DnD Player Claims DM Is Sexist For Making A Dumb Decision | r/rpghorrorstories

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DnD Doge

DnD Doge

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@iank472 Жыл бұрын
Some folks don't understand the difference between being treated like everyone else and sexism. Usually those people have benefitted from being given special treatment once too often.
@andrewdesalvatore7262 Жыл бұрын
"my character isn't built for combat" **mild inconvenience** "my character wants to attack!"
@Sanodi21 Жыл бұрын
It's either that or they actively exploit calls of sexism for their own gain/their victim's detriment, which I feel is the case here. She screwed up and instead of accepting blamed DM for not softballing it and scared him away.
@Zetact_ Жыл бұрын
Really it's most flavors of and "isms" and "phobias" that this applies to.
@brianvance1178 Жыл бұрын
These people don’t want to be treated as equals, which is why when they are they cry sexism or X-phobia or both
@paulman34340 Жыл бұрын
​@Brian Vance They don't want to be treated as equals but instead you're superior. They're using the typical scumbag behavior you know what using an example nice guys use when they're not really good guys they're just being nice in the hopes that they'll get something out of that behavior Then genuinely being nice people. The problem of why it's so prevalent is because they likely hear stories of others using this behavior and it working well for them or it worked well for them in the past. So they idiotically assume It will always work until it blows up in their face. This is when you have a you have no power here moment
@Thommy2n Жыл бұрын
Player gets pissy, claiming they should have been able to beat a "red shirt NPC". I'm not too familiar with the tabletop version of Dune, but I fail to see any version where the formidable ruthless warrior race that are the Fremen could be "red shirt NPC's"
@anidolinteal3132 Жыл бұрын
Came down here looking for this. Their TODDLERS are trained to kill.
@ShiKageMaru Жыл бұрын
I was looking for this comment too. Like, knowing the setting even a little would have helped; but "getting bored and attacking" while the party is negotiating is a yellow flag at least.
@davidtherwhanger6795 Жыл бұрын
The player was just a primadonna. Expecting plot armor like his favorite anime character has. Any group that uses violence to solve their internal differences regularly are not going to be incompetent fighters.
@williek08472 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, they're badass survivalists
@TheFuriousScribbles Жыл бұрын
Was Micah being played by Sting?
@Theokal3 Жыл бұрын
Honestly Micah started accumulating Red flags the moment he suggested selling away Avis for "being useless" and attacking mid-negociation.
@TheFuriousScribbles Жыл бұрын
Yeah, that's a party foul for sure. For all you folks watching at home, don't throw your fellow PCs under the bus.
@RiveroftheWither Жыл бұрын
My assumption is that he is a former d&d murder hobo trying a new system for the first time and failing to realize it's not all combat focused. It just makes sense with him calling the non-combat character useless and getting bored and trigger happy during negotiations. While D&D is my system of choice and obviously can be roleplay focused, the system itself is heavily in favor of combat. As a result A LOT of D&D players struggle to adapt to most other systems. Especially ones like VTM and COC which are almost exclusively made for RP.
@Theokal3 Жыл бұрын
@@TheFuriousScribbles Indeed. Also it screams the mentality of "if you cannot fight you're of no use".
@Theokal3 Жыл бұрын
@@RiveroftheWither Yeah, I got this impression too. And yeah, D&D *is* more combat-focused compared to other system I tend to play like CofD or WoD, so I figure that's kinda undersandable but still.
@TheFuriousScribbles Жыл бұрын
@@RiveroftheWither You're probably correct on all counts, though mainly I wanted to say that I appreciate how even-handed you were in how you discuss RPG systems here. It is true that just about every edition of D&D, Pathfinder and what have you is geared more towards combat, though I have seen too many people take it a little too far and say that because of this, D&D cannot support roleplay at all and players that prefer more story focused games are better served by other systems. As a veteran of 3.5 campaigns with nuanced stories and combat-heavy V:TM, I cannot agree. In any case, the fact that you acknowledge that RP-heavy D&D is at least an option makes you pretty cool.
@AuntLoopy123 Жыл бұрын
Anyone else think the first DM ghosted, because of personal issues (probably private messages) with Micah? I bet Micah drives away all his GMs.
@KatarnandKanos Жыл бұрын
There's another Dune story featuring a player called Troy and a Bene Gesserit named Eugenia, so apparently the game did survive, but later picked up a new problem player.
