DAY 69: Quitting Sugar for Life (Carnivore Diet) (DailyVlog)

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Rickvanman - Variety Channel

Rickvanman - Variety Channel

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@furiousgriz 7 ай бұрын
It’s just a temporary bump, your gall bladder will thank you. No bloodbaths here. Youre still doing awesome. 🎉
@thebluelibra5686 7 ай бұрын
I had to have my gallbladder removed about nine years ago, at the ripe old age of 34. The pain I was having was absolutely unbearable, like my insides were tearing, anytime I would eat. After an ultrasound, it was confirmed that I had gall stones and sludge. When I met with the surgeon, he was very straight forward with me...he told me that I could either have the gallbladder removed, while I'm healthy, or I could wait for one of those gall stones to migrate and get stuck in my bile duct, resulting in pancreatitis, which would land me in the ER...either way, he assured me that I would end up on his table. I opted to have the gall bladder removed, it solved the problem. In years after, my only issues are discomfort and 'epic bathroom events' if I eat too much greasy food or too much meat, because without a gallbladder, bile is no longer stored for use, it just continuously moves straight into the digestive tract, so things process a little differently. For the most part, it was the best decision for me to have the gallbladder removed. Mine was done laparoscopically, four small incisions, I was home after 4 hours, and back at work in 5 days, on limited duty, because no heavy lifting for about a month. I hope that your gallbladder woes calm down, but if not, the surgery will solve the problem...the only downside is the recovery time and the the time I didn't have insurance, so it cost me about $8000 USD, which took me several years to pay off.
@BionicRasta 7 ай бұрын
I've had the op myself, key hole surgery relatively painless & quick healing. The complications are very low but the Dr was obliged to tell me beforehand. I was in & out the same day. It was the aches from all the air they pumped into me that i found more painful for a few days, everytime i got up & moved. I've had no issues since. I ate light foods like soup for a couple of days to adjust, then ended up eating a big steak just two weeks later as it was Christmas day. I thought i might get diarrhoea which can happen but had no issues with it or since. All normal for me. However im not sure how well id fair if id really push it on a high fat diet as Rick is doing full time. I've heard of people doing Keto without a gallbladder just fine, but not sure about carnivore. Nothing is guaranteed as everyone reacts different but if keeping it causes problems on Carnivore (or on any diet) & he needs to have the op. Then he may need to switch. But who knows it might be the dodgy gallbladder that is the root cause of his stomach issues & the reason why he feels the need to try out these diets to fix it.
@rickvanman 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing. Indeed removal is my Plan B, but I’m hoping I can keep it if it’s within the realms of possibility, so I won’t be giving it up without a fight.
@louiselage7740 7 ай бұрын
@@rickvanman I wanted to add, Rick, that I held off doing anything about my gallbladder growls for close to a year, pretty much unable to eat anything but small amounts of rice, jello, boiled meat and a few veg/fruit. Very very low fat. Lost a ton of weight, but obviously not in an intentional healthy day my sister took me out for lemon gelati ice cream, (no fat, she said, it'll be fine, she and 2 hrs later I had a full blown gallbladder attack that lasted 20 horrific minutes. It was like labor pain! A few weeks later I had it out via laparoscope. But my surgeon told me that it was very sick, full of purulent sludge, and about to burst which could have been fatal in terms of infection. Anyway, I guess the lemon got things 'moving'. So, yes, keep and eye on it, but still see your GP. There are alternatives to surgery, and he/she would know if you are a candidate for them...everyone is different, everyone's situation is different, everyone's body is different. Remember that for sure!
@tomservo75 7 ай бұрын
If I hadn't used the bathroom in 5 days and had gall bladder problems of that level, I would be in full out panic attack mode, I'd give up the carnivore diet right then and there. That attitude is colored by my medical history, I've had too many digestive scares. I've had two blocked bowels, had to get sections of colon removed, and I just would not take ANY chances at all. To anyone who's never had a small bowel obstruction, let me just say I would have rather had a heart attack, or just about anything else other than cancer. It is NASTY. 26 days in the hospital between the two occurrences, half of that time literally forbade to eat or drink anything. I just don't want to mess around any further. If I ever went that long without going, I would be scared out of my mind.
