Does Matthew

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David Wilber

David Wilber

Күн бұрын

Did the Messiah consider the Book of Enoch to be "Scripture"? Adam Fink from Parable of the Vineyard says yes. Adam claims that Yeshua uses the Book of Enoch in Matthew 22:23-33 when he corrects the Sadducees regarding the resurrection, directly referencing it as "Scripture." In this short video, we examine this passage to see if it supports this claim.
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@DavidWilberBlog 6 ай бұрын
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@XavierPutnam 5 ай бұрын
Good stuff, David! I think Luke's account of this event is particularly valuable because it tells us *how* believers will be like the angels: Luke 20:35-36 35 But they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage: 36 Neither can they die any more: for they are *equal unto the angels;* and are the *children of God, being the children of the resurrection.* We will be "as the angels of God in heaven" (Matt. 22:30), or "equal unto the angels" (Lk. 22:36) by virtue of our resurrected bodies. Perhaps the Gospel writers also had Daniel 12 in mind: Daniel 12:3 3 And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness *as the stars* for ever and ever. Since stars *sometimes* appear to refer to angels, one might argue that Daniel 12, a resurrection passage, likewise explains how believers will be comparable to the angels, again, by virtue of the resurrection.
@DavidWilberBlog 5 ай бұрын
Excellent observation!
@lonnierandall7882 6 ай бұрын
According to the book of Enoch, angels told Enoch about the flood, and then Enoch told Noah. But the Bible says God told Noah himself about the flood. Also, in Genesis 5:21-29 (do the math) it tells us that Enoch died, (yes Enoch died) 769 years before Noah was born. When it says that Enoch "was not", does it sound like he went to heaven, or does it sound like he ceased to be? Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended? who hath gathered the wind in his fists? who hath bound the waters in a garment? who hath established all the ends of the earth? what is his name, and what is his son's name, if thou canst tell? Proverbs 30:4 I used to have a “Book of Enoch”. After reading it, I realized why it is not in the Bible. It is not Bible. If the “Book of Enoch” was really written by Enoch, it would be the oldest book in the world. Noah would have brought it with him on the ark. The “Book of Enoch” is a gnostic book written much later. That is why the Freemasons and New Agers have a high opinion of it. Too many people are using the "Book of Enoch" to interpret their Bibles, instead of using their Bibles to discern that the "Book of Enoch" is not Bible. The "Book of Enoch" is more akin to the Babylonian "Talmud" that the Jews love so much. Why do you suppose they want to convince you to trust the "Book of Enoch?" The whole thing about Enoch going to heaven, witnessing all these things and then coming back to tell about it is fantasy, like "Dante's Inferno". All we need to discern that the “Book of Enoch” is not Bible, nor was it written by Enoch, is that Enoch never went to heaven. The Bible does not even say he did. But The “Book of Enoch” is highly regarded among Freemasons, New Agers, Kabbalists, and Satanists. Genesis 5:24 And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him. Enoch and Elijah are often sited as examples of people who have gone to heaven, but is that what the bible says? The apostle Paul included Enoch in his list of people of faith from the old testament. Hebrews 11:5 By faith Enoch was translated [metatithemi] that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God. "Enoch was translated that he should not see death." What does it mean to be translated? Colossians 1:12-14 Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light: Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated [metatithemi] us into the kingdom of his dear Son: In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins: "Enoch was translated that he should not see death." Did Enoch die?; Hebrews 11:13 These all died in faith, NOT HAVING RECEIVED THE PROMISES, but having seen them afar off [future], and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. Taken in context, the same scripture that tells us Enoch was translated also tells us he died, as did everyone in Paul's list. So what death is it that Enoch "should not see?" Revelation 20:6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power,... Hebrews 9:27 it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: John 3:13 And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven. No exceptions!
@lindastorm7264 6 ай бұрын
Amen! Hebrews 11...the roll of honor for the faithful lists the patriarch's (and Sara) from Abel to Jacob through verse 13. It says ,"These ALL died in faith." That leaves no doubt in my mind. OH I just saw you quoted it! Right on!
@jasonwebley6440 6 ай бұрын
Was the book of Samuel written by Samuel? Was the book or Ruth and Esther written by these women?
