The Ins and Outs of my First Decluttering Question

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Dana K White

Dana K White

Күн бұрын

I have a five step No Mess Decluttering Method. (Get a copy of the steps here:
I'm going into all the ins and outs of my first decluttering question.

Пікірлер: 134
@gailwhite8796 Жыл бұрын
My epiphany is this: I’ve been practicing this strategy and have made progress -not nearly perfection- by taking it there now and if there’s not enough space where I would look for it first, it naturally leads to the container concept and I have to lose enough to make the “preferred” item stay. There’s almost always something I can trash or donate to make room. Sometimes it’s the item I thought was preferred. Sometimes, I end up running around partially decluttering spaces to make room for preferred items and forget which space I started working on. Im ok with that because of the joy I feel when I want something and it’s exactly where I look for it first! As I continue with this strategy, I am getting better at getting organized and decluttering. It’s like a muscle you have to keep working.I have a loooooong way to go, but it’s great to see only progress!
@DanaKWhite Жыл бұрын
I love this!!!
@hippityhop99 Жыл бұрын
You're never mean! You're the aunt/sister/friend who's passionate about helping us!
@annw1395 Жыл бұрын
In an older video, you were telling us to ask "where would I look for it first?", and you said that the answer cannot be "the floor". I laughed, and still think of that funny answer every time you cover this topic! You are so funny.
@Twinkletoesss27 Жыл бұрын
Yes! Or whenever your first thought is..."in this pile??" but you have to remember your goal is to not have the pile! Lol
@deniseharwood9521 Жыл бұрын
I was just thinking te same thing, "In this pile of papers on the dining room chair". Not an acceptable answer?? :)
@beccismith4454 Жыл бұрын
@idid138 Жыл бұрын
Funny but true. She gets us.
@vondrabejot9851 Жыл бұрын
I started this strategy and it worked. I put the tape measure in a little square in my junk drawer in the kitchen. My husband asked me where the tape was and I took him to my drawer. When I opened the drawer there were 11 tape measures. He looked at me like I was nuts! I told him that whenever or wherever I find a tape measure, I put it here. My quest is to show him how much money we waste because we aren't organized. I watched him walk back and put it away when he finished. That was a first! P.S. I don't intend to keep them all but the message was clear and effective after 44 years of nagging. I can teach an old dog new tricks☺️
@granitemoss1451 Жыл бұрын
@angelacross2216 Жыл бұрын
We have exactly the same issue. Even though my husband can never find what he wants, and even though he knows that I know where it is because I saw him put it there, and even though I am not in the tiniest bit judgmental even in my head, he would rather go out and buy another than ask me. I thought it was a guy thing but I’ve noticed the church ladies do the same thing with kitchen utensils which overflow every space in the church kitchen.
@asdf7711 Жыл бұрын
Only 11?
@SnowySpiritRuby 2 ай бұрын
I did the same thing with my mom and a container of a ton of mostly-dull almost identical scissors - she realized they didn't need 10 pairs of dull ones, just the four good, sharp ones. Also did that with CD racks - I think there were about 7-10 that went, and only one tall one got kept. My parents are in the process of getting the windows replaced on their house (which forced them to declutter and clean out part of the garage, because the windows had to be stored in there before they were installed, as well as declutter and clean out at least parts of some other rooms because they had to move furniture out of the way so that the windows could be accessed), and just today, my mom informed me that a piece of office furniture that she uses frequently, but which had, for the last I-don't-even-know-how-many years, been in a closet in a guest room on the opposite side of the house from where her desk is, is now in the space right next to her desk (they got rid of an old TV stand that hadn't been used in years that used to be in that desk-adjacent space), and she said that new spot was definitely the right place for it - it had been taking up over half the closet it had been in, but now it's right next to her desk, right where she would use it, so she no longer has to walk most of the way across the house to get at the office supplies in it, and any guest staying in that guest room has access to the entire closet now.
@lisam5744 Жыл бұрын
My hubby and I both have the last week of this month off from work. I told him we're going to go through the barn (which is more like a big garage) to start to declutter. He gave me that husband-horrified look and I told him...'Wait-first thing we'll do is get rid of all of the trash and put things where they belong and that will neaten the barn up for more decisions later'. Your method took that look off of my husband's face. Thanks!