@RiveroftheWither Жыл бұрын
As a woman in the hobby I would definitely want to sit down with that Bard player and explain "No, your *bard* going down for trying to lone wolf a potential encounter is not sexism." Bards might not have the worst health pool and have a lot of diversity in play style but at the end of the day they're a support class. A bard should never try to lone wolf anything but trying to charm an npc, especially in the early levels. Even as a College of Swords Bard which is a bit more melee focused, your action economy still isn't all that conducive to 1v.1 combat, let alone 1v.4 unless you've optimized and are of a higher level. Bards are always best when paired with a varied party, where they shine is being able to easily adapt to what the party needs.
@Devilhand21 Жыл бұрын
Micah was being manipulative, wanting to have the DM to leave because he killed his own character with his own stupidity.
@ganghiel Жыл бұрын
If a player is openly recognizing that she cannot separate the game from real life, she should not be playing at all. Many stories here revolve around people unable to separate the game from reality. Let's not endorse this specific behaviour because she just happens to be a little uncomfortable.
@StateBlaze1989 Жыл бұрын
Sexy lamp: the idea that a female character is so nothing in terms of actual character and just in a scene to look pretty, that they could literally be replaced by an attractive lamp and nothing would change.
@rynowatcher Жыл бұрын
Also implies they are in the background and have no agency. A Fem Fatal is an archetype that is defined by being attractive, but they are not "sexy lamps" because they use the said attraction to do stuff. Damsels in distress are usually not "sexy lamps" as they usually are a mcguffin to motivate the protagonist, but they can become one if you "get one for winning" a scenario. In the context of a Game of Thrones, where political marriages are a thing, I would say having a "sexy lamp" or two is appropriate to convey the personality of a lord's keep and what kind of relationship he has with the Lady of the house; does the lord keep a dozen battle scared cup bearers for the feast or are they all young women of a marragable age? Does the Lady scoul at the chamber maids as they go about their business? Are the ladies in waiting wearing veils or low cut dresses? In context to the setting, this actually conveys a lot of information about the political state of the house.
@Parasolhyena Жыл бұрын
@@rynowatcher I do think some damsels in distress can absolutely be Sexy lamps outside of being a reward. The defination of a sexy lamp is "can this character be replaced by an object and not be missed." So for example Rapunzel is not a sexy lamp but sleeping beauty could be depending on the version, I know she's still the mcguffin but she could be easily replaced with an item that people deeply care about. I just think you can be both a mcguffin and a sexy lamp.
@RiveroftheWither Жыл бұрын
​@@rynowatcherA damsel can definitely be a sexy lamp if they don't have an arch or even a personality outside of "waiting for Prince Charming to rescue her". If we were to take the classic tale of a King pleading a Knight to rescue the Princess from a dragon as an example, In a lot of those stories the Princess very much could be replaced with an object with very minimal writing. The damsel could easily be changed to the Sword of Truth, the Crown Jewels, the Mark of the King, whatever important object you want to make up that would get the Knight to fight the dragon, because the Princess only exists to be the Knights motivation. However in Shrek, Fiona is a great example of how you can have a "damsel" without making her a sexy lamp. Simply because she has personality, her own motivation and an emotional arch outside of being rescued and falling for her rescuer.
@kylethomas9130 Жыл бұрын
It does sound like the player was just using terms like buzzwords. It's kinda hard to argue an NPC as being no more useful than a set peice, when many NPCs are just there to make the world feel alive. Also considering the DM's inexperience, it's likely they weren't just adding a bunch of NPC lamps (sexy or not), and just put NPCs that would facilitate the PCs in their goals. Which being relevant to the plot kinda moves an extra outside of being cast as a lamp. They may still fall into other tropes, but not the sexy lamp.
@rynowatcher Жыл бұрын
@@RiveroftheWither the "sexy lamp" is a stage writing term because the lamp is always in the background, not doing anything because the stage is not let by the lamp on stage but the spot lights above them. The lamp is just there to avoid making the actors look like they are not in an empty white room. The plot, generally does not concern itself with the lamp. "Sexy Lamp" means you are part of the background and no one interacts with you. A Damsle in Distress is at least a plot focus; a thing to be obtained, but at least they are a thing that affects the plot and has a place in the story. They are two different stereotypes of bad writing, but they are slightly different. Like I said earlier, a damsel in distress can turn into a sexy lamp once obtained if they then fall into the background, but a "sexy lamp" is not the focus of the story like the damsel in distress is. Ie, Lady McDuff is a damsel in distress that is used to push McDuff into going to war with MacBeth so her death has meaning in the story; pushes the antagonist to act. A "sexy lamp" is like the girl's in the first John Wick movie that are with the mobster's son in the night club; their only purpose is to make the night club seem like more of a night club and less of a movie set.
