Cursed Christian CG Movie Kind of Rules
Christians vs Sex
14 күн бұрын
The Christian Search Engine
2 ай бұрын
The "Evidence" For Bigfoot
2 ай бұрын
Ancient Aliens is Pro Satan
3 ай бұрын
An Interview with Satan
4 ай бұрын
No Forests on Flat Earth 🚫🌲
My Christian Twin On YouTube
Reading Hate Comments! 💬
4 ай бұрын
HOW TO GO VIRAL... Debunked?
@daguard411 54 секунд бұрын
I am so on your side Ms. Thorne.
@carlosalbertocandelabello1927 8 минут бұрын
Great video and analysis!
@rayeardley7618 17 минут бұрын
Theologians, and especially the more fundamentalist of them, often like to (either by failing to understand or deliberately intending to deceive) misrepresent atheism and atheists. Also, IF God were to exist in a dimension not yet discovered, would that not also follow that He has not yet been discovered and thus no humans would have any notion of Him? Pretty shallow argument tbh. 🤷
@daviddrew3372 17 минут бұрын
Borrowed from other sources or all of these are retelling of a core single source.
@ophidiaparaclete 37 минут бұрын
Jordan Maxwell refers to the CORPORATE Bible as astrotheology.
@ace_of_cups4096 42 минут бұрын
Some parents are suing the governor/state for this!!
@JoshSweetvale 52 минут бұрын
Darnit, a cooler Josh than me. Eh, he has ten years on me. I'm also an old testament literature analysis fan from a cult background. I knew the parallels but I didn't know one came before the other.
@Argeaux2 56 минут бұрын
I stealth post on Facebook. I say what I think, then unsubscribe from the topic. I’m only interested in what I think, not what anyone else thinks about what I said. It’s glorious.
@Argeaux2 Сағат бұрын
Girls like you. Always a classic comment. -- I know a man who seems to play video games all day and night, every day and night. His “fiancé” works the night shift at the supermarket. He does nothing. What a catch!
@craigsewell8692 Сағат бұрын
Ok, but what is his view on the concepts in the Bible that were stolen from older religions which the church declared to be pagan and killed anyone that still wanted to practice them?
@Chainsawjoe Сағат бұрын
it was Arceus, he had rare shit and Arceus wanted it
@josephperkins4857 Сағат бұрын
😮Oh no tell me it's not knew this stuff ages ago
@shinraddkindheart Сағат бұрын
Okay, let me see if I can help you out on this subject. Let's do a little thought experiment! Let us pretend that we are back in ancient times around 100 A.D. Now we have 2 options on what we believe back then considering these 2 teachers (Jesus and Paul): One option is we are Jewish. This option is fairly easy to understand after studying all the teachings of Judaism. We know what's right and wrong, we follow all the commandments, we eat the approved foods, and we get our you-know-what circumcized (for someone born as a Jew, this is easy, this happens at 8 days old, so you really don't remember this happening). That's it! So a Jew just has to keep doing those things, and into the Kingdom of God they go! Jesus spoke about this, just stick to the laws and commandments, and you're good with the Lord! Option one completed! The second option is we are Not Jewish. This option is harder to understand, but let me try to explain. Let's pretend, in option 2, that we are a Roman citizen in the Roman empire. We have the morning off work, so we're just travelling around the city, and we come upon a Jewish wedding! You see everyone eating a meal, then a very nice ceremony, and then the wedding celebration ensues! Jews are dancing in ways you've never seen, everyone is having fun, the married couple are hoisted up during the dancing, it's a fantastic time! You just witnessed an awesome celebration! You tell a participant at the party that, "This is so entertaining!" and the participant replies, "If you think this is fun, you should try worshipping with us, you hear great stories from the past, you learn laws from our God, and there's community!" But then the participant takes a huge sigh and tells you, "To really worship in our synagogue, you have to become a Jew, so all you have to do is convert to Judaism, and then you can enjoy all the great stories, the teachings, the debating, and the dancing! Here's what you need to do to convert..." Now you hear what you have to do, and from a Roman citizen perspective, this sounds horrible! You have to keep kosher (no more lobster, no more oysters?), you have to follow the commandments (being faithful to your spouse in ancient Rome; not so fun for a Roman citizen), and you have to get your you-know-what