DM's of Reddit, what was a convoluted plan your party put together that backfired IMMEDIATELY? #1

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DM's of Reddit, what was a convoluted plan your party put together that backfired IMMEDIATELY?
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Stories by:
1. AtukBaetho
2. IsaacKane
3. Yourguybread
4. TheSeaBoundRhino
5. ClockworkLegend
Stay tuned for more awesome DnD content!
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What is the worst name your PCs ever came up with? (r/dndstories)

Пікірлер: 113
@Scarletraven87 3 жыл бұрын
"We're gonna ambush this Dragon!" I said, after having rolled below 10 for Perception. Yes, for real.
@dblczx6819 3 жыл бұрын
How'd it go? Did the party survive?
@Scarletraven87 3 жыл бұрын
@@dblczx6819 yes but only because the DM was obsessed with a particular type of villains. Not a nice story
@dalekcaan8495 3 жыл бұрын
What type of dragon was it
@CyColt 3 жыл бұрын
OK, Dan Backslide.
@Transubstantiate 3 жыл бұрын
My story got read as the first one! I'm beyond excited about this.
@Forestdude9000 3 жыл бұрын
Hey, that's great!
@TSC-hg4fi 3 жыл бұрын
👏🏻 Grats!
@starhalv2427 3 жыл бұрын
So basically, some fight with giant rats. Me, the DM, and my friends: Human cleric, half elf wizard, and tiefling warlock. All lvl 2. I wanted to make some easy monster encounter, and decided they should handle 6 giant rats (My first time giving them more than 2 enemies, so I didn't know how deadly they can be). So the cleric climed a tree, wizard hid behind a tree, and warlock just came closer and stuck a magical hand into a bush, thinking there was only one giant rat. I have this rule, that animals and beasts don't use complex tactics, they just charge at the first enemy or whoever attacked them last, and sometimes they roll for whether or not they run away. Long story short, warlock was soon rolling death saves. The distance between tree and a dying warlock took one additional turn for rats to go. By the time 5 giant rats were dead and the last one ran away, warlock managed to get up (3 successes, 2 fails), wizard was at literally 1 hp, and the cleric was just sitting with his crossbow on the top of a tree, with full health. I gave them double xp for this encounter.
@trenchardsrevenge 3 жыл бұрын
My rogue and a friend's barbarian kept running into this one jerk of a character and they were getting sick of him so we attempted to murder him, we were level 3 and he was level 1. Instead we couldn't roll over the ac of the character while he beat us to death with his bare hands. Neither of us knew the guy was a monk
@Krim767 3 жыл бұрын
Pathfinder DM here: During the first campaign I ran some five years ago, which was online via Skype and Roll20, I had to split the party into two separate campaigns. I'd alternate each week between each group while I ran them in the same setting, with NPCs and events affected by both parties. At the end of this tenure as a DM, I decided to let my more problematic group have a few things off their wishlists. Custom weapons, a working airship, etc. One member of this group, who we were all new to any tabletop gaming, was a Rogue that made a point of wanting to "be the main character". Red flags, I know, and I should have been more mature in how I personally dealt with it. But I wanted to see where the game would go. The Rogue was the impulsive, seduce every barmaid type, and often made decisions as if there were only immediate consequences rather than long term ones. Anyway, one item I let this particular party have as a going away gift was a wish granting item. Now, I personally adore the idea of all wishes being literal or having a Monkey's Paw twist. The only rule I had about wishes was that my players could take back the wish before I said that the wish had been granted. So, during this final session, the party's Rogue made a simple wish about the BBEG, a hivemind ruling yandere (a person that looks cute, but is or is not so secretly or discreetly unstable and will do ANYTHING to get/keep the object of their affection). The wish was, and I quote, "I wish the BBEG was attracted to me." Full beat of silence. Cue my wicked DM grin. "Your wish has been granted." The moment I said that with the amused tone I had when I let my party make bad decisions, all of his party members immediately burst into chaos and try to take it back. They all knew the agreed upon rules, though. The Rogue was just standing there in the airship with the other players, surrounded by the other two granted wishes (a pair of teleporters that only worked when roughly 15 feet apart from each other or less, and a submersible apparatus shaped like a crab mecha), when a dark portal opens up behind him, and dozens of eager, dark grabby hands pull him through before the other players can act. The campaign ended right there, with the party stunned at the wish, and the Rogue kept captive by the BBEG. tl;dr Horny Rogue wishes mentally unstable hivemind queen BBEG wanted him at the end of the campaign, and got his wish to hilarious effect.
@otakubancho6655 3 жыл бұрын
We didn't start the fire,it was always burnin since the world's been turnin!😆😆😆
@JaelinBezel 3 жыл бұрын
Hmmmmm... (pretty sus...)
