Cursed Creationist Documentary 🦖The Ark And The Darkness

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Emma Thorne

Emma Thorne

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@EmmaThorneVideos 3 күн бұрын
Get $5 off your next order through my link or use code EMMATHORNE at checkout, or look for Magic Spoon on Amazon and in your nearest grocery store!
@lazyobject5797 Күн бұрын
And damn you videos and answers are a cut above just elegant and straightforward
@CircusFoxxo Күн бұрын
MS is expensive and tastes bad lmao
@jayhei869 Күн бұрын
@EmmaThorneVideos God confusing language does make sense in the narrative if you realize the reason the Bible says he was angry. It is a misconception that God was angered because they were "building a tower to reach the heavens". In actuality he was upset because they were working together on something and he feared they could accomplish anything if they worked together. So he then destroyed what they were working on and confused their language to make it harder for them to cooperate with each other. I'm an atheist, so this to me explains one more example of him being an a*hole.
@koomori Күн бұрын
@@CircusFoxxo Also, if you look at the ingredients, MS will make you shit your ass inside out.
@teknoaija1762 Күн бұрын
Men do suffer from receding hairline as they age.Women suffer from descending bustline.Yours look ok,my hairline is almost non existent.We have saying about this receding hairline thing:You can t have two things in your head simultaneously,hair and brains.
@beanbrewer 2 күн бұрын
Things you can hear at a BDSM party planning and in a creationist documentary: "there will be plenty of room left for cages"
@Reverend_Salem 2 күн бұрын
i love it.
@Zhawn7 Күн бұрын
Or a slave camp
@xodarianxo Күн бұрын
@@Zhawn7 Nah idk why I laughed reading slave camp
@farkasmactavish 22 сағат бұрын
​@@Zhawn7"Thos one time, in slave camp..."
@petehjr1 17 сағат бұрын
"The Captain got super drunk and we all pointed and laughed at his nakedness."
@fepeerreview3150 Күн бұрын
I have a Master's Degree in structural engineering. If that "engineer" is going to make _public_ claims about the structural viability of the Ark he needs to publish _publicly_ his model and analysis, so that other engineers can check his work and the validity of the public statements he makes as an engineer. For all we know he could be a "sanitation engineer" at the local Walmart.
@simond.455 Күн бұрын
Maybe he put his hollowed-out empty piece of wood in a baby pool and it didn't sink. Not sure how this relates to an overloaded, 150m long wooden coffin.
@cozmothemagician7243 Күн бұрын
For many years when people asked about my job I would explain that I was a transportation engineer. I studied traffic flows. Dining and shopping patterns. All to ensure that people could get from point A to point B in a timely and efficient manner. When asked if worked at the state or federal level my response was, neither, I am a cabbie and drive for City Cab 🤣
@GG-vy1oy Күн бұрын
FYI- There is no such thing a Master's degree in "structural engineering".
@ThomasSheehan-j1r Күн бұрын
bsme,msme. aye,aye capt
@vestafreyja Күн бұрын
@@GG-vy1oy After a short google search you are wrong! The Master of Science in Civil Engineering (MSCE) Structural Engineering deals with analytical and experimental studies of the behavior of structures (e.g., buildings, bridges, and dams) under service loads (e.g., traffic) and environmental loads (e.g., wind and earthquake).
@tomsenior7405 2 күн бұрын
Grown men made this film. Adults made this film. Fully matured Human Beings, who are legally allowed to; vote, drive cars, get married, have children, drink alcohol and own firearms made this film. Think about that for a while. This is mental.
@christophergibson7155 2 күн бұрын
Creation makes perfect sense to those who know that God is the creator. God can not lie.(Titus 1:2 & Hebrews 6:18) Evolution is a lie. It is not science. It is not observable or repeatable. There are absolutely no transitional species ever discovered. So..."If the plain sense makes good sense; seek no other sense or your will get nonsense."
@MGTOWforthewin 2 күн бұрын
Yes, both delusional disorder and mass psychosis disorder are very serious mental illnesses, they're prevalent in ALL three competing monotheistic deathcults.
@jamespowers7509 Күн бұрын
@kennethswenson6214 Күн бұрын
I've over the past 3 months of research that I've done on "Creationism" to deliberately not think that way. I was in Public Health Microbiology for 40 years, and I've been in Lay Ministry for about 20.
@dontfearthereaper2887 Күн бұрын
And yet this teenage girl is smarter than all these bozos combined. If that's not clear evidence of human evolution, I don't know what is.
@ricoaioa Күн бұрын
"People don't believe in creationism because we don't want to look stupid." Well, can't argue with that one. Touché good sir!
@dogwalker666 Күн бұрын
Definitely shot himself in the foot with that one.
@Furry-iousNews Күн бұрын
Never thought I'd agree with a creationist 😂
@ShintogaDeathAngel 21 сағат бұрын
The irony!
@juliantheivysaur3137 2 күн бұрын
It's fascinating how many creationists will inadvertently claim that before the fall, all animals were herbivores and that was a good thing. But you will be hardpressed to find creationists who are vegan activists.
@roeliethegoat 2 күн бұрын
Right?! The world was perfect and in heaven the lion will lay with the lamb. That's the ideal. But God forbid you want this *now*, nooo. Because God gave us animals to eat. Like what?
@dewardroy6531 Күн бұрын
What a pitiful designer to have put all those BIG sharp biting, holding, ripping teeth into those poor vegan raptors. One would think the Creator would have given them molars.
@darkstarr984 Күн бұрын
On rare occasions you can find them at least being strict vegetarians, and a few major players in this claim do say we should be vegan because that is the diet we’re meant to follow.
@nimbleline Күн бұрын
@@darkstarr984 veganism is a social justice movement, not a diet
@kenirainseeker539 Күн бұрын
Yup, if you shift the conversation to veganism, suddenly it's "god gave us all the animals to eat and use."