@internautaoriginal9951 27 күн бұрын
“By faith Enoch was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death: “He could not be found, because God had taken him away.” For before he was taken, he was commended as one who pleased God.” The text tells you Enoch was taken to heaven LOL
@obeyourfatheryah 6 ай бұрын
Love your work brother. Noble-minded like the Bereans, basing your views on strong evidence, and very respectful in tone. May you find blessing and favor.
@DavidWilberBlog 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for that encouragement.
@leonardholste 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for this explanation, unfortunately I don't really get your argumentation here. Yeshua is clearly stating that if the sadducees would have known scripture, they would have known that the resurrected will be like angels. So all you have to ask yourself is which scripture is Yeshua referring to. As you say Baruch could be an option (I didn't know that, thanks for the info). The least we should get from this is that what Yeshua considers scripture is more than what we have in our standard canon. Personally I believe that If God wanted us to have a closed canon with only certain books, than He would have told us so and given a prophet or apostle a clear message to write down which books are the only inspired scripture which close the canon forever. As sabbath and law abiding believers we should know that blindly following what the majority believes is not very wise. We know the anti messiah has been in the world for 2000 years corrupting the faith. The Vatican most likely contains many things that have been stolen and purposefully hidden from us. Also we should consider that the majority of people in the 'old testament' never had any scriptures whatsoever. God has revealed so much more throughout all of history than what is written in our bible. We even have evidence for that in our bible. For instance we see people in the bible obeying laws from God before they were given the law on Sinai. Also Eve said that God told not to touch the tree while we only read He said not to eat from the tree. Was she wrong or adding to Gods law? Or did God say more to Adam and Eve than is recorded in the Torah? Enoch walked with God, he most definitely had many teachings for the world given by Yah. Those teaching were passed orally and written down thousands of years later. I am certain the source was inspired, if we can trust the current writings? I don't know, but the contents of the book and being especially for the end times sure looks like something the anti messiah would want to hide. The timing of it reappearing is also something to consider. Also the mentioned conclusion that Enoch is the son of man according to the book of Enoch is heavily debated. I believe that having a canon is important for having a base that you can rely on but not as a way to limit what God is ably to teach us. And also we should realize that the canon is made by men who were not prophets, apostles or scripture authors. They were greatly influences by Rome and wanted to disconnect from Israel. By now we know that at least some of the new testament scriptures were written in Hebrew and translated in Greek. The Greek disconnects us from the source and makes it easier to twist scripture into saying something it doesn't say. So much is hidden from us. What is also important to consider is the fact that Josephus is often thrown into the mix as an "unbiased historian". He was most likely a Pharisee and an Essene. The Pharisees were the Farsi, Persians, babylonians that came into Israel when the Persians ruled Israel. They are (at least part of) the source of the "Mystery Babylon" that infiltrated Jerusalem and that the book of Revelation urges us to flee from. Yeshua rebuked the Pharisees many times, be careful with Josephus, many things about his story don't add up.
@saltydog7272 15 күн бұрын
Wow brother! That was said so well. You wrote what my thought have been for some time.
@Bouncer83 6 ай бұрын
Enoch is definitely legit. 2 Esdras says there's more books than what we have. The OT is Pharisee edited just like the NT is catholic edited. Enoch/jubilees/2 Baruch and 2 Esdras should be read by everyone. Jasher and macabees are Pharisee writings they should be avoided. Usually a great job David but your teaching what scholars say against someone that has the spirit of TMH Yahuah. I'd go with Adam every time over Josephus a Pharisee too. Jeremiah 8:8 it's even worse for us today than when he wrote that verse. Enoch is actually a witness to Messiahs teachings too there's more than just that 1 statement. Found in the dead sea scrolls too and they weren't Pharisee scrolls found.
@topakins5306 15 күн бұрын
Good work. Excellently elucidated.
