David Wray--Decoding the Mysteries of the Sepphoris Synagogue Mosaic

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James Tabor

James Tabor

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This is brilliant. If you want to understand ancient ideas of astral immortality--including Jewish "gnostic" and Kabalistic circles, this exposition on the ancient synagogue floor mosaic at Sepphoris, the urban capital of the Galilee in Roman times, just four miles north of Nazareth--this is the video for you!
Get Wray's book here:
I uploaded David Wray's lecture on astrology in the ancient world, as seen on coins and inscriptions on March 2, 2023. It has been very appreciated with over 10K views. Here is the third of four David Wray movies on various more specific topics, especially related to coins and the signs of heaven.

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@conniefearnside2279 Жыл бұрын
Amazed at how much astrology is part of both Judaism and Christianity and has been for a long time. I was always taught that divination, astrology etc was pretty much demonic and the furthest thing from either faith. And yet the Bible seems steeped in these (Joseph's cup of divination? The mazzaroth, references to Rephaim, and so on). And now these presentations from David Wray really show the depth and breadth of knowledge that has been lost. The sign of Jonah? I never would have expected that to be an astrological reference at all!
@3r2w1c Жыл бұрын
I've been looking forward to this one!
@Darisiabgal7573 Жыл бұрын
I just want to say these conversations are really top notch.
@Jason-ms8bv Жыл бұрын
Thanks solo much for adding this to the already amazing collection of presentations on your channel Dr Tabor, apparently 'New Age' isn't so New!
@amyk6403 Жыл бұрын
Love the intro music! 😊
@kenmcclellan Жыл бұрын
The moment at 20:46 was fulfilled 21 Dec 2022. Saturn and Jupiter framed the new House of the Zodiac to begin our Precession again. This vernal equinox, the Sun was again doing what it had done at 18:13. Bull-Orion has reached Aquarius, just as Leo had reached Taurus after 6,400 years.
@MnemoHistory 4 ай бұрын
Does this signify to you that the “Age of Aquarius” has officially begun?
@DLBeatty Жыл бұрын
I find it passing odd that the Jewel of the Galilee Sepphoris, only 3 miles from Nazareth, is never mentioned in the Gospels. Are we to believe that the Annointed Joshua just walked right around it during his travels?
@LandELiberation Жыл бұрын
He does refer a bunch to 'the City on the Hill' which if you're in Nazareth would be Sephoris
@MarilynsRoomVideo Жыл бұрын
@JoeSiegfried Жыл бұрын
Ecclesiastes 1:7-11. Great video!
@peterhook2258 Жыл бұрын
Sitting here watching the other video with David Wray from February and this pops up an hour ago. Who says synchronicity is not a thing. Looking forward to this. You bet I'll be getting this book
@bludgeoncorpinc.6768 Жыл бұрын
It's not synchronicity. It's the KZbin algorithm.
@peterhook2258 Жыл бұрын
@@bludgeoncorpinc.6768 lol I know bro. It was created one hour ago not popped up. I getcha tho lol. dude I like your humour.
@marmieRH 4 ай бұрын
On one of the tomb at 11: 35 , the flowers on it looks a lot like the flower on gilgamesh wrist 😊 sorry I'm french pea soup from Québec 😊❤
@robsellars9338 Жыл бұрын
Ok I have watched the remaining portion of video and would add one further comment, the Christian Jews or nazarenes as their sect was referred to by the Jews, were banned from the synagogues sometime between 70-136 CE by the Jews. They were regarded in the same category as Romans and their informers (not trusted) the Jews even included a special curse for them within the amidah daily prayer that names them specifically. This prayer is chanted 3 times daily by every Jew since those times even today. Again, I find it hard to take on board that these designs have anything to do Christian Jews, they simply would not have had access to the synagogues to even study them. Even if they had done, no Jewish sage would ever explain what the iconography was about, it was like the QBLH contained within the Torah itself- intended for the person to work it out through study at one of the Jewish schools. The sign of Aquarius located at the top of the wheel is for an ancient practical purpose- it represents the fixed astronomical point of the first recorded equinox, the datum point of one complete round.
@kenmcclellan Жыл бұрын
48:45 discussion of Aquarius as the top of the cosmic clock ... and a time of repentance. The Maya said our New Ahau began 21 Dec 2020 at the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on the cusp of Capricorn-Sagittarius astronomically, but the AQUARIUS-Capricorn astrologically. Seems associated with the 2022 winter solstice when Jupiter and Saturn posed at the pillars of Aquarius (the new Gate of the Sun) with the new 1st of Aries at the corner of Pisces-Aquarius. Or this year's Sign of Jonas in March.
