Does Windows have Back Doors?

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Dave's Garage

Dave's Garage

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Retired Microsoft engineer Davepl discusses "back doors" in Windows, the implications, and how the software developer protects against such attacks from rogues, hackers, and nation-states. Understand how back doors are like the Follina zero-day exploit in Office, giving complete control of the system to the attacker.
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* Camera Lens: 50mm F1.4 Art DG HSM -
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0:00 - Start
2:50 - Zero-Days like Follina vs Back Doors
5:12 - Code Compartmentalization
8:06 - Security Credentials
9:15 - Open Source (Linux v Windows)
10:50 - Dave Pronounces Trisquel badly
11:00 - Kernel Checkins
11:35 - The Build Lab
12:23 - Ownership breeds Responsibility
12:45 - The Code Review
13:25 - An exception
15:13 - Multiple Layers
Remember by and large I am referring to things that happened about 25 years ago, so you cannot judge contemporary Windows by it. And for comparison, that's when Linux was still Minix :-)
As always, all content and opinions are mine only, (c) 2022 Plummer's Software LLC. I am not now nor have I ever been a spokesperson for Microsoft, and retired from my technical role almost 20 years ago. I'm now working on a episode about the Follina zero-day exploit, so if you have any juicy details on that, please let me know!

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@TravisFabel 2 жыл бұрын
Heres a fun one. Back in the late 90s, on my high school PCs they had installed "Foolproof Security System" this was a system that attempted to lock down windows (I believe Win98SE) and stop students from doing things. Problem was, it stopped teachers from working too. So bored in electronics class, we open the Fool.exe in notepad. There, in the middle of the code is the word "Backdoor"... no. couldnt be that easy. We type it as a password. no-go. Then I see the ! right after it.. So I try "Backdoor!" . It works. It not only works, but it works on every machine. Every. Machine. Fast forward 2 years and the school district is spending thousands reinstalling the "security system" due to a district-wide password being released. After the install? The exact same backdoor is still there. Its in every version of their software.
@lwilton 2 жыл бұрын
It's interesting that backdoors are so much more common in 3rd party "security software" than in 1st party code.
@SkynetCyb 2 жыл бұрын
It sucks there doesn't seem to be any info about it online, it sounds pretty funny, I wonder if it was ever found out
@TravisFabel 2 жыл бұрын
@@SkynetCyb after posting this. I searched for the software. There is surprisingly little information online about any of it.
@Lateralus138 2 жыл бұрын
@@lwilton I bypassed my local public libraries incredibly weak "security login" simply by opening an open file dialog box in a web browser, navigating to System32, manually ran Task Manager, and killed its running "security login" exe process. They had the easy methods to open Task Manager and File Explorer blocked (no hotkey, or shortcuts) with some horrible login manager. I got caught after being on their computers for like 5 hours 3 days in a row, they had no idea how I did it, but I was banned for a week. Was like 12-13 years ago though. My wife works at the same library now lol.
@nichijoufan 2 жыл бұрын
Tf do you open a exe on notepad
@kFY514 2 жыл бұрын
What you're talking about are backdoors inserted by malicious actors behind the backs of architects or management. And like you said, it's very hard to add one and unlikely that any would slip through. But I think what most people are more worried about are backdoors which are intentional and generally known by the responsible developer teams, but not publicised otherwise - more like the NSAKey theory you mentioned. That kind of backdoor would actually pass through all the code review and audit processes, as for the insiders it would be an intended feature. So I'm waiting for the next part to see what you have to say on that topic.
@kindanyume 2 жыл бұрын
indeed thats the ones that would be a far far greater risk as well since not only would they get pushed out with a stamped seal of approval by upper tards all too happy to screw over the public.. but the end result of such is beyond anmy doubt extremely nefarious.. and not just by the US alphabet agencies... The risk of such is MASSIVE exp for foreign bad actors like china.. and they are all pissy over the banning of Huawei 5g etc well beyond the avg.. which makes it look all the worse for china since even their gov dosnt worry as much about such things for a "private company" per se.
@duckie4670 2 жыл бұрын
this videos seems like somethinng Microsoft would incentivize people to make, lol
@thomasjefferson4195 2 жыл бұрын
He knows that, he is directing you attention away from that because he's a shill.
@justiccoolman1816 2 жыл бұрын
@@duckie4670 another possibilty is, if he would speak the thruth he would end up in the ecuadorian embassy because of sexual herasmment claim. And years later it reaveals as untenable (surprisingly unexpexted), but because he flew from the local authorities he will be jailed and high security prison and after that he will be handed out to the (fair) hands of the us legislativ. *Note: The brackets was irony
@alexruedi1995 2 жыл бұрын
& nobody cares.. or think about snowden.. did you learn something today? any idea why he is trying to shame linux? any idea how the world goes?
@briannebeker2119 2 жыл бұрын
In my High School they installed a Alpha-Micro Mini-computer in the mid 80's. It was a cool new toy with capabilities well beyond the Commodore CBM machines that I had access to. This meant I had to learn everything I could about the system. I discovered within a few months that the source code for logging into the machine could be found by anyone with any access on the computer. I modified the code to allow me to login to any account without a password which gave me the keys to the kingdom. Code running outside of a logged in session required a special long string of characters in the assembly code source that the assembler recognized. While I never did anything malicious I certainly could have but it did teach me a lot about the reason that security by obscurity is so ineffective. In the many years since, I have worked at several companies including one where we created security monitoring software. This required writing some device drivers and patching Windows security DLLs. While the company had non-publicly available documentation and code from Microsoft to accomplish this there was absolutely no controls in place to who could access this information or make changes to code within the company. My job was creating installation processes for the companies products. This required me to understand how the applications worked at a lower level that most of the developers who maintained the software. No one reviewed my code and as long as it got the job done no one cared exactly how it worked. Because the company was small and they wanted to get a new product out very quickly they outsourced a new application to a Russian company. While the software produced worked well it was also a large mass of code and could easily have contained malicious code. Once again other that what I need to install the product no review of the code was done. Our customer installed these applications on their most trusted systems running under high privilege accounts without knowing that our code could easily have been compromised. While it did not create a back door it certainly could have been used to compromise a lot of very large companies. It is encouraging to hear the Microsoft took security much more serious than many companies I have worked for over the years, include a very large 3 letter company.
@mfaizsyahmi 2 жыл бұрын
I thought I heard stories from this very channel about when Dave's company worked with a very large 3 letter company for OS/2, that their security was way more strict. At least in the physical sense.
@YvanJanssens 2 жыл бұрын
if the large three-letter company is a large German enterprise software conglomerate in the general direction of Heidelberg, things have changed massively in the last ten years. A lot of effort has been put into formalising those processes and enforcing them so shit is being kept track of, audited and fixed.
@ericapelz260 2 жыл бұрын
A good reminder that it's third-party software that is the big threat.
@babybirdhome 2 жыл бұрын
Security by obscurity is very effective - until it's no longer obscure. What's not effective is single-layered security. Obscurity should only be one (very thin) layer of your security model. Your own example shows this - the systems you had at your school had the login source code available to everyone. That is more like open source software and isn't obscure at all provided you can interpret source code since it was available to everyone with any access level on the system. The problems you described in one of the companies you worked for are also interesting. I work at a much smaller and less widely known company, and we go through a fairly exhaustive security review before we even enter into contract negotiations with a third party vendor. Our governance, risk, and compliance team starts off with reviewing the potential vendor's security policies and procedures, their compliance with various applicable security frameworks, their audit results from those frameworks, and so forth, before our legal team even starts to review and negotiate contract terms. Then again, I also talk to various vendors who we consider working with, so I know that my situation isn't the norm and that I'm lucky to work at a company that has mature leadership that actually cares somewhat about quality, and that we have good team members on our security and GRC teams to provide those leaders with good information to make decisions with. But ultimately, security is hard, and it requires a great deal of attention, diligence, and effort to get it right. Companies as large as Microsoft typically have to do this because they have customers that are like my company, but ten times worse because they're government contractors or are governments themselves. Not every company has this, or understands that it's even necessary, yet.
@skv7580 2 жыл бұрын
Yess, I knew Intel was always better
@phimuskapsi 2 жыл бұрын
When I worked at a point of sale company, we had a tech backdoor for every system that went out. Walk up, press a key combination to bring up a password prompt you can't otherwise call, and a hardcoded password that worked to unlock everything. I bet it's exactly the same as it was too, and I could probably still walk up to a machine and do it.
@mattroy3154 2 жыл бұрын
That's quite the vulnerability. All it takes is one disgruntled engineer.
@toddmoore9841 2 жыл бұрын
As awful as that is, I'll bet it saved a number of contracts. Clients never gripe about security when they are locked out and a tech can get them running again the same day. If they get to the point of having to rebuild, they are just as likely to switch vendors.
@phimuskapsi 2 жыл бұрын
​@@toddmoore9841 For sure, it also unlocked a table editor so we could make edits to the DB's directly incase there was corrupted data or something hosing the system. Ah the joys of flat file FoxPro DB's, where if they are opened and the computer reboots, it can corrupt everything. Also access to the FoxPro 'console' window that would allow for minor commands to be executed. Wasn't quite as bad as the PCCharge password system. PCC required 5 different passwords to rotate once a month, so we had a 'hardcoded' prefix and then 0001, 0002, etc added at the end LOL. The old days were a lot different lol.