@jasonwebley6440 6 ай бұрын
If the book of Enoch is not scripture then we have a problem with the book of Jude. The book of Enoch is quoted verbertum in the book of Jude (Enoch 1:9) and he quoted it as scripture that is divinely inspired. The book of Jude is written by the will of the Holy Spirit. If there is a problem with the book of Jude the we have a problem with 2PETER because they both share the same message. Jude 1:14-15 [14]Now Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about these men also, saying, “Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of His saints, [15]to execute judgment on all, to convict all who are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have committed in an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.” Jude said that Enoch PROPHESIED and qute the PROPHECY word for word, and what do we know about PROPHECY? Well Peter tells us in 2 Peter 1:20-21 [20]knowing this first, that no PROPHECY of Scripture is of any private interpretation, [21]for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. So Jude quoted it as in the context of scripture and Divinely inspired not like how Paul quoted from Greek poetry to bring the truth of the one true God to the men of Athens. No one will debate the fact that PROPHECY is Divinely inspired. Second and Third Century 'Church Fathers' like Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Origin and Clement of Alexandria all make use of the Book of Enoch. Tertullian (160-230 C.E) even called the Book of Enoch 'Holy Scripture'. The Ethiopic Church even added the Book of Enoch to its official canon. It was widely known and read the first three centuries after Christ
@DavidWilberBlog 6 ай бұрын
As I outlined in the video, the problem is that what we know as "the Book of Enoch" didn't even exist in Jude's time. The Parables of Enoch are absent from the Dead Sea Scrolls, weren't authored until at least the late first century AD, and were added into the collection at an even later date. So when you say that the Book of Enoch should be Scripture, do you mean the entirety of what we know today as the Book of Enoch or only the earlier traditions? Regarding Jude, the best you can say is that Jude considered a certain Enochic tradition that happens to also appear in what we know today as "the Book of Enoch" to be inspired in some sense. Perhaps Jude was quoting oral tradition that he believed to have come from Enoch or a written source that was familiar to the author of that section of 1 Enoch (it should be noted that the Jude passage and the Enoch passage have some differences). It is not accurate to say the Ethiopian Orthodox Church added the Book of Enoch to their "official canon." First, there are multiple "canons" or "lists" in the Ethiopian Orthodox tradition, and not all of them include 1 Enoch. And even in the ones that do include, there are questions regarding its status. (Similar to how the Apocrypha is viewed within Eastern Orthodoxy-while it is considered part of their canon of Scripture, it is generally considered to be of somewhat lower authority than the rest of the Bible.) Notably, in 1983, the Ethiopian Orthodox Church Holy Synod in Abbis Ababa published the book titled "A Short History, Faith and Order of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church." In the section titled "Holy Books of the Old Testament," 1 Enoch is not listed.
@internautaoriginal9951 27 күн бұрын
@@DavidWilberBlogI see this as cope honestly. Clearly Parables is out of the Canon. But as for the book of Enoch clearly Jude quotes it since Church Fathers also admit it to be Scripture, and was used by the churches of Asia Minor (Ireneus Quotes it) The fact that Jude quotes Enoch and is using the Fragments that were similar to those found in the dead sea scrolls.
@erwinguneratne7600 6 күн бұрын
@Christ777_ 5 ай бұрын
The dead scrolls were a manufactured release, sorry not sorry. Where is our discernment?
@benjaminrains2374 4 ай бұрын
@frankmckinley1254 15 күн бұрын
First red flag for me when you played the clip he uses Yehusha as Messiah's name most likely identifying him a a follower of the Lew White grammatical butchery of Hebrew.
@torahexplorer 6 ай бұрын
If I mention the Chronicles of Narnia in a message, does that mean it’s canon? No. It would mean I’m familiar with the story.
@therealmrbitcoin4081 6 ай бұрын
Don't you dare blasphem the Chronicles of Narnia... or I will have the to call upon the Ice Queen 😂😂😂 Don't you know that if you see it on KZbin & if they have a beard it True 😅
@GiantSFaithfuL 6 ай бұрын
Appreciate your wisdom David! I'm curious your thoughts on Esther/Purim? I have been reading about Esther being the only book not represented in the Dead Sea Scrolls. So much misinformation out there. I do want to be diligent about searching such things out. Thanks and Shalom!
@HAChrist 5 ай бұрын
We have authenticated copies in the Septuagint and the Aramaic Eastern Peshitta of the Tanakh (2nd century witness, the Peshitto of the West is 5th century), which both are witnesses to the book of Esther. Not sure why the scribes of Qumran would have not authorized it, but maybe it has to do with it not mentioning haElohim or YHWH. And Messiah being from the Yahudim, that until his itinerant mission that he also would have celebrated Purim with his family. Purim was codified into law for the Yahudim!
