪
@allure767 4 жыл бұрын
Having had 2 births, this is very true!! It’s very simple trick, but it takes practice! Even simple things as breathing becomes difficult when you are in labor... Be ready and PRACTICE!!!
@kimberliealisme225 3 жыл бұрын
I really believe I can do a natural birth no matter how hard it gets, I’ll just keep encouraging myself that other women did it so can I. This video was very helpful too thank you!!
@lchavinga Жыл бұрын
For all of you wanting to give birth without an epidural, but living in a country of culture where you are ridiculed for it.. it may help to know that there are countries where the expectations are the opposite. In the Netherlands, where I live, there is a long tradition of giving birth at home and without medication. Today, a lot more women chose to go to the hospital (15% give birth at home) but still, epidurals are only chosen by 20% of women. Older generations frown upon you wanting an epidural. Within that context, somehow 80% of women are able to give birth without it. Hope this gives you some confidence! Still, every birth is different, so don't beat yourself up if you end up needing one. ❤
@Siriuslyyy Ай бұрын
I think it is absolutely horrendous to be frowned upon for getting epidurals. They're pain relief mechanism and no one has any right to have opinions on whether another human being should stay in pain or not.
@regangully1937 Ай бұрын
@@Siriuslyyyno one asked
@katielee9647 3 жыл бұрын
Honestly my focal point was watching the monitor from the constant fetal monitoring.. I liked starting at the lights/numbers going up as the contractions came and just focusing on breathing and waiting for those lights to start going back down again. It seems counterproductive since I’m focusing on a number to represent intensity but it actually really helped!
@Gambit19900 5 жыл бұрын
Just had my baby 2 weeks ago ang I was totally expecting to have an epidural at 6cm but guess what my amazing OB encouraged me that I can do it w/o having to rely on the epidural. So what I did was that I focused more on how I can manage my breathing so I can push when they count to 10. The next thing I know is that my baby was out & it took me 4 pushes to get her out 🤗. Just focus mommies and just tell yourself that whatever severe pain you feel it will only be 1 day and it will bring you closer to seeing your baby
@BridgetTeyler 5 жыл бұрын
YES MAMA YES! Congratulations! Thank you for sharing your beautiful positive birth story! We need to be hearing more of them!
@anarup916 5 жыл бұрын
Wow what did she do to help you get through it?
@Gambit19900 5 жыл бұрын
ana rup Well this is a bit TMI but I would gladly share this with everyone who would opt for a normal delivery. She told me to push as hard as long as I can without stopping until we reach the count to 10 & she told me that if you poop that means that the way you push is working. She also talked to me the whole time in the labor room. So I got a bit distracted of all the pain I felt.
@szilvialakatos1519 5 жыл бұрын
I had both my kids with out epidural I’m due in two weeks with my third again my focus is not to have the epidural because number one I can’t stand needles so I rather feel it then take the needle lol but it’s much better because ur labour is much quicker ur contractions doesn’t slow down it just keeps coming on and on if I wouldn’t be afraid of needles I’d maybe try it out but because of my fear I just can’t put my mind through it I just go with the flow😬😬😬😬😬😬
@nehatandel3924 4 жыл бұрын
Thank u for sharing your experience. Im also looking forward to normal delivery. Bless you..
@mariamartens3077 Жыл бұрын
Hi everyone! I'm pregnant 20 weeks with my #7 baby and with my first 3 I had natural labor and births and with the other 3 I had an apidural because my 4th baby was stillborn so I decided to have an epidural because I couldn't bear to go through those labor pains again knowing that at the end of all that pain I still couldn't be happy and hold my new baby and here him crying it was the most traumatic experience of my life 😭 after I had one apidural I was always afraid of labor even though the next two baby's babies were healthy. But I heard it's not good to have to many epidurals for your back, so I'm trying to get over my fear of labor and birth so I can maybe have this baby naturally again so I'm watching everything on coping with pain too see if i can get past the fears and maybe get some of my confidence back and not be so scared anymore 😢 please wish me luck everyone!!!
@cherjiang4721 2 жыл бұрын
"Discomfort" sounds like a huge understatement
@MA-xp5vx Жыл бұрын
Just had my 4th bsby a week ago. This one went very nice for me. I thank the lord for his protection through it all and you for the useful and practical advises. God bless!
@elizabethhaikali7520 4 ай бұрын
I had my baby 4 weeks ago, and thank you so much for your insightful videos, the breathing exercise is such a simple thing yet such a game changer. I managed to push out my 4.1kg baby without pain medication. With every contraction I kept taking those deep breaths in and out, even while screaming hahaha, but it really worked.
@nattyjo 4 жыл бұрын
Love your channel!!! So happy to have found you! You have such a calming voice and your tips are so great! Thank you so much for sharing! Have an amazing and happy January!
@rachelle2227 3 жыл бұрын
Something that I keep coming to that I would like to control in the hospital labor room is the lighting. I am pretty sensitive to light, and would prefer lower lighting when giving birth, so I don't just have bright florescent lights beating down on me. But I doubt that's something I can control.
@Reginajestem 2 жыл бұрын
I would add a TENS unit to this list! It’s very popular in Europe, but not really in the U.S (not sure about rest of the world). I plan to use it during my labour. Thank you for this video!
@ViennaGrey 3 жыл бұрын
I’m not a fan of the phrase “trick your brain.” It’s not fake pain relief, it’s using techniques to manage pain or discomfort. This phrasing seems to focus the brain on the fact that there IS pain, vs focusing on the reality that relief is possible. Thank you for the tips and techniques!
@Brooklyn-er9md Жыл бұрын
This is baby #5 for me and my anxiety has been at an all time high. I shouodnt be this worried but I have been. Thank you so much for this video. I will definitely try mysic because I loooove music. My plan is to labour at home for as long as I can.
@bethanytaylor7656 5 ай бұрын
So much gratitude to you Bridgette!!!
@mustseevideos7777 5 ай бұрын
I had 4 children. 2 hospital births and then 2 home births. The home births were my favorite way.
@fowziasabtow4042 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you! So informative!
@BridgetTeyler 5 жыл бұрын
I hope you'll be able to use the info in your birth!!