@deniseharwood9521 Жыл бұрын
I'm cracking up at husband-horrified look......because I know I'm going to get EXACTLY the same look when I approach cleaning out the garage.
@darleneh608 Жыл бұрын
@@deniseharwood9521 heck, I got that look when I suggested that my husband ought to clean out his sock drawer.
@thelmakatherine5396 Жыл бұрын
@@darleneh608 I am there with you. 😆
@beccismith4454 Жыл бұрын
How precious and awesome is that! Have fun doing this together and discovering your own clarity and treasures and sense of relief together!
@luthergirl106 Жыл бұрын
Dana, you have made a huge difference in our home!!! Your question, “where would I look for it 1st” is life changing. When I am helping my aging mother, our children, or even my dear husband clear a space, I ask them your question…….. the look on their face every time…… they are relieved that they know they will be able to find the item again by instinct, on their own!!! They all welcome my help now because of you 💞💞💞💞 Love you Dana 🎉
@akontilis1792 Жыл бұрын
100% agree! And when we say that question out loud to each other, no one feels attacked or insulted or like "there is something wrong with me" - it is simply an "ah ha!" moment that we cal benefit from. Way to go Dana!!
@beccismith4454 Жыл бұрын
@MrsWatters369 Жыл бұрын
This is very true! My mother has moderate dementia and can remember where she has kept items for years. But if it isn’t put back in its home, she becomes frustrated and feels lost in her own home.
@alicewilliams7129 Жыл бұрын
Your approach to decluterring really made a difference for me. I used to watch other declutering channels and seeing those huge piles of STUFF thrown on the bed or on the floor and thinking..forget it, I'm not going through this. And then I came across your video where you actually showed how to get one thing out of the closet, ask this question and put it where you'd look for it right away. It was a game changer for me. I went through my closets and decluttered bags and bags of stuff. I still have long way to go but when in doubt I watch your videos to get motivated again. And then I keep going! Thank you!
@LorreneRomanic Жыл бұрын
I'm constantly saying "Where would I look for it first?" and it has made a HUGE difference! Thank you, Dana!!
@marthavanderpool6829 Жыл бұрын
Dana, you are a genius! Surprise! “Take It There Now” has spilled over into my every day habits!! Not just when I’m deliberately doing decluttering! Now that more things have homes, it’s easier to just do it. Procrastination on “putting stuff away”was caused by 1. Too much stuff and 2. Not knowing where things belonged After following your brilliant steps to decluttering, life has gotten so much easier. Thank you, Dana. 💜💜💜
@RealityIsStrangerThanFiction Жыл бұрын
I have to give you credit for helping me when I moved out from a house I had been in for 30 years. I obviously knew where everything should go but the new house was so different, 90 years younger, that I was stuck on how to unpack. When I heard you say, where would I look for this first, I was flying through the boxes! Thank you for your experience and wisdom
@tonivizgirda296 Жыл бұрын
Dental floss. My grandson asked me WHY the floss was in my kitchen drawer? WHY? Well, when I watch TV I like to floss and the nearest drawer to the TV is this drawer. It’s where I would look for it and it fits my lifestyle. GENIUS! Thank you 🥰
@SnowySpiritRuby 2 ай бұрын
I have some really "weird" places where I keep certain things, too - more than one person has given me a strange look when I tell them where I keep those items, but they're where I would look first for them. I don't know WHY those are the places I would look first, they just are, so those are those items' homes!
@micheledryden1057 Жыл бұрын
I had a great Ah ha moment recently. The finial on a curtain rod came off and I asked where I would look for it first and took it directly there. After a bit I found the rest of the curtain rod and knew I'd done something with the finial. I asked the question and went directly to the drawer and was pleased that I have all of the needed parts to fix the rod! Thank you, Dana, for keeping your system easy and valuable. Hugs...
@kaiulanisallas9005 Жыл бұрын
This is life changing!!! Everyone always says “Declutter” But no one ever teaches you HOW!! this question is the magic! Can’t wait to learn more and more
@beccagiessing3890 Жыл бұрын
I hated this idea, loathed entirely. I take everything out and make a bigger mess. I did your method in my closet and complained about how it was wasting time seeing little improvement. In the end; I looked around and saw the progress and walked into my clean bathroom and bedroom bc normally all my clothes wld be scattered into other rooms. YOUR SYSTEM worked. I hated u for it, but I can’t deny its a better solution. Thank you for making me a believer
@patdennis2586 Жыл бұрын
The “home” can always be changed further down the decluttering path if need be. The home doesn’t have to be forever and always or the perfect home. Trust the process.