@writerinrwanda Күн бұрын
"God was so annoyed that this one guy disobeyed him... that he punished all of the plants and animals..." committing collective punishment, which is a war crime contravening international humanitarian law. I believe the ICC currently has a warrant out for his arrest ;)
@trafficjon400 5 сағат бұрын
Yes' when people are being pushed to love they become frustrated with all the hate and killing God does to make them love. this is emotional abuse reversed psychology . why some Christians are pedophiles and preditors. a 23 year old a air force engenear was picked up by FBI for killing Canonnite woman leaving her in the desert just to get back at the church. horrifying to view this. half of the church I knew have Criminal records. the Canonnites didn't believe Genocide in the Bible by simply ignoring it. they believed their own denomination .
@jamesrule1338 2 күн бұрын
If one "accepts" that the banana was formed for the human hand, then one must also accept that god is the right bastard who put the tarantulas that hang out in banana trees there to mess with us. Honestly, considering the absolute viciousness of nature, it's more comforting to think that none of it was by the design of an all powerful deity. Because if it was, then god has the same attitude I have when playing the Sims...
@SharienGaming 2 күн бұрын
it aint a crime to kill a sim... 😅
@christophergibson7155 2 күн бұрын
" it's more comforting to think that none of it was by the design of an all powerful deity." Your comfort is a false security before a Holy, Righteous, and a Just God. Look at any building and you know there has to be a builder. It just didn't randomly fall into place. Look at a musuem painting. You know there had to be an artist. The paint didn't splash together and produce a masterpiece. So, you know that God exists but your suppress the truth in your unrighteousness. (Romans 1:18) "The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork." (Psalm 19:1)
@jamespowers7509 Күн бұрын
@davidformanek7467 Күн бұрын
@@christophergibson7155 "" it's more comforting to think that none of it was by the design of an all powerful deity." Your comfort is a false security before a Holy, Righteous, and a Just God." - You are really good at missing the point. Where did you learn to be so willfully ignorant? "Look at any building and you know there has to be a builder." - Ah yes. The most popular argument for god - lying. Its obvious that you dont believe in your god, since if you did you wouldnt have lied. "It just didn't randomly fall into place." - I love that strawman. Really original (sarcasm). "Look at a musuem painting. You know there had to be an artist." - Look at a random pile of dirt in the middle of nowhere. You know there had to be an artist. What a great and definitely not an absolutely terrible argument. "The paint didn't splash together and produce a masterpiece." - *Except when it does. " So, you know that God exists but your suppress the truth in your unrighteousness. " - You know that there isnt a god. You just want an excuse to be a douche. "(Romans 1:18) "The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork." - Two things that dont exist prove god. Sure thing buddy, anyway the fact that we can literally cast all spells from DnD (1st edition) proves that unicorns are real, literally a better argument.
@Mars-ev7qg Күн бұрын
If you want to get technical about it, bananas were designed. They are a domesticated food crop that has been subject to selective beading for a long time to make them a better food crop for the people who were growing them.
@jamiepeter3567 Күн бұрын
OMG..... PLEASE do a crossover with Gutsick, that would be freaking AWESOME... everyone loves a crossover!
@chaosmarklar Күн бұрын
This god needed a 500 year old man to build an incest boat instead of infinity gauntlet snapping the evil out of existence
@AegixDrakan Күн бұрын
Yup. It really seems like their god took the most difficult possible option, which requires multiple major miracles to make work instead of the simple and effective one. When we all know why there's a flood narrative. It's because the ancient people heard the Epic of Gilgamesh and went "Oh man, everyone knows that story! We want to claim if for our religion!"
@dragonhealer7588 Күн бұрын
Well, to be fair, the stories of Yahweh depict a sad, inept God. . .
@NightmareRex6 20 сағат бұрын
@@AegixDrakan and you got reality bender SCPs and non SCPs that seemingly can do MORE than this god? dosent make sense.
@joachimschoder 12 сағат бұрын
Only problem: The infinity gauntlet would have been the better solution.
@Colddirector 10 сағат бұрын
@@joachimschoder Granted I've never actually watched the Avengers movies, but Thanos seems way better intentioned than the Christian god was. Yahwehs *obsessed* with getting people to worship him and follow his many draconian rules, Thanos just wanted to clean out the universe in a relatively quick and painless way (for the people who were snapped, at least).
@Where_is_Waldo Күн бұрын
Love the Gutsick Gibbon shoutout. Edit: She's also a better source on catastrophic plate tectonics than any creationist.
@alexhajnal107 Күн бұрын
And she's not even a geologist.
@alisaurus4224 Күн бұрын
Her Contested Bones series is the reason i knew who Dr. John Sanford was already!
@Toni-lo9ms Күн бұрын
I love how the film just totally ignores all the cultures that existed before, during, and after the supposed global flood and never noticed. Also, two words: heat problem
@CharlesPayet Күн бұрын
Two more words: “Mud Problem.” 👍
@miskatonic_alumni Күн бұрын
Fundies hate real history because it contradicts and debunks all of their beliefs. For example, the God of Abraham is just a syncretization of two Bronze Age Canaanite deities, El and Yahweh. El is the root of the name Israel, and archaeological evidence indicates that the Hebrews were Canaanites themselves.
@D.MarcelloRadice Күн бұрын
you can see those people take advantages of other people when they keep talking about what they do not even believe (God) than if you are an honest perso you have to reconize they want keep you into their religious cult (that what do religious cult, keeping talking about religion and God), because they got nothing to offer to you, but obsession, knowing they can frame you , as not a good generation.... and nothing is good about those people for taking you from you agvantafes and neither for you, as you know but it just a toxic cult that elads only to cult, obsession and personal cult....
@D.MarcelloRadice Күн бұрын
you are into a cult
@CharlesPayet Күн бұрын
@@D.MarcelloRadice what cult is that, exactly? If you mean the @GutsickGibbon cult, you’re quite correct.
@timothymaguire4248 Күн бұрын
I love how they always say "Everyone is wrong but us" but provide essentially zero evidence.
@joachimschoder 12 сағат бұрын
Well, they think playing "Bible says" is actual good evidence.
@TheHomelessDreamer Күн бұрын
I met Noah in a dream and pointed out something to him: You know how God created all the animals in just one day? Well, he could have saved you a lot of hassle by just killing them all off in the flood and then create them all anew, afterwards, in just one day...." Noah started sobbing.