@cc_celeste Жыл бұрын
Honestly if my husband wasn’t there with me, I don’t know what I would have done I just gave birth 2 weeks ago & I had vaginal delivery zero pain medication & medication to induce labor I had contractions for about 6 hours and dilated 2 cm So I figured I’d wait a bit longer another 6 hours went by and dilated another cm At this point I was informed that I’d really have to be induced I won’t lie the contractions were painful I was given the medicine to induce around 7am and gave birth at 2:50 pm The contractions got so painful and ínstense for about 1 minute every 3 minutes for about 3 hours before I gave birth My husband sat on a chair & massaged my lower back during that minute every 3 minutes for 6 hours! Right now everything is a blur bc I remember some of it My husband also helped me push my baby out He took a blanket and I had to pull in order to use my abdomen to push my baby out I can’t believe he witnessed the entire thing I remember him saying I can see her head keep pushing My legs were quivering I had no energy, it was such a relief when she came out I think what made it worse was the anticipation You hear other women screaming in such horrific agonizing pain it freaks you out My husband saw how much pain I went through he said we could stop lol He wanted 3 kids but after sleeping 3 hours each day after our baby girl was born his mindset started to change Nonetheless it was a beautiful experience My body healed quickly & I think It was the best decision to have a natural birth I didn’t scream at all - I think there was more grunting than anything lol I could see the blood vessels on my face when I went to wash up
@melodyflores8531 3 жыл бұрын
Same girl 38 weeks pregnant but I know I got this 💪🏽
@SheFoundHealth 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the tips!
@enm4184 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for another useful and inspiring video, Bridget!! Are you going to share your labour playlist with us?
@sarahp.3772 Жыл бұрын
I need this, bc I had both my babies naturally and I was hollering and crying like a baby majority of the time, especially when the pains had no break in between. On my 3rd, and I must admit that I'm scared, bc the other 2 times traumatized me a little. 😥
@Laura-kv7bl Жыл бұрын
I was like this too with my 3 sons. I’m 40 weeks today and having a home birth and boy I’m scared.
@sarahp.3772 Жыл бұрын
@@Laura-kv7bl You got this! Try your best to follow the coping strategies. If all else fells, do what you know how to do: holler and scream. 😆 Also, are home births covered by insurance?
@Laura-kv7bl Жыл бұрын
@@sarahp.3772 we paid 5 grand out of pocket for the midwife because my insurance didn’t cover it. But it was for all prenatal and birth and postpartum care included.
@peekaboocharlie8502 2 жыл бұрын
This is my 2nd birth I’m gonna be going through & I had an elective induction w/my 1st 2 years ago w/an epidural. I’m having an elective induction in about 10-12 days from today & I rly wanna try without an epidural honestly. I’m getting my tubes removed after this and I really wanna just soak in the experience and do the damn thing.
@fitrinabilah7413 4 жыл бұрын
I'm 35 weeks pregnant. Feeling quite nervous for labor because i was told that contractions are like severe period cramps but i have an irregular cycle so i'm not really used to feeling the cramps. I missed 2 months of my period and found out that i was already 5 weeks pregnant.
@HypnobirthingWithAnja 4 жыл бұрын
Hi Fitri, sorry to hear that you are feeling nervous about labour. As an antenatal teacher myself, I recommend listening to pregnancy meditations and hypnobirthing relaxation audios. Because they work on your mindset for birth, they help you overcome any fears and fill your mind with calming emotions and confidence for birth. Wishing you all the best with your baby's birth. Lots of love, Anja xxxx
@auroraautumn8764 3 жыл бұрын
I started contractions around 39 weeks and 4 days. I’m 40 weeks and 2 days still have contractions (more severe a d closer together, but still short lived). I would never compare contractions to cramps. It nothing that can be understood unless you have experienced it yourself. Then again, every women body is different so I can only speak for me personally.
@fitrinabilah7413 3 жыл бұрын
@@auroraautumn8764 got my contractions around 40+weeks. Went for my scheduled induction on 40+6 wks. Laboured for more than 48 hours with all kinds of induction and pain relief but my cervix only dilated till 2cm. Emergency csect cause baby got distressed and pooped in my belly.
@brendacervantes898 2 жыл бұрын
I wish this was the case but my labor processed so quickly and was only 3 hours long from when contractions started to pushing and I barely had time to gets my things and drive to the hospital but be admitted so I had no time to even set up for things like this. But it was fast and he came out easy so but the pain was so awful!
@lajaguar2014 3 жыл бұрын
How I am going to breathe if I have rhinitis and breathing trough the mouth😣 and they say is fine. Someone had labour with that??
@freebooks9307 3 жыл бұрын
Does anyone have any experience giving birth in an upright position or squatting? Will the hospital allow this?
@trose65 3 жыл бұрын
I squatted during the home birth of my 3rd. I had my first at a hospital in 1991 and they allowed squatting and even had a squat bar. I tried laboring in that position but didn't like it at the time and delivered while lying on my side. My guess would be that most hospitals would allow this provided there were no medical issues that would make it dangerous to mama or baby. I'm not sure exactly what else to say about the experience of giving birth upright and squatting. With my 2nd, I was upright at the edge of my bed--not really squatting but also not lying on my back. It took 3 births to achieve a squatting birth. Her head came out unexpectedly during the first and only push whereas it took much longer with my 1st and 2nd babies. Let me know if you have more questions. I'd be happy to elaborate.
@bethanys711 3 жыл бұрын
Im terrifed of the pain i suffered really bad while having a miscarriage i was given morphine and was still in so much pain if birth is anything like my miscarriage i won't be able to cope evan with pain killers
@nabilahsaifuddin2547 2 жыл бұрын
I don't get epidural but i don't know what they inject me with 😂. After getting that injection i sleep for couple hours and waking up with a terrible labor pain.
@deepikabala3307 4 жыл бұрын
My midwife did a trick by keeping a hot towel near the soothes a lot n helped shorten the labour...
@ivettealicequirarte3988 3 жыл бұрын
I don’t care I’m not trying to be a hero I had the epidural because I don’t do good with pain and I just didn’t want to go through it props to those who can without it though :)
@iloveamerica64 Жыл бұрын
Can't recommend double hip squeezes enough!! If you don't have a doula to do it, get your husband to learn!
@mykalashew7385 4 жыл бұрын
I personally want to do as natural as I can.. and I'm tired of hearing the phrase "you dont get a medal for NOT getting an epidural" like stfu it's not a competition it's a choice 😂😂
@SuperAwesome187 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah my doctor said “You don’t need to be a hero” Uhm I’m scared of a gigantic needle in my spine LMAO not the pain
@teeny700 3 жыл бұрын
I'm TERRIFIED of needles. I'm choosing natural to avoid as many needles as possible. Thars how bad my phobia is. Lol some people are clueless. Aren't they? Your right. Its about personal choice.