@kaywilliams1065 Жыл бұрын
You've changed my life. I'm sad I didn't find you sooner because I'm 57 and struggled my whole adult life. Thank You!
@Wendy-WackyWomanCreations Жыл бұрын
This question works for me because I never know where to put anything. I would agonize over the 'BEST" place. Now, even if it doesn't make sense, I can come up with a place that works for ME. And my house is never messier because each item goes home right away. Sometimes I only pick up one thing but it's one less that I have to do later! This method has saved my sanity.
@LedgerAndLace Жыл бұрын
This takes "It was in the last place that I looked" completely out of the equation! Your whole method gave me hope AND a strategy for getting my home under control. As I continue to declutter and work through all-the-stuff, I see PROGRESS, AND ONLY PROGRESS. THANKS, Dana! 🙂
@leesbees9412 Жыл бұрын
I ❤️ "take it there first. I practice this daily. Thanks. I even found myself getting something I needed out of a closet + seeing another item, saying to it "U aren't where I would look 4 U first " + it gets taken there. That + the container concept has made all the difference in my home. Thanks again. 😊 I was skeptical at first but it so works. Blessings 2 U + Urs.
@SaraShire Жыл бұрын
Your method works beautifully. I’ve been working with a professional organizer. Sometimes she looks surprised when I say where something should go. I just laugh and say, it’s where I would look for it first (if it occurred to me that I have it). I save so much time now. I used to spend a ridiculous amount of time searching for things. Thank you, thank you, thank you, sincerely.
@478cookies Жыл бұрын
You used "whom" correctly, so I instantly subscribed.
@AmandaSims-wy3rs Жыл бұрын
I listen to you all the time, and you are so inspirational! Also, your hair is on point!
@debbiev.1311 Жыл бұрын
The timing of this video is perfect!! I just realized why I was starting to slow down in the decluttering process...I've reached the layer of things that never had an actual home("harder stuff") The proverbial moment's "light bulb" is shining bright once grateful!! 💡❤🤗
@FoD1975 Жыл бұрын
I love this question and love you too! I love being able to find things where I expect to find them. I love being able to improve any situation in our home immediately. I love that I now do this automatically, and just pick things up as I pass and return them to where they live. 5 minute pick ups are more like 2 minute pick ups now!! Thank you! Xx 🥰
@IKsmille Жыл бұрын
I love, love, love this question! I have often struggled to decide the best place for so many things (because life changes as each kid is born and then school and changing schedules and things just simply change and it is sooooo hard to figure out perfect place for lifetime :D ). My initial drive would be to research "where should it be stored" and that leads to rabbit hole of pinterest or diy projects . But this question lets me feel like I can truly customize my home and put things in weird places that work for me. And in some cases also has led me to conclusion, that I do lack storage, because owning house and loving to garden comes with many more stuff (that we use, but leave in random places and make mess). And also that it is ok to have specific place for pots or seeds and not everything has to serve multiple purpose (I sort of dislike single purpose things/places, but have found that sometimes it has to be single designated space for staying in order)
@SamCurtis-yk8cv 10 ай бұрын
I agree. That first question is key! I’ve had the urge to pull out all the things but not physically able to go that route anyway. Your methods WORKS for me. I’m 63 and disable due to a heart attack and mini strokes so I have low energy or bursts of energy. Thank you💜
@sewcraftymarigold5556 Жыл бұрын
I am subscribed to Cas and Dawn. When they mentioned about Dana when they first Started take your house back, I was like "who"? After seeing some clips from her channel. I was like uh no😒. But hearing Cas and Dawn mentioned Dana (about 8xs) I decided to check out Dana's channel. I was still like no but it was just one video. So I trusted Cas and Dawn's judgment and subscribed to Dana's channel. After several videos I was like what? So I tested her first step of doing Trash first. What?😯 Then I did the second step easy stuff and I was what 😲. Did the third step and so on and I was flabbergasted by the out come.😳 So now when I find myself frozen I go back to Dana's 5 steps and start over. Could not believe it worked. Today I realized that the way my young self decluttered no longer works for me due to physical limitations and busy taking care of a disabled love one. Dana's way of decluttering helps me to make progress whether I have a few minutes here and there or more time. I can still declutter without making more mess. I am thankful that I put my first impression of Dana aside and tried her way of decluttering. ☺ Thanks Dana for all you do. Love your books!💓
@talesfromthenuttery Жыл бұрын
This first question has changed everything for me. "Where would I look for it 1st" has reorganized our home and helped me to realize that there are things I would NOT look for and didn't actually need to keep at all. Life changing. Things we needed to keep, have a home now. Life changing.
