DAY 70: Quitting Sugar for Life (Carnivore Diet) (DailyVlog)

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Rickvanman - Variety Channel

Rickvanman - Variety Channel

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Regular vlogs of my quitting sugar journey with the carnivore diet. Today is Day 70. I'm doing the Carnivore diet for 90-days to break my high-level sugar & carb addiction, to lose weight and get rid of my health issues.
#carnivorediet #quitsugar #sugaraddiction #bbbechallenge #foodaddiction

Пікірлер: 51
@xondominique2602 3 ай бұрын
regarding 8:00. as many of us told you at the start, carnivore is very likely not the final solution. but you were too overwhelmed by the positive results to pay attention. i had no doubt you'd get to this point. because you're not addressing the underlying problem which is obviously a health problem and it's a bit more tricky than just a change of diet. carnivore is a step in the right direction, as you observed, as an elimination diet. it gave you great results but more work needs to be done. don't be discouraged. you did truly amazing thus far and you're moving in the right direction. even better things will come soon. it's a journey of self discovery.
@1sweffling 3 ай бұрын
Hi Rick, no medical advice from me but: do not let this bump derail you. I know of people who have no gall bladder doing well on carnivore so if you need to go down that route it is not the end of the world. I also know that untreated gallstones can lead to very serious issues. Most of us come to this way of eating because we already have health issues and need to find our own path. When I am eating I have bullet proof coffee for breakfast with lots of butter which really gives my gall bladder a work out: then I have fatty lamb in some form for lunch, either stew, patties with mint and green onion, kebabs, curry with some coconut milk: then evening meal is sardines cooked in butter. That way my gall bladder does not have hours and hours of stasis. Perhaps a kebab and cabbage day once a week for you? We all change up what we are doing because how you eat at the beginning of this journey is not necessarily the right way to eat going forward, eg introducing some fast days, some feast days, some OMAD, some more frequent meals. And the walking is so very important too and it seems to me that you do not walk very much? A good walk each day helps everything working efficiently. Anyway, good luck, very sorry you have this to deal with but do not let some disappointment allow the addict in you to find an excuse to abandon what works for the rest of you. I know from personal experience that my inner addict is always looking for a reason to go back to my old ways which leads to depression, weight gain and ill health.
@milabulic 3 ай бұрын
Not a medical doctor, here, but I have not had a gall bladder for over 40 years and carnivore for 24 years with no problems. My best advice to you is to get that gall bladder treated. Just a bit of info--the typical gall bladder removal does not remove the entire thing. In cases where it is removed completely, the liver compensates. Untreated stones can become life threatening.
@neileo1540 3 ай бұрын
can't believe that's been 70 days already, i'm proud of you rick! you've done amazing sticking to this
@charliesgrl2 3 ай бұрын
Don’t let it derail anything. It is time to remove that obstacle! Living according to the aches and pains of your body….or NOT living because of them…. I thought it was the reason you wanted to go on the diet! It sounds like you have been messing around with this gallbladder for years. It’s time to get it out and to stop worrying about it. Having that pain in your body all the time, isn’t good for you. I’ve had mine out for 30 years and I’m so very happy I did. I don’t have to think about it anymore. I don’t understand the eating of kebab meat? The carnivore diet is a very fatty diet. It is supposed to be high fat and meat. And your cure was high fatty meat,…so??? Maybe the low fat fish actually caused the trouble? But when I had the gallbladder problem, it was first of all up higher on my abdomen to where it felt like a heart attack; and then when I ate fat, it would kick up and kill me! The docs made me go on a low fat diet, so that the gall stones wouldn’t bother.
@marcia4865 3 ай бұрын
Coming here to say the exact thing: Perhaps the mysterious IBS you've been suffering with, Rick, is just your wonky gall bladder. If you get that looked after you may be able to find you can tolerate a more moderate, balanced diet. You've certainly conquered the sugar addiction so that problem is solved. (And maybe if your gb matter was solved and you felt generally better, the need to self-medicate/drown your discomfort with sugar wouldn't be an issue!) Enjoyed seeing you out in the sunshine, moving about and soaking up some Vit D!
