(DISOWNED)Everything Wrong With Charriii5’s EWW Mario & Luigi: Dream Team

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2 жыл бұрын

Dream Team is the first Mario RPG and, if I remember correctly, the first RPG I ever played. It’s also the Mario & Luigi game fans are the most mixed on. Some people love it; others hate it; and the rest think it’s both. Speaking personally, I’m of the both category. I do like the game, but there are several problems with it such as having quite a bit of filler and way too many forced tutorials. Charriii’s video is kind of the same way ironically. This is probably the video in this series where he makes the most good points, but there are moments where the bad points are REALLY bad. Definitely a lot worse than I remember it being though.

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@tonysonic456 2 жыл бұрын
Four down. One to go. Hope you've all enjoyed the shows.
@darkeneddaylight5422 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, and I absolutely agree with you on the boss fight sins. I was pretty mad when Charii sinned the Elder Princess Shroob fight, but he sinned THREE of my favorite boss fights in this game. Two of which aren't even that hard. Especially Giant Bowser cuz I love that fight to bits.
@reneheard5238 2 жыл бұрын
oh yes I have
@Kirbystarallies1 2 жыл бұрын
I enjoyed all the EWW Charriii5 videos
@calebhalenda327 2 жыл бұрын
You can’t sin Charriii5 for sinning the gyroscope controls if everyone hates the controls especially on a car or plane because then they won’t register and I have replayed Mario & Luigi Dream Team and would groan when I got to The Zeekeeper and Giant Dreamy Bowser because I knew I would have to use the gyroscope controls look what I am saying is gyroscope controls seemed like a good idea on paper but they just don’t work
@tonysonic456 2 жыл бұрын
@@calebhalenda327 Oh I can because I’ve never experienced any trouble with them. Besides, they’re not as bad as Sonic Lost World 3DS’ gyroscope controls.
@darkeneddaylight5422 2 жыл бұрын
I don't know if this is my favorite M&L game, but it's definitely high up there. Mostly cuz it spotlights Luigi, who has been the butt of a million jokes in this series.
@multifandomfangirl9664 2 жыл бұрын
Yup He has heartwarming moments too Especially in DT & PIT for me
@davidthemusicman1046 2 жыл бұрын
So far this series is really fun to watch can't wait for the final part
@HeroponAlexander 2 жыл бұрын
With how Charriii sins breaking the 4th wall, I makes me wonder if he is going to sin Kid Icarus Uprising in the future.
@tonysonic456 2 жыл бұрын
Oh, I hope not. Considering how meta that game is, more so than Undertale if you can believe it, he'd have a heart attack.
@HeroponAlexander 2 жыл бұрын
@@tonysonic456 oh I know how meta it is I've watched Chuggaaconroy's let's play on the game. I've tried to play it my self but it just made my hands uncomfortable.
@thejonbrownshow8470 2 жыл бұрын
@@tonysonic456 as I'm reading these comments, this one intrigued me lol I slept on uprising but from what I've seen from smashmastershow(semi recently changed his channel's name due to that fanbase's controversies lol), I didn't realize it was meta on the levels of Undertale 😅
@matteopugliese4658 2 жыл бұрын
He sins fourth wall breaking Doki Doki Litterature Club. DOKI DOKI LITTERATURE CLUB. If you know the game you will know that sinning DDLC for fourth wall breaking is like sinning Pokemon for having Pokemon. Here the fourth wall breaking is not just here for some gag, is litteraly the entire reason for the story to happen, and i'm not even exagerating (and i know that the video is more a joke in wich i pretend to not know the twist during the first act, but i still found it annoyng)
@DahHourglass 2 жыл бұрын
@@HeroponAlexander ay a fellow chuggaaconroy fan
@edwardramos4591 Жыл бұрын
Fun fact: Dreamy Bowser was actually the first final boss in these games that I actually fought. While timing his attacks are tricky, and the whole 'damage parts to damage the part that actually damages you' was a curveball, the fight went as long as it did because of how I specced the bros on my first time (Mario wound up being fragile offense and Luigi sturdy defense) and being a couple levels below Bowser (Lv. 35 for both bros). It was tough, but as long you keep piling damage, you shouldn't be dropping an f.
@DKCGaming339 Жыл бұрын
Disclaimer: I don't hate TonySonic. So don't harass him. Okay? Everything wrong with the video: Sin 1: Ah. Starting off strong I see. Defending the Luigi torture gag for the fourth time in a row. That's worth four sins. +4 sins. (4) Sin 2: That was a solid point. Like I said in my last rebuttal, if your videos had more good points like this and less bullshit, we wouldn't be here. -1 sin. (3) Sin 4: First of all, I said this in my Partners in Time rebuttal. We don't know the time gap between the games. And second of all and more importantly, HE'S JOKING someone who claims to know when he's joking. He called it racist as a joke. I can't believe I am now going to tell someone what a joke is but here we go. A joke is a display of humor in which words are used within a specific and well defined narrative structure to make people laugh and is usually not meant to be interpreted literally. Screw it, since I had to tell you what a joke is and you have sined jokes ever since you first started this channel, you are getting fifty sins. +50 sins. (53) Sin 5: No, I don't think Toads are usually stupid. Clumsy? Sure! But not stupid. +1 sin. (54) Sin 7: No Starlow wouldn't know that, but she is still being a bitch to Luigi. Also, you too sin Charriii's running gags. (If the Eggman Nega jokes are anything to go by.) Tony is a hypocrite cliche. +1 sin. (55) Sin 8: Another solid point. -1 sin. (54) Sin 9: I was going to let you off the hook, yet you called Charriii a hypocrite yet you continue to be hypocritical. Nice. +1 sin. (55) Sin 12: You had the sin and you proceeded to insult Charriii. +1 sin. (56) Sin 21: He wasn't pointing out the obvious. He was sinning Dreambert for pointing out the obvious. Tony acts oblivious to obvious things cliche. +1 sin. (57) Sin 22: Oh my god, THE POINT OF EWW VIDEOS IS TO BE NITPICKY! WHY DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?! +1 sin. (58) Sin 24: First of all, we don't know the time gap, second of all, that doesn't justify they're actions. +1 sin. (59) Sin 25: You do have a point, but since this sin is a joke, your point is null and void. +1 