@soup-flavored-soup6613 3 жыл бұрын
@okbamtheman 3 жыл бұрын
Hello there
@soup-flavored-soup6613 3 жыл бұрын
@aliciagomez6244 3 жыл бұрын
Imagine having your Fighter Samurai end goal being to create a garden/forest inside a bag of holding and at the end of the game, having your PC put the goal into action, shoveling dirt and soil into the bag of holding, putting worms in the dirt, planting the various types of flora in the bag. Only to discover that the plants used up all the carbon dioxide in the bag and died, turning the PCs dream into the worlds biggest compost toilet Couldn't be me ᵃᶜᵗᵘᵃˡˡʸ
@Warrmonkey 3 жыл бұрын
At least he tried
@rvpairofdicethewanderer2383 3 жыл бұрын
Me and my Party was doing an assassination quest when we had one of our Players absent so his PC, a Fighter that is just a regular orc knight in armor, is said to be taking a vacation. Our approach to our assassination it that we are going to use some explosives but for that plan to work, we needed the gunpowder barrel. The only ones we know are the ones our absent Player has so we "borrowed" one. What went wrong, however, is that when we stalked our target to a camp on a cliff, we decided to just toss the gunpowder barrel at oir target and hit it with ranged fire damage (Party Wizard used a fireball). The gunpowder incapacitated our target enough for us to finish off but the resulting explosion caused the cliff to collapse into an avalanche into a village that was built down there for some reason. Kingdom guards ended up investigating the area and asked survivors there and the only evidence they got was a stamp of the gunpowder barrel. Now the rest of us are going to have to explain to our absent Player that we unintentionally framed him for terrorism. XD
@verdantmistral442 2 жыл бұрын
Oooh, that Winter Wolf story! I played that same module. My first D&D session in fact. I was a Druid with a companion wolf, so I tried to negotiate with it and get it to join us for freedom. Failed the roll though. DM decided the wolf was content with be fed by the orcs despite being chained up. DM commented later that I was the only person who made an in alignment decision. (I was Good and attempting to talk with the wolf rather than attacking it outright.) DM was a bit old school and kept track of that sort of thing for flavor.
@SSKazega 3 жыл бұрын
MY initial plan I had for the encounter was for my character, a Level 4 Battlemaster Fighter, who was going first in combat, to kick the door down and use a shove action on the target to knock him prone and then have the rest of the gang surround him and have advantage on their first round attacks. (I was a Fighter, so this was an easy set up.) I hadn't discussed this with the party before hand so things went bad for me rather quickly. What actually happened was that he made his save, so he wasn't knocked over, his pet Lamia hit me with its Intoxicating Touch, that imposed disadvantage on all my Wisdom saves, and then the target cast Fear on me. (I was a Fighter, so this was an easy set up) I failed my save and I ran past my party who hadn't entered the room yet, screaming bloody murder as my character's worst fears were lividly playing in his head. A somewhat easy 6v2 encounter became a more moderate 5v2 because my Fighter ran away from the fight for 3 rounds until the caster was killed, by then I ran off the map.
@frycook95 3 жыл бұрын
"Let's feed the monster sleep poison and kill it when it's knocked out." *The poison works on INJURY only, ALSO there was actually two!
@MajorFret 3 жыл бұрын
So the party is exploring a cave when we come to a 30 foot drop with jagged rocks at the bottom. There was a way to attempt to climb down and reduce the drop, but it was still going to hurt. I, however, in my creative genius had a plan. My bard, using rope, mage hand, and shape water (Magic Initiate) would go back to the pit I filled with water after some previous Shape Water Shenanigans, put some water in a bucket, go back, tie a rope around the rocks with Mage Hand, then freeze the length of water at the top. So far so good. I had to go first and the DM gave me advantage on an Acrobatics and someone also gave me guidance. Of course, the dice also have a say. Somehow, I rolled about 11 total, which was enough for my Bard to plummet and impale herself on some rocks, almost killing her. That's when I declared "And to think all I had to do was cast Misty Step." TL;DR, almost sucided by Bard in an effort to save one 2nd Level Spell slot.
@Crisjola 3 жыл бұрын
Pitons are quite cheap at shops and useful if you don't want to use a spell slot but also have to scale down a low height (unless your characters know how to rock climb I wouldn't recommend using them for anything past 40 feet, it could end… poorly.)
@MajorFret 3 жыл бұрын
@@Crisjola We did have one party member who had pitons, but I was a little quick in my excitement to jump to my big brain water shape plan.
@MrRipper 3 жыл бұрын
I'm live over at if you want to watch me play Borderlands 2 for the first time :)
@Scout_from_deep_rock_galactic 3 жыл бұрын
Not a dm and it was my first REAL time playing it but I was attempting to passify a kobold for a pet(because slave labor) so I made it sit using command and it sat, completely immobile. My friend had been trying to kill it for like 20 minutes and when my turn was over he killed it. (HE HAD A BLUNT WEAPON BTW SO HE COULDVE DONE NONLEATHAL BUT NO) then, I just scowled at him after it was over and said “Roll for initiative again”
@penguinparty119 3 жыл бұрын
This was from my second campaign, the campaign was a parody of the Lego Batman in terms of design, but I let my players have control over how the handle encounters, either sparing/recruit the villains of killing them. What happened is that there were two villains (Mad Hatter and Killer Moth) that they spared, but didn’t want to recruit, so they when to jail, but they didn’t realize that would back fire. There was one encounter that I planned were those villains that were sparred but not recruited would get revenge, but with other villains helping. When my players saw that, they realized that they had messed up and nearly died during that encounter due to there plan failing.