@carmiejones8289 Жыл бұрын
This works for daily maintenance, too. I can't tell you how many times I start to just set something down, then I'm reminded that that spot is NOT where I will later go look for it first!
@lillianmartinez1593 Жыл бұрын
You are not being mean!! This is "tough Love"!!! You are trying to get through to our hard heads!!! Yes, it is so simple, that it sounds too simple !! TITN is the easiest way to reach our declutter goal!! Keep it coming Girl!! We need you!!!!!! 💕🌴😎
@dawnjeffersramstad8401 Жыл бұрын
When looking for a misplaced object, I always pay attention to where I look first because 80% of the time that is where it goes. The only exception, the 20%, is when I begin with "Where did I use it last?" I've been using this practice since I was a young mom in the 1990's and reading Sidetracked Home Executives (Young & Jones). If you are a clutterbug cricket, their methods can work. As a clutterbug bee, I am infinitely grateful that KZbin led me to Dana. ❤🥳
@gailwhite8796 Жыл бұрын
I’m a bee, too, and I’ve learned to pay a lot of attention to where I use things. The container concept really helps me, but knowing my clutter bug style is crucial!
@jessicaperlove4715 Жыл бұрын
I just started a game with myself this week, called Clear this Space. I pick a zone, like my kitchen counter and my coffee table. And i clear it to where i gave, at most, three things left on it. And those things have to have a role that i can articulate. I keep asking myself why my home looks so much messier than my mom's. Her spaces look deliberate.
@happyx2 Жыл бұрын
This video WAS helpful, as are all the rest! Thank you, Dana. Your "Take it there now" has changed my life. I think of that phrase every time I pick something up thanks to you! 🙂
@laurelarmstrong4535 Жыл бұрын
Your strategies have been wonder for me. I’ve tried other things before and this is the strategy that works for me. 👍 also. Reid is a gem.
@oatssettle846 Жыл бұрын
Yes, I appreciate Reid's thoughts after the video too!!!
@jeannetteurena1223 Жыл бұрын
Dana , You are Not mean Only Logical/ Practical 🙏🏼😍💪💕
@sherrilindstrom3064 Жыл бұрын
It works. Now I find another one there. I am able to find things and now I am putting more out of sight. Because I can find it again!
@laurastedman2771 3 ай бұрын
Your method has helped me a lot. I used to think of decluttering was getting rid of things that I don't want/need. But that left me with the rest of my stuff to deal with. I think this question is great because it helps me deal with the things that I do want to keep.
@MeiscooLer Жыл бұрын
Dana I listened to your podcast years ago and did not realise you had a youtube channel. It is so nice to see your face. :) You are not being mean. Over the years things you told me years ago are the ONLY decluttering things that have stuck with me and the only ones that work. My first thing I do when reclaiming my home - do my dishes and clean my sink haha. Works to get me in the decluttering mode. every time.
