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@sylviaowega3839 2 жыл бұрын
I know that as an INTP, I almost always feel alienated in a group situation. People don’t come to me as they sense that I have nothing in common with me, whilst at the same time I find 99% of the people boring.
@freshmintbubblegum3831 11 ай бұрын
"Am I just a parasite, collecting traits of other people to wear them as jewellery.." that resonates a lot. I'm an INTP (most likely)
@shannonthejeepgirl 2 жыл бұрын
When I was a teenager my parents died and I hated the attention. They tried to send me to therapy and I hated it, I only went that once. I learned as an adult that I am an INTP and it explained so much of my introverted childhood. Everyone thought I was a sociopath because I wasn’t emotional about my parents. But, I was too busy trying to find a place to live. Ya know…logical stuff. 😂
@lilyrobyn8105 2 жыл бұрын
I've always felt like an amalgamation of other people or like I was copying them, and have always felt like I didn't know who I really was. I didn't realise this could be an INTP thing
@joshnielsen9607 2 жыл бұрын
The self you described while with an ENTJ is spot-on. I (INTP) used to do the exact same act with my ENTJ friend and it was so fun. It gave me an unparalleled sense of power and stability that I haven’t felt since (socially speaking). Thank you for putting my subconscious into words.
@self_education6077 2 жыл бұрын
This is an enlightenment. What a wonderful gift for Christmas. Thank you, Skimmerlit!
@Skimmerlit 2 жыл бұрын
I appreciate your good vibes. Thank you. Merry Christmas to you, too, my guy.
@lilgaything 2 жыл бұрын
That adding and incorporation of better ideas is a very Te thing imo. I noticed how you hesitated while talking about whether or not it was 'good' to be a 'parasite of ideas, wearing their jewels like your own', and how a truly respectable thing to do, is to 'build your own ideas (instead of stealing them from others)'. Why build ideas, when you can just copy the best solutions out there? Why reinvent a tool, when you can choose between a shovel, axe and a pickaxe already specialized for usage. I think that an INTP's drive in life, is to collect and store as much information and knowledge throughout their lives, while their main motivation is to be liked by others. And to that aim, they want to create an entirely new idea/discovery/product that changes how humanity understands the world, adding your own contribution to the wikipedia of knowledge that is the collective human knowledge. A contribution, which is not only accepted, but bookmarked by others for its usefulness. To create knowledge that was once nonexistant, seems to be the ultimate endpoint for a ideal INTP playthrough. As a Te user, I don't care about creating the tools for work. I only care that the work gets done, and ideally fast. I don't care about copying everyone else, and switching methods when better ones emerge, as it is usually only a benefit to your efficiency in your work. It's interesting how there is a type of morality for fairness that differs between Ti and Te.
@AFoxForThought 2 жыл бұрын
This video was enlightening and I feel some closure about myself. I never really desired to be just one person; that specializes in something for the majority of my life. I now understand that I am the some of people, and also characters of fiction, that "molded" and "blends" the persona(s) I carry because those people are the ones I admire or look up to. To half-heartedly awnser the self question for fun: Quite frankly, I am adaptable and friendly if it means getting that fix of human connection that we all crave.
@d0mbus747 2 жыл бұрын
as an intp the best way to show my "true self" is to have the person observe how i am with my parents since they are the people ive adapted to the most, may not work for people with bad parental relationships though
@creeperkingdom3190 2 жыл бұрын
Ok, this is going to be a long one so incase you don't read whats below, belated merry Christmas and happy new year everyone. And thanks for this video it is honestly my favorite one you've made so far. One- Another layer to the INTP self is our principles which you didn't discuss. The big and little things that we will risk our necks to defend no matter how stupid other people and even ourselves think it is. An example of this is I have an absolute hatred for people packing dishes in the sink other people think it's stupid I think is good but to the extent I take it is stupid. I will have to blow out arguments with family and take on loads of extra responsibility just to prevent people from doing it. And when I see others engage in it it makes me really upset for some reason. I think you could put this in the insecurities section because they sort of act similarly. Two - I don't really like any of the faces I wear around other people. Dont get me wrong I like playing up those personalities and becoming does personalities while I'm doing them but I tend to hate the very much once I take the mask off and try my best to fall asleep. I Dont really see value in defining yourself by the personalities you like playing for this reason but I do see value in looking at the general trends you tend to have even when playing up faces. For example, No matter what face I'm wearing I tend to be very inquisitive and ask a lot of questions even if I'm talking about myself I simply use myself as an example to get the other person talking(which I think is true for most intps) Three - I have always really liked taking things from other people especially fictional characters but and three aspects (see what I did there cause I didn't until I was reading through this comment) that you didnt mention is how this often happens unconsciously, how at least for me I build entire makes based on other people and how a negative outlook also shapes my personality. On the unconscious part, One time I was taking to a group of teachers and they asked me some awkward question, I then shook my head while simultaneously looking to the left and slowly opened my arms while making a face. The resone that this is significant is that according to them and my own memory ive never really done that before, but it is something that my brother (whom