@AmaryInkawult Жыл бұрын
I have an inkling that the first GM left because of the player that accused the new one of sexism. Me thinks they went rabid on them in private about the sexism being present and they got fed up and left outright.
@unluckyone1655 Жыл бұрын
Yeah that player reminds me of another rpg horror story where the group was playing COS and a player got upset that Strahd was acting like Strahd and demanded that DM remove him from the campaign. Like, dude what?
@AmaryInkawult Жыл бұрын
@@unluckyone1655 "how dare the titular bad guy act like a bad guy! Don't they know villains are supposed to be sexy and misunderstood sparkle boys who can do no wrong!?!"
@davidtherwhanger6795 Жыл бұрын
You might be on to something there.
@nekomancer47 Жыл бұрын
For that second to last story, I agree that the guy probably had sexual assault in mind when he said “something bad” would happen to the kidnapped female character, but I urge the OP and others to not always jump straight to thinking someone is some creepy pervert when they say something a little sus. Sometimes it’s just an accidental, poor pairing of words. Like in my first campaign, our party was sneaking away from a fancy party and snooping through a manor. A maid ended up walking in on our characters, and I panicked, having my character basically pin her down, put a hand over her mouth, and say “Be quiet and don’t resist!” It wasn’t until right after those words left my mouth that I realized how bad it sounded. But my group knew I didn’t mean anything awful like that; I was just caught off guard, panicked, and didn’t want this maid to blow our stealth. Of course, I probably had a better rapport with my group than this DM had with his, so that probably helped me out, but there *is* a possibility that this guy truly wasn’t trying to imply rape and just happened to word things poorly. It happens sometimes, and given my unfortunate experience I prefer to give people the benefit of the doubt until they prove otherwise/there’s good reason to suspect they did mean things that way.
@REfan2002 Жыл бұрын
DM: I was not saying it SA but at least you would have been sold to someone else. Me: Ok, you do realize that is still bad. Right?
@seto_kaiba_ Жыл бұрын
Yeah its bad-bad things happen in DnD. Getting sold doesn't automatically mean your character gets SAd.
@patchmoulton5438 Жыл бұрын
It's almost like evil people do evil things.
@bandwagonbuzzard1617 Жыл бұрын
​@@seto_kaiba_ it's like they think females can't do anything else. I don't mind grimdark (something PF used to take pride in - being the more adult content option), but can think of at least a couple off the top of my head. And that's before humanoid sacrifice and other more fantasy elements come into play.
@unluckyone1655 Жыл бұрын
In the second story i just have to ask a question; has bard player ever watched a horror movie? Common sense dictates that if you hear a noise that sounds like the monster/killer, you dont fuckin go that way. Literally acting like the character that gets killed first in a slasher flick and acts surprised when she gets killed.
@davidtherwhanger6795 Жыл бұрын
"Quick! Hide behind the rack of chain saws!" -stupid teen horror movie victim. "Be quiet! They'll hear you!" -shouted by stupid teen horror movie victim to another loud stupid teen horror movie victim. "Don't get in the running car! That's what they want us to do! Everyone head to the cemetery!" -stupid leader teen horror movie victim.
@marybdrake1472 Жыл бұрын
The DM wasn't sexist, the bard was an idiot. Your bad judgement is not you being targeted Bard.
@EnjoyerOfBirds 11 ай бұрын
The GM had prophetic dreams warning him of Micah
@byronsmothers8064 Жыл бұрын
Me as the 2nd story wraps up: "...wait, where's the cats?" Doge 5 seconds later: "time for a kitty break" Such a silly thing, but wonderfully timed.
@WestCero Жыл бұрын
Hey Doge, I know you'll do great as a DM! You've got a good head about the game and clearly care plenty about player fun which is what matters above all else. So I'm rooting for you and hope you get to make great memories!
@zerothehero6100 Жыл бұрын
This is why some people need to be careful about calling sexism when they think they see it, or just use it as a buzzword to steamroll people. If you keep falsely calling it, you make it harder to have actual sexism accusations taken seriously.
@joshuawiener5003 Жыл бұрын
Ye classic tale of "boy who cried wolf" and the modern retelling "player who cried sexist"
@DavidGonzalez-cj3sp Жыл бұрын
same with most words, racism, sexism, transphobia, misogyny, misandry, incel, etc, etc, etc the more they are used at the slightest inconvenience they lose value and they become buzzwords, meaningless sounds
@robertwildschwein7207 Жыл бұрын
First story be like: bUt ThE pLaYeR cHaRaCtEr NeEdS oP PlOt ArMoR
@davidtherwhanger6795 Жыл бұрын
Yeah. Dude would hate that my goblins and kobolds use tactics.
