David Ignatius - Vulnerability in Space + Wars in Ukraine and the Middle East | Prof G Conversations

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The Prof G Show – Scott Galloway

The Prof G Show – Scott Galloway

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David Ignatius, a prize-winning columnist for the Washington Post and bestselling author, joins Scott to discuss space warfare and the vulnerabilities of our satellite systems. We also get an update on the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East. David has been covering the latter for more than four decades. Follow him on X, @IgnatiusPost. And check out his latest novel, Phantom Orbit: A Thriller
00:00 - In this episode
00:37 - Intro
00:56 - What does your new book, Phantom Orbit, tell us about tech and geopolitics?
02:42 - Elon Musk owns 51% of satellites in orbit. Is that a risk?
04:40 - What are modern satellites capable of that they weren't a decade ago?
12:16 - Is America winning in Space?
15:03 - What potential tech headlines frighten you?
17:00 - State of Play: War in Ukraine
20:53 - How does technology factor into the assault on Gaza?
26:44 - Is being Palestinian really that different than being Hamas?
30:23 - Why is Israel being held to a higher standard?
35:44 - Faced with a similar situation, wouldn't the U.S. respond in a way that made Israel's response look gentle?
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Buy David's latest book: Phantom Orbit: A Thriller

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@skipsteel Ай бұрын
Scott, I admire your theory based on the logistical power of the US military. The US is capable of causing significant death and destruction. However, my perception of the IDF is that they fight with a "back to the wall" mentality, being surrounded by enemies. The US, on the other hand, has never felt that way, as it is not surrounded by adversaries. Additionally, a large portion of the US voting population is of Hispanic descent, which influences the nation's stance. Therefore, I cannot agree that the US would approach the proportionality of the IDF in Gaza. In my view, the IDF often operates in a state of fear, adopting a more aggressive "shoot anything that moves" philosophy. Conversely, the US military employs a more measured, nuanced, and flexible approach, and doing so many exercises with NATO and other partner country's. In summary, the US has the confidence and capability to be precise and overwhelming when necessary. As long as our political leaders have cool heads, and are not unduly influenced by the left or right.
@DeanOfCoaching Ай бұрын
You could see the way he was shaking a bit and his heart rate increased, he instinctively knew he was wrong but his bias and rage were blocking it out. Certainly the most depressing and disturbing comments I've ever heard Scott make. I've watched just about every podcast and interview he's been involved in over the years, and I am concerned not just by these comments, but mannerisms, involuntary movements and speech patterns that he could be showing the first signs of cognitive impact whether it's Alzheimer's or something else. I certainly hope not.
@skipsteel Ай бұрын
@@DeanOfCoaching Scott may have been shaking off mild alcoholic effects, I was brought up with one parent and two sibling alcoholics. He may have been with in the opposite peak of inebriation and in mild withdrawal phase, when the the body cuts endorphins very low to get you to chase the next drink.
@amb_handle Ай бұрын
Great timing, i just finished his audio book this week...great listen!
@-Gramps Ай бұрын
I just checked it out of my library!
@dougimmel Ай бұрын
listening to it now. THANKS. Fascinating.
@telluwide5553 Ай бұрын
Good interview Scott! Challenging, some disagreement but out of honest intellectual curiosity. Well done! Thank you 👍 Next guests: Peter Zeihan, Stephen Kotkin and Sarah Paine!
@nkupton Ай бұрын
Agree Scott, this one could have been two hours. Really appreciated your patience in bringing those tough questions. These discussions require sitting with discomfort for longer than we're used to.
@susilemare198 Ай бұрын
Thanks Scott and David. I learned from this too.
@hec0b Ай бұрын
You can’t give Israel credit for dropping leaflets and leaving voicemails when they then bomb the refugee convoys and so-called safe zones. We know how horrible USA conduct was in iraq war and even there US soldiers adhered to much higher standards than idf is doing now
@ogo316 Ай бұрын
Scott is a Zionist. U just realizing this
@Traderbear Ай бұрын
American foreign policy has always been don’t fcuk with us, and if you do expect the wrath of God.
