Could Brazil take French Guiana from France if it wanted to? (2020)

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@VOX_SOLA 3 жыл бұрын
As a brazilian I advise against it. Carrefour would probably cancel my discount credit card.
@acheuval34 3 жыл бұрын
Hahahaha 😂🙌🏻
@Bizarro_na_chapa 3 жыл бұрын
France is over
@elvis1530 3 жыл бұрын
@benjamimarrola882 3 жыл бұрын
genial KKKKKKKKKKKK to chorando
@Bizarro_na_chapa 3 жыл бұрын
@Thomas missed me?? France is devil...
@unitariansavage8513 3 жыл бұрын
Alternative title: What if Brazil looked at the Falklands war and thought "Yeah. I want that."
@tshavfengvang7831 3 жыл бұрын
That was when Argentina 🇦🇷 think they could take out France 🇫🇷 on one by one. We all know France showed Argentina who was boss. Brazil's chance of winning the war is very low. Unless Brazil has a coalition, it may have a better chance.
@unitariansavage8513 3 жыл бұрын
@@tshavfengvang7831 What do you mean? Argentinia never went to war with France. The closest we ever got to open conflict was when the English and the French blockaded Buenos Aires.
@tshavfengvang7831 3 жыл бұрын
@@unitariansavage8513 Thank you for the correction (and fact-checking me 🤣). You're right; I was wrong. That's why we have to take world history in school. Lol.
@sergioreisalves7768 3 жыл бұрын
@@tshavfengvang7831 Brazil is Brazil no Argentina !!
@tshavfengvang7831 3 жыл бұрын
@@sergioreisalves7768 Se habla espanol. Go Brazil 🇧🇷.
@ericlemaire8110 3 жыл бұрын
As a Frenchman i really wouldn't like to be at war with our Brasílian friends. That's all i want to say. Only on a Football field !!!
@carper1220 3 жыл бұрын
Kkk vão levar um pau
@antoniorodrigues1345 3 жыл бұрын
We the Brazilian People have no enimies at all.Brazilian and French have long been good friends and nothing is going to change this
@philippekuster 3 жыл бұрын
True, same here
@codyyancey1367 3 жыл бұрын
@friendssmoking 3 жыл бұрын
@Thobbass Жыл бұрын
A few elements are missing : - it is pretty unlikely that such a large operation led by Brazil would go unnoticed by French intelligence services, therefore it is also unlikely that the main airport would be taken easily without any reaction from the French - even if it happened, air reinforcement would arrive pretty quick from France and would simply land in Guadeloupe and Martinique rather than Guiana. It is therefore very unlikely that Brazilwould ever manage to control the sky, nor the airports - France would also very likely receive help from its NATO and EU allies, at least for logistics if not for combat - Given that Brazil would loose control over the sky, France would then easily destroy all of Brazil's military infrastructure and Brazilian aircrafts, if not defeated in the sky, would be destroyed on the ground. It would then enable the French to freely harass all Brazilian logistic lines all over the area. - If military bases and airports had to be taken back by the French, they would set in motion airborne operations but these operations would not be leddirectly fromFrance. it is fairly more probable that the troops and equipments would be sent with regular airline planes to Martinique and Guadeloupe and that the airborne operations would be led from there, using A400 transport aircrafts, giving the French, much more agility and reactivity - Given the superiority of French nuclear submarines, it is rather probable that most of the Brazilian navy would be sunk by French submarines, or by Rafale aircrafts through Exocet missiles air strikes. Once more, such an attack planned by Brazil would not go unnoticed by the French intelligence. One can then expect that submarines pratolling the Atlantic sea would already have been prepositioned in the area before the attack occured. All in all, I disagree : with no control over the sky and the sea, Brazil would not control Guiana or only for a short period of time and for a limited part of the territory...
@LOLOVAL-os3pq Жыл бұрын
9eme RIMa ( infanterie de marine , des soldats du niveau de Rambo !!! ) et le 3eme REI ( légion étrangère ) en Guyane Française !
@thiagovidal8972 Жыл бұрын
even if they notice, they could do anything, and they know, there is why they not even try to hold a effective military personal in the territory. However, the area is not easy to enter, it's a dense forest. The only reason USA or Brazil don't take guiana is diplomatic, nobody would recognize.
@FunnierIrishPerson 6 ай бұрын
NATO Article 5 can not be triggered if a war takes place under the tropic of cancer.
@FunnierIrishPerson 6 ай бұрын
@Thobbass France can not receive anything from NATO, as NATO Article 5 can not be activated if the member state is fighting a war that is under the tropic of cancer.
@StephaneCalabrese 3 жыл бұрын
I think you missed (or hid) one essential aspect: French Guiana is the European Space Launchpad (Kourou) site. Meaning it is a highly strategic site for France and Europe. I know your scenario is one country vs another one, but in this case, there is *no* possible scenario of a 1:1. Kourou base is highly protected by military grade radars and surface to air defence. Secondly, your scenario talks about land invasion. But it is pure rain forest there! No tanks, not even infantry vehicles can get through this. Roads are super limited, there is actually only one, a few bombs and that's it. French army could patiently wait from Brazilian troops to cross the rainforest and get them on more open terrain. Since it would take weeks to progress through the rain forest, France would have time to amass the sufficient amount of fighting power.
@johndoe-cd9vt 3 жыл бұрын
The best option is to nuke brazil directly from France or from a submarine... end of the war in less than 1 hour... of course, she will make sure to not target a location close to Guyana...
@rudahtrovao 3 жыл бұрын
France lol
@arthur3185 3 жыл бұрын
@@johndoe-cd9vt yep ahaha
@jeanfonssedeporte3158 3 жыл бұрын
@@johndoe-cd9vt even better, French nuclear deterrence policy have a lot of subtelty, with the preventive use of Electro magnetic puse, and conventionnal missiles targeting strategical center. Pretty sure as soon as we learn the bombing of the guiana airstrip, French army would replicate by sending a submarine with long range conventionnal missiles to bomb the Palácio do Planalto and some political or military sites of interests. And if diplomacy and threats give nothing, well, they start with Electro Magnetic Pulse nuke and nuking some unhinhabited area before going as far as nuking a city
@VegetaUltraEgoo 3 жыл бұрын
The problem is that the F5s in Brazil are the most modern in the world, they have all been changed. How do you guarantee that the French Rafale fighters would win?
@spidermovies30 4 жыл бұрын
Bro a fight between France and brazil would be the most stupid thing ever. Honestly everybody loses. France would lose an overseas territory but Brazil would see a bunch of it's main cities being bombed in exchange for... more jungle. Honestly Brazil doesn't need MORE JUNGLE.
@spidermovies30 4 жыл бұрын
@@biodidu25 I'm glad I could help
@nicholaskelly6375 4 жыл бұрын
@Negociosieideias 4 жыл бұрын
Damm you re right
@zignik2213 4 жыл бұрын
I agree
@joaquimbarbosa896 4 жыл бұрын
No One said "Brazil needs more jungle" What France say is to Brazil stop destroy NG their forests
@henriquefilho 4 жыл бұрын
First, Brazil is not USA. We do not invade other coutries, unless they invade us first (Paraguay). Second, we do not use tanks in Amazon. Its impossible.
@helciomartins8352 4 жыл бұрын
I desagree with you....Paraguay war is different from our books and paraguaian books, the way you have learned is our an exemple, some countrys in europe are teaching their pupíls not that amazônia is sovereign brazillian land, in those books the name is international amazon rain forest, that is why gretas anbd ONGs come down with so many thing is invading a sovereign country, another version of the same thing is the France saving the rain forest from brazillian torches........the history is quite diferent for the same act......for the Paraguaians and for the good of the truth, Solano Lopez had the unique nation in south américa with full schollarship, including guarani indians, whon help then during the war......he had the unique ironwork plant , making railroads in south américa.....and he had the peacefull acces to the ocean trough the Plate river......we genocide the paraguaias , we left 3,6% of it population alive, this is not war, this is extermination.....and we pay the price today, with a neighboor who is allways in trouble.......It is good for every brazillian to read about the Chapultepec fortress, and understand that the Conde D"Eu was an assassin, not a comander.....all that, so the England could sell alone, Trains, railroads, etc, etc etc.......Paraguay never had the need of invading starts exactly with a gossip lkiike this one and used to fuck a whole nation and his people......
@jhonerick1688 4 жыл бұрын
@@helciomartins8352 Discordo. O Paraguai era sim o mais desenvolvido da época e isso é fato porém, esse desenvolvimento se limitava somente no seu exército, o Paraguai era uma ditadura de economia agrária e não "possuidora de um modelo de desenvolvimento econômico e industrial único" como dizem por ai. Eles tinham o exército melhor armado, várias fortificação como Humaitá e mais soldados. Antes de iniciar a guerra o Império do Brasil interviu em favor dos colorados colocando-os no poder, com isso o Paraguai poderia perder a sua saída para o mar, influencia no Uruguai e também haviam os blancos, que diziam que o Império iria anexar o Uruguai e respectivamente o Paraguai. Em resposta Solano confiscou uma embarcação do Império do Brasil no Rio Paraguai (o barco a vapor brasileiro Marquês de Olinda, que transportava o presidente da província de Mato Grosso, Frederico Carneiro de Campos, que morreu em uma prisão paraguaia), e ordenou que seu exército invadissem o Mato Groso. Em seguida eles marcharam para o Rio Grande do Sul, para assim chegar no Uruguai (o plano era socorrer os blancos e ter o Uruguai como aliado), nesse processo eles solicitaram passagem por Corrientes e a Argentina negou, mas Solano invadiu assim mesmo e declarou guerra a Argentina. Posteriormente os colorados chegam no poder com ajuda brasileira e declaram guerra ao Paraguai, dando início assim ao que chamamos hoje de Guerra de la Tríplice Alianza ou Guerra do Paraguai. A ofensiva contra a triplice não foi muito boa para os Paraguaios, sendo repelidos de volta para seu território, perdendo controle dos rios e parte da frota na Batalha do Riachuelo, perdendo as batalhas do Tuití,e outras... Vale lembrar que eles sairam vitoriosos na Batalha de Curupaiti, onde grande quantidade de soldados brasileiros morreu. Na fase final o Brasil conquistou o forte Humaitá, houve a Batalha de Acosta Ñu (o exército paraguaio que lutou nela era composto por adolescentes com menos de 15 anos), e chegou a capital Assunção, em vez de se render o ditador fugiu para o interior do país, Caxias se retirou da guerra e assumiu o Conde d'Eu, inciando a caçada de Solano e posteriormente sua morte. Nesse período Argentina e Uruguai ja não estavam mais atuando ativamente na guerra, todos estávam se endividando eos Paraguaios haviam morrendo aos montes.O Paraguai iria perdeu sua soberania e território se não fosse o posicionamento contrário do Brasil em relação ao da Argentina. Liderado pelo ditador Solano Lopez o Paraguai foi o agressor e dado os fatos eu acredito que a grande culpa disso tudo foi a ousadia e orgulho de Solano, estendendo a guerra por 6 anos e culminando no genocídio de seu próprio povo. Fontes:
@jhonerick1688 4 жыл бұрын
@@helciomartins8352 Recomendo que acesse os links que acima anexei. Na história sempre há diferentes versões para diferentes lados, gostaria de poder saber mais sobre o lado Paraguaio da coisa, Boa noite.
@helciomartins8352 4 жыл бұрын
@@jhonerick1688 O amigo me alegra com seu conhecimento, e de fato este é o acervo do exército e motivo de medalhas mil para os nossos heróis, mnas esta é a nossa versão.....tem um livro se não me engano o nome era veias abertas da américa latina....não tenho certeza porque tem anos que eu vi isso, eu conheço a versão paraguaia porque tive que pesquisar a matéria em uma comparação de difderenças das etnias guaranis, e daí bate em cheio com a história paraguaia nos tempos do solano Lopes, mas vamos com algumas informações que batem dos dois lados que são. O exército paraguaio era melhor porque produzia seus canhões e armas, eles tinham a única siderúrgica da américa latina naquela época, Na história paraguaiaos ingleses entraram em litígio por causa de mercado consumidor de seus produtos industrializados, no Paraguai não havia analfabetismo e as escdolas eram abertas aos índios guarani, está ai onde esbarrei na versão versão deles o Brasil inventou um imposto e não queriam deixar o Paraguai usar o rio como escoamento, na versão deles era suicídio tentar furar o bloqueio da segunda maior marinha do mundo da época, a brasileira, o que é fato. sobrou a opção terrestre a qual o Paraguay deu um banho tão grande em todo mundo que o exército argentino e brasileiro deixavam os feridos para os inimigos cuidarem, assim como cobertores infectados de varíola.....logo, guerra biológica não tem modernidade nenhuma.....mas obviamente os números contam e assim que o conde D'Eu chorou mais tropas, elas apareceram e assim, os paraguaios foram vencidos......mas uma guerra é algo com certos freios, um comandante que permite que 3,6% só da população masculina viva, e nenhum acima de 15 anos, não pode ser chamado de guerra, isso tem o nome de extermínio......entendo que o vencedor escreve a história, sempre foi assim, mas as razões de ambos diferem em muito e aos que lutaram isso não importava muito, as agruras das guerras, tanto para o soldado certo como para o errado, são as mesmas.....a guerra é algo que realmente mostra o pior lado do ser humano, para que o melhor aconteça oriundo do mesmo homem, um paradoxo total que ainda é a mola do desenvolvimento científico de toda a raça humana.....mas agradeço o papo cordial e elogio o amigo por seus conhecimentos que dentro do que aprendeu de nossa versão da história, está certinho..... PS: o cara do Mato Grosso pela versão paraguaia era para fazer chantagem, ou deixam a gente passar ou ele fica preso, a mesma ladainha dos tempos de hoje com reféns.... Forte abraço, saúde e paz para você e família e sempre estude, isso só ilumina o nosso caminho e melhora nossas decisões....
