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Dr. Cyril Wecht On What REALLY Happened To JonBenet Ramsey - Drinkin’ Bros Clips

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@lisa81. Жыл бұрын
This made me want to cry. That poor sweet little darling. Ive always thought if she never lost her life the world would have still known about her some way. She just has that presence about her. RIP xo
@michaeldetroit.8125 2 жыл бұрын
I completely disagree with Cyril on the JFK killing, but I have to give him credit for having the guts to claim outright the father sexually abused his own daughter.
@glamdolly30 11 ай бұрын
Occam's Razor - the most obvious explanation, is the most likely. Of course John Ramsey is Jonbenet's killer - just as he is the paedophile responsible for the 'chronic, long-term' sexual abuse uncovered at her autopsy. It is staggering John Ramsey, who is without question the person statistically most likely to be the killer as the sole adult male living with the victim, is so rarely identified as the prime suspect! Instead people (including the police), have focused obsessively on the other two occupants of the family home - Jonbenet's mother Patsy and 9-year-old brother Burke. In fact a woman and a child are highly unlikely to be behind what was clearly a sexually-motivated killing, featuring sadistic asphyxiation torture with a sophisticated garrote. It is sickening that John Ramsey got away with sexually abusing and killing his daughter, and to this day revels in the role of 'victim' as he tours TV studios, seeking an audience for his brazen, self-serving lies. Patsy wrote the ransom letter - handwriting expert Cina Wong proved it far beyond any reasonable doubt. Once you recognise that, it's possible to achieve clarity on how this killing happened and just as crucially, the conspiracy to cover up a powerful man's child sex abuse.
@gallowsradio 9 ай бұрын
Well, you must have at least 60,000 or more autopsies in your lifetime to come up with the " I disagree " statement. About Kennedy but then agreed to Ramsey's outcome....
@JustJ1444 9 ай бұрын
1. If the father sexually abused his daughter, I’m sure there would have been signs of abuse from his other daughter 2. The room was found in was just right of the stair leading the basement 3. The BPD did know about the room prior to her body being found because they took pictures of it. They just didn’t open it. 4. The housekeeper (Linda Pugh) did know about the room because she, her husband and son in law spent 3 hours getting the Christmas decorations from that room in the months prior to Jonbenet’s death. Hardly any of what this guy said is true.
@glamdolly30 9 ай бұрын
@@JustJ1444 Why do you assume there was no sexual abuse by John Ramsey of his other two daughters, just because they never publicly accused him? Sex abuse in families/incest is always a closely guarded secret! John Ramsey's eldest daughter Elizabeth was killed in a car crash aged 22, in 1992. She was not on speaking terms with her father at the time of her death - we'll never know why. His only surviving daughter, Melinda, has been conspicuous by her absence, never publicly defending her father against suspicions of involvement in her half-sister Jonbenet's violent murder at the family home. Jonbenet's autopsy uncovered compelling evidence of, quote: 'chronic, long-term abuse'. The multiple internal injuries she had to her cervix were of varying ages/stages of healing, proving they were sustained over at least months.This was not child siblings, innocently playing 'doctors and nurses'. It was systematic sexual abuse by an adult, vaginally raping her with fingers and objects (including the broken paintbrush handle used to fashion the garrote, on the night she was killed). The same person who sexually abused Jonbenet over a long period, is the same person responsible for her violent death at home. This is no whodunnit!
@judy9123 4 ай бұрын
​@@JustJ1444 Just as Dr. Wecht is speculating- so are you. 1. I don't know if JR sexually abused JBR. But to say he didn't do it with previous daughters - so he wouldn't have to JBR- is a leap. 3. Please quote your source that the picture of the door was taken before she was found - and not after. 4. Dr Wecht is Not referring to Linda Pugh. The Ramsey's have had several housekeepers. He is referring to another woman who worked for them-and never knew the room was there. People focus on Linda Pugh because she was working for the Ramsey's when JBR was killed. But, there were several others before her.
@elishevarosenfeld6755 2 жыл бұрын
I do believe he had something to do with it , bec HE made a big mistake: HE knew where to find her !
@michelleper5065 2 жыл бұрын
again one of them.. the adult and in most liklihood the father due to the sexual nature of this all.
@Allynavarro2435 4 ай бұрын
Yes, I believe he’s part of it himself and his older son John Andrew, he was flown in middle of the night back where he was in school I believe, what’s also interesting is that his older daughter died in an accident, from prior marriage… car accident brakes failed. I believe he could’ve been having his way w her too except she was able to live longer I believe she was no older than 20?
@mas5867 2 ай бұрын
Plus he needed to cover any crime scene evidence by contaminating the crime scene while he was looking for JonBenet.
@Anita_Backrub 2 ай бұрын
Yes. If your child goes missing from their bed in the middle of the night you’re going to check every inch of that house immediately. That room was most likely a torture chamber for that poor little girl. May she rest with God and some day they will answer for what they did. All the money and connections in the world won’t stop Gods judgement.
@fidgetjt1821 Ай бұрын
@@Allynavarro2435 John Andrew was attending college in Boulder, but was in Atlanta visiting family over Christmas. The older daughter, Beth, died when her boyfriend lost control of their car on a wet street. No mention of brakes failing in the news reports.
@deannawitt9376 3 ай бұрын
I've been following this since it happened. This man is %100 correct!!! RIP little angel🧚‍♂️
@karentweed3827 7 күн бұрын
Those were my thoughts as well, it's possible also that the Father was molesting both children. Both children had bed wetting problems, etc and his wife was very ill. Usually but not always when children have been molested it's from a family member.
@marycahill546 Жыл бұрын
Spot on. Alex Murdaugh tried the same strategy of filling the crime scene with friends, but alas it didn't work out for him.
@ABCABC-fn4fg 5 ай бұрын
On another note. Looking at the pics of the house I was surprised it was so cluttered and unmade, yet they had a housekeeper.
@karentweed3827 7 күн бұрын
I was wondering the same
@adriennesaffer4541 2 жыл бұрын
Isen't it interesting that Lin Wood , John Ramsey's highly litigious lawyer never went after Dr Cyril Wecht for writing " Who killed Jon Benet Ramsey"?
@glamdolly30 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent point! Ramsey obviously couldn't answer Dr Wecht's allegations - he'd worked out exactly what happened to Jonbenet! The autopsy alone showed Jonbenet was sexually abused over a long period, that's evidence right there her father was the person who also sexually assaulted her on the night she died, and caused her death. That poor little soul never got justice, because her killer was her wealthy and powerful father. Shame on Patsy Ramsey, who chose covering up her husband's heinous child sex abuse, over justice for her little girl. I do not believe she could have been unaware of the sexual abuse - or the fact her husband killed her child. She protected and lied for him (wrote the ransom note), to keep him out of prison and hang on to what remained of her privileged lifestyle.
@peggypasson8794 2 жыл бұрын
To even think about getting on that plane an leaving they're dead daughter makes me ill . Because they had plans in michigan. I mean ???? Police said your not leaving ..,....