@mariepaulegauthier 3 ай бұрын
🤍HAVE A GOOD DAY! Maybe u should see a Doc for your gall bladder👃🌼🌺🍎
@stewved 3 ай бұрын
I expect the red light in the evenings is along the lines of sunset for setting Melatonin ramping up, though also just less light close to bedtime would be good. daylight hitting the eyes shortly after getting up (not through windows though as glass blocks quite a bit of light amazingly!) is also very good for (re)setting the circadian rhythm. It looked like a great day for a walk and I'll bet that was very enjoyable.
@Snowsea-gs4wu 3 ай бұрын
Hi Rick, I am glad your gallbladder is getting unstuck! I'd bet the cabbage had a big impact on it! I recall using leftover sauerkraut juice to get my daughter to feel well in five minutes from a stomach ache she was having. Keep up the good work!
@SoupDragon63 3 ай бұрын
Well done Rick, I wouldnt worry about a bit of cabbage there is only 3g of net carbs per cup (125g). Hi hopes for the chanca piedra. After 90 days if you want weight loss then try strict lion diet, steak and water with some intermittent fasting or if you have to go keto then maybe fermented low carb veggies would help.
@user-zj9ow6vl1m 3 ай бұрын
Hey Rick, I’m just some guy that’s been following you for 15 years, but I can say as a long time viewer this era of your channel I can just see how much better you are doing physically and mentally. It would suck to see you fall out of this lifestyle over the gallbladder stuff. And honestly gallbladder or not, meat is what we evolved eating, so it will always be the most proper food for you. The reason our gallbladder is getting fucked up in the first place is eating all of the wrong foods. And even people who have their gallbladder removed can still stick to carnivore or high fat diet without issue. I know Dr. Anthony Chafee has talked about this a decent bit and I’m sure Dr Ken Berry has as well. But I do think some people get bored with strict carnivore after long enough that they need a little more variety, and I think that’s when it’s a good time to turn to dirty carnivore or ketovore. You still get the majority of your nutrition from meat and eggs, but then you allow yourself an occasional keto snack or meal so that you have a little more variety. I have been following along doing carnivore since January 1 and I have allowed myself an occasional keto yogurt that has two or 3 g of carbs in it, or some occasional chips from the brand Quest since they only have a few grams of carbs and are mostly protein. Little stuff like that here and there has helped me stick to it and fight off any cravings without knocking myself out of ketosis. whatever you decide to do is the choice you have to make for your own life and health. But I think people often end up with the trade-off of choosing between what is healthiest for them and what just brings them mouth pleasure, and it becomes a slippery slope, saying OK I can have this one thing here or there , or eventually just falling off and eating whatever again. And then all of the time and work and energy you’ve put in up to this point is erased. I don’t think it’s reasonable for any human to give up ice cream or whatever other guilty pleasure they have for the rest of their life and never have it ever again. I think at some point when I reach my goal, weight and body composition I will probably allow myself an occasional scheduled cheat meal because life is short and you need to enjoy the little things sometimes. But some of us that can get out of hand and turn into a complete abandonment of any kind of nutritional regimen.
@rickvanman 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for the great comments. Indeed there is that fine balance to be struck between allowing an occasional indulgence and allowing that indulgence to become the slippery slope back to square one. Unfortunately for those of us sugar addicts who are unable to moderate, that slippery slope is much closer than it ought to be.
@SuperDixxxie 3 ай бұрын
You look great Rick.. Step away from google😂. Just continue the walking every day if you can. Got a gallstone myself at the moment giving me real grief and the itchy skin😠
@allsmiles3281 3 ай бұрын
Skin looks great!
@Sean-vz7zw 3 ай бұрын
If you have to have a bit of cabbage every few weeks surely that’s no big deal and shouldn’t knock you off carnivore 👍
@cherie4me136 3 ай бұрын
Lower right quadrant pain can also be appendix. Gall bladder tends to be more centralised pain/discomfort. However any type of visceral nerve response can sometimes be in unexpected regions. If in doubt get it checked out.... 🇦🇺
@jmsonl 3 ай бұрын
Sounds like a positive move and hope the problem subsides. Day 82. Off now to play my squash game for the week. Things going well. I have also bought a vibration plate and been using it for a couple of weeks now. Really great results.