sin. (60) Sin 29: Sure, but it's also right in front of his face. +1 sin. (61) Sin 30: You are twisting context again. He wasn't sinning characterization. He was sinning the toxic character environment. +1 sin. (62) Sin 32: Tony sins nitpicks yet continues to make them cliche. +1 sin. (63) Sin 35: Shinning and glowing is basically the same thing. +1 sin. (64) Sin 36: A, this is a joke. B, there is a logical connection. They both shine when they transform. +1 sin. (65) Sin 37: It was a joke. "Why so serious?" Also, Tony insults Charriii. +1 sin. (66) Sin 38: I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about, but you never follow your rules either Mr. Hypocrite. +1 sin. (67) Sin 39: See above. +1 sin. (68) Sin 40: I said see above. +1 sin. (69) Sin 42: That's not what Charriii said. He asked if there were multiple dream worlds or if the dream world was just it's own thing. And it's built up throughout the game that the dream world is it's own thing. +1 sin. (70) Sin 63: And skip! This is his personal opinion while you on the other hand are forcing yours on him. +1 sin. (71) Sin 66: Tony sins nitpicks yet continues to make them cliche x2. +1 sin. (72) Sin 67: DT sins jokes yet continues to make them cliche. Also, you never heard people make the Mario mushrooms joke? Have you been living under a rock or something? +2 sins. (74) Sin 68: Tony insults Charriii. +1 sin. (75) Sin 76: It's still a mistranslation. +1 sin. (76) Sin 77: That's your opinion. +1 sin. (77) Sin 79: A simple "Mario logic" would have been fine and a genuine sin. But since you had to make an unfunny joke while mocking Charriii... yeah. +1 sin. (78) Sin 80: That still makes no sense. Why would the king promote soldiers to be his superiors? +1 sin. (79) Sin 84: True, but these two bouncing balls are very similar. +1 sin. (80) Sin 87: Gee, the second part of that sin sounds awfully fimiliar. Oh, wait. It is. You do the same think Mr. Hypocrite. +1 sin. (81) Sin 90: You really can't find anything actually wrong with this video. Can you? +1 sin. (82) Sin 96: I was going to give you credit for this sin, but since you had to be snarky about it, no. +1 sin. (83) Sin 97: Tony doesn't explain his point cliche. +1 sin. (84) Sin 98: 45:47 +1 sin. (85) Sin 101: Tony sins jokes yet continues to make them cliche. +1 sin. (86) Sin 121: Not only are you sinning Charriii's personal opionion, but you admit that this fight is hit or miss among the community (Though I myself love this fight.) I'm only giving you fifty sins this time, but only because this isn't nearly as bad as Partners in Time. +50 sins. (136) Sin 122: I don't think you are aware that these are parodies nor that you know what parodies are. Watch Spaceballs already. +1 sin. (137) Sin 123: And that's twenty more sins for you agnologing that the gyro controls are bad and you sins it anyway just because you don't think that they are bad. +20 sins. (157) Sin 124: A genuine, non bullshit sin! Finally! -1 sin. (156) Sin 175: 43:11 Okay, I won't give you nearly as much sins as PiT since this bullshit isn't nearly as bad, but first, you just insulted about 30% of the Mario community, and second, and most importantly, THIS CHARRIII'S OWN PERSONAL OPINION! If you like this fight, fine! JUST SHUT UP ABOUT IT! DON'T TRY TO FORCE YOUR OPIONION ON OTHERS! Also, Tony says get good. Five hundred sins and moving on. +500 sins. (656) Sin 177: See above. +1 sin. (657) Sin 178: The point of these is to be nitpicky. It is called EVERYTHING Wrong With after all. +1 sin. (658) Sin 180: See the previous sin. +1 sin. (659) Total Sin Count: 659 Sentence: A Nightmare on Mushroom Street.
@sussy-sonic Жыл бұрын
I only read the 1st 12 sins since I haven't watched this video in full, but here good, good luck woth Paper Jam.
@earlrice8095 Жыл бұрын
Question: does tony sin EVERY final boss battle in this series?
@earlrice8095 Жыл бұрын
Tony: get good, which means you have to be as good if not better than me!
@DKCGaming339 Жыл бұрын
@@earlrice8095 All except Dark Bowser.
@ZenoSsj4Hero 10 ай бұрын
@@DKCGaming339 i love these comments of yours as you ACTUALLY explain these well lol. I 100% agree! 😅
@dark-drawssss 2 жыл бұрын
As much as I enjoy these and as much as I love finally hearing someone understanding the cartoony logic, mentioning how long it passed from one game to another (aka mentioning how many years it has been since one game released from another) in a "timeless world" (according to Nintendo) isn't the best idea. There are many things that happen in between the games indeed, especially knowing that this is the Marioverse where many things can happen in the span of a day.
@tonysonic456 2 жыл бұрын
True, but these games don't take place directly after each other. There's been quite a few games in between entries.
@dark-drawssss 2 жыл бұрын
@@tonysonic456 oh I know that, I'm just saying that for the characters (and the whole world itself), it doesn't pass a year or more.
@tonysonic456 2 жыл бұрын
@@dark-drawssss I probably should've said this a lot sooner, but the main reason I assumed that the time gap between each game is the same as it is in reality is because the games occasionally make references to Mario's anniversaries. Granted, the world is timeless, and it doesn't mean that these characters age at all. But at least we got a general idea of a time gap.
@GatorOne-in7hk Жыл бұрын
@@tonysonic456 Still doesn’t explain how Broque Monsieur doesn’t recognize Mario at all despite clearly knowing all about him in Bowser’s Inside Story. Unless that line about how he hates that Mario hits blocks and removes their value isn’t canon, which would be understandable as not everyone would bring Mario and Luigi to his shop in Dimble Wood.
@tonysonic456 Жыл бұрын
@@GatorOne-in7hk Well, you’re answering yourself there. Bringing Mario and Luigi to Broque Monsiuer in BiS is completely optional.
@LuchinoBruttomesso Жыл бұрын
Even though i think All Mario and luigi games are great, Dream team holds a Spot in my heart,it was one of the Earliest games that i got to play on an old 3DS XL,had more copies of it and Almost beat them all (rn trying it again) And it’s problably the game i know the most about (while i do have paper jam,i never use it) So seeing you doing Dream team really made my day (Even though this video was from awhile ago)
@theepicbladertvbeytuber6314 Жыл бұрын
@TonySonic 7:01 his tone of voice was showing sarcasm, meaning he is used to peach getting kidnapped so why are caling him not a mario fan?