@Eneres33 3 жыл бұрын
Lol this made me laugh.. Yes!! What's wrong with keeping our options open. I'm going to aim for natural as well but just really be in-tune with my body and see what I really want in that moment. And right, it's not a competition lmao!!
@SuperAwesome187 3 жыл бұрын
@@teeny700 I’m gonna give you a warning now - As someone who also has a phobia ... They’re gonna blood test you and insert an IV as soon as you get admitted (if you’re going to a hospital) so I asked for nitrous gas so I could be out of it and look the other way (they give the gas through a mask) so do that! LOL
@SuperAwesome187 3 жыл бұрын
I just gave birth 2 weeks ago - I ended up getting the epidural LMAO 😂 but with the gas throughout and all that I was able to be out of it and in so much pain that I just ignored the idea of it and it was administered so quickly
@filomenagarcia2042 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Bridget, Last weekend I had my third baby naturally without epidural. I have followed your breathing techniques for my last two births and had wonderful and quick deliveries. Thank you for posting your videos for free.
@pramitasaha6209 4 жыл бұрын
1. Breathing with Smell (Essential oils) 2. Focal Points & Visualization (Any point to focus, may be partner) 3. Music and Mantra (Push Playlist, positive slogan and statements) 4. Relaxing touch & Hot cold therapy (Gentle touch or relaxing touch, hot or cold bags) 5. Water (Nice warm Shower)
@honeyrich 4 жыл бұрын
what items should i be packing in my hospital bag for the hot/cold therapy?
@KelliDM 4 жыл бұрын
Pramita Saha You could buy just one, but those take a while to freeze, so it would be better to have one for hot and one for cold. Or you could buy one and have a heating pad for the warm therapy.
@a.blanco7680 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@blackglitter1474 2 жыл бұрын
it should read as music and affirmations. The translation of mantra in this wonderful video was unfortunately inaccurate and is also cultural appropriation that is misused. Affirmations is a better term.
@jazminreyes2725 2 жыл бұрын
What essential oils do you recommend
@ArtByKarenEHaley 4 ай бұрын
My mantra was yoinked straight from Bob Ross Relax, let it flow, think like water (Water takes the path of least resistance and Bob Ross is the most calming presence I could think of)
@kellicoffman8440 4 ай бұрын
He sure was the voice could put any to sleep
@stephaniem8278 Жыл бұрын
Some other tips I have gleaned: 1. Gate control theory-use a comb in the palm of your hand to trick your brain into feeling that sensation first before the contraction pain. 2. Ride the wave-every contraction rises and peaks and then declines. The peak is about 15 seconds. You can do anything for 15 seconds (mantra!) 3. Do not focus on the stats but on how you feel. If you are thinking about how you’re only 2 cm dilated that can be discouraging. But you might be 90% effaced and that is progress too. The change can happen fast so don’t focus on the numbers. 4. Move! By responding to the type of moves your body is craving, you are helping your baby get into the right position and descend, increasing pressure on your cervix to help with dilation and effacement.
@meliamedaverman3558 3 жыл бұрын
My sister is younger than me and she gave birth to 5 kids NO epidural and she is pregnant again. She told me DON'T use Epidural. My sister in-law gave birth to 3 children NO epidural. I don't like needles and I don't want the epidural. If women who can so it without epidural we can do it. Me, I'm relaying on God Grace and Strength to help me get through without it.
@kleinemaus6094 2 жыл бұрын
Something I strongly want to impress on women (I'm sure there will be nurses who disagree or are not this way, I'm glad you exist if that's the case but please recognize you are the exception, not the norm unfortunately) is this: When laboring in a hospital, do NOT expect the staff to honor your birth plan or frankly give a crap about what makes you comfortable. I've had 4 children, one unmedicated, and all four times, four different hospitals in different states, nursing staff were unsupportive assholes. The fourth cut the cake for me. I arrived at 8cm. I wanted the tub-nit allowed because I didn't get a Covid test two days prior. I wanted to move around, not allowed because they needed to "monitor" (there was absolutely no sign of fetal distress). They made an issue out of my blood pressure (I have significant White Coat Syndrome) even though I had no protein in my urine (no preeclampsia-and I knew what to look for because I had it before) and even though I basically begged them to stop checking everything for 10 minutes and let me labor as I had at home, that the continuous monitoring was what was driving my BP up, I was flatly denied and made to lay on my side. I eventually said quite loudly "fuck this" and got on all fours. OB tried to "push my cervical lip back" without warning me and got kicked in the nose for it (accidental). This was the running theme for all 4 labors. If you intend to labor unmedicated in a hospital, be prepared and be fierce about what you want. BE a bitch about it if they get pushy. You are not required to stay in the bed. You are not required to have an IV hooked up (you do have to have the port though just in case). You are not required to push on your back. Hospitals are trying to get you done and get on to the next patient. That's the chief motivation. Advocate for yourself, because otherwise you'll find yourself manipulated into interventions and entirely uncomfortable situations.
@mentiaier9708 Жыл бұрын
I’m almost 34 weeks and reading this has helped immensely. Thank you so much for taking the time and writing this! This was more helpful than the video itself, sometimes the videos may seem to give unnecessary advice but the comment sections are good!
@dwb289 Жыл бұрын
I work at the hospital I had my second son at and the MD kept trying to get me on pitocin even though my water has just broke and contractions hadn't started. No medical need whatsoever but told me my baby was in danger the longer I wait. I adamantly said NO THANKS! and had him 6 hours later naturally. He came in after and said "sorry, I just really like pitocin, ha ha" I was pissed. Anyone else with less knowledge would have gone for an unnecessary induction.
@KHomestead Жыл бұрын
Studies have shown that labor nurses spend about 15 minutes per shift actually assisting mothers. The rest is charting and other bureaucratic nonsense!
@KHomestead Жыл бұрын
Moral of the story: hire a doula, take a Bradley class to train your husband to assist you, or give birth at home with a supportive midwife.