@georgeyreynolds Күн бұрын
Well that's an interesting point as if you read the original Hebrew you'll get the idea there is at least 2 floods. You also get the idea that the whole creation thing happened 'before". This isn't in the Bible perse but it's hinted at in the tenses used. There was this thing called the 'younger dryas' which seems so similar to the 'flood' ... The whole '6 days' creation thing is very interesting as well as what exactly is a day in prehistory? Before people understand the planets... ?
@davidkeller6156 Күн бұрын
🤣🤣🤣🤣 Brilliant!
@janmango4692 Күн бұрын
I met Noah in a dream as he was 949 years old and he smelled like geriatric urine times 1000
@TravisFerguson-v6i Күн бұрын
@jonathandnicholson Күн бұрын
@@georgeyreynolds A day, a Biblical day, is evening to evening or morning to morning. The 24 hour day did not come in until much later. Six is a perfect number (the first perfect number) and seven means completeness. I am not sure whether Genesis is also about creating in concept, but something I have wondered.
@DaveLH 2 күн бұрын
"Dinosaurs were hunted to extinction" was once a JOKE in the comic strip "FoxTrot" -- But these guys really believe it. Wow! And even Jason (in the strip) claimed it was time-travelling space alien hunters, which was actually more plausible.
@daveSeeks01 Күн бұрын
So guyver is our creation orgin since the escape from Mt.Mimicomi covers the origin of the guyver and humans.
@helenr4300 Күн бұрын
humans out competing multiple types of dinosaurs is interesting
@andrewjenkins9965 Күн бұрын
You know creationists. They believe all literature to be literal.
@plainsman Күн бұрын
Any relatively science literate person knows the dinosaurs were wiped out by the effects of a massive asteroid strike off the coast of Yucatan 66 million years ago.
@John.0z Күн бұрын
@@helenr4300 Humans out-competing T-Rex and Velociraptors seems to go against the plot, and every comment about, all the movies in the "Jurassic Park" series.
@BanjoPishos 2 күн бұрын
Do they view The Flintstones as a historical documentary? Also, millions of years? More like billions. Am I right? Eh? Yeah, I'm right.
@phsad2281 2 күн бұрын
@nancycraig7828 2 күн бұрын
The best part of The Flintstones movie was seeing the coelocanth in the aquarium. As I was studying fish at that time, my professor and I had a good laugh at the subtle dig at creationists.
@hadz8671 Күн бұрын
I've always found it odd that the Flintstones celebrate Christmas.
@Dino-1958 Күн бұрын
I'm old and it was many years ago I looked into this, but if my memory serves me right, (yeah like that happens!) the earth is approx' 4.5 billion years old and life first appeared about 1 billion years later. However I seem to remember that the date for life was revised as evidence has shown it happened a bit earlier than originally thought. Oh and the last time I looked the universe was 13 billion years old, but that may well be revised as more information comes to light... or dark. I will never understand how grown arse people need to believe in a fairy story just to feel comfortable with living, before the age of science and discovery perhaps, but now there is so much information to study. I have always found that people who don't believe in evolution really don't understand it and often have never read up on how basic evolution works, they always stumble and flounder when they try to explain the theory, the theory they think is wrong! Heck they normally don't even know what a scientific theory is as opposed to a hypothesis or an educated guess. 💐🦕🤔😼♥️☕🥖🧀🍅🍕🍝🇪🇺🇺🇦🌍💃⚔️👗🩰🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈💐
@nihilisticpancake308 Күн бұрын
Except the Flintstones take place in the future. Smh fake fans.
@DaveLH 2 күн бұрын
Sir Humphrey: "I didn't tell them it's true -- I said it's possible." Bernard: "But nearly _anything_ is 'possible.'" Sir Humphrey "That's right -- You're learning, Bernard!" -- from "Yes, Prime Minister"
@dobrien51 2 күн бұрын
Timmy apparently got a doctorate in 2023: Doctor of Ministry degree, specializing in Advanced Biblical and Theological Studies from Shepherds Theological Seminary. So as you can see, it’s a very deeply scientific program that will stand him in good stead.
@rolfs2165 Күн бұрын
That degree sounds so ridiculous, it would be rejected by any serious (lol) "print your own diploma" website.
@dewardroy6531 Күн бұрын
Is Theology even a real subject?
@JGLy22086 Күн бұрын
@miskatonic_alumni Күн бұрын
​@@dewardroy6531 Not according to Thomas Paine. "The study of theology, as it stands in Christian churches, is the study of nothing; it is founded on nothing; it rests on no principles; it proceeds by no authorities; it has no data; it can demonstrate nothing; and it admits of no conclusion. Not anything can be studied as a science, without our being in possession of the principles upon which it is founded; and as this is the case with Christian theology, it is therefore the study of nothing." - The Age of Reason
@skyinou Күн бұрын
@@dewardroy6531 Usually yes, when it means the study of religious beliefs in general. It's a mix of history, archeology, phylosophy, psychology.... But that's not what we're talking about here.
@joshmallin7706 2 күн бұрын
Forrest Valkai did an interesting video about the great flood a while back and had a wonderful quote, which i think really sums up most peoples problem with flooding the whole world to cleanse it of evil. “Of what sins were the gophers guilty?”
@robertcatuara5118 Күн бұрын
You've never seen Caddy Shack.
@cedaremberr Күн бұрын
Suzy Eddie Izzard did a bit in one of her stand-up acts waaaay back when. "For i am an evil giraffe.... I will eat more leaves than I need, and perhaps other giraffes may die! Mwahahahaha!!"
@discontinuedmodel232 Күн бұрын
@@robertcatuara5118 HA! Beat me to it! Carl the "assistant groundskeeper" was AWESOME! 🙂 That fake gopher wired with explosives was comedy gold! Sidenote - Caddy Shack 2 is of the devil! A total abomination of a movie. I was an atheist when I saw Caddy Sheck 2 in Iraq in 2003 - yet I was still considering praying for an incoming mortar round to take out the DVD player to spare my unit from further soul-draining psychological torture.
@lawrencechesneau Күн бұрын
Mention Forrest Valkai - get a like from me. This is the law, my hands are tied.
@DharricRolyat Күн бұрын
When your living depends on you not understanding things, you won't understand things. I came to this video after watching Aron Ra and Paulogia ripping Ken Hamm to pieces. This is the perfect tonic.