@ZenoSsj4Hero 10 ай бұрын
Cause he doesn’t know what a joke is…..🤦🏻‍♀️
@aureliamastergoomba1278 Жыл бұрын
39:39 Yeah it’s a bummer that most people do not like it… I enjoy this fight, but I will admit that it’s because I’m good with giant bosses. If you aren’t that good with them, this fight can be super unforgiving
@Gamerlover64- 2 жыл бұрын
I just subscribed to your channel form the everything wrong with Mario and Luigi paper jam. Also I think Antasma is a underrated villain to me I mean he grab the dream stone and how does he know where the dream stone is he is probably smarter than bowser. Dream team is my favorite Mario and Luigi game because it has one my favorite bros attacks in the series like Luiginary wall.
@christhenerdyderg3916 2 жыл бұрын
Tbh I like charii's content, but I seriously think he's trying way too hard to be funny. Plus, a lot of sins he uses are pretty unnecessary. Also, I know the Luigi disrespect is a running gag throughout the entire Mario and Luigi series, but if you ask me, Luigi just can't get a break. He did have his fair share of successes, like saving Mario, going through a haunted forest, and of course here, he's fought giant enemies in the dream world
@GatorOne-in7hk Жыл бұрын
Exactly. It fun to poke mild fun at Luigi now and then, but the games tend to take it way too far, especially in the later installments when it doesn’t even feel like they’re trying to make it funny.
@christhenerdyderg3916 Жыл бұрын
@@GatorOne-in7hk I'll say. Sometimes games and shows take running gags like these to dishonorable levels or too far. Like they never want the character to succeed, get the honor or respect they deserve, or they just want to keep making the character look like all they do is get in the way or get absolutely stomped on everywhere they go. Heck, sometimes it even makes the character himself look bad.
@thejonbrownshow8470 2 жыл бұрын
Thinking about it, you're probably glad he didn't reference persona 5 with how starlow interacting with a sleeping Luigi effects his cognition is alot like some palaces in that game 😂
@clintonbuggs5612 2 жыл бұрын
Awesome video man
@agentomecha634 Жыл бұрын
Dream Team is definitely my favorite game of the series. I know some people prefer the older GBA and DS sprite work and art style, but I actually really like what they did with the 3DS sprite work and having the backgrounds be 3D spaces.
@aureliamastergoomba1278 7 ай бұрын
39:33 I’m sorry, but I have to agree with Chariii5 here. This boss fight is not that forgiving from the breaking platforms, plus there was a glitch during the spinning section that pulls you towards the lava, also doesn’t help that sometimes the game just doesn’t respond to me tilting the 3DS in anyway sometimes meaning I can’t do anything about it!
@Still_in_water 3 ай бұрын
I agree, this fight was unfairly hard when I first played it. Not only does he get a bunch of attacks you need to remember, he also prevents you at times too hit him harder, such as raising walls in the background and not to mention if you send him too far back with hammer uppercut he’ll instantly begin the tower phase of the fight letting him attack a bunch and have a chance to heal! Also screw the gyro controls for the last part. Just because yours wasn’t bad doesn’t mean ours wasn’t bad as well.
@theepicbladertvbeytuber6314 Жыл бұрын
21:26 to 21:29 he doesn't need to dub every word, especially the cringey ones
@ThePlushLuigiBros2018 6 ай бұрын
33:09 I think you might've forgotten something, playing the Mole Hunt game again is required. The last time I played through Dream Team and reached that point in the game, I went to Pi'illo Blimport before playing the Mole Hunt game again, and the Fly Guys were not there. They did show up there only AFTER I beat the Mole Hunt game again.
@gustavoalejandromorletavil426 2 ай бұрын
I can confirm that too. Very tedious, and I was angry because of it. IDK if it's something the programmers didn't think about or if it's intentional. They should've added a pipe there too; the nearest ones are Pi'illo Castle, which you need to do a tedious climb on the stairs, Mushrise Park, which you need to tediously cross the bridge, or Mount Pajamaja, which you tediously need to cross the castle screen.
@naaylealikhan8129 2 жыл бұрын
This is honestly my favorite game of the series. It is also very underrated. Despite the tutorials, and motion controls. Also great video as always. Can't wait for paper jam. Honestly paper jam was fun but disappointing. Btw I am subbing to you now as well
@tonysonic456 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the sub! Appreciate it!
@susiehaltmann3342 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you people hate this game because of 2 flaws which is very sad
@darkeneddaylight5422 2 жыл бұрын
Not as underrated as Partners In Time, that one's really underrated.
@DahHourglass 2 жыл бұрын
The fact Logan didnt call out charrii during the giant bowser fight annoys Me considering Logan put giant bowser really high on his top ten best bosses
@pokepals2780 19 күн бұрын
Considering most of the stuff mentioned in the original sin videos are parodies of cinema sins and are meant to be humorous it makes sense why. Logan didn’t argue or fight it because this isn’t a review or even a representation of their true opinions of the game. This is comedy, not a review.
@An_Account1 2 жыл бұрын
And the end of the 100 sub special is coming soon. I personally love this game. The Dream Worlds were a fun mechanic, the battle system is great and I honestly don't mind the filler since it means I can play this game more. My only complaint with the game is the Giant Battles. And Charriii's video was fine. Something that did stick out to me was that this video seems to have less padding than his other videos, which is funny considering Dream Team is infamous for it's padding. And as always, here are some things I have to say about your video: 2:23: Charriii seems to have a bad memory of his old EWWs between this and forgetting that he sinned the speaking hand in Undertale. 4:11: What does Charriii have against Starlow anyway? Is it the running gag? 8:22: I guess Charriii isn't most people. 8:51: Also Charriii's nitpicking. 10:10: I'm pretty sure if there was no polite processor he would be violent instantly. 14:21: I think Charriii should stop wasting so much time dubbing these games. 16:24: Neither will I, since he continues to complain about popular boss fights. 19:26: Charriii would still sin it if Luigi didn't encourage him. 19:53: Can't wait to see how many sins you give for his opinion on Dreamy Bowser. I hope it's 50. 34:05: I think Bedsmith is like Kaley from Bowser Jr's Journey where that's just the name everyone refers to them by. 36:34: Not defending Charriii here, but I wish the Zeekeeper did notice Dreambert because I HATE THE ZEEKEEPER FIGHT! 37:49: Oh boy I can't wait for Paper Jam! 39:30: I personally despise the Giant Bowser fight. It's my least favorite fight in the entire Mario & Luigi series because I don't like the touch screen controls in Dream Team, the Spear Guy attack can't be dodged, and I don't like gyroscope sections on the 3DS, not because they don't work or anything, but because I don't like moving mine around a lot. It feels like people's opinions on Giant Bowser depend on their opinions on Dream Team Giant Battles as a whole, and you do a better job a defending the fight than most fans of the fight who yell at people for hating the fight because of Hard Mode. 43:13: You know what I realized after I wrote my comment with the Dream Team sins? Charriii called Bowser's Left Arm his Right Arm. Also, called the 50 sins. And I grew up with Mario & Luigi too, specifically Paper Jam. Okay, I actually grew up with both but I played most of the Mario & Luigi games before I played most of the Paper Mario games. Finally, Paper Jam sins coming soon.