@Christopher-nk4en 6 ай бұрын
First off I'd like to point out you think EMMANUEL YESHUA JESUS wouldn't have understood anything ,when HE is THE WORD , then I never once heard of Enoch claiming he is to be in place of JESUS . I think you may want to pray on the Spirits behind your information brother . But honestly I can't credit anything you say after you said JESUS wouldn't have understood. HE IS THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA, THE BEGINNING AND THE END . IN EMMANUEL YESHUA JESUS MIGHTY NAME I LOVE EVERYONE READING THIS if anyone needs prayers let me know
@kinaxixe 6 ай бұрын
Shalom...Yeshua indeed said that Torah, the Prophets and Psalms talk about him; so if the book of Enoch tells about prophecies concerning the end, doesn't it make him a prophet too? 2- Matthew 22:23-33 is not the only time Yeshua quotes Enoch. Matthew 24:30-31 is also a reference to Enoch as well as Daniel 7-13. 3- Yahuda (Jude) makes a direct quote from Enoch my brother. 4- Enoch explains with details the reason why Yah cleansed the earth with the flooding during Noah's days, so how can it not be scripture? I honestly think you should not be hasty as to debunk the book of Enoch so quickly my brother, because it contains authentic stuff in it; if it wasn't a legit book, Yeshua would never had used it; plus Yeshua didn't always quoted scripture using "it is written"...sometimes he simply said it as it is bro.
@amberharrison2954 6 ай бұрын
So this is why we need to test things ourselves to see if they be true. Maybe I missed the verse you are referencing but I don't see anywhere in Enoch where Enoch claimed that he will be worshipped and sits on the throne. Also when the pharassies we're questioning Yeshua about if a man marries and his wife die and he goes on to marry another and the latter wife dies and so does the man who will be his wife in heaven. Yeshua says is it not written for the Angels neither marry nor are given in marriage. You have to go read the book of Enoch that speaks of the Angels in heaven. The reason why they do not marry. Fragments of the Dead Sea scrolls contain parts of Enoch, those fragments line up with the book of Enoch that is found preserved in the Ethiopian Bible. In Daniel God commanded Daniel to shut up the books. In second ezdras we find out why. Second Esdras was considered scriptures in the Early century. It was actually included in the alot of the 1611 KJV Bibles while later 1611 Bibles did not have the apocrypha books.
@rotaryenginepete 6 ай бұрын
Anyone who is curious about Adam Fink's false teachings only need to look at the fruits of his ministry: the recent disbanding of Parable of the Vineyard and the unspeakable abominations that he facilitated.
@Eric-fq5wx 6 ай бұрын
In Mathew 22:29 jesus is talking about a different subject than what he quotes in verse 32. Verse 31 shows he is changing subjects when he starts with "as touching the reserection" also verse 29 does imply that he is questioning their understanding of scripture because they did not know the scripture. Maybe he was showing that they have rejected what is truly scripture and that is why they error.
@Clerick1987 6 ай бұрын
Just to play devil's advocat: If Chapter 37-71 were later added to Enoch isn't ist futile to argue against Enoch with the passage 71:14, for as you said, it was not part of the original Enoch? I do not consider Enoch scripture, but it is interesting to read. Maybe the first 36 chapters are of value.
@DavidWilberBlog 6 ай бұрын
No because what we know today as the Book of Enoch includes 71:14. So if you're going to argue that the Book of Enoch should be considered Scripture, that would include 71:14 regardless of when that passage was added to the current form of the book. I suppose my interlocutors could modify their argument and say "only the first 36 chapters of what we know today as the Book of Enoch should be Scripture." But nobody takes that position, and the other arguments against it would still apply. I agree that 1 Enoch has value when it is appreciated for what it is.