@paulman34340 Жыл бұрын
You know it's funny I was in one game with a problem player with main character syndrome who's acting the same way wanna know how my dungeon masters handle that. He said plot armor is reserved to characters in a book.... and we're not reading a book. Then I s*** you not gave him One of the Harry Potter books the final book book 7 Deadly hollows. Believe me Mr. Main character was steaming all the way out Of the house With a lot of provenity. Best part was the next day he actually tried to come in and sit down acting as though he had been forgiven he was actually the Dungeon Master's brother. Is only to be told to sit on the couch As he knows joke took the book and was reading it for the entire session While mumbling ever so often Like a kid because this dude was 20
@shadiafifi54 Жыл бұрын
First story: While the bit about going to find Eugenia is a bit bothersome, the PCs clearly enjoyed her company and wanted her back. Micah is a jerk for trying to stop that. Also, are they seriously complaining about losing a duel when they build a non-combat Guild Agent and then kept attacking Fremen, the most battle-hardened people in the Dune setting?! DM warned them the Fremen could TPK them, but he ignored the warnings.
@xRosaliax Жыл бұрын
Re: story 2, if the party didn't think the forest was dangerous then they're naive or foolish. All forests are dangerous, as they contain either wolves, fae, or Marlboros. Never trust a forest.
@seto_kaiba_ Жыл бұрын
Everyone kinda sucks on the "I Wanna Be Paid" story. He didn't say he was gonna SA her character and no-selling her off doesn't automatically equate to SA because she's a woman. Honestly, she sounds kinda of like the other two people who cried sexism because they were butthurt that their character died. On the other hand, the DM sounds kind of shit at DMing. He is inflexible and vindictive. Its definitely a dick move to kill off a player for questioning you as a DM.
@Darklight689 Жыл бұрын
Paid dming is cancer,
@AnjnShan Жыл бұрын
I am amused by sexist people projecting their sexism.
@DanaOtken Жыл бұрын
Redshirt? Seriously, "redshirt"? While their combat skills weren't the reason attacking the Fremen was stupid (it was because that planet's desert is brutal to the tech of the setting, the few predators can efficiently detect and hunt you from very far away, and so there's effectively no chance of survival at that point without being at the mercy of the only society that's developed the specialized ways to survive in it), this is not D&D and these are not the protagonists among the peaceful helpless villagers. Even the swordmaster would be at some risk in a duel due to the state of personal combat in that setting, as the readily available personal shields that stop bullets and blasters have heavily influenced swordwork as too quick a cut or thrust will be stopped by the shield; the fact that personal shields are worse than useless on that planet means the Fremen have a very unorthodox fighting style to need to get used to in a hurry. The Bene Gesserit could survive the duel but would be too well trained to get into it in the first place and publicly display the extent of her hand-to-hand training. I can believe Micah might have been carrying some secret one-shot weapon he was sure he could use to kill his opponent, but expecting to somehow win a ritual duel against somebody who's trained their whole life for the possibility of it? While there are plenty of sexist things about the Dune setting (as noted, in both directions), this wasn't one of them.
@shannongreen4065 Жыл бұрын
I did not know that i was not subscribed to this channel. So i have since subbed, good day to you kind sir
@pedroarjona6996 Жыл бұрын
I have to agree, the window looks fascinating.
@RLHooper Жыл бұрын
Both the first stories were character/player issues, honestly these players need to chill out and stop playing the ist/ism card. Problem is some people cannot separate their politics from their games, those players as a DM I would kick out of my game for causing issues. Tell them why they were kicked out, simple and plain social issues. If they railed and ranted it would not affect me, a DM's job is not to cater to players personal politics. It is to run a good game with a fair but tough challenge, keep a firm but fair policy is my best advice.
@tobiaspause1775 Жыл бұрын
A Paladin... in act4... still picking up bolts... have mercy its so painful. But to the actual topic honestly some Thugs selling you out after they beat you is not neccessarely SA. He was not a good DM true, but that claim from the posting guy was also wrong.
@Cezili Жыл бұрын
Some of these DMs really need to realize the dynamic at play here, especially in Story 1 and online. Someone like Wayne/Micah after about 30s should've just been kicked and banned. It's really disappointing how many DMs either get torn down or discouraged by a single twit.