@lettus143 Жыл бұрын
Yup! I went into birth trusting that doctors would help me and take care of me but dealing with the hospitals was such a pain in the ass. I just said f*ck it and had number 4 at home. I'm due soon with number 5 who will also be born at home. I could go on and on about everything they tried to put me through, but with number 3 I wanted to do a home birth but my husband wasn't confident about it yet. On the way to the hospital I told him that were going to try and fear monger like they always do to bully us into something we don't want because it's what they did every time. When we checked in I was 7cm dilated, it was about noon. One of the nurses made a comment about how everyone in my city is giving birth right now because they were suddenly swamped and I just had this feeling that they were going to try and pull something on me. Sure enough the wards Dr comes into the room very visibly upset, talking about how there aren't enough hands on deck and how almost all the rooms were taken. One nurse makes a comment that they could have me deliver in the area of the hospital where they perform C-sections and after a bit of back and forth the doctor leaves and comes back 5 minutes later telling me that "my babies heart rate is low" and that she wanted me to reconsider my plan for a natural birth and start mentally preparing for the C-section I was going to need. The look I have my husband must have been terrifying, I was so seething mad I was smiling and speechless. I just turned back to the doctor and looked at her and she quickly fumbled back "er well if things don't improve soon then we'll have to...". They wheeled me to a room and my son was born by 2pm. After that my husband was like "never again" and the birth of #4 at home was so awesome he's sad we didn't do it sooner lol.
@Leandrisx33 4 жыл бұрын
I did all of these except the music, i wanted total silence. I stared at the wall and old tv for 10 hours while focusing on my breathing and counting down from 10 when i had pain to control it. Worked great, i was in total denial about getting an epidural and i did this and it went great, baby came out fast and easy, pain wasn’t that bad, I’m pregnant with my 2nd and I’m still more scared of the epidural😂
@itsabubslife9623 4 жыл бұрын
Same I'm more scared of needles than the pain of labor but idk how painful the labor is gonna be 😵
@scarlett5781 3 жыл бұрын
What about the ring of fire? Wasn't that part really bad?? :0
@teeny700 3 жыл бұрын
Me too!!! Im terrified of it. Id rather go natural. 😆
@nikkikinney1899 3 жыл бұрын
@@scarlett5781 it's like 2 minutes tops. An uncomfortable stretch but then relief of the baby being out.
@lisacalhoun618 3 жыл бұрын
Ok just so you know I have had 4 epidurals. Really not bad. I do not look at their instruments. That is how to ger scared. I just focus on the nurse or my husband who is holding me and be very still. A little pinch. Truly contractiins are so much more painful. I'm just saying this bc if you opt to get one you need not be terrified of it.
@mogaliz2185 2 жыл бұрын
Hey ladies nothing wrong with screaming and moaning do what you gotta do to have that baby. Being quite is a load of bs. If you can do that then great but screaming is just fine too.
@heleneac Жыл бұрын
I am due in August with my first and reading a book called «positive birth». In the book, they suggest using the word «intense» rather than «pain», which is something I will focus on for the remaining time. Such a small thing is really helping me feel more mentally prepared. Also using positive angles such as “you are safe” rather than “it is not dangerous”.
@lettus143 Жыл бұрын
If you haven't delivered yet, I highly suggest understanding what your body is doing. It truly helps to visualize what your body is doing as it's doing it. It takes this scary intense pain and turns out into "intense pressure". Andi when it comes time to push, you're going to feel like you need to poop only when you start to bear down the pressure moves from the back to the front and it's probably one of the scariest sensations when giving birth. When you reach that part, have someone remind you to breath and just remember that this is the final lap, and it will be over once you get your baby out. I'm due very soon with #5... I didn't understand what my body was really doing until my 3rd. It's advice I wish I had been given.
@paulinacopakova4457 Жыл бұрын
Had 6 without epidural, one pair of twins. Each labour is different, each pain differently, one more one less. We can do this, good luck❤
@kutie216 Жыл бұрын
@@lettus143 I just gave birth to my first it was a very fast (precipitous) and intense labor and birth but you described exactly what I experienced. I was on the toilet at home having strong contractions and felt the intense urge to bear down (I couldn’t stop myself) and my water dramatically broke. We fortunately made it to the hospital 26 mins before our baby boy was born. I felt like he was going to be born in the car or the lobby of the hospital and them the triage room but we made it just in time. No time for any pain relief and my OB walked in right after I delivered (the on call OB delivered for us because it happened so fast). I honestly felt so proud of myself after. It’s a pretty amazing experience! Congratulations on number 5!!!
@EvanieNicole 2 ай бұрын
Yes! Language is everything! I also love the idea of using the word "surge" instead of "contraction" :)
@samanthadavis5825 4 жыл бұрын
I’m currently pregnant and I have a 4 year old. You really can have a painless or moderately painless labor. I personally never needed one with my son but got talked into getting one to help me ‘dilate faster’. EVERY WOMAN AND LABOR IS DIFFERENT. These tips will help for sure BUT how you care for yourself during pregnancy makes a difference as well. The more active you are the better (walks, yoga, light exercise). Maintaining stress is important (meditation or whatever calms you down). Eating healthy, nutritious foods. You also have to visualize the labor and delivery you want. Yes life happens, stressors will happen whether you’re pregnant or not, but dealing with them, maintaining a positive (calm in the storm) peace of mind, being active, etc helps TREMENDOUSLY.
@rosechoix 3 жыл бұрын
I don't understand how the epidural would make you dilate faster?
@samanthadavis5825 3 жыл бұрын
@@rosechoix They say it helps you relax. Since it helps with the pain, you in turn relax more which helps you dilate faster.
@pinksmurf10 3 жыл бұрын
I’m soooo scared! I’m due soon :(
@megandelli1 3 жыл бұрын
@@pinksmurf10 your mind is the most powerful tool! I had very good control over my thoughts in my first labor so it was much, much more peaceful. With my second I showed up to the hospital not wanting to deal with labor so it got out of control and chaotic very, very fast. I still had a medication free birth but if you can control your thoughts and keep yourself at peace and encouraged as much as possible that will be the #1 thing that will determine how it goes.
@pinksmurf10 3 жыл бұрын
@@megandelli1 omg so I gave birth on the 25th February, I had no idea I was even in labour the contractions weren’t that strong. Got to hospital and they broke my waters, that’s when the pain started. I asked for an epidural but it didn’t work , so I gave birth naturally and honestly it was painful but once I pushed baby’s head it was fine. I tried to keep strong and motivated during labour and it really helped.