@pragmaticcrystal Жыл бұрын
@edwardmiessner6502 Жыл бұрын
That Mosaic you have in your thumbnail, Dr. Tabor? That's Apollo the sun god, represented by the orb and rays of the sun. At least they didn't make a cross! Edit: you proved my interpretation of the thumbnail before watching the vid correct, when you mention David Wray's interpretation of it as Apollo Ajeus. Thanks! 🙂
@robsellars9338 Жыл бұрын
I'm upto 36mins and there are lots of assumptions and errors from Jewish perspective especially when things get on to the Jewish tree of life (sefer yetzirah version). I watched the previous video on the sign of Jonah and whilst I appreciate the star constellation he names may have been used by followers of Jesus to symbolise his birth (be they Jewish or later Christians after 300ce), I find it difficult to accept that any of his followers or even Jesus himself was aware of what a particular configuration of planets would mean in terms of a greater scheme of things. Astronomy is cyclical but most of the awe inspiring occurrences are spaced hundreds of years apart which gives Jesus the problem of knowing these cycles? How did they get the knowledge to know this? Where did it come from? Certainly the upper echelons of the LEVI priests carried the knowledge as the work of the chariot (the astronomy of God's cosmic clock) but it was jealously guarded and only taught or passed on very sparingly. I doubt Jesus or any of his followers were part of that Jewish circle of trust who could share that info with them. John Baptist was tolerated by them because he stayed outside the cities, his cousin Jesus was never accepted by mainstream Jewish scholars because he refused to align himself with any of the main religious political parties. So for these reasons I find David Wrays argument flawed unless he has a convincing explanation to account for this.
@kpllc4209 Жыл бұрын
Jewish sources say he learned it in Egypt.
@howaboutataste 5 ай бұрын
There is quite a lot of material in the gospels to suggest that Jesus was the son of a powerful Temple official. Just a few highlights: Mary's cousin is married to a priest. A young Jesus remarks that where else would he be expected to be found but at his father's house. Tekton, other than the direct meaning of a person in the building trades, was also a term for the priests. Joseph of Arimathea ask Pilate for the body of Jesus hours after he was crucified, this is the proper role for a father to do. Pilate somehow honors this request, even though the whole point of crucifixion is that the body is hung for public display until it rots away. Arimathea is not the name of a town but it does mean "best disciple". Joseph appears out of nowhere in the story, although Luke does mention his important position. Jesus' position was against the temple and its corruption by political appointments, his message centering on repentance for the forgiveness of sins--- meaning that you didn't need the sacrificial system of the Temple, this is an egalitarian message as well, as economically disadvantaged people can't afford to buy the animals to do annual sacrifices. So the main message of Jesus ministry is that you do not need to rely on the temple in order to gain spiritual wellness, nor do you have to wait until some eschatological time. "The kingdom of God is at hand". As an adult, he publicly disassociated himself from his father, becoming known as Jesus son of Mary. This is why a character appears being called Jesus son of the father... Because Jesus was being called son of his mother. Mostly, the gospels try to protect the identity of Jesus's father. But Luke adds in some of the information. Jesus isn't arrested on the spot for overturning tables and whipping people in the temple. Somehow, the temple guard give him a pass. My thought is, the poor carpenter depiction of Jesus was influenced by Josephus account of Jesus son of Ananus in Wars book6 ch5, identified as a plebian.
@patriciaoudart1508 Жыл бұрын
🙏💚🧡👍👌☺️Thanks for this very interesting explained entry. Can I say that Last days don't refer to a date but a position in the Cosmos? Constellations refer to the annual cycle but also refer to long cycles from galactic position, and single or recurrent events observed by past. Apocalypse refers to the 120 centuries cycle, in our actual knowledge, and flood, to the last half apocalypse cycle, if I fill my hypothesis with that. But to observe a so long cycle, that means the observation of sky and knowledge of the cosmos have been pointed as recurrent, so 240, 360 centuries ago or more. Here it seems that the departure from the previous apocalypse is conceptualized as The CREATION. Actual knowledge about cycles is done by geological datation of big events seen everywhere on Earth, not just local. We also know this is about Our Sun's blast as recurrent Micronova, phenomenon similar to what we can observe about other stars'recurrent novas. That can be seen like Son of Man descending on Earth through the Sky, and the stars fall is the Earth deviated from her rotation axis. So this is very interesting to understand the relationship between the coming of the messiah and the Cosmos cycles. We are a Civilization of God, taking our origins in the tremendous event where some Humans escaped from the last apocalypse, created the hope and prayed God to guide them in this new creation. Seems Jericho were created 11.500 years ago, so perhaps, around Mediterranean See, à line of time were drawn to the next last days. And Here we are. Strange time, Isn't It?