@louiselage7740 7 ай бұрын
@@tomservo75 Yes, bowel obstructions are nasty things. My Dad had several of them over the years, too many to count actually, and they were horrific! He had part of his bowel resected in the 70s and had endless issues right up into retirement in the 90s. He absolutely had to keep on top of his diet, regular exercise, water intake, and if he didn't 'go' everyday, or at the very least every other day, he took laxatives like senna, and upped his fibre to assist. He never had gallbladder issues as far as I know, but then again they could have taken out his gallbladder when they did his bowel resection because that was how surgeons operated back then. They just took what they considered 'vestigial' organs etc. out while they were in there anyway....I think that you are correct in saying that after 5 days of no BM, it would be wise to get it seen to especially if the gallbladder is acting up. That to me is the body saying it needs to be cleaned out...I just do not believe that the carnivore diet leaves little waste in the bowel. I've heard of people having terrible issues with constipation.
@gurugnorm 7 ай бұрын
At 70 I had a couple of gallbladder attacks. Went to the Dr in agony, ultra sound confirmed GB needed to come out. Over 20 years Vegan!! So, the 1/2 hr surgery took 2 hours. My omentum had surrounded the GB and had to be laboriously cut away, gangrenous! and atrophied. One golf ball sized stone! All done laparoscopically . 8 years later I still get 'disaster pants' and must know where every single bathroom is wherever I go. Yes, I use digestive enzymes and Ox Bile. Keto = 8-10 poops a day. Carnivore 2 poops a day. Get a scan done.
@louiselage7740 7 ай бұрын
Hi Rick, sorry to hear about the grumpy gallbladder! Been there! Anyway, the reason it may be acting up is because of the high fat that you have been eating, and the fact that you haven't the need to use the bathroom for days at a time. If I may suggest that increasing your magnesium, and/or drink warm lemon water and/or apple cider vinegar in hot water a few times a day to get your bowels working. Apple cider and lemon juice are also known to soften stones. I also think that you should consider having it checked out now anyway rather than wait because the little offending stone may have grown or may be partially blocking your bile duct?
@Kestrel1971 7 ай бұрын
At around 120 calories per tin of sardines and 60 calories per egg, total calories for the day is around 500-600 calories - that's 1/4 of the minimum recommended calories for an adult male (2000 calories). The weight loss is due to starvation and it's going to be largely muscle, not fat.
@louiselage7740 7 ай бұрын
I've suspected that too. I would think that energy would be limited over time, and that any inclusion of new foods like keto veg/fruit to bring up the calories/nutrients, the pounds would come right back on. But, I am still researching.
@BionicRasta 7 ай бұрын
If sustained over long periods then that might be a problem. However intermittent fasting can have benefits according to some studies, another means of going into temporarily ketosis so the body burns off fat reserves, apparently it can help the body repair cells. There was an article i read about our PM Rishi Sunak who fasts from Sunday to Tuesday & only drinks tea, coffee & water during that time. No wonder he's so skinny.
@irenepotter2709 7 ай бұрын
Rick, please be careful. One day many years ago suddenly had unbearable pain, I was rolling about on the floor in agony, by the time the doctor saw me I was yellow with Jaundice. A gall stone had moved and blocked my bile duct. I had my gall bladder removed and ever since I have digestive tummy problems and darent eat too much fat, this was all giving me a poor quality of life as I couldn’t leave the house. I am now vegetarian so am a lot better as I have a more fibrous diet. please take care xx
@rickvanman 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for the warning 😊❤️
@bonjourmondure 7 ай бұрын
Hi Rick it seems that you are quite a sedentary creature and I wonder if increasing your exercise will help boost your appetite
@zeldalefay 7 ай бұрын
Have you tried stone breaker tea? Chanca piedra. It's used for kidney stones, also gall stones I drank it daily when I had gall stones, / grumbling gall bladder. I use organic lemon essential oil on my back for dissolving kidney stones, and keep kidneys healthy. I also apply lemon oil to my liver gall bladder area too, it has ability to dissolve stones. If you concerned about skin issue apply aloe Vera gel beforehand, although I use lemon e I neat personally.
@rickvanman 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for the tips!
@xondominique2602 7 ай бұрын
i also use the following essential oil mix to stimulate the gallbladder: • Cypress: a diuretic that helps the body flush out toxins from the liver • Geranium: assists the liver by expanding bile ducts • German chamomile: stimulates bile secretions and supports liver detox • Ginger: helps reverse a fatty liver and stimulates liver secretions • Helichrysum: supports the cleansing of blood and energetically helps cut through held anger • Juniper berry: supports the purification of blood and relieves some of the liver’s burden • Peppermint: stimulates healthy bile flow • Rosemary: enhances bile flow and helps reduce excess plasma liver enzymes get whichever ones you manage to find. make sure they are pure essential oils and are therapeutic grade. dilute in some coconut oil, or any other butter, or oil, or lard. i saw someone mention lemon oil. you can add that too to the mix. peppermint, rosemary, and geranium are very common, cheap, and smell great. chamomile is very expensive and so is helichrysum and the smell is not impressive.