@Argeaux2 2 күн бұрын
Creationists don’t understand the geological column, because they think it should be a free standing column somewhere.
@cliveadams7629 2 күн бұрын
Creationists don't understand simple English, let alone simple science. They don't care about rlfacts and reality, they only want their story. And the money it rakes in, of course.
@toweypat Күн бұрын
"I just wanted you to know that you can't just say the word 'bankruptcy' and expect anything to happen."
@D.MarcelloRadice Күн бұрын
you can see those people take advantages of other people when they keep talking about what they do not even believe (God) than if you are an honest perso you have to reconize they want keep you into their religious cult (that what do religious cult, keeping talking about religion and God), because they got nothing to offer to you, but obsession, knowing they can frame you , as not a good generation.... and nothing is good about those people for taking you from you agvantafes and neither for you, as you know but it just a toxic cult that elads only to cult, obsession and personal cult....
@ethancox9737 22 сағат бұрын
@@toweypat What does bankruptcy have to do with this?
@toweypat 22 сағат бұрын
@@ethancox9737 I'm referring to when Michael Scott thought that "declaring bankruptcy" meant that you stand up and shout "bankruptcy!" It's analogous to people thinking a geologic column is an actual column.
@tonydagostino6158 Күн бұрын
"Flood geologist" is a total oxymoron
@crimsonmoon8649 2 күн бұрын
I wouldn't even calls this a documentary. It's more like conspiracy-theory-mentary
@dethkillerspiral 2 күн бұрын
A mockumentary?
@crimsonmoon8649 2 күн бұрын
@@dethkillerspiral it's not a mockumentary, because mockumentary is a joke intented by the creators. And this one they take seriously
@desperadox7565 2 күн бұрын
Involuntary mockumentary.
@crimsonmoon8649 2 күн бұрын
@@desperadox7565 that's a nice name for it
@gordonrotherham2500 2 күн бұрын
An undocumentary.
@blackfly56 Күн бұрын
Most people when trashing the flood story focus on the impossibility of the boat being built and filled with animals- and yes, coming from a navy family and having studied marine architecture it’s ludicrous. But there’s a much simpler question I ask believers -“so in the entire world there were no other people who knew how to build boats and fish ?”
@matthewjohnson3656 Күн бұрын
Well you see, the 6 inches of rain per minute would have swamped any boat that was not specifically designed to have 6 inches of rain per minute. That’s why Noah put massive down pointed propellers just to keep itself from being pushed under from the sheer weight of the rain.
@GameHammerCG 2 күн бұрын
The “tree of knowledge” thing at 14:00 always read as less a sin and more a coming of age story. Like before Adam and Eve went out and ate from the tree, they were children but after they were adults with responsibilities. This, to me, makes a hell of a lot more sense and also explains the “he is one of us” line God speaks when giving Adam clothes.
@watcher235711 Күн бұрын
The word "sin" does not appear in the story. Also no "apple" (it's "fruit") or "Satan."
@ViolentOrchid Күн бұрын
I always thought it was a test and we could have had a Bible about horse instead. Also, God told Adam about the tree, Eve wasn't informed.
@thomasridley8675 Күн бұрын
@@GameHammerCG The lesson was the need for a totally blind acceptance of their theology. Which is why questioning their theology is seen as such a threat.
@theonlyamergeddon Күн бұрын
I know a Christian biker who think's the tree of knowledge is weed and we were meant to gain sin (he is basically a Christian version of The Dude)
@jonathandnicholson Күн бұрын
To disobey God is to be sinful. The point is that Adam and Eve did not wait to be given, that people will have to sacrifice and new creation will be revealed through pain.
@petemk73 2 күн бұрын
I've voiced my own opinions on the practical feasibility of Noah's ark before, but your evisceration of the numbers required was *chef's kiss*. I doff my cap
@rolfs2165 Күн бұрын
One thing I'm wondering about: God had given Noah a very strict deadline and he barely managed to make it before the rain started. What would have happened if there had been any delays because of, I don't know, the sawmill workers going on strike? Would God just have let _everything_ drown? Would he have called it off?
@fepeerreview3150 Күн бұрын
Emma's outfit today takes the cake! It's so satisfying hearing AIG and their garbage being torn to shreds by a "cute little guy" wearing a pastel knit sweaters with flowers and thingies on it. The talking heads at AIG take themselves so God Damn! seriously. This is exactly the come down they deserve. Love what you do, Emma! I never miss a vid.
@D.MarcelloRadice Күн бұрын
you can see those people take advantages of other people when they keep talking about what they do not even believe (God) than if you are an honest perso you have to reconize they want keep you into their religious cult (that what do religious cult, keeping talking about religion and God), because they got nothing to offer to you, but obsession, knowing they can frame you , as not a good generation.... and nothing is good about those people for taking you from you advantafes and neither for you, as you know but it just a toxic cult that elads only to cult, obsession and personal cult... what a nosense cult...
@dogwalker666 Күн бұрын
Emma looks great in her Starfleet uniform.
@MichaelCaine-py9rb 5 сағат бұрын
The cardigan tells me the weather has cooled off.
@fourthdrawerdown6297 2 күн бұрын
God built the tower of Babel as a place for aliens to fight predators 👾
@AndyBodkin 2 күн бұрын
Maybe Tim legally changed his first name to "Dr." and his middle name to Tim. Then he can officially be "Dr. TIm Chaffey"
@NeosAvias Күн бұрын
The fact that an adorable and innocent puppo dies in the first few minutes of this thing and people are supposed to come away from it thinking, "That's a good thing," is one of many showcases of how fucking weird and sociopathic this religiosity is. Y'know because USUALLY... whenever someone kills a dog in a film... like... that's the bad guy.
@littletigress Күн бұрын
There is a film thing about a guy killing people for killing his dog, staring Keanu Reeves. Because killing dogs is not a nice thing to do. He kills a lot of people, but still less than "God". I know the name of the movie thingy, just not right now and I can't be bothered with there.
@AegixDrakan Күн бұрын
@@littletigress That's John Wick. Very good action movie.