@NAOMILOREN 3 жыл бұрын
I love how you address us as mamas and not “mom to be’s” 🤗❤️
@abigailfitzgerald714 2 жыл бұрын
Yes 🙌🏼 pro life all the way!
@NadiaSeesIt Жыл бұрын
@@abigailfitzgerald714 that's not the message she is conveying
@clarissaredburn9601 Жыл бұрын
@@abigailfitzgerald714yeha definitely not the message
@chrissylouise3226 Жыл бұрын
​@@abigailfitzgerald714 Me too ! ❤
@layala1026 3 жыл бұрын
I just went into labor today. I couldn’t do it and that’s ok!!!! Every birth is a perfect birth, just saying 🖤
@lynnettehorning915 Жыл бұрын
Love your perspective! I had epidurals with all 4 of mine and had a wonderful, peaceful experience. If you've brought a baby into the world, you've succeeded 👊
@angiegcaceres 2 жыл бұрын
I’m currently in labor and I’m going natural without an epidural, I’m 5cm dilated and these contractions Hurtttt! But I’m going to hold off the epidural as far as I can, I can do this! Pray for me!!!
@laurendehart2941 2 жыл бұрын
How did it go??
@pallavihissaria9259 Жыл бұрын
How did it go
@s.sflower Жыл бұрын
Oh!! 🙏🏽how did it go???? 🤍
@nataliamirochnitchenko8152 Жыл бұрын
were you able to do it without the injection?
@igot7-lu Жыл бұрын
Did you do it,? Usually if u don't request is early they won't give it when you're in pain I'm having contractions now too but I'll see how bad the pain gets before I can see if I'll need it.
@anared1990 2 жыл бұрын
I remember hearing, "...keep pushing, she's got a lot of hair, she's almost here, you can touch her head, she's coming on the next one," all these things made me keep pushing through. Every new mom should know not to put themselves down. We can plan this or that but it's truly in God's hands. I planned to breastfeed and not get an epidural and keep holding out until the baby came when it was ready but it didn't happen for me. I got so depressed. My blood pressure skyrocketed and I had to be induced which ruined one plan then the pain of being induced came so wasn't gradually increasing like one would probably prefer. I had to get the epidural, it wasn't offered unless I really needed it. But they recommended it to lower my bp too, so I took it. I was so proud choosing to breastfeed which I intended on doing for 2 years and even that couldn't be done. I produced no milk whatsoever. On her third day of life, my child was starving and I had enough. My mom told me to not feel bad about it, she brought me formula for my baby girl. She slept so calmly after that and was finally fed, after that nothing else mattered to me. My baby is my priority, not my ego or pleasing others. It was an expectation of me to breastfeed but it just didn't happen and I moved on. Just after a few feedings, my daughter was sleeping better, I was sleeping better and my mind was at ease. The wet and soiled diapers finally came, I cried, never been so happy to look at poo. She grew up so quickly and I love her with all my heart. Now I'm expecting another little princess and this time I don't plan but I won't be hard on myself like before. Be the best mom you can be. You and your baby come first. God bless all moms out there
@fighttheevilrobots3417 Жыл бұрын
This is my favorite comment in this whole comment section. You are amazing. Dealing with a change in plans with flexibility and grace is so beautiful and such a great life skill.
@anared1990 Жыл бұрын
@@fighttheevilrobots3417 there were so many struggles but at the end of the day you have to think about your health and the health of your child. One learns with every baby too, I'm very grateful I had my mother to help me through my struggles, through my depression. Ladies Don't Be Afraid to Ask for Help!!!
@raining_trees Жыл бұрын
Good job, mom!!! I have many goals but I'm trying to keep an open mind and let God work His will. I'm sure everything won't go according to my plans so I want to stay firm in my birth plan, but if nature takes its course I want to go with it. :)
@sonar8933 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks. Your advices really helped me have a natural unmedicated delivery. All my life I thought I had low pain tolerance, but I handled labor like a pro :*
@AC-iw5mv 3 жыл бұрын
@flaviapereira4587 2 жыл бұрын
Congratulations giiiiirl 💪🏽
@trose65 3 жыл бұрын
I focused on a mantra/acronym I created Relax Open Soften Expand Surrender (ROSES). At first, I focused on the words but eventually, I couldn't--so I focused on ROSES. Eventually I had to let go of all my thoughts and "let go and let God". 28 years later, I'm here watching Bridget's videos and sharing them with my baby who's going to have her first baby!
@vlove562 2 жыл бұрын
I love this. ROSES and let go and let God. Something I will be trying :)
@trose65 2 жыл бұрын
@@vlove562 Thanks! Please let me know if and how it works for you. Are you pregnant and due soon or just preparing to have a baby?
@ceressaallen9631 8 ай бұрын
I love the acronym you created ❤️❤️💜🫶🏽thank you for sharing it!
@juliatutko-balena9989 3 жыл бұрын
another quick tip I heard on a podcast is to have a comb in your hand. Acupressure counter-pressure. Eases the discomfort and distracts the mind during tougher contractions.
@merakibeautybykb 3 жыл бұрын
With my first I truly do feel like the epidural delayed the process because I was so numb I couldn’t feel anything. I am due with #2 in October and I know I can handle this on my own. ❤️ “Pain is inevitable, suffering is a choice”
@flaviapereira4587 2 жыл бұрын
So hor did it go ??? We knew you could do it 💪🏽
@elenap-ot4gh Жыл бұрын
please let us know how it went!
@marihoneey Жыл бұрын
What a BUNCH OF BOLONEY! All bodies are different and most women do experience excruciating pain, where breathing techniques are useless! I have broken bones, had a ruptured appendix, and kidney stones, which I handled without pain meds. Child birth was a different type of pain, I was in such agony that I begged my nurse to help me dilate! Child birth pain traumatized me to the point that I could not bring myself to have another child!
@reddraunikar5036 4 жыл бұрын
I really hate it when people tell me natural birth is a bad idea. Get the tap. You'll change your mind. How about let me decide. Support me the best you can and we will see how i deal with it.
@Dragontamer135 4 жыл бұрын
I agree, just get the painkillers for gods sake
@cananary 3 жыл бұрын
Forreal. If women since the beginning of time gave birth without epidural than we can today. God gave us what we need but I don’t shame women for using epidural either
@KK-li1lw 3 жыл бұрын
Seriously it’s so annoying
@justamags 2 жыл бұрын
It's funny... no one shames each other when they discuss an epidural, but you mention you want to go naturally and somehow that opens the door for criticism and eye rolling. What happened to supporting one another?