@arleneallen8809 Ай бұрын
"Mr. President, we must not allow a mineshaft gap!" - George C Scott / Dr.Strangelove. Regardless of the technology, we are at the mercy of thinking that the other guys will do it, so we have to. Autonomous AI weapons will be yet another example of this mostly inevitable headlong rush. Who can you actually trust? Technically no one. That implies that such a line of thinking is the wrong pathway to begin with. On war, I struggle with the notion of civilized warfare, i.e. war crimes. A handbook, if you will, on how to conduct rapid extermination of the enemy strikes me as deranged. War itself is deranged. Rules of engagement would seem to be degrees of derangement. Crimes against humanity, i.e. Holocaust, are a different subject entirely.
@-Gramps Ай бұрын
Wow Scott! Your team is getting some superb talent on your expanded venue! I was in the military for 30 years, & David Ignatius knows more about our military capabilities than 99.9% of people that are actually *in* the military! Fantastic guest! Unfortunately, I think your Jewish heritage has prevented you from exhibiting any empathy for the Gaza civilians.
@todorkolev7565 Ай бұрын
"any"? bullshit. The man clearly repeated some of the most horrible sufferings that Gazans are undergoing.
@WriteInAaronBushnell Ай бұрын
A two state solution is a relic of the cold war (see North v South Korea and the failed two state solution in Vietnam). There should be a Bosnian style Republic where two sub national governments representing two bitterly divided communities work together to operate one state; with voting rights and civil rights for all
@themoonman-4 Ай бұрын
Bravo Guys, great interview Scott, Thank You!
@JM-if1mo Ай бұрын
Phenominal discussion. Great questions, thoughtful responses. Thank you.
@MrJdhistory Ай бұрын
I listen to Scott a lot and usually like or at least see his point of view but his whole "what if Mexico invaded..." is one of the more nonsensical things I've heard all month. Same with his WWII comparisons. You want to compare this to WWII? You want to pretend like the USA didn't get EVERYTHING wrong in Iraq... I think his thinking is very clouded on this.
@mbillc Ай бұрын
Scott not knowing that the occupier does not have the right to self defense is disappointing
@todorkolev7565 Ай бұрын
Liar! Gaza is not occupied.
@Pasalon Ай бұрын
The content is super interesting, but the podcast is subpar due to the poor quality of Ignatius's lame audio setup. You have top notch talent come to the pod. I'd ask you to consider improving the production quality simply by insisting on an acceptable microphone/headphone like Scott wears. OK, end of rant, keep up the great work. :)
@ahmadmansurGPS Ай бұрын
Wow Scott! You lost it. Great questions - at first. But then you couldn't let David's knowledgeable answer breathe. There is an extremism emerging with you on this issue.
@Agtsmirnoff Ай бұрын
Says the man named AHMAD!!!!
@Agtsmirnoff Ай бұрын
I’ll bet you support Hamas! And you have the nerve to call others extremists???
@ahmadmansurGPS Ай бұрын
@@Agtsmirnoff very low level assumption and not great cognitive processing. Yikes!
@ahmadmansurGPS Ай бұрын
@@Agtsmirnoff lots of vitriol in your conveyances. expand yourself. it's not that bad in the open world.
@Agtsmirnoff Ай бұрын
@@ahmadmansurGPS note you don’t deny it!
@kittykat2532 Ай бұрын
and I forgot to say sanctimonious, as well:)
@pierresalameh123 Ай бұрын
Scott I say the following with all do respect ! your insights are based on data that is biased. Please interview other ppl who you don’t necessarily agree with ! Like prof Ilan Pape (Israeli Jewish who served in The army) or prof John Mearsheimer. With all the interviews it seems that although there are differences you are all within the same spectrum of political agreement/ideology.
@SocietyIsCollapsing Ай бұрын
So cell phones need GPS? This is new information.
@Kenneth_James Ай бұрын
Maybe we stop sharing in the future
@ericwood3709 Ай бұрын
Smart guy, but his voice sure is putting me to sleep. Also, when I saw the thumbnail, I thought maybe Palantir's role in Ukraine and Isarel would be discussed. This didn't actually go much into A.I. at all, however. And finally, you have some bizarre spam comments that should be reported and removed.