@littletigress Күн бұрын
@@AegixDrakan The answer came to me, thank Jesus 🤣🤣🤣
@kathleenlamb597 2 күн бұрын
I want to see an "oh look, a strawberry" video with Emma getting progressively sillier, ending in the silliest of silly little guys. 🍓
@GenBen-nv5gm Күн бұрын
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!
@myarmsrgone Күн бұрын
@allenfogarty2384 Күн бұрын
This is my favorite ark joke. There are about 50 thousand species of spider in the world. So at some point 100 thousand spiders marched 2x2 into the ark. To me then the real miracle is somehow Noah still got his wife onboard. ALSO... I wonder what 100 thousand spiders sounds like marching all in step. I dont think I would be eager to get on that boat.
@brianfileman Күн бұрын
Not to mention malarial mosquitoes (and thousands of other species of insect), viruses and bacteria, lice (I guess god needed to save them to plague the Egyptians three millennia later!). But I am sure these bozos will come up with an answer; that makes no more sense than all their other ideas.
@brianfileman Күн бұрын
Not to mention malarial mosquitoes (and thousands of other species of insect), viruses and bacteria, lice (I guess god needed to save them to plague the Egyptians three millennia later!). But I am sure these bozos will come up with an answer; that makes no more sense than all their other ideas.
@leeprew Күн бұрын
Noah built a shrink-ray machine, and made all the animals dinky. Then he made an un-shrink machine to re chonk-a-size them wence the rain hadth stopped. He then destroyed these machines because he knew nothing but trouble would come from their use....except for saving all of the animals, of course. And that is why the Bibble is real!
@FactStorm 2 күн бұрын
I wish there were more Emmas in this world. You are such a gem..thank you for your work during these dark times where we face ominous foes whose goals want to regress humanity.
@D.MarcelloRadice Күн бұрын
you can see those people take advantages of other people when they keep talking about what they do not even believe (God) than if you are an honest perso you have to reconize they want keep you into their religious cult (that what do religious cult, keeping talking about religion and God), because they got nothing to offer to you, but obsession, knowing they can frame you , as not a good generation.... and nothing is good about those people for taking you from you agvantafes and neither for you, as you know but it just a toxic cult that elads only to cult, obsession and personal cult..
@valolafson6035 2 күн бұрын
Ooooh. It's bulletin board time!! Let's go!!!
@yippieskippy2971 Күн бұрын
22:22 And the heat problem. Gutsick Gibbon covers it brilliantly.
@brianfileman Күн бұрын
And the mud problem!
@rolfs2165 Күн бұрын
"Evolution is complete bogus, but there also were only 1400 'kinds' of animals on the Ark that over time turned into the millions of species we have today." Uh-huh, and how did _that_ work?
@reefhog Күн бұрын
Well there’s only about 65,000 vertebrates. You would only need about 500 Arks to house them all. Don’t worry about the food needed to feed them though.
@CharlesPayet Күн бұрын
All you’d need is hyper-speciation to the tune of a dozen new species every single day since they allegedly got off the ark. Basically, every single generation would have to be a new species. Actually - worse than that. Single litters would have to encompass multiple new species somehow.
@VenathTehN3RD Күн бұрын
Right? It'll never stop fascinating me how people like this think evolution is false, but then the only way they can justify some of their other claims is by using evolution as an explanation, all while seemingly oblivious to the fact that their explanation is just evolution with less scientific terminology. It just reaffirms that they either don't actually understand what evolution is or how it works (in which case they typically seem to think it operates on Pokemon rules - animal A just straight up turns into animal B overnight) or they're grifters who know damn well that the people they're taking advantage of are part of the former group.
@iluvtacos1231 Күн бұрын
I think it's something to the tune of 4 or 5 new species would have to evolve every day since the flood til NOW to see the number of species alive today and in the fossil record.
@D.MarcelloRadice Күн бұрын
you can see those people take advantages of other people when they keep talking about what they do not even believe (God) than if you are an honest perso you have to reconize they want keep you into their religious cult (that what do religious cult, keeping talking about religion and God), because they got nothing to offer to you, but obsession, knowing they can frame you , as not a good generation.... and nothing is good about those people for taking you from you advantafes and neither for you, as you know but it just a toxic cult that elads only to cult, obsession and personal cult... what a nosense cult....
@DaveLH 2 күн бұрын
"God killed everyone and everything, even innocent doggies! -- Let us all praise His glory!"
@deanrao4805 Күн бұрын
If only He'd drowned the Ark, as well.
@thomasgallipoli8376 Күн бұрын
Don’t forget all the little bunnies 🐰 and kittens 🐱
@JGLy22086 Күн бұрын
@TravisFerguson-v6i Күн бұрын
@ThomasSheehan-j1r Күн бұрын
ahh, who ya shittin, they was upstairs, lounging cloudwise, nuzzlin his whiskers and laughing along with his sic azz.least tha pups felt bad afterward. where'd ya think 'bad dog' originated? too dark? they're eating the geese,cats and dogs... god save murica
@gooadam 2 күн бұрын
Now I want to hear more about the 1,000 year old lions and cows. If they weren't susceptible to genetic mutations like the humans, that implies they were also long-lived and "more perfect".
@comicbookdale 2 күн бұрын
Love the ducky in the space suit!!! Thumbs up and heart emoji
@desperadox7565 2 күн бұрын
👍♥ These?
@tussk. Күн бұрын
The apologists responsible for this should apologise for this.
@simond.455 Күн бұрын
I always thought that's what apologists do: Apologize for being wrong. I apologize for being wrong about that. 😳
@dogwalker666 Күн бұрын
I was going to say that, They definitely need to apologise.
@dogwalker666 Күн бұрын
​@@simond.455You are not wrong 😂.
@joachimschoder 12 сағат бұрын
Self reflection and creationism don't go well together.
@trashmyego Күн бұрын
It's great that they cling onto Noah and the Ark, a fable that has very strong themes in regards to the consequences of ignoring a looming climate catastrophe, while also being adamant climate change deniers.
@stephaniebillman5673 Күн бұрын
The mental gymnastics these guys do is truly impressive. I'm in utter shock and awe. Just wow.
@C_Animus 2 күн бұрын
I missheard you and thought you said DUCKumentary... which I now want to be a thing.