@stefaniezimmerman9717 Жыл бұрын
Such great advice! It DOES work! This single question has helped me to tailor my orgaization to my and my famlily's needs. It also opens up the possibility of the answer, "I would never look for this" so that's a "duh" :)
@ilakaiser3778 Жыл бұрын
Denial aside, I am most likely a hoarder. Back up 3 years working a full time school librarian job. I was due to retire in June Covid hit and school went virtual in March. I was not able to give my 35+ years collection of books and supplies to students nor fellow librarians or teachers. It all came home with me. Clearing the estate of parents to get the house on the market, several truck loads came home with me. I discovered junk journaling and volunteer teach a local junk journal class at the local library. Yes we navigate paths through the stacks and piles of boxes and clutter. As I have started to purge, when I ask your question where would I look for this the answer is one of the boxes in the hall or maybe the bottom tote in the chair. 😔. The craft room is unusable for piles and clutter. So my question is what to do when the actual place I would look for something is not what it’s forever home should be. I am trying to do your visible space first but again not sure where to put items that answer your first question. Again that vicious circle where do I start and where do I put this item. 😣. I am making progress in getting rid of trash, and down sizing my junk journal potential supplies. This story has additional complications but this hurdle is enough for now. Thank you for the only declutter/organizing plan that has actually helped.💜🐞
@fleabitz1474 Жыл бұрын
Dana has said in the past that in a situation like yours the question becomes (paraphrasing here), "Where would I look for this first if this pile/tote/stack weren't here?" If the answer is the craft room, then you take it there and make a space for it. It's what she's talking about in this video but on a larger scale. Part of the psychology of her system is what she says about the process helping you realize what you do and do not need, if for instance you are taking a book to an overstuffed bookshelf and having to confront the limits of the container (assuming you are familiar with the container concept). She has at least one video where she goes through a mystery tote from her garage so that might help you, too. I feel for you because I had to take on a borderline hoarder situation in my own home.
@NanetteLoves2Budget Жыл бұрын
She’s also said if the place where you’d look for it isn’t accessible, take it as close to its home as possible and look for trash, easy stuff, or donations to make room for it there. That last part is important so you’re always making progress instead of making bigger piles. From experience, the more you handle your items, especially using this method, the easier it becomes to prioritize what stays and let go what is in the way of your right now life.
@darleneh608 Жыл бұрын
The others are giving good advice, but you also might consider that if you end up putting like stuff together, that's progress, too, even if you can't yet get the items to a permanent home. So a tote with a specific type of crafting supply in it, in the room where you will eventually house your crafting supplies, is many times better than having those supplies spread in multiple places all over your house. It's an interim step that can make your situation better. Everything doesn't need to be perfectly done the first time. If you truly have hoarding tendencies, you might find that the channel "A Hoarder's Heart" is also helpful. The two use very similar methods, but Miss Heart can help work with a hoarder's mindset and give you some encouragement and skills to keep you moving forward.
@NanetteLoves2Budget Жыл бұрын
Just realizing how this echoes my sister’s experience retiring after 35+ years teaching blind students, just after my mother died, and just before the pandemic. In the past couple of months she’s cleared the kitchen, bathroom, and her bedroom fairly well. The rest of the house is daunting and she’s doing the best she can to make progress. It’s quite the challenge, but it can be done.
@ilakaiser3778 Жыл бұрын
Thank you everyone for your kind advice. My prayers for your sister Nanette.💜🐞
@jillbruce3624 Жыл бұрын
It is working for me. Slow going but making progress. Thank you, Dana!
@katsspace4688 Жыл бұрын
This question and the container concept has changed our home. Thank you ❤
@sburwell75 Жыл бұрын
When I do not feel like putting things away, I repeat "Take it there NOW!" It works!
@keenabrumbaugh2135 2 ай бұрын
Yep! Yep! Yep! Where would you look for an item first if you needed it works so well! Every head is a separate universe. Make your universe work for you.❤
@sorscha Жыл бұрын
Oh my goodness, I'm so glad you're here again for my terrible life x
@idid138 Жыл бұрын
Dana, the 1st time I heard your strategy, I thought it was so dumb and would be so slow and I moved on. Well, I came back and gave it a try. It does work. And You're not mean.
@piisupirhonen Жыл бұрын
I never could find my seam ripper when I needed it. I realized I always looked for it in a same spot in a drawer in my sewing corner. So I bought a new one and now I can always find it. Several weeks later I decluttered a shelf near my sewing table and found three! seam rippers under my measuring tapes. It was a good logical place for them but not the one I looked for them.
@edelinprogress Жыл бұрын
Thank you. Your advice has worked for me too. Take it there now is my favourite!
@hummus6150 Жыл бұрын
See? Look how nice I am 😂 Having just emptied my father’s house, mainly it seems into mine, I just keep hearing ‘Take it there now!’ I cannot tell you just how powerful that is. And it’s keeping me fit 😄 Thank you so much Dana
@livingwithME2015 Жыл бұрын
This question has completely change my life. I can now always find what I am looking for and I can actually remember if I have something or if I have already decluttered that item Thanks so much xx
@Hari_Therapy Жыл бұрын
Amazing. I never know where to put anything. But I’m an expert on looking for things, this is so simple. Thank you. Changed my life and my house.