@henriquefilho 4 жыл бұрын
@@sthompson2770 At the time, Uruguay was not a coutry. And Brazil was the main colony of Portugal. It was the king Dom João VI himself, who first helped Spain against Artigas and some years later, "afraid" of Bourbons in Spain and Argentians of Virreinado de la Plata, trying to attach the south of Brazil, ordered to fortify the Province Cisplatina (now Uruguay). But if you still want to give Brazil the responsability of what Portugal did, then USA is also guilty for all invasions that England, France and Spain did before its independency. Because, before the independency of the 13 colonies, those three coutries rule that territory.
@Kalemnos 2 жыл бұрын
French Guiana is a french departement. This is not a colony. This is France. If you organise a referendum to ask peoples there if they want to stay in the french republic or become part of Brazil, i think they will prefer stay french. Brazil will never launch a military offensive for France is a nuclear power. So It would have big arguments to make the offensive stop at once;
@top-notch8277 7 ай бұрын
So was algeria and yet ...
@Kalemnos 7 ай бұрын
@@top-notch8277 You are right, so was Algeria.
@LeonardoRflp 7 ай бұрын
Don't worry, we absolutely don't want it, even if you pay us. I don't think you get the conclusion that we need more land, LOL. We need BRICS expansion and another government. But... another region which needs subsides? No thanks. We already have our influence there by the many Brazilians located there (just like it happens in Uruguay and Southern Venezuela). If they want to be independent, they will be another country... but in Brazil we don't need more expenses.
@bal-duredt2190 4 жыл бұрын
I really don't know well the situation of French Guyana but in metropolitan France we respect brazil and we have a nice feeling about their people.Indeed it's kinda weird from us because we have land border in another continent but we don't have any trouble with Brazil. Respect to Brazilian people,long live to you guys.
@mando8362 4 жыл бұрын
yes exact !
@DaviHorner 4 жыл бұрын
@Hydra FR I think the biggest problem that we have is that your politicians like to think they are better than us and utilize 18th-century tactics to undermine our sovereignty, 1961-1963 Charles de Gaulle almost declared war in Brazil because they wanted to fish lobster in our waters. And now Macron is spreading lies about Amazon to the world. 1-Amazon encompasses 7 countries. 2-Brazilian Amazon is bigger than the entire EU in size. (Macron couldn't protect 1 church from burning) 3-In every speech his claim that we are destroying our forest to plant soy, that couldn't be farther than the truth because our plantation of soy is on the extreme opposite side of the country(is like confounding Normandy to Marseille). 4- We have one of the most brutal environmental laws in the world, because of the diversity of our country every biome has a percentage that it can't be touched, if you cut more than permitted you are fined in amazon every landowner need to preserve 80% of the native forest or reforest to this limit. 5-Our older lawmakers decided to put in place a bunch of regulations that make it difficult to fight the fire, like forcing them to use only water to quench the flames, to stop using certain regions as pasture for cattle(there are studies that places where cattle use are safer from fires), and to perform preventive fire to make the next ones more manageable. 6-In the last few years the year is becoming hotter and dryer causing a surge in the numbers. 7-Macron wants to stop Europe's dependency on Brazilian grains and makes them buy from France by any means necessary, we would be ok with this type of war if he at least was honest and didn't spread lies about us. 8- Our energy is 88% green. Because in the last few years he is intensifying that speech many Brazilians are starting to hate him(we still view France as friends and allies). And as a joke, we say that if he isn't careful we will end up taking French Guyana from him. A similar thing happened during WW2, nazi Germany wasn't careful around us and we end up helping in kicking their butt out of Italy. XD Sorry for the long answer but I hope that helped to clarify those misconceptions that are happening about Brazilians opinions about french people, our discontentment is only with politicians and activists that want to give their opinions without knowing our position. We are a little touchy about this because, for the first time since probably WW2 or the Empire of Brazil, Brazilians are starting to feel more patriotic, and for the first time since the end of the dictatorship(1984) we are having a little bit of hope that we can fix our country.
@mistermclaur9205 4 жыл бұрын
@@DaviHorner Just don't listen to Macron's stuff, we french people do it all the time. The point of democracies is that leaders change regularly so just wait and see if the next one is more friendly 🙂
@spazvortek8324 4 жыл бұрын
@@DaviHorner Our president Macron is a asshole, don't listen his bullshit. Peace on us🇨🇵🇧🇷
@helciomartins8352 3 жыл бұрын
@@DaviHorner very nice answer....basically cover all the aspects of this matter......congratulations...
@DeBellorumSimulationibus 4 жыл бұрын
After this, the French Government is considering to send some troops. Lol
@sexygeek8996 4 жыл бұрын
They might build a Maginot Line along 90% of the border.
@arthurbenedetti9146 4 жыл бұрын
brazil's army is quite small, we have a population wich does not agree, so a organized society for something like this is close to impossible. We are strong allies with france they helped us build our nuclear submarine and help us in many other military areas. Last part is that we already have wayy to much violence already, not likely we wpuld do this at all. Argentina always considered the falkland islands their, brazil never had any iterest in the guiana, our great military responsabilty is to defend the amazon against domestic and foreign enemies, as well as to keep balance in latin american forces to prevent wars (colombia and venezuela or chile)
@MrMasterCGO 4 жыл бұрын
Link to that?
@bentoperrone839 4 жыл бұрын
@@arthurbenedetti9146 Not small in any mesure, but under equiped, conservative minded and a bit underfunded.
@bentoperrone839 4 жыл бұрын
The fact is, we already invaded and taken position over French Guiana once, we could easily do it again.... but there is nothing to be gained there.... it's no good to Brasil as anything more than something to bargain an agreement, as it was the last time, and we would eventually return it.
@comradebagel9995 4 жыл бұрын
Imagine. You're a French soldier enjoying your daily croissant and then your commanding officer kicks down the door and says the horrific lines of "YOU'RE GOING TO BRAZIL"
@gaming_bronut372 4 жыл бұрын
@andreypassarini5262 4 жыл бұрын
No, Brazil is coming to you
@jamesshore3191 4 жыл бұрын
@@andreypassarini5262 If they did their navy nor airforce would last long against the French. And if Brazil initiated the attack they'd be facing down NATO too.
@andreypassarini5262 4 жыл бұрын
@@jamesshore3191 bruh, its the meme
@ashleylewis8274 3 жыл бұрын
Lmfao 🤣
@MaxHohenstaufen 3 жыл бұрын
The ultimate best defense French Guiana has is the lack of interest from neighbours. Brazil has 0 to gain economically, politically or strategically from invadimg Guiana. If the invasiin would cost a single dollar, it would still not be worth it. Besides, Brazil has enough problems as it is. It would be totally stupid to make any more trouble.
@RenanKeiroz 4 жыл бұрын
For those who don't know, in 1961, Brazil had a president that really wanted to take French Guiana, the motivation was that part of the Manganese extracted near to French Guiana border was secretly going to there, resulting in big loses to Brazil, finantialy speaking. And an operation was design to it, but the president renounced before even try. Fortunately, it was going to be similar to Falklands war, Brazil would take it but maybe not being able to resist much longer. The goverment believed that France would not fight back, or it would take a long time at least, (Just like Falklands War), because France was fighting in Argelia, independence war. Another interesting fact at that time was the "Lobster War" between France and Brazil, a huge tension between those two. If I'm not wrong that was because France was fishing inside Exclusive economic zone , or near to it. I don't know if there's videos w/ English subtitles to these topics, but anyway, just saying. Brazil has some interesting history of disputes and tension with France along history.
@sekoundiaye3239 4 жыл бұрын
Interesting... As a French I was not aware of that... I'll dig deeper!
@XR190190 3 жыл бұрын
Don't forget most of the troops already in Guyane are Foreign Legionnaires. They can take the entire Ricardo Milos army with only toothpick
@XR190190 3 жыл бұрын
@marcos farias The Foreign Legion is training in the Guyane Jungle as well.
@meanreversion6849 3 жыл бұрын
@@XR190190 90% of the Brazilians here don't know what the hell they're talking about, they have the best almost everything, I am waiting for the comment that will inform us they have better jets than the Rafale. You know it's coming lol.
@uilton154 3 жыл бұрын
@@XR190190 Brasil vai acabar com a legião estrangeira da frança. Marechal Pétain o heroi francês que se aliou aos invasores nazis não é o heroi brasileiro.
@uilton154 3 жыл бұрын
O Herói Militar brasileiro é o Duque de Caxias que expulsou os invasores de Solano Lopes e não o herói francês marechal pétain que se uniu aos invasores nazis.
@XR190190 3 жыл бұрын
@marcos farias You're so delusional.They are not "just" training and no, they are not learning from the Ricardo Milos... They have nothing to learn from you lmao ! Jungle warfare was a thing for France way before Brazil was relevant. They are doing the same as the Brazilian forces, fighting drug dealers, heavily armed gold mining gangs in Guyane. Moreover, they are fighting in the African jungle all year, are better equipped and have more knowledge and experience in general when it comes to warfare. France never tried to invade Brazil in it's entire history, there were just some small squirmishes not even relevant. Last year, Brazilian military elites were shitting their pants thinking France would invade Brazil when France was just chilling and sending more troops to train in Guyane lmao.
@Daniel-rh7kh 4 жыл бұрын
Amazon's logistics: I am about to end everyone's career
@oditeomnes 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah, the rainfo... no, wait... not the jungle, but the... DON'T give Jeff Bezos that kind of ideas! Amazon delivery! "bombs or Alexa, we deliver it all with a drone while wiping out our competition and sovereign lands!"
@niltoncrf2798 4 жыл бұрын
Vietnã 5.0.
@Sr_Binarias 4 жыл бұрын
França 🇨🇵🇨🇵🔫🔫🔫🔫🚀💣💣💣💣💣🇨🇵🇨🇵👈👈💩💩
@mestredosnumeros4109 4 жыл бұрын
the country that tries to invade Brazil will take many plastic coffins back to their country of origin, because of illegal wood they will not be able to extract anymore, a bunch of hypocrites. Anyone who wants me to think that Brazil does not have the military power to go head-to-head with any nation, what the enemy does not know is not prepared, is the tip.
@KRYPTOS_K5 4 жыл бұрын
The author didn't consider naval mines and the short distance between Fernando de Noronha and the continent. He also didn't account for French long range operations for interception of Brazilian cargo ships and Brazilian sea liners as a mean of valid counter offensive pressures in the international waters. But yes, the final conclusion is fine to me. France would need more than one aircraft carrier to all that huge counter offensive. It is a quite feasible military option to Frenchies to undertake using, say, oil tankers, as makeshift carriers like Britain used to during the Falklands Malvinas war -- portraying nowadays, just to say, F35s or even the old Sea Harriers on the deck. Nevertheless the financial costs to France would be simply enormous. PS. Grasping Fernando de Noronha wouldn't be that pushover you have suggested. Grippen fighters are almost ready to fight. Brazil 🇧🇷
@joepops727 3 жыл бұрын
I know this is a hypothetical but a couple things you didn't mention that would completely change this scenario: France's overseas territories unlike say UK's are considered part of the country as a whole with full legislative representation. Structurally French Guiana isn't a territory of France, it is France. Therefore invading French Guiana would set into motion article 5 of NATO. This sets it a part from the Falklands, if Brazil did this they would be at war with most of the western world. Also the launch sites for the European Space Agency are in French Guiana, other EU countries would want to protect that infrastructure.
@gioavannykoeks8731 3 жыл бұрын
I see where you are coming from but in all his scenarios allies and nukes are forbidden
@JoseRicardo-rk1vu 2 жыл бұрын
The BRICS suportting Brazil
@darth3911 2 жыл бұрын
Brazil is also part of a faction which would get involved so it would start a world war, That said if all the worlds nations are smart they would just let France and Brazil fight it out, And if Brazil is smart then they’d try buying the land they want instead of trying to annex it in war.
@tetraxis3011 2 жыл бұрын
Article 5 in this case cannot be used as Article 6 states that article 5 only applies if the conflict is above the Tropic of Cancer, aka Article 5 only works in the northern hemisphere.
@redicity5884 Жыл бұрын
@@JoseRicardo-rk1vu BRICS isn't a military alliance
@GavStaR79 4 жыл бұрын
Brasil is not an imperialist nation as is the US and UK at one time.... Brasil is a friend and father to all states of South America. Vive le Brésil...
@silvadossantos6803 3 жыл бұрын
I would say that we're a mother...
@t90tankrr31 3 жыл бұрын
@t90tankrr31 3 жыл бұрын
O Brasil é um país Pacífico, mas.. Temos algumas potências pequeninas querendo nos provocar 🍃 Nós precisamos da família Imperial de volta e Dom Pedro II
@concordo8384 3 жыл бұрын
@@t90tankrr31 pro Dom Pedro falar alguma merda no twetter e ser cancelado ? Acho melhor não
@t90tankrr31 3 жыл бұрын
@@concordo8384 melhor sim.. Ou ele volta ou então eu ativo meu Titan Colossal eu sou muito pior que Mao, Lenin, Stalin, Lincoln, Hitler, Kim, Pedro II, Ivan o terrível, Julius Cézar, mãos invisíveis,Iluminattis, NWO, Aliens, junta tudo isso numa fusão, da EU. Se eu entrar o planeta não será mais o mesmo e o Brasil vai virar uma potência nuclear e de tech pra cair o queixo.
@otavianiluciano7397 4 жыл бұрын
Any chance of video featuring a Brazil x Venezuela?