@kristinwinter5006 Ай бұрын
I think Scott is right. Given our reaction to 9/11, I think in Scott's scenario, we would lay waste to a bunch of Mexico and I would be surprised if we just took the entire country. We were more measured after we did Afghanistan and invaded Iraq. By the time the ISIS fight came along, our collective rage had subsided a bit. I think Ignatius doesn't factor in the rage that would result from Scott's scenario.
@todorkolev7565 Ай бұрын
@@originalsinquirls1205 Israel left Gaza like 2006 (or 2008?). ZERO military presence or settlers.
@HelloWorld-hb7yt Ай бұрын
How many civilians did we kill? What was the ratio between civilians vs fighters?
@susilemare198 Ай бұрын
It depends on the administration. Didn’t anyone notice how Biden warned Israel about our past mistakes.
@baristhealienated Ай бұрын
@@todorkolev7565 and continued to occupy the West Bank where there is no Hamas. Totally sent the wrong message.
@Sabrina21867 Ай бұрын
Very impressed with Prof G and I would love to learn Ai, can anyone teach me?
@ericscottstevens Ай бұрын
Ukraine claiming they will retreat if no more money is sent. It is also noteworthy if money is sent Ukraine is not promising to advance either.
@aberolnick Ай бұрын
Hey Scott, your guest, ignatius is completely wrong about the kill statistics. The US killed rate of civilians to combat was 5 :1 and 3:1 in Afghanistan and Iraq. 6:43 Israel is 1:1 . Not the numbers or ratios that your guest David mentioned. I wish you were more prepared and challenged his statements.
@jamesd7066 Ай бұрын
In wish people actually knew history. There was an attack on America launched from Mexico in the 20th century. The Pancho Villa Expedition was launched in response to the Battle of Columbus. You don't need to go making up hypotheticals when you already have an example from a time when America was less reactionary and we completely overreacted even then.
@Agtsmirnoff Ай бұрын
Did you even listen to what he said? 30,000 dead 5000 taken hostage. Think next time before you post.
@JonathanLoganPDX Ай бұрын
There is a radical difference between that action and Hamas/Gaza mapped onto modern times.
@kh-fk3ko Ай бұрын
Love you Scott , watch every video but I can’t understand why you don’t sympathize with Palestinian people.
@antball775 Ай бұрын
I think we look at this technology euphoria and think it’s just overly great but I remind folks in a instant all that can be wiped out if Russia was to hit DC today this country would fall into chaos government and the reliant on technology has gotten so big the rest of the country couldn’t function
@jeffreyoa8628 Ай бұрын
It's interesting, just based on Scott Galloway's questions it's obvious to tell he critically takes in absolutely no other perspectives. It's surprising because he often talks about the value of going beyond your own perspective. I mean "is Palestine really that different from Hamas" is an incredibly short sighted question even with the context surrounding git within the video. Also, the mexico analogy is incredibly short sighted even for its purpose of analogizing the situation. It's just interesting because it's so antithetical to everything he says in other contexts. It makes it clear that he has no ability to go beyond the issues he often criticizes Gen Z for.
@TheUnchosenOne Ай бұрын
Are you giving him any better?
@originalsinquirls1205 Ай бұрын
It’s hard to go beyond.
@jeffreyoa8628 Ай бұрын
@TheUnchosenOne do you mean am I going beyond my own context.? Yes, I’m watching this podcast right now and can spot the contradiction without thinking he’s not “smart.” I just don’t think he’s putting in effort at all…which is the problem. Like I own two of his books and watch his content. I’m not just saying this out of random.
@jeffreyoa8628 Ай бұрын
@TheUnchosenOne I mean even the Mexico analogy. He creates an “analogy” which is devoid of many of the key elements that makes the current situation contentious, and then assumes that because America would hypothetically do worse people should understand. Without even going into the more complex elements, many (most??) Americans don’t even agree with what we did in Afghanistan. People had concerns about that on Day 1. And many of those concerns…were right
@MarcioSouza1 Ай бұрын
Love Scott but “but we did it in Dresden” is a horrible argument to try to justify/defend Israel’s excesses given that what we did in Dresden is widely regarded as excessive and not acceptable.
@mikeh7515 Ай бұрын
Our whole country is built on a native american burial ground. Does that mean that the modern US shouldn't denounce genocide when we see it? Shouldn't stop it when we can? This whole argument saying the US is worse on human rights/over-retaliation so we should bless the actions of Israel feels childish at best. I wish someone would call scott on it.