@jamison85 Жыл бұрын
Hope you have as much fun DM-ing as I do, Doge! Don't worry too much about the first session - it's going to be very likely you'll be blindsided by SOMETHING, and that's part of the experience 😄
@Infovorousness Жыл бұрын
The Fremen are literally described in canon as some of the most skilled fighters in the universe not “Red Shirt NPCs”
@l0stndamned Жыл бұрын
1st story: Mica strikes me as salty about losing a character, plus a bit of main-character syndrome and making a fuss to get back at the DM and group over that. Might have been expecting the DM to be a walkover due to being new reacting badly to finding out this wasn't the case. 3rd: "Running the module as written" sounds like the lazy DM version of "it's what my character would do"
@EmoBearRights Жыл бұрын
I encountered this problem as a baby DM and just had a helpful NPC and his dog help out my party for a bit until they could defeat the bad guys I made other mistakes and was running for friends and not for profit but surely this hound master he spoke of could have showed up if the GM had even a limited ability to improvise or adopt.
@spoonge6682 Жыл бұрын
“Selling a woman into slavery is SA in a roundabout way” no, it’s not. I can see what they’re getting at but a woman being sold into slavery aren’t sold solely for “that” purpose, cheap labor is cheap labor after all.
@TigerKirby215 Жыл бұрын
That guy in the last story: "I'm not an A-hole." Also that guy: _Argues for 10 minutes why he should be allowed to flirt with a girl who's not into him in a way that makes people feel uncomfortable._
@mikaneko Жыл бұрын
Yeah, that guy was definitely the a-hole. But I personally wouldn't want to RP with someone who can't separate fantasy from reality either so.. meh on that DM too.
@sn0wb00ts Жыл бұрын
Y’all seem to have DM troubles. Shoot, I might get into paid DM’ing. My table is having a blast😂
@Nikodraws149 Жыл бұрын
I'm also getting ready to dm for the first time!! Good luck. First time gm solidarity, I believe in you
@kreganf Жыл бұрын
The last one, the last one wow XD, breaking my immersion XD wow
@vortega472 Жыл бұрын
Yay, a well earned Kitty break if you ask me. You'll be a great DM Doge. Ummm you are keeping the hat, right?
@tokageki Жыл бұрын
I feel like I've heard another horror about this same Dune game. I can't remember what the other story was about, but I remember all of these names from another story. Edit: it think it was about Eugenia trying to seduce troy who was already engaged and she says that she's so sexy that he shouldn't even remember his fiancee when he's around her, or something like that.
@craftsmenMC Жыл бұрын
I think I remember that one. Basically kept trying to sabotage the party to get with her target, at least that’s how I remember it. I mean… I guess she’s in the spirit of Dune with all the plotting XD
@DanaOtken Жыл бұрын
I do remember the story, but it was about a different Dune game: you couldn't fit the characters described here into that one's storyline. The player character was trying to seduce somebody engaged to a Bene Gesserit and ultimately tried to use a poison ring on her "rival". This was screwed up to start with because the PC's place in society was entirely depend on that Bene Gesserit being alive and all right with her, and cemented by trying to poison somebody known to pretty much everybody in the setting as able to immediately detect and neutralize just about every known form of poison. The Bene Gesserit actually took it well, which further unhinged the player.
@AmaryInkawult Жыл бұрын
Your first time DMing? My advice: Be Prepared to improvise for ANYTHING. If you have years of acting and improv under your belt, work that into your favor. Your players will love it when the adventure doesn't snag. And if you make them laugh when it's appropriate, you got a game that'll be remembered even when the group is long since split.
@FedericoVetencourt Жыл бұрын
I'd love to be a part of that server for paid DMs, I need the extra cash XD
@ethankaryadi37 Жыл бұрын
Hi Doge. There’s a Reddit story about someone who DM’d the most nonsensical campaign ever. Saving Christmas by rescuing Hello Kitty and All Might? I laughed my back cheeks off reading it.
@TheMightyBattleSquid Жыл бұрын
Small heads up, Doge. I don't know if you noticed, but you've started saying "yeah" at the start of EVERY commentary lol
@animefool22 Жыл бұрын
Good luck at gm'ing. As a first time gm myself as long as everyone is engaged and having fun it's a win.
@rabbitonthemoon6704 Жыл бұрын
I hope you have a lot of fun as a DM
@beardedwonder8333 Жыл бұрын
I call bullshit on the SA one, yes the fight sounded unbalanced but if you keep fighting so will the DM. Like with my games if I make a fight that is unbalanced I will usually give room for escape IF the players are smart enough to run away or surrender. As for the SA part what is he supposed to say? Yes some bandits might be slave traders and shit like that, is he supposed to say something like “we are gonna drag her away for medical attention unless you stop us!” I also call bullshit on the “and everyone cheered” ending she had, big big doubt that all these DMs and the owner messaged her privately and praised her.