@letthetunesflow 2 жыл бұрын
It’s the highly specialized systems that are constantly being used by non technical employees that are at greatest risk of having a passcode full access back door… when a company is paying for unique software/hardware systems to be built, one horrible mid level managers demands, and attitude, can quickly lead to angry phone calls to the technical staff, and demands from higher up from either company demanding a solution to their own incompetence, damn the security consequences! See how quick a back door is created when you have technicians constantly degraded by a terrible mid level manger in charge of a highly technical project while being a massive Luddite. There is nothing more unpleasant to a tech, than the absurd and ignorant wrath of a narcissistic mid level manager at a company paying for your unique software/hardware that demands you fix ever problem they have. You show them at least once a day how to use some software/hardware, yet still manage to be yelled at about something not working, and it must be fixed immediately….Cue unplugged power cord, Capslock left on… etc… Yeah those business to business projects, where highly specialized unique hardware/software system solutions are being managed by morons… Yeah those systems all have back doors… No technical employee on a project like that would survive a single day without a back door to the system they are working on… Too many employees making decisions with zero technical skills or understanding of security. Those employees and managers just want to hit deadlines. They couldn’t careless about security, anyways that’s not their problem anyways, so why would they care… Ugh mid level managers do way more harm than good from my experience… I swear mid level, sales, marketing, and other bloated departments within many business spend more time preventing real quality work being done, along with crippling products, cutting costs in horrible areas, etc… And internal marketing departments… OMG I have seen hell, and it’s the inside of a mid sized business with an internal marketing department run by the owners nephew who just got their masters in “guerrilla marketing” with zero work experience… I mean the guy’s only work experience was handing out red bull from a Mini Cooper that was “getting a giant red bull can suppository up its trunk…”Yeah that man was destroying his uncles business from the inside, it was so funny because of its stunning absurdity… I couldn’t believe how competent employees just went along with his nonsense! I pulled one employees I respected aside, and said “really?!” And she just turned to me and said “Afraid so… But at least I will see you on Tuesday for that Voice Over session!” I stopped for a moment and realized she meant the session for another company, and already had a job at that fantastic company I was also doing work for, and she would now be leading the Voice Over session… I’m so glad she got out of there ASAP. The best employees are always looking for work opportunities for exactly this issue. If you have options to leave a job at any point for another one, you won’t become a slave to any one company!
@thomas6591 2 жыл бұрын
@@letthetunesflow Ah, the joys of working for users who think "123456" is an acceptable business password, and give everyone their banking PIN because they can't even be arsed to do it themselves.
@aldob5681 2 жыл бұрын
Funny. A window with doors
@raybob8238 2 жыл бұрын
A Window is just another opening it may as well be a door. leave a window open even a crack and anyone with time can slip the latch and slip in
@szr8 10 ай бұрын
9:15 In most reputable open source projects, random submissions aren't committed, but instead the pull request is reviewed often by the bulk of a community of people. In the vast majority of cases it would be incredibly difficult to just sneak in malicious code. There are also a ton of ways to test code, especially in disposable dev environments.
@sebastiang7394 6 ай бұрын
Yes but often important projects are maintained and tested by very few people. Just look at the heartbleed buck. There was one person that reviewed the code written by a student. Now everybody acted in the best faith here and I don’t want to blame anybody. But this code then was shipped to basically the entire world and remained undetected for years. This is in part because OpenSSL in spite of being one of the most important software projects in the world was chronically underfunded and under maintained.
@NetherPortal3 Ай бұрын
This aged like fine milk
@MarkALong64 2 жыл бұрын
Most of the blue badge product support staff had read only access to a lot of the source - I had most of Windows, Visual Studio and Office source code up until 2009. Once, I was asked for the source code for Visual Basic 3.0 as somehow it had got lost and I had the only copy in the company.
@Wilksey37 2 жыл бұрын
Don't suppose you still have VB6 source code? haha, there was a mass call for MS to open source it when they decided to kill it off in favour of .NET.
@MarkALong64 2 жыл бұрын
@@Wilksey37 I spent many happy hours debugging in WinDbg but sadly, no. There was soooo much COM goo in there.
@Wilksey37 2 жыл бұрын
@@MarkALong64 Ahh that's a shame, yes, whilst I adopted C# fairly quickly when .NET 2.0 was released (the first real usable version IMO), I still have a lot of old VB6 code that could benefit from a 64 bit recompile, I guess we can be thankful that Windows will still run a VB6 app for now! I haven't done anything new in it for years but I know companies that still use it for their latest business apps.
@aceenterprise 2 жыл бұрын
@@Wilksey37 VB6 had it's quirks and hiccups over the years and patches, but I still feel that it was the most intuitive, stable way to build a GUI Windows App. I've even used it as recent as about a year ago to make a program, LOL! I learned enough C# to build apps, but still find Visual Studio 6 much more streamlined for fast development.
@Wilksey37 2 жыл бұрын
@@aceenterprise Yes, it was a true pleasure to develop apps with VB6, there was a massive community behind it too, I used to spend about 12 hours a day coding with VB6 when I was young(er), I still have my copy of MS VS 6 Enterprise which I bought for £30 from a company clearance sale many years ago, pure luck that the person taking the cash didn't know what it was as it was just another box to him.
@blockisle9 2 жыл бұрын
It’s amazing how much of this flys right over my head, but for what ever reason I find it fascinating and watch the whole thing. Looking forward to the NSA episode
@arnox4554 2 жыл бұрын
In summary, backdoors when Dave was working at Microsoft were VERY unlikely due to seasoned professionals having full responsibility for, and reviewing all code changes in their department at all times. If someone tried to put a backdoor in, it would be spotted by the many code checking processes and you would be reamed for it.
@souljastation5463 2 жыл бұрын
@@arnox4554 But only backdoors unwanted by Microsoft. NSA wouldn't try to sneak backdoors under M's nose, they don't need to. They surely had access to Microsoft's highest levels of command who in turn made the NSA guys work directly with the people checking the code, and since the "masters of the kernel" were just a few people, it's way less likely that the backdoors would ever leak.
@larsgottlieb 2 жыл бұрын
So, all this says is that individual devs were not allowed to insert random code. I can definitely believe that.
@josephcote6120 2 жыл бұрын
In college my COBOL instructor (yeah, I'm old) gave us some coding rules, some were just syntax based, some were just good coding practice. One in particular was "Always give your variables meaningful names, tell the next programmer what it's for, and only use it for that. Do NOT call it something stupid like ZDPQ." COBOL background: every field has to have a name, but if you're never going to reference that field individually, say it's a subfield like a short part of a long header line, you can call it FILLER. Programs often have dozens to hundreds of FILLER lines. Out first coding assignment was to punch in (yeah, punch cards, I'm old) a program he gave us on a handout, and get it to compile then run it. Had some FILLER lines in it. On a whim I changed one of them from FILLER to ZDPQ. Did the assignment and turned it in. Came back with the change circled but no points off. Ended up doing that for all the assignments, and always circled. I carried this habit into my career. Nearly 30 years of COBOL programming, every program I wrote or touched has a ZDPQ in it somewhere. First time the reviewer asked and I said it was just a joke and explained it. He thought it was funny and OK'd it. And that's the last time anyone ever mentioned it to me. I have no doubt that many of my programs are still in production.
@AZStarYT 2 жыл бұрын
So YOU'RE the reason that iron smelting plant in the Philippines shut down a month before Y2K - ha!
@tomsite2901uk Жыл бұрын
Yes you are old, so am i ;). Even tho i learned COBOL on the street so to say. COBOL was actually a great language. Simple and easy to learn. And meaningful names for variables were a must, if you still wanted to read and understand the code 6 months after you created the code. And yes, your code might still run somewhere. It wonders me how many banking systems exist, still running on old mainframes and still running COBOL and programs 30 odd years old.
@kg4wrq Жыл бұрын
That's a funny story. I'm old, too, with over 35 years as a COBOL programmer, both batch & CICS, I too started in the punch card days. Remember setting up the punch machine to automatically punch sequence numbers, in case you dropped your deck? Plus, use a black magic marker and make a diaganol stripe on the edge of the deck? It saved my butt, one time.
@josephcote6120 Жыл бұрын
@@kg4wrq Funny how learning CICS coding set me up well to learn to program under Windows. Check your inbox (or get your message), do what they ask, wait for next message.
@anthonywayner8734 Жыл бұрын
​@Thomas Fischer I had a COBOL course but then migrated to SAS, SQL, etc. . I should have stuck with COBOL. It's quite lucrative I hear.
@JosiahGould 2 жыл бұрын
I genuinely love when you tell stories like this. I have always been fascinated with the how and why things work, to the point that some of the first places I went after I got a modem (2400 baud, in 1998 - painful but usable) were 2600 and Phrack. I may never need to know what I've learned, but having the knowledge is very comforting to me. I will admit to shoulder-surfing my third grade teacher (Sorry, Mrs. Burr...) and learning the password to her Mac - it was APPLE. But I spent many an afternoon on the Oregon Trail because of it.
@sanfords 2 жыл бұрын
In 2007, I heard of a special windows project that the NSA asked microsoft to do. I enquired up to the VP level what this was all about and got no responses. Soon after that, I asked my boss and his boss for two months off w/o pay so I could take my family on one last trip to Europe before my son left the nest. (I had been there for 20 years) Both bosses were fine with the request but HR wouldn't let me go and I ended up quiting. My exit interview with HR was a no-show and I have always wondered if HR's stance against me was caused by my inquiries into the mysterious NSA project for windows.
@gblargg 2 жыл бұрын
You can pretty much assume that every government has full access to any computer, not necessarily through backdoors, but just up-to-date information on exploits. They probably know every one and have programs constantly updated to automatically apply these to the target machine.
@cronchcrunch 2 жыл бұрын
Sounds more like HR people being HR people rather than some grand conspiracy against you.
@fofopads4450 2 жыл бұрын
Nah, they just saw an opportunity to let go a senior employee that could be partially replaced by a younger underpaid graduate, saving a huge severance package by forcing you to quit. HR people are garbage
@cedricvillani8502 Жыл бұрын
1. No such thing as a conspiracy theory. 2. I Am a liar 🤥 3. Number 2 is false. 4. A conspiracy is a Felony in a Criminal Court. 5. 3 protocol changes took place 6. Learn to speak 🗣️ Octal 7. All your bases are belong to US 8. XaaS and you don’t even know it! 9. The Rights of the individual are only protected, as long as they don’t conflict with the state. 10. Rinse and Repeat 🔁 until 2035, you silly 🙃 flesh bags 💼 filled with mostly water. 11. See Number Three. ❤ 12. The moral of the story to “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” is 2 never tell the same lie twice. 14. What are you expecting? Number 13? 😂
@jjb2004mk2 Жыл бұрын
There's no way HR would be told about an NSA conspiracy.
@MikkoRantalainen 2 жыл бұрын
6:00 It actually makes more sense to have the source code accessible to all workers but limit who can modify which parts. That way any newly introduced back door would have to be visible to everybody but random employees couldn't modify any given file to introduce a new back door. The git model is to have somebody taking care of the whole repo and he or she is not writing code but checking and accepting code made by other people. Linux works mostly this way with Linus Torvalds very rarely writing any code nowadays. And Linux develops too fast for even Linus to properly go through all the changes by himself. Instead he trusts a group of other people where each member will take similar responsibility for a given subsystem. Update: I see you used word "ownership" for this later in the video, I think it's perfect.