i respect) those constantly that i just naturally coopted without realizing it. As much as i copy things that i like knowingly their are probably thousands of little things that i do which i got from other people which i don't even realize i stole. On a related note i also tend to steal jokes and memes i like and use them in realife a lot even though i didn't steal these things from specific people. I also sometimes take a whole bunch of personality treats from someone to make a specific personality or for a specific project or group. For example i once had to teach some underclassmen for a science quiz we had since i participated in it the year before and a built my entire teacher persona based on my math teacher who i didn't even really like as a person though i enjoyed his classes despite the fact that in my daily life i never really take much from him. For that specific event i stole almost all his triats right down to his little walking mannerisms. AS far as negative interpretations go. I also steal things from others in reverse for example, i had this teacher in school who was really into fitness and was really muscular who mocked me for my skinnyness. this made me workout religiously for like three years and the only reason i stoped was because of health problem that was being caused by it. The thing is despite the fact that i originally started working out to prove him wrong( that i was actually strong i could be disaplined) after about a month i almost forgot my original motivation and just started enjoying working out. Whats important is that this teacher was the kind of person who used to be very weak and skinny took the self improvement pill and started believing his own hype. That his some sort of amazing person and a ugue portion of my workout persona and persona in general became not being that. Basically i based a large portion of my personality on not being like someone else. Lastly you talked in the past about how some types sed their functions and i belive you've talked about how you see fe and more recently si as function in relation to yourself. I would like to know how you see ti and more importantly ne both in yourself in other intps and in other types because i have a very hard time understanding these functions particularly ne without ti and vise versa and i have no concept of how for example ti works with se it just doesn't make sense to me. And also what are your thought on the never ending comment i gave above are your experiences similar of different.
@susanlittlesthobo6422 2 жыл бұрын
I’m an ENFP with INTP partner….he says no-one ever understood or accepted him like me…stereotypes are often wrong! We mesh very well…I call him on his shit and he does same for me…we stimulate each other so much!
@layrafaytel7219 2 жыл бұрын
I’m an INTP and I have also emulated many things from books or from other people that I like.
@greensmurf221 27 күн бұрын
It's not a mask, it's a shard of ourselves that we choose to show. And that shard is different for different company.
@LourieJacobs79 2 жыл бұрын
First wrote this down on paper when I was 12: "The search for self is inevitably perpetual" Learning I'm an INTP and digging into that is validation for my existence. Thanks for your channel, I'm enjoying it a lot. Love the rain and black screen, its perfect.
@Van_DMG 2 жыл бұрын
4:10 If I can detect or feel like I'm being catered to like this, it usually makes me feel a "you don't know me like that" kind of way and turns me off the person, whether or not it is done accurately. I suppose I can't help but feel that it's disingenuous or manipulative to do so- the video gives me better insight to your side which helps though. It's still just a natural inclination on my part to feel that way. As far as the sense of self goes- the best way I can put it is this: I have the person I like to be- whatever the amalgamation of my humor, desires, thoughts, etc., that when I get to act this way, be it by myself or with my close friends, makes me feel the most fulfilled. I don't have other personas/characters like you describe, but if I feel that my 'self' is incompatible with the person I'm interacting with, then I just blur the details- either until we can be compatible or until I become a blank slate. In the same way I don't like feeling that others are disingenuous to me, I don't like to be that way to others, so I'd rather just not reveal anything and be boring to them rather than try to act in a way that isn't in accordance to what I like. It probably seems a lot less versatile than the way you go about things but I don't think I am capable of, or want to change the way I go about things. Also as a side note, I've been a long time sub and find all your videos really interesting so I just wanted to say thanks for these videos and I hope you're doing well.
@Skimmerlit 2 жыл бұрын
I see what you mean. That catering isn't for everyone or even necessarily for an Fi type. That's for people who project themselves/what they want to see onto others--if you aren't what they're projecting, they freak out, so it's easiest just to reciprocate and move on. I appreciate your perspective. Do whatever works best for you. If a method weren't valuable on some level, we wouldn't have evolved into it. There's a reason and a method behind everything. Thank you. That means a lot to me. Instead of doing an "Xk milestone" video, I think I'll wrap up the year with a thank you to subscribers, but I don't want to alienate people I don't mention by username, so we'll see. I hope you're doing well, too. Merry Christmas.
@abadi173 2 жыл бұрын
you mentioned in one of your past videos that "i wouldn't trust an INTP" , now i have an INTP friend that i admire a lot and afraid to take it to the next level because im always afraid of betrayal, i thought that i could find loyalty in INTPs Si child then again i hear you say that about INTPs and wounder what makes you think that? side note : honestly douse work for me, its the most attractive part about you guys, ISTPs has it too but they lack Ne so they assume the worst about other people, just listening to my INTP friend made me able to fix so many lives, its underrated and that angers me, INTPs are the hidden gemstones of knowledge of this world.