@todorkolev7565 Ай бұрын
the argument is saying that Antisemitism is no longer as overt as pulling Jews by their beards in broad daylight on a busy street. Antisemitism these days is enforcing human rights ONLY when it comes to Jews defending themselves and NEVER in anywhere else, EG: Nigeria, Syria and other places I keep forgetting because they aren't even in the news, despite many times more people dying. It's a very clever tactic whereby what is being done is fair (mostly...) so one cannot criticise it easily.
@Mark55204 Ай бұрын
@@todorkolev7565”defending themselves” is a nice spin on committing genocide on children
@mdummy Ай бұрын
Breathe control… hard to listen to
@user-sk1kr9rz6g Ай бұрын
Scott’s pro-Israeli bias and attempts to rationalize the atrocious Israeli policy are embarrassing. There is nothing new in their mistreatment of Palestinians. Read your history, Scott, and read the opinion sections of the NewYork Times and Washington Post.
@dodo-og2ss Ай бұрын
Every time I hear 2 state solution I think of India/Pakistan. If you don’t get peaceful religion to give up extreme ideas, then there will not be peace.
@donaldjohnson-ow3kq Ай бұрын
The problem that nobody has a solution to, is that Israel's 2 sides are competing for the same city - Jerusalem. If Pakistan and India both had claims on New Delhi, then that would have also been unsolveable.
@dodo-og2ss Ай бұрын
@@donaldjohnson-ow3kq exactly. And they had so much wars after the statehoods
@HW9001 Ай бұрын
Consistently disappointed by your lack of empathy and awareness. You’ll be on the wrong side of history. Your “example” of Mexico is also ridiculous considering the US has been the imperialist aggressor including invading Mexico.
@aupti Ай бұрын
The wrong side of history is those who support a movement who stems from the Nazi ally Amin el husseini.
@paxdriver Ай бұрын
USA doesn't innovate after inventing because capitalism ruins creativity without guardrails on shareholder overreaching. USA had every opportunity with the internet but up until elon launched 200 rockets a year the rural American didn't yet have broadband when everyone else on earth did it with a fraction of the population of gdp. The obsessive selfishness and penchant for celebrating arbitrage is the problem, not "giving away their technology" and falling behind. Also, ai is not more "creative" than simply memorizing every chess move or go move, it's statistics. It's literally nothing more creative than Monte Carlo simulations and Bayesian inference. This guy is talking out of his ass, to put it bluntly. "Israel didn't see it coming"? They've done this several times before, they antagonize to have an excuse to overreact. Hamas isn't governance, the people alive today didn't vite and when the vote was held Hamas campaigned on moderating the extremism including women's rights. This not not politics it's desperate people with nothing to lose after USA vetoed UN resolutions against the occupation for 30 straight years. This was caused, it wasnt terrorism. That's why it's legal for Hezbollah to find Hamas to rebel against an oppressive regime, but it's illegal to arm or fund an active military occupation the way USA does for Israel. It's black and white, he's a journalist who says he's covered this a long time, it's not that complicated if you read a book or two on the subject in that time. Scott, "a great deal of support" can't be more than 37% if 50% aren't eligible to vote, and the vast majority of the rest were not fighting at all... If you can say Bibi's support is small then surely you can do the math on how similarly small the support for Hamas must be too. 28:24 why hasn't the west bank blown up? They're under occupation, the military were at their doors when Hamas attacked, remember? I love the show Scott but this whole conversation was so incredibly incoherent. The idea that WWII was known as the model to follow for moral warfare as some sort of standard? This is such an insane conversation, no historian today would ever say we should repeat that because it worked. WWII was caused by WWI ffs. Brutality does not work, that's what the world learned that we're supposed to be remembering on remembrance day for Christ's sake. "Lest we forget", don't you remember what that means? I'm not even 40 and I remember how many lives were permanently ruined in that war, lifelong scars and political coups ever since. Grudges, terrorists, assassinations, nithing good came from "winning" that war, that's not the god damn standard of civilization, that's the low point of the species - l'est we forget.
@WalterBurton Ай бұрын
Frustrating that David Ignatius' intelligence and experience has been wasted on David Ignatius' incorrigibly romantic bleeding heart.
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