@t.rexking441 2 күн бұрын
I remember having a book as a kid that I got really hyped for because it explained Dinosaurs and the Bible. It was called “Dinosaurs of Eden” and was by Ken Ham. One part of the book it argued that T. rex having sharp teeth wasn’t proof that it ate meat because Panda’s have sharp teeth too. I remember as a kid I thought that was kind of ignorant since we have found actual fossilized T. rex poop and healed bite wounds on other dinosaurs that could have only been made by a T. rex, showing it was indeed a Carnivore.
@sunlightsage2982 2 күн бұрын
Ken also ignores the fact that Pandas are Omnivores who are just really addicted to bamboo- they can and will kill and eat other animals on occasion. It’s basically that they just eat Bamboo because Bamboo doesn’t run away from them and it’s everywhere. It’s somewhat like they’re vegetarians out of laziness.
@discontinuedmodel232 Күн бұрын
Really? Maybe the bite wounds on the dinosaurs were made by a giant panda! 😨
@feistygheisty Күн бұрын
By Unc gave me a Kent Hovind doc that I literally called "Dinosaur's and The Bible" never watched it but I found it again recently and want a good reason to watch it for fun.
@rockdocandlittlebird5974 2 күн бұрын
As a geologist, I can complete concur, they are the ONLY one who use that phrase. I'm not even sure what the hell they mean with that.
@rockdocandlittlebird5974 Күн бұрын
So, if you want to chat about their little tectonics narative, hit me up, I literally wrote the book on flood basalts (i.e. the most massive volcanic eruptions) and what they cause. I could talk for DAYS on the stupidity of their little story. Also, no they didn't. Nobody found any evidence of elevated decay rates, especially because we use the decay rates to calculate the ages of shit!
@victoralocaed8415 2 күн бұрын
Older white guy with glasses and receding hairline? I'm feeling called out. 😂
@bat2293 Күн бұрын
I'm an "older white guy", with a receding hairline... but I don't wear glasses. Boy, did I miss that bullet. Wheew.
@victoralocaed8415 Күн бұрын
@bat2293 lucky! I have to wear bifocals to read. Giant pain in the pooper.
@DavidSmith-vr1nb Күн бұрын
I wear glasses but my hair isn't receding much yet. It is certainly greying though.
@eljison Күн бұрын
These people that have earned PhDs in science to "prove" their preconceived ideas are an embarrassment to themselves. They have clearly not learned the basic philosophical underpinnings of Science as a process.
@dewardroy6531 Күн бұрын
Which leads one to question the accreditation of the schools at which they claim to have matriculated. Perhaps Liberty University?
@maryellis8902 Күн бұрын
These creation "scientists" got PhDs in science to give themselves phony credentials as scientists but never really do any scientific work.
@DavidSmith-vr1nb Күн бұрын
​@@dewardroy6531 No, some of them literally went to accredited universities and kept a mental asterisk the entire time, in spite of the evidence in front of their eyes. That level of cognitive dissonance would break most people, but not them. They go on to think that makes them extremely superior.
@Sableagle Күн бұрын
If dinosaurs were hunted to extinction, what the heck is that thing with scaly feet with three forward-pointing toes on each foot, tilted hips, hollow bones and black and white feathers out there on the lawn going "chockachockachock" and eating suet sprinkles? I'm pretty sure it's not a bear, an elephant or any kind of serpent.
@skleedleplotchnu3713 2 күн бұрын
Their answer to the water problem increases the heat problem exponentially, and still doesn't account for a tenth of the water needed
@simond.455 Күн бұрын
It did really not became clear how "magma shooting up" would magically create bazillions of liters of water. 🤔
@DavidSmith-vr1nb Күн бұрын
​@@simond.455 There is some water in the mantle, just not nearly as much as they need for their narrative.
@marklean8707 Күн бұрын
The narrator bloke Has the most wholesome, honest sounding voice ever! He could sell you a bridge
@Sableagle Күн бұрын
I could actually really use a bridge, about 12 feet long, 3 wide, strong enough to take a wheelbarrow full of plants or compost plus a large gardener. There's this one bit down by the river that is *not* easy to access from this side and there's currently no way to access it from the other side without going waist-deep.
@wadehathawaymusic Күн бұрын
Silly little guy here. I loved the vid! Great work, Emma. 😊
@D.MarcelloRadice Күн бұрын
you can see those people take advantages of other people when they keep talking about what they do not even believe (God) than if you are an honest perso you have to reconize they want keep you into their religious cult (that what do religious cult, keeping talking about religion and God), because they got nothing to offer to you, but obsession, knowing they can frame you , as not a good generation.... and nothing is good about those people for taking you from you agvantafes and neither for you, as you know but it just a toxic cult that elads only to cult, obsession and personal cult...
@lauralittlemark4079 2 күн бұрын
The chihuahua kind of animals made me ROTFL, so they just needed a couple of cats to have lions and tigers and whatever else for any other "kind" of animals? Isn't it another deranged form of evolution, if it's so? gosh, these people are insane!
@TheCount991 Күн бұрын
Yup, the rate of speciation needed to make that work is bonkers. I forget who it was, but someone estimated that given the average reproduction rate of elephants, and the number of known extant and extinct species in that "kind", they would need to evolve a new species with every generation.
@MGTOWforthewin Күн бұрын
As Buggs Bunny 🐰 🐇 would have said, "Ohh boy!! What a bunch of screwballs and maroons!!" 😂 😅 😂
@dennish.7708 2 күн бұрын
I am both an evolutionist and a gravitationist. In other words, I trust the science.
@tofersiefken 2 күн бұрын
The coordination of your blouse and glasses frames are on point! I hope you're still getting sponsorship love from the eye-glasses folks, your audience notices your style.
@AdricTheGreat 2 күн бұрын
Emma your videos are great. I love watching them every week!
@BanjoPishos 2 күн бұрын
I concur, such awesome videos.
@_RHCreations_ Күн бұрын
Yes Emma's my fav!
@DaveLH Күн бұрын
I love how these creationist depictions of dinosaurs always match Hollywood movies made a generation or so prior, rather than current scientific advancements. The "Creationist Museums" were still displaying paintings of dinosaurs as lumbering, tail-dragging overgrown lizards in the "Hot-Blooded Dinosaur Renaissance" Era (1980's and 90's), and now they're showing raptors as naked and scaly as they are in the Jurassic Park films, even though it's widely accept now that they had feathers.