@berndeckenfels 2 жыл бұрын
Backdoors in the form of bugs are harder to spot. Also, need to mention “Nothing Up My Sleeve” (NUMS) principle for crypto parameters brought up by Microsoft - especially after the NSA/NIST DualEC DRBG debacle.
@wChris_ 2 жыл бұрын
Has there been an update if the rumors are true? Is this even still used?
@Scoopta 2 жыл бұрын
The binary blobs are deployed onto the chips though and those chips are connected over USB or are behind an IOMMU making the system access of the closed source firmware controlled by the FOSS kernel. So yes, most modern Linux distros do contain proprietary binary blobs but said blobs do not run in kernel land and only have unrestricted access to the individual device they are running on.
@markmuir7338 2 жыл бұрын
A very good point. However some drivers that run inside the main system's kernel are also binary blobs - the most common being NVIDIA's graphics drivers. After the recent leak of all of NVIDIA's source code, NVIDIA announced they will be making their driver open source - so there is hope. A micro-kernel would be a better way to prevent unwanted escalation of bad drivers. That would make each driver effectively work like they were running on a separate computer.
@Scoopta 2 жыл бұрын
@@markmuir7338 I wasn't referring to proprietary drivers. I understand those exist however the vast majority of Linux drivers are FOSS. My point was to refute Dave's comments about most distros not being fully open when the reality is as long as you avoid certain companies HW that's not quite the case. Having a fully open Linux system is basically just a matter of getting an AMD card as I don't know of much other mainstream HW that requires proprietary kernel code
@blkspade23 2 жыл бұрын
The other point Dave made about the "many eyes" thing was actually tested by University of Minnesota. They made a number vulnerable Linux Kernel commits that weren't immediately picked up by anyone else. University of Minnesota got banned from making further contributions.
@Scoopta 2 жыл бұрын
@@blkspade23 yes I'm aware of that but they did still get noticed eventually. I really wasn't trying to argue about that though as that's debatable as he pointed out. I just didn't like him taking shots at the firmware because it's not quite fair
@sakuyarules 2 жыл бұрын
@@Scoopta If his point was that "there will be code that you don't have access to that runs with unrestricted access" then it doesn't matter if "it only runs on the system that installs it", especially if that code is required for something to run, since you can't get around it. He also seemed to be using that as a way to point out "just use Linux which is open source" or "just use open source OS" aren't the end-all-be-all answers some people make them out to be.
@Matthew-ju3nk Жыл бұрын
I know next to nothing about computers and coding but I thoroughly enjoy your videos none the less. You present the information clearly and concisely with just the right smattering of additional or ancillary information, fun facts and history. Thank you for your efforts in creating these videos.
@StephenBoothUK 2 жыл бұрын
The steps you cite protect against unauthorised backdoors, an authorised backdoor would go straight through because, it’s authorised. Think something like the fingerprint that Bill Gates put into the trig tables in Commodore BASIC, but that allows unauthenticated access to admin privileges.
@eadweard. 2 жыл бұрын
What do you mean by "authorised"? Who would authorise such a thing, and for what reason?
@c1ph3rpunk 2 жыл бұрын
@@eadweard. product management, legal and for “product support and improvement”.
@eadweard. 2 жыл бұрын
@@c1ph3rpunk I think someone would ask why such things need unauthenticated access to admin privileges.
@StephenBoothUK 2 жыл бұрын
@@eadweard. when the boss says jump you start moving upwards until told to stop. Darren has listed out some reasons that could be given, no doubt there are others. Beyond that, if you’re told to add something you do.
@eadweard. 2 жыл бұрын
@@StephenBoothUK These are just phrases. The scenario doesn't seem very coherent.
@ericrosen6626 2 жыл бұрын
5:00 -- my cousin once got thrown out of a public pool for peeing in it. My aunt had to go and pick him up and angrily told them, "ALL kids pee in the pool!" They said, "well sure, but most of them don't do it from the diving board."
@ddhanlin 2 жыл бұрын
Your comment on making your code traceable using hidden white space and then accessing ASCII characters via the ALT key reminded me of a simple trick I used to do to "protect" my directories from fellow students back in the late 80's. I always put an ALT-255 character from the extended ASCII set at the end of my directory name. ALT-255 is technically NOT a SPACE character but some sort of special hidden character that effectively made my directory difficult to access by snooping eyes. Of course, once GUI directory/file explorers were invented my little trick became totally useless.
@LakotaMorris 2 жыл бұрын
Concerning the "opensource / pregnancy" comparison: Are you saying that a binary firmware blob for a GPU means the whole OS is no longer Open Source? You're using a qualifier, "fully,' so I assume that that's not your point. But with that qualifier I can say basically anything. Windows isn't fully secure, because it has an exploit. Windows isn't fully functional, because it has a bug. Windows isn't fully tested, because of a bug. Windows wasn't fully audited, the sky isn't fully blue (because of clouds), cats aren't fully furry because of the toes. Going the other way, .NET is open source. That means windows isn't fully closed source. Now that we've determined that both windows and linux are neither fully open source or fully closed source, we haven't actually determined anything because Linux is still open source unless you install something that isn't, Windows is still closed source unless you install something that isn't, and I still can't audit the windows file browser source code. Also: Out of the box the majority of Linux distros don't actually install any binary blobs without some kind of tool that installs them asking you if you want to. If you're running a proprietary GPU driver you know it, because you had to go to the "restricted software" or whatever the distro in question calls it and choose to install the proprietary driver. If you're concerned with Nvidia's closed source graphics driver, don't install it, the open source driver works fine for most purposes anyway. If you're saying that Linux and Windows both can't be audited because the user might install a proprietary GPU driver on Linux, than I can say Microsoft can't audit Windows because the user might install WeatherBug. Also, any and all security windows may have is invalidated by WeatherBug. If there's an argument that invalidates the WeatherBug argument, It'll also invalidate the binary blob arguement.
@todortodorov940 2 жыл бұрын
He is saying: If a driver contains a binary blob, you cannot read the contents of that blob, therefore that driver is not 100% open source. As the driver, let's say a GPU driver needs to be performant, it has low level access to the hardware. If it has low level access to the hardware, it can access whichever hardware component it wants - for instance read any physical memory address it wants or inspect whatever is typed on the keyboard. What Dave is saying: Just because Linux is mostly opened source, there are no guarantees that such drivers with either malicious blobs or just exploitable blobs do not exist. This undermines the argument that open source operating systems like Linus are reviewed for security issues by the general public (implying that Windows cannot be reviewed the same way, therefore it must be less secure).
@Leo-sd3jt 2 жыл бұрын
@@todortodorov940 what the poster to whom you're replying to is pointing out: closed source/binary blob drivers aren't activated in Linux by default. Most distros require you to manually enable them.
@todortodorov940 2 жыл бұрын
@@Leo-sd3jt Are you saying that the most popular distros, i.e. the ones used by the majority of people, are 100% open source, they do not contain any blobs and do not contain a single line of executable code that is closed to the end user? I am sure that there is a hardened distro or one that is 100% open - but we are talking about what the majority of people are de-facto using.
@Leo-sd3jt 2 жыл бұрын
@@todortodorov940 I'm saying that the closed source stuff is disabled by default and needs to be enabled by the user.
@eDoc2020 2 жыл бұрын
@@Leo-sd3jt That's only true for code which runs on the CPU. Device firmware blobs such as for Wi-Fi adapters _is_ usually loaded automatically.
@adriansrealm 2 жыл бұрын
Dave tries to push 'code review' as the prevention against backdoors, but what about a scenario where legal says 'this code needs to be in there and no you can't ask questions or tell anyone'? In post patriot act USA that seems very possible.
@eadweard. 2 жыл бұрын
I think you're treating "post patriot act USA" as a kind of "abracadabra" magic word that converts flights of fancy into sober contingencies.
@adriansrealm 2 жыл бұрын
@@eadweard. pretty sure the ones that say it can't happen are the crazies in this situation. Unless project PRISM doesn't exist, and carnivore didn't happen.
@eadweard. 2 жыл бұрын
@@adriansrealm None of this amounts to an argument. It's all very, "If we had some eggs we could have some ham and eggs, if we had some ham".
@freedustin 2 жыл бұрын
@@eadweard. buddy, none of what you are saying is an argument, just a pointless blowing off of the past. and that is just ignorance.
@DavesGarage 2 жыл бұрын
(a) they don't do that or the FBI could get into the iPhone's secure enclave, which you know they can't. (b) there's no world in which only one person would know, so it's still going to get code-reviewed!
@Fiyaaaahh 2 жыл бұрын
In light of all the review processing you described in this video I'm very interested in a more detailed discussion of how you went about the 1,000,000 lines of code commit that you once made.
@lawrencelee3624 2 жыл бұрын
Backdoors do not need to be inserted in the development arena, but rather in the manufacturing process. I'd also suggest you read a paper by Ken Thompson, 'On Trusting Trust". In this case the hack was in the compiler binary, not the compiler source or the login source.
@babybirdhome 2 жыл бұрын
But Microsoft wrote the compiler. It would (or should) have the same scrutiny as the kernel because it's used to develop everything else. One of the first things you do when writing a compiler is to compile the compiler on itself. It would be tremendously difficult to get a back door through that process.
@Norman_Fleming 2 жыл бұрын
@@babybirdhome And as the Ken Thompson paper points out, you are running a compiler that you did NOT create. The source may be clean, but the compiler itself can be tainted. In this day and age even the silicon may be tainted. Turtles all the way down.
@greenaum 2 жыл бұрын
@@Norman_Fleming Yeah Ken was technically correct (the best kind of correct) but somewhat paranoid in how far he took it. He wasn't wrong, but in real life things just tend to work (more or less). There probably are spies infesting the fabric of every society, but they leave things as they were afterwards, so you don't notice that they're there. Not saying that's a good thing, in fact it's terrible. Just that it's easy to live with it.
@thomasjefferson4195 2 жыл бұрын
@@Norman_Fleming these shills in the comments pretending they don't know lol
@thegardenofeatin5965 2 жыл бұрын
@@Norman_Fleming Three words: Intel Management Engine.