@glamdolly30 2 жыл бұрын
@@peggypasson8794 John Ramsey made a phone call to his pilot to make the arrangements for the flight, a mere 40 minutes after 'discovering' Jonbenet's lifeless body. Many aspects of the Ramseys' behaviour on 26th December 1996 were noticed by people at their house as abnormal. Neither John nor Patsy made any mention of the 10am deadline for the kidnappers' phone call having passed without the phone ringing, which is obviously extremely strange. If they believed their child was in peril, in the hands of criminal kidnappers, you'd expect them to have awaited that phone call anxiously, and expressed concern that it didn't come. But according to Detective Linda Arndt, they made no comment about it at all! But for me, the biggest clue to what really happened that night, was the contrasting conduct of John and Patsy hours later. She was zombie-like, staring silently into space, clearly in shock, while John was totally different, smiling, able to make small-talk with their friends and even laugh as though he hadn't a care in the world. Though interestingly, every now and then he had periods of agitated, pacing the floor type behaviour. What's really telling, is that John and Patsy stayed in different rooms while their youngest child was supposedly in the hands of kidnappers. Instead of comforting her as you'd expect a loving husband to do, John resolutely stayed away from her, elsewhere on the ground floor. There was a mental and emotional distance between John and Patsy that day due to the horrific events of the night before, and that was reflected in the physical distance between them - a distance so obvious, it was noticed by everyone present in the house. That Boxing Day, John and Patsy both knew Jonbenet was dead - and they both knew how and why. He had inadvertently killed her with a home-made garrote, used during a twisted S&M bondage session, for his perverted masturbation pleasure. Autopsy photos showed repeated horizontal marks across Jonbenet's back - she'd been trussed up like a chicken with the ligature rope, those tell-tale marks revealed she'd been tied up and suspended from a height, for her father's sadistic enjoyment. The autopsy showed Jonbenet died from ligature strangulation, not her fractured skull. So her head injury came second, after she was dead or dying from the garrote around her throat. If I had to guess, I'd say she got the head injury when John realised she'd stopped breathing, struggled to get her down from her suspended bondage, and accidentally let her head crash to the concrete floor, possibly striking furniture or something else, a devastating blow. No wonder Patsy was unable to even look at her vile husband the following day! But faced with a ruinous child abuse scandal and the loss of the luxurious lifestyle and VIP status she adored, she decided to keep John's dirty secret for the remaining 10 years of her life, before cancer claimed her aged 49. Ultimately Patsy Ramsey chose self-interest, over justice for her horribly abused child. What an appalling double betrayal little Jonbenet suffered from both of her parents. Wherever Patsy is now residing, you can be sure she hasn't been reunited with her poor, innocent daughter. But she will be joined by her evil husband someday soon - in HELL.
@vernonfrance2974 Жыл бұрын
@@glamdolly30 He had scheduled a flight to Michigan long before as the plan had been to go see his adult kids for a Christmas time get together. Of course he had to call his pilot to tell him that that flight was off, tragically, due to the murder of his beloved daughter. The Ramsey's never spent another night at that house and they had to struggle with the BPD to get their daughter released for burial.
@glamdolly30 Жыл бұрын
@@vernonfrance2974 The two biggest smoking guns pointing to the Ramseys' involvement (and specifically John Ramsey as Jonbenet's killer), are 1/ the ransom letter, and 2/ Jonbenet's autopsy results. The ridiculously over-long, clearly fake ransom letter was written by Patsy Ramsey. The evidence her hand penned it is overwhelming. Cina Wong, handwriting expert, did wonderful work comparing old samples of Patsy's handwriting pre-incident, with the ransom letter. There were way too many identical features to be coincidence! When you recognise Patsy wrote the ransom letter, you know there was no intruder, therefore at least two of the occupants of the house were responsible for Jonbenet's death and its cover-up. Jonbenet's autopsy exposed 'chronic, long-term sexual abuse' over at least months and probably years. The autopsy is a public document - a team of top experts in child sex abuse agreed Jonbenet had been subjected to long term sex abuse, old injuries to her cervix confirmed penetration by fingers and objects both historically and on the night she died. That is beyond question. That level of systematic sexual abuse is most likely to be the work of the only adult male in the house - John Ramsey. All the circumstances point to John Ramsey having killed Jonbenet unintentionally during sadistic sexual abuse with the home made garrote. The elaborate cover up and crazy intruder story were necessary to cover up John Ramsey's paedophilia/child sex abuse of his six-year-old child. He and Patsy knew they would lose everything that mattered to them - prestige, status, power, image, money, etc if his true sex offending against their child was exposed. Patsy was a Stepford Wife who after losing Jonbenet, decided to protect her husband from consequences, knowing in turn it would protect her own privileged existence to keep him out of jail! She may have felt partly responsible for the abuse of Jonbenet, because the Ramseys' sex life had been affected by her treatment for stage 4 ovarian cancer. Covering for her husband gave her the added bonus of huge, lifelong power over her husband, and assured her of his loyalty forevermore. People are still confused about this crime because the cause of death, ligature strangulation, looks like murder. But in fact the elaborate garrote was an instrument of sexual torture. John Ramsey went too far with his asphyxiation games that night and accidentally killed her. He then had a huge crisis on his hands that had every potential to ruin him! There's a good reason he and Patsy always vehemently denied their little girl was sexually abused - even by the fictitious kidnapper! Child sex abuse was way too close to home.
@davidfigueroa6351 2 жыл бұрын
Foreign faction members that morning : John and Patsy Ramsey.
@Junctionist 5 ай бұрын
"we are part of a small, extremely localized faction"
@davidfigueroa6351 5 ай бұрын
@@Junctionist yup. Like in the same household kinda small lol.
@vernonfrance2974 2 ай бұрын
@@davidfigueroa6351 Chris Wolf the mastermind was interested in foreign intrigue. He accused John of being a Merchant of Death for alleged arms sales to foreign factions by Access Graphics a subsidiary owned by arms dealer Lockheed Martin. He had a B.A. in political science and quoted Eisenhower who had warned of the Military Industrial Complex in his letter to Carol McKinley of Fox News after the crime.
@MarcSonnenberg801 4 күн бұрын
B.S. It was an Intruder according to Lou Smit and there was DNA that was not from the Ramsey family. It is so sad that people with no clue can so quickly accuse the Ramseys. More Conspiracy Theory B.S.
@davidfigueroa6351 4 күн бұрын
@@MarcSonnenberg801 Lou Smit sold out his integrity. The DNA is complete nonsense. Stop simping for the small foreign faction.
@nancybiondo-coleman7167 3 жыл бұрын
A good friend of mine who is the supervisor at the Boulder County sexual abuse team of Colorado told me that sexually abused children usually die by the age of five years old. Why? She explained that this was common, and that the reasoning behind it is that the Child is old enough to start revealing and showing signs of sexual abuse. This case must stay alive! As uncomfortable it is for all of us to think about it, to hear about it, to see pictures about it, we must keep talking until the truth comes out. There are other children who go through this same thing. Their deaths are covered up. When are we going to grow up, and fight like MF’ers to protect children?!😤
@darkhorse9472 2 жыл бұрын
@nancy biondo-coleman Please post the data to back up your 'friend's' statement that 'sexually abused children usually die by the age of five years old.' There is no evidence to support that statement. FYI- Six yr old JonBenet Ramsey was never sexually abused prior to her murder.
@sagegauss 2 жыл бұрын
@@darkhorse9472 wrong. 2 of 3 experts agreed that she was sexually abused prior to her death repeatedly. All 3 experts agreed she was sexually abused right before her death
@peggypasson8794 2 жыл бұрын
This is sooo very sad
@vicksta8875 2 жыл бұрын
Absolutely a HUGE COVERUP!! Sick people.. RIP JB.. You are Free
@vicksta8875 2 жыл бұрын
@Nura Husakovic its everywhere!
@CR-pw7zz 3 жыл бұрын
I can’t figure out what these guys find so amusing when talking about the details of a helpless child being abused and murdered.
@Production791 3 жыл бұрын
Ruby Zzzz I find it appalling and heartless... can't watch anymore... and they are opening up to being sued!
@darkhorse9472 3 жыл бұрын
@@Production791 I agree. I hope they are sued. Making money from the heinous murder of a child.. absolutely reprehensible. Shame on them!
@bendietrees 3 жыл бұрын
People laugh when they feel nervous
@darkhorse9472 3 жыл бұрын
@@bendietrees They're talking about a 6 yr old being sexually abused, tortured, and murdered. They're not nervous...they're drinkinbros with a YT channel. Wonder if they'd laugh if it was their own daughter?