circumcized (not an enjoyable experience for any male past puberty)! From a Roman citizen perspective; Who in their "right mind" would ever agree to a circumcision or never eating lobster ever again? Not this Roman! So, as a Roman, we would wonder, "If there was only a way I could convert Without having to change these things about my life. I Love lobster, I like the laws of Rome, I love my you-know-what without any cutting done! I love how these Jews party, and I want to have the same fun experience, but I'm not letting some other guy trim the tip of my you-know-what! There must be another way!" Hmmm, how could this be accomplished? Basically, what we need, is a Jewish "Lite" option. So, we need to find someone who is a really good story teller, and hire them to tell an awesome story and link these new rules to that story, but we still want to worship, dance, and sing like the Jews do! Eureka! Let's hire someone who is good at telling stories... So, let's hire a Jew to write the story! We'll get a Jew to write this new religion, with all of the fun stuff: dancing and singing, But with None of the rules we don't like (so my you-know-what doesn't have to get cut, and I can still eat oysters every day)! Enter Saul... We pay him well, he'll change his Author Name to something a little closer to Rome for the story, and it will be a miraculous story: full of drama, visions, and we leave the Old Testament out of it! How about, we have Saul write that all you have to do is say you believe that Jesus did die & was resurrected, and you're accepted! That way anyone can come dance and sing with us, no circumcision needed! Let's pay Saul more money, and he'll write that he converted to this better religion also! What a testimony to have, that even a Jew found these rules so much better that even he switched to this! Even better, let's have Saul write that Jesus came to him in a vision on the road to Damascus! This is going to be great! Maybe add in something about a spirit too, or speaking in tongues! Exciting stuff! Saul becomes Paul, and this new story makes history! Paul gets paid for each story, and Paul LOVES writing! I mean, paid by the story, if I was Paul, I would be writing so many stories and letters about this! Given enough stories and letters, Paul will probably have enough money to buy his own island! So, why does the teaching of Jesus differ from Paul? Well, that's easy to explain now. Jesus was a Jew, but Paul was writing something for Non-Jews. He wrote about a way to convert that is easy to do, isn't painful, you don't have to follow those pesky God-given Jewish laws and commandments, and you can eat all the lobster you want, with butter! As they say, the rest is history! I can totally understand why Romans would outsource this story writing to a Jew, because Paul would know Jewish teachings, how to weave the writing to somewhat follow the Jewish teachings, but make the conversion nice and easy for anyone who wanted to join! So, I would definitely expect many Christian sects wrestling with these differing beliefs... Are we following laws of the Jews, are we following commandments, or should we follow what Roman Emperors like Constantine the First would decree? I would understand this is very confusing for Christians. On top of it all, I love how Paul threw in that only 144,000 people will join Jesus in heaven, and they're all Jews! Nice touch Paul... So, at the end of all this, anyone who believes in the Bible has basically 3 choices. 1- They can follow all the laws of the Jews, the commandments, and everything written in the Old Testament. 2- They don't focus on what Jesus said about following the Jewish law at all. They just listen to Paul, and just say, "Jesus died and was resurrected." 3- They do both 1 & 2. They follow all the commandments in the Old Testament, will say "Jesus died and was resurrected" (what Paul wants you to listen to), and they also follow everything Jesus taught. The choice is up to each person, and that's our choice, because all humans have free will. Let me finish with a quote from the New Testament, just to get your mind churning through these choices. Matthew 5:17-19 "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven." So, what are these laws? What are these commandments? The laws are found in the Old Testament, and remember: "Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven". So, if any human doesn't follow a commandment, even a "small" commandment, they have the Least chance of getting into heaven. Now