@connecticutaggie Жыл бұрын
Nice to hear that Microsoft was diligent with their code development. Around the same time you mentioned, I lead a team to develop software for a pacemaker programmer. That code development had similar safeguards. In addition, the pacemaker itself had protection to protect it from being set to something non-physiologic.
@raven4k998 Жыл бұрын
Mister potato head Backdoors are not secrets
@jonshouse1 2 жыл бұрын
Security is like Quantum Mechanics, the more you know the more clearly you can see that you can not see clearly enough. I don't think many real professionals claim that open source is anything more than the title suggests. A maintained open source product can be more secure than a non maintained proprietary product, but the opposite is also true. The difference between open and closed source is that I could take a ten year old open source project and try and try and make it secure or functional today. I can be pretty sure that a copy of Windows XP will not cut it for an Internet connected machine today and nobody outside of Microsoft could do anything meaningful to change that. If a project still has use then an open source project can be updated by an interested party whereas a closed source project dies when support ends.
@DavesGarage 2 жыл бұрын
Sure, but *Microsoft* could update XP to be secure far faster than the public could update a 10-year-old sku of Linux, because they're had to start from scratch, with no knowledge of whats in there. And being "updated by a third party" is only a good thing if those changes are proper, high quality, and benign. I just think we have less assurance of that under Linux. As for me, I run Ubuntu WSL2 under Windows, so I'm screwed no matter what! They'll get me one way or the other.
@jonshouse1 2 жыл бұрын
@@DavesGarage " so I'm screwed no matter what!" ... Indeed, that is the main reason why I wear the tin foil hat and trust no one ! Looking forward to your NSA key video ... assuming "they" don't get to you first :-)
@sauliusjance6300 2 жыл бұрын
@@jonshouse1 they already got him, what you see in this video is high quality CGA/CGI :D P.S. I'm wearing a stainless steel bowl i mean hat so I'm more protected... :P
@uploadJ 2 жыл бұрын
re: "I can pretty sure that a copy of Windows XP will not cut it for an Internet connected machine today" And, you would be so wrong. Internet-connected Xp box is writing this comment. Maybe you are unaware of how DSL and cable modems incorporate firewalls for instance. That would explain a lot of your naivety.
@nickwallette6201 2 жыл бұрын
@@DavesGarage Microsoft *could,* but they won't. That, I think, is the main advantage of OSS. Why would MS spend resources writing fixes for a legacy product that, if it were made secure and had sufficient driver support, could be a perfectly valid alternative -- even today -- to spending money on new versions? This is the thing I don't like about commercial software at all. You don't get a say in its destiny. I think Windows' UI peaked in XP, but Win 7 had some advantages, and either could be argued as the better one. Since then, there isn't really anything in the UI that has gotten better, and lots has gotten worse. OTOH, security, Bluetooth, high-DPI monitors, USB 3.0, Thunderbolt, a decent 64-bit kernel... None of those things are visible on the exterior, but they matter a lot. Would be nice if you had any choice whether you liked the look/feel of 2000, XP, 7, 8, 10, 11, or 3.0 for that matter, but could run any release targeted for a 386 up to a Threadripper. At least, if it was all OSS, and the community (or even one person) wanted it bad enough, that could've been the case. Given how many unofficial service packs, USB fixes, driver ports, and other things exist for the retro Windows community, they want it bad enough that that could've happened.
@cubbucca 2 жыл бұрын
up until windows 7 there were multiple ways to bypass the login and get full admin. so there are no intentional backdoors, but many holes. One of the best was MSN Messenger.
@accountid9681 2 жыл бұрын
I backdoored my own windows 10 system because my pin wouldn't be recognized after an update, and I couldn't remember my password, which I only ever used a few times. At that time I had no coding experience, and still managed to get full admin privileges, I considered switching to mac due to glaring security concerns, but eventually I ended up on arch linux, because I'm not rich enough to afford a good mac, and I don't want to deal with the unreliability of hackentoshing. The AUR has locked me here forever.
@SrIgort 2 жыл бұрын
@@accountid9681 literally just encrypt your hard drive and that wouldn't be possible anymore.
@gunnart48 2 жыл бұрын
@@accountid9681 Your pfp hurts my brain
@todortodorov940 2 жыл бұрын
@@accountid9681 Can you explain how you "back doored" your Windows? To my knowledge, this is not possible, unless you have low level access to the hardware.
@accountid9681 2 жыл бұрын
@@todortodorov940 I booted into recovery mode, and tampered with the filesystem to remap the visually impaired helper/reader button to open an admin terminal, then I used the admin terminal to change my password, and logged in. Pretty sure it's been patched, this was in august of 2021.
@jtetrfs5367 2 жыл бұрын
I love this guy's videos! First of all, he has an authoritative and no-nonsense delivery, because of which he is able to pack a lot of interesting information into his videos. Second of all, he usually presents pretty sound reasoning. All in all, great work! Keep it up!
@thomasjefferson4195 2 жыл бұрын
@Mario583a 2 жыл бұрын
@@thomasjefferson4195 "You really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?
@argiodsilvertongue3589 Жыл бұрын
I don't know about back doors; but, when I lived in Northern California I met a computer repair person with Microsoft Certification. He was working on a PC with a hard drive that wouldn't read. He tinkered with the machine for a while, then inserted a disk of software tools that is only sold to MS Certified repairmen. He ran one small program and the system then worked flawlessly. He told the program reset the 'glitch timer'... i.e., on occasion, at random intervals, the glitch timer would throw some sort of glitch, that could only be fixed by resetting the timer with a new random seed. You might say he was just pulling my leg for a bit of humor; but, I watched him do it. I snuck a copy of the disk while he was occupied with the machine in question. I had a blast playing with it on my own system. There may be no back door built into Windows; but, they still retain the ability to do whatever they want to with/to your system... whether in person, or from a distance... like, whenever you do an update of the OS.
@beefgoat80 2 жыл бұрын
This is definitely one of my new favorite channels. So many tech history channels end up paraphrasing a Wikipedia article. It's very refreshing to get this kind of information from a first-hand source. It also takes me back to my childhood in the 90s. There's so much about home computing then that I have simply forgotten over time. Ya know, back when you had to ask your parents which sound card you had when trying to get a game to work properly. Thanks for the videos!
@DavesGarage 2 жыл бұрын
Good point on the Wikipedia page! Anyone can read, its the stuff between the lines that's fun!
@thomasjefferson4195 2 жыл бұрын
He's lying lmao
@beefgoat80 2 жыл бұрын
@@thomasjefferson4195 not to be adversarial, but might I ask what particular bone you have to pick with the guy? Serious question.
@momentomoridoth2007 2 жыл бұрын
long time linux user- currently on a LFS build with a custom rolled libre kernel- no binary blobs here- but I am a huge minority in the community. you are right about that. also rolled my own window manager. Big fan of the channel despite not being a big fan of Microsoft :)
@anon_y_mousse 2 жыл бұрын
Did you fork dwm or start from scratch?
@voldem0rt 2 жыл бұрын
I love you Dave. I may not be a coder, a network engineer or anything specialized whatsoever. However, I am a system and data analyst in a medical capacity. A lot of it being who I know, rather than what I know, but I know enough to make it all work. Watching you affirms my thoughts, as I may not have any formal schooling or training... I am 40 yrs old, grew up with Compaq in my literal backyard, in that I know 3 of the original people involved, one being the person over all of Compaqs finances and how he sold his stake in compaq right before it took off and our other buddies made millions. I knew/know many of the people that worked on all of the designs of every compaq system built. All of this is not without precedent. My father is many things from salesman to network engineer and Director of I.T. in the largest radiology group in the country. A lot of claims to be made for sure, but it is my fathers love of tech that has driven me to where I have ended up today. I ripped apart my first apple II SE back in 84, if I recall correctly. He was not happy, but he couldn't exactly yell at or beat a 2 yr old. So he instead encouraged me and then helped me put it back together. I never stopped ripping every electrical thing apart that I could find. It was encouraged and then when it didn't work, it was encouraged that I put it back together. Dave, you are more informative than anything I that could have or ever was available during my youth and you are doing it for free. I love you and what you do for everyone. Most may not realize what they have sitting right in front of them when you come on camera, but about a year ago when you came on my youtube feed, I knew. I knew right then and there who you were and how important your information for me would be going forward. All of that is only to say this. I love you Dave. Thank you for all you have done for us.
@андрей_свиридов Жыл бұрын
Former Mail ru (Russian Mail Service) employee here. You see, mail ru isn't only the mail service, it had a countless of additional programs that """Helped""" users accessing us. It literally could just edit the system core's code to add our shtty services that no one needs. When I left, Windows 8 wasn't out yet, but we already had the source code of 8500 to 8900 builds. We had the entire Windows 7 and XP source code, and it won't surprise me if we have Win 10/11 source code.
@markmuir7338 2 жыл бұрын
Open-source OS with binary driver blobs: This is a problem because of the monolithic nature of the Linux kernel (and Windows and recent versions of macOS) - drivers have privileged access to everything. Security is faith in the driver developers. This is the most compelling reason for why we should re-investigate the old idea of a micro-kernel - where each driver lives in its own private memory space (user space). Sure it has a small performance overhead, but these days I think it's worth it.
@ea_naseer 2 жыл бұрын
Linus flogged Tannenbaum out of the OS community for screaming this for years. You're beating an almost dead horse.
@markmuir7338 2 жыл бұрын
@@ea_naseer Yeah, I know. I'm also aware of the downsides of a micro kernel, but to me they seem reasonable in the modern world. When I wrote Linux device drivers a few years ago, I was amazed at how much destructive power I had at my fingertips. It's also why Android doesn't allow kernel modules - all drivers have to be baked into the device tree in the kernel image.
@gravewalkerz7787 2 жыл бұрын
My old company had an account for the computer in the conference room and the account was very widely known. It turned out that account had privileges on source control. I can neither confirm or deny that I used that account to check in some changes.
@stewartpalmer2456 Жыл бұрын
You have a incredible amount of knowledge to share. Thank you and please keep going. Although I'm not a prolific coder, my knowledge does go all the way back to keypunch and 8" floppies. I try to stay current through today. I remember in the 1990s, shipping system builds to foreign countries witch required, "For Export Use Only" boxed operation systems. I also served my community for several years as an MAR. Man, how tech has changed since Win 3.1. All the hub-bub around DOS vs NDOS and Netscape vs Internet Explorer. There are things we will never know about. Your video on the Sony Rootkit was a wonderful example. What ever happened to "MOS and the Silent Partner.", "Or Friends Don't Let Friend's Use DOS."?