@louiselage7740 3 ай бұрын
Hi Rick, this is NOT your kobayashi maru situation where the conditions of the test need to be changed for an optimal would say....have it treated now rather than wait. As I said yesterday, there are non surgical options available and your GP would determine if you are a candidate. Without trying to cause undue anxiety, until your stone is passed, I'm afraid the likelihood of this issue reoccurring or getting worse does seem inevitable. The tension/tightening you felt was probably your gallbladder attempting to expel the little offender which may be partially occluding the bile duct. There is really no such thing as giving your gallbladder a 'workout' resulting in all being well, if there is a stone present and it is knocking around in there. Eating fatty donar kebab would make your gallbladder very grumpy indeed if it's trying to release bile and the little offender gets in the way! Don't forget the apple cider vinegar and warm water or lemon juice and warm water... Also, if I may say, please be mindful of teas as sometimes they have odd side effects and precautions. But I know that you will research it well before consuming...
@sadtosuccess 3 ай бұрын
Keto works extremely well for many people, hopefully you'll be one of those people.
@dollyrocker40 3 ай бұрын
Hi Rick I had gaulstones and one decided to pop out of my gallbladder and go into the head of my pancreas causes me to get acute pancreatitis and ended up in intensive care I lost most of my pancreas and only have tissues left now I’m a diabetic on insulin please please get your gallbladder out if you can fat is what caused my pain and and seeds and pips from foods ✌️peace
@xondominique2602 3 ай бұрын
yes, trial and error is the key. that's what we're doing. i must have tried half the supplements available on the market. luckily most of them work miraculously. i can't think of a better approach when the medical profession is clueless and incapable of helping. we do go for regular check ups and tests. that's one thing they're actually good at. so i'd also encourage you to make an appointment and have your gb checked to see how things have changed since last time. do regularly everything that is free or cheap to you. not sure how British healthcare works.
@AKMcF 3 ай бұрын
Am on day 140, had some irritation and swelling of the rectum over past month. Looking like it is heavy cream and milk (to a lesser extent), cut out the cream last week and subbed for milk (for my coffee) which lessened the symptoms, had some cream yesterday which resulted in a flare up and diarrhea.. on the green tea today and already feeling an improvement. It's a process 😁 Those research figures you cited are actually a study done on vegans, within 5 year 85% quit and 90% of those cite catastrophic health failure as the reason. Carnivore is species appropriate, provides all nutrition required and is maintainable indefinately.
@carnivoreakita 3 ай бұрын
Coincidentally, I'm recently dealing with a health concern which forces me to have less fat. "You can't buck the system" echoes in my mind as I also choose to move towards low carb. I've already reached my goal weight, so it'll be interesting to see if I backtrack or if my body can hold steady. I won't go back to processed foods, refined sugar, and overeating. I'm trying a clean, healthy, balanced diet for now.
@Sally-rl1ug 3 ай бұрын
Hi Rick, 👋. After the 90 days are up, do you think you'll still do weekly or so updates on how your doing. Would be great to follow your progress more if you stay with carnivore or add in certain things to go more ketovore. I've said it before but can't help but think your not eating enough and think you'd actually lose more if you upped your food intake. ( I get your not feeling too hungry though) but surely 500 to 600kcal is not sustainable long term. Good luck with your GB. I'm now craving doner kebab meat 😂 xx
@mariepaulegauthier 3 ай бұрын
@rickvanman 3 ай бұрын
Aww bless you! Thanks for your continued support, it is most appreciated 😊👍❤️
@ghost666recon 3 ай бұрын
i would say, look back to when you started carnivore, your looking healthier
@chowceo 3 ай бұрын
I wasn’t going to comment as you get many tips and probably overwhelmed. But something you said prompted me to send you a KZbin video suggestion. This video explains the reason we get gallstones. That may help you figure out where to go in the future. As always do what you have to do for yourself. Video “What Causes Gallstones ???” KenDBerryMD
@meehan302 3 ай бұрын
Hello Rick I hope you will feel better soon.