@robsellars9338 Жыл бұрын
That's a really interesting way to look at the apocalyptic texts and much more rational than the end of the world, more like the end of days for a particular cycle. As everyone knows now, the Nativity star (conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter) happened around the birth time of Jesus so maybe this was also seen as the end of a cycle since it takes 800 yrs to be visible again and it's about 1/5 the size of the moon when it occurs. Tell me more about your hypothesis of you can, thanks.
@guitaoist Жыл бұрын
“Lybra”? 26:28
@stevenv6463 Жыл бұрын
So the age of Pisces began around Jesus's time and that is why the Christian fish symbol is a thing? And we just entered Aquarius last century, right?
@byronumphress3805 Жыл бұрын
@marilynbloch5972 Жыл бұрын
Where can I get any more information on astrology in Judaism? This is fascinating. I cannot find this information any place. Marilyn Bloch
@dianastevenson131 Жыл бұрын
The Kabbalah Centres around the world teach a lot about astrology in Judaism, much of it is online.
@robsellars9338 5 ай бұрын
Yes kabbalah or QBLH is the correct place to start and the seminal Hebrew book on this is the Sefer Yetzirah, the book of formation. It is a kabbalic interpretation of the Hebrew book of Genesis. For understanding kabbalah it's probably best to go as close to source as possible such as the book on it by Rabbi Maimonides from the 12th century AD (he was the astronomical advisor to Saladdin during the western crusades into the Holy Land). His book is called "a guide for the perplexed" - it's a good start because he was the guy who corrected previous rabbis errors in their astronomical calendrical understanding of the astronomy in genesis, correcting the drift in the Hebrew calendar that had occured since the destruction of their observatory temple in Jerusalem
@321ssteeeeeve Жыл бұрын
This channel at times has a mild neutralizing effect on my views
@evropej Жыл бұрын
Why is no one decoding all the scriptures symbolically? Everything is symbolized it says in the book of revelation. Jesus Christ spoke in parables, symbols for other stories. Why I ask, nobody is decrypting decoding the Scriptures symbolically?
@jdaze1 Жыл бұрын
Because most can't comprehend it.
@guitaoist Жыл бұрын
Aquarius is tied to repentance because thats when Jesus returns and starts the end times
@kenmcclellan Жыл бұрын
12:24 Helios drives his quadriga of the four horses of the Apocalypse. Diodorus Siculus had the Egyptians remembering Helios 23,000 years before Alexander. Constantine the Great had the Christ as the Sun of Righteousness. What did Clement of Alexandria call it? The Sun of Truth. This divine and wholly beautiful universe, from the highest vault of Heaven to the lowest limit of the earth ... is guarded by the King of the whole universe, who is the center of all things that exist. ... Helios the most mighty god, proceeding from itself and in all things like unto itself. ... The planets dance about him as their king. ... He is established as king among the intellectual gods, from his middle station among the planets. -- Julian, Hymn to King Helios Not just the Sun ... but his Precession about to brighten our horizon again.
@ChiliMcFly1 Жыл бұрын
So when Jesus said I and my father are one was he speaking Kabbalah ?
@patriciaoudart1508 Жыл бұрын
..and the Son of Man descent through the clouds.... Kabbalism is a reuse later.
@ChiliMcFly1 Жыл бұрын
@@patriciaoudart1508 in Jesus time there was no such thing as a NT, it actually wasn't finalized until the 16th century A.D.. Kabbalah was around before the turn to A.D. so it was a study Jewish Rabbi's learned in the time of Jesus. This was a study from Abraham.
@patriciaoudart1508 Жыл бұрын
@@ChiliMcFly1 What Paul went to study in Mesopotamia is from 120 centuries BT. This event is a cycle, and at thetime of jesus, this was the prediction, that's why Paul went to study History and predictions where it was already know. Jericho were founded around 11.500 BT..... Kaballism is a reuse of those ancient predictions using different religious sources of prediction by the knowledge of the time about the fact this is a cycle. Kabalist knows this because they are cleaning the world standing the apocalypse.