@tofersiefken 2 күн бұрын
Emma calling to report that "the dog dies" in the first few minutes of the film.... Emma hasn't seen Old Yeller, has she. (Maybe Emma is a little more of a Phoebe Buffay than we realized.)
@nmappraiser9926 2 күн бұрын
What kind of sick doggie snuff film is this? A biblical one!
@BigZebraCom 2 күн бұрын
The dog that played 'Old Yellar' wouldn't have died in the film if he had an agent.
@deathsyth8888 2 күн бұрын
She better not watch 'John Wick' then.
@bat2293 Күн бұрын
Shortest review of _Old Yeller_ of all time: "The dog dies".
@ShayBot3000 Күн бұрын
I have to thank you for the cotton eye joe. I saw it coming as soon as you said where did the water come from, but it made me laugh so much and I desperately needed a laugh today.
@yourenotspecial3735 Күн бұрын
I call it the family reunion song. It’s the only place I ever remember hearing it played. Lol
@zoetic12 2 күн бұрын
I watched a KZbin video on the CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network) channel. Someone commented, "You would have to be crazy to believe the Bible is ahistorical." I commented with a thoughtful, respectful reply that contained quotes from Genesis. It seems CBN doesn't like what the Bible says as CBN immediately deleted several comments.
@aemiliadelroba4022 2 күн бұрын
“ God’s intervention “😊😂 Well God really acts in weird ways !😊
@simond.455 Күн бұрын
The only way to counter a magic-induced catastrophe is more magic. 🙄
@tofersiefken 2 күн бұрын
Ooh, she has the cork board all pinned up today. I can't wait to see what she uses for her pointer today, and is there any red yarn connecting the "conspirators"? Cheers to you Emma. I still want to see Emma as Oz in full make-up, costume, etc.
@archivist17 Күн бұрын
I think you're supposed to ignore her.
@D.MarcelloRadice Күн бұрын
you can see those people take advantages of other people when they keep talking about what they do not even believe (God) than if you are an honest perso you have to reconize they want keep you into their religious cult (that what do religious cult, keeping talking about religion and God), because they got nothing to offer to you, but obsession, knowing they can frame you , as not a good generation.... and nothing is good about those people for taking you from you agvantafes and neither for you, as you know but it just a toxic cult that elads only to cult, obsession and personal cult....
@tofersiefken Күн бұрын
@@archivist17 LOL
@aemiliadelroba4022 2 күн бұрын
This looks more like a horror movie than a documentary.😮
@D.MarcelloRadice Күн бұрын
you can see those people take advantages of other people when they keep talking about what they do not even believe (God) than if you are an honest perso you have to reconize they want keep you into their religious cult (that what do religious cult, keeping talking about religion and God), because they got nothing to offer to you, but obsession, knowing they can frame you , as not a good generation.... and nothing is good about those people for taking you from you agvantafes and neither for you, as you know but it just a toxic cult that elads only to cult, obsession and personal cult...
@pembrokeshiredan 2 күн бұрын
"Evidences" is a word I've only ever encountered from the mouths (and keyboards) of Creationists. It's an odd and persistent grammatical error that they don't seem to make with other nouns, except "proofs," the other thing they're lacking.
@Densoro Күн бұрын
I think I encountered 'proofs' a lot in public school mathematics tbh
@pembrokeshiredan Күн бұрын
@@Densoro Fair point!
@raezzordaze8021 Күн бұрын
The Director's Cut must include the 3 hour long bloopers reel.
@philurbaniak1811 Күн бұрын
👍👍 Gutsick Gibbon is absolutely brilliant, I 10/10 recommend checking out her channel! Best of luck representing the Lollipop Guild, Emma 😃!
@jonathanavrigean2400 Күн бұрын
A really great episode! You make debunking highly entertaining! And, your wardrobe is always spot-on!
@GuillaumeRangheard Күн бұрын
I'm not a geologist, but I was trained in the history of ideas. "catastrophic plate tectonics" reminds me a lot of what was known as catastrophism in the 19th century. AFAIK, this hypothesis was mainly pushed by Christians (dun dun dun!), who at the time thought (or wanted to believe?) that marine fossils found in the mountains were evidence of the Flood. (Plate tectonics, continental drift and so on were only discovered in the 20th century, so they had no way of knowing, nor even conceiving of it.) I think Lyell mentions catastrophism in his Principles of Geology. I know that a couple of French authors of that period do (those I actually studied). The whole thing was debunked through and through over a century ago.
@Evil_This 2 күн бұрын
What a lovely way to start my weekend. Thank you Emma Thorne!
@D.MarcelloRadice Күн бұрын
you can see those people take advantages of other people when they keep talking about what they do not even believe (God) than if you are an honest perso you have to reconize they want keep you into their religious cult (that what do religious cult, keeping talking about religion and God), because they got nothing to offer to you, but obsession, knowing they can frame you , as not a good generation.... and nothing is good about those people for taking you from you agvantafes and neither for you, as you know but it just a toxic cult that elads only to cult, obsession and personal cult...
@MayonakaMidnighter Күн бұрын
I find it funny how many apologists forget the bible actually placed the Garden of Eden in a VERY specific location. Where'd it go? Where are them flaming sword monster cherubim? I'd wanna at least take a vacation to the gate!
@DavidSmith-vr1nb Күн бұрын
Probably had a perception filter put on it.
@BalooSJ Күн бұрын
He[1] gave his sword to Adam and Eve so they could keep warm, and eventually became a used book seller. [1] Not really a man, but presenting as one.
@DavidSmith-vr1nb Күн бұрын
@@BalooSJ More of a collector than a seller, I don't think his shop was anything more than a cover.
@MayonakaMidnighter Күн бұрын
@@BalooSJ I love this
@Nesseight 2 күн бұрын
Wow, I'm so early that I actually saw the Magic Spoon sponsor.