@Musathekafir 5 ай бұрын
hey do you think you can debunk this guy called quran and bible blog he made videos on Cherem in the old testament trying to argue that it is human sacrafice to God in the old testament
@raphaelfeneje486 6 ай бұрын
God bless you ❤✝️
@tammyibarra7008 Ай бұрын
I used to have a lot of respect for your teaching, i’m finding it very hard after watching you do this. This is a very cowardly way to do any kind of a teaching” It would be way more mature to have an adult conversation together, whether you agreed to disagree,or not that’s what we need to be doing as believers,and Adam has such an incredible way of showing that rather than using people to make his point, and he’s referred to you in a lot of his teachings and it’s always been with respect, and he is man enough if he was not agreeing with you to bring you on his show and having an adult conversation as believers we need to stop doing this, using other people to make our videos and to fit our narrative. It is straight up wrong, it is turning people away honestly believe that is not Holy Spirit lead . I would repent. It is videos like this that people look back and say this is why I don’t read my Bible, This is why because look how they treat one another seriously” am righteously angry whether you’re right in what you’re saying, or not you can be so right that you are wrong,”that’s what turns people away from the holy word, is bickering,and using other believers to fit your narrative it’s extremely cowardly way to send a message. I’ve never ever seen this in any of Adams teaching, and this really makes me lose a lot of respect for you,and I used to listen to a lot. I would pray about what you are doing. It’s pretty darn close to gossiping. You might want to pray about it. It would be way more mature to come together have a conversation,and everybody might learn something staying low, and humble just because we talk gentle doesn’t mean that’s what we’re doing. May the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob have mercy on us all”!!! Shalom💕
@DavidWilberBlog Ай бұрын
Thanks for the feedback, but I disagree. Adam was not offended. I even let him know beforehand that I would be posting a video responding to him, and he was looking forward to my response. The consequences of putting yourself out there as a teacher is that people are going to respond to you. Happens to me all the time, and it's fine.
@Truth-f2q 10 күн бұрын
Enoch is Scripture
@krackerToo 6 ай бұрын
Thanks Brother what happened to Lex?
@tylerchurch6945 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for the lesson. I was always interested in 1 Enoch and how it contradicts the Bible itself. Thanks for the information I will not be studying Enoch since that would be a waste of time.
@DavidWilberBlog 6 ай бұрын
It is fine to study the Book of Enoch as long as we appreciate it for what it is. It gives us insight into the beliefs and practices of some sectarian Jews during the Second Temple era. So, in that sense, it is valuable. But it is not Scripture and we shouldn't be deriving our theology from it.
@tylerchurch6945 6 ай бұрын
@@DavidWilberBlog that is true our doctrines should be based on what is actually scripture and not on apocryphal. Tell me more about the contradictions of Enoch I'd like to know more
@jordan19862000 6 ай бұрын
@@tylerchurch6945what makes any book scripture?
@Christ777_ 5 ай бұрын
That said, love your video, thank you! 🙏
@tammyibarra7008 Ай бұрын
What all do respect I think you should have Adam,on and you all can speak of it. I think doing it in this manner is not very representative,and could be a little deceiving on what Adam was trying to share.
@DavidWilberBlog Ай бұрын
Respectfully, I played his entire video so everyone can hear his points in his own words. That is the very definition of "representative." In no way at all was my response "deceiving." That's silly.
@Watchmanhabits 6 ай бұрын
Well said brother David shalom
@iddodomingo6118 3 ай бұрын
Ngl. Your refutation of his actual argument is lacking. That my personal opinion
@DavidWilberBlog 2 ай бұрын
What is it lacking? Please be specific.
@appiryon2229 6 ай бұрын
Perhaps it is time for the leaders of various prominent Messianic congregations/ministries to get together & set some guidelines for their teachings, esp. for the more contentious issues. This isn't about putting bits in anyone's mouths, but about transparency and accountability. For example, a way to avoid censoring is for someone to first share with their peers a teaching. This paper may receive mark-ups to correct obvious errors, as well as questions and/or solutions. The author then has the option to adopt or reject any corrections they like, along with their reasoning; however, for the sake of transparency, they must also post the fully marked-up paper with their presentation. The audience/readers can view the various propositions and the mark-ups, including who the mark-up authors are. I believe such an approach would benefit the teachers and the audience alike. It would also be a positive sign & example of humility and maturity within an already troubled community trying to find its way forward. David Wilber, Adam Fink, Jim Staley - is this something you would consider?
@utubezig 5 ай бұрын
IMHO I would add The Way Biblical Fellowship, Erik Bissell, Beth Yeshua (Greg Hershberg) from what I have observed thus far these sources have no other motive but to serve יהוה in Truth and in Spirit
@Sabbathissaturday 6 ай бұрын
No wonder we are so helplessly confused!, I’m struggling to learn all of this. Please pray I find my way. ❤
@utubezig 5 ай бұрын
Father I pray for this being to be guided by Your Ruach HaKodesh for a love for the truth and to find the truth in the name of Yeshua. I am not sure it gets easier from here friend, you will have to use discernment and the only way you can depend on your discernment is to be in the Scriptures continually.