@megaton6023 4 жыл бұрын
Brazil annexeses Venezuela
@mikd157 4 жыл бұрын
Venezuela annexes Brazil
@blackmesa232323 4 жыл бұрын
@@mikd157 Brazil would be able to feed their troops and their people unlike Venezuela who could do neither. Malnourished troops makd poor fighters
@deadblank8391 4 жыл бұрын
Its possible but hard, that country is made out of SAM sistems
@Binkov 4 жыл бұрын
Hello there! Why not visit our official website: and pitch us your idea there? Obviously, we can't make any guarantees, but it's worth a shot :)
@crd0810 Жыл бұрын
People are missing the point of the video. It's just a hypothetical scenario, smh. Coming from a Brazilian, thinking realistically, there's almost zero chances of a conflict in South America. The population of Brazil wouldn't embark on the idea of invading another sovereign country, and to be honest, the international embargoes that it would cause could destroy our economy. The problem with south Americans are, and always will be, domestic (drug cartels, violence, inflation, etc.). Besides the Falkland Islands, there's no other international dispute over territory on the south that I know of, maybe some minor ones. The other South American countries wouldn't take sides in a conflict like this, unless it involves their own territories being attacked. On the contrary, the invaders would be basically shunned from international interactions. And the international backlash would make the aggressor an international pariah. No South American country could outlast international sanctions. Remember the Falklands conflict, Brazil was posing to be neutral, trying to appease it's neighbor Argentina and, at the same time, trying not to anger the Brits. But both sides accused Brazil of letting fighter jets land on Brazilian soil, but Brazil never gave any considerable help to either countries. It's really funny in the comments, french a Brazilians nationalists debating nonsensical theories. People really get emotional when someone talks about their country on these war scenarios. Brazil has a good diplomatic tradition of being neutral on the global scenario, and it will stay this way, unless it's basically forced to take sides, like WW2. In the spirit of the video, I think it's safe to say France wouldn't resort to nukes. Just choking out Brazil's economy would do the trick TBH. It's a good thing that there are no major conflicts around here, to be honest. Just remember the Cuban nuclear crisis. I know it wasn't on South America, but it's close, lol. It's perfect that South American countries never had that imperialistic desire. I like living in a moderately "peaceful" side of the planet, at least internationally speaking. Our problem is always from within. Just take a look at Brazil's murder rates We like to leave this imperialistic and bellicose approach to the more developed nations, the ones that really caused most of the modern conflicts and, funny enough, are the ones with all the nukes.
@BruneSixtine 2 жыл бұрын
France has at least 4 unsinkable aircraft carriers in the Caribbeans, Saint-Martin, Saint-Barthélemy, Martinique, Guadeloupe
@painthuret Жыл бұрын
@shawnmiller4781 Жыл бұрын
Yup, not sure how Binkov missed that. Fly everything there and then hop everything over
@aurelien5747 Жыл бұрын
@@painthuretI mean good luck sinking an island
@1604Sylvain Жыл бұрын
@@painthuret These are islands. How would you sink an island ?...
@usjean100 Жыл бұрын
Brazil has already beat France once, look up the Lobster war
@FEBBrasil 3 жыл бұрын
O Brasil não tem interesse em invadir territórios, temos terras suficiente para nosso povo.
@gabrielviana5448 3 жыл бұрын
@Schrö dinger Se retomar as Malvinas é impossível pelo fato da cultura inglesa já estar implementada no povo, quem dirá a região do Amazonas que inclui diversos estados brasileiros com séculos de história. Tirando o nosso polo industrial em Manaus, e o Brasil não deixaria de jeito algum.
@kiimy5201 3 жыл бұрын
@@gabrielviana5448 acho que a invasão ao Brasil causaria uma terceira guerra Mundial por que o Brasil e um dos países mais importantes do mundo se não o mais importante em questão de natureza e todo o resto Todos os outros países tem interesse na Amazônia já deveríamos estar com nossas bombas nucleares
@geechyguy3441 3 жыл бұрын
This is a hypothetical video. Sweden would never fight Finland either yet he made a video about that. UK would never fight Spain, etc. The point of these videos are hypothetical
@jeffersonsouzaaa1214 3 жыл бұрын
Mas se quisermos, podemos com não de ferro!.💪🏾💪🏾🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷
@samuel.al_1014 3 жыл бұрын
Mas quase já invadimos para anexar a guiana ...nao sei a data mas pode pesquisar aí
@cylfarneydonizetierrerajun1838 4 жыл бұрын
Funfact: Brazil almost invaded French Guiana in 1961, the president at time, Jânio Quadros, ordered plans for the occupation of the territory. However, he resigned less than two months later, not having completed one year of his term. This plan is named Operation Cabralzinho, part of "Lobster War"
@norikofu509 4 жыл бұрын
Ah Yes, The ALMOST war between France and Brazil because some lobsters were near...
@feliksu1530 4 жыл бұрын
If that happened i doubt France would have been able to do anything at all, they still were stuck with the conflict in Algeria after all.
@bentoperrone839 4 жыл бұрын
Almost invaded by the second time you men....
@Kuwaitisnot_adeployment 4 жыл бұрын
@Marechal Miguel Manuel Luís Osório France isn't "destroying" anyone guy
@Kuwaitisnot_adeployment 4 жыл бұрын
@Marechal Miguel Manuel Luís Osório ok I'll be honest I dont know much about there situation at that time except there trouble in Vietnam but the vietnamese are no pushovers. Either way if this colony does change into Brazil's control anytime it would most likely done diplomatically not from war now. I dont really know enough about the situation to speak on it tbh though
@ycplum7062 4 жыл бұрын
I agree that France can not retake French Guyana, but I believe France can damage Bazilian port facilities to such a degree that Brazil's overseas import and export will be nearly eliminated. That will collapse the economy. france may actually win back French Guyana and the Brazilian islands in exchange for peace. Basically, France can't win back French Guyana militarily, but it can economically and politically. Often, winning in the political arena is easier than in the military arena.
@ParleLeVu 4 жыл бұрын
You are thinking in a no-nuke scenario, right?
@ycplum7062 4 жыл бұрын
@@ParleLeVu Of course. A nuke option has massive economical, political, and environmental consequences. It would also make most scenarios moot.
@nicholaskelly6375 4 жыл бұрын
@@ycplum7062 As already noted Brasilia would never be this stupid. The risk is far too great for a small prize. The video didn't mention the nuclear option and frankly I doubt that would happen. Much more significant would be that it would considered as an attack on NATO and there is No Way that Brasilia would ever risk that. Also countries that might support Brazil in public ie Russia would most certainly support France privately. Look what happened during the Falklands/Malvinas Crisis. The USSR appeared to publicly support Argentina. However in private a very different view was taken. Brasilia would be on a hiding to nothing. It simply wouldn't happen.
@ycplum7062 4 жыл бұрын
@@nicholaskelly6375 We can't take the scenarios too seriously. lol This is just a mental exercise with regards to the military assets available.
@nicholaskelly6375 4 жыл бұрын
@@ycplum7062 I know that. But if the question is well laid out. Then it deserves a thought out response. LOL!
@tiagodagostini 3 жыл бұрын
THat is absurd. Brazil constitution explicitly forbids its forces to enter ANY other country without UN authorization. The military would not even ACCEPT an order to enter a neighbor country.
@Brunodomau_ 3 жыл бұрын
É so uma situaçao hipotetica
@boatriple0watch Жыл бұрын
I think one aspect missing in the video is the supply situation there is literally one road linking Fr Guyana to Brazil, the border is a bridge which can be easily destroyed by the French navy. and it would be impossible for brazil to rely on pontoon bridges as any other bridge location is jungle (Guyana is only built on the coastline, there is no inlands), France only have to strike one location to attrition the Brazilian troops. I hardly see how Brazil would be able to supply 100 000 troops in such conditions. (its one third of the region population) Additionally, France will undeniably have sea supremacy, and brazil is very centralized around Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo. France can blockade this part of brazil coastline while striking strategic installations in the area with the Charles de Gaulle (France can still strike Guyana using bases in the Caribbean islands it posses). Fr Guyana is a very strategic location for France (mainly for its space industry) and unless the war is very grindy I don't see the popular opinion wishing for peace with brazil without regaining control on the territory. Moreover the conflict being very far away from metropolitan France the moral will not get hit by war exhaustion. finally all of this is supposing brazil invades France without France noticing the troop movement of Brazilian forces amassing at the Guyana border (again, one bridge) and to close by airfields. As well as no intel from intelligence in Brazil. an anti-west brazil would probably be a target for Nato or French spies for all the following reasons I don't think brazil would win this war
@Desi365 Жыл бұрын
You're right but come on: this is a russian trying to stir things up and nothing else. Nobody will invade in either directions.
@ASlickNamedPimpback Жыл бұрын
Just because there are no roads, doesn't mean Brazil cannot simply go around. Brazil is chock full of rivers and jungle, their soldiers have plenty of experience in those environments.
@Desi365 Жыл бұрын
@@ASlickNamedPimpback the fed gov of Brazil is unable to provide basic services to its population in the north, let alone run a war, there. There is no bridge over the Amazon river, you know, nature is unforgiving, there.
@ASlickNamedPimpback Жыл бұрын
@@Desi365 …Yes, there is. The entire city of Manaus sits on the river.
@Desi365 Жыл бұрын
@@ASlickNamedPimpback The bridge in Manaus doesn't go over the Amazon but the Guainía.
@suddenstorm8 4 жыл бұрын
Could they take French Guiana? Yes Could they hold it? Yes Could they keep it? Probably not Whilst France couldn't retake it from Brazil militarily without its allies they could with relative ease make it far too expensive in both money and lives with an extended punishment campaign, effectively forcing the Brazilian government to return it at the negotiating table.
@siadwarsame2045 4 жыл бұрын
R Dragonheart this is a fantasy war from Kermit the 🐸. In reality Brazil will not dare invade French Guyana because simply put, it Lacks the military capability to hold it. France will simply send a strong task force to the territory and gain air superiority over the territory to overwhelm the occupying Brazilian forces which have less capable Air Force and navy than the French.
@ricardoclavilho4433 3 жыл бұрын
@@siadwarsame2045 hey man please go on google and look about military forces of Brazil, french dont have a slice chance of win here
@alexzanderthompson1709 3 жыл бұрын
@@ricardoclavilho4433 realistically France garners an incredible amount of power being a security council member of the EU
@soroabras3330 3 жыл бұрын
Lol, people are saying various "support" to France or Brazil in the comments like if brazilians really wants a useless war to steal lands who don't belongs to us, Brazil is a peaceful nation and the last war with a neighbor was more than 150 years ago just because we got our lands invaded by a agressor. This is just a simulation of something who never happened and never was a wish of brazilian people to happen, only some people in Internet think that Brazil need to do it or really think we will do something like this. Most people in Brazil not even know where is or what is French Guiana. So people who are spamming free hate about France or Brazil are doing it all for vain. This video don't have any use than creating content for the ones who appreciate this channel because not even France or Brazil is hostile to each others, so there's no way for thinking a war between that two as real. Nothing more to say.
@zldsar14 Жыл бұрын
OK I have finished laughing at this video. Let's see what it ignores. 1. The only possible attack medium is an airborne assaut by the 2nd paratrooper brigade of infantry or the 12th air mobile infantry brigade, both elite troops, making use of large fleet of c130's of the brazilian air force . Even then moving those troops based nearly 3000km away near Sao Paulo would give plenty time for France to notice and scramble the Guépard ALERT regiments in France. Those units can depart to anywhere within 24 hours of the alert. In the mean time the 2 regiments in Guyane only have to dig in and let the brazilian come to them. 2. The airfield said to be destroyed to prevent reinforcements coming in is well protected from air attacks. 3. Reinforcements will not come all the way from France first. A complete marine infantry régiment is based in Guadeloupe about than 1500 km away with air transport capability. 4. The 3 regiments would have their artillery support that the brazilian won't have at the start of the assault. 5. The forces would be about equivalent in termes of experience and number around 4k paratroopers for brazil and 3.8 to 4k for France. 6. We can assume that the rapid response from France would comprise the 2nd paratrooper regiment from the foreign legion and another infantry regiment. They would either Land directly in Guyane or stage out from Guadeloupe. 7. Meanwhile, air force would stage out rafales in Guadeloupe and Martinique with awacs and air tankers. 8. Within a week the carrier battle group would be in range to perform attack missions both on Guyane to support Land forces but also on brazilian territory to turn the brazilian support against the government action. 9. In the same time, a battle group comprising the Tonnerre and the Ouragan each carrying a full mechanised infantry or armored bataillon will have departed France. 10. Due to Kourou being of strategic importance to the european space programme and also of interest for american firms, economic sanctions from both Europe and the us would fall on Brazil. But all this does not address the first and most important thing this video ignores : There is NO reason for Brazil to want to conquer French Guyane. Economically, it would be meaningless. There is not enough gold to make it worth it. Europe would impose sanctions and the US would not be enough to replace lost income even if they did not impose sanctions also. Diplomatically, it would be a disaster. For their military also. They have french Mirages 2000s, Airbus Helicopters make up 90 % of their fleet. And their military transport fleet apart from C130 is largely Airbus aircrafts.
@casadelvino2337 Жыл бұрын
O Brasil não precisa da Guiana para nada já temos muita terra
@huguesjouffrai9618 Жыл бұрын
Well the main point of these videos is not to create realistic scenarios... Of course Brazil and France would not go to war (that's why we have national defenses, to prevent any temptation). And France is part of NATO and the EU of course this is not a real scenario (in general everybody staying neutral is not realistic, Brazil and France would probably quickly buy additional assets like helicopters, planes and missiles). These scenarios are however really interesting about what countries' militaries can do, what they're worth and what different equipments and troops actually bring in terms of operational capacity.
@ryanvinicius2611 Жыл бұрын
I don't understand why the French really think they can win Brazil, the French can't maintain a continental war, With a country like Brazil, troops specialized in the jungle, well-trained troops. It doesn't even make sense for Guina to defend herself against something that is practically lost. Because Brazil literally has one of the biggest armies in numbers and reserves.