@seto_kaiba_ Жыл бұрын
THIS is why people like me say wokeness is ruining the hobby. I personally would rather play with a DM that actually would have his monsters SA my PC than someone like OP.
@ChaosCounseling Жыл бұрын
Give me a break give me a break break me off of piece of that cute kitty footage
@CallOfCathulhu Жыл бұрын
Heya Doge! Man, I would love to have you as a DM. I know you’re gonna be great!
@Captaincory1 Жыл бұрын
I feel like OP in story 2 should've had the player roll stealth instead of having the goblins attack, because I feel the stated desire to go to the bushes made it obvious that they wanted to sneak in to scout out what was going on
@kylethomas9130 Жыл бұрын
From the description, it sounded like the goblins passed their Stealth checks vs the PC, and the DM still gave away their position to the player. It sounds like the goblins had scouted the players campsite, and was aware of the PC's position. Giving the player a 2nd chance on a bad tactical decision may or may not have been the right call. How players handle taking a watch at night takes experience, and the DM may have not intended such a harsh outcome for bad tactics. The damage dice could have just been unlucky.
@Captaincory1 Жыл бұрын
​@@kylethomas9130 I listened back and yeah you're right but I also caught something else I saw as a problem, rather than let the players roleplay a conversation or talk above board to make the decision of who would be on watch for themselves op rolled for who was on watch, which I feel to be a bit of a dick move which takes agency away from all of the players, and if such method was used for long enough to hurt a particular player a disproportionate number of time vs the rest of the players, or not communicated to be the case, can give someone the impression that they are being targeted
@kylethomas9130 Жыл бұрын
@@Captaincory1 I didn't catch that night was randomly assigned. The dice gods must've really not like that PC. Personally I like my groups to decide how they're doing night watch, as it's a really neat opportunity for RP and ingenuity. Some players have even made worse decisions that this story, but made it out okay because of some lucky rolls, and 1 instance of a PC's Passive Perception being just barely high enough to wake up before an encounter went south. My group has been very blessed when it comes to night watches, but have still learned a degree of phobia about these encounters. I think more dice rolls is better than not, but proper framing with lucky rolls prevented things from being much worse is important imho.
@rynowatcher Жыл бұрын
2nd to last one: I did not read sexual assault in that situation. It just seemed like the player complained to the manager because they, "lost d&d." I think the dm should have stopped the game and better clarified what they meant by "before something bad happens," when OP said they thought he was implying sexual assault, but the op devotes more word count to complaining about the balance of the encounter than the implied sa, so it comes off like that is the real issue here. The dm does say later that they did not mean it like that, and leaving a vague threat is an old dm trick to motivate characters to do something quickly. A villian trying to capture heroes instead of killing them is a good practice for dm's in general. I think it is not used enough. It can provide a good way to avoid a tpk and make a jail break (I do love an escape). Heck, the "From the Abyss" official module starts with the pc's being taken to the underdark as prisoners; it can be a good way forward. As far as the official modules, there are a lot of unbalanced encounters in even the official modules. Not counting the broken CR system, they do put in purposefully unbalanced encounters (ie, the adult Blue Dragon in Horde of the Dragon Queen when characters are level 1). I do not know what module this is, but the dm defends his actions later by saying they could have talked to an npc to avoid the fight, so I am not sure if this was just not an intended combat encounter that the pc's ran into despite all the warnings. Pc's can raise and lower the difficulty of encounters, BTW. If you have two balanced encounters in two rooms that are meant to be separate fights but open the door in the middle of the first fight, yes it is an unbalanced fight, but the dm is not who unbalanced it. In this story, they let the rival adventuring party get away without resolving that, so it seems logical they would run into them in the next encounter. That might have been one the dm was expecting them to run from.
@informitas0117 Жыл бұрын
I hate that people just accept that "paid DMing" is getting normalized. Screw that whole concept. Get a new hobby if you need to be paid to do it. A snack, drink or meal is "payment" enough.
@bandwagonbuzzard1617 Жыл бұрын
The idea of monetizing DMing isn't too farfetched to me, but there is an issue that apparently so many of the unqualified try to. It's like people who declare themselves "influencers" and demand stuff, or [insert formats filled with wannabes here].