@ninas4968 2 жыл бұрын
I had my daughter 100% natural no medication. It wasn’t as bad as people make it sound. Labor sucked but the actual delivery wasn’t bad. I was sent home from hospital told come back tomorrow and get induced like scheduled and like 2/3 hours later my water had broke and baby was crowing and I pushed for a few mins and she was out.
@ninas4968 Жыл бұрын
@@muchadoaboutkovu oh for sure! I wasn’t putting anyone down. Never my intention. Sorry it came off that way..
@wendymtzc Жыл бұрын
I had three natural births, they were all fairly easy, I didn’t learn any breathing or pain management techniques but one thing I learned fairly quickly was that laying in bed and getting into a fetal position made my contractions way more painful, what I did instead was slowly walk through the contractions with a very straight back, kind of stretching it as I walked.
@meliamedaverman3558 3 жыл бұрын
Women were born to go through labor pain before giving birth. Before epidural women gave birth without it. So it is NATURAL for us to give birth without epidural. But It is anyone's choice!
@nyiajayy 4 жыл бұрын
I give birth in about three weeks and I’m hoping to do it naturally wish me luck guys 😭❤️. I can’t wait to meet my son🥰
@nyiajayy 4 жыл бұрын
TVSQUARED thank you ❤️
@SA-bp1ic 4 жыл бұрын
How did it go? ❤️
@user-rk4wn4ts1j 4 жыл бұрын
Yes you can do it
@serena3194 4 жыл бұрын
how did you go?!
@megelizabeth6194 3 жыл бұрын
@yewandfernhollowbyandietwi6448 3 жыл бұрын
My second birth was unmediated and hardly painful at all. I did what you are saying, stimulating the senses. One thing that helped a lot was tapping my finger as I counted through my breathing during a contraction. I was standing in the shower, leaning forward with hot water on my back and I’d tap to the count of 4 as I did my breathing. It takes focus to tap and attention to feel the wall, I think it helped distract me a lot!
@MaeveLaRenarde 4 жыл бұрын
When she said that the brain could process only pain or pleasure, I was like : "Fine then! Masturbation for all labour. Gotcha!" I'm just kidding. My husband, mother and nurse used pressure points to help alleviate the pain during my first delivery. I was also very much in my own world and focused. I can say I was barely aware of my surroundings, didn't realize if people came and went, etc. I'm trying to see what other options there are now that I could give birth to my second any day.
@katieanderson4364 4 жыл бұрын
I mean, masturbation is totally valid too!
@meowmeow5592 4 жыл бұрын
@@katieanderson4364 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😷😷💜
@aikaterinimak 3 жыл бұрын
I LITERALLY thought the same thing when she said that 😂😂😂
@meechidaqueen999 3 жыл бұрын
@vettabug9770 2 жыл бұрын
I love this and will be using it
@meechidaqueen999 2 жыл бұрын
@@vettabug9770 💕best wishes 💕
@RileyOxendine-jx3yu 7 ай бұрын
This sounds demonic...
@natalieharshman2122 4 жыл бұрын
Had my baby a month ago without an epidural thanks to your videos (even though it was mostly back labor)! Wasn't sure I could do it but you gave me the confidence and tools to make it possible. Thank you!
@RW86424 Жыл бұрын
Back labor is still ok!! Whatever you, your baby, and your body needs is best!
@user-pk1bb6nf1q 3 жыл бұрын
In my country we dont have epidural so women endure having normal births.But that's ok because we are strong!!
@allthingsthroughhim3856 3 жыл бұрын
Nice where do you live?
@rayvan1369 3 жыл бұрын
First time mom in just a few days! My mantra has always been (when things are becoming too intense mentally or physically): You're okay, you're okay. I just say it over and over and it typically calms me. Like that voice of command and control. Hope it still works on baby's birthday 🥰
@lettus143 Жыл бұрын
How did your birth go btw? 🙂
@divinesoldier8041 5 жыл бұрын
Omg I wish you lived in Michigan so you could help me in a week and 4 days😩😩 This was still very helpful🙌💯
@anarup916 5 жыл бұрын
I am surprised at how simple these solutions are. And you can save yourself of so much trouble of getting an epidural. I wish this knowledge can be given to all expecting mothers. Here in India most of the doctors prescribe c-section for their convenience and mothers do not know any better. I am due in August.. Wish me luck!
@KARDreading 4 жыл бұрын
good luck mama!
@darkzinha666 2 жыл бұрын
I wanted to save myself having the choice of not going through this
@kelseyjones7299 4 жыл бұрын
I watched your videos for months to amp up for my 3rd birth. All just to end up with a c-section! Birth is so unpredictable.
@happyGavy 2 жыл бұрын
The pain was to intense that i couldn't think...i couldnt sit on the ball i coulsnt squat because the pain was EXTREME. The only thing that worked for me was standing in the shower with really hot water and taking the shower head and putting it the lowe part of my belly. It was fantastic. It was like having a heating pad for cramps. I went in with a plan, music, essential oil and a night gown. But ended up butt naked in the i will be having my 3rd child (2nd natural) in march 2022....wish me luck.
@NaturaLaii 2 жыл бұрын
lol with my first I had all these plans too and I was literally stuck to the bed, couldn’t move for shit. But labor finished in about 6hours. It’s Mid March tho, Did you have baby yet?
@happyGavy 2 жыл бұрын
@@NaturaLaii my due date is today!!!!! im sitting here working from home, wondering when my baby wants to come.
@Winner26884 5 жыл бұрын
I’m so glad you showed up on my feed ! I am due in March with my first and have been trying to wrap my mind around being in labor. I feel so much more prepared for natural birth and am currently binge watching your videos 😂
@mariahcallahan5691 5 жыл бұрын
Im due March 21st ☺
@LilBluee06 4 жыл бұрын
Hoping things goes well for you ladies! I'm also due in March on the 22nd with my first and boy am I nervous. I'm aiming for no epidural as well I just don't know what to expect!
@reviveglamstudioclt7374 4 жыл бұрын
I’m due March 21st! 🙌🏾
@Anneliesekooi 4 жыл бұрын
No way, im also due march 21!🙌
@reviveglamstudioclt7374 4 жыл бұрын
Annemarieke Kroon so exciting!!!