@Skimmerlit 2 жыл бұрын
tl;dr toward the bottom. INTPs are ultimately self-serving except to an *exceedingly* select few. That doesn't mean INTPs are untrustworthy--character will differ between individuals, but I've observed INTPs to be trustworthy to a point. The issue is where that point begins and ends. Assuming you're close, INTPs (probably) won't break your trust as long as supporting you doesn't threaten their livelihood. The moment supporting you means something seriously bad will happen to them, they (probably) won't help you. Some might try to help in ways which won't threaten them, but they probably won't. On the flipside, provided their livelihoods aren't threatened, I've observed INTPs will go above and beyond to help people they care about, even taking losses and enduring *temporary* suffering. Then again, I've met some INTPs who are shifty and back-stab-y 24/7, but they're in the minority. *tl;dr* : If there's serious/permanent risk, INTPs won't help. If there are minimal risks or temporary/manageable problems, INTPs will go above and beyond. If you're an INTP's most important person, they'll die for you, but most people won't be that person. Life sucks, and everyone will always betray you the moment you need them most. Knowing that, 1. Work never to let your personal/professional/financial/moral/emotional integrity hinge on another human, INTP or otherwise. 2. Fuck it. Don't let fear stop you from engaging with people. Remember everyone's going to hurt you in the end, but take risks and keep trying anyway. Edit: I didn't see your edit before I posted this. You're kind, and please don't let my bitterness dissuade you from becoming closer with your INTP friend. Merry Christmas, and I'm sending you two positive vibes.
@abadi173 2 жыл бұрын
@@Skimmerlit "when a man learns to feel love he must also bear the risk of hate" seems like im going to take the risky option, thanks buddy.
@susanlittlesthobo6422 2 жыл бұрын
This is very very true. The INTPs I know are very genuine, caring people but won’t be keen to compromise their comfort unless life or death…I learned a lot from that though and the importance of putting your own oxygen mask on first tho I would never take it to the extent they do 🤣🤣
@wyrmbeast2092 2 жыл бұрын
Ok, so here is my perspective as an ENFP (probably a sane one, as my INTP friend told when we were discussing your video) of my inner self. There are two sides of it: one is cynical and critical to myself, mostly for not achieving what I could've (or what I think I could), other is welcoming and inspiring, neverending fountain of optimism. If I tried to visualise my Fi, it would've been a large hall with a glass floor full of white greek columns. They are quite wide and, if I can say it, mighty-looking. But the floor isn't visible, it is too far, too dark to see it with a dark fog and stuff. I'm aware of (some) my principles and my emotions, but I'm not controlling this part of me very well. Sometimes I even can't describe what mix of emotions I feel. It's not overwhelming in general, only when I have to put it in words. I'm not sure if it would be helpful for you, but at least I tried. Good content, as always, thanks for your work. P.S. Also your describance of Fe resembles mine of Te in me. Logic of others combined.
@lisafoster3494 6 ай бұрын
Yes incorporating other aspects of other people liking something they say or do or ways of being taking that in.
@sylviaowega3839 2 жыл бұрын
I also know that us INTP’s are natural chameleons
@m11nusbl1ndfold Жыл бұрын
As an INTP, that question of "Who are you or Tell me about yourself", Like Dude...Im still trying to figure that out and even then it wont come in a form youre wanting. Now, I could tell you who you are and even what you may believe yourself to be. But again, its all patterns in people.
@Suzanne.C 2 жыл бұрын
intps from atheist culture may experience existential crisis much earlier. mine started from 9 or 10, partially ended before 17, it was a full display of Chunibyo. the penultimant part was SiFi raided by TeFe, so the demon called on superego Berserker, everbody feaked out, and I gained AT·field. the last part was I read Foucault and found that you can literally creat your Identity. here you go, the origin of an information vampire.
@Suzanne.C 2 жыл бұрын
somewhere in between, one day I got an enlightenment in a boring class that regret is the most toxic feeling, so I decided to have no regret, better or worth. I think that decision forced Ne to grow, then AT·field allowed Ti grow, that's how I got a brain.
@LavaMLG 2 жыл бұрын
Aye merry christmas skimmerlit
@Skimmerlit 2 жыл бұрын
Merry Christmas to you, too, my dude. Always happy to see you around.
@daiki103uchi 6 ай бұрын
Does this happen to other types that share cognitive functions with INTPs as well?
@ParameterGrenze 2 жыл бұрын
How much of your thoughts about INTPs could be better explained with a, quite common, 539 tritype ? I find the enneagram framework sometimes more useful when it comes to constructing arguments about the self, since it inherently advertises assumptions about motives and psychological needs in it's architecture. Both 3 and 9 are malleable, 3 more pro active seeking rapport in order to project a certain self image and 9 passively as a reaction to an outside pressure being applied on them. In combination with the leading 5, all those are subservient towards information gathering and securing the self against outside forces. You collect all those traits in order to build the walls of your inner castle fulfilling the core need of 5s autarky through knowledge gathering.
@SiegfireEmberfall 2 жыл бұрын
Great video!
@enricogucci6113 2 жыл бұрын
I came from the hentai review and I'm just confused, but intrigued. What is all this stuff?
@billyhilly313 11 ай бұрын
Thank you
@samfromohio8751 2 жыл бұрын
*googles individuation*
@onemoretime734 2 жыл бұрын
Merry xmas boyo
@sophiatheodores7985 2 жыл бұрын
hey is your discord still around? or do you have an email to contact you by?
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