@erobbed334 3 жыл бұрын
In my first ever campaign we played an evil campaign - the PC’s being varying degrees of neutral to chaotic evil so it was a good mix of backgrounds and motivations. The town we were in was ruled by a Duchess who was clearly the BBEG and had hired us to eliminate the captain of the town guard who was placed by the regional governor so she could replace him with someone loyal to her. Her only requirement was that we don’t make too big of a mess and that it not be traceable back to her. A side quest was displayed in town showing a reward of 3000 gp to kill some monster outside of town and to go see the town guard to collect the reward. Well, us being evil, we had no desire to help this town or kill some probably misunderstood wild creature defending its nest or whatever. My character - a chaotic evil eladrin paladin princeling who had taken an Oath of Ruin to gain power, raise an army, and destroy the Feywild kingdom he had been banished from - was only interested in the money. I reasoned with my party that we could kill two birds with one stone and made the critical rookie error of splitting up the party. The Guard Captain had an idiot brother in town who frequented the brothel and so two of us would conspire with the Madame of the brothel to send a message to the captain telling him his brother was causing a scene and needed to be discretely picked up. We would then ambush and kill him quietly in the brothel room. The other two members of our party would sneak into the barracks and steal the reward money - thus we’d get paid by the Duchess for dispatching the captain AND get the reward money for a job we didn’t do to kill that monster. Well, I should’ve remembered we were all new PC’s with no allegiances to each other in an evil campaign - because one of our party members decided to sell us out and write a letter to the guard captain earlier that day. Now, our characters did not know this and we as players didn’t know what the letter said. But conveniently enough that player’s character was doing the robbery and NOT there ambush. As soon as things hit off, the brothel patrons revealed themselves to be guards and upon being attacked the captain was shown to have some sort of magic helm protecting him from most of my physical attacks. My player was downed extremely quickly and the other player with me, downstairs distracting the captain’s guard entourage, was swarmed in the ambush and had to hide in the back room of the brothel, barricade the door, and wait for backup. My first ever character died on death saves enacting my first ever plan. It was a total disaster.
@wrath4452 2 жыл бұрын
We are currently fighting a beholder and a mechanical dragon it had built. The plan I had going was that two heavy hitting people were going to get close and do as much damage as possible to distract it while my warlock circled around back and fired eldritch blast at it’s eyestalks to try and stop it from casting it’s eye rays. Smart, right? Well, it had the dragon attack me with radiant breath. I am now almost at half heath, 2 other people are similarly wounded and our artificer’s steel defender is down. Not only that, but one of our PC’s was put to sleep by the Beholder. It wasn’t a complete backfire since we can come back from this, but I figured it is worth sharing.
@blakeetter280 2 жыл бұрын
Not any one specific example but they’re very fond of over complicated approaches to situations that have a very straightforward answer. Like, if you have a closed door they’ll hit it with shatter and blow their cover. The door wasn’t locked it was just closed. Or they’ll attempt to charm or intimidate the NPC when they could have just asked. Stuff like that.
@WillTBear1 3 жыл бұрын
We had a quest where we had to help out a town that was under the rule of a death night. This death knight had quite a lot of monsters he tamed under his control that he used to attack the town. The townsfolk weren't so knowledgeable as to tell us what the monster was, but we guessed that it a chimaera given certain footprints and descriptions from the unlucky survivors. Meanwhile, we made our way to the town and discovered ballistae mounted on the walls created a long time ago when elves inhabited it, but left. We devised a plan to set bait for the chimaera at the main entrance with the ballistae trained on it ready to fire upon the unsuspecting monstrosity. So our group waited atop the walls with other townsfolk we organized into a militia. We began hearing noises, but nothing happening towards the bait. We look around and noticed that a few townsfolk were missing from their posts. Then there was another noise and another missing person. We overlooked one vital clue that would've kept some of the townsfolk alive. DID YOU KNOW THAT CHIMERA CAN FLY!? WE SURE DIDN'T! Granted we did eventually kill it, but I will never forget the moment the whole table collectively thought "Oh shit..."
@kylestanberry7400 3 жыл бұрын
Just saying hi!
@JacobL228 Жыл бұрын
We needed to get into a noble's ball to thwart the BBEG's evil plan to blow up the venue without letting anyone know. We went to the best tailor in town who had a very posh establishment complete with live orchestral music. My plan was to dress up as a guard (given my build and background, it would have been believable) and sneak in among the security detail. I asked the tailor if he had any spare guard dress uniforms I could have. His response was "You want to impersonate one of the guards?" The music stopped. I backpedaled like hell and somehow managed to not have the actual guards called on me and I never got that guard uniform.
@danthalios 3 жыл бұрын
The party had tasked themselves with liberating an important NPC from the clutches of a powerful enemy nation. The NPC in question was being held aboard a ship bound to return to the Evil Empire, and one of their generals was present. So the party devised a plan: the druid would Wild Shape into a giant octopus and pretend to be a kraken so as to cause a distraction while everyone else infiltrated the ship, freed the NPC and then bugged out. It backfired because the distraction worked _too_ well. The druid got a nat 20 on his deception check - which so convinced the enemy general that they were about to be attacked by a giant kraken that she put the whole garrison on battle alert and sent her adult black dragon to fend off the 'kraken'. The druid nearly died on no less than five different occasions, while the party only narrowly escaped being obliterated by an entire army by setting a gunpowder store ablaze, causing a massive explosion that wiped out a sizeable chunk of the dockyard. Needless to say, the rescue mission was a bust, but the party later redeemed themselves by ambushing the ship with the important NPC out at sea.