@karlcooke3197 6 ай бұрын
Hi, when you read the Bible, looking at verses in Enoch do they Cross reference with verses in the bible. If you take NRSv with Apocrypha. The New rRevised Stardard version do bibles where they cross Reference the bible with the bible and the King James version with Apocrypha.. Where does Enoch line up with the bible?
@Sabbathissaturday 6 ай бұрын
Great question!
@sergloera Ай бұрын
Where would one get one of those shirts brother?
@DavidWilberBlog Ай бұрын
Unfortunately it looks like the folks who designed it aren’t in business anymore.
@tiagomateiro 6 ай бұрын
Praise Yah for the simplicity of messiah!!
@constantlyquestioning42018 6 ай бұрын
1enoch? It didn't exist as a book until James Bruce produced three copies in the 1770's... Wasn't James Bruce known for collecting and compiling obscure religious texts? (see Bruce Codex)... Wasn't James Bruce a Scottish fr33m@son fluent in Ge'ez?... Wasn't James Bruce historically known as the "Abyssinian Liar"? Hmmmm... 1enoch is suspect... Doubt anybody will even read this post...
@Tallglassofredwine 6 ай бұрын
I’m so glad you brought that up and know about that as well! Freemasons believe that Jesus is a form of Thoth. They believe that Enoch was also a form of Thoth as is Hermes and Quetzalcoatl. I do believe that there’s historical truth in the book of Enoch, but I absolutely do not take it a scripture. The occult is so quick to reference it. 😒 I’ve now seen Torah observers, claim that Jesus is Enoch/metatron 🤦🏻‍♀️
@John316always 5 ай бұрын
Hi @David. Could you please do a video about what the Scapegoat represents ? I dont know why all of a sudden i thought about it, but im finding conflicting information online. Or if you already have something about it, please point me in the right direction. Thank you.
@Pavestar1 5 ай бұрын
See now, I never understood it that Enoch was considering himself to be Messiah a.k.a. the son of man
@normajeanslagel4633 5 ай бұрын
Which version enoch are you looking at that Enoch is claimed to be the messiah? I know cepher has it, but ive not found it in rh Charles version any where.
@DavidWilberBlog 5 ай бұрын
Read my article I mentioned for more info. It's linked.
@followingthewayforever4955 5 ай бұрын
Shabbat Shalom how does one become a scholar and did The Messiah say we should become Scholars or Scholars would teach us?
@DavidWilberBlog 5 ай бұрын
Check out my video “Why We Need Scholars” on the 119 Ministries channel.
@2besavedcom-7 6 ай бұрын
Do we just throw out everything we learned from the DSS at Qumran?
@atlasdm 6 ай бұрын
A wolf in sheep's clothing. Don't worry about what he has to say.
@Sabbathissaturday 6 ай бұрын
Very interesting because I felt a strong disagreement with something else he said.
@jordan19862000 6 ай бұрын
@Sabbathissaturday 6 ай бұрын
I let your ads play to repay you in my broke times! Bless you.
@johnholsti2724 6 ай бұрын
Good rebuttal David. I appreciate your restraint. It's a logical fallacy to assume because there was a parallel pseudepigraphical statement, Y'shua quoted it. IMHO, it's far more likely this was a chastisement on a distorted myopic view of extant scripture. Shalom
@benjaminthomas2626 6 ай бұрын
As always, a fantastic response. I was subscred to parable of the vineyard for a brief time until I ran across this very video. I unsubscribed promptly, being at the time fairly new to the Messianic Faith. I don't want to be carried about by any wind of doctrine. I want good doctrine. Sound doctrine. And fellowship is with brethren who hold fast to such things. I admire your gentleness in these videos, you don't rush in headlong and condemn. You simply point out that what may have been misinterpreted and guide through scripture, and of course That is allowing the Holy spirit to work. Shalom to you David, keep on doing the work.
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Project Truth Ministries
Рет қаралды 7 М.
5 Reasons to Avoid the “את Cepher” Bible
David Wilber
Рет қаралды 14 М.
The Resurrection Of JESUS: Forgotten FACTS & IMPACT
Daily Dose Of Wisdom
Рет қаралды 661 М.
Visiting the Implications if Muhammed Never Existed with Robert Spencer
Did Jesus reject the Torah's dietary laws? (Mark 7:1-23)
David Wilber
Рет қаралды 4,2 М.