let's look into one of the biggest commandments that Christians don't follow. This is one of the Ten Commandments, and most Christians love the Ten Commandments! But they follow this commandment the least: Deuteronomy 5:11 "Observe the sabbath day, to keep it holy, as the LORD thy God commanded thee." Do many Christians even know when the real sabbath day is? The sabbath day is from Friday night to Saturday night. This is the 24 hour period of God resting after his time creating the universe and everything in it. Most Christians believe the sabbath is on Sunday, but this is wrong! In 321 AD, Roman Emperor Constantine I issued a civil decree that made Sunday a day of rest, stating that "all judges and city people and the craftsmen shall rest upon the venerable day of the sun". Some say that Constantine also introduced Sunday worship as a replacement for Sabbath worship and enforced it throughout the Christian church. So, Christians even have their day wrong, and by continuing to observe the sabbath on the wrong day, Sunday, they ensure their place in Hell... To correctly observe the sabbath, doing any kind of work is prohibited (unless it's a life or death emergency)! Refrain from all kinds of work during this time. The sabbath should be a restful day full of prayer, not a day to do laundry, dishes, or any kind of work, this includes tying knots. Work on the sabbath is an executable offense! So, if you want to go to heaven, remember: The sabbath is from sundown on Friday to sundown on Saturday! If you don't keep the sabbath holy, if you work on the sabbath, you've earned your soul's place in Hell. This is just one example why Christians don't go to heaven. They don't know all the rules, and they prefer to follow a Roman Emperor than listen to God (need I remind you about worshipping false Gods or Idols?). I would recommend to all Christians to read OR revisit the Old Testament and look and listen very closely if you want to be 100% righteous in God's eyes! I definitely recommend you give special attention to Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. There are a lot of rules in there you might be following least!
@walterpurcell2164 Сағат бұрын
Studying the bible is just no fun when so many insist on 'truths' as proven as written. so it is Gods word but it is written from the perspective of several humans ........Truths are in that they have been colloquial truths, things which have established collective understanding which already exists. The bible uses older colloquial stories as the foothold, pulling a vibe from say 'the flood story' to emphasize the tone. In context it is still a truth in the regard, of its relevancy in the long history. We are people and part of what makes us people is the stories we tell... likewise is our connection to God. Humankind can only tell Gods word, so far as one can understand it, which is never perfect, and therefore not proven as written. Instead, is meant to keep the floor open for progressive discussion there in.
@TheShyDoomer 2 сағат бұрын
Normalize platforming nice nerdy scholars !!
@JimFortune 2 сағат бұрын
"their own philosophies" or religions?
@geoffdrage4096 3 сағат бұрын
what were people doing that was so wicked? I note that there was no disjoint in the egytptian royal line at the time - how pure must they have been?
@MysticMinis-ol3co 3 сағат бұрын
This is SUCH a great discussion and watch Emma! Dr Josh is so well spoken and had so many great analogies to aid his concepts and honestly, I was just blown away. Your questions were also very well thought out and the pacing was great. Would love love love to see you have him on again for similar topics
@AMcGrath82 3 сағат бұрын
Who is this mysterious person?
@STEPHxCA 3 сағат бұрын
I’m surprised m religious organizations are calling Pokémon demons when Shin Megami Tensei is a thing with actual demons
@Demetri450 3 сағат бұрын
I've never met a christian who believes that the "bible" has a history and that's their problem. They all believe that the bible they carry is the first and only bible. They would rather rewrite and erase history then face the facts.
@umvhu 3 сағат бұрын
If you listen to Dr John Lennox you will learn that atheism itself is a myth and can be proven to be untenable by simple logic.
@lawrencegreen8952 3 сағат бұрын
The clergy are running a con game. They want EVERYONE to believe and become dependent on the clergy's "MANAGED TRUTH." Then they take YOUR MONEY under false pretenses. The central point of my posts is confirmed by Dr Bowen.