@lunamuna5934 Жыл бұрын
@@ryanvinicius2611 so russia did, and they are getting destroyed by a poor country like ukraine, France would easily fend off brazil.. and thats an understatement. modern warfare dont rely on the number of soldier, but in the budget their army got. and in any case france got a nuclear defense policy.. So i can assure you that no, brazil couldnt do shit against france
@matraquilhochumbo352 Жыл бұрын
​@@ryanvinicius2611 this is a false scenario, probably France would move towards a punitive campaign and bombing Brazil, Brazil is a huge country but the population is very concentrated and use there fleet and allies to isolate Brazil, Brazil have a big army but it will be hard to keep a long war.
@hunterashwill5766 4 жыл бұрын
I think people are forgetting this is hypothetical, and not something that considered realistic.
@bonbatomic 4 жыл бұрын
Or not even a thing that we could want
@snakewithpipe7354 4 жыл бұрын
You can see tons of brazilians and french fighting in the comments like kids. The common folk of Brazil is almost always anti-war and we love France. I bet the french are not so different. It's a cool theme to theorize and talk, but people tends to take too far.
@odysseustdm7573 4 жыл бұрын
Other than that unrealistic and unwanted scenario. Long live the friendship between France and Brazil
@hellinart9316 3 жыл бұрын
@GTD_Galatea 4 жыл бұрын
The are lots of hyper nationalist people in the comments from both Brazil and France saying that either country would easily defeat its opponent. Both are wrong. To the brazilian nationalists: today's France is a VASTLY different country from the one that surrendered to Hitler in the 1940's. The French government would never allow the French Guyana to be annexed by another country. Let's not forget that the Guyana is also the headquarters of the French Foreign Legion, and the French troops stationed there would put up quite a fight. Not mention that the French response from overseas would be overwhelming., since france is one of the few countries in Europe that can send thousands of troops overseas on its own. Even without nukes, the French would be very tough adversaries. Do not understimate France. The french nationalists: A conflict in the Guyana against Brazil would not be a version 2.0 of the falklands war. It would be a much bloodier conflict and Brazil would be a much tougher adversary to deal with than the Argentina from the 1980's. Brazil has roughly 3 times the population of France and shares a huge land border with Guyana. Brazil also has a narional arms industry that can quickly replace most equipment lost in the conflict in a matter of days. While the brazilian armed forces indeed use lots of cold-war era equipment, that doesn't mean that such equipment wouldn't pose a threat to French Forces. Also, Brazil has what is arguably the best jungle warfare force in the world, one that is very well suited to fight the forests of the French Guyana. Do not underestimate Brazil. Overall, I think Binkov's analysis is spot on in several aspects. Keep up the good work.
@yas92 4 жыл бұрын
I agree with your analysis, I’ll add one thing: French Guiana is also where is the European space program launching base in kourou. An other reason to take it back.
@aqzdzerf 4 жыл бұрын
@@yas92 I think Binkov dont talk about it for this reason : Kourou is an ESA (European Space Agency) struture, taking it would mean HUGE problems with most of the other European armies I'm french and i really agree with Rudolfo btw ! Dont mess with brazil near their homeland, even more if the whole atlantic is against you for bringing gunz and troopz ^^
@tamanduamirinho3747 4 жыл бұрын
actually this is the best commentary of this video
@octaviovaladaoferreirinhad2689 4 жыл бұрын
The video is just an exercise of imagination, only idiots would take offence from it. In reality, between both armed forces there is only mutual respect. Brazil has no territorial quarrels with anybody, we respect and do not interfere with our neighbors matters. Also we are great consumers of France's defence products, like the Dassault Mirage III, the Mirage 2000, the late Foch class carrier (the NAer São Paulo, decommissioned in 2017) and the new Scorpéne class submarine. If our forces are to share anything, will be experience, not bullets.
@dinartd 3 жыл бұрын
Funny fact, Brazil has already taken French Guyana in the past (1809), with only 800 men. It was a retaliation for Napoleon invading Portugal. You could argue that it was not Brazil but Portugal. However, at the time Portugal and Brazil formed a United Kingdom, with its capital in Rio de Janeiro.
@antoinemozart243 3 жыл бұрын
I dont think Portugal would agree to have a costly third World, criminal, ultra polluted capital like Rio. They have enough problems. And they dont want catastrophes !
@Gui1The 3 жыл бұрын
@@antoinemozart243 And yet it remained the capital of the portuguese empire for 13 years
@antoinemozart243 3 жыл бұрын
@@Gui1The centuries ago !
@Gui1The 3 жыл бұрын
@@antoinemozart243 So? I dont know what you are saying about Rio becoming Portugals capital today, doesnt make any sense, Rio isnt even the capital of brazil anymore
@RS-nh9gu 3 жыл бұрын
@@antoinemozart243 Portugal doesn't have enough problems. Portugal IS the problem.
@Lord-Pierre 3 жыл бұрын
There are a few factors that you forget 1) It may be not that Much military personnel, but a lot of them are french foreign légion or french parachutiste. So those are élite troops. They could be very tough to beat 2) the french Antilles: France as a présence un the carabian. It may not be much, but It should be enough to shoulder up defenses until reinforcements arrive from the métropole. 3) forces in Western africa: with operation Barkahne in Mali, the french have alot of battle hardened troops that are not too far from french Guyana
@Gui1The 3 жыл бұрын
Yea but still brazil has probably at least triple the ammount of jungle warfare special forces... You know the same guys that train the US, South Africa and a fuck ton of european nations. The antilles would probably be bombed to oblivion by cruise missiles (if im not mistaken the first units of our cruise missile finally got operational), and to be fair they would probably put a bunch of Astros II launchers on the PHM Atlantico (ex-HMS Ocean) and give them frigate scouts to bomb the antilles. and Africa is very far away from french guyana and shipping troops is very hard stuff
@VegetaUltraEgoo 3 жыл бұрын
The problem is that the F5s in Brazil are the most modern in the world, they have all been changed. How do you guarantee that the French Rafale fighters would win?
@Gui1The 3 жыл бұрын
@@VegetaUltraEgoo They have better weapons simple as that, and better radars, and better avionics, better permormance, better everything, the brazilian F-5 can outmatch mirage 2000s and F-16 block 50/52 but there is only so much you can do against a meteor missile
@TheRogueminator 3 жыл бұрын
@@VegetaUltraEgoo The F-5 Tigershark is still an old jet-fighter, it cant possibly match a Rafale.
@RS-nh9gu 3 жыл бұрын
Pierre G, you are such a joke. Russia (USSR) had everything you can imagine, like US and like UK. Afghanistan beat all of them with horses and old rifles. Will is a powerful weapon.
@leandro842 4 жыл бұрын
It seems that Brazil and France have already gone to war in the comments lol Why are these kids so funny?
@TheLesterino 4 жыл бұрын
It's like the scene in the King and I where the kids were thought Siam was the center of the world and bigger than its neighbors. In their made up Universe Brazil has defeated every European country.
@user-wh8mb7tm2g 4 жыл бұрын
@@TheLesterino so true😂
@lua_canuto 4 жыл бұрын
Because we almost took Guiana one time. We also had troops inside the French Guiana in the early 70's, but we agreed not to take it hahaha
@mariamartins367 4 жыл бұрын
Mais brasileiros que franceses. Que locura de paranóia por aquí.
@DP-qm6qe 3 жыл бұрын
It's funny this comment section does not get point of the KZbin channels
@Betterhose 4 жыл бұрын
Me: "Mom I want the Falklands War" My Mom: "We have the Falklands war at home:" The Falklands War at home: 0:26
@loveltyso2 4 жыл бұрын
More french vietnam
@Gustavovisk21 3 жыл бұрын
As a brazilian I’m very embarrassed with some brazilian comments here. There’s no point in having hostilities with France because of the Amazon region, they’re great commercial allies of Brazil and defenders of liberty and democracy just like us. France has no interest in having hostilities with or are “trying to invade” Brazil as some say, this is just dumb, if France wanted to do us harm they would do economically, shattering our economy in pieces together with the US and EU. The Amazon is and always was an international region, of which France is part of because of the French Guiana’s territory together with other 7 countries, so the responsibility of preserving it is shared. The problem is: in the last 2-3 years the brazilian governent has been giving a blind eye to the amazon preservation and the deforestation has been growing faster than the last 20 years, so France as part of the pan-amazon countries has been deeply criticizing Brazil for our faults with the amazon conservation, which is 100% reasonable. I’m not going to defend the bullshit of my government, we have to protect Amazon just like any country, we were doing great progress in it’s conservation in the last 20 years and now we’re going back to the 1980’s situation.
@raul1476 3 жыл бұрын
Just being hostile with the French who are also being hostile, but yeah we have no reason to invade French Guyana
@caioalmeida4139 3 жыл бұрын
Cala boca cara para de defender o Mitooo
@raphaelponmaret8823 3 жыл бұрын
As a French I'll tell you that nobody in my country has ever thought of going to war with Brazil because nobody wants to go to Brazil
@Chewbaccalotexv 3 жыл бұрын
@@caioalmeida4139 ????? Lê de novo
@user-pq4by2rq9y 3 жыл бұрын
The only problem I have with the french is Macron.
@marovll21 4 жыл бұрын
Pra galera que não entendeu o vídeo e também está dizendo que não faz sentido: isso é apenas um exercício mental sobre uma situação hipotética. Um devaneio baseado em condições específicas. Esse canal faz vídeos desse tipo com todos os países, e simula até situações absurdas como uma guerra entre estados dentro de um país. Não precisam ficar alarmados. O Brasil e a França são nações amigas à muitas décadas e não é uma ou duas pessoas que vão mudar isso. Um grande abraço.
@marechalrotterdeyerakia9434 4 жыл бұрын
A França já vive com os cotovelos doendo em relação ao Brasil, a guerra das lagostas foi um exemplo.
@marechalrotterdeyerakia9434 4 жыл бұрын
E também vai depender de governo para governo.
@marovll21 4 жыл бұрын
Entendo, mas a guerra das lagostas nunca escalou para um conflito aberto. Foi muito mais parecido com um truco diplomático.
@wytalanielsantiago3462 4 жыл бұрын
Vamos anexar a Guiana.
@eldennovaes8448 4 жыл бұрын
Não é bem isso que o macrom vem falando a respeito do Brasil não meu amg.
@eujinvittoria1078 4 жыл бұрын
WTF those comments guys... I'm french and yeah, realistically we can't hold Guyana alone against Brazil, why ? Because Brazil is not an enemy of us and we are not for them, we don't have strong defensive position in place because we don't need to. THOSE ARE HYPOTHETICAL conflict guys, so much hate hey guys wake up, Brazil and France are not ennemis, we kept good ties since Pedro II.
@jacaredosvudu1638 4 жыл бұрын
That makes sense But we hate Macron from every bone on our Green and Yellow bodys so meh And brazilians have a lot of patriotism
@carlospinto5402 4 жыл бұрын
We dont hate Macron... Don't listen to the fanatical Bolsonarists. They are not even patriots, they are Trump's puppets. You are correct, Brazil does not maintain any territorial claim. The video is only hypothetical, perhaps because Brazil occupied the Guiana when Napoleção invaded Portugal long time ago.
@pedrorocha4817 4 жыл бұрын
Não há entreguistas maiores do que os esquerdistas, variando apenas quem fornece as drogas e a "mortandela" para vocês. Boulos e outros dessa corja atacaram a soberania do Brasil e muitos querem agora que Biden invada a Amazônia, enquanto no ano passado era o Macron. Será que o Biden libera a pedofilia se invadir o Brasil? Se liberar, os comunistas vão lutar pelos estadunidenses e ainda dizer que as listras vermelhas são do comunismo. Mas tem que perguntar para o Rodrigo "Botafogo" Maia primeiro, não é? É ele que manda em vocês agora...
@VegetaUltraEgoo 3 жыл бұрын
The problem is that the F5s in Brazil are the most modern in the world, they have all been changed. How do you guarantee that the French Rafale fighters would win?
@rocket_sensha4337 3 жыл бұрын
Allways keep it hypothetical. Its a good exercise. Some ultra nationalist here and there, some memer and some legic history savvy people. But all these exchanges are good for the chanel. The long debates in the comment section are the blood and fuel of it.
@yannstgeorges1488 4 жыл бұрын
Firstly this is a gross overlook of the quality of the french forces present in Guyane; as a jungle training center, they have some of the best french soldiers stationed there including French Foreign Legion. Secondly there is a strong French military presence in the Caribeans as part of the actions against Drug routes and thirdly the airports in Martinique and Guadeloupe are actually closer to the theoretical battlefield than most brasilian airports. So you might have to reconsider your calculations with those facts in mind.
@rawnut77 3 жыл бұрын
Only the American, Russian and Chinese armies are stronger than the French army in number of course. Another crucial point is that France manufactures weapons: fighter planes, transport planes, satellites, ships, artillery, guns, armoured vehicles, tanks, aircraft carriers, missiles, submarines, drones. This country does not feel threatened by other countries, except the superpowers. Today, the French army has gained a great deal of experience fighting around the world in Africa, the Middle East and Afghanistan, under difficult conditions against terrorism over the past twenty years. So in conclusion, it might be easier for the French army, with its high-tech industrial weaponry and its combat experience, to fight against a conventional army with uniforms of a medium power that has never fought or for a very long time, in a conventional war. In addition, the Kuru Aerospace Launch Base is a leading strategic site. In the early 1980s, we must remember the Falkland Islands, which offered fewer strategic interests and was the result of armed conflict between an European and South American nation ? I recall that French Guiana is just a deep jungle with a lot of rivers, and mosquitos, and snakes. So this video is more of a fantasy than a likely strategic military reality. But the nuts are among us. So...
@mevenlebrishoual918 3 жыл бұрын
Also The infrastructures in French Guiana were not taken into account at all : there is only one large road there going along the coast which can be easily defended, the rest of the terrain is nothing but mineral hills covered with thick jungle. Also the army and legionaries are acustomed to guerilla warfare and would be a pain to deal with.