@alinajeknavorian 3 жыл бұрын
This is soo helpful!! I’m a labour doula and love to learn as much as possible to help my clients!! 😊
@lwinston5950 3 жыл бұрын
I had a natural birth 3 weeks ago. There's no formula to it just go in knowing the pain won't last forever and push the baby out. I never too Lamaze classes didn't fit anything special. Just believed in my body and did it
@kleinemaus6094 2 жыл бұрын
Same. I had a background knowledge of hypnobirth, and we took a Bradley class with our first (my unmedicated birth was our fourth kiddo). With the the fourth I just winged it. Breathed, changed positions till I found one that worked.
@lealepage5241 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your videos, they are so empowering ! I just told my neighbor I wanted a home birth, and she said it would be funny because she'll know when I'm giving birth by hearing me screaming in pain... I reminded her I could be silent and in control. I just wish people were as supportive as you are.
@thenascentdentist7435 Жыл бұрын
I just gave birth 2 days back without epidural (induced) to a beautiful baby gurl.. I saw your videos about breathing and positive affirmations during labor.. you have helped a lot! Way to go!
@srussia2281 3 жыл бұрын
My last baby was born April 2020 and my epidural was misplaced and did not work. The pain was absolutely horrendous and I was just asking them to knock me out because all I wanted to do was DIE. Epidurals don't always work, especially when you get an incompetant anesthesiologist! Right now, I am 40 weeks pregnant and 4 days...I am NERVOUS even though this is my 5th child because of my last terrible birth experience. I believe you are correct when you say anxiety keeps the baby from exiting.
@ridasadaqat8317 3 жыл бұрын
I gave a natural birth .. without the epidural and it was beautiful ❤️
@kiwiidelight8608 2 жыл бұрын
I told my midwife that i wanted to do natural. She looked me dead in the eye & said,"why wld you do that"? I immediately switched midwives💪🏾
@NaturaLaii 2 жыл бұрын
Natural really isn’t as bad as everyone makes it seems. They are filled with fear. Tbh, with labor only the contractions are tough and they can give you fentanyl if it’s too much for you. That’s the option I chose But the actually pushing is easy ESPECIALLY if you use tips from Bridget’s videos on breathing etc.
@kiwiidelight8608 2 жыл бұрын
@@NaturaLaii had the baby a week ago. In the ambulance. Didn't even get to the hospital. Thank goodness I already knew these tips. There was 4 men in the ambulance. I basically delivered my own baby
@s.sflower Жыл бұрын
Wow!!!! Amazing 💪🏽🤍 do you have any tips to get ready for labor? I hoping to have children soon.
@nataliarostovskaya8963 9 ай бұрын
Essential oil (lavender) worked like magic! Also- gripping hair brushes helps take the edge off the 'bossy contractions'. 😂 But I also birthed in the pool with my husband, who was doing all the work with me- so I guess I had everything I needed. Most, but not least, it was a dream birth at home, with Bridget in my headphones. It was beautiful, nice and slow, and powerful! Thank you, Bridget. ❤ Doing it all over again, 7th time around))
@avrilbarnhart1121 2 жыл бұрын
I wish it was condoned more to try and do labor without the epidural or medicine but not looked down upon either for needing an epidural or other medicine. People try to talk you out of it so much for tryna do it natural but then if you dont do it natural people also make it seem like your weak.
@NaturaLaii 2 жыл бұрын
Fuck people! Society is BS. You got this whichever way you go. You breathing life out of you. You are strong no matter what happens 💙
@LdyPrtrdg Жыл бұрын
Thanks to a bath, I went from 3 cm (6 hours) to 10 cm in 45 minutes
@dimah5718 Жыл бұрын
Only a few days left until my labor. Please wish me luck, I'm so scared it's my first baby
@pineappleice100 Жыл бұрын
How did it go?
@dimah5718 Жыл бұрын
@@pineappleice100 it went well, thanks for asking. I had to go through inducements, it wasn't an easy delivery. Most importantly the baby and I are healthy now 💗🙏
@pineappleice100 Жыл бұрын
@@dimah5718 did you do it without an epidural?
@dimah5718 Жыл бұрын
@@pineappleice100 I did it with epidural. Contractions were so painful that I needed to take it. In my opinion, you gotta trust science sometimes. During my labor, I was hearing another lady who was in labor as well, screaming for 7 hours. I was covering my ears as her voice was stressing me out. I'm like "why do you do this to yourself?.. just take an epidural"
@pineappleice100 Жыл бұрын
@@dimah5718 yikes 7 hours? She must have been having some other struggles. That’s wild. Glad you did what worked for you!!
@kays3552 2 жыл бұрын
My biggest fear with an epidural, or any major pain relief during a major medical event, is that I won't be able to feel when something is severely wrong. I am 9 weeks pregnant now and looking towards a natural birth to be more aware of any complications. Thank you for this video:)
@kleinemaus6094 2 жыл бұрын
I had this with my first. 38 hour labor, 4 hours of pushing. I couldn't push because I was so numbed up I couldn't feel anything below my chest. It was bad. I tore, badly.
@chelseyrogers3101 3 жыл бұрын
When I gave birth to my daughter they had to do the epidural twice because they didn’t test the first one and when they were putting it in they realized it was faulty. So when they took it out and inserted the second epidural they hit the dura sac in my spine and I had migraines and couldn’t walk for two weeks after birth. So now I’m TERRIFIED of getting an epidural and was going to ask others how they coped with the pain and what options they got to manage it and when they asked their birth team about it. I’m so glad I found this video ❤️
@lcmstudioslv4865 3 жыл бұрын
Wow the same thing happened to me with baby #2. The needle went too far and my husband was watching when it was administered and he said "that doesn't look right" (of course they ignored him)... A few days later I had SEVER MIGRAINES that got worse each day. Light sound and everything in between was intolerable, and I found myself with a pillow over my head not wanting to move a muscle all day long just to keep the sensory down. Almost 2 years later and at any given time my right leg will go completely numb. I think pain for a short time is better than the long term effects that can come with the epidural.
@stephaniebroughton3882 2 жыл бұрын
I heard somewhere that it can be helpful to put on your favorite comedy show or skit on tv during labor to help loosen up the environment and stimulate those happy hormones. I’ve not tried it yet but intend to. 😊
@ap3008 10 ай бұрын
What scares me the most is baby's head getting stuck into the canal. The 2nd thing that scares me is being so exposed in front of all these people...