@robinolsen-scribner2641 Жыл бұрын
I LOVE take it there now. Yes, I take more steps back and forth, but who doesn't need to move more these days? Because of your adage, I do not stress about being super efficient in my steps. No pikes, extra exercise, immediate rewards of one more item "in it's home". Am training my family by asking, "where does that live?" Just welcomed adult kids back into home and your questions will help us all establish "homes" for shared things. Bless you!
@createandliveyourbestlife Жыл бұрын
My mom, grandmother & aunts always used “A place for everything, the place must work for everybody, everything in its place” They made sure we were mindful & respectful of everyone who was involved. Instilling in us it couldn't just just work for individuals, it has to work for everyone that lives in the house, the office, the mobile home. To be successful and maintained developing great habits. 🥴😁
@kayelle8005 Жыл бұрын
I cannot wait until my Christmas break to so I can complete your coaching program and get certified. Can’t wait to start helping people.
@BroccoliFiles Жыл бұрын
Also, when you "take it there now, " you're imprinting on your neural pathways where it is. It may not work the next time you look for it, but it could work. Then the next time, you remove it, use it, and put it back. You've just reinforced the new neural imprint again. It's a great strategy.
@arashy Жыл бұрын
Brilliant!!! Although I’ve been using your strategy for a while now (over a year?), I still love watching your videos as reminders. My house is NOTICEABLY decluttered (except for one room, where it’ll be hard to get rid of craft supplies). I hope you realize what a difference YOU make in people’s lives!!!!!! The decrease in stress is AMAZING!!!
@violetcaptain Жыл бұрын
I now have a lighter in the drawer with my kitchen tools because of this exact question! 👍
@Cecily-Pimprenelle Жыл бұрын
Slowly take-it-there-now-ing. Your decluttering strategy was and continues to be a game changer, even though I’m slower to implement it than I should, but I definitely see results. Thank you so, so much for helping so many of us manage our stuff (and keep sane in the process). (Edit: my husband told me for years the French equivalent of ”don’t put it down, put it away”, when I wondered how to keep the house less after-a-tornado-like. It may not be that far from TITN, and yet take it there now is dealing with the put-down thing instead of bemoaning the fact it has been put down. I think. ) Next step, implementing the 5 minute pick ups. I haven’t dared making it a famiky thing yet... even though I know there’s no reason it wouldn’t be a success. :-)
@SF-ru3lp Жыл бұрын
A great analysis of your simple but powerful strategy Dana. I confess that the first time I heard it (in a previous video) I didn't fully understand it or appreciate it's brilliance. I got rid of lots of things by operating the Kon Mari question before we moved house. But now I'm dealing with "not the low-hanging fruit" and your systems are the ones I am using daily. Delighted to have found you. God bless you and yours thus Christmas. XG Ireland
@candaceyessuff643 Жыл бұрын
I really love the way She makes it all so clear… I like all the 5 steps and have tried doing them for a few months. I wish I had someone that understands the 5 steps , likes helping other and making some Money 💵 Too. I live about 1hour West of Los Angeles in California. If there’s anyone open to the idea of helping out and getting paid, please reply to this message ASAP. 😉
@DanaKWhite Жыл бұрын
A few weeks ago, I started a certification program for just this! Hopefully there will be some coaches in California soon! Most of the coaches offer online coaching as well. is where coaches are listed.
@abbyh8403 Жыл бұрын
I’ve started to apply this method to other things as well. Overwhelmed about wrapping? Do the easy things first to gain momentum.
@thewildflowersinn Жыл бұрын
But but but… I just moved 2 years ago after 11 years in a small apartment where I was very organized to a bigger home. Just the fact that I lost my junk drawer has messed up my whole life. I have a spare room/office that has just turned into a catchall, and I’ve never had a catchall! It’s a room that is a junk drawer!! Yikes.
@lkhorvath4 Жыл бұрын
Not mean at all. This is a great concept!!!💕 You are so encouraging and non-judgemental. Love you
@username00009 Жыл бұрын
Every time I’m able to find something because I previously asked this question, I say to whoever is with me, “I love Dana!”