@bigboie3507 3 жыл бұрын
One time our party took an hour to create a plan, I remember the plan because it was very simple. The monk would clime the cliff and tell us what was there after ha came down. Then we would have people attack all sides. Well, as you can guess, the monk was spotted and fell off a cliff, then on the way up the mountain, me a rogue, another rogue, and a druid were shot repeatedly, great right?
@Shuncle2958 3 жыл бұрын
My players in an old campaign got an Archwizard back on behalf a deal of them and the lord holding him prisoner. They decided to treat him horribly, and keep him under their custody locked away in a tiny cell for 4 weeks. They returned him to the kingdom he was from, expecting him to be so happy because of them and reward them. They were surprised to find he was not happy with them for what they did, didn't end well.
@SohiTheTinyKittenHuman 3 жыл бұрын
Ooh I’m early. This should be fun!
@TheKoistar 2 жыл бұрын
That winter wolf story reminds me of one of the first campaigns I played in. It was Pathfinder 1st edition, and I was a sylph ninja in a party with a dhampir rogue, a samsaran monk, and one other that I can't remember. We encountered a traveling merchant who had a caravan full of exotic animals waiting to be sold of to the highest bidders. We didn't like this, so one of the players distracted the merchant while I snuck around to the backs of the carriages to release the imprisoned creatures. Three of them were hellhounds, who eagerly started setting the carriages and slavers on fire once I'd removed their muzzles. After we were done destroying the caravan, I enticed one of the hellhounds to stick with the party by bribing it with meat. I named him Gunner, and he was a very good boy. During downtime, or when we were setting up camp for the night, I'd go hunting with Gunner to procure fresh meat for the party. This helped to both keep Gunner loyal, and to train him to an extent. Gunner was super useful in controlling battlefields, and whenever he made melee attacks, he could trip his targets for free. Maybe this was a misunderstanding of the rules, but it applied to nearly all canine creatures we encountered. Pathfinder 1e has some serious penalties for being knocked prone, and the proccing of attacks of opportunity when trying to get back up can quickly end any encounter, for better or for worse. Earlier on, for example, we almost got TPK'd by a group of 3 goblin dogs. I was able to avoid the tripping hell by jumping into a tree, but I kept missing my ranged attacks, and the DM (my boyfriend) felt so bad about it that he opted not to introduce the goblins who owned the goblin dogs into the encounter. After that fight, we were in a very sorry state, and took a long rest right outside of our destination. The guy we were supposed to rescue died because we took too long. Oops... But anyway, Gunner the hellhound was later added to the party, and despite him causing a lot of things to be set on fire, I loved him and treated him well. We were able to magically disguise him as a normal dog with a glammered collar, and he stuck with us all the way up until the campaign ended prematurely. One of the players wasn't interested in playing anymore, and had his character (the samsaran monk) travel in a random direction for six months, until he encountered some late game stuff and accidentally set the BBEG up for an assured victory through his apathetic bungling. The next campaign took place hundreds of years after the BBEG accomplished his evil plans, and flooded the world. TL:DR I freed a hellhound from the exotic pet trade and he became my sylph ninja's best friend.
@Basic-enjoyer Жыл бұрын
Realize I'm late but I figured I would still share. My group attempted to clear a temple they kept having visions of. This was by a Kraken who had its priest give them rings as gifts to help them breathe underwater. They didn't know it was a Kraken priest or that the rings were cursed, but that is another story. So they are inside the temple and see a helmed horror standing on a balcony overlooking the side of the mountain. The helmed horror wouldn't attack till aggro, and they suspected it had an item they needed to continue further (it didn't). After discussing, they used a certain wind spell (I don't remember which one) to knock it off the cliff. It failed its adv. save and was blown off the edge, they started celebrating. That is until it righted itself mid-air and turned to face them. note to party, helmed horrors have a flying speed.
@a_sad_cinnamon_roll1594 3 жыл бұрын
Operation Cat Allergy This was a mid level plan to try and kill a king way before his time. Basically the Druid got their hands on a ring of spell storing that they filled with 4th level Heat metal. During a fake duel, which was more of a fancy execution, the King was wearing magical plate armor as he slaughtered a bunch of peasants who challenged him. The Druid wild shaped into a cat got close enough to cast the spell and activate the heat metal stored in the ring. The king took the full duration to take the armor off and took a full 40d8 fire damage. They were almost going to get away with it but one of the kings guard noticed the cat with a magic fiery ring and speared them with a javelin. The rouge who was about to sneak attack the king to try and finish him off got smacked around by two other kings guard and the kings clerics quickly healed the king back up. I was genuinely stressed dming this because if the rouge had just thrown a dagger with sneak attack he probably could’ve killed the king before clerics could step in. At the end The Druid managed to escape and the rouge lost an arm but they both lived
@Bence90ful 3 жыл бұрын
I have a good one.. The country my players live in is at war with a neighboring country of orcs. They got an assignment to go and help in the defense of a particularly crucial fortress, and so they went and helped. They got sent out into a nearby forest to scout for any orc activity. It was your run of the mill scouting operation, until they happened upon a cave with a singular orc guarding it, and with voices coming from the inside. The players put the one orc guarding the entrance to sleep, then promptly bashed its' head in with a stone, then the sorcerer got the idea to go in and see who the other voices belonged to. He used "disguise self" to assume the firm of the orc they just killed, and went right inside. He came to the grim realization that he did not know orcish when two orcs stopped him about twenty feet into the cave.