@danytoob 2 жыл бұрын
I get such a kick out of Dave's little tidbits. I do wish I understood more (actually a lot more since a lot...most... goes over my head I'm sure there's more to be gotten that I get. (?) Anyway, thx for the latest episode Dave ... always appreciated and never dull. DT
@DUDA-__- 2 жыл бұрын
As an avid Linux user I am, of course, aware that I dont use 100% open source software, even on Kernel level. I am not happy about that and I will always favor open source solutions, if viable. BTW you could also call the recent ms office rce that doesn't even use Macros a Backdoor. Or the fact that the msdt service has a buffer overflow preventing a Security check. Or that msdt is not disabled per registry by default.. CVE-2022-30190
@KeithBoehler 2 жыл бұрын
A thing that is also kind of left out is that the source being open encourage curiosity and learning; thus having more domain experts. It is a particular skill set and for Windows it can only really start when (if) Microsoft hires or wants to expand their team. Tho Dave has point in that there are many places were an integrity check is just a "trust me bro" and that does not inspire a high level of confidence.
@babybirdhome 2 жыл бұрын
@@KeithBoehler This has changed quite a lot. Microsoft has long had a great reputation of providing good documentation on how their stuff works, but the thing that kept people from learning it was that Visual Studio cost in excess of $500 for a license to use it. Now you can do everything you need to be able to learn their systems using a free license of Visual Studio Code. Although I'll admit that their documentation has gone down the toilet since the good old days of TechNet subscriptions and getting quarterly bundles of CDs/DVDs with all the latest updates. Now there's a lot more information out there, but of varying quality, so finding the good stuff does take more effort, but it's still a lot more freely available than it ever was before and is completely competitive with open source stuff. Unless you want to look at or learn kernel-level stuff. You aren't getting access to a Windows kernel's source code anytime soon, so if you want to learn about schedulers and that kind of deep level esoterica, open source is still king by a wide margin. And while I think you're right about open source being a good thing for learning, I've known hundreds of Linux people in my lifetime, but I've only known 1 of those who ever used that access to become any kind of domain expert on anything with it. The rest either become users or zealots in some kind of operating system-based religious war, and they know as little about their chosen OS as most religious zealots know about their chosen religions. But even in spite of that, I think open source is a great thing and provides tremendous value to humanity - or at least to those wise enough to make use of it.
@thomasjefferson4195 2 жыл бұрын
@@babybirdhome atheist detected. Opinion rejected
@nunosantos2589 2 жыл бұрын
As always, love your videos, just want to ask you something @Dave's Garage, what is the chance of any operating system from microsoft has "Institutionalized" back doors.? Not backdoors from users, but any been setup as a company wise "policy" (even if kinda of secret)
@d-tech3190 2 жыл бұрын
They don't need any since they have Windows Update.
@PeterMcKeon 5 ай бұрын
I always wondered about some hidden user accounts that came pre-installed in Windows XP.
@marketingdisaster 2 жыл бұрын
I freakin' love you and this channel, Dave. Thank you!!!
@Crystan Жыл бұрын
I love these fascinating insights into the development cycle at Microsoft.
@jimsmind3894 2 жыл бұрын
This reminds me of the Z80 8th bit of the r (refresh) register! A sure way to know someone copied your code, add a "ld r, a" somewhere in your code and scope the 8th bit of the address bus!
@hedonisticzen 2 жыл бұрын
"Ownership breeds responsibility" never thought of it like that but great principal.
@ddypool 3 ай бұрын
Thanks Dave. Wasn’t sure what to expect and got a nicely explained set of practices and feelings of ownership that made it very unlikely that a backdoor was in NT before 2003 and that make it likely that there is none there now. Guess I’ll have to subscribe now.
@ChuckvdL 2 жыл бұрын
I was there during win2k development, and recall full federal reviews of the code looking for any undocumented features. That was also when the “no more Easter eggs” mandate came down. Which makes me think if there had been back doors we eliminated them at that time.
@WilliamHostman 2 жыл бұрын
Datamation magazine claimed in 97 or 98 the remote support system in 3.11, 95, and NT allowed admin access given the correct hash, a hash based upon processor model, processor id (if present), ram installed, and number and sizes of drives. whether correct or not, the federal agency I then worked for blocked all in/out on the remote support logical network port used.
@thomasjefferson4195 2 жыл бұрын
You know damn well that's not what people are worried about
@justiccoolman1816 2 жыл бұрын
"Which makes me think if there had been back doors we eliminated them at that time." Is it possible that people often say to you that you are naive?
@ChuckvdL 2 жыл бұрын
@@WilliamHostman that would have been just prior to the review, hence the strict requirement which came down that there be no code not called for in the specifications. (Hence why even innocent Easter egg code had to go, because the Easter eggs prior to that time were never in the product spec.) there was a very serious review of all the code.
@Nerobyrne 2 жыл бұрын
@@thomasjefferson4195 ACtually, that's what I'm worried about. If some malicious hacker got past all the security features of MS, then they could easily close it later and they'd definitely tell us all about it. But if THEY put one in, then it would be on everyone else to find it and make enough noise for people to notice, because obviously MS wouldn't tell us.
@SvartDrageLoL 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for approaching topics like this with as many details as possible, it's very entetaining and educational.
@6LordMortus9 2 жыл бұрын
Loved the video! Glad to hear about how things used to work in the MS office :)
@dukebacher1216 2 жыл бұрын
Many years ago, I recall having a CD (similar to Hiren or SysInternals) that would "pop" you right in as an administrator, or you had the option of removing or changing the Admin password. The place I worked had a dispatch software that was quite unreliable, and tech support at night didn't exist, and I could slip this CD into our server or my desktop and be able to instantly have complete access. I'd just unzip that afternoon's backup file and get the system back up and running. As long as the PC had autorun active, you were golden.
@Leo-sd3jt 2 жыл бұрын
It was probably ophtcrack or the other tool known as the "Offline NT Password & Registry Editor"
@AmyraCarter 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe the OS doesn't, but that only speaks for the software. Hardware back doors are a much deeper meta.
@skilz8098 2 жыл бұрын
I was looking for this comment. How much do you trust Intel, AMD, ARM, NVidia, etc.?
@AmyraCarter 2 жыл бұрын
@@skilz8098 ... In truth, it goes down to the base manufacturers like DELL.
@skilz8098 2 жыл бұрын
@@AmyraCarter Maybe, but I don't buy pre manufactured PCs, I usually build my own without any of their bloatware and proprietary configurations and setups. I honestly don't think Microsoft would have a backdoor in their OS for themselves as that could lead to many legal ramifications. This isn't to say that they have not put any in their under the order of governments... Now as for hardware such as your CPUs, motherboards and chipsets with the pre installed firmware... there is no way of really knowing unless either A, you had the full spec sheets with ALL of the instruction sets and functionality of the hardware or B, you were able to fully reverse engineer it yourself. Take antivirus software programs for example... who benefits the most from those who write computer viruses? Those who write them or the those who sell software to protect against them? I'm not saying that this is always the case, but I wouldn't put it past some corporations to privately (off the record) hire people to write and design some of the computer viruses out there just so they can market and sell their products. At the end of the day the best we can do is hope for the best while expecting the worst case scenarios. We can not always assume that they have our best interests at heart!
@AmyraCarter 2 жыл бұрын
@@skilz8098 ... Yes, I would build my own if... 1) I knew enough about it 2) I wasn't on a fixed and limited income.
@skilz8098 2 жыл бұрын
@@AmyraCarter As for #1, you have to read especially the spec sheets, compatibility lists, and requirements for specific hardware. Also, having the schematic or diagram for the mainboard is a plus. Knowing is a combination of research and hands on. As for the fixed income I can understand that as I have a tight budget too. However, if I'm looking to acquire a new system, I'll start to put money away and save it just for that purpose. A barebones for about $400 - $600, not really worth it unless your own purpose of use is simple browsing, text editing and basic printing. You can build a custom mid-grade gaming pc for between $800 - $1,200 and is good for mild gaming. This is the average price range for a decent bang for your buck, but still lacks in overall capabilities. A mid to semi high end for about $1,200 - $2,800 will handle 95% of all current games with high graphics decently. These are the target pc builds that most people would generally be happy with as the tradeoff for cost and performance is fairly balanced. A fairly high end but not quite top of tier system might be around $3,000 - $5,000. These systems will handle all games without question and future games for a few years to come. They can also serve as a workstation such as 3D Modeling, Photo & Video Editing, Content Creation - Live Streaming, Software Developing Systems, Mild to Moderate Simulation Systems, etc... These are a bit pricey, however if you're looking to invest to do a fair amount of work both effectively and efficiently while being able to multitask with computationally and resource intensive applications such as running Visual Studio, Unity or Unreal, Photoshop, and several other applications simultaneously it can be worth the investment. Also the integrity of the hardware at this level is much better. For example a recommended power supply might be an 850W - 1200W Gold Rated or higher unit. These can run about $120 - $300 compared to a basic 450W - 700W low end power supply that costs about $30 - $50. The difference between the two isn't just the wattage and price difference, it's also the warranty and integrity of its internal parts. The higher end system can have a 7-10 year warranty while the lower ones can have a 1-3 year warranty and maybe 5 if you're lucky. They use cheaper capacitors in the lower ones. Top of the line tiers can run from about $5,000 - $10,000. Typically these are the highest tier components across the board with multiple GPUs, high end cooling systems, maxed ram, plenty of storage on the order of 12-50 TB and these are typically out of most people's price ranges... These are more like enthusiasts, system builders who want to show off ect. Anything beyond these would be high end server racks or server farms or modern supercomputers. I fully understand, I don't have the money and I'm looking to build a new system. I'm looking in the $2,800 - $4,200 range depending on which CPU - GPU combo I decide to go with and which type of RAM. I can probably save about $400 for sticking with DDR4 Ram or invest now and get the DDR5. I was thinking of getting an NVidia RTX 3080 Ti but from what I've been seeing, in the next couple of months, not just NVidia and Radeon(AMD) but also Intel and AMD are about to release their new lines of CPUs and GPUs and as I understand, Intel might even be entering into the fray with their own GPU. The bottom line is, it depends on your needs for what kind of system you should invest in regardless of the cost. Even if you're on a fixed income but if you have good credit, you could always take out a single credit card just to purchase it, and then make the monthly payments. Then again, adding an addition $20 - 50 / month right now can make or break someone, especially with the ridiculous fuel prices.