@rickvanman 7 ай бұрын
Some fantastic information there, thanks for sharing 😊👍❤️
@xondominique2602 7 ай бұрын
@@rickvanman oh i forgot to tell you how to use it. 1-2 times a day just rub some all over the liver area and massage. i saw a video a while ago about liver drainage. they were massaging the liver from the side to the center. pressing down and sliding the hands along. also on both sides, massaging under the ribs, like the edge and slightly inwards. don't use right before bed in case the essential oils have an invigorating effect on you.
@MrRocksoil 7 ай бұрын
For gallstones,cider vinegar,citrus fruit,and anything bitter tasting,helped me enormously for the worst episodes I suffered.
@rickvanman 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for the tip. Apple cider vinegar arriving tomorrow 😊👍
@janealdinger2235 7 ай бұрын
Sorry you’re having pain Rick, did you ever try a tsp of apple cider vinegar after a meal? It tastes nasty but the relief comes in minutes. You can dilute it with water. No, I’m not a vegan, 90% meat based. 15:20
@rickvanman 7 ай бұрын
Thanks - I'll have to look into giving it a try :)
@xondominique2602 7 ай бұрын
also try the artichoke extract. it keeps things moving in the small intestines and stimulates the gallbladder.
@user-zj9ow6vl1m 7 ай бұрын
I’m not super educated on the gallbladder topic, but I do remember listening to some podcasts with Dr. Ken, Barry and Dr Chaffee talking about how gallbladder issues are not from a high fat diet but from all of the other BS that we ate throughout our lives making our gallbladder is dysfunctional. So I don’t necessarily think going back to carbohydrates in fiber and processed foods would help the gallbladder. Then you’ll just be upsetting your whole digestive system, rather than just that one part of it. But it is your body, and you have to do what is right for you, just be careful that it doesn’t become a slippery slope back to old habits.
@rickvanman 7 ай бұрын
Absolutely, this issue is due to 50 years of eating terrible foods.
@carnivoreakita 7 ай бұрын
I like your troubleshooting. I had to add carbs also temporarily for a health matter as well. I plan to be zero carb again as soon as I'm in the clear. The medical route may be really helpful, so it'll work out regardless.
@darranstyler 7 ай бұрын
Gallbladder problems can be extremely painful. I ended up in ED a couple of weeks ago with sludge in my gallbladder, felt like I was being kicked in the ribs constantly. Turns out mine was caused by an autoimmune condition I have (sarcoidosis), waiting to see a consultant to see if it needs removing
@jmsonl 7 ай бұрын
Yes sort the gall bladder out for sure. If it fails properly then it is some serious pain. I ended up in A&E for a week on every drip you could imagine. Yet it was the eating of fats that made it contract gave me the pain. Having it whipped out was fun though :) Day 81 here and things are going well. Which red light brand did you go for?
@rickvanman 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing your story glad you got it sorted in the end. I went for the infrareddi brand.
@726ward 7 ай бұрын
Hopefully your gallbladder will settle again soon Rick. As you've said previously, once you have finished your 90 day challenge, it might just be a matter of incorporating a small amount of carbs and finding a balance that works for you. I've been loosely following a Mediterranean diet since the new year, but I've been doing low carb, no added sugars wherever possible, high protein and high unsaturated fat, and that's worked really well for me so far. Carnivore seems to be working really well for you except for the gallbladder issues, but I'm sure you'll figure out some modifications that fix it. It's all trial and error until you find what works for you at the end of the day. All my best to you sir!
@rickvanman 7 ай бұрын
Thanks 😊👍. Glad your arrangement is working well for you. Hopefully I can figure this out 😊👍
@marcusbenson7016 7 ай бұрын
Ox Bile, Milk Thistle, Sauerkraut, would any of those be of any help?
@tomservo75 7 ай бұрын
I'll be totally honest with you, RIck. If that happened to me (and with the level of health anxiety that I already have), I would say sod it all, I'll keep the sugar out but I've got to allow fruits, vegetables and some bread again. The trade-off just would not be worth it for me. And if I didn't have to use the bathroom in 5 days that would make me panic, because of my medical history, I've had two bowel blockages in the last 10 years. Even a mild tummyache can get me worried, it's not a fun life. But I'm okay with my diet. My weight ballooned up to 234, and two weeks later after just giving up cake and cookies it's down to 230. And I'm only a couple of years younger than you. Best of luck, I'm praying that it's nothing serious, though you've hopefully had it sorted by the time I write this.