@CR-pw7zz 3 жыл бұрын
@Molly Mew There wasn't evidence of prolonged sexual abuse - where are you getting this crap from? The little girls ph levels had been disrupted which had caused her a minor irritation - this is very common with females. It is caused by using scented bubble baths etc. She had suffered a sexual assault before her death poor little soul.
@SteviePaints 2 жыл бұрын
This is what I always thought happened, too. The garrote was a give-away. And Patsy must have been aware this had been going on for a long time.
@ondreacounts2556 Жыл бұрын
Except the autopsy's conclusion was that there was no evidence of long term sexual abuse of JB & the only thing there was proof of was that there was some form of penetration of the vaginal area prior to her death but nothing that would lead them to believe that it had occurred to her for months or even years prior.
@SimpleLifeAlways81 Жыл бұрын
Patsy knew, yes.
@markworkman6544 Жыл бұрын
have you looked at the autopsy photo of her neck...?? define "give-away" Also, her skull fracture was 3" x 8" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@drrexol Жыл бұрын
First all all that was not a garrote, tying the paint brush to the rope served no purpose... She was strangled to death and then hit a massive blow to the head after she was dead. There was a shoe print no one can identify and DNA was taken from 3 different places and they matched..If you disagree tell me the sequences off events.
@markworkman6544 Жыл бұрын
@@drrexol have you seen the autopsy photos of her neck ????????
@Steelringstrue 2 жыл бұрын
There was no intruder.
@amyv8181 3 жыл бұрын
I absolutely agree with this! John Ramsey always creeped me out and I trust my gut and Dr. Wecht is a brilliant mind and I believe he knows what’s up and if you watch the Linda Arndt interview she thought he did it too!
@snowgurl21 3 жыл бұрын
She knew when she said she had her hand on her revolver that’s how adamant she was, she knew it was him that killed her.
@darkhorse9472 3 жыл бұрын
@Amy V Former Det. Arndt prejudged the case before an investigation had even begun. What in hell could she know at that point? The investigation was tainted from the get-go by Boulder Police Department's assumption the family did it, and subsequent information and facts were interpreted in that light.
@jimwerther 3 жыл бұрын
There is not one reasonable person alive who believes that John Ramsey committed this act.
@jimwerther 3 жыл бұрын
@@marythomas1198 And her thinking skills are...very questionable
@jimwerther 3 жыл бұрын
@Molly Mew There is not one word of truth in your comments. Not one. Why are you so thoroughly opposed to the the facts?
@MissPerriwinkle 2 жыл бұрын
this man has it right on the nose.
@IhaveMy0pinion 8 ай бұрын
All evidence leads to John. John wrote the note (Nancy Drew channel) Johns handwriting was examined closely with the note.100% Johns handwriting. John knew how to make a garrote and knots. John wrote in his book that Patsy had no idea how much his bonus was. Burke ( with the counsellor)said John broke the basement window a while ago when he didn't have a key . Burke said that John was the only one who went through the window. I believe he was setting his plan up. Testing it out to see if he could get through. John wrote in his note that if they called police your daughter will be killed) Patsy always said she didn't get passed the first line of the note. ...we have kidnapped your daughter. Burke said his mother was running around the house crying my baby my baby she went straight to Jon Bennet and Burke's room. Patsy rang police. I believe John gestured to Patsy to put the phone down. John didn't realize Patsy only read the first line and John knew police were coming to the house. I believe John had to change his plan to messing up the crime scene. I believe John told Patsy to ring their friends to come round. Everyone touched the note. John went to the basement opened the window with the old cobweb and moved the suitcase to back up the kidnapping in his note. ( If I remember correctly... John came out of the room then went back in) Patsy's paint brushes were in that room. John tore the tape off Jon Bennets mouth. John carried a little covered body upstairs and put her on the floor. John told police that he was flying Burke and Patsy somewhere else but police said no. Autopsy revealed long term S abuse. I believe John took Jon Bennet to the basement and allowed her to have a piece of pineapple. Patsy has always said she never gave Jon Bennet Pineapple. I believe Patsy and Burke have no knowledge. Patsy went to her grave never knowing. I believe John is a narcissist.
@viviancaulkins5858 2 жыл бұрын
I don’t believe that John wrote that note. It was probably Patsy.
@elishevarosenfeld6755 2 жыл бұрын
For sure she wrote it
@jimwerther 2 жыл бұрын
@@elishevarosenfeld6755 הוה דן את כל האדם לכף זכות The fact is that the Ramseys have been completely cleared for the simple reason that the evidence demonstrates conclusively that they are innocent. This crime was committed by an outside intruder, beyond the shadow of a doubt.
@waterONTHEsun Жыл бұрын
I listened to it again, but, Dr. Wecht was referring to the phantom intruder, not John. I thought he meant John wrote the fake ransom letter, too.
@briancantale2674 7 ай бұрын
I read a post where someone compared the language used in the note to the movie Crimson Tide, which came out a few years before the crime. It’s about a small group of Russians. Similar to the foreign faction mentioned in the ransom note. This is a navy movie, John was in the navy. Also at the end of the note it says “it’s up to you, John !” There’s a line in the movie saying “it’s up to you, it’s up to you !” Just an interesting piece to this
@viviancaulkins5858 7 ай бұрын
@@briancantale2674 I’m sure that John had some input in to the ransom note but Patsy definitely wrote it! Where did all of those exclamation marks come from? Patsy was famous for her exclamation marks ❗️
@kellysutton2780 3 жыл бұрын
I believe it was the dad remember he went straight to where her body was
@MissJensk1 3 жыл бұрын
He knew where she was, does not mean he did it.
@jimwerther 3 жыл бұрын
He did not go straight there. That is a myth. Anyway, the Ramseys were long ago cleared.
@MissJensk1 3 жыл бұрын
@@jimwerther He did. And they have not been cleared.
@CR-pw7zz 3 жыл бұрын
John was asked to search the house by the police officer, logically he was starting in the basement.
@MissJensk1 3 жыл бұрын
@@CR-pw7zz Except he was asked to start from the top.
@johnmcmullen456 2 жыл бұрын
A multimillionaire with 2 young children in that mansion doesn't set an intruder alarm system before retiring for the night? Someone can pass through the broken basement window twice without disturbing a cobweb in it's frame? Interesting.
@chattahuffman5117 2 жыл бұрын
Also if u look at the pic of the suitcase it is in the wrong position.
@johnmcmullen456 2 жыл бұрын
@@chattahuffman5117 The suitcase orientation doesn't make sense if used as a step to get out through the window, plus the ownership and disturbing/disgusting contents of that suitcase seems to be given little emphasis when it could be a clue to something more going on.
@chattahuffman5117 2 жыл бұрын
@@johnmcmullen456 that was my point. It would have been horizontal with the wall.
@johnmcmullen456 2 жыл бұрын
@@chattahuffman5117 Right, and if it got kicked while being used as a step, I would then expect it to fall on its side. I'm not buying the intruder story at this time.
@chattahuffman5117 2 жыл бұрын
@@johnmcmullen456 In order for the intruder theory to make sense they would have to have been in that house for hours or days. Not impossible I suppose, but also not very plausible. I also find it odd that a couple with that much money would leave a window broken like that in the middle of Winter. Coupled with the security system off. Especially around the holidays. And if you were to believe they were there other days, The alarm would have to be off on that day too. The note is beyond ridiculous as well. What kind of dude writes a 2 1/2 page note. Complete with extra exclamation points. Not a letter you would typically think a male would write. Good southern sense? No male i know would say that. With practice notes, mind you. A lot of detail. Granted between the Ramsey family and the police that scene was compromised terribly, even had it been an intruder, this case would never see a courtroom even if they did come up with a new suspect. I just don't see it being anyone outside of the household. So many red flags in this case.
@protochris 11 ай бұрын
The girl probably said she was going to tell and ruin this mans family reputation, life, and business. In a rage, he had no choice but to silence her.
@marielollini9763 6 ай бұрын
Your opinion on the sequence of events. No blood from the bludgeon so she had to have been dead bc her heart had to stop beating. So garrote as sex game or to kill & the bludgeon too?