@Gellidus Жыл бұрын
Lol, talk about everyone sucks here on that last story.
@paulman34340 Жыл бұрын
Damn, as a fire emblem longtime fan myself there are a lot of female archers in the series so I'm curious on which one she used :) But yeah I tend to inspire some of my own created characters from that series Or final fantasy. Not a complete copy but similar in a way you know A spiritually inspired type of character that isn't a clone As the fun I like is making personalities for characters I create That I came up with rather than using Box standard I only do that when I'm lazy and even then I try not to be a d*** about it
@zamirathezenathazami5200 Жыл бұрын
One: The instant calls for sexism over ridiculous stuff is what is hurting actual sexism to be taken seriously for all. This is why it becomes so facepalm moments. Two: The SA thing. I didn't initially read it that way. I also think the DM could have done a lot more to give a different impression if that was his intent. The enemies could have yelled out in battle not to kill them, they could be sold as slaves to the mining/quarry/some other hard labor overseer or the pit boss for a slave fighting ring or something. We don't know the actual context, but clearly the DM did not present that well enough to later have to explain SA wasn't what they meant. Sadly, the OP was in the wrong as well jumping to that conclusion. It is unfortunate that society now jumps to 'female down SA incoming' regardless. So no one was right here. That said, it sounds like the DM was horrible. Using "running as written" is a poor excuse when you realize that less players showed up than intended. The rules state you as the DM have full control over changing anything and everything in the game if you want. I have been a DM in that situation, my 4th game as a DM in fact about 5 years ago now. (LMoP when you go to rescue the wife and child that was kidnapped.) Goliath Barbarian was the first to walk into the room followed by the fighter. Both male. I roleplayed the two women screaming and trying to get to the end of their chains up against the wall AWAY from them. The wife screaming "I would rather die than go with you!" towards the barbarian. The fighter immediately made a comment in character about backing up and for the female wood elf to take over as he suspected SA. They had been missing for several weeks. It took them talking to the female elf to get them to calm down and finally say they were taunted and told they were going to be sold to the highest bidder and they would fetch a high price for their beauty (the bastard stuff I wanted them to feel for them) since they were taken, but other than being chained to the floor weren't physically touched. They were 'too valuable' for that. Taught me real quick that what you say as the DM makes a huge impact. I have been more careful on what I said in future games to ensure my meaning of what was going on around the characters was more clear, and always answered questions ooc even if asked in the middle of a scene. Especially when they two years later ended up in a homebrew slave mining camp. I portrayed some evil doings by my evil npcs that they hadn't seen, but SA was something I stayed well away from if possible. Key note, all of my players agreed to the theme of a much darker campaign following LMoP as well.
@Creshosk Жыл бұрын
So was Micah mansplaining then? Huh.
@mojpiesto Жыл бұрын
While story 3's dm is definitely bad at the job, I feel like the player here is the bigger problem. They jumped to conclusions and acted accusatory towards the dm because they may have misunderstood the dm's intentions. Everyone sucks here
@patchmoulton5438 Жыл бұрын
It's not a real story. It almost ends with "and then everybody clapped."
@thomasferris1905 Жыл бұрын
No, game of thrones is a fantasy themed Dune.
@TorsilClimber Жыл бұрын
Morning doge ☕️
@CallMeKes Жыл бұрын
Hey Doge, can you tell us how you tell Ziggy from Lucky? Love you!
@DnDDoge Жыл бұрын
might seem hard to someone looking in from the outside, but since they are my cats, it's not hard for me to tell them apart. Plus Ziggy has a bit of a chubby face.
@CallMeKes Жыл бұрын
@@DnDDoge Thank you! You and Drake are my favorites!
@phillee427 Жыл бұрын
Did I hear correctly? This will be the Doge's 1st time running a game.Your commentary always seems to be insightful as someone who might have been on both sides of the screen.
@DnDDoge Жыл бұрын
Hopefully that means I'll do good, lol
@phillee427 Жыл бұрын
@@DnDDoge I'm sure you will keep the fans updated on how awesome it goes
@DisneyChar Жыл бұрын
Do people do renown outside of AL or do you just have npcs talk about party deeds? Since another man asked me to stop, I will, I'm only an AH to women
@RagnarokAvatar Жыл бұрын
1st story: I would've kick Micah out for that behavior. 2nd story: When you're on watch and if you think you see something or if your hear something, wake someone up for backup. 3rd story: The other DM's never should have left him to his devises, he needed more training and needed to be reminded that SA is NEVER OK in any game. 4th story: At least he finally listened in the end, if you want romance in your games, then you need to talk to your players to see if they can work a reomance plot/subplot in with the DM, if the person you want to romance isn't OK with it then drop it.