@dididididididididdidi Жыл бұрын
I love this channel!!!!
@LAUREL5784 Жыл бұрын
YOU'RE NOT MEAN!!! I have been searching for the Decluttering Whisperer who can speak my language... I THINK I'M STUCK! I've been decluttering my home for 6 years.. I have gotten rid of a LOT of stuff.. apparently that was PHASE ONE... I have been stuck the last few months with the last of it, and it's difficult to feel like I am making headway... (I know you understand) and listening to you, one more time, I THINK I GET IT! I made an 8.5x11 sign: "WHERE would I look for this first? Take it there NOW" and taped it to my LR wall. I'm back in business!
@GratefulDeb270 Жыл бұрын
Great books! Great videos! Love my home now. Ty! ❤
@debrabowie5141 Жыл бұрын
Teaching and repeating!
@tonibergquist61 Жыл бұрын
This method is the best that I have ever tried! It WORKS 💖
@mizzezjones Жыл бұрын
Credit evolution. Wow. Just noticed Reid. Good job!!😄
@TheWay-_Revelation-3.3 Жыл бұрын
Love your hair, Dana! ❤️ Merry Christmas to you & your family! ❄️
@notnotnever Жыл бұрын
You're not being mean. It was a very clear way of explaining the situation that we're in when we ask question #1 :) thank you!
@thelmakatherine5396 Жыл бұрын
I use your method including your first question to declutter my own things which are organized the way I want. I do not declutter my husband's things. When my husband uses tools and other home improvement items he leaves them exactly where he used them or sets them in different places from where they were. Most of these things could be considered to belong to him and be his to organize but I also need them when I am doing a project. If I ask him where something is he tells me several places I could look. They do not have homes. We have a lot of these type items and I know we have unnecessary duplicates.
@janethunt4037 Жыл бұрын
In my kitchen, my husband has started helping to unload the dishwasher. Yippee!!!! However, I'm often asking, "Where would he think it goes?" He needs a training session with me soon. I confess: I let this video run while we were in the kitchen so he could get the concept into his brain.
@charlensing3120 Жыл бұрын
Can't wait to try! It makes so much sense.
@tamararamsey5447 Жыл бұрын
Can you do a video on the "would I even remember I had this item"? My husband keeps all the little screws and stuff that we never see again. He insists that it will save us money in the future, but he doesn't look for it because "it's just a couple of bucks". I can't seem to explain it in a way he gets, but he likes listening over my shoulder to your videos 😉 I'm trying hard to stay out of his stuff, but he he still feels our house is beyond his clutter threshold and I've gotten my stuff about as far down as I can go. It doesn't help that he's a ladybug to me and the kids butterbee.
@crystaldever3886 Жыл бұрын
I adore you Dana so this isn't being critical but there needs to be another question in there for me of do I actually need/want this thing? Because I can very well have a home for something I don't want or need. I don't want to 'take there now' something I don't actually want to keep.
@suzy1676 Жыл бұрын
Excellent as always! 💕
@jeridavidson9074 Жыл бұрын
Such a great video; so so helpful. Thank you!
@Julies-in-a-mood Жыл бұрын
You are NOT being mean. “Where would I look for this first?” works for our family of five. That’s why we keep lightbulbs in the linen closet … & can find them every single time. THAT’S where we would look for them! Our home has never functioned better
@Jessinblackandwhite Жыл бұрын
Hi Dana, I love this question. What would you recommend if you take items to where you would look for them first and then realize that you’re using a space for too many categories? For example, right now I would take my kids school and art paper to a corner in my bedroom, but I also have normal bedroom things in there? Is that when I would find a new place for paper and art work? This probably sounds like a dumb question, but I don’t want to continue putting things in spaces where they don’t match the function I want for the room.
@dannyh9010 Жыл бұрын
Kids art work: get a container for each kid and put it in there. Then decide where you would look for the container first; Your bedroom, the kids’ bedroom, a storage space? Take the container there now. Done!
@evabeharkova9926 Жыл бұрын
@granitemoss1451 Жыл бұрын
You ARE nice, really!!!
@rebeccam1027 Жыл бұрын
🤣😂😆 Look how nice you are!!