@protochris 6 ай бұрын
@@marielollini9763 Began with sex game, strangulation began but that became more gruesome, so a final blow followed to quickly silence her.
@madeleine9907 Ай бұрын
BS from that man ... what does he know
@bigbadaves Жыл бұрын
You can’t sue a professional with an legitimate opinion.
@DavidThomas-me6pi 2 ай бұрын
What makes his opinion legitimate?
@fidgetjt1821 Ай бұрын
@@DavidThomas-me6pi You should maybe google him
@jefftube58 Жыл бұрын
I respectfully disagree with Dr. Wecht on who wrote the ransome note. I believe Patsy wrote it. Her handwriting is the same as other things she wrote previously, and it sounds like it was written by a woman.
@SimpleLifeAlways81 Жыл бұрын
She wrote it, yes. That is a fact.
@seanconcannon186 Жыл бұрын
I don't think the head wound was to blame a stranger. I think initially it was to first stage it as a terrible fall or accident, then he realized the marks were apparent as be began untying her. I think the plan changed to just keep the body hidden in that secret room until it could be disposed of. Never to be found. Once the detective was posted at the house, John realized there would be an extensive search inside and not just tracking a kidnapper out in the world. So he jumped to, volunteered to search himself, and what do you know? Found her. I'm sure he was REALLY annoyed that a friend accompanied him on the search because he wanted that time to remove as much evidence as possible or hide her more thoroughly. He did get to move the body and disturb the scene, though. She died of strangulation. That's the cause of death. Im sure he tried to wake her, but a narcissist's only and primary care is self preservation, not respecting and preserving life. I think he realized that he took it too far, even just with the marks, and realized he'd be found out, no matter what. The neck was tied over her clothing as well. It obviously was a failed attempt to cover marks. This shows the incredible risks many men will take to satisfy sexual urges and desires. Just look at To Catch A Predator. Look at pedo priests. Look at serial killers. Look at the incredible demand for trafficked teens. Look at comatose women impregnated in care homes. Look at crimes against corpses in the morgues and funeral homes. I don't understand it. It happens, though. A lot
@scotthedick25 2 жыл бұрын
When the body of a murdered child is found in one's home they would usually be brought in for questioning if not charged with murder . A suspicion ransom note also found in their possession does not make them look less guilty but more guilty typically a murderer would just flee the scene . If the murderer could not flee then a ransom note is the only way to throw police off and remain on the scene, the other way would be to conceal the body .both things were done in this case the only possible way this could work in their favour was if the "perp" actually called about the ransom they were very specific about calling at 10pm the time went past without any acknowledgement from the Ramsay's almost like they knew no one would call . Not only was a child murdered in their home it was a child they were supposed to be caring for the child is their responsibility as is the crime scene their home .if the police found instead 100kg of cocaine in the house saying I have no idea how that got there doesn't work it's your property your responsible for it . We can also assume by the ransom note that the person was motivated by money why then kill the child and leave it behind just how is that supposed to work usually (proof of life is required before any payment is made) and why didn't the Ramsay's pay the ransom they could easily afford it there were enough threats of violence in the note from a organised crime group who said many times no police don't even talk to anyone . they instead did the exact opposite they called everyone they knew invited them over and also called in the police and showed no concern about that police car's in drive way all the visitors etc it's like they were not taking the note seriously at all .
@PoeLemic 2 жыл бұрын
Great analysis. Yes, I've thought the exact same thing on almost all of your points.
@adriennesaffer4541 2 жыл бұрын
Dr Cyril Wecht's theory is the only plausible explanation that makes sense.
@vicksta8875 2 жыл бұрын
JRamsey did call the bank and aquired the Randsome money$$. They didn't follow instructions to the Randsome note, because they wrote it. They purposely had "allfriends" over, who are a part of this elite group of pedophiles. Susan Stein was the power director for that sector at the time. Everyone sitting around Patsy was Well Aware of exactly what happened, and they were there to help contaminate the scene and follow through with protecting the Ramseys. Remember, they threw the police off with a "Kidnapping"... Reason why they DIDNT remove friends from the house...didnt stop everyone from touching stuff, and cleaning... (This was a purposeful move on the "groups" part) Remember Linda Arnt, couldn't get backup for the life of her??? Ever wonder why??? ANOTHER purposeful move. Alex Hunter and authorities, (also involved in this group,) delayed response to Linda, knowing exactly what everyone there had to accomplish to ensure the contamination of the scene and coverup... Most of the detectives, cops.. Had no idea... But, the higher ups did... They purposely put Linda in that scene, knowing she wouldn't be able to handle it alone, and uncertian... This allowed/gave time for the "group" to rid the evidence, right under Linda's nose..All the while, she's still thinking its a kidnapping . Once John conviently foes directly to the body, and appears upstairs with JB, Linda is now extremely suspicious and puts 2n2 together. Calls 911, instead of directly for backup! This move spoke volumes! Linda had been"Dooped" and figured it out. .All the guests, Patsys not really crying, John checking mail, and had disappeared for over an hour.... Things are starting to make sence in Lindas head...Not to mention, nothing for backup! How convient! Actions spoke way louder than words in this case! John calls his pilot to leave boulder and continue on with xmass plans??? What??? Why? This move was HUGE as far as guilt... NOT ONE PARENT EVER DOES THIS AFTER THIER BABY GIRL IS FOUND MURDERED! .... 😈😱 You see, Pedophiles are the biggest cult out there. The Masons (which both John and Patsy were a part of) are the biggest group of them!! Rugs, pictures and floors were all over thier house. Nobody picked up on this( investigators) till way after the murder... There was not real intruder or kidnapper.. Patsy and friends wrote the note.. John and friends were the culprits in JB's death. Child Porn is HUGE MONEY!! Boulder was/is one of the largest HUbs for child trafficking and kiddy porn!!! Look beyond what they WANT you to see/believe while pushing thier Narrative and innocence!!! These people are evil...and under No circumstances will they never be convicted! Sacrifice for continued wealth on the death of your child. JR had made millions( he was NEVER BROKE) as he claimed! The money continued to pour in with interviews and sueing everyone along the way! Not to mention, he had 2other planes, which he used as a small private taxi service for the wealthy.. And picking up and dropping of"Cargo" Yes, unexplained" Cargo"... Child trafficking is more like it!!! This guy continued on working the Ring, never went broke...LIAR... His planes used for this "Side Business" were Not even Probably documented and licensed!!! Another piece of "Undercover" work for the Ring!!! Not to mention, the Airstrip he kept his planes, and took off and landed from, WAS OWNED BY PATSYS FATHER! (ALso a high member in the MASONIC group!) This shit is far deeper than most understand...the connection's(groupies) and list of everyone involved its absolutely insane!!! They couldn't allow John and Patsy too be discovered! WAY TO MANY WOULD HAVE GONE DOWN WITH THEM!! Not saying John actually killed JB.. John was abusing her, for sure.. He sold his "daughter's"... His bussiness associates went to far with JB and it turned to murder. Everyone stepped in to Cover it up. THE END...
@michelleper5065 2 жыл бұрын
@@adriennesaffer4541 correct and that thing should have been in prison now for over 25 years...
@jimwerther 2 жыл бұрын
@@michelleper5065 You're the one who should be in prison, because you are the one who has a history of sexually absusing children. Shame on you.
@leadsingerichabod6812 Жыл бұрын
Dr.Wecht is one of the best world renoun pathologist. from JFK to The Ramset case .he's the GOAT
@tumbleweed576 2 жыл бұрын
😢 No one to protect JonBenet 😢
@patrickblaney1675 2 жыл бұрын
The basement of the Ramsey's house was below ground level. There's a wall in the basement with a door in it. What's on the other side of the door? It could be another room, it could be a closet, or it could lead to a stairway that goes up to ground level. Anyone searching the house who didn't open the door to find out wasn't being very thorough. The door might have been locked, but the policeman searching the house could have asked for the key. The entrance to the room containing the body wasn't hidden behind a bookcase that could swing open or a secret sliding panel on the wall. It was behind what was obviously a door.