@CitizenSammy 4 сағат бұрын
I'm're about as funny as every feminist comedian. Not at all. Smug and thinking you're witty isn't funny. It's just pandering to for claps and cheers from other cringey feminist. At least you're cuter than crybaby victim Gatsby...if you didn't know. She's a LESBIAN. She'll let you know 5 or 6 times in each set. Proud Anti LGBTQRSTUV LESBIAN here.
@mr.beepers2119 4 сағат бұрын
Awesome interview Emma
@ams0803 4 сағат бұрын
Hey there, I didn't know the best place to put this but I was curious, why does it seem a majority of your videos are no longer on your channel?
@Tronscrolls 4 сағат бұрын
James is the best lmao
@joykeebler1916 4 сағат бұрын
- take a line for example; the farther a straight linear line goes away from it's starting point ;the farther it is away from The Point
@joykeebler1916 4 сағат бұрын
- originally Geometry ,what was called 'the sacred geometry' ,and it was towards the mathematical ,and not the illusionary
@bearpaw72 4 сағат бұрын
Geez. I thought you were going to read out BOTH sets of commandments, starting with the version that prohibits seething kids in their mothers' milk and eating fermented bread.
@joykeebler1916 4 сағат бұрын
- the song N.I.B./Black Sabbath
@helloSanders 4 сағат бұрын
it's curious that the older sources can corroborate the biblical stories taken as mere legend. there are differences in the accounts, because the world changes so much over millenia. keep assembling disparate pieces, and things will begin to coalesce. keep well~
@joykeebler1916 4 сағат бұрын
- an interesting fabric of words isn't it -
@joykeebler1916 4 сағат бұрын
- and also having the geometrical ~ sin ° ,within Geometry
@joykeebler1916 4 сағат бұрын
- only The Bible clarify these as (the sons of God) ,that left their first estate
@joykeebler1916 4 сағат бұрын
- The Necronomicron, also contains, the names and seals, as to those sons of God ,that followed after Bael (Baal)
@joykeebler1916 4 сағат бұрын
- the previous last as my comment ... is the wording towards ,as towards said stating ,as that written within The Necronomicron
@joykeebler1916 4 сағат бұрын
- the first Gate | that was passed through | was Sin ,it is how something is read :mathematically and as to it's spatial orientation within wording
@andrewpascal6096 5 сағат бұрын
Caffeine is fine when you feel bad. Decongestants are mild stimulants as well
@joykeebler1916 5 сағат бұрын
- the stories of the sons of God that left their first estate ,are all through the ancient cultures ,sometimes towards that of ancient astronauts
@joykeebler1916 5 сағат бұрын
- Joan Jet & The Blackhearts
@joykeebler1916 5 сағат бұрын
- Sumerian writings, give towards their intercessions, as to Marduk and/or Bael ,originally
@ericdane7769 5 сағат бұрын
Religion = thought control, you can't be the boss if you just let people philosophise freely. Monopoly is the game. There's only a few watering holes in the arid Middle-east, and the Abrahamic religions offer justifications as to why tribe A or B is chosen to occupy those spots and is right to kick the others out. Flash forward 3000 years, and nothing has changed.
@georgejo7905 5 сағат бұрын
Superman is moses etc etc
@susanstein6604 5 сағат бұрын
Christianity has a theology of contempt towards Judaism. It pervades our culture. Atheists are not immune to centuries of anti-Judaism. You know nothing about how Jews have interpreted what you incorrectly call the “Old” Testament over the centuries. Btw, the Christian “Old” Testament and the Hebrew Bible are not identical. The Hebrew Bible ends with Chronicles II. Cyrus had conquered Babylonians and allowed Jews to return to Judea. The Christian “Old” Testament ends with Malachi.
@susanstein6604 5 сағат бұрын
I’ve known for decades about the Epic of Gilgamesh so this isn’t surprising.