@tonysonic456 2 жыл бұрын
Funny thing is, when I watched this video for the first time, I thought it was pretty good up until the end. I don't remember it being this flawed, but I guess I was just misremembering things. Can't wait for the Paper Jam sins.
@An_Account1 2 жыл бұрын
@@tonysonic456 Yeah, it feels a bit like a sign of what was coming. And I'll have the Paper Jam sins in however long it takes to slog through Charriii's video.
@An_Account1 2 жыл бұрын
@@tonysonic456 Here are the Paper Jam sins. Sin #1: Luigi doesn't look close enough to react. Sin #3: Oh, the Starlow bashing and failure to understand the joke is starting early I see. Sin #4: The paper looks exactly like Peach. Sin #5: What's the sin? Sin #7: And neither of those events occurred in the Mushroom Kingdom. Sure TTYD took place in a different part of the Mushroom Kingdom, but the Waffle Kingdom, given the name, is a completely different location. Sin #8: Peach has no idea what happened with the Waffle Kingdom and while Peach was also one of the heroes of the prophecy, Peach and Luigi barely spend any time in the party together. Sin #9: The Mushroom could belong to no one. Sin #10: How is breaking the fourth wall a sin? Sin #11: What's the sin? Sin #12: "Charriii sins the same thing twice" cliche. Sin #16: How is breaking the fourth wall a sin? Sin #17: Bowser clearly had no idea what he was doing when he sucked Peach up, the poster looked exactly like Peach, and the Bowsers could clearly see that the stands for the fake Peaches. Sin #18: If they ran to the side Petey would chase them there. Sin #19: The game is still okay. Sin #21: Since the most recent game at the time of Paper Jam's release was Sticker Star, I'll give Charriii a pass for most of that, except the fact that that's not a sin of this game. Also, you missed a subtitle at the end. Sin #22: My guess is that you pressed A and then Y. Sin #23: There are two interpretations of what Starlow said, and of course Charriii chooses the one where Starlow blames Luigi and Charriii has the opportunity to antagonize Starlow. Sin #24: By running away, they make it harder for the Bros to fight them, and allow the Bros to counterattack and get their stuff back. Sin #25: Counterattacking doesn't require you to hit the Jump block. By that logic, you can't jump or move in the overworld. Sin #26: Look at the gaps. Sin #27: That's what we call Mario "logic." Sin #28: Trying to piss you off? Ah yes, Starlow was totally trying to piss of the most nitpicky person to ever play a video game. Sin #29: And Charriii continues to misunderstand the dunking on Luigi joke. Sin #30: Bowser has control over more locations than Bowser's Castle, so Starlow wouldn't know exactly how they're connected. Sin #31: Your subtitle lagged there. Also, nobody cares. Sin #32: The only reason Charriii didn't say anything is because the game said what he would have said for him, and what he would have said is part of the "Charriii sins a pun yet continues to make them" cliche. Sin #33: When will you understand the joke? Sin #34: That was only approximately 15 seconds. Sin #36: Wigglers are commonly found in forest areas, the Flutter in Sticker Star doesn't transport you until the end of the game and you access the snow area by boat there instead, and Starlow's been with the Bros since Bowser's Inside Story. Sin #38: They would've probably crashed and gotten stuck in the snow if Paper Mario didn't do that. Look at what happens when they fall in Superstar Saga. Sin #39: But only once in that shape and size. Sin #40: I don't see your point here. I agree that Paper Jam is more of a Mario & Luigi game with Paper Mario in it, but I don't see how this boss proves it. Sin #41: This could be his first job, the only time it happened, or he could always pick them up. Sin #42: The Bros were expecting a fight. Sin #43: Nitpicking. Sin #44: That's the joke. Sin #46: More bars means more opportunities for Paper Peach to escape. Sin #49: Mario "logic." Sin #51: You're missing the joke again. Also, calling out Starlow when she didn't even say anything is ridiculous. Sin #53: You haven't used the pipe yet. Sin #54: "Charriii makes a pop cul-" Sin #55: "Charriii makes a pop cul-" Also, Team Rocket's Hideout has a lot more walls. Sin #58: Charriii, stop sinning popular fights. This isn't a "F*ck this fight" but even then, Shiny RoboBowser is probably more popular than the final bosses of the other games minus Dark Bowser. Also, wow is that contradictory. Sin #59: No they couldn't. Even if you beat Shiny RoboBowser without Paper Mario, you need Paper Mario for certain overworld obstacles. I'm going to miss doing this.
@tonysonic456 2 жыл бұрын
@@An_Account1 On point as always. Also, you don't have to stop. If I cover a video of his that you have stuff to say about, you can always do this again, but if this is the last time, then yeah, I'll miss doing this too.
@An_Account1 2 жыл бұрын
@@tonysonic456 The thing is, I won't have knowledge of whatever video is coming up next, or do you always say what's coming next?
@luigigx1172 2 жыл бұрын
While I only play Super Star Saga and little bit of Bowser inside Story (when I was little) I have to say these games are lot of fun and expand the world of Mario from the usual and wild I’m sad that they stop because of things I still hope they find someone to pass the torch too but who knows that’s just me Also Antasma for the win
@toytonyeipcgamer1961 2 жыл бұрын
Mario and Luigi: dream team is my first Mario rpg game.
@DahHourglass 2 жыл бұрын
The fact they sinned the return of kylie koopa infuriates me also mario and luigi series connicaly takes place in the baby timeline I know this because after the shroob fight in his starlo learns the bros fought them when they were babies and this proves that pit takes place in the end of the timeline
@ningrlpwr 2 жыл бұрын
Mario and Luigi are always going to be my favorites too.
@susiehaltmann3342 2 жыл бұрын
Wow he sins the Big Massif fight because his defense wow, even so he had over 60 HP earlier and he clearly notices its his fault and also he neglects his defense later truly amazing
@susiehaltmann3342 2 жыл бұрын
heres a tip charri "HEAL!!!!"
@darkeneddaylight5422 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, Big Massif is honestly a fun fight. I didn't have that much trouble with it, his attacks were a little hard to predict but that was it.