@vicksta8875 2 жыл бұрын
Patrick... There was No key to that room... There was a block of wood on a screw, on the Top of door frame...
@ilfbforever7292 2 жыл бұрын
Did Dr.Wecht say that there where no marks on her neck bc her collar was between her neck and the rope? Thats not true, on the autopsy photos you can see the rope is around her neck. No collar , and bad marks on her skin after the coroner cutted and removed the rope !
@briandaniel5091 Жыл бұрын
I never understood where Wecht got that information. He has said it in previous statements also. I never saw a photo of the girl’s collar being rolled up. Strange.
@sallywalton5375 Жыл бұрын
@freddie3206 Жыл бұрын
@@briandaniel5091 That is the only part he talks about that makes no sense. Everything else adds up. Patsy was out of the sex game because of ovarian cancer. John boy was getting aroused by his daughter. Shameful!!!!! He had a habit of calling the intruder a monster. He was referring to himself as the monster.
@vernonfrance2974 Жыл бұрын
@@freddie3206 "John boy" was only nine. How do you know he was " getting aroused?" JB had no scarring or other evidence that she'd ever been molested prior to that evening. According to Linda Pugh, therefore probably not true, Patsy had asked her how to have oral sex with John. Pugh politely explained what to do she said. This is in stated in Pugh's chapter called "The Death of an Innocent."
@jarrettfullerton2580 Жыл бұрын
@@vernonfrance2974 actually the autopsy report literally says chronic inflammation and erosion of tissue--both consistent with prior sexual assault...which is to say nothing of the bedwetting and repeated trips to the pediatrician...
@alexsdb9712 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this good video and discussion. With each year and more findings and discussions coming out after the crime occurred, more and more people began to think of Dr. Wecht's idea being what happened. Or somewhere along those lines. It's a shame, but a lot of the crime's situations and findings led people to think of this idea.
@jmsnordness 3 жыл бұрын
I think Patsy wrote ransom letter
@CR-pw7zz 3 жыл бұрын
There was a 5% chance that she could have written that letter. Why would they incriminate themselves by asking for the exact amount that JR got as a bonus? Or by using note paper from the house? These weren’t stupid people- I just don’t buy it.
@darkhorse9472 3 жыл бұрын
@@CR-pw7zz Agree with you! Adding to what you said, John Ramsey was the one who told police that the amount was the same as his bonus. If he was trying to cover up a murder, why would he give police that information? He wouldn't. Six highly qualified professionals hired by Boulder Authorities and the FBI determined Patsy, John, or Burke Ramsey did not write the ransom note. Chief Beckner confirmed that the investigation had retained the services of Chet Ubowski, Leonard Speckin, Edwin Alford, and Richard Dusack, Howard Ryle and Lloyd Cunningham to perform handwriting analysis and comparisons. Not ONE of the examiners identified Patsy Ramsey as the author of the ransom note. -Excerpts from former DA Alex Hunter's deposition 11/27/01
@CR-pw7zz 3 жыл бұрын
@Molly Mew Don't be so ridiculous.
@wyldtang 2 жыл бұрын
@@CR-pw7zzLOL you and dark horse are so full of shit. some great doc/vids here on youtube prove otherwise 99.99%. and in regards to them being cleared by authorities... yea, and epstien killed himself. i mean the media and authorities dont lie right?
@alygodsquad 2 жыл бұрын
@@CR-pw7zz I know you commented a long time ago, but for anyone else reading now...maybe they considered that an intruder walking in off the street knowing that a little girl was asleep upstairs in bed wasn't likely - and therefore it would point to themselves committing the crime. By stating the JR bonus then that could imply it was someone who knew all about John (along with other indications like the good southern common sense bit) and that they had a little girl - directing attention away from themselves. Stating that they were a small foreign faction deflects from employees and co-workers who could have known about the bonus - maybe they didn't want anyone innocent implicated. I am not saying that's the answer but it's a potential one to your question as it puzzled me too !
@abc89over64 Жыл бұрын
Still didn’t understand his explanation about the skull fracture. The skull fracture was first? Than the ligature? Have read that the rope that was used was imbedded into the skin on her neck? She had on a shirt with no collar. Dr Lee, from what I have heard, is more on the fence about chronic SA. But whatever happened JB suffered two catastrophic assaults. Pray for the FBI to investigate.
@ryani897 8 ай бұрын
Yeah, I was very confused, too. Sounds like he's saying the ligature was first, but the bit about the collar doesn't make sense because as you said, she had a shirt with no collar and the rope was embedded. Unless he's suggesting she WAS wearing the turtleneck that Patsy initially claimed she had on, before being redressed? And that John thought the collar would hide the marks, but it didn't? I don't know.
@Plainandsimple25 3 ай бұрын
​@@ryani897I think he meant , yes the strangulation happened first, they may have overlapped each other, if she were being strangled and at some point during this assault she recived the blow to her head, then the strangulation resumed. Or for some reason she may have been strangled first then hit. I'm not sure what hd meant about the collar, maybe like you said she had on the red sweater at bedtime over the white top to hide any marks, I never thought of that.
@coimindeburka7716 3 жыл бұрын
I’ve always wondered about high-ranking individuals possibly blackmailing them. Up against the wall, maybe Patsy did write the note, by force. Sexualizing your young child (pageants- dressed up like WOMEN) is a horrible idea. Kids are supposed to be kids. You only get one childhood! John Sr. Is super sketchy, but undoubtedly a psychopath if he’s been able to maintain face for all of these years. People don’t want to believe the parents are guilty, but rich, white, entitled people who hide behind their money, (lawyers and media manipulation) piss people off! No parent of a missing child talks to the media before the police! Period. These people evaded the police when their deceased daughter’s body was found. They packed up and returned to the south. Fleeing is the only way to put it. Parents would fight tooth and nail for Justice. The people are literally the first McCanns. Rich but put their child in harm’s way. Being a millionaire but not setting an alarm or fixing a broken window for months! Calling all you of your family and friends, when the “ransom” note specifically states not to. An intruder writing an epic note, but then kills her leaves her body to be discovered, and only asks a millionaire for $118,000? Uh, okay!
@peggypasson8794 2 жыл бұрын
In georgia yrs ago a 3 page ransom note is the only other long ransom note ......this is sad not funny at all .all the weapons came from the house ....
@vicksta8875 2 жыл бұрын
@@peggypasson8794 THATS what they want you to believe. The lindenburg baby's ransom was just as long. The daughter of a wealthy oil tycoon, hers was 4pages long. Another boy, from another very wealthy man, owned tons of Realastate,...3.5 pages long. Go to "REE TV" Jon bonet Ramsey. I believe its episode 2 or 3... This woman is a researcher in missing children... Shows all the very long and lengthy Randsom notes!! The Ramseys media people, pushed many of thier own Narratives, This Was One Of Them! Definitely not the longest Randsome ever written!! Lies lies lies!! PS... All the Long Randsome note where written... Were almost Exactly like the Ramseys!!! This is NOT coincidence🤷‍♀️
@vicksta8875 2 жыл бұрын
Coimin.. The high wealthy powered , you think blackmail, were a part of this "Group".. That stuck together, protected and covered up for ALL involved!! This shiiiet is still going on!!! 👿💩👿
@Goldrefinedthrufire 2 жыл бұрын
Oh gosh if they were forced they would have told who by now
@jimwerther 2 жыл бұрын
@@peggypasson8794 Actually, the weapons did not come from the house. The perpetrator took the weapons with him when he left.
@jmsnordness 3 жыл бұрын
I saw autopsy photos strangulation marks were shown on her neck
@bendietrees 3 жыл бұрын
From the garote
@jimwerther 3 жыл бұрын
Which proves that Wecht got this wrong as well. The Ramseys were long ago cleared.