@ImmortalKat4ever 3 жыл бұрын
I don't know why Larry the Bard is so funny to me but it cracks me up
@aidanjackson5084 3 жыл бұрын
This plan wasn't really that convoluted, but it still failed pretty miserably: Our party was trying to figure out how to escort a caravan through an abandoned city filled with undead. We had scouted ahead and fought a group of undead, one of which had on its person a Pouch of Invisibility Dust. We decided that it might be the best thing to use. However, as we approached the front gate and threw the dust around everyone, coughing and sneezing begun to happen. All but a few passed out, with the survivors passing their Con checks (instead of willingly failing them like the majority did) and dragged the unconscious bodies away from the entrance. Turns out, that Pouch of Dust was actually Dust of Sneeze & Coughing, but appeared as Invisibility Dust to everyone else (yes, this is actually a real magic item, look it up), so it was back to the drawing board on figuring out our way through.
@sierra2bork29 3 жыл бұрын
So party was fighting a giant with 2 heads. We did a bit of damage to him only to find out he was sort of an ally. I as the Yuan-Ti warlock than decided to walk into the cave where some enemies were so as to try and cast suggestion on the boss and end everything without blood shed. Sadly the guy was not in my range so I instead through out a fireball. Almost killed two party members while aiming away from the captives. Was labeled as potentially evil even when I pointed out that the kids were safe.
@fenix719 3 жыл бұрын
XD good history, have a great day
@Lans32485 3 жыл бұрын
One from our group. Can't remember the exact details, but the jist is this. Player 1: "Ok let's smeak into this area." *rolls stealth and their rogue/shadowdancer sneaks down the hall with moves that make most ninjas weep.* Player 2: *rolls stealth...and their paladin in full plate clatters down the hall like the entire percussion section of a marching band* Basically, sending the guy in noisy plate mail on a stealth mission didn't work out so well.
@Serperior-Deoxys 2 жыл бұрын
This'll be a long one. April, the Faun Battle Dancer. I created a special monk subclass just for her and her backstory is why. She and her family were visiting a forest near a city, known for having unique flora good for cooking and potions. She was only 2 at the time. A noble happened to own the plot of land they were on and used it as an excuse to capture them and bring them to his abode. He was a human supremacist who was practicing virology to attempt to create a virus that could kill all non-humans. The result of the tests killed April's mother and father, but to her dismay, her immune system kept adapting to the viruses. For 14 she was chained in this dungeon, being fed just enough to survive, leaving her much shorter than she should have been (3'1") and relatively weak. All she could do for exercise was walk around the cell when allowed. Due to her prolonged imprisonment, 3 distinct personalities developed. The main, a happy-go-lucky view of the world with incredible insight into others and a habit of trying to spread joy. The second, a vengeful person who never forgets who or how someone has wronged her, getting back at them in petty or malicious ways. The third, divorced from her others completely, is murderous and takes joy in the death of those she views as enemies, especially when they experience extreme pain in the process. After these 14 years, he immune system had been ravaged to the point where it attacker her own body, mainly targeting her muscles and blood vessels. She was eventually freed by a powerful mage, who used Time Lock on April on her 18th birthday, so she could stay an adult but the disease wouldn't progress. Using a very rare Therianthropy the mage's friend found, April's body could heal the minor damage she takes from doing basic tasks, like opening doors or shaking someone's hand. The side benefit, it strengthened her legs. Using her legs, she is able to fight, but since a normal attack could cause catastrophic damage, she learned to dodge and counter instead of directly attack. Using her in a campaign now. Love her as a character.