@owlmanz8171 2 жыл бұрын
glad this was recommended to me
@joshuathehedgehog8368 Жыл бұрын
Mario & Luigi Dream Team was also the first Mario & Luigi game that I ever played as well, and it was the first one I ever beat.
@Blakelol0w0 6 күн бұрын
9:24 I thinks it’s because they don’t want their immersion to be broken
@susiehaltmann3342 2 жыл бұрын
Zeekeeper: Oh hi thanks for checking in, I'm STILL A PIECE OF GARBAGE
@oshakirb 2 жыл бұрын
When I fought the Zeekeeper and got to the gyroscope sections, you want to know what happened? Very rarely did I manage to successfully get through. The vast majority of the time, IT NEVER WORKED, no matter how much I tried! I tried it on both my 2DSes and it didn't work. Otherwise, the gyroscope is pretty good, so I don't know what's wrong, and I doubt that I'm the only one that had issues with those parts.
@tonysonic456 2 жыл бұрын
I actually did experience a little bit of trouble at first with that section, but then I realized what I was doing wrong. I had to hold the 3DS in the same way the picture was showing before the attack started. Maybe that was the case for you.
@oshakirb 2 жыл бұрын
@@tonysonic456 Maybe. I'll check if I ever play Dream Team again. Thanks for the info.
@susiehaltmann3342 2 жыл бұрын
Teacher: The test won't be hard The test: Zeekeeper
@aureliamastergoomba1278 2 жыл бұрын
39:39 and for some reason that’s my LEAST favorite fight in the series because of how unfair it is to people who can’t afford to not heal
@FLUDDgate-dc2sp 4 ай бұрын
I'd like to point out a few mistake. These don't affect the quality of the video, but I did notice them there. 1. 3D World also show that Peach is very capable of handling Bowser so she no longer has any excuses. 2. My experience with this game suggests the motion controls are that bad. I know it worked out for you since you mentioned it, but for me I struggled. Of course it was my first time playing but there's also the fact the motion controls come at the end. 3. During the Dreamy Bowser portion I think you should've mentioned the badge that gives you the shield given it makes the fight a lot easier (Given the badge is pretty broken.)
@susiehaltmann3342 2 жыл бұрын
Can someone please make a highlight reel of Luigi getting absolutely ragging on throughout the series?
@tonysonic456 2 жыл бұрын
Now there's an idea.
@thejonbrownshow8470 2 жыл бұрын
It'd be Intriguing seeing you take on his Doki Doki literature club video lol(that one from what I remember was.. intriguing 😂)
@thejonbrownshow8470 2 жыл бұрын
Not sure if his talk with Monica at the end is considered "cringe" or not lol I am leaning on the fence of that one but more amused as he seems to mainly make that video for both entertainment and I guess his heart to heart with "Monika"(aka us lol), so overall just as I remember that specific section, I personally think it's fine, I don't feel like watching the whole thing again lol
@tonysonic456 2 жыл бұрын
@@thejonbrownshow8470 Honestly, I found his talk with Monika somewhat heartwarming. Seeing the more genuine side of Charriii that we don't really get to see that often. While his Doki Doki Literature Club video is on my ever growing list, when I do it is a little up in the air. Rest assured, I'll make a video on it eventually, though not to the same mindf*k caliber as Charriii's video.
@susiehaltmann3342 2 жыл бұрын
The biggest sin is that there is only 52 Pi'llo (no like actually) soooo HOW ARE THEY NOT EXTINCT *adds sin*
@supermaximglitchy1 9 ай бұрын
10:48 this sin where neither of you realised is that it’s a dream Both explainable things and unexplainable things can happen in dreams
@ianfawknotson1800 2 жыл бұрын
at least Logan (i think) called chariii out when chariii was sinning and ranting about the finale boss
@tonysonic456 2 жыл бұрын
That might have been a joke, but yeah, at least he had the guts to say that to his face.
@DarthMolgy 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like the reason fourth wall breaks are sinned is because they let BAD examples of it (famous example being the almost unanimously hated "Yeah I'm just going to stick with Aliens if that's ok with everyone" line from Sonic Colors) affect their view of 4th wall breaks as a whole for the worse, even when most of the time it's done really well (I mean, just look at Team Rocket in the Pokémon anime). Sinning it is still stupid literally 99% of the time.
@tonysonic456 2 жыл бұрын
You might have a point except moments like that are few and far between. What's especially irritating is that he did this same thing to No More Heroes, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Doki Doki Literature Club, and Undertale. All of which are known and praised for their meta nature which Charriii knows but does it anyway.
@DarthMolgy 2 жыл бұрын
@@tonysonic456 Indeed. Though at least with DDLC I can kind of give it a pass because of how the premise of the video is that it's as if he sins it during a blind playthrough.
@tonysonic456 2 жыл бұрын
@@DarthMolgy I can understand that. Speaking of DDLC, don’t expect me to cover that video any time soon. Since his video is practically a short film, my video would be a feature length movie. Not to mention, I haven’t played DDLC yet; so I’d have to do that first.
@theepicbladertvbeytuber6314 2 жыл бұрын
@TonySonic in sin 36 Chariii5 made the connection that luigi and sonic look at their hands and glow when they transform.
@doctoromega009 2 жыл бұрын
So the next video is paper jam, right? Is that game good or bad? I've seen a lot of mix reviews.
@tonysonic456 2 жыл бұрын
That's generally how people feel about it. A lot of fans say that it's the worst game but still worth playing. I personally like it a lot, but that's just me.
@k.w.pillsbury4070 9 күн бұрын
8:17 it’s not that it’s convenient. It’s that Starlow is being infinitely abusive to Luigi in these moments.
@clintonbuggs5612 2 жыл бұрын
So when are you gonna start the sins on Mario and Luigi Paper Jam
@SnasDeSnas 2 жыл бұрын
time to make a "everything wrong with TonySonic's "everything wrong with Charriii5's everything wrong with Mario and Luigi: Dream Team""
@tonysonic456 2 жыл бұрын
Is that a joke, or are you being serious right now?
@SnasDeSnas 2 жыл бұрын
@@tonysonic456 its a joke lol *but i would if i could*
@tonysonic456 2 жыл бұрын
@@SnasDeSnas Oh okay. If there was anything that bugged you, feel free to speak your mind. I’m always up for conversation. Just try to be mature about it.
@simonomis2557 10 күн бұрын
This commentator just made me realize that the EWW in the title stood for "everything wrong with"
@susiehaltmann3342 2 жыл бұрын
17:07 I mean your right but she literally got petrified and turned into a f***ing mushroom and even so Kylie is still pretty chill after the events of Partners in Time and what's weirder is that there's a picture of a Shroob in her office so clearly she knows what happened back then.