@watcher235711 Күн бұрын
Ideas for better movies: Syfy channel version: The Shark and the Darkness. True Crime Network: The Narc and the Darkness. Science Network: The Quark and the Darkness. Parks and Recreation channel: The Park and the Darkness. Animal Planet: The Bark in the Darkness. MC Universe: Tony Stark and the Darkness. Neighbor's birdfeeder cam: A Lark in the Darkness. ... Thank you for your service Emma! Bonus idea: The Ark and Jon Harkness, combining this movie with Dracula. Throw in the dinos &'re welcome.
@tzvikrasner6073 Күн бұрын
Honestly, not a shock to me how Evangelicals like to justify and poo-poo domestic violence, given their god has every domestic violence red flag on the list.
@davidg4288 36 минут бұрын
And as my girlfriend likes to remind me the Bible was written by men. Manly men doing manly things. Such as blaming Eve for everything right in the beginning!
@SorenPenrose 2 күн бұрын
I’m in love with your outfit. Especially the colors. When I started playing NMS last year I used that color scheme. Teal, pink and blue. Some yellows and purples here and there to highlight. Oh and I found Orange Noah morning glory growing wild in my garden. Gonna make a vine with that color scheme: pink, purple, orange, violet. Morning glory all, add butterfly vine for more vibrant pink (I have a pink one). And some ivy to keep it green year-round.
@EmmaThorneVideos Күн бұрын
Ohh that sounds so cute!!
@SorenPenrose Күн бұрын
@@EmmaThorneVideos I will update on my channel next year when it blooms…if I’ve done the gardening bit right which I’ve literally never attempted. But they _are_ weeds so it’ll be hard to mess up…
@guy5398 Күн бұрын
Good job, Emma. Love the Spiders Georg and other four challenges to the lifespans. And just brilliant work on the ark. It was nice to see you have so much fun with this. Stay well! 😊
@davidg4288 43 минут бұрын
Aren't those biblical life spans actually a mistranslation? 900 *moons* kind of works out for a human life. Also is the ark based on a story about a guy that got caught in a really large flood, like not the world but *his* world and saved his family by using a really big house boat, more of a barn boat? So he saved not humanity but his blood line, which would have been a really big deal back then. An then the story got embellished, like Beowulf being able to swim underwater for hours.
@VenialZeus Күн бұрын
That Cotton Eye Joe bit got me by surprise and needed to be replayed multiple times 🤣🤣
@atorng2172 2 күн бұрын
Love the cork board content! Very cool shirt too!
@mikehawk3152 Күн бұрын
You nailed it! That's me, silly little guy, and I do enjoy listening to your voice!❤ By the way, you are Super cute!❤
@johngodfrey9476 Күн бұрын
I always appreciate the effort you invest into this style of insightful response/analysis, and look ever forward to the next.
@goblin3359 Күн бұрын
Imagine being intimidated by Bill Nye. Such a fearsome bow-tie!
@davidg4288 52 минут бұрын
Don't challenge Bill Nye to a duel! You know his weapon going to be Science and Technology facts at 3 meters!
@ehridium Күн бұрын
I like the Watership Down prologue, it's a nice story. ...they all ate grass together...
@kddicks5115 Күн бұрын
Noah?? Epic of Gilgamesh mike drop…. THANK YOU for that gutsick gibbon shout!! She is absolutely BRILLIANT and totally under seen! She has completely DESTROYED young earth/creationism with the heat issue!! You are an amazing human, Emma! Pretty great for a silly little guy😉😁❤️
@Procrastination87 2 күн бұрын
I felt like i was looking in a mirror all video long with that radish.
@TheLadyWeaver 41 минут бұрын
I was a child homeschooled in a Christian fundamentalist cult, and taught this YEC nonsense as truth. You, Gutsick Gibbon and Forrest Valkai are very...calming and soothing to listen to. I appreciate you and your work very much.
@ViolentOrchid Күн бұрын
Evangelicals should consider we're already living after the second coming and they're just stuck here.
@wilhelmvonn9619 Күн бұрын
Explains a lot.
@glenlapwing8468 Күн бұрын
The fact that some of these people get a doctorate in theology means about as much to me as getting a trophy for bowling participation in high school
@desperadox7565 2 күн бұрын
Never trust anybody who says "evidences".
@richardleatherman5075 4 сағат бұрын
We think and talk about the big flood every time there's a steady shower and we try to remember what a cubit is.
@Clockwork427 Күн бұрын
Technically "evolutionist" is a real word - it's just outdated. Leave it to creationists to stick to outdated information like they're doing something.
@D.MarcelloRadice Күн бұрын
you can see those people take advantages of other people when they keep talking about what they do not even believe (God) than if you are an honest perso you have to reconize they want keep you into their religious cult (that what do religious cult, keeping talking about religion and God), becausde they got nothing to offer to you, but obsession, knowing they can frame you , as not a good generation.
@IKGchiller Күн бұрын
love your stuff, thanks for your work!
@Moxx3 Күн бұрын
Emma Thorne x Gutsick Gibbon?? This is a crossover I would love to see!!
@JohnDoe-ku4jj Күн бұрын
The scale model fails to account for wood flexing. The largest wooden ship built (still not as long as the ark story) leaked from the flexing while using steel reinforcements.
@jamesomeara2329 Күн бұрын
Gutsick Gibbon also has a good video on the heat problem , and I believe one on a mud problem in relation to the improbability of the Biblical flood myth
@irishalchemy Күн бұрын
This was an excellent time, thank you for the extra effort!
@dustinpilon2258 2 күн бұрын
Just as I'm looking for something to watch, perfect!
@Annie_Annie__ Күн бұрын
I’m only 10 minutes in, but I had to pause and say that the captions are fan-bloody-tastic! I watched a documentary on Prime the other day that had crappy captions and they definitely have the money to do better than automated-captions. But here’s Emma’s KZbin channel with absolutely perfect captions! I love it! Thank you!
@EmmaThorneVideos Күн бұрын
That's all David, he's the best!!!
@chrishorsfield6268 Күн бұрын
33:12 Gutsick Gibbon rips this theory to shreds.
@nimberlake 2 күн бұрын
Love it when the bulletin board comes out!
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Genetically Modified Skeptic
Рет қаралды 394 М.
The Ark and the Darkness | Full Documentary | Did Noah's Flood Happen?
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