@RS-nh9gu 3 жыл бұрын
The freaking french army just fought, like the English, Russian and American armies, poor countries or poor people. French army are really good fighting in Chad, Mali or other poor countries. A country that has 460 different cheeses cannot be taken seriously
@aayhanfett894 3 жыл бұрын
@@RS-nh9gu that's the problem is that as you say this country cannot be taken seriously and underestimated but afterwards the slap is violent for having underestimated
@greyfox623 3 жыл бұрын
@@RS-nh9gu and dancing the lambada in the street is a massive destruction weapon to take with serious precaution ?
@pemky6717 3 жыл бұрын
UK: ..... Germany: ....... Japan: .......
@thomsen8174 4 жыл бұрын
NATO has been in Afghanistan and Iraq for years and has not yet managed to pacify these countries, nor has it even attempted to take Venezuela, Iran and North Korea. Brazil feeds one billion people in China and in the Middle East, a naval blockade would not only break the world economy but could easily cause a World War. Russia and China could also sell fighter jets and anti-aircraft missiles to Brazil quickly
@halzan7467 4 жыл бұрын
Also not up to standards. They have certain “operation procedures” that drag down their military potential then if costs escalate they will pull out, not a matter of NATO can take it, but a matter of if NATO has balls to go and not do “hearts and minds” operations. If NATO could recreate a Balkan’s war where they did air power and cripple their enemy they would, but apparently political will commands today’s battles.
@mxn1948 4 жыл бұрын
brazil doesn't "feed" a billion people in china. china is 95%+ self sufficient in basic grains and has emergency supplies that can feed their entire population for 6+ months(deliberate government policy, they even have a strategic pork reserve), imports are mostly luxury or used for animal feed. so losing brazilian exports is a big world event but not a catastrophic one for china. and Russian/chinese relations with france arent so bad that they would openly support a nation that, in this scenario, attacked france first.
@thomsen8174 4 жыл бұрын
@@mxn1948 this is a lie, China imports 150 millions tons of soy from Brazil and millions of ox meat. They can't produce it, if they could they would already be doing it. They never give human food for animals
@mxn1948 4 жыл бұрын
​@@thomsen8174 the data is literally available online. some 40% of export to china is soybeans. now google what soybeans are used for most of the time...its animal feed. corn too when its corn season... also for animal feed. There are also entire papers written on chinese food self sufficiency. China buys such much because it wants to eat better than just rice and now has the money to do so. and just because you're too lazy to research stuff doesn't mean actual facts are lies. especially when there are multiple articles and actual science papers about it freely on the internet.
@FunnierIrishPerson 6 ай бұрын
@@thomsen8174 NATO cannot do shit with Brazil because article 5 does not apply to wars that start under the tropic of cancer.
@LemonRush7777 4 жыл бұрын
Brazil will never invade another country outside of an ongoing war context. It simply isn't in our culture, and it would open a precedent for foreign agression on us by other south american countries, which would be terrible considering the size of our border. Plus, we already have a gargantuan territory to worry about defending, we can't afford to station troops elsewhere to secure conquered territory. Not to mention international sanctions that would hit us.
@yojukitomodele 4 жыл бұрын
True. But people don't understand the Brazilian temper. We are friendly and nice, but, if you piss us off, we'll make sure fire and hell rains over you, even if it costs all we have. Manu Macron shouldn't tease us the way he's doing, this is a dangerous game. We might take Guyana just for revenge if he doesn't understand he needs to talk to us like partners, not give orders as if he was our boss.
@LemonRush7777 4 жыл бұрын
@@yojukitomodele There is 0 chance of us attacking foreign territory because of mean words from a politician. We would be the biggest losers in the situation by far.
@joaolucasfraga9147 4 жыл бұрын
@@yojukitomodele O Macron chamou a Micheque de feia, por um acaso?
@siadwarsame2045 4 жыл бұрын
Alan Noronha Hahaha! do u know France is stronger than Brazil militarily and economically?? try it and see what happens.
@legionarioromano4436 4 жыл бұрын
@@siadwarsame2045 Such a war would be devastating for both you and us. Don't forget that you would fight in South America, in our home, not in Europe (:. And if you lost the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier, the French force projection capacity would be over.
@tncosmo4382 3 жыл бұрын
I see like thousands of Brazilians saying they wouldn't attack French Guiana. The video in itself is a hypothetical, so nobody suspected Brazil attacking French Guiana. Chill guys.
@LAITO1222 3 жыл бұрын
@silvadossantos6803 3 жыл бұрын
It's not about it, our nation abhors wars of agressions
@philippesoares1745 Жыл бұрын
Well ther's a little detail you forgot. The Kourou spaceport wich is under a multi national protection pact as it''s a major European asset. Wich would mean the trigger of the European defence pact.
2:20 it's specified that the scenario doesn't include alliances or nuclear weapons, my guess is that falls under the alliances umbrella.
@OliveOL_98 Жыл бұрын
@@T3AMCXMCHUCK So that makes to video kinda pointless.
@FunnierIrishPerson 6 ай бұрын
Please refer to 2:22 "No nukes or allies allowed in the scenario."
@KevinAssalin 4 жыл бұрын
Binkov: *says the world Brazil* Brazilians everywhere: kagebunshin no jutsu
@viniciusdomenighi6439 4 жыл бұрын
@marcelomayerhofer2668 4 жыл бұрын
@Décio_pintol 4 жыл бұрын
Se for pra fazer xenofobia com frances e argentino, eu vejo até vídeo do Felipe Neto.
@viniciusdomenighi6439 4 жыл бұрын
@@Décio_pintol sai fora que os cara querem nem saber de nos. a gente tem que se defender.
@Décio_pintol 4 жыл бұрын
@@viniciusdomenighi6439 Mas eu concordo. To fazendo minha parte, boicotando produtos franceses e xingando franceses na internet.
@Jenkouille 4 жыл бұрын
Well... I'm not really convinced. Invading Guyana would be difficult, but durably keep it would be a pain in the ass . The inner land is basically impassable (primary forest, moutains, rivers, and worst, really bad maps): only a few rails link the few assets (villages, logging sites, mines) to the coastal bank, and nearly none go to the border. Some of my relatives worked here for a while: basically, it's an island, the better means of transport are canoes... On the "exploitable" land (~50/100km wide bank, along the coast), only a single bridge cross the Oyapock river. So, Brazilian would have to deal with a large territory full of known chokepoints, a complex logistic, an old anti-brazilian feeling among the locals, and forest-trained troops (Guyane is a gigantic training field for legionnaries and special forces). They will probably force their way with airbornes force and a quick force, but they will probably face guerilla, and hard issues to supply and move they forces (especially if they air-lifting capabilities are reduced). The military and politically cost will be terrifying, especially if they have to simultaneously deal with a air/naval campaign.
@wilsonlp100 4 жыл бұрын
Olha por mais que vc estaja certo as tropas da regiao amazonica sao bem acostumadas com isso e e nao falta planos mapas acho que nesse ponto o brasil se sairia melhor e e como ele disse semanas ate vir alguma ajuda real pra regiao
@Snp2024 4 жыл бұрын
Anti Brazilian sentiments ? They had war or something in past?
@JoJo-vm8vk 4 жыл бұрын
@@Snp2024 Brazilian people coming in illegally to ravage rivers and forest to illegally extract gold.
@yeetus1398 4 жыл бұрын
True, realistically France would also have a warning before the attack, and would be able to greatly strengthen their forces there, and prepare a deadly gorilla defense. This isn’t even mentioning nukes.
@CQF4 4 жыл бұрын
@@wilsonlp100 Interessing comment, why you didn't translate it in english ? "Look as much as you are sure the troops of the Amazon region are well accustomed to it and there is no shortage of maps I think that at that point Brazil would do better and as he said weeks until some real help comes to the region"
@reynaldparisel3852 3 жыл бұрын
The french troops in Guyane are composed of Légionnaires (legionaries), the best french troopers.
@andrelunkes1038 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, but they're facing the brazilian jungle troops, the legionaries even came here to learn how to fight in the jungle so...
@joker_g7337 3 жыл бұрын
@@andrelunkes1038 they are prepared.
@andrelunkes1038 3 жыл бұрын
@@joker_g7337 They don't have the same training as the brazilian forces, cause that would be stupidity. I don't know why people downgrade our army, doesn't matter if they are legionaries, Seals, Spetnaz or anything, the brazilian army is far more capable in jungle then the french. It's considered by many as the best of the world, and, when i say by many i'm not even saying brazilians, i'm talking about Amercians, french, philipinos, spanish, colombians, venezuelans and more.
@Tentacl 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, and brazilian jungle fighters are our best trained troops. This is not a relevant aspect really. Naval air power would be a lot more relevant. But let's be honest, the biggest detainer is the fact that Brazil really values trade with the european union and export commodities basically. With the damaged relations with China due to our idiotic president gratuitous comments and his siding with Donald Trump after the democrats won the USA elections, starting a war with a leading EU power would be incredibly imbecile. Nothing is out of the picture with our government tough, those people pretend to be economic liberals but actually love fundamentalist totalitarian states like Iran.
@11Survivor 3 жыл бұрын
@@andrelunkes1038 But what if the French use Agent Orange. No more jungle then ;)
@nasmatique 3 жыл бұрын
If Brazil wanted that land, France wouldn't be the only resistance. The EU uses French Guiana as a space research laboratory. Good luck with that.
@joao29828 3 жыл бұрын
and why would we want Guyana?
@nasmatique 3 жыл бұрын
@@joao29828 I said "If". I used Brazil as an example but it could be another country. Furthermore, Brazil and France are in good terms, so this precise scenario is very unlikely to happen.
@joao29828 3 жыл бұрын
@@nasmatique oh ok
@joao29828 3 жыл бұрын
@@nasmatique sorry
@nasmatique 3 жыл бұрын
@@joao29828 No problem. My comment is not that precise too, so I guess it can confuse anyone regarding its goal. We're cool.
@umbrowservideos9544 4 жыл бұрын
Solano Lopes adverte: invadir território brasileiro faz mal à saúde🔰💀
@rodrigofelix124 4 жыл бұрын
Ele até morreu, então é grave.
@ricardoandrebatista519 4 жыл бұрын
@ricardoandrebatista519 4 жыл бұрын
Essa foi ótima!!!!
@MarcosPauloSc 4 жыл бұрын
@davidmagritta4394 4 жыл бұрын
Como franceses, acho que devemos deixar os brasileiros arrasarem suas florestas e massacrarem os índios amazônicos
@GuilhermeDantas10 4 жыл бұрын
Video: *have Brazil in title* Brazilian: *you summoned me?*
@fundamentos3439 4 жыл бұрын
If Brazil really wanted to take French Guyana , it could do so , without firing a shot. Time and population work in its favor. The valid question is : is it worth it ? Brazil is already enormous in population , geographically , and economically. In fact , the leverage it holds at present , by owning one of the planet's lungs , and the second fresh water reserves in the world , position it within the top countries in our current world , together with the USA , Russia , China and India. On the other hand , Guyana is a legacy of colonial times , which has become an integral part of the mother country. Aside from the tragi - comic ' lobster war ' of the early 60's , both France and Brazil have excellent relations. The largest French investments in all Latin America , are in Brazil , as well as the home of a considerable Franco - Brazilian community in the large Brazilian cities. There is more to lose than to gain by either country , if such a war took place.
@fundamentos3439 4 жыл бұрын
@Bruno Schmidt Brazil is already a major global power. Whoever sits at ' Planalto ' , be it President Bolsonaro , or President Da Silva , has planetary leverage. This already is noticeable by the power the South American nation wields when convening international conferences. Brazil , together with South East Asia - mainly Indonesia - holds the worlds oxygen reserves , and thus , mankind's present and future existence in its hands. The Brazilians themselves don't seem to realize the immense weight they've already got.
@fundamentos3439 4 жыл бұрын
@Bruno Schmidt Yes , true. However , here we face a major problem : ocean pollution. Waste , both organic & inorganic , plague our planet , and threaten our survival. Add deforestation at the Amazon and in South East Asia , - not to mention Central America & Central Africa - and you have a dramatic picture. This goes beyond national sovereignity . Recently , President Bolsonaro mentioned that any threat to Brazil's sovereignity on the Amazon ' would be met with gunpowder ' . This statement is absolutely correct from a national point of view. Nevertheless , it exposes the weakness of countries' political boundaries' exercise claims , in today's world context . Rights bear responsibilities too. This is dramatically exposed in the unashamed garbage dumping taking place in the oceans over the last few decades. Sooner or later , we will have to come to grips with the question concerning national states , and their ability to solve worldwide threats - which has dramatically signalled the inefficiency of individual nations , albeit significant exceptions , in handling the current Covid - 19 pandemia nightmare. Bottom line ? We require a new " Universal Nations " government which will meet and solve mankind's main problems : food supply , fresh water supply , global warming , and general welfare . Pipe dream ? Could you mention alternatives ? Last , but not least : restart the space programs and look for new worlds throughout the universe. These programs were dramatically stopped during the Reagan era , and have never again received the urgent attention they merit.
@romainlapie6362 4 жыл бұрын
All you said is fair but one little correction : If Brazil really wanted to take French Guyana , it could'nt do so , and would suffered heavy losses.
@fundamentos3439 4 жыл бұрын
@@romainlapie6362 Cher Monsieur : Guyane est un département français , donc , une parte intégrale de la France. On doit se battre pour lui sauver ? Bien sûr ! Mais hélas , pour reinforcer sa défense , la Métropole a beşoin de une large mouvement logistique . C'est a dire que la moité de " La Royale " et de l'Armée de l'Air doivent être mobilisés , pour faire une guerre conventionelle . Ça vaut la peine ? " Oui , nous devons " , réponse des généraux et amiraux , et aussi , d'une partie de l'opinion publique. Regrettablement , la géographie est l'obstacle principale. " Pas problème ", on dirait , "les anglais on gagnée la Guerre des Malouins à 1982 ". C'est vrai , mais on a livré les combats principaux au mer , et l'air. Les Malouins n'ont pas une frontière terrestre avec le continent. Ce ne pas le cas du Guyane , qui a une large frontière avec le Brésil . Une avantage décisive pour les français est la " Force de Frappe " , répresenté dans ce cas pour les sousmarins nucléaires. Sa seule ménace suffit pour eviter un conflit potentielle ? Je l'ai dit : la France et le Brésil sont deux nations amis et alliés. Il'y a plus à perdre qui gagner , en cas d'une guerre entre eux.