@tonysonic456 2 жыл бұрын
I didn't notice that part. Good eye.
@susiehaltmann3342 2 жыл бұрын
@@tonysonic456 so his point still stands and also makes me question her and Popple's appearance in this game when both don't recognize the bros they don't even have a role in this game anyway, and Popple just runs off near the end of the game soo what was the point?
@tonysonic456 2 жыл бұрын
@@susiehaltmann3342 To be fair, simply having a photo doesn't mean she'll always remember it. Like I said, it's been a long time since both games.
@susiehaltmann3342 2 жыл бұрын
@@tonysonic456 well even so why bother putting kylie koopa in this game then
@tonysonic456 2 жыл бұрын
@@susiehaltmann3342 Fanservice?
@theepicbladertvbeytuber6314 2 жыл бұрын
@TonySonic sin 12 is false because he has a annoyed tone of voice while saying the sin which means he IS use to peach getting kidnapped
@aureliamastergoomba1278 2 жыл бұрын
43:20 Agreed, but him healing is ANNOYING
@greninjamariokartpokemonfan 2 жыл бұрын
I want to make my own version of Everything Wrong With, but for NicoBBQ's Top 10 videos instead. I'm trying not to become Charriii5, as he tries too hard to be a comedian. I also want to make an Everything Wrong and Right With series, where there will be both a Sin and Win counter.
@tonysonic456 2 жыл бұрын
Nice idea. Do you need any advice on how to make one?
@greninjamariokartpokemonfan 2 жыл бұрын
@@tonysonic456 I may need some advice in case.
@tonysonic456 2 жыл бұрын
@@greninjamariokartpokemonfan Okay, just reply if you need help.
@someanimedweebiamsure7071 4 ай бұрын
6:01 Coming back after 2 (at least) years, apparently this was a translation change. Originally what was going to happen was that Starlow was going to tell a horrible joke, and the gust blowing was the result of the bad joke. (A gust of wind is the Japanese equivalent of crickets chirping in America.) They changed it in the north american release, obviously, but I thought it would be neat if I pointed it out.
@DahHourglass 2 жыл бұрын
33:33 for details on why zeekeeper needs to use planes
@lordanubis86 2 жыл бұрын
Just know that if you do charii’s kingdom hearts eww then you might wanna start taking up a stress ball
@tonysonic456 2 жыл бұрын
I'll certainly look into it.
@aureliamastergoomba1278 Жыл бұрын
12:23 I think that might be due to the gap there being too small for Bowser to fit
@aureliamastergoomba1278 2 жыл бұрын
20:03 I was overleveled for that and the EX version each and I still can’t beat EX
@aidanhammans9337 10 ай бұрын
40:15 Bro, this one has NOTHING on Zeekeeper’s, calm down.
@yoshihell4160 Жыл бұрын
Oh wow coming back a year felt like something that’s some time here wow I didn’t see how dumb some of my point were even sone were towards chairr5
@fatalwaffle1715 10 ай бұрын
Awesome Video Bro.
@moofusgoofus 2 жыл бұрын
Crap, i’m gonna be in school when this premiere starts
@tonysonic456 2 жыл бұрын
That's too bad. Don't worry. It'll still be here when you get back.
@yoshihell4160 2 жыл бұрын
the koppa who can’t remember makes sense because of time hole but the the trio the one must have took less but still minnons still kinda mistrust them
@tonysonic456 2 жыл бұрын
I understood like half of that. If you're referring to the Elite Trio's promotion and the damage Captain Goomba took during their fight, as DT said twice in the video, it's been a while since BiS. They've had a chance to prove themselves. Also, gag damage is done purely for comedy's sake. Have you not watched a cartoon?
@rebelmariobros6249 2 жыл бұрын
I Know That None Of These Videos You Make Are Supposed To Come Off As Rude But Half Of The Time Some Of These Sound Kind Of Mean Like In The Spongebob Video The Nights Video And A Few Others
@tonysonic456 2 жыл бұрын
The only time I’m ever intentionally like that is when I feel it’s warranted like whenever Charriii says something REALLY stupid or calls a popular fight bad. Granted, the latter can be just his opinion, but the thing is, he elaborated in his Kingdom Hearts 3 Remind video that he usually makes sure that the community agrees that the fight is bad since gameplay as a whole is a very subjective matter. Every other time though, I’m not trying to be mean, and if I sound like it, I swear it’s not intentional.
@markerikson7423 11 ай бұрын
30:25 also, as JayExci would say, "This game, That game."
@elgaguardado3148 2 жыл бұрын
mario and luigi dream team was my flrst mario and luigi game too
@Jp3.70 2 жыл бұрын
If he makes a everything wrong with Kirby I will be mad
@tonysonic456 2 жыл бұрын
Thankfully, Kirby games don’t have much of a plot for him to sin.
@Prestonthefox 2 жыл бұрын
and plus dreambert is short and he might not be able to hit the dream stones this is at 38:45
@WitherofEarth 2 жыл бұрын
this might be me, but i think charriii actually does have a suspension of disbelief when it comes to video games. he's just poking fun at how they fail at the laws of physics and realism most of the time. now while you are right at how these moments aren't actually sins of the games themselves, i still think it's fun to poke fun at how video games tend to not be realistic even WITH a suspension of disbelief, and that's exactly how i like to interpret these "it's not realistic" sins. this is only just my opinion, though, so feel free to disagree
@tonysonic456 2 жыл бұрын
That's perfectly fine, but there are several moments in several videos where Charriii acknowledges the outlandishness of video games but still asks these kinds of questions. It's that kind of contradiction that makes it look like he can't suspend his disbelief. Plus, more often than not, there are in-universe reasons for things, whether it be the natural abilities of the characters or the cartoonish nature of the world.