@BlackRainRising 3 жыл бұрын
in my game I set up a nice little temple of Pelor the sun god, but it had been taken over by some mooks & a couple lieutenants of the BBEG. The party sees a meeting happening outside the temple with a bunch of armed guards and some robed figures, so the necromancer wizard goes invisible and gets close. She casts detect life on the guards, senses none and figures them to be undead guards, so she hangs back and sees the meeting go into the temple and proceeds to go back and tell the party that she thinks there's a couple wizards and some undead, if they take care of the casters she can deal with the undead. So they plan up to send in the Half-Giant fighter first with the Barbarian and Wizard on his flanks, the Duskblade (who I allowed to use ranged instead of melee) and the Ranger and Rogues to provide cover fire. Plan was set, they line up outside the door, fighter kicks in the door and the first three charge in, the Rogues stay outside the door firing in and the Ranger and Duskblade just behind the fighter firing over their shoulders. Immediately the armored guards form a half circle phalanx and attempt to hold the line... what the party DIDN'T expect was up on the 2 balconies above the main altar was 2 ballistas with full crew and 2 supporting archers each, 2 battle wizards and a cleric... and the armored guards? Dread Guards... constructs, 8 of them. So the wizard sets to work trying to turn undead and command undead finally realizing at the third round the guards were not undead at all and her spells were useless, by this time the fighter was already holding 2 ballista arrows and a few regular arrows in his torso, the Barbarian was facing 3 Dread Guards and losing quickly (dice were in my favor), 2 more set to work on the Wizard as all 4 archers saw she was the caster and turned on her as well... she didn't live long after one of the ballistas hit her as well (the party learned she had undergone the Lich ritual when she came back for round 2, but during this they had no idea). The Dread Guards were able to swarm and flank the Fighter and Barbarian, the Barbarian had to retreat to the door, the Duskblade and Ranger were taking too many hits from arrows and spells and had to fall back, the Fighter went mad and tried to push his way through but was eventually cut down only taking 2 Dread Guards with him. The Rogues were first to retreat back to the tree line in the surrounding forest knowing they were losing this one but the Duskblade tried one last ditch spell, he charged his spell for 3 rounds and stepped into the door to unleash an AoE fire spell (i forget the name of it but similar to fireball) at one of the ballista crews only doing a little damage but not enough to kill or break completely, wound up taking so many arrows and magic missiles that I had to fudge some numbers to not kill him outright, so I put him dropped to -8 to which the Ranger and Barbarian had to pull him to safety and stabilize him before they could retreat to the forest. Strangely enough my players were not upset they lost the fight, they were amazed they actually lost an encounter and were pumped for the next session to go round 2, we drank and had a good time for an encounter well played
@worthog0 3 жыл бұрын
After a one shot turned into the main campaign one of my PC's became the lost king and ruled over a full village now. Before the next session, one player found out about Peasant Railguns and was determined to try it to which I told him it would take very high rolls to get it to work and he would have to roll every 10 peasants to make sure they could do it correctly. 15 rolls that never dipped below 18 and a Nat freakin 20 for damage later; my PC's thought that this was a viable option moving forward. A few sessions later the party was facing a high level demon and, as you guessed it, PEASANT RAILGUN!!! They started rolling and about half way through a Nat 1 is rolled, the object struck the ground with Nat 20 damage and created a concussion that killed every single peasant at once! Needless to say, my PC's are off to find a new town to Lord over and try again.
@Idk_anymore_tv 3 жыл бұрын
A member of my party who Roled a nat 20 and shoving the demon pricen they where battling in a infinate bqg of holding and they just opened it again they are level 10
@wptaimuty 3 жыл бұрын
@Idk_anymore_tv 3 жыл бұрын
@@wptaimuty hello
@nobodyimportant2470 3 жыл бұрын
Did they open it on purpose or is this a refrigerator nightmare situation where they forgot what they put in that bag?
@Idk_anymore_tv 3 жыл бұрын
@@nobodyimportant2470 they forgot that demon was in there
@oplatona__6361 3 жыл бұрын
I was playing an easier version of DnD called Savage Worlds. And me and a girl from the party decided to forge a plan while being attacked by zombies. The idea was that she throws up some oil sacks and I shoot the with burning arrows, after a bunch of convincing our DM agreed, long story short another player got set on fire and needed an arm amputated
@postapocalypticnewsradio 3 жыл бұрын
PANR has tuned in.
@ericb3157 3 жыл бұрын
oh, your username makes me think of "3dog" from the Fallout games...
@postapocalypticnewsradio 3 жыл бұрын
@@ericb3157 Good afternoon everyone. It's time for the afternoon radio news. I must precede this broadcast with an apology. The pageantry and showmanship of our usual broadcast is inappropriate for the gravity of the latest events in our wasteland. The stories we share over this radio broadcast are always serious, and checked by multiple sources to ensure they are as accurate as possible. I state this fact to make it abundantly clear. The information I intend to share today is the bonafide truth. Today is Sunday, the eleventh of April, its 1300 hours, and we're live with the latest news of our wasteland. To begin, the weather. N.S. Melina has begun leaving our Broadcasting Range. While we suffer still minor affects from her outer reaches, the worst of her wrath is over for us. The rains which yet remain are not powerful enough to sustain the floods that plauge our low laying settlements. We are beginning to see the recovery of a few settlements already. They are harbingers of what lays in the murky, irradiated depth below. More on this later. High today of 56 C, low tonight of -34 C. Humidity sits around 98%, and the pollen is back. That's all for the weather, but we need to talk about the pollen.
@goldfencer 3 жыл бұрын
I once played a WWII Superhero RP, where I was this French mob boss turned resistance fighter, with the power to produce excessively toxic plant spores from these vine-wing things. Kind of a fragile glass cannon build; ridiculously lethal when attacking from ambush, but not really suited to a straight fight. He was also a smooth-talker, due to his days as a Definitely Totally Legitimate Businessman before his powers manifested. So.... step one. He ambushed a Nazi patrol, poisoned them, and stole their uniforms. Step two, he disguised himself as a Nazi (he could speak fluent German). Step three, use his Earth-bending buddy to get right into the back of the German base, well away from any witnesses, so he could just slip in without drawing notice. Step four, infiltrate the base and locate their food supplies. Step five, my partner (who does not speak German) gets caught and the base is on high alert. Step six, don't panic; take advantage of my apparent rank to try and clear the rank and file out of one of the supply tents. Step seven, just barely make my persuasion roll. Step eight, one of the Axis supers (Japanese woman with minor Kitsune powers) just walked into the tent and wants to know what's happening. Step nine, nearly succeed in BS-ing a freaking trickster spirit. Step ten, try to hit her with knockout spores before she can raise the alarm. Step eleven, oh crap, she succeeded on her dodge roll. Step twelve, alarm is raised and all the troops outside start shooting through the canvas while she runs out.