@patchmoulton5438 Жыл бұрын
What was the SA, though?
@RagnarokAvatar Жыл бұрын
@@patchmoulton5438 when the bandits were about to take her unconscious body to a different room to do the evil deed
@patchmoulton5438 Жыл бұрын
@@RagnarokAvatar Is it SA because they were dragging the PC or is it SA because they were dragging a woman?
@RagnarokAvatar Жыл бұрын
@@patchmoulton5438 The point is the player all agreed that this kind of thing is not OK with this group and the DM chose to ignore it.
@patchmoulton5438 Жыл бұрын
@@RagnarokAvatar Sure but what was the SA? That a female party member got captured and dragged off in an unbalanced encounter? An encounter that was written as punishment for a party that failed in their diplomacy? The dm even said that no SA was involved, the bandits were going to sell her... just like they would sell any captured male party member too.
@TheFuriousScribbles Жыл бұрын
On those first two stories, I think the real lesson here is when the DM says "Are you sure?" or otherwise suggests that you try a different idea, you really ought to reconsider what you're doing.
@ricorojas1854 Жыл бұрын
To be fair op in wanna be paid did jump to a pretty specific conclusion on the sa thing Was the dm trash and rude yes,. But sa definitely isn't what I assumed Maybe he said it in a specific way in person But just hearing read aloud I definitely didn't think omg he's gonna sa that poor archer My first thought was death or imprisonment
@callmecharlie4250 Жыл бұрын
I'd consider that as well if it weren't for the dm changing what happens to the guy just bashing her brains in instead of saying that the character wasn't going to be sa'd when confronted.
@ricorojas1854 Жыл бұрын
@@callmecharlie4250 true but he actually denied the claims that sa was gonna happen and sa technically never happened or was never outright threatened She just said instantly reacted "don't sa my character!!!" And he said "ok he bashes her head in" it seems like he's trying to be as upfront as possible instead of vague and dangerous
@callmecharlie4250 Жыл бұрын
@@ricorojas1854 he only denied the claim after a bit. I feel like someone's first reaction would be to say "that's not what I'm doing" instead of "fine this happens instead" when they didn't intend on doing something.
@ricorojas1854 Жыл бұрын
@@callmecharlie4250 fair enough Some people just aren't right for dming
@derpydood Жыл бұрын
A violent thug is dragging a woman away where "something bad might happen". Only so many ways to interpret that. Clear communication with your players is important. If you're planning to have your thugs sell the PCs into slavery, why drag them away one at a time as they fall instead of downing the group and taking them all at once?
@GoldenNoKami Жыл бұрын
Hmm yes another DnD Doge Video
@MrSiren52 Жыл бұрын
I love your videos, and you're a good reader, but please watch one of the Dune movies to learn the pronunciation before you do any more Dune TTRPG horror stories. It hurts to hear a geek butcher them so...
@7thsealord888 Жыл бұрын
1. From here, seems like the group should have just cut Micah loose and carried on. 2. The bard player made bad decisions despite the Referee's warnings. It really is that simple. 3. Bad GM. Really, should be him paying Players to be in his games. 4. Player was all about HIS immersion. The immersion of others obviously was unimportant to him.
@destroyerinazuma96 Жыл бұрын
"My superpower is to be rich." Here's a funny story: I once played COPS where my character was a medical school dropout who later became a policeman. He had distanced himself from his rich parents to live independently. GM decided to toss him a Lamborghini Gallardo. Our police squad ditched our stock patrol car and we only used the Lambo.
@veranvondread9796 Жыл бұрын
Good morning
@evanbrown7325 Жыл бұрын
The last story is just absurd. If you can't 'seperate fantasy and reality' you need to stop playing fantasy games and seek professional help.
@MetalxLicaxPP Жыл бұрын
Wtf a furry
@Jaeger_Bishop Жыл бұрын
In the "I wanna be paid", story. I'll agree that this DM is sub par to be a paid DM. At the same time, maybe the OP should go play a game of My little pony...or something, where nothing bad happens to whaamen, ever. *Shrugs*
@AmaryInkawult Жыл бұрын
@robertwildschwein7207 Жыл бұрын
@mojpiesto Жыл бұрын
Why do you take the side of the player when they say they can not separate ic from ooc? The guy may have been a dick but he is right when he says the op was a bad roleplayer
@Anti_Meat_Beater Жыл бұрын
cat cute
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