@Sean-vz7zw 3 ай бұрын
Hi Rick, I’ve been loving the carnivore challenge but to be honest I’m not interested at all in the anti ageing stuff, I just fast forward it
@annaak7849 3 ай бұрын
No medical opinion on this but what i can say i had a huge bump in the road suddenly 6 months into this diet, having diarrhea. No matter what meat i ate! So I took a carnivore break and had keto w fruit and then back on the horse about 10 days later and again having great success on carnivore with occasional ketovore. Tbh i think key is to listen to your body. It does speak to you.
@alisonspink7217 3 ай бұрын
Another interesting video 😊 Maybe the way forward might be a switch to more of a keto lifestyle it would certainly change things up for you. Will be watching with keen interest to see how things settle for your gallbladder
@bmk8018 3 ай бұрын
Do you measure your state of ketosis with strips or the home blood test?
@rickvanman 3 ай бұрын
I normally use the ketostix but have run out, more an order.
@MrRocksoil 3 ай бұрын
Chance paedra, damn this spell check.
@CampervanTales 3 ай бұрын
You can buy frozen kebab meat to fry up yourself from Iceland. Much cheaper than buying from a takeaway. Then you can add whatever you want to it as you experiment.
@AaronTheHumanist 3 ай бұрын
Surely a kebab once every two months is a manageable situation to intertwine in your carnivore diet?
@briann8785 3 ай бұрын
Regardless of your diet I think you should listen to your body and be wary of processed foods. Many keto snacks, for example, can pull one person out of ketosis while having little affect on another. Either way processed snacks are often the primary reason that keto diets fail. Do what works for you and best wishes!
@JoshsWeightLossDiary-zs8bq 3 ай бұрын
Hey there Fifty Shades of Rick😂. You should be able to just add more fats to your carnivore diet if you need to “workout” your gall bladder. Adding more fats will also help “move things along”. Interesting Red room experiment though. 😀👍❤️
@MrRocksoil 3 ай бұрын
A good exercise for gallb😂ladder is to lie on your back and every 5 min or so roll onto one side,5 min later roll onto other side,do this a few times! It will stir up the g b sludge ,which eases pain and helps to keep it all fluid.
@rickvanman 3 ай бұрын
Great tip thanks, I’ll have to give it a try 😊👍
@neptune1969 3 ай бұрын
Rick what happened to your treadmill?
@rickvanman 3 ай бұрын
Sold it
@xondominique2602 3 ай бұрын
hm i wonder if you got the chanca piedra or stone root? my sister's been taking chanca piedra for more than 3 years now. i can't say it's improved her liver function or gallbladder. it might have broken up the one large stone she was told she had into a few smaller ones. she's been also taking milk thistle for years. it really helps the liver detoxify but i wouldn't say it does anything for the gallbladder. so from our experience, i'd say you got some helpful supplements but not the ones addressing the issue directly. so in case you don't see the desired results, don't go "oh i did it all and nothing's helping".
@josiethornton7049 3 ай бұрын
The fish man on the fresh fish counter in Morrison's supermarket tell us there salmon is sea caught, not farmed.
@tomservo75 3 ай бұрын
Why would we have pushback as to the cabbage. I would have given the diet up long before that, ther's nothing to be ashamed of there.
@krafterpc 3 ай бұрын
Rick... Ur a great guy but your OCD is out of control and I believe a true friend would let u know. You are going from one thing to another in search of the magic wand but ur compounding the issues u have. I can't bare to see a nice guy crash and burn in real time.😢
@normatrodd6666 3 ай бұрын
Agree with you . A true friend will give good advice and I hope I’m one and I suspect you are too.
@MrRocksoil 3 ай бұрын
Stonebreaker is chanca pendragon a herb,which might help you,it didn't help me,we are all different.
@lewisreford 3 ай бұрын
Your definitely overthinking it! I think your trying to draw too many conclusions too quickly.
@MrRocksoil 3 ай бұрын
Still wrong,been one of those days.
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