@cpuuk 2 жыл бұрын
NSA key, now that is a juicy story I want clarified.
@geneglondo Жыл бұрын
I have to compliment you on the way you present information. I learned a lot, don’t have a headache from it, and didn’t get detention.
@gleep23 Жыл бұрын
Wonderful insight into submitting code, ownership of projects, and the review process. As a casual coder, I often wonder how these giant programs come together. Cheers!
@dmpase 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Dave! As a system developer of the same generation (different iron, though), I have to say that I really enjoy your presentations. Informative and entertaining, you pack a lot of good stuff into every video I've seen. Keep up the excellent work! I look forward to your next post.
@MikkoRantalainen 2 жыл бұрын
To actually introduce a back door in Windows, the attacker would need to use similar technique that they would have to use to introduce a new back door in Linux. Basically you add multiple real patches with slight intentional errors and those errors can be combined to attack the system. The problem is that you have to introduce so slight errors that other developers seeing the change do not notice it even while reviewing all your changes. If you can do that, you can have a working back door with a plausible deniability. For an example, see the year 2021 case which resulted in the whole University of Minnesota being banned from contributing to the Linux kernel. The whole case was initiated by Kangjie Lu doing security research where the implementation of that research was ethically very questionable.
@ninja_raven256 2 жыл бұрын
the "research" was basically just like smuggling a bomb onto a plane to "test" airport security lol
@Yetoob8lWuxUQnpAahSqEpYkyZ 2 жыл бұрын
@@ninja_raven256 But it definitely showed how weak a structure it is.
@ninja_raven256 2 жыл бұрын
@@Yetoob8lWuxUQnpAahSqEpYkyZ for sure
@thomasjefferson4195 2 жыл бұрын
Lol @ attacker
@MikkoRantalainen 2 жыл бұрын
@@Yetoob8lWuxUQnpAahSqEpYkyZ I don't agree that it demonstrated how weak the structure is. Those attack patches never got into the official version. The whole issue was that this "research" wasted lots of developer time that could have been used for real work instead. And this wannabe researcher initiated the research without asking for permission which basically forced all Linux developers as test subject - in practice stealing their work effort without a permission from anybody. Had this been real attack, it would have been caught the same way and then the wasted developer time would have been worth using to prevent real world attack.
@travisflesher8798 2 жыл бұрын
Very interesting, high quality content Dave. Good job!
@joed3483 Жыл бұрын
As someone who has worked in a corporate environment where everyone has a high level of ownership, I thoroughly enjoy the visual image of David Cutler bursting through your office wall like Kool-Aide code print out in hand….
@russlehman2070 Жыл бұрын
Windows XP had a big and fairly well known back door. I think it might have been closed in one of the service packs; I know for sure it was gone in Windows 7. The was the "at" command (command line interface to the task scheduler). It could be run as a regular user, but processes started by it ran under the SYSTEM account. You could open a command prompt, type "at cmd", with being, e.g., current time plus one minute, and at the scheduled time, a new command prompt window would pop up, running as SYSTEM. From that you could start a task manager running as SYSTEM, kill explorer.exe and start a new one running as SYSTEM and you could do anything an administrator could do. Later Windows versions allow only administrators to run "at".
@Mavendow Жыл бұрын
Thank you for answering the question without a 17 minute video!
@gabrielandy9272 9 ай бұрын
could not it be a bug instead of abackdoor? cause a backdoor its something did 100% intentional.
@Bob-of-Zoid 2 жыл бұрын
Hey Dave, many (MOST)of the accusations about Windows having one or more back doors are not about some rogue employee... maliciously putting one in, but rather Microsoft officially having a way into users computers to sift through their files, gather data of any and all kinds at will! So a whole different scenario! In reading the EULA for Windows 10, it was very apparent that they did, and were telling you they do, can and will use it, and not just on the device with the Windows OS, but "And all connected devices"! I am speaking of the EULA, and it's wording (Their own words, no interpretation needed!). So maybe we should call that a side door then, or a skeleton key to the whole facility.... I can't say any more than what I have heard beyond that, because I ditched Windows just as Win 10 was being forced on people for Linux. It was not just for security and privacy, but also a financial decision, and well principals: If Microsoft (and unnamed partners) want that much power over users data, how they can and cannot use their devices... then saying "F the whole lot of them" is perfectly justified, and more should do so too, and tell M$ and others to stick it where the sun don't shine, and with it change the odds they will keep up the shenanigans in lieu of the loss they face by doing so! Stab me once, shame on you! Run into your knife repeatedly, and provide the sharpening stones: Well Duh hey, and WTF Man?!?!?! (
@tommm369 2 жыл бұрын
I remember going off the deep end when I first read the windows 10 EULA for that very reason. I think it goes way further than a backdoor to being all out access to your machine from theirs.
@thomasjefferson4195 2 жыл бұрын
He knows all of that, he was paid to make a misdirection video
@Bob-of-Zoid 2 жыл бұрын
@@thomasjefferson4195 Prove it!
@thomasjefferson4195 2 жыл бұрын
@@Bob-of-Zoid you can literal just goggle project prism, look into NSA enforced backdoors. People that DONT work for microsoft know its history but this dude worked there and pretends to have mo clue about NSA nonsense thats already been proven. You're so naiive it's painful
@Bob-of-Zoid 2 жыл бұрын
@@thomasjefferson4195 I didn't ask you to try to convince me of your belief, but to actually prove your claim! You are the naive one: Look up the word, then look up "Epistemology".
@metamorphicorder Жыл бұрын
I like the the straight faced delivery of 'so and so would walk through your wall and talk to you. Thats high brow humor right there.
@TheIanBach Жыл бұрын
Subbed + Liked - all from a generation when I worked in this field. absolutely fascinating stuff - really appreciate your candid approach!
@Tal__ 2 жыл бұрын
Nobody's worried about a rogue ms employee putting in a backdoor, the concern is a backdoor that Microsoft has added in secret, you gave no reason to think that hasn't happened.
@lens3973 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah he chose some very specific language in this one, it seems like there is some stuff he isn't telling us.
@Tal__ 2 жыл бұрын
@*S U C T I O N* 💀
@thomasjefferson4195 2 жыл бұрын
This was a misdirection video by a Microsoft shill
@Mario583a 2 жыл бұрын
@*S U C T I O N* Something something poorly chosen name for a cryptography service thingy.
@peterhober8124 Жыл бұрын
@@Mario583a Exactly that. If there was a secret key, for dubious intent, it would be highly unlikely that they named it that way.
@rmassink 2 жыл бұрын
What about introducing an intentional, subtle bug? a bug such as the well known eternalblue smb bug that was present in windows? it's tricky, but couldn't you sneak a subtle edge condition past your code reviewers, given the right motivation and position?
@sylviaelse5086 2 жыл бұрын
That was my thought. There have been plenty of exploits found over the years. How can we be sure that they were really all mistakes?
@jothain 2 жыл бұрын
If there would be OS without any bugs, we would all use it 😂
@1971merlin 2 жыл бұрын
Occam's razor - because errors are far more likely than someone that smart and capable.
@todortodorov940 2 жыл бұрын
This is where peer review should prevent such things. But this is true for any OS. Apple had a bug, where they did not validate SSL certificates correctly. It somehow got committed and was in the source tree for years. If this was a malicious act or just negligence, I don't know. The only way to prevent things like this is to perform peer review.
@not_my_fn_real_name2689 2 жыл бұрын
@@1971merlin Yet, statistically over the years it is also plausable that 1 was inserted by someone intentionally. The amount of money up for grabs, just from major world powers makes it pretty plausible that someone would take the job. And that doesn't consider the possibility of state sponsered espionage. It does seem more likely that espionage would wish for the source code to look for 0 day exploits.
@nathanfries797 2 жыл бұрын
Everyone: Does Windows have back doors? Dave: Windows does not have unauthorized back doors.
@Mario583a 2 жыл бұрын
Criminals out there who will exploit any coding: And I took that personally.
@arghpee Жыл бұрын
Since they have Windows XP source code, it will be really easy to reverse engineer the entire DOS Powershell code
@paulmichaud7565 2 жыл бұрын
That was excellent, Dave. Thanks for the insight. Looking forward to the NSA episode.
@SirHackaL0t. 2 жыл бұрын
Adding whitespace can be dangerous. Try a cmd line file with del /temp_folder/*.* with a space at the end. The company I was working at many years ago lost 2 servers as the extra space deleted the whole C drive until Windows fell over.
@rhubarbisdead 2 жыл бұрын
I have always quite liked Windows, and was always confusing to me reading the mostly negative rhetoric online surrounding the OS. Your channel scratches an itch in my brain with 'behind-the-scenes' commentary on Windows development, which brings a perspective I enjoy. Thankyou!
@kore4hire 2 жыл бұрын
thanks for doing these dave really appreciate it
@nathanielmoore87 2 жыл бұрын
The Konami Code is probably my favorite classic example of a back door if you could call it that. It was originally intended for development purposes, but accidentally left in all the way to production.
@josephcote6120 2 жыл бұрын
I'd say it's usually left in on purpose. You get to a point where everything is running and it's as good as it's going to get and you're simply afraid to touch the code anymore lest you wreck something. Even putting NOPs over real code can mess up anything dependant on CPU timing.
@d-tech3190 2 жыл бұрын
I wouldn't call it a backdoor since it was a single player game and you'd only be cheating yourself. Not every undocumented feature is a backdoor, otherwise you could claim that most software has backdoors due to unremoved debug features, easter eggs etc. Backdoor are by definition features that allow you to risk or cause damage to others.
@skilz8098 2 жыл бұрын
@@d-tech3190 And here I thought they were a method of gaining unrestricted access without a trace...
@kinositajona Жыл бұрын
Great to hear that Microsoft had such strenuous security protocols to review the code coming into the main source repository before the kernel owners with gag orders placed against them are ordered by Microsoft (which was forced by the NSA) to intentionally include a backdoor.... You wouldn't want random employees and non-employees' backdoors to interfere with the intentional backdoors placed by the kernel module owners.