@GratefulDeb270 Жыл бұрын
Ps… now that I’ve decluttered, I use this question when I don’t know where I put something. So I ask? Where would i look first? Sure enough… there it is! Ty!
@lindamusser7370 Жыл бұрын
I start to put things in the general direction of their home, and then I hear your voice saying, "Take it there now."
@Debbie-Savings Жыл бұрын
Thanks for making me think Dana! Great question to ask myself to help me get my house in order and stay that way. I’m hoping that we will get to move at the first of the year. Do you have any advice or a vid about moving?
@Cecily-Pimprenelle Жыл бұрын
Dana made a cpuple of videos when she moved, about one year ago, I think? The gist of it was to use the container concept: get the number of boxes suited for a place the size of her future house, and put in the boxes first what she wanted to keep, and weed out the items that weren’t ”box-worthy”. I don’t know wheter the videos have been grouped in a playlist.
@Debbie-Savings Жыл бұрын
@@Cecily-Pimprenelle Thanks Cecily, I’ll remember that and look to see if I can find that video also!
@Lili-xq9sn Жыл бұрын
This does work!
@rebeccawolf3196 Жыл бұрын
Most of the time I take it there and if it’s full, I just shove the item in and make room. Probably not the best thing to do but still, it is in that spot. Lol😂
@beverleyb5372 Жыл бұрын
Guilty of that sometimes too. Dana does encourage us to look in that new spot for easy stuff (trash or "Duh" donations) to clear enough space for the item, and then to take the removed "easy" items back to our starting point to put in the trash bag or donatable donate box.
@idid138 Жыл бұрын
"Take it there Naow." That's how I say it, when I need a kick in the pants.
@e-r2961 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, and you're not mean, just direct. Or blunt. (Just kidding 😊) .
@deniseharwood9521 Жыл бұрын
My question about this (AMAZING) strategy is what if the first place I would look for an item is not the first place my husband would look for it. Do I tell him/show him every 5-10 items I move to their new home or just wait for the "Where is the_______"?
@epicnamepwns1242 Жыл бұрын
Where YOU would look first is definitely where it should go if it's yours or is within your domain so you at least can find it. If it's his or in his domain it must go where HE would look for it first (within reason.) For ambiguous items it may be constructive to apply (Cas's) Clutterbug strategies. There are universal ideas like large, easy to read labels and there's also advice for clutterbug types and combos such as favoring simple and visual over detailed and hidden when these preferences conflict for frequently used shared items. Organization is seldom perfect but effective compromise is always possible.
@Morpha-Ahprom Жыл бұрын
@Isabel_fit 2 ай бұрын
My husband blames me because all of his items are "organized into a black hole." Whenever I ask him "where would you look for this first?", he tells me someplace random just to get me to shut up and then he can't find it later... so then I'm to blame 🙄 that's why I gave up trying to help him declutter/organize his garage.
@MeiscooLer Жыл бұрын
I have started to do the take it there now, but so dangerous for me. I get distracted and start decluttering another thing. HELP ME please.
@FisherOfMen705 Жыл бұрын
??? This method has always worked...but I just I've hit a snag. I have an item and it's already in the place I would look for it first, simply because it's always been in that space, but it's a cluttery thing that is in the way where it is. Sooo...what now? Help Dana!
@tealolly93 Жыл бұрын
Then ask, "if this area was cleared off and no longer cluttered, where would I look for it first?" Just take its temporary, unsuitable home out of the picture to figure out where it's new home should be.
@beverleyb5372 Жыл бұрын
Yes to what @tealolly said, and if it is something that I look for often, I would probably put a sticky note in the original location telling me where I moved it to for the first few times I go hunting for it so that my brain doesn't freak out when it isn't there. lol
@FisherOfMen705 Жыл бұрын
Hmmm, now sticky notes...where would I look for that first? 🤣 🤣
@margaret1336 Жыл бұрын
@marcithompsonbaker5035 Жыл бұрын
Three days, only progress!!!
@matemahe Жыл бұрын
I am paralyzed at the it doesn't fit. I will not be donating it. it's mine i worked for it it makes me happy. At this point I'm consider myself better bc I don't keep cuties wrappers of things for projects.
@BroccoliFiles Жыл бұрын
Don't say "walk." Say where would i go to get it." Some people are unable to walk.
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