@WitherofEarth 2 жыл бұрын
@@tonysonic456 yea. that's fair. it's honestly interesting seeing both viewpoints anyway, whether its charriii's video or yours, so these types of sins can vary depending on the thoughts of the individual
@susiehaltmann3342 2 жыл бұрын
41:46 I mean maybe he just wasn't thinking because the Elite Trio in the series are shown to be idiots
@MagicalMarioFilms 2 жыл бұрын
2:53 DT Self Corrected Himself to be exact it was actually 2 years ago
@MagicalMarioFilms 2 жыл бұрын
And 12 years since the original for DS
@MagicalMarioFilms 2 жыл бұрын
Why didn’t they put The original Bowsers inside story On the game boy while they Superstar saga was on the game boy besides 3DS Already has a remaster of Bowsers inside story and Superstar Saga
@flamingsword2548 2 жыл бұрын
Just because the games have a gap several years between them release wise that doesn't mean several years have passed in universe those are 2 separate things for example deltarune chapter 2 released 3 years after chapter 1 and only a day passed in game
@flamingsword2548 2 жыл бұрын
I didn't dislike this video and I removed the dislike I left
@jefferyandbob3137 2 жыл бұрын
fair but those are part of the same story in the same game, there is definitely some implied time between each of these games for everything to return to normal and for some of the characters to reunite in any meaningful way. plus personally the gaps in time make stuff like Fawful's rise to power more interesting.
@aureliamastergoomba1278 2 жыл бұрын
10:23 DON’T BUILD A POLITE PROCESSOR!!! Just program the kindness into the first function either way there’s no way to prevent it
@tonysonic456 2 жыл бұрын
And if the A.I. is hacked or damaged in a way that negates the kindness?
@yoshihell4160 2 жыл бұрын
Still bad impacts they can remember but the bean don’t talk about it much because of how bad it is
@yoshihell4160 Жыл бұрын
Yes but it most be a so long time even i forgot this comment exist
@aidanhammans9337 10 ай бұрын
45:47 Me caring cliche.
@haydenread730 Жыл бұрын
gyro for me worked in giant bowser fight but was awful during zeekeeper fight.
@basketbomberslackingson4417 8 ай бұрын
Minor thing I want to mention. I’m not a brainiac when it comes to this stuff, so I’m not completely certain on what I say here… You say the majority of the community considered the motion controls to be funky (Charrii5 agrees with the majority in this context) and that you played the game six or so times. Replaying a game tends to improve your skill level with the game, so it’s possible you have a biased opinion there due to your skill level being good enough to negate the motion controls issue. You also somewhat contradict your viewpoint later during charrii5’s 126th sin; the majority says the fight is fun and you agree, so it is fun. The only difference there is the possibility that Charrii5 has not replayed the game as many times as you have, as well as the fact it is the more common gameplay loop vs the niche motion controls (meaning replacing the game is not as necessary to become immensely skilled at it vs the motion controls). You do what he did prior but with two differences that aren’t enough to disqualify his viewpoint.
@joeeeeeeeeeeeey8888 2 жыл бұрын
The game there's just lots of Recycled M&L Superstar Saga and Bowser's Inside Story References
@someanimedweebiamsure7071 2 жыл бұрын
A personal sin: the way Charriii pronounces Pi’illo makes me mad. Pi’illo is a play on the word “pillow” so pronouncing it like peelow instead of pill-ow really grinds my gears.
@someanimedweebiamsure7071 2 жыл бұрын
Also, I hate his voice-overs, they’re ugly and unnecessary, especially since he didn’t use to do that and it worked fine. If you can’t read, you can’t play these kinds of video games. Also I hate how he uses custom artwork rather than a shot of the title screen, cinemasins never did that. What’s wrong with using a screenshot that he has to use hideous artwork instead?
@tonysonic456 2 жыл бұрын
@@someanimedweebiamsure7071 The voice-overs I agree with. A ton of the voices he’s done are just bad. The artwork I actually kind of like. It gives him his own identity, and some of the art is pretty neat. But art is a bit of a subjective matter. One man’s trash is another’s treasure after all.
@antasman6423 Жыл бұрын
@@tonysonic456 the fuck you mean it's "subjective"? Your mother is subjectively gobbling my dick in her mouth
@aureliamastergoomba1278 2 жыл бұрын
40:34 Yeah…I can no longer beat ZeeKeeper or Bowser because of my 3DS causing me to fly into the path of Fire no matter how I move the ds
@yoshihell4160 2 жыл бұрын
Also btw the way I found another KZbinr who hates hard mode giant bowser it’s ok if you don’t get bugs and glitches and know when to time it’s fine
@tonysonic456 2 жыл бұрын
Can you leave a link to this KZbinr's video that involves Giant Bowser?
@yoshihell4160 2 жыл бұрын
It’s from a KZbinr called meta527ii
@yoshihell4160 2 жыл бұрын
Opps wrong person
@yoshihell4160 2 жыл бұрын
Omg never mind
@yoshihell4160 2 жыл бұрын
Here you go kzbin.info/www/bejne/j3fCg6ikibeUa5Y
@DahHourglass 2 жыл бұрын
Dream team was the first time bowser was the final bosses Who the f#%k is shrowser
@theepicbladertvbeytuber6314 2 жыл бұрын
@TonySonic 35 sins worth of mario for both of you pronouncing pi'illo pilo instead of pillow.
@crowravencorvenrow 2 жыл бұрын
Charriii5 sounds a LOT like Fawfulsminion.
@tonysonic456 2 жыл бұрын
If Fawful's Minion was louder.
@crowravencorvenrow 2 жыл бұрын
@@tonysonic456 Right, lol. I just meant that his voice reminded me of him. It's rather bizarre. Plus it's fitting in an ironic way, given how much of a fan Fawful's Minion is of this game series. XD
@NormanDreamy Жыл бұрын
Okay he had to be over exaggerating because when I got to the end of the game and fought dreamy Bowser he was not even that hard to begin with none of his attacks were that tricky the only ones that I had trouble with was the hammer one and the Airship one and that's it.
@DahHourglass 2 жыл бұрын
19:44 he did whaaaat
@DahHourglass 2 жыл бұрын
34:27 is no body gonna point out what he just said Edit i realized he meant in the pillow form i thought it was something else ....... dont ask
@tonysonic456 2 жыл бұрын
Dreambert mentions it in-universe that this something that Bedsmith just says. He's weird like that.
@thundertits 2 жыл бұрын
I think it would be funnier if you cut off more of the sentence. Like to the point where you just say charrii and you hear the ding
@tonysonic456 2 жыл бұрын
What part are you referring to?
@thundertits 2 жыл бұрын
@@tonysonic456 whenever you make the "charrii makes a videogame reference that isn't related to the gam the cliche" you only have one variation of it and that's when you cut off mid reference you should extend the gag where the sentence gets shorter Everytime you make the sin
@tonysonic456 2 жыл бұрын
@@thundertits That's a pretty good idea. I think I'll use it.
@ugochukwunyere3196 11 ай бұрын
@yoshihell4160 2 жыл бұрын
Also 43:00 if your a grinder this is a joke boss
@tonysonic456 2 жыл бұрын
I've heard of that, though I prefer to fight the final bosses of these games on equal or at least close to equal footing.