@aa.4639 3 жыл бұрын
@@jimwerther No they were not. Read what the lab said about the DNA found on the girl. The DA went AGAINTS their findings and exonerated them. The sample in the database is a mix of 2 or more people thats why there is no mathc and never will be
@jimwerther 3 жыл бұрын
@Molly Mew Your comment is not only baseless, it is entirely false. John Ramsey was long ago cleared. No one involved in the investigation believes he was involved in her death. JonBenét was absolutely sexually assaulted on the night she was killed. She had _not_ been sexually assaulted prior to the night of her death. Dr. Michael Doberson, the highly respected forensic pathologist and medical examiner for Arapahoe County, Colorado, was at the autopsy. He found no evidence of prior sexual abuse. Dr. Leon Kelly, forensic pathologist in Colorado Springs, and expert on abused children, found no evidence of prior sexual abuse. The Federal Court ruled, "No evidence, however, suggests that she was the victim of chronic sexual abuse." The FBI found no evidence of prior sexual abuse. John Ramsey's daughter, Melinda Ramsey, is a nurse, and therefore a mandatory reporter. She is admant that John Ramsey never sexually abused anyone. Authorities spoke to every maid, babysitter, au pair, gardener, everyone who had interacted with the Ramseys, to find out the relationship among family members. Turns out that the family was very tight. JonBenét missed her father terribly when he was away on business. Abusive relationships are not close relationships, as every mental health professional understands. Dr. Richard Krugman, Dean of Colorado University Sciences Health Center, and nationally respected director of the Kempe Center For The Prevention And Treatment Of Child Abuse And Neglect, said there was no evidence of prior sexual abuse. Another physician at Kempe weighed in, and expressed the same opinion. Dr. Francesco Beuf, JonBenét's pediatrician, flatly stated that there had been no prior abuse, period. Dr. Ann Botash, expert on pediatric sexual abuse, and advocate for abused children, found no evidence of prior sexual abuse. JonBenét was a happy, well-adjusted girl in a stable home, who was tortured and murdered by an intruder in December, 1996.
@vernonfrance2974 3 жыл бұрын
@@jimwerther I agree. Great information! Wecht's accusations are despicable and unfounded.
@sunnydelight5255 2 жыл бұрын
2:10 So true. Didn’t even realize that. Only the family knew about the basement room.
@royharper2003 2 жыл бұрын
not even the people who built the house?
@angelmeade6927 Жыл бұрын
Yes the police just said the door was locked when they checked it that morning. Didn’t bother to try to open it ot even ask the parents to:
@loralieisa Жыл бұрын
@@angelmeade6927 Police normally know how to open locked doors. BPD were law enforcement skill challenged. They should have asked the Ramsey's permission and thereafter got into that room.
@debh745 10 ай бұрын
I saw the basement floor plan. The door to the wine cellar was in the boiler room.
@m_maryboyle7258 2 жыл бұрын
There is a police photo of the cord wrapped tightly around Jon Benet's neck. But, CW says it was tied loosely around the material of her top. That just isn't true. He makes no sense at all. His scenario is actually ridiculous.
@ilfbforever7292 2 жыл бұрын
Yes I noticed that too, I also saw the Photos of poor Jonbebet, the rope was SO tight around her Neck, no collar , nowhere Why Wecht mades this story up? He even shows with his own collar how the murder took place! I am really confused, actually I thought Wecht is very Professional, but now...
@lr8607 2 жыл бұрын
@@ilfbforever7292 He's missing some key facts, which is why I disagree with his proposed scenario. He's right about there being no intruder, but he's clearly wrong about the garrote.
@PuffyPersianCat 2 жыл бұрын
Dr Cyril's talking about, whenever there's a sexual thing with John and JBR, John would tie a rope around JBR's collar and sleeves. But when she died, John had to stage the whole thing, by tying her actual neck with a cord to look like a strangulation. John only tied a rope around her collar and sleeves when she was still alive, so that nobody would find out or ask about any marks!
@glamdolly30 2 жыл бұрын
Dr Cyril Wecht has studied all the autopsy documents and photos, he is well aware Jonbenet was strangled - it was her official cause of death along with the blow to the head! He was talking about John Ramsey's usual habit tying the rope round J's clothing to disguise marks on the skin. Obviously that's not how it happened in the final, fatal attack, or she would not have died!
@deborahmcdonald4371 6 ай бұрын
I just can't get past the idea this had happened previously and she never told. Gardener said she missed her daddy. Huh?
@dvtxrose 2 жыл бұрын
I have actually considered the surrogate angle and yes it absolutely fits
@harpertracey5532 3 жыл бұрын
Usually cops who get called to a house for a missing child search the whole property 1st!! WTF "they didn't know that room existed..." Bullshit no excuse they should have known everything that was on that property and y would any good cop tell the "suspects"/parents/people at the scene to go search the house alone with no officials or cops!?!!
@jimwerther 3 жыл бұрын
Wecht got that basic fact wrong, like he got everything else wrong.
@CR-pw7zz 3 жыл бұрын
Officers had gone through the house early that morning and the body wasn’t there.
@jimwerther 3 жыл бұрын
@@CR-pw7zz The body was there, but that room had not been checked.
@jerseegrl2 3 жыл бұрын
Even worse they found the room but it was locked so they just bypassed it.
@portiamatthews9654 3 жыл бұрын
@@jerseegrl2 , What do you mean that the room was locked during the intial search of the home ? I myself wasn't aware of this little bit of information. This adds another layer to the mystery of Jon Benet's murder. In my opinion had someone else committed this crime why would he think to lock the door after leaving ? Did he find the door locked when he entered the home to commit the crimes, which was supposed to be kidnapping the little girl. Breaking in was the first crime, then murder was the second crime. If she was sexually assaulted is another crime. I have to break down everything that I understand about this case. Such as how did the person get to the resident without being seen or heard by the neighbors ? How did the person get into the home ? What was his intial reason for breaking into the home ? According to the note which was placed on the bottom of the spiral staircase, it was to kidnap the little girl for a specific amount of money. The same amount as the father's bonus for the year. Therefore, the intruder had to know this information prior to breaking in the home. Once he got into the home, how did he get into the room ? If locked the door after leaving it had to have been locked upon entering it. The reason why I stated that this bit of information adds another layer to the mystery, is usually people do things that's familiar and routinely to them without having to think about it. Such as locking a door that they usually do when leaving. With this bit of information, I believe that Patsy Ramsey was the one who did this. Because it's where she kept her painting supplies. It was her paint brush that was used as a weapon to strangle the little girl. It was her writing and her way of word usage that the analysis pointed to her. At this time I was exploring the intruder theory as being a possibility, but now I believe that Patsy Ramsey is my number one suspect.
@amyyoung2819 2 жыл бұрын
It was the parents who killed her
@darkhorse9472 2 жыл бұрын
@Amy Young Stop writing lies. All Ramseys were cleared.
@kathleengleason9805 2 жыл бұрын
@@darkhorse9472 put ur real name up if u have to incessantly claim that nonsense unless dark horse fits u perfectly fine
@darkhorse9472 2 жыл бұрын
@@kathleengleason9805 Dark Horse - ' A candidate or competitor about whom little is known but who unexpectedly wins or succeeds.' Why do you want to know my name, stalker.
@sabrinamourarodrigues8322 3 жыл бұрын
I don't know wat really happened... but the clues in this case point to the parents since day one. Their behavior seems so guilty!
@jimwerther 3 жыл бұрын
They were long ago cleared
@CR-pw7zz 3 жыл бұрын
If you check the clues, they don’t point to the Ramsays - Although the killers did set out to frame the family.
@rodneyjohnson7327 2 жыл бұрын
@@jimwerther Then uncleared by the following DA. So, that is a wash.