@romainlapie6362 4 жыл бұрын
@@fundamentos3439 I appreciate the translation in French. So here is the translation in Portuguese of my answer on another comment : A meu ver, você não levou em consideração o fato de que Martinica e Guadalupe fariam parte das forças de reação imediata. O plano de reações rápidas de 8 horas provavelmente veria os rafales franceses, o A400m e seus paraquedistas e petroleiros se reagrupando e se reorganizando antes de lançar um contra-ataque contra a Guiana Francesa. Digamos que para a última etapa do comboio aéreo, poucos Rafale se separaram do grupo para ir direto para a Guiana Francesa. Mesmo que permanecessem por um período relativamente pequeno de tempo, sua eficácia não seria próxima de zero, pois o objetivo provavelmente seria destruir a ponte Oyapock na fronteira Brasil-França, proibindo as tropas brasileiras de trazerem rapidamente qualquer reforço terrestre sério . É provável que a ponte Approuage (ainda na estrada N2, mas algumas centenas de quilômetros em território francês) seja um objetivo estratégico para o Brasil. Portanto, é provável que eles mandem pára-quedistas para lá também. Portanto, se a França não puder segurá-lo, provavelmente também será destruído no primeiro ataque aéreo. Qual é o próximo ? O plano provavelmente seria manter a todo custo o aeroporto e o porto de Caiena, de uma forma menor, o resto da cidade, a área vizinha (digamos de Fourgassier a Kourou) e o centro espacial. O objetivo: retomar o aeroporto / reconstruí-lo para criar uma ponte aérea para trazer tropas e equipamentos da França. Ponte Aérea que o Brasil não tem como contra-atacar. SE e somente SE A França pode rapidamente assegurar e trazer de volta em condições de funcionamento o aeroporto de Caiena antes que os pesados ​​equipamentos brasileiros cheguem (algo que pode levar muito tempo, especialmente se o soldado francês costumava fazer selva como o legionário do 3º regimento de infantaria estrangeiro, preparar emboscada e tática de guerrilha ) Portanto, neste caso, a Guiana Francesa não está perdida. A batalha de Caiena será decisiva, mas assim que o Brasil não conseguir tirar seu pesado equipamento de guerra sem ser destruído, eles nunca terão capacidade de controlar a cidade, nem o litoral. Portanto, nesta fase da guerra, a França detém o litoral da Guiana, mas não o interior das terras. A França terá mão de obra suficiente para enfrentar o brasileiro lá? Em lutas na selva? Isso parece altamente improvável. Então, naquele momento, talvez considere uma invasão de Trindade e Martin vaz e comece uma campanha de bombardeio no Brasil. Com o objetivo de obrigar o Brasil a assinar um tratado de paz com a restituição do território francês, e talvez a anexação da região do Amapá, por ser outrora francesa. Eu diria que tudo depende desses primeiros dias cruciais para segurar o aeroporto de Caiena e sua área. E aí eu discordo de Binkov no fato de que necessariamente cairia nas mãos das forças do Brasil, ou pelo menos que não poderia ser retomado pelas forças francesas durante o contra-ataque inicial dos paraquedistas, empurrar o Brasil longe o suficiente para não ser uma ameaça e colocar de volta em funcionamento. Mas, na realidade, seria duvidoso que a inteligência francesa não visse sinal de uma provável invasão, portanto, a preposição de mais força na Guiana Francesa e nas Antilhas provavelmente resolveria a Batalha de Cayenne muito mais rapidamente em favor da França, pois estariam muito mais bem preparadas para o assalto. Então para mim é uma vitória da França!
@VoandoAltoSP 3 жыл бұрын
Brasil tem tantos problemas para se preocupar, tomar a Guiana Francesa não faz o menor sentido.
@LucasSantos-rs3fg 3 жыл бұрын
Temos que anexar e transformar a guiana francessa no 28° estado Brasileiro. Tenho certeza que o Brasil vai cuidar da guiana melhor que a França.
@VoandoAltoSP 3 жыл бұрын
@@LucasSantos-rs3fg Nossa quanto otimismo nem parece que o dólar tá quase 6 reais, preço da gasolina na estratosfera, corrupção endêmica, impostos até para respirar, sistema de saúde precário, segurança precária, infraestrutura precária, sistema judiciario motivo de piada mundial... *Eu poderia continuar aqui tranquilamente, mas tem gente que vive em uma realidade paralela em um mundo de fantasias, acho quem nem com um tapa bem dado na cara pra acordar pra realidade.*
@vitmartobby5644 3 жыл бұрын
É só uma simulação mesmo
@VoandoAltoSP 3 жыл бұрын
@@vitmartobby5644 Shhhhh Tem gente que ainda não entendeu isso.
@masssculptures...8319 2 жыл бұрын
a melhor defesa da amazona e o atack sobre a guiana fransesa... sem duvida ,,,isso coloca os europeus no lugar certo...
@Markus-zb5zd 3 жыл бұрын
tbh I think this would actually be a situation in which the use of nukes might be a real threat french guiana is too important for france
@didiRlebon 4 жыл бұрын
French guy here, France has 3 territory in carrabian, Guadeloupe, Martinique and saint Martin. As they are major land, they may have international airport. I think it will be use because it's better than to send rafale from the main land. The result may be changed .
@yellow_triad 4 жыл бұрын
He specifically said that both our nations' allies are not included
@sylvali1046 4 жыл бұрын
@@yellow_triad These are not allies, they are integral part of France
@yellow_triad 4 жыл бұрын
@@sylvali1046 Ok, adding a couple of shitty islands into the equation ain't gonna change shit, hokie
@sylvali1046 4 жыл бұрын
@@yellow_triad Yes it would (but not much), these islands have operational airbases that Binkov failed to take into account. I agree that it would only delay the invasion, but if we're talking realistically, Brazil would never invade Guiana in the first place, they have no use for it, the space center is too valuable for the whole EU, and the lives and military equipment that would be lost in the conflict would be more valuable than Guiana itself. Brazil and France have had relatively peaceful relations since Brazil's independence, they were allied in both World Wars, so it would take much bigger stakes than Guiana to make them change their mind about each other.
@lua_canuto 4 жыл бұрын
@@sylvali1046 One day we almost invaded the French Guiana (70's). Search about "Operação Cabralzinho (Operation Cabralzinho)" we did had troops inside the French Guiana territory, but we ended up in a agreement to not invade the Guiana
@derwillhelm3778 3 жыл бұрын
UK & Argentina: "This seems oddly Familiar, i think I’m having Deja vu"
@sauloreis5427 3 жыл бұрын
Que ótimo que somos subestimados, melhor assim... 😌
@derwillhelm3778 3 жыл бұрын
@@eduardo_ferrugem r/woosh
@derwillhelm3778 3 жыл бұрын
@Argusto Newgate r/wooosh
@myrddrral 3 жыл бұрын
In real life, neither side would believe it worth fighting for.
@ousou78 3 жыл бұрын
I'm not sure for France. Gold is exctractred in Guyane and there may be oil/ gaz here.
@Hodoss 3 жыл бұрын
The EU’s space center is in French Guiana, so I guess France would fight for it. But yeah, I don’t see Brazil attacking in the first place.
@Beyonder1987 3 жыл бұрын
France would. French may threaten nuke attacks
@MugBubule 4 жыл бұрын
Why losing months and ships capturing an island with bad infrastructures when international airports in martinique and guadeloupe could quickly be expanded? They would be serviceable for the massive air landing that is "impossible because it come from the mainland". I feel like these two islands with almost 1 million population were completely overlooked for a brazilian rock with 3000 population.
@vbaumel4125 4 жыл бұрын
Brazil actually had an plan in the 1960s to invade the French Guiana, fortunately it was canceled because people realized that was not a good idea, specially with Charles de Gaulle being France’s president at that time.
@johnnymigouel7228 4 жыл бұрын
Even the US didn't want to mess with Charles de Gaulle. He even threatened to shoot down US spy planes if they were caught flying over France
@lookbehindyou2862 4 жыл бұрын
In real life, Brazil wouldn't be able to take it because France would have America and all of NATO on their side.
@MegaDanielSJ 4 жыл бұрын
@@lookbehindyou2862 NATO only needs to help a fellow member if they attack and North Atlantic territory, you can find this on NATO's site.
@johnnymigouel7228 4 жыл бұрын
@@MegaDanielSJ NATO was litteraly engaged during the Gulf War
@waardlafrance110 4 жыл бұрын
NATO or the EU is the same thing, by treaty the members of the EU must protect each other in case of attack.
@haltux Жыл бұрын
Martinique and Guadeloupe are part of France as well and much closer to Guyana. Fighter jet could easily be transfered to these islands and then operate from there. Also there are significant forces already available there.
@MN-vz8qm 2 жыл бұрын
Wait... Brasil invading Guyana from the amazon forest... wtf?!! Are you drunk Binkov? tens of throusands of men, artillery, mechanized infantry, that obviously would be a logistical nightmare just 20 miles in the jungle. I have to admit my faith in your judgment has taken a hit here.
@alexisl7006 4 жыл бұрын
In that war, the winner would probably be a big spider or something, killing every soldier.
@Taletad 4 жыл бұрын
I think this videos largely underestimate the presence an capability of France in Africa and the Americas I think within the first week multiple air squadrons would be deployed in the carabeans and Africa to wipe out the brazilian fleet and air force Secondly the amazon forest in frech guyana doesn’t have road connecting it to brazil appart from the coastline The brazilian army would take months to go through this jungle since it is the training ground of some elite forces of the french army (légion étrangère) that would use gerilla warfare to slow the incoming troops. The coastline would be easyer to defend since the ground road is easly blocked I also think you underestimate the anti-submarine capability of the french navy, because the brasilian ones arent very stealthy against the sonars in the french submarines (who on the other end could out maneuver easly their opponents) The Brazillian Navy would be grounded or sink in a few month and very few if any french ships would go down If Brazil could’t capture guyana in the first few weeks (and as i said earlyer it is very hard to invade as it is already extremely hostile) their capabilitys would be limited to their ground forces and unable to take the rest It would cost a lot to both countries but with a french strike on critical brazilian infrastructures it could upset the brazilian population enough to revolt and force their governement to stop the ruinous war
@leandro842 4 жыл бұрын
It is funny to see these comparisons but in reality it is easier for an alien invasion to happen than for Brazil to invade French Guiana. We do not want Guyana, it has no relevance for us, in addition we do not invade countries (unlike a European country that we have already expelled from our territory 10 times in the last 520 years). But seriously ... Brazil and France are commercial partners and partners in the military field, France is our biggest partner in Europe. Macron hates us but it doesn’t matter, what matters is relations between nations and it goes beyond presidential terms, Macron himself wouldn’t be an idiot to try some fun and he knows it, the same goes for our president and even for Biden. People cannot confuse political rhetoric with state policies.
@TheLesterino 4 жыл бұрын
Don't invade countries? Every single one of your neighbors would disagree.
@leandro842 4 жыл бұрын
@Igor Senmin You are right about that, I also hate our president. But it’s not fair to want to harm an entire country just because you don’t like a president, it’s as if a president who hates Macron says he wants to internationalize Haute-Savoie, such a statement is an aggression against the nation, not just against the president.
@leandro842 4 жыл бұрын
@@TheLesterino The only few times Brazilian troops entered another territory in military action in South America was in the Triple Alliance War in the 19th century, when Paraguayan dictator Solano Lopez invaded and annexed various parts of the central-west region of Brazil, he was persecuted to hell and assassinated in the north of Paraguay, Brazil recovered all the lost territory and took almost all the Paraguayan territory, which lost all the international disputes they had and had their lands returned by Brazil after some years. The second was in 1991 when the FARC invaded our territory and murdered some Brazilians soldiers while dining at camp in the North border region, a task force was sent to Colombia and everyone involved in the incident was murdered on Colombian soil, Colombia knew of the action and did not interfere. All of Brazil's other actions in foreign territory were in the context of UN-led peacekeeping missions in Central America, Africa and the Middle East. Brazil never invaded another country to take territory.
@leandro842 4 жыл бұрын
@Igor Senmin I hope.
@viniciuschaulet1399 4 жыл бұрын
How do you know that Macron hate us? You talk with him? kkkk!
@ivanpetro8464 3 жыл бұрын
When I was young, I had joined Brazilian Air Force, as a Liutenent. I can assure that our Armed Forces has no plan of conquest, of any kind. We are worried about defend what we already have, it is enough.
@Limosethe 3 жыл бұрын
What would be your reaction if somebody up the chain of command told you about his insane plans to invade somewhere and expected you to act on it? 😂
@JMinuteman 3 жыл бұрын
How well armed is your army exactly? I hear rumors of Brazil’s army being very well trained and equipped, I wanna know if it’s true.
@ivanpetro8464 3 жыл бұрын
@@Limosethe well, I will not tell you that this is impossible, but I can assure that our Miltary Doctrine is all about defence, not conquest.
@JMinuteman 3 жыл бұрын
@@arthur_2399 they have M16’s instead of AK-74’s, impressive.
@JMinuteman 3 жыл бұрын
@@arthur_2399 sorry, they looked like M16’s. But still very impressive how they are able to produce all their own weaponry.
@jogossobrejogos9725 4 жыл бұрын
Como já disse um general do Brasil, se entrarem só saíram no caixão.