@hagestad 7 ай бұрын
That about sums it up. Why Dave started the subject if he can't tell the truth abut it. It was the same deal with Facebook. There is famous video from the beginning of Facebook with either CIA director or NSA one in Zuckerberg office just hanging around. Are we to believe they were discussing weather or perhaps something else?
@AaronMcHale 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing this, as a developer myself, it’s really interesting to hear all of the checks and balances that were in place for something as critical as the Windows code base.
@thomasjefferson4195 2 жыл бұрын
He's lying
@Mario583a 2 жыл бұрын
@@thomasjefferson4195 "You really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies? ~~ Buster Baxter.
@lohphat 2 жыл бұрын
You don't need an NSA secret key when by using a MSFT account to login to your local machine, then they have a copy of your credentials by definition. Note how they can save wifi SSIDs and passwords for "safekeeping". What prevents them from saving your cleartext password when you set it at MSFT?
@d-tech3190 2 жыл бұрын
He's probably talking about Bitlocker, NTFS encryption or TLS.
@anwaral-mallah8084 2 жыл бұрын
Looks like there is an ARM native Visual Studio coming soon. I'd be interested to see you do a video on Windows on ARM.
@onradioactivewaves 2 жыл бұрын
Sounds advanced, but risky...
@d-tech3190 2 жыл бұрын
Microsoft has an obvious sort of backdoor into every Windows machine, in the form of Windows Update, which, on modern versions of Windows, is very difficult to disable and also most people would not want to disable it since having a not up to date system is a lot riskier, but still, suppose someone managed to gain access to the update servers, or suppose Microsoft was forced by a government agency, virtually all Windows machines connected to the Internet could be accessed.
@Leo-sd3jt 2 жыл бұрын
The Flame malware used the Windows Update system as a backdoor so you're exactly right.
@d-tech3190 2 жыл бұрын
@@Leo-sd3jt But the fact that they managed to sign the package in a way that made Windows Update accept it as a valid update package makes it a (serious) vulnerability in that case.
@Leo-sd3jt 2 жыл бұрын
@@d-tech3190 why the "but"?
@MrDarchangelomni 4 ай бұрын
Agreed: As far as I know there is no commercial product that indicates urine in swimming pools... HOWEVER: For those in the know, certain combinations of historically used pool products do accomplish this effect. You have to see it almost immediately after urination and it is only "very visible" after certain pool maintenance days... For those wanting hints here it is: Urease and phenolphthalein. The enzyme urease will break down the urea in the urine into ammonia. Being basic, the ammonia will turn the phenolphthalein red. You can tell by the "texture" of the water if a pool is highly urinated in(or just many days since the last chemical treatment), The water gets an almost filmy feeling when you rub your fingers together, and if you wrestle or make physical contact with others you will notice that everyone's skin feels lubricated and slippery; on really hot days you will notice that the water will have a slight smell like fresh cut wet grass and simmering butter & vinegar.
@dennisvanmierlo Жыл бұрын
Great video and fascinating to hear how software is guarded and protected! Very interesting 🙂
@IshayuG 2 жыл бұрын
Fascinating video with good info, and it sounds very similar to how things work at SimCorp, which builds a many-million line application since 1993. However the concern is not whether one Microsoft employee can pull a fast one over another, but rather if Microsoft is pulling a fast one over its users. And to this we must say that the user simply cannot review the changes that will be forced unto their systems by Windows update. Fundamentally the deployment and installation of basic system components of Windows are outside user control, and that makes it a back door any way we slice it. Not a hidden one, obviously, but one nonetheless. And this was not the case when you were there Dave, so you go 100% free on all charges as far as I’m concerned.
@MidnightThunderYT 2 жыл бұрын
You know, I somehow that Microsoft would do that because if they did was Microsoft would get in a lot of trouble.
@IshayuG 2 жыл бұрын
@@MidnightThunderYT Hard to get in trouble when the man of this channel, and many of his colleagues then, have created a platform that is so good and lasting that it basically carries everything to the point where nobody can really do without it. Win32 has become a free IWIN button for Microsoft - they get far more leeway than they deserve because of it.
@not_my_fn_real_name2689 2 жыл бұрын
@@MidnightThunderYT I was writing a security paper and wanted to do Win10 privacy issues. There was no peer reviewed studies looking into this. The only articles I did find detailed the Chinese government's special version of Win10 that was designed to not invade on the user's privacy. They weren't even academic, they were from trade journals. In any case, the most secure version of Win10 you can get is a special version used on Chinese government computers. Interestingly, even though there are programs designed to harden Win10 against personal data breech, no academic papers were found in a search of 2 different college libraries. Maybe it has changed, but I known from experience that MS offers tons of grants to colleges, so it seems that they have purchased some good will against the curiosity of many researchers.
@thomasjefferson4195 2 жыл бұрын
Hasbara posting
@danepher 2 жыл бұрын
@@not_my_fn_real_name2689 highly doubt the Chinese windows is safer. maybe against the US but not against the Chinese government itself. I guess it's more of pick your poison.
@ShuAbLe 2 жыл бұрын
I really don't know much, but doesn't Linux has some specific experts or "owners" of sort who have to autorize pushs on repo? If yes, than Linux code is also reviewed by the right prepared people.
@DavesGarage 2 жыл бұрын
I explain that... some is, but a surprisingly low percentage, at least in the timeframe we're comparing.
@ShuAbLe 2 жыл бұрын
@@DavesGarage Makes sense, maybe the actual Linux team working closely and looking at it is smaller then Microsoft team looking at Windows. Thanks for the response.
@yoman9446 2 жыл бұрын
​@@ShuAbLe He's lying. There are more people who contribute and look at Linux code than the Windows kernel, including Microsoft whose major revenue comes from selling Linux VPS. Sure we can't look everywhere but it's still far more secure than Windows, where you're at the mercy of Microsoft prioritizing vulnerability fixes. The average time taken to patch Linux is a lot shorter than Windows. Sometimes Microsoft can take even months to fix a vulnerability while on Linux, it can be a next day update.
@wnsjimbo2863 2 жыл бұрын
@@yoman9446 yeah thats why it took 20 years to find linux bugs😂
@Kevin-gs1zw 2 жыл бұрын
bugs are not vulnerabilities. Microsoft word has a zero day exploit that microsoft has known for months yet they refuse to fix it. good luck shilling, shill.
@codycbradio 2 жыл бұрын
I love the use of the scene from Wargames!!! One of my favorite computer related movies!
@georgeindestructible 2 жыл бұрын
Great video, really good analysis and very interesting things!
@michalmarszaleck 2 жыл бұрын
I understand that any person can't insert backdoor, but what about official Microsoft backdoor?
@mtx33 2 жыл бұрын
Or just patch the final binary you ship, no need for backdoor in the source. Or just put an extra master key/binary blob to the distribution config. It's much more easy to hide than commit it to the sources.
@Luther7718 2 жыл бұрын
Too many people would need to be in on the conspiracy. If you tell a secret to two people it's no longer a secret
@mtx33 2 жыл бұрын
@@Luther7718 so you know everything the secret service doing? or the nsa? right, you don't. why? same reason why the windows source code not leaked already or anything similarly big. if you messing with national security level stuff you pretty much end up in Guantanamo without even a trial. look, if they spice the binary with a backdoor, it wont be the average Joe from accounting. but much higher up. or maybe Microsoft doesn't even know they are compromised by some 3 letter agency. :D
@alexander1989x Жыл бұрын
Dave worked at Microsoft up to Server 2003 so I trust everything he said up to that point. The problem with Backdoors is that they became a thing in 2013, long after Dave retired, is when NSA specifically mentioned SIGINT efforts in commercial products. So it's hard to validate David's claims since he no longer has access to the source code of Windows since 2013.
@Pence128 Жыл бұрын
Just because you weren't aware of them doesn't mean they didn't exist.
@sadasdafa Жыл бұрын
why you trust random people on the internet
@HotCakeX 11 ай бұрын
You should want NSA to know what everyone is doing, that's the only way terrorist attacks and plots can be thwarted. You think like you're in a small box and have no idea what happens in the real world.
@7VSF-SR72-OA-X33 10 ай бұрын
@@HotCakeX Bootlicker spotted.
@bastardgoose 2 жыл бұрын
Interestingly I found a backdoor in windows 7 during training in the army years ago. Although it could have been added by training schools staff, holding Ctrl and shift while accessing the contract accessibility option from the login menu directly opened an elevated command prompt.
@Mario583a 2 жыл бұрын
You are confusing backdoor with bug.
@IEnjoyCreatingVideos 2 жыл бұрын
Good video Dave! Thank you for sharing it with us!👍💖😎JP
@fgbhrl4907 2 жыл бұрын
Question: If there was some obscure backdoor, are you sure that there wouldn't be some official group within microsoft that owned it but didn't publish that? For instance, could a "retail" gold build of windows have some final backdoor inserted that your source-tree build did not? Or in other words, would you be able to build a build of windows that was byte-perfect to the retail version? Or could there be some compiled library or DLL that you didn't get the source to?
@beardymcbeardface69 2 жыл бұрын
You raise a very valid point which urges me to point out the fact, thanks to the whistleblowing of Edward Snowden, that we *_KNOW_* *_FOR_* *_A_* *_FACT_* that the NSA was working with commercial companies to insert vulnerabilities into encryption systems. You're correct and that's not a matter of opinion, it's a matter of fact. The degree to which these backdoors were obscured, was all the way down to the level of intentionally inserting coding _"bugs"_ to create vulnerabilities which obscurely gave the desired effect. The bug and it's effect was obscure, but highly effective for the NSA. Around that time I remember a claim being made on the OpenBSD mailing list that I was a member of, stating that some open source developers, at the behest of the FBI, had been trying to insert such a _"bug"_ into OpenBSD IPSec VPN code, in order to leak key material into padding data found in the IPSec network traffic. Had this been successful, this would have allowed those in the know to extract the VPN keys from the VPN traffic itself! No need to break into those systems, just listen to them on the wire!!! This claim absolutely rocked me to my core. It was both terrifying and brilliant at the same time. Backdoor code should be easy to find, but obscure _"bugs"_ which create backdoors? They can get past code reviewers just like any other obscure actual bug. When I later found out that this behaviour was actually confirmed by leaks from Edward Snowden, my heart sank. This was absolutely real. Whether the FBI was successful in subverting the OpenBSD IPSec VPN code is not known for certain, but the highly talented and security focused OpenBSD devs poured over that code to make sure. "Secret Documents Reveal N.S.A. Campaign Against Encryption" for more!