@deborahlepage1789 3 жыл бұрын
As someone who also loves wolves, I actually saw Never Cry Wolf in movie theaters when it came out. Such an amazing movie. Not sure what else I could say without spoiling it. And for a wolf lover who might also like Rutger Hauer, ignore snotty critics and give Lady Hawke a try. Our wolf gives an anguished cry mid transformation that to this day a couple of decades later can still make me tear up. Yeah I'm a girl. Don't worry about reality in this one, it's a fairytale and as for the music, yeah it's not correct for the time period, but like Legend, i purchased the vinyls and still have my unscratched l.p.s. I'd say hi, but not food with people, something about sounding abrasive In person, so the pandemic hasn't greatly impacted my hermit life except knocking out the times I would have gone out for holidays etc But here, emoji and I son't use these much. 🖖
@wer57lps60 3 жыл бұрын
I love the feel good messages at the end of these videos. On that note, "Hi Everybody!"
@coolaconsole8649 3 жыл бұрын
@wer57lps60 3 жыл бұрын
@@coolaconsole8649 How are you? ^.^
@jonathancarlson6127 3 жыл бұрын
Party had to sneak into a mansion that was bad guy HQ. We learned there was a back door, so we snuck in through the basement and bumped into the Nothic the DM had waiting for us as a surprise optional boss- who then became not optional.
@AjiraCtelin1993 2 жыл бұрын
So for context, this was a situation where a guy's heart held the trigger for a bomb exploding. (PF 1e. There was magic involved) I was told I as the party wizard could Dispel Magic this trigger, and spent all my remaining spell slots to autopass the dispel check because divine intervention. (House rules are yay) Unfortunately, the magic turned out to be less of a burning fuse, and more the pin to a grenade. TL;DR: my dispel magic *caused* the explosion i was trying to prevent
@fabiansuckfull9446 3 жыл бұрын
My parties convoluted plan didn't backfire immediately. It actually worked as intended and then backfired in the most hilarious way: One of my players did a murder hobo and shot a guy for trying to steal his illegal barrel of alcohol. Here be consequences and 10 minutes of RP later we where having an impromptu Phoenix Wright session to get him off the hook for murder. I won't go into the details of the plan but it was safe to say that it involved forgery, spreading false and real rumors and a lot of deception checks at court. Pivotal in all of this was a barrel of demonic Gaarum (basically fermented fish sauce) that they got from the Warlocks patron to defeat the charge that he was illegally buying alcohol. After all the shenanigans was through and our murderhobo got to do his community service instead of swaying in the breeze, they stored the barrel at the tavern they owned. And now for the backfire: Two sessions later the tavern was burning and the only liquid at hand was the demonic gaarum. So they used that to douse some of the flames. And then they found out that aerosolized demonic gaarum is halucinogenic as hell and they now had to put out the fire while tripping balls.
@Lheticus 3 жыл бұрын
@rainfyre2694 3 жыл бұрын
How a plan to discover the person poisoning the nearby farms failed: Rouge went to church (Me) teifling artificer wanted to sleep in under the excuse that I’m setting a trap. Warlock failed to show up to session. Only 2 people actually followed the plan: The drug dealer cleric The himbo fire emblem reference. The Himbo got kidnapped immediately by bandits and the drug dealer almost followed, but managed to win the fight (supposedly) I’ll find out the rest next session.
@thetattooedyoshi 2 жыл бұрын
"The drug dealer cleric" is not a sentence I was prepared to read. Are there details about this cleric's "religion" you're legally allowed to share? (Also can I have some?)
@superslayin6055 3 жыл бұрын
Every plan I have ever made
@mikestevers26 3 жыл бұрын
Wassup Super Slayin. Love the word play in your name!
@Scout_from_deep_rock_galactic 3 жыл бұрын
Not a dm and it was my first REAL time playing it but I was attempting to passify a kobold for a pet(because slave labor) so I made it sit using command and it sat, completely immobile. My friend had been trying to kill it for like 20 minutes and when my turn was over he killed it. (HE HAD A BLUNT WEAPON BTW SO HE COULDVE DONE NONLEATHAL BUT NO) then, I just scowled at him after it was over and said “Roll for initiative again”
@Lans32485 3 жыл бұрын
Sorry, the "chaotic neutral" party in that one story was definitely chaotic evil in behavior.
@zakstorm5171 3 жыл бұрын
chaotic neutral players in a nutshell
@conripolar 3 жыл бұрын
Is chaotic neutral even an actual alignment at this point? Lol, Every time I hear it, it’s just chaotic evil. What would be a good depiction of chaotic neutral?
@zakstorm5171 3 жыл бұрын
@@conripolar Chaotic neutral is "I care about myself and will follow or break laws if it suits me". They are basically the 'Go with the flow', living only by their own rules. The problem is, most people who want to be murder hobos who only want to kill everything and be a nuisance to the dm say that is "Chaotic neutral" because most dms don't want to play with an evil character, because 9.999/10, they will ruin the fun for everyone.