@CachosPistache 3 жыл бұрын
Direto pro iml
@jonaw2008 3 жыл бұрын
Brasil vai ter o mesmo destino que a Argentina quando invadiu as Malvinas
@Janderson17 3 жыл бұрын
@@jonaw2008 não nos somos potência econômica e temos aliados formidável ai de quem tentar invadir a Amazônia.
@kiimy5201 3 жыл бұрын
Vão e virar adubo pra nossa amazônia
@sergiofigueiredo2434 3 жыл бұрын
@@jonaw2008 vc ñ é da Amazônia fica na sua
@nemesis962074 4 жыл бұрын
Maybe it’s just me, but it seems that there is a cultural imperative to go to war with a European nation from the perspective of Latin American nations. I think that due to our insecurity as minor powers we seek to validate our national narratives in a similar way to America, therefore in order to be fully realized as an American power we must defeat our old colonial overlords beyond being simply independent from them. In Mexico there seems to be much more national pride about the fact that we defeat the French in their invasion of Mexico, whereas the Mexican Independence War is seen as the source of the nation but not necessarily as proof of Mexico’s existence as a world player. I think that just how Canada has insecure about is role in comparison with the US, so is Latin American.
@eckusprosion5166 4 жыл бұрын
@@v1n1c1u55anto5 France literally tried to invade us 10 times. How we're their ally is beyond my idea.
@gengis737 3 жыл бұрын
Argentina tried to seize Malvinas thousand of kilometers from UK. Brazil could not seize French Guyana a few hundreds kilometers from French Antillas. And Brazil does not want to do worse than Argentina ;)
@marlene97280 3 жыл бұрын
Si es para ayudar movimiento de independencia, si un buena Cosa. Como Bolivar o San Martin fue libertadores que he ayudado mucho país en America Latina.
@santorini3270 3 жыл бұрын
Its almost impossible get in to brazil belive me.....
@gengis737 3 жыл бұрын
@@santorini3270 I went from Cayenne to Boa Vista and from Manaus to Tabatinga, by foot and ship. Difficult but not impossible. Napoleon said "Impossible ? I don't know this word, it is not French" (meanng, it is the italian word Impossibile - and that French can do the unexpected).
@santorini3270 3 жыл бұрын
@@gengis737 i dont think so i have Just realized that you dont know brazil Well sorry
@gengis737 3 жыл бұрын
@@santorini3270 I don't know Brazil ? Sure, you know better than me what I did.
@FantasticMrFrog Жыл бұрын
🇫🇷 : threatens with nukes 🇧🇷 : threatens with "HUE HUE HUE HUEs" 🇫🇷 : "So ... peace ?" 🇧🇷 : ".... peace."
@smurface549 3 жыл бұрын
This is an absolutely pointless scenario. France HAS allies. Even if none of those would send any combat troops, it is still very likely that France would receive a great deal of other support. Having a bunch of other EU and NATO members providing airlift capabilities, mid-air refueling, reconnaissance etc. would tip the scale quite a bit in the French favour. However, many European countries would be contracually obliged to provide even combat troops to fight back an agressor. A couple dozen additional modern planes like Eurofighter Typoons or Gripen on the French islands in the Carribbean would make the Brazil air force useless - either their planes just drop out of the sky or stay on the ground right away to avoid getting destroyed in air combat. Germany providing a few subs and frigates would leave the Brazil fleet in their ports or send them to the sea bed. Italy and Spain have powerful navies featuring flattops. The UK have proven already decades ago that they can fight an enemy from naval bases only. Let alone the US, which are also a NATO member and hence obliged to stand in for France. Don't forget as well that many of the Brazilian weapon systems are French-made, so guess who knows about their strenghts and weak points, and who would let the supply dry out immediately. This btw was already an issue for Argentinia back then in the Falklands war. No access to Exocet anymore, and their anti-naval operations came to a grinding halt. Additionally, it would be economical suicide for Brazil, being completely cut off the European markets and hit by every possile sanction until they see no daylight anymore. And for what? For a piece of jungle with no significant value, of which Brazil already has plenty? Come on, the whole thought is already ridiculous.
@seawolf9616 3 жыл бұрын
You're also forgetting that Brazil is pretty much about to have a massive economical recession/collapse. There is no way a war wouldn't completely shatter the country.
@smurface549 3 жыл бұрын
@@seawolf9616 True. It would be an act of insanity already under normal circumstances. Their economical issues would make it just more insane and the only possible way would be an act of pure desperation. Anyway, the result would be the same - everyone involved would spend Billions or Trillions in whatever currency they use, countless innocent people would lose their lives, and in the end no one would have gained anything of particular value in addition to what they had before. There is no winner in war, the question is only who looses less. It's best if such a scenario just never happens.
@experience5988 3 жыл бұрын
The realistic scenarion is FRANCE invading Brazil. All threats are coming from France, not Brazil.
@dillonblair6491 3 жыл бұрын
@@seawolf9616 War tends to grow economies though. And even when it doesn't, it unitez the country.
@odin.... 3 жыл бұрын
@NovoBrasil brics is a economic alliance.
@ender8759 4 жыл бұрын
Interesting fact: Brazil already have invaded and anexed French Guiana in the 1800s but It gave back to France peacefully.
@supersam8030 4 жыл бұрын
Im brazillian and talking with other brazillians who like military things (like me) we agree with something: If Brazil really want invades a new territorie for expansion this territorie will be French Guiana. FACT Its real, Brazil maybe has a secret interess in French Guiana, all the people who talk with me about this agree Naturally its not a oficial desire of Brazil's governement,but for a lot of people this idea is not wrong
@ikad5229 4 жыл бұрын
@@supersam8030 But Brazil wouldn't be so dumb to invade French Guiana and start a fight with the whole European Union. The EU has interest there because it's where all ESA (European Space Agency) rockets are launched.
@FunnierIrishPerson 6 ай бұрын
@@ikad5229 The EU is an economic alliance, not a military one.
@spacejosue 4 жыл бұрын
in 1896 there was an invasion of French troops in Brazilian territory, with the Brazilians expelling the French.
@moe4193 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah and that was over 100 years ago, what’s the point?
@moe4193 4 жыл бұрын
Also the idea is Brazil invading guiana, not vice versa
@sgjebsussbshhs5070 3 жыл бұрын
Nobody in Brasil wants to invade Guiana, we really dont care about any other country in south america but Brasil... Also, Brasilians knows that war means death, and we dont wanna people dying.
@sgjebsussbshhs5070 3 жыл бұрын
@@moe4193 this ideia did not exist
@moe4193 3 жыл бұрын
@@sgjebsussbshhs5070 I know, it is hypothetical, but people in the comments act like it’s real.
@zefyrisd69 3 жыл бұрын
Hypothesis aside, no one wants French guyana because it's terribly costly to develop for almost no gain. No resources to exploit beside forest's wood itself, the soil isn't especially good, nothing. There's a reason why Guyana is still 95% + forest even now. You don't declare war against a nuclear power to gain a small bit of land that won't provide anything.
@parodyclip36 3 жыл бұрын
Actually there is quite some gold there, the wood is valuable for the Brazilians and there is the space centre of Kourou
@zefyrisd69 3 жыл бұрын
@@parodyclip36 the space center would alleniate the whole EU, that's even worse. That's where all the European rockets are launched into space. You don't attack the EU for some wood especially when you've already still got a ton in your country.
@parodyclip36 3 жыл бұрын
@@zefyrisd69 I am not saying it's worth it but it's not like it's just sand. And yes attacking Kourou would result in every European nation wanting to kick Brazil in the nuts
@VegetaUltraEgoDragonBall 3 жыл бұрын
France tried to invade Brazil 10 times and lost the 10. We are waiting for the next one. I want to see having breast, because everyone talks, but no one is male to come in here. Years: 1531 - Invasion of the Northeast, stealing Pau Brasil. 1555 - Antarctic France 1572/1573 - The Maison de Pierre Factory 1612 - The Equinoctial France 1710 - Duclerc's Corsair Invasion 1711 - The Corsair invasion of D-Trouin 1736 - The Invasion in Fernando de Noronha 1835 - The Cabanagem 1895 - The Invasion of Amapá 1961 - War of the Lobsters (Search on KZbin)
@willleahy6958 3 жыл бұрын
"You don't declare war against a nuclear power to gain a small bit of land that won't provide anything." General Leopoldo Galtieri, 1982?
@Mavd-mk9iq 4 жыл бұрын
In 1964 the president wanted do invade French Guyana but two days later he suffered a civilian/military coup and the military's took the power of the country.
@jenedonnepasmonblaseanimpo2781 4 жыл бұрын
In 1964 the France was much more powerful than today, i don't think brazil would have been able to do anything. The Army budget was 5% of gdp compared to 2% today, for example. And in the reality, France will serve as a nuclear bomb. This is the reasons why France today don't secure its border. The actual doctrine has been in three stages: 1) EMP bomb launch to destroy all electronic systems in a country 2) launching a nuclear bomb in deserted areas, to exert diplomatic pressure 3) lauching of nuclear bombs on military-industrial complexes.
@bentoperrone839 4 жыл бұрын
"civilian/military coup" 😂😂 was a military coup, and one that led to a fat, ugly, criminal dictatorship that lasted for decades, broke Brasil financially and no one even knows to this day how many people it killed.
@Mavd-mk9iq 4 жыл бұрын
@@bentoperrone839 Actually it was classified as a Civilian/Military coup, the civilians supported the military to take the power.
@mariodrv Жыл бұрын
You forget that the Foreign Legion is stationed there and that all Legionaires were trained there in jungle combat.
@pierrefraisse8610 3 жыл бұрын
This video is a test, just to see how we are reacting ! conclusion Brazil & France are friends and fight only with a football game !.
@gregwilliams386 2 жыл бұрын
Why would they want French Guiana? They probably have to enough land and social problems to keep Brazil occupied for a long time.
@son_o_day 2 жыл бұрын
You could say the same about Russia..
@Nicolasgusso 4 жыл бұрын
Fun fact: If Brazil win this hypotetical war, it wil have two guianas. We would be the country with the most ammout of guianas in the world :D
@doavkkan 4 жыл бұрын
@TheStallKross 4 жыл бұрын
Now that's a prize worth fighting for!
@orlandomorgado5 4 жыл бұрын
How come two ? If we don’t have any as for now
@Nicolasgusso 4 жыл бұрын
@@orlandomorgado5 Amapá used to be "Guiana Portuguesa"
@orlandomorgado5 4 жыл бұрын
@@Nicolasgusso Idk man, I personally never heard Amapa being called by that name, and so i did i quick research and it is also very rare of an event. Quite hard of a claim to call it Portuguese guiana, but whatever floats one boats eh
@ptitrainrouge 4 жыл бұрын
You do not take in account that France can perform air operations from Guadeloupe and Martinique Islands in Antillas far close to Guyana. And so from West Africa where large French forces are present and able to be transported to Guyana. Thus you can not realisticaly have this sort of attack without any sign ; And as a strategic place for European space facilities, it is under heavy surveillance.
@Alexanbreizh 4 жыл бұрын
yes he did, maybe you should have watch the video till the end.
@hunk9570 4 жыл бұрын
Engraçado são os gringos achando que Brasil está despreparado. Vocês que pensam! Brasil apenas deixam todos acharem isso, pra quando menos esperarem, na hora exata de agir, se surpreender.
@y.s.santanarosa709 4 жыл бұрын
Um general em 1975 discursou o seguinte: _"Se o Brasil não pertencer aos brasileiros, não pertencerá a mais ninguém, nem que tenhamos que matar todas as crianças, idosos e pessoas do mundo."_ Após esse discurso na rádio Tupi durante a ditadura, fiquei assustado e pensei na possibilidade do Brasil estar desenvolvendo uma arma de destruição em massa.
@eliasleal2064 3 жыл бұрын
@@y.s.santanarosa709 O interessante é que é só dar falar mais grosso com os outros países que ele se acorvadam, o mundo é um jogo de xadrez onde as peças decidem quem irão apoiar, se um dos lados nos apertam, nos vamos para o outro, e caso continuem nos atacando, a armadilha do nosso novo lado já está armada.(eu sou um pouco ruim explicar mas está aí) A pressão que Bidê faz no Brasil é para prejudicar a segurança alimentar da China, e também abrir espaço para uma futura intervenção americana, estilo Iraque no séc XX, ou na China no séc XIX (que no caso foi com os ingleses). Mas a China não iria deixar barato, e isso poderia escalar para um conflito maior. O problema é até onde o Bolsonaro iria se distanciar dos EUA e se aproximar da China(da Rússia também serve). Obs: Na real, nem sei pq me empolguei no comentário, mas está aí ksksksksk
@eliasleal2064 3 жыл бұрын
@@y.s.santanarosa709 O Brasil tem tecnologia para fazer uma bomba de fissão (de fusão não sei).
@marlene97280 3 жыл бұрын
Si es para ayudar movimiento de independencia, si un buena Cosa. Como Bolivar o San Martin fue libertadores que he ayudado mucho país en America Latina.
@arno222444 3 жыл бұрын
I think it is stupid to talk about a war with our brazilian friends. But this video is stupid when they talk about the french equipment. We do produce in France, with french technology and production plants our fighter jets, helicopters, missile, submarines, aircraft carriers ect…
@raphaelvalle502 3 жыл бұрын
Vive la France! Greetings from Brasil.
@francisco7517 3 жыл бұрын
@@raphaelvalle502 obrigado 😉
@mva6044 4 жыл бұрын
Sure, Brazil could do it. It would be easy, like taking a Binkov plushie from a baby.
@TheMeanmarine13 4 жыл бұрын
Not to mention the world's growing disdain for colonies in the modern era. I'm guessing brasil would receive overwhelming support from around the world.