@donseesyourshaydim7529 Жыл бұрын
​@@ChiliMcFly1 was this turn of the century Kabbalah in Its earliest form Merkhava mysticism, or in that entirely different? The Zohar was said to be written around 100 AD by ... I dont feel like looking that up; it's highly disputed date anyway. I dont know of any direct evidence that a system similar to Kabbalah was practiced in Jesus's time, but what do I know. I'm a retail day trader and an English tutor. Yeah, I've got typos in this. If there's something important I missed about Kabbalah-ish activity in 100 CE, tell me! I love this stuff. Dr. Justin Sledge places the emerging of Kabbalah with the publication of Sefer Bahir, but scholars debate when that was writter. The division, I believe (Im going off memory) is either composed around 100 or in the 12th century!
@Shai-eg6ew Жыл бұрын
11th 🦸
@criticaloptimist7961 Жыл бұрын
Great video. Only, non-Judaic Israelites such as Galileans and Samaritans are not "Jews" technically. We should stop referring to them as such. The "Jews" are Judeans during the second temple period, and they are Edomites mostly.
@henryschmit3340 Жыл бұрын
Your Mosaic is depicting the old pagan 'sun god' worship. Sun god worship (Ezekiel 8:16) or Mithriasm has nothing to do with Jesus worship. Jesus, being the Creator in the flesh, is the Creator of the sun. Most cultures express this sun god worship in one way or another. And Roman Catholicism being a pagan institution with sun god worship/Mithraism at its center, has nothing to do with Biblical Christianity or the real Jesus. All it has is a thin veneer of fake Christianity to fool the general public.... the insiders, those at the top know that it is really as far from Biblical Christianity as it is possible to get. In their view, the Jesus of the Bible is their greatest enemy.
@educatingwithwisdom7770 Жыл бұрын
Leo is not the center of anything but men's egos...The center of the galaxy is up in Sagittarius, Jupiter does not revolve around the Sun...Women have more DNA than men and the X chromosome is the Creating chromosome...What did these men get right?
@turnfrmsinorhell_jesus Жыл бұрын
Matthew 18 6 “If anyone causes one of these little ones-those who believe in me-to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Also repent in Jesus name for watching these unholy temple teachings and doctrines.
@jdaze1 Жыл бұрын
Deut 13. So whos telling the truth? YHWH our Elohiem Or a man named Jesus claiming to be God?
@turnfrmsinorhell_jesus Жыл бұрын
@@jdaze1 The Father is in the Holy spirit realm in spirit form. Jesus was his flesh son born on earth. The Holy spirit overshadowed Mary to create Jesus. The Holy spirit , God's spirit flows through Holy people. What God said was true and what Jesus said was true he said what his Father told him to say
@MrEtzel81 Жыл бұрын
​@@turnfrmsinorhell_jesus Is Jesus the truth because he said he is or is he the truth because he aligns with what haShem has established as truth in the cosmos as evidenced by our experience through our five senses which haShem gave to us?
@turnfrmsinorhell_jesus Жыл бұрын
@@MrEtzel81 See old testament Zecheriah chapter 12 for that answer
@robsellars9338 Жыл бұрын
I'm upto 36mins and there are lots of assumptions and errors from Jewish perspective especially when things get on to the Jewish tree of life (sefer yetzirah version). I watched the previous video on the sign of Jonah and whilst I appreciate the star constellation he names may have been used by followers of Jesus to symbolise his birth (be they Jewish or later Christians after 300ce), I find it difficult to accept that any of his followers or even Jesus himself was aware of what a particular configuration of planets would mean in terms of a greater scheme of things. Astronomy is cyclical but most of the awe inspiring occurrences are spaced hundreds of years apart which gives Jesus the problem of knowing these cycles? How did they get the knowledge to know this? Where did it come from? Certainly the upper echelons of the LEVI priests carried the knowledge as the work of the chariot (the astronomy of God's cosmic clock) but it was jealously guarded and only taught or passed on very sparingly. I doubt Jesus or any of his followers were part of that Jewish circle of trust who could share that info with them. John Baptist was tolerated by them because he stayed outside the cities, his cousin Jesus was never accepted by mainstream Jewish scholars because he refused to align himself with any of the main religious political parties. So for these reasons I find David Wrays argument flawed unless he has a convincing explanation to account for this.
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