@jaclyn4098 3 жыл бұрын
How exactly does smelling clary sage help with contractions? I love essential oils but this sounds like woo.
@gdgmb 8 ай бұрын
I had epi for my 1st delivery and tot I’ll try without for my 2nd but I couldn’t take the pain and took epi again halfway thru the pushing which was totally unnecessary cos my baby came out quickly and the epi was only half used. I was such a chicken lol! Now I’m waiting for the 3rd and in another country - India. My doctor here in India said no epi is available in the hospital so I have to prepare for either normal delivery without epi or opt for caesarean. I’m definitely opting for normal again so I’m trying to get ready for it without epi. Thank you for the tips and all the comments - it helps to give encouragement to people like me. May God be with me in the time needed.
@chancelymallion Жыл бұрын
Idk why I'm watching this now being 3 weeks pp lol
@mariaalejandraperez6861 3 жыл бұрын
I was lucky that my doctors didn’t persuade me to take one, I just told them I wouldn’t get one and they just said ok and to just be aware that I wasn’t going to receive any other type of relieve medication either as that’s not something my doctor likes to offer and I was ok with that. I delivered my 10.2 pound baby and I am proud of myself. I just wanted to prove to myself what I am capable of. The pain is a blur to me I honestly can’t remember how intense it was and i don’t know if it’s because my brain is using it as a coping mechanism to forget about it. I’m pregnant with my 2nd and this time I am torn on what to do. I think it’s because I know what to expect and I am feeling nervous about it and also the thing with doing natural is that after you are done laboring, you kindah just lie down and are out of it trying to come back to your senses and normal self that I feel you don’t soak in the moment atleast that was my case but maybe that’s because my labor was long and tough since I delivered a huge baby.
@brandimonty7208 4 жыл бұрын
My first birth was TRAUMATIC. I have an 32k platelet count and I’m overdue. Won’t be getting an epidural again. I hope these tips help me but labor pain has been worse than breaking my arm
@Dragontamer135 3 жыл бұрын
you're still a woman no matter what way you have a baby. C-section, meds, no meds, water, in the hospital or at home. Babies are amazing little miracles and it's ok if you get meds. There is no award or plaque on the wall for it. You can do this!
@Dragontamer135 2 жыл бұрын
@@kleinemaus6094 you said it
@neshneshnesha 2 жыл бұрын
Currently in labor and this is very helpful!
@xserena13x 3 жыл бұрын
Totally scared to do it without any pain medication but I’m more scared of the needle going down my back and having no feeling in my body. I’m taking my hubbies cologne for smell!! Essential oil smell nasty during my pregnancy lol and some hard rock music 🤣👌
@fighttheevilrobots3417 Жыл бұрын
@Selena Martinez Love this. My partner is a metal musician and I love hip-hop. Made a birthing playlist. Going to use my 2 favorite perfumes. How did the birth go?
@xserena13x Жыл бұрын
@@fighttheevilrobots3417 birth was far easier than I expected. Unfortunately I made it only to 5 cm before I gave in to the epidural but after that I gave birth in 14 hours total. It was easy to push in my opinion. I didn’t tear but did break my tail bone
@ericachacon8337 Жыл бұрын
I'm so glad you mentioned that light touches, particularly as labor starts ramping up, can be deeply agitating. W/ my 1st son, I was young, went into labor 6wks early & had no birth plan. My father happened to be the only person in the hospital room w/ me, when I was reaching transition; he is well meaning, but tends to make things about him. I asked him as nicely as possible to please stop petting my hair or squeezing my arm every time I had a contraction, but instead of listening he got all hurt & offended, & so at that point I was just like, "screw this- if he needs something to do he can go ask for me to get an epidural bc I'm not continuing on with this!". So i ended up with an epidural- but it's now 17yrs later & I'm pregnant with my 2nd child. I'm much better at standing up for myself & I have no doubt that I can make it through w/o pain meds- & I can make sure that my birth plan WILL be respected! 💪
@SistLor 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this video 😍... I will apply it on my delivery this year (due date april 2022) ......btw, Im a proud mama with 4x labor (vaginal delivery) without epidural 💞 and planning to deliver my precious 5th ,without epidural too 😄... We do bcame crazy at some point but stay focus can make us stronger while facing the pain thou 😃.... Bless all mama in the world.
@TheBalancedMom 2 жыл бұрын
Props!! I'm due with baby 5 in 2 months and have only given birth naturally once but don't want that pain ever again!! I have to be ready for another natural labor since everything happens so fast though-- still hoping for an epidural because those were very memorable ones--- the better the epidural worked, the more it felt like a peaceful movie scene!
@anagiselleable 3 жыл бұрын
My first pregnancy was induced because of Cholestasis, this time i did not have it and my baby came on her own. Too fast maybe, i was so sure i wanted the epidural, i even signed the papers the day before but my labor stalled. Next day in less than 2 hours i had my baby and by the time i got to the hospital she was born in 10 minutes. When i heard “it’s too late for an epidural” i remembered this video and it went so quickly in two pushes it was all done and i healed amazingly. Thank you! Your videos changed my whole perception of my birth.
@evievalenz 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the essential oil suggestions!
@BridgetTeyler 5 жыл бұрын
You're welcome! I love using essential oils!
@tilbaketilhagen 3 жыл бұрын
I have had two natural births (one homebirth and one hospital), going for a third natural birth in just a couple of weeks! I believed in my ability to birth my babies, and still do! If that’s what a mama wants- I believe she can do it! Preparations are so important. Learn breathing techniques and learn abouy the different phases of birth so you know what’s actually happening ❤️ All the best to all of you!
@tanzila_29 5 жыл бұрын
Berta B Isn’t it a shame that sometimes we focus more on the things that don’t even matter instead of appreciating someone’s good work or attempt?
@TootyXoxo 5 жыл бұрын
Tanzila Farhin thank you, I agree. This video is helpful and I found her personality very pleasant. Sometimes when you’re pregnant you get this weird mood swings and for some reason, I didn’t wanna hear the word “pain” the day I commented. 🤷🏽‍♀️
@tanzila_29 5 жыл бұрын
Berta B You’re such a warm hearted person! I totally understand now after your explanation. I’m pregnant too. I didn’t want to be offensive but it’s true that there’re people who focus on negative aspects rather than appreciating the good work. That’s what made me upset & comment. I hope, your pregnancy is going well & both you & baby are doing fine. I wish you all the best😊💙
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