@colinpearson6568 7 ай бұрын
Rick the red light will help .it helps with information ,so target it
@mariepaulegauthier 7 ай бұрын
Keep going Your in such a good place now and dont go back to sugars
@debbiealleva5959 7 ай бұрын
Your suppose to wear protective glasses.
@grumpy_poo 7 ай бұрын
Regarding your gallstone issue... Do you remember when you started double dosing on the Vitamin D tablets, I made a comment and suggested you read up on hypercalcaemia?? High doses of the Vitamin D can cause this and kidney stones... I hope you aren't still taking it. Check it out.
@rickvanman 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for the heads up, I haven’t been taking the vitamin D supplements for several weeks now.
@jonesynet 7 ай бұрын
I'm confident that there is no-one else on youtube, self-medicating with a kebab.
@BionicRasta 7 ай бұрын
Haha yeah, Rick is a classic over thinker, im convinced now having watched these vlogs & seeing how his cogs spin in the old brain matter as he attempts to find solutions to problems as they arise, some of which are of his own making. As the saying goes, sometimes can't see the wood for the trees. He can be practical minded & capable but at the same time tends to way over theorise. I suspect he's on the autistic spectrum but towards the higher functioning end. I recognise it as im autistic myself. We're a strange lot. 😅
@rickvanman 7 ай бұрын
I love to be original! Had to laugh at this. 🤣😂
@rickvanman 7 ай бұрын
@@BionicRasta overthinking is my superpower 😂 but yeah, I do love to make problems for myself too 😊👍❤️
@hitchjack 7 ай бұрын
Hi Rick, you need to wear special glasses with the red light therapy! It will ruin your eyes
@mariepaulegauthier 7 ай бұрын
Teaspoon of lemon twice a day in water will help you
@charliesgrl2 7 ай бұрын
I am thinking you should cover your eyes during the light therapy, like one does in a tanning bed. As for the gallbladder, message Dr Berry.
@Liofa73 7 ай бұрын
Take off the pulley from the light and just hang it on the hook by the wire like a picture wire? :)
@dadosaurus 7 ай бұрын
Remember the old adage "everything in moderation"? The "everything" is just as important as the "moderation". Your body needs nutrition otherwise it literally starts to consume itself - your lack of energy is lack of carbohydrate and you'll end up weak because your muscles will waste if you're not exercising.
@Patsagilitybits 7 ай бұрын
I discovered a new word the other day. It's pogged. Apparently it's a Yorkshire term for being stuffed full of food. Not that this helps with anything.
@timharrison3521 7 ай бұрын
Hello mate, hope that you manage to clear this up without going the medical route I must say it’s all very interesting looking from an outside perspective.
@pattyinusa 7 ай бұрын
do a gallbladder cleanse that olive oil will move the stones out .
@karenuntz6514 7 ай бұрын
Milk thistle tea or hot lemon water first thing in the morning. Good for liver and gall bladder. 😊
@rickvanman 7 ай бұрын
Great tip!
@karenuntz6514 7 ай бұрын
@@rickvanman Thanks! Feel better soon.
@charliesgrl2 7 ай бұрын
What about herring?
@chowceo 7 ай бұрын
You will sort it out I’m sure 😉
@wibstars 7 ай бұрын
Bad news Rick hope it clears up
@aneweratas3932 7 ай бұрын
Good Afternoon Rick. Another informative and great video. 👍 do you think possibly dandelion root extract and milk thistle could help your GB issue? I keep hearing wonderful things about them. Keep up the amazing job you're doing!🙂👏
@rickvanman 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for the suggestion, I’ve actually got some milk thistle on the way that is combined with TUDCA, so hopefully will experience its benefits shortly 😊👍
@GreyMannShed 7 ай бұрын
I think we should all take a moment to celebrate the glory that is kebab meat 😂😂😂😂😂
@rickvanman 7 ай бұрын
All hail the Donner!
@GreyMannShed 7 ай бұрын
@@rickvanman haaa here here!
@pattyinusa 7 ай бұрын
Andreas Moritz follow him for your gall bladder cleanse.
@xondominique2602 7 ай бұрын
i don't think overeating is a good idea. this will only burden your gb even more. better eat moderate amounts 2-3 times a day.
@marcia4865 7 ай бұрын
What benefits are you seeking from the red light? I've only heard of it being used for skin issues, such as wrinkles, acne and the like. Does it provide something that a brisk walk outside can't? Not to nag, but I'd wait til the GB issue is sorted before delving into new "territory" so to speak. I hope a better balanced diet relieves your troubles.
@rickvanman 7 ай бұрын
Along with anti-aging benefits, it is said to also improve overall skin condition, offer improve Energy, better sleep and possible weight loss, which I’m not entirely convinced of, but figured nothing to lose by trying. 😊
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