@fgbhrl4907 2 жыл бұрын
@@beardymcbeardface69 Actually, that reminds me of the Dual_EC_DRBG fiasco. Forgot about that one.
@marconiandcheese7258 2 жыл бұрын
What about Intel management engine?
@GeorgeStyles 2 жыл бұрын
What's that got to do with windows lol!
@bravefastrabbit770 2 жыл бұрын
What about it? RISCV is our only hope bro.
@install_gentoo 2 жыл бұрын
​@@bravefastrabbit770 RISC-V is only a standard. Processor manufacturers can (and will) backdoor them too. Regardless if it's NSA, CCP, MOSSAD or some other secret organization, your machine is likely compromised.
@bravefastrabbit770 2 жыл бұрын
@@install_gentoo Given that it's an open standard we will be faced with options rather than highly privileged proprietary firmware blobs (black boxes) necessary to even run the thing. That's the beauty of the beast. Now whether the overwhelming majority of them will be compromised or not, I definitely agree that they will. But at least we will have alternatives. Until then, there are a handful of options out there. Such as the ones from System76 & Purism, on top of the better (but more expensive alternative) raptorcs for desktops which promises to have removed all blobs with their OpenPOWER, a "fully libre firmware and hardware solution".
@astroid-ws4py 2 жыл бұрын
@@install_gentoo There are also open source implementatins of the RISC-V standard, So we can make use of those and audit them if we want to.
@skak3000 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for making this video. Interesting to hear about.
@nicknorthcutt7680 Жыл бұрын
This is SO interesting. I love this channel!!
@Mrdibzahab 2 жыл бұрын
The main backdoor is simply the update mechanism of Windows. Whenever the NSA or similar demands it, all machines WILL contain backdoors after a simple update.
@mustangrt8866 Жыл бұрын
remember when they pushed the stuxnet backdoor and then provide the removal tool for it?
@notsam498 Жыл бұрын
This is more probable, targeted updates. Leaving code on a machine is risky business that really ends as a double edged sword. Law enforcement and intelligence only care about comprising machines when they are of interest. Comprising every machine is just a liability.
@aa-tx7th Жыл бұрын
okay...? but we have a BILLION (do you not know how insanely large of a number a billion is?) users and NONE of them have EVER actually proven ANYTHING youre talking about. 🙄🙄🙄 its as close impossible to slip by even a tiny backdoor without SOMEONE noticing without actually being impossible as you can get. so in 99.9999999999999% cases there is no fabled backdoor. possible, true, but so unlikely you might as well accept that it is impossible. and you all can spew all the ignorant and rambly unfounded conspiracy theories but NONE of you have EVER provided ANY actuall evidence for what youre rambling about whatsoever. stop watching faux news. stop listening to alex jones. start touching grass. know something? put up or shut up.
@HotCakeX 11 ай бұрын
You dropped your tinfoil hat
@marcello4258 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks Dave. I am an OPensource advocate and by new means a fan of windows. I totally agree here with you that open source is not more secure because it is open source for the exact same reasons. However, you always need to trust someone. And I guess this comes to personal believes since there is no scientific proof that Microsoft did not tinker around - we would have to take your word for it and yet you haven’t checked every line in the code. (And you retired as you said long time ago) If you want to be sure there are no backdoors you have to write your own OS Including!!!! Firmware for all chipsets bios etc pp and even then - is there a malicious chip somewhere in the board which hijacks your memory? And yes.. open source also can be dangerous if you trust blindly.. check the npm packages.. or pip or dockerhub or homebrew.. these are all repos where you are even allowed to upload malware. Last but not least: there is never a safe state in your IT never.
@not_my_fn_real_name2689 2 жыл бұрын
Hardware backdoors are a huge issue that has already come up in many US data centers. Official Apple and Amazon press says it never happened, but there was a Bloomberg report that reported on the issue and worked with sources inside the companies along with the US government.
@thomasjefferson4195 2 жыл бұрын
You're a fan of the most privacy invading company on the planet aside from Google? That's gay
@Bimmer_MD 2 жыл бұрын
I'm already subscribed and I liked the video about 5 minutes into it, but YES please make a video about the NSA & their alleged back doors!
@fgsaramago 2 жыл бұрын
Good video but most people's concerns about backdoors arent related to rogue employees possibly adding them to the code. Rather, the concern is about Microsoft themselves deciding to put those backdoors in or not patching backdoors that get discovered. Thats something that governments also have concerns about so its not really an unfounded concern. Governmental agencies can and do review all the open source code they run and the fact is they cant do so with proprietary stuff
@spicynoodle7419 2 жыл бұрын
Even if there isn't an official backdoor (very unlikely), the 3 letter agencies probably have read-only access to the source and can pick and choose 0day exploits. Also since Win11 your disk encryption keys are stored on M$ servers, so all bets are off.
@laharl2k 2 жыл бұрын
If any backdoor is gonna exist in windows its not gonna be a purpose made one, instead it will be a bug, a flaw in the design, done on purpose so that later on it can be exploited when needed, that way you dont need employees to keep a secret since they done even know about it not can they leak or sell the info
@thelakeman2538 2 жыл бұрын
​@@spicynoodle7419 they can definitely pick and choose 0 day exploits as demonstrated by private companies like NSO group selling governments spyware, but whether they have access to the source code itself or not is another question.
@5Hydroxytryptophan 2 жыл бұрын
@@spicynoodle7419 Windows 10 also does this. At least my Surface came with that "backdoor installed". I just run Manjaro now.. it also has a more touch friendly UI.
@spicynoodle7419 2 жыл бұрын
@@5Hydroxytryptophan I looked it up and apparently this has been a "feature" since Win8
@BroddeB 2 жыл бұрын
Forcing black box updates that can change OS configuration and settings is a backdoor imho.
@eadweard. 2 жыл бұрын
It's just an update mechanism.
@BroddeB 2 жыл бұрын
@@eadweard. Changing the user settings, without permission, and without even letting them know, is pretty unethical.
@floridapenguin6330 11 ай бұрын
That is the best explanation I have ever heard. Thank you..
@SwarmerBees Жыл бұрын
Congratulations on your channel. My time in systems predated yours a bit but there was some overlap. There are some hilarious stories about skunkwork projects at MS during the late 80s/ early 90s, so maybe you could tell some- for example stuff that colorful individuals like todd laney undertook. Maybe the various figures do not wish to be named, but some of the stuff being done was pretty funny and spectacular during the OS/2 versus Windows days. Oh yeah, and perhaps you might mention some of the easter eggs that appeared in some MS apps. One former systems engineer mentioned that in one version of windows there was a lisp interpreter used for some narrow purposes within their group. It was at lunch and I didn't get the full story, but I thought at the time he was pulling my leg. Now I'm not so sure. Maybe you could ask around. I think the public doesn't comprehend how many MS projects were scrapped or radically altered. The cynicism common was that any product that had a ship date out beyond a year was bordering on shear fantasy. But the truth is a lot of doomed projects did have parts that were used elsewhere. Anyway, a halloween themed whimsical episode recounting the harrowing tale of the voyage of one of these doomed projects might be of interest/ entertaining. Maybe work in the terror of a Bill meeting.
@NortelGeek 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for letting us in on the history at Microsoft. I'm not sure we'll be running it too much longer with Microsoft having to sign anything that runs under Secure Boot and TPM (Including Linux). That being said--it's not Microsoft that anyone needs to be weary in regards to backdoors, but instead, Intel, AMD and some degree Apple (and any other silicon manufacturer). The NSA has hardware backdoors that are much scarier and REAL from what I've managed to research.
@gblargg 2 жыл бұрын
Processors have become so complex and capable that it's simpler to embed the monitoring software there rather than in every OS. With microcode updates being encrypted and the silicon being proprietary, there's not much scrutiny they can be subjected to.
@brianvogt8125 2 жыл бұрын
That was my thinking from the beginning. My career was in MVS System Administration, where there's a hardware flag bit to indicate whether the current app is running in Supervisor State. The CPU could be designed to recognise a special sequence of OpCodes and set the Supervisor flag bit for whatever follows in the innocent-looking user's app. That should be a fun exercise for the CPU design nerds (if they haven't already done it).
@thomasjefferson4195 2 жыл бұрын
This video is misdirection propaganda. He is paid to make people worry about hackers when it's evil government entities we are worried about.
@gblargg 2 жыл бұрын
@@thomasjefferson4195 I think each of us is more likely to be impacted by hackers. However society is not at risk from hackers, but absolutely at risk from governments. Even if you wanted to, there's little you can to do to keep them from monitoring you if they decide to. There exploit surface is so large for any modern computer.
@thomasjefferson4195 2 жыл бұрын
@@gblargg that doesn't make it okay and doesn't change the fact that this video was specifically designed to distract from that basic fact.
@Nacalal 2 жыл бұрын
Hearing about how older development practices worked is always cool, things like build labs and requiring special, higher grade hardware to compile serious applications in a timely fashion seems to be a thing of the past. It's a shame really, I recently set up my home lab to use distcc to compile applications and libraries from the AUR on arch using almost all my servers and it was probably one of the coolest things I've done with computers in a while. I get why it's not really a thing anymore though, better hardware over time has more or less made compile labs redundant in most serious programming environments outside of places working with massive codebases. I guess I just like the idea of some big server cluster set up specifically to build applications as quickly as possible.
@JollyGiant19 10 ай бұрын
Compile labs still exist, we simply call them CI pipelines now. Though unlike the old ways these ones are automatic and almost always slower to build a project than your local machine 😭 It pains me to see a build of a project take 7 seconds on my local machine but 31 seconds in GitHub Actions
@bolbopoppin 2 жыл бұрын
Nice video.I bought your book is fantastic. Thx
@ianwilliams5915 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks Dave for this. - I never imagined it any other way.
@miaudottk9080 2 жыл бұрын
Could MS push a special update for a specific targeted system i.e. by IP or MS username? Could such capability be used in case of a warrant?
@user-lt2rw5nr9s 2 жыл бұрын
At think at this point the government uses private 0days for that kind of stuff. For example, external blue.
@miaudottk9080 2 жыл бұрын
@@user-lt2rw5nr9s True, but external blue & co are secret. Update isn't. 😸
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