@kyleoates6367 5 сағат бұрын
Zeus also sent a flood to destroy the world due to the hubris of mortal men, there was even a single family left over who replenished the earth. Nothing in the bible is unique because ALL written literature is built upon the spoken stories of what came before which themselves were built upon the spoken stories before them. Apologist looks at these "multiple stories of floods around the world" as proof that THEIR flood story actually happened. It's sort of disturbing how they appropriate the myths of other religions to prove their own. The point isn't whether its stolen or not, but that these repeating myths should bring into question the validity of any religions claims of being true. If they all claim the same thing happened and they all claim to be true, then it can only safely be assumed none of them are. Especially since there is no geological evidence to support a WORLD WIDE flood as it would be impossible to flood the entire world with the amount of water on the planet unless there were no tectonic drift or mountains and valleys.
@oblibeggar7571 5 сағат бұрын
I'm so happy to be able to delete you from my recommendations :)
@edwardschneider5194 5 сағат бұрын
Just like the Roman's replacing the winter solstice with Christmas
@ThePharcyde13 5 сағат бұрын
As a Christian it saddens me how some ppl push their convictions and make others feel bad about what they do . As a Pokémon fan it saddens me how some ppl in the community say some nasty things about God and religion, yet they act innocent. Both sides are definitely wrong on a lot of things . Not all Christians think that way as I know not all poke fans are like that . Let’s do better yall peace ✌🏽.
@quetzelmichaels1637 6 сағат бұрын
The crucifixion story is imagery and prophecy for two appearances, within the same generation - the sacrifice and the resurrection. All are sinners, empty, and void of understanding, having become corrupted, and were cast down to earth with YHWH and his people. YHWH became Satan. Adam, the Christ, becomes the Lawless One. As the God of metallurgy, YHWH had useful attributes. What is YHWH that the Son of Man is mindful of him? Earth is YHWH’s Everlasting Lake of Fire, his furnace of roaring flames where, in his furious wrath, he will gather you up, put you in, and smelt you. If your name is not found in the book of life, he will refine you, remove your dross, and purify you until the Devil, the False Prophet, and the Beast (false beliefs) are cleansed from you. The gates of the Abyss/ Hades will not prevail against it, (Mat 16:18) YHWH judged the gods and became the snake - thus fulfilling the law. Adam, the Christ, wields the fiery sword, judges the earth, and becomes a worm - thus fulfilling the law. The gods will be measured against the judgment (sacrifice) by Adam. YHWH is without measure. (Are they) unjust, humanly speaking, to inflict his wrath? Of course not! For how else (are they) to judge the world? And why not say-- as we are accused and as some claim we say-- that we should do evil that good may come of it? (Rom 3:5-8 NABO) The Ancient Serpent of Old has his senses restored, his kingdom returned, and becomes much greater than before. He is transfigured and revealed as the Ancient One of Days seated upon a throne on the Mount of Assembly, in the realm of Adam, where it is forever peaceful, far beyond the heavens. Adam is a thrid party mediator to this world and these heavens, from far beyond the heavens. I came into this world for judgment (Joh 9:39 NABO) While YHWH has the sense of a beast, Adam is the word of the will, the lamp of the light, and the image of the substance of YHWH. (YHWH) rises in the divine council, gives judgment in the midst of the gods. The gods neither know nor understand, wandering about in darkness, and (the foundations of all the words) shake. (Psa 82:1-5 NABO) the earth trembles, the heavens shake (Joe 2:10 NABO) I will shake the heavens and the earth (Hag 2:6 NABO) I will make the heavens tremble and the earth shall be shaken (Isa 13:13 NABO) the powers of the heavens will be shaken (Luk 21:26 NABO) "I will once more shake not only earth but heaven." That phrase, "once more," points to (the) removal of shaken, created things, so that what is unshaken may remain. (Heb 12:26-27 NABO) The earth was barren, with no shrub of the field and, as yet, no man to till the soil. Adam had a forest of trees to learn from while he prepared a kingdom at the foundation of the world, a promised land, a heavenly home, a new heaven and new earth, the Garden of Eden. He then settled east of Eden until the day he wields the fiery sword guarding the way to the Tree of Life on the day of vengeance as judgment; setting up the abomination of desolation in himself, as the Temple without one stone left standing upon another, as a worm.