@DreamyyArt 2 жыл бұрын
Someone finally noticed me! Pin weegee
@Mymy_64 2 жыл бұрын
This is definitely my least favorite out of the series. The pacing was absolutely awful and don't get me started on the motion controls. Also 43:15 As Good as this fight was, it probably one of the most annoying fight out of the series(And I played BIS).I can't count how many times I died to this fight because of how slow everything moved and how frequently he would healed every part of his body (including his main hp). And as for the airship chasing segment, screw that part, Do you know how hard it is to constantly be spamming one button while simultaneously pressing the other , trying to deal enough damage to take it down so it doesn't attack you with a really slow moving cannonball attack that you can only tell how close they are by their shadows and even then once their on screen they come at the speed of Pi'llodium's hammer attack so unless you have a really good reaction time, good luck dodging those. Lastly 43:53 It might not seem hard to you, but that attack requires you to be at a certain spot at a certain time and it does do a lot of damage if you miss them too many times and that's not mentioning the fact that Bowser can have one of them in his right hand for a turn so you have better hope you've done enough damage to that right hand or you're gonna have to look forward to another round of "Catch that bro." Well that's my take on these anyways.
@clintonbuggs5612 2 жыл бұрын
But Dec. 6 I have a concert
@user-cy9dq7gi3y Жыл бұрын
I think antasma vs darkrai is better
@yoshihell4160 2 жыл бұрын
dude really yes but still mario dose time fast if possible like the timeline is different
@tonysonic456 2 жыл бұрын
I'm not entirely sure what you're saying. If you're referring to my time gap sins, the reason I'm saying that is because Mario has somewhat made direct references to the amount of years it's been since the original game. Granted, that's still a little vague of the actual passage of time, but it does give us a general idea of it.
@yoshihell4160 Жыл бұрын
Yes you got me in this point again I also forgot this comment existed now
@yoshihell4160 2 жыл бұрын
Really now it’s kinda wired they call a mustache a beard
@tonysonic456 2 жыл бұрын
Okay, it's clear that you're not properly watching the video. Listen for a moment, and you'd get an answer.
@yoshihell4160 2 жыл бұрын
Like it’s a different thing
@yoshihell4160 2 жыл бұрын
Again tony hello again btw really I know funny enough i watched your videos btw yes
@yoshihell4160 2 жыл бұрын
Want me to be mean about it tony
@yoshihell4160 2 жыл бұрын
Yes it’s a part of hair but it still doesn’t make sense
@jamilzayas5808 2 жыл бұрын
19:35 *_cough_* Tails *_cough_*
@tonysonic456 2 жыл бұрын
What does Tails being mishandled have to do with Dream Team?
@jamilzayas5808 2 жыл бұрын
@@tonysonic456 I heard "character assassination" and was referring to the many videos on how that happening to Tails is considered the vox populi (the opinion of the majority)
@tonysonic456 2 жыл бұрын
@@jamilzayas5808 Oh okay.
@xSoporific1 Жыл бұрын
@SerenaAndCo 2 жыл бұрын
33:33 Here
@richdude297 2 жыл бұрын
You left out the one about the luiginary ball
@tonysonic456 2 жыл бұрын
I don’t recall either of them talking about the Luiginary Ball.
@richdude297 2 жыл бұрын
​@@tonysonic456 the one about how dreamboat is suprised about how the luiginoids turn into a ball Eben though they've always been able to do that
@tonysonic456 2 жыл бұрын
@@richdude297 Oh that. Yeah, I didn’t include that one because I didn’t have a problem with it. I usually leave out sins I don’t take issue with, and if I particularly agree/like a point he made, I’ll remove a sin.
@richdude297 2 жыл бұрын
Makes sense to me
@johnofonett8036 2 жыл бұрын
While I really like your work, and a lot of your points are good, I have two massive grudges towards two particular parts of this video: 39:45 “I didn’t have a hard time with this fight, so Charriii’s personal opinion on the fight is invalid” cliche. 43:15 Once again, “I didn’t have a hard time with this fight, so Charriii’s personal opinion on the fight is invalid” cliche. Like, you not finding a fight hard when Charriii does isn’t a sin against him. Yeah, Charriii does sin both the Giant Bowser and Dreamy Bowser fights because he found them very hard, which isn’t really a sin, but you’re not really helping by - instead of pointing out the fact his personal experience with the fights aren’t sins - just claiming he’s wrong for thinking the fights are hard and that’s it. It’s not like he’s even saying the fights are bad, he’s just expressing his frustrations at how he found them super difficult, but in both of your responses, you’re acting like he’s claiming as such. It’s kinda like you’re putting words in his mouth just because he disagrees with you about the difficulty of a certain bosses. (Not that I’m saying you’re actually meaning to do that, it just comes off as you being purposely facetious and claiming Charriii is saying things he isn’t saying.)
@tonysonic456 2 жыл бұрын
The thing is, Charriii's mindset has been "hard fights = bad fights" when that's simply not the case. I have heard people say that Giant Bowser is a hard fight, but they still love it regardless. With Dreamy Bowser, no one thinks the fight is hard. Most people actually find it easy. What makes him wrong is the fact that his reasoning is flawed because he's more than likely bad at the game combined with the facts that tons of people like both Giant Bowser and Dreamy Bowser which goes against what he says about his judgement of boss fights as I elaborated on in Partners in Time.
@rafaelpereiragomes1735 2 жыл бұрын
3:08 I feel like that should have been 2 sins. But ok.
@tonysonic456 2 жыл бұрын
In hindsight, it could and probably should have been two.
@rafaelpereiragomes1735 2 жыл бұрын
@@tonysonic456 12:25 He did? Let me remember.(🤔)... Nope. I'm unable to remember. What was the name of this said god?
@rafaelpereiragomes1735 2 жыл бұрын
​@@tonysonic456 20:01 Yeah, i'm going to try to overlevel a lot so he doesn't annoy me and i end up considering this fight at least ok.
@tonysonic456 2 жыл бұрын
@@rafaelpereiragomes1735 Dark Bowser.
@rafaelpereiragomes1735 2 жыл бұрын
@@tonysonic456 Oh, i didn't know he was a god!
@Monhamd1000 2 жыл бұрын
Again They need to RESEARCH their sins, which to be honest it's really a stupid move from them
@susiehaltmann3342 2 жыл бұрын
45:45 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂
@micahheyward5342 Жыл бұрын
10:40-10:46 Super Mario 64
Ranking Every Badge In Mario & Luigi: Dream Team
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