@seraphiellopes6993 4 жыл бұрын
They would get nuked 🙄
@anteeko 4 жыл бұрын
TheMeanmarine13 overwhelming support for attacking a friendly country? Not to mention Brasil has never been particularly kind with their indigenous population..
@violinistanickh1735 4 жыл бұрын
Brazil is stronger, and French is just strongest by your nuke weaphones, but Brazil go nuclear a Day too.
@LukeSkywalker-fs5zo 3 жыл бұрын
The French will just get too distracted by all the hot Brazilian women and surrender on purpose.
@warzoneman6387 3 жыл бұрын
@ksweew7476 3 жыл бұрын
Not if the french are able to detect the D
@cheirosoecagao5434 4 жыл бұрын
Como diz a canção do exército "A guerra só nos causa dor, porém se a pátria amada for um dia ultrajada lutaremos sem temor"
@JoseCarlos-om1cb 4 жыл бұрын
Eu não quero que o brasil e os brasileiros que se fodam...não moveria uma palha...
@aguinaldodonascimento9581 4 жыл бұрын
Vote a favor da bomba atômica brasileira, essa consulta pública está no site do Senado Federal.
@Sr_Binarias 4 жыл бұрын
@@JoseCarlos-om1cb CAGÃO
@JoseCarlos-om1cb 4 жыл бұрын
@@Sr_Binarias chupão...
@helciomartins8352 4 жыл бұрын
@@aguinaldodonascimento9581 e virar alvo das milhares já existentes? Prefiro o projeto de velocidade warp e abandonar o Brasil e este planeta todo para essa rtaça humana que adora um conflito.....adoram tomar o que é dos se fosse ditador no Brasil já tinha mudado a estratégia para a russa, scorchead earth.....queimava tudo até a raiz , contaminava tudo com urânio e tiraria os olhos dos outros de nossa terra, se não pode ser meu, não vai ser de ninguém.....te garanto que todas as potências iriam tomar o lado do Brasil no momento que a primeira árvore cair....usar a amazônia de refém ao invés de prêmio é a melhor solução......mas esta é a minha opinião pessoal.....ninguém é obrigado a pensar como eu....
@marcelocc6087 4 ай бұрын
Brazil has not had a war since 1865. It is a very peaceful nation, that has not invaded or threatened any of its far smaller neighbors for ages. Brazil did fight Germany in WW2, but it was not an aggressor. Any such speculation is baseless.
@kings3411 3 ай бұрын
No shit, it's just a fun hypothetical. Don't take everything so literally
@RepublicaSindicalista_doBrasil 3 ай бұрын
People here are aware this not strategically viable. It's just a thought experiment.
@cosmicwfnf3449 Жыл бұрын
Everyone Gangsta until the guinea trees start speak french
@cLaw27 4 жыл бұрын
Did Binkov actually overlook the Foreign Legion which has training camps in French Guiana and holds a minimum of 2 regiments, composed of expert jungle guerilla fighters, in the area all year long?
@piepiep2368 4 жыл бұрын
France win, and more over the French submarine defend the troops and fighters attack the brésiliens troops, French have an excellent Infanterie, the bad news is the leopard 2a5.... But germany ganna help France for kill them and with 140mm of leclerc ( best Canon in the world) it's fine and it's auto loaders and the leopard haven't that.
@clakkent8862 4 жыл бұрын
They are a joke. Do you really think foreign fighters gives a f*ck about french interest when things get really hot (>10% of casualties) ? They quit as soon as Brazil guarantee them a safe come back in their country of origin. Some would even fight for Brazil if it grants them asylium.
@benjamind2219 4 жыл бұрын
@@clakkent8862 they do give a fuck about foreign legion, and they do love that kind of combat, if they didn't leave at Camerone and Bir Hakeim they will not leave (except if ordered) facing Brazilians
@somewhere6 4 жыл бұрын
@@clakkent8862 When did the Foreign Legion ever quit in the past? They are all volunteers who have signed up for anything but an easy ride.
@somewhere6 4 жыл бұрын
I think it is the weakest part of this presentation. Those troops are training for exactly this kind of action as the only threats to French Guiana are Brazil and possible saboteurs or terrorists at the launch facilities. Defense of those facilities and the main airport are their main concerns. Any airborne assault that does not achieve complete surprise would be in trouble.
@bidulomopom7232 4 жыл бұрын
there is a European space base in French Guyana. if brazil attacks french guiana ... then they attack all of europe
@samuelgordino 4 жыл бұрын
More important, France is a NATO member. Wouldn't an attack on French Guiana be considered a attack on France?
@dreamer2260 4 жыл бұрын
@@samuelgordino Yes, French Guyana is a fully integrated part of France, with full representation in Paris. Invading French Guyana would be declaring war on France, and other European countries like Germany, Spain, Italy, the UK would almost certainly support them.
@killianweisedesbois 4 жыл бұрын
@@dreamer2260 Probably not Germany since they prefer money over everything else. But the others ? Probably
@dreamer2260 4 жыл бұрын
@@killianweisedesbois Franco-German relations today are probably the best they’ve ever been. I’m sure they’d support France if they needed it.
@Cailus3542 4 жыл бұрын
@@dreamer2260 Not just Europe. The Americans would be obligated to help as well.
@benazeddine5255 2 жыл бұрын
You forgot that France can use the Martinique airport in Fort de France as relay.
@adansilveira2031 4 жыл бұрын
Fernando de Noronha would be the most beautiful battlefield in history.
@gorillacrazy5245 4 жыл бұрын
Por que? Ela é do Brasil
@adansilveira2031 4 жыл бұрын
@@gorillacrazy5245 Assiste o vídeo amigão.
@lua_canuto 4 жыл бұрын
Não para aqueles que nele lutarem.
@kisenkairyou4841 4 жыл бұрын
Quem aqui já está Esperando o Marcelo do Hoje no Mundo Militar, fazer um Vídeo e Contribuir para Discussão acerca desse Tema?
@joealguien7264 4 жыл бұрын
@l1ncln919 4 жыл бұрын
Kkkk eu garaio
@andriadipura6393 4 жыл бұрын
Jair Bolsonaro: "🤔 Interesting. But what will it cost?" Saddam Hussein: "Everything..."
@minutoshistoricos777 4 жыл бұрын
@luulasmene7786 4 жыл бұрын
Yes it would pretty much end like in Iraq, Brazil can't even fight against criminals, we aren't prepared for war
@l1ncln919 4 жыл бұрын
@l1ncln919 4 жыл бұрын
@lucaspolitti7620 3 жыл бұрын
I'm Brazilian and I'm 100% sure Brazil would never do that, we are already enourmous and we already have a lot of social problems to solve inside our country to get involved in a stupid war, besides we already have everything we could wish in terms of natural resources, clime, etc. We are a friendly nation. Brazil would only enter a war if the other country started it.
@galdutro 3 жыл бұрын
Actually, we have already done that hahaha. Remember Portuguese court retaliation to Napoleon?
@contra-reis3644 3 жыл бұрын
sim ! nesse pensamento q vcs estao todos F,,,,..... DIDOS ,
@YanArMoal44 4 жыл бұрын
The french guyana representing vital interest for france and europe ( kourou spatial base ). In this case, france will be not alone and the nuclear strike doctrine will be entirely applicable. But this conflict case is like the loch ness monster, and lower taxes, pur bullshit fiction.
@rafaelcuevas3209 4 жыл бұрын
I don't think that France will use its nuclear power. First because it is not needed. This man analysis is very poor. To start with, France will monitor any troops movement with its satelites. In case that they see anything strange will not wait for the Brasilian troops to get close enough. They will send hudreds of drones to the area and move part of its Airforce to Africa and the Caribean shortening the time of reaction. The drones can neutralize any kind of ground attack at no cost. Long range missiles are able to reach Brazil from France. Their submarines have stealth technology so I don't see how will the Brazilian submarines be able to detect them. In summary, if Brazil uses the navy, all ships will be detected by the satelites and sunk, the submarines cannot fight againsts the French submarine war systems, French submarines cannot be detected and will be able to get close to Brazilian coasts, the Airforce cannot fight the French one. The video says a range of 150 kms for the French misiles, they forgot Taurus missiles with a range of 500km. The drones will destroy all ground to air deffenses, attack artillery and ground troops. There is other thing forgotten in the video and it is the French pride. As many Brazilian says in the comments, Brazil won't make a war for a piece of forest. But if someone wants to make a video, should at least, study a little the French Army. And France will of course have all support from the UE.
@pifpafponto 4 жыл бұрын
Give Israel this gift (Guiana). Brasil gives Amapá state too.
@noah95v99 3 жыл бұрын
Well the chance of it happening are lower than 0 and i dont see why brazil would do that
@rafaelcuevas3209 3 жыл бұрын
@@noah95v99 Nor do I.
@gabrielmartins1713 3 жыл бұрын
Almost like this is a purely fictional scenario
@DrugsBunny973 4 жыл бұрын
Hello frum French Guiana.... French since 1643.....🙄🌺😘🦜
@makky6239 4 жыл бұрын
@Sergei Sheetnikov Im sorry for them then
@eddiezinho 4 жыл бұрын
Hello from Brazil my friend. 👋
@the_demons2b887 3 жыл бұрын
Salut de la Corse 🤙
@alexthetranslator 3 жыл бұрын
Hello from Brasil, since 1500...
@Liminal_Simulacre Жыл бұрын
The french foreign legion stationned in the rainforest jungle would be enough to scare anyone to death.
@PandaGutter Жыл бұрын
When the tree start to speak French...
@guijpc4145 Жыл бұрын
Bro does not know about the Amazon's special forces
@ryanvinicius2611 Жыл бұрын
Search about Brazilian army, Curso de guerra na selva. french Foreing can't Fight the biggest jungle war troop in the world. We have several battalions specialized in jungle warfare, including the French legion that has already come to study with our soldiers.
@Liminal_Simulacre Жыл бұрын
@@guijpc4145 The best military training internship, called"Jaguar is delivered in French Guyana at the "Centre d'entraînement en forêt équatoriale" or CEFE (Training center in equatorial forest) by the 3rd foreign infrantry regiment. Even few US special forces can make it to the end because it presents the toughest living conditions on the planet.
@Liminal_Simulacre Жыл бұрын
@@ryanvinicius2611 Brazilian troops have not much battle experience other than gangs. Legionaires have been deployed on almost all major fronts since Afghanistan.
@yottadrive 3 жыл бұрын
What if Mongolia declare war against Bolivia? How these landlocked countries would fight?
@ophirbactrius8285 3 жыл бұрын
Mongolia want war against Bolivia???? Sounded like a confusing remote Steppe horse riders fellas going crappy mind to wage war on the hillbilly mountainous Andes far away of South America lands.
@mariano98ify 4 жыл бұрын
Everyone asking "what if Brazil invade Guayana" but no one, "what if thr Brazilians invade the comment section"?
@looinrims 4 жыл бұрын
More like the French, have you seen the fanboys around? “Muh foreign legion op!” Like yeah guy, two regiments are gonna hold out against 10,000 troops
@mariano98ify 4 жыл бұрын
@@looinrims it wouldn't be the first time, they would fall eventually but how long until the reinforcements arrive?
@looinrims 4 жыл бұрын
@@mariano98ify too long is the answer, 3000 men cannot hold the line needed to prevent the ports and airfields from being seized, especially with airborne and air assault making themselves felt from behind
@Nicolasgusso 4 жыл бұрын
Brazilians invading the comment section? Dude, we can not invade something that is already ours
@sd.ghost_ 4 жыл бұрын
a message to the world (especially to the French): Brazil does not want war with anyone ... But neither will we accept an invasion of Brazilian territory !!!! The Amazon is from Brazil
@noah95v99 4 жыл бұрын
Well not for long since in some years there will be just a desert instead of amazon :/
@sd.ghost_ 4 жыл бұрын
We Brazilians will not allow it to become a desert ... We are fighting fires over there ... But I agree that the efforts could be greater ... However, the fact that the Amazon is burning does not mean that other countries can simply stick their noses here wanting to internationalize the forest ... It is a threat to Brazilian sovereignty ...
@megas1866 4 жыл бұрын
@@noah95v99 if that happens, "of course it won't happen", that desert would be from BRAZIL!
@noah95v99 3 жыл бұрын
@@megas1866 Yes but what i mean is that in just some years the humanity would have cut all the forest
@megas1866 3 жыл бұрын
@@noah95v99 Yes, in Brazil we have problems, but 60% of the country is forested because we are taking care of it. Each country that decides to take care of its forests and other things of nature. The Brazilian Amazon is from Brazil.
@azer2525 Жыл бұрын
honestly , it would just end like Argentina and the Falklands
@streetz4774 Жыл бұрын
@Williamkwojej Жыл бұрын
In your dream
@Williamkwojej Жыл бұрын
Brazil has the best army in the jungle
@golffoxtrot3571 Жыл бұрын
Not really. Unlike the Falklands, the French Guyana has a large extension of land connected to Brazil. The french navy would sure make a big impact, but the war would be decided on land.
@burmy1774 Жыл бұрын
Just opened the video, and as a brazilian I know how things in Argentina and the Falklands War went to know pretty much what can happen if we invade French Guiana. Plus, we also would be the target of numerous sanctions and embargos from France and the EU, and very likely from the US too. So yeah, we are much better if we just keep to ourselves and leave them alone.
@huyxiun2085 Жыл бұрын
Yepp... I know colonial past suck and this whole situation IS unfair. But still, your attitude is the most clever.
@Brokokush Жыл бұрын
@@huyxiun2085 wtf are you talking about colonial past, why would it be unfair to them ? Brazil is a colony, even if they are independent now they speak portuguese and the country is not run by natives...
@streetz4774 Жыл бұрын
Hahahahahaha you are not Brazilian
@streetz4774 Жыл бұрын
​​​@@Brokokush for more than 500 years brazilians speak Portuguese 🙄
@genbaku485 Жыл бұрын
​@@streetz4774 yes, brazilians aren't natives
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