@spartanhawk7637 3 жыл бұрын
I had a plan to kill an alien straight out of Alien using a cargo crane and a shipping container cause it kept moving around attacking us. Then the second I got in the crane the barbarian rolled exploding dice and the thing went from full health to zero in what we ruled was the single most clean decapitation we'd ever seen.
@funnyblog100 3 жыл бұрын
Botched a stealth mission horribly. Literally can't name a single thing that went wrong because every single thing possible went wrong. Yeah probably wasn't the best idea to take out that security tower with a rocker launcher.....and accidently starting a prison riot while trying to sneak in and break the party members out after they got captured...... tripping every alarm and setting everything on fire. It even made the news in game. So was not stealthy at all. This was in shadowrun and the gm was just trying not to laugh his ass off.
@udrawstarsaroundmyscars 3 жыл бұрын
My friend ended up killing her whole party by walking straight into a trap and triggering a trip wire...she forgot that the rest of the party wouldn’t be able to move out of the way lmao. they were crushed by a giant rock and stopped playing after that
@FLEXJR69 3 жыл бұрын
You have no idea what I wouldn't give to have seen that. That sounds like one of those moments in movies where the music stops and everyone stares at one person.
@udrawstarsaroundmyscars 3 жыл бұрын
@@FLEXJR69 lol, yeah it was also only like only three sessions in too.
@FLEXJR69 3 жыл бұрын
@@udrawstarsaroundmyscars Ok quick, lets become good friends and build a time machine. Cause now I wanna see this like a marvel movie
@thetattooedyoshi 2 жыл бұрын
Huh. A rock fell and everyone died.
@blaqice5075 3 жыл бұрын
@adog6495 3 жыл бұрын
Not the dm but it was only three of the party: me a warforge forge cleric , a Goliath barbarian, human rouge. So the rouge and barbarian are in the tavern, the rouge goes to a elf noble and the noble tells him to bugger off and the barbarian's axe "slipped" on to the table and six guards show up and the barbarian accidentally nocked one out with a punch so the rouge stabbed another in the side with a ice dagger l.. then they got their assess handed to them the rouge gets take to prison and the barbarian ran away till heal a bit and try to save his friend he found six guards and a not so happy giant robot so they surrender
@JaelinBezel 3 жыл бұрын
So where do you come in?
@aaronmhcd 3 жыл бұрын
Hello all, from Colorado Springs.
@billcox8870 3 жыл бұрын
Hi everyone. I hope you have all been smiling while listening to these stories.
@loudgoat5241 2 жыл бұрын
Hi back. It is 9 months later, but have a good day or night anyway. 🦖🔥
@billcox8870 2 жыл бұрын
@@loudgoat5241 I am ☺️
@aurorialgaming1935 3 жыл бұрын
Decided to try seducing the bbeg, rolled a 1. My character is still alive, only mind controlled as a VERY powerful plague doctor who controls poison clouds.
@aurorialgaming1935 3 жыл бұрын
To my defense I attempted to save it by turning to another player after slinging insults at her and said "and that is what I think of you!"
@nemesisprime2093 3 жыл бұрын
Ello future peeps! hope your day is good and fun!!!
@thepbg8453 3 жыл бұрын
Hello internet!
@MrRipper 3 жыл бұрын
Hello fine Sir!
@charliecharliewhiskey9403 2 жыл бұрын
People on reddit seem to have major problems understanding the English language. "DMs of reddit", reply is "Not a DM but". "Convoluted plan", reply doesn't hint at a convoluted plan. "Party", reply is "not party just one player". "Immediately", reply shows the consequence took forever. I mean, their stories are cool and all, but still fail to meet the criteria set in the title of the reddit post. This seems to be a major, recurring issue on reddit, and I don't know why.
@ignacioperez5479 3 жыл бұрын
My mage, alsear, and the party, qere infiltrating into the hideout of an evil group, with the entrance inside an inn. I was like lvl 9 or 10, the important part is i had 1 lvl 5 spell slot. I made us all invisible, except for our rogue, who was able to infiltrate inside as one of them. Once in a good place, i casted summon elemental, using the flames of the place and then turning us invisible again. The elemental started a figth against everyone in the place and our rogue called for the guys inside the hide out. It work kinda well. But then my mage died in the figth against one of the leaders and scaping from there was a nigthmare for them
@Atma_Weapon 3 жыл бұрын
hey guys. just wanted to say hi. maybe make everyones day a lil better.
@phoenixcierebiej9763 3 жыл бұрын
To be honest, I probably would have done the same with the wolf.
@jorgeguijosatellez509 3 жыл бұрын
Mr ripper told me to say hi
@rosehawker 3 жыл бұрын
@42dmension 3 жыл бұрын
@MrRipper 3 жыл бұрын
@rosehawker 3 жыл бұрын
@turtrenold8532 Жыл бұрын
Wait your from ohio thats the what 1, 2, 3... 7th person i know exisists in ohio
@WriterKing92 3 жыл бұрын
Hi comment section!
@thecurator2045 3 жыл бұрын
@Idk_anymore_tv 3 жыл бұрын
Another time I dm for a level 20 part how golfed with a cursed golf ball then it summoned demon king rolled a nat 20 to suduced it got married the demon king became good and is now one of the most powerful npc in my campaign
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