@jimwerther 2 жыл бұрын
@@rodneyjohnson7327 Not even close. The Ramseys have been cleared by... * The Federal Court * The Boulder District Attorney * The #1 Homicide Detective on the case, and in the world * The founder of the FBI's Criminal Profiling Unit * The psychopathy expert who worked the case * The top DNA experts in the world * The top global experts in other related scientific fields * The network Chief Legal Anchors * ...and a number of others
@darkhorse9472 2 жыл бұрын
@@jimwerther Exactly!
@hotwheel6663 3 жыл бұрын
Yes the 118,000 bonus thing always got me I mean what are the odds?
@Mines-in9rg 2 жыл бұрын
He got over 400 Workers and it was all a Lie
@sbk3221 2 жыл бұрын
Its the housekeeper who did it
@katejones2172 Жыл бұрын
I think it was a double bluff
@equalityforall4175 Жыл бұрын
@@sbk3221 and her husband maybe him alone then she wrote the note.
@jdr9419 2 жыл бұрын
He knows his stuff.
@lisamcclure8456 2 жыл бұрын
Stupid. Should have asked Dr . Michael Baden instead.
@darkhorse9472 Жыл бұрын
Hardly. Wecht is moron.
@ellenallthetime 2 жыл бұрын
Jonbenet's shirt did not have a collar.
@valerielock2374 8 ай бұрын
Think it was a pink fuzzy coat
@v.p.r.719 3 ай бұрын
The maid knew about that room-Her and her husband and daughter helped get the christmas tree's from that room and put them up and helped decorate them for christmas that year.
@LovingLife-333 2 жыл бұрын
I have pictured Patsy woke up, didnt see John....went to look for him, found him in jon benet's room being inappropriate(maybe on top of her) and could she have came up behind them(bed is near doorway) with something in her hand(flashlight, that shed just used on the stairs in the dark) and meant to hit john with it and hit J>B> by accident????? Maybe he turned back or slouched and she got the child? They were afraid to take her to the hosp or call 911bcs sexual abuse would be discovered.... She either died instantly or they could have had to finish her off???....... AND the staging began.......all while Burke was sleeping, or if he'd gotten up they told him to get bk to his room..... ???????
@darkhorse9472 2 жыл бұрын
@LOVINLIFE-333 Evidence doesn't care about your fairytales and bullshit.
@michaeldelguercio4559 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with mosy of what you have said .
@peggypasson8794 2 жыл бұрын
Or burke in the dark maybe she didn't know but this child has infection after infection she been abused for awhile .may appointments re bed wetting .
@peggypasson8794 2 жыл бұрын
I am with you on that . The bow was still in Jon bennet's hair from the night before on the pic they got sued over . apparently burke would wipe feces in her rm an on Christmas presents of hers .
@JaneDoe-lw6eh 2 жыл бұрын
Or did take take her downstairs to get a snack “pineapple” and then begin molesting her and mom walked in and saw and grabbed the flashlight and went insane and unintentionally or intentionally hit her daughter .. maybe even out of jealousy and the dad then said “she’s dead we have to stage this” and then they did it together but see the thing is.. mom would likely hate dad after this. So I also thought maybe mom learned about the sexual abuse and was jealous and planned her daughters murder. Whoever took her downstairs to eat pineapple clearly the little girl trusted.
@08Stella Күн бұрын
Dr. Cyril!!! So good to see him! He single handidly changed the course of my life with ONE interview years ago... The way he spoke shifted something. I stil think of him every time when I mention that interview. Let me see what he states here.. this case is infuriating.. xx..
@maguisolares9268 Жыл бұрын
Este señor si aclara Todo muy Bien...
@cynthiathompson6020 Жыл бұрын
Dr Wecht is awesome!
@westnblu Жыл бұрын
he's a quack. He believes in the jfk conspiracy too.
@candirenner3453 Жыл бұрын
He's a sicko. I'd sue his ass for slander
@hatfieldmccoy2359 3 жыл бұрын
Wecht said the detectives didn’t know about the wine cellar room, and called it a hidden room. First off the detectives knew about it but didn’t open it because of the latch above the door being locked on the inside, which was a huge mistake, they could have solved this murder if they had opened the door and found her. Fleet White opened the door but couldn’t find the light switch that morning. It wasn’t a hidden room at all as you get to the bottom of the basement stairs you can look down the hallway and see the wine cellar door.
@voraciousreader3341 3 жыл бұрын
Wow! You know all about this, more than anyone else! What, were you a fly on the wall as it all went down?? Have you contacted someone in the Denver police department?? You’ll be a national hero!!
@darkhorse9472 3 жыл бұрын
@@voraciousreader3341 Follow the evidence, do the research. 'Hatfield & McCoy' is exactly right.
@vernonfrance2974 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly right. Officer French was the first to look at the door to the "Wine Cellar" but because he was looking for an exit the kidnappers might have used when he noticed the wooden turn latch was shut, he realized someone going out that way could not have turned the latch shut. Furthermore, there was no exit from that room anyway. There was an open air duct inside that served as a type of megaphone to carry Jonbenet's scream to the neighbor who sometimes denied and sometimes confirmed that she heard it. John Fernie, the first family friend on the scene found the Butler's Kitchen Door open thus he probably discovered the exit route the guilty parties used to exit. Contrary to published reports, there was no snow back there, Fernie said. This was substantiated by the crime scene photos as well.
@marianmartin9441 3 жыл бұрын
@@vernonfrance2974 Finally. I would love to know who you think is the killer.
@marianmartin9441 3 жыл бұрын
@@vernonfrance2974 I am no detective, but know it wasn't a family member. Would like to hear who you think is the killer.
@dariusmenda8487 3 жыл бұрын
This was very interesting ! “Electric Stunning of Pigs” by TempleGrandin @ 00:38 “Position of Brain” @ 00:59 “Electricity Through Brain” @ 01:34 “Head 2 Heart @ Same Time” @ 01:49 “Stunning is Reversible” @ 02:30 “Minimum Amperage” @ 02:49 “Causing Cardiac Arrest” @ 02:57 “Behind the Ear / On Neck” @ 03:19 “Probe Mark on the Back Side” @ 03:55 “Grand Mal Seizure” @ 04:23 “Correct Amperage” @ 04:31 “Using a Wall Socket” @ 06:20 “No Probe Movement” @ 06:53 “Timing Probe Contact” @ 08:58 “Cardiac Arrest Stunning”
@dariusmenda8487 3 жыл бұрын
All the “Stun Marks” were on JonBenét’s right side just under her right ear & right side of her back along the “Right Side of the Vagus Nerve” that controls most of the “Major Organs” including the “Heart” .. The best method to cause “Cardiac Arrest” is to “Electrically Stun” the “Head & Back” near the heart @ the same time .. Just like they do in .. “Slaughter Houses” .. The best & easiest way to “Energize” this type homemade “Stun Gun” would be to cut an extension cord or just “Plug In their own Device” into the extension cord & use “Metal Probes” to touch the victim with .. Place probes on victim 1st .. Then plug into the “Regular Wall Socket” .. Time the “Shock” .. If not “Timed Properly” the victim will “Wake Up Again” .. If they used the toy train tracks .. the murderers could have used an “Add On Device” like “Metal Probes” from a “Welder’s Equipment” .. Easily removing this “Add On Device” & taking it back to their own home. There was a 1996 “BPD” photograph of an “Angle Grinder” in an odd space in the train room which I don’t believe the Ramsey family would use a tool like that .. A “Sharpie” type marker near that “Angle Grinder” .. Maybe the murderers brought their own tools for the floor safe in the “Wine Room” ?
@BeyondCashed 3 жыл бұрын
@Darius… did u watch this video? The dad did it no murderers
@franceskajacobs2766 2 жыл бұрын
What video please
@Donotevengotherewithme 2 жыл бұрын
What "small foreign faction" is going to ask for $118,000 as ransom? NONE. This ransom note was written by PR to throw law enforcement off of their trail. I personally think the son accidentally killed her but it's not far fetched with the dad theory either. An intruder did not murder this little soul.
@sharonstrickland9625 2 жыл бұрын
Check into Pasty’s friend Susan Stein she may have written the Ramson note. Because I watched an episode on true crime rocket stated that all of the Ramsay’s friends were there the morning Patsy found the note except Susan Stein. She is also the one to answer the door the day at the Ramsay’s Christmas party when it was alledged that someone mistakenly called the police.
@SweetNSassy77 Жыл бұрын
Dad did it
@freddie3206 Жыл бұрын
C R, No intruder!!!!
@Donotevengotherewithme Жыл бұрын
I think the son did it, accidentally, and mom covered it up. He had already hit JB with a golf club. Also, 911 was called from that house a few days prior. Unfortunately, I believe the answer was buried years back. Just speculation.
@darkhorse9472 Жыл бұрын
@@Donotevengotherewithme You clearly are oblivious to the FACTS and EVIDENCE in this case. Accident? JonBenet's COD was strangulation. How do you accidentally strangle someone with a garrote? 🤨
@angelmeade6927 Жыл бұрын
Just maybe when they called the police they killed her! Like the note said Worst police department ever. Sign the petition to have the DNA retested! Her dad the one your calling a murderer is the one trying to have that done!
@davidwilliams4498 11 ай бұрын
True most who swear up an down John seemed her an the Burke flashlight hit long ransom letter cover up night has never seen the brutal autopsy photos an all mistakes made by police pedophiles in neighborhood an more than a few neighbors who were sickly jealous of the Ramsey's
@lauran.9427 3 жыл бұрын
@marielollini9958 8 ай бұрын
He nailed it!! Makes perfect, absolute sense. Headstone said 12/25 so she died before midnight & they had 6 hrs. I think he took a pair of her underwear & went to a gas station or strip club bathroom & wiped a urinal. It snowed that day. There were no foots prints in the snow to that basement window. They came from a Xmas party-he was drinking-he kept that garrote torture device on too long & too long for the brain to be w/o oxygen. His theory & I agree. It makes perfect sense.
@AllisonLansberry 2 ай бұрын
I lived a couple miles from the Ramseys house off the same road. There was no snow that day.
@SweetNSassy77 Жыл бұрын
They go there specifically to pick up this little girl Christmas night and plan on writing this elaborate ransom note they have no paper and pen so they just go through the cabinets and drawers!! snatch the little girl carried her through out the house (screaming????)) Creeping through the downstairs through a spiral staircase and then how do they get out? If anyone believe there is an intruder they are stupid
@SimpleLifeAlways81 Жыл бұрын
Patsy did good by writing with her weaker hand. Lol .. I know what happened that night.
@marielollini9763 6 ай бұрын
Yep. She was a baton twirler & probably secretly ambidextrous. What do you think happened that night?
@davidwilliams4498 11 ай бұрын
This old guy an his book money is all opinion. 2 important things happened here 1st a no decision by neighbor who heard a loud scream an didn't call police . 2nd cops didn't have a clue that a kidnapper hiding in house or that a murdered brutal head wound baby laying dead on a cold basement floor. What if Patsy or John got shot walking into any room basement. Remember Sherlock Holmes wanna be like this old book money man on this video. The random note was INSIDE. Cops never had a clue there is a dead baby girl laying down on cold basement floor with a brutal fracture in back of her skull. If anyone who hasn't resarcher or read detailed resarchers comments the DNA under JB fingernails an underpants was linked to 2 unknown males 1 was a Hispanic male. Reason why it never went to trial or Ramsey's charged there was no DNA linked to John Patsy or Burke. Insane case I've ever heard of...... RIP JB you are with our Lord now.............
@AndHence 2 жыл бұрын
If John did it, and with Patsy gone, he could say, "After all these years with no intruder caught, I'm starting to think that maybe Patsy had something to do with Jonbenet's death." Otherwise, maybe he didn't do it.
@michelleper5065 2 жыл бұрын
ofc she did... she wrote the note.. duh she was a participant after the fact.
@AndHence 2 жыл бұрын
@@michelleper5065 Yes, they, together, threw so many people under the bus. He might as well blame HER too.
@michelleper5065 2 жыл бұрын
@@AndHence i dont understand how he is not on trial for this because this case is very clear quarter century later and she was his little toy.. it was very common in the 20th century with youth she was younger but it is simply what happened here.
@AndHence 2 жыл бұрын
@@michelleper5065 Good question.
@AndHence 2 жыл бұрын
@@michelleper5065 I suspect that maybe the brush handle wasn't used to assault her, but wrapped with a cloth to clean her out.
@antokhorneshart9678 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this
@caitlinadalton 3 жыл бұрын
That makes a whole lot of sense
@DCFunBud Жыл бұрын
I think Wecht has minimized the size and effect of the fractured scull. Who fractures a person's skull after they are dead?
@freddie3206 Жыл бұрын
DCFunBud, Maybe John did that to try and throw the police off track. He placed the duck tape over her mouth after she was dead. Who does that?? Staging purposes.
@lr8607 2 жыл бұрын
Agree with Dr. Wecht that there was no credible evidence of an intruder. Disagree with him about what happened. If head injuries cause death slowly, then wouldn't a head injury followed shortly thereafter by the staging of a strangulation death also lead to a similar autopsy result and possible inability to discern which event occurred first? I lean toward a head injury resulting in a mistaken belief the child was dead, followed by an artless staging of SA and strangulation. Whichever scenario occurred, the failure of the parents to attempt to question their son about whether he saw or heard an intruder strongly indicates the absence of a belief that there was an intruder and fits in with the preparation of an absurd "ransom" note.
@royharper2003 2 жыл бұрын
wow, you should work for the FBI. Ask yourself this: How did an affluent housewife know about some little/next to known wanna be militant/anarchist group named SBTC? You should look at the autopsy photos of JB, especially the one after the garrote was removed. That is some pretty serious staging on the part of the parents. Why the need for SA staging? This is clearly not an open and shut case.
@lr8607 2 жыл бұрын
@@royharper2003 FBI LOL Ask yourself this: How did "some little/next to known wanna be militant/anarchist group named SBTC" know about a former beauty queen/affluent housewife and her husband's annual bonus? Yes, that was some serious staging; it killed the poor child. The grand jury was on the right track.
@royharper2003 2 жыл бұрын
@@lr8607 She was still competing in beauty pageants before she was killed. Her last one was just days before her murder. How did they know? Hmmm, maybe they knew if the Ramseys from the beauty contests. Maybe they knew from her housekeeper and her circle of friends. It's a small world as they say.
@lr8607 2 жыл бұрын
@@royharper2003 Most accidents occur in the home. Most people victimized by violent crime are victimized by a family member or someone residing in the home. The credible evidence shows this is what happened here. There's no credible evidence of some random creepy intruder. Blaming the poor housekeeper is beyond ludicrous, even more so than some unknown gang of kidnappers claiming a ridiculously small ransom and then never trying to collect a cent. Plenty of creepy possible suspects in the home that night, all of them living there. Yes, it is a small world.
@royharper2003 2 жыл бұрын
@@lr8607 I didn't blame the housekeeper at all. I guess the one guys, I forget his name (Smith maybe - a private investigator), video that showed him getting in and out of the basement window is not credible? Was it an illusion? I don't know what happened and neither do you. All anyone can do is speculate and decide which theory they believe the most. You say it is ludicrous to believe that "...some unknown gang of kidnappers claiming a ridiculously small ransom and then never trying to collect a cent." Well, the girl died so how could they collect? A neighbor heard a scream at around 12 or 1 am so some believe she was killed in the basement to shut her up so the entire kidnap for ransom plan went out the door at that point. To me, it is more believable that some unknown gang of kidnappers went there to collect that bonus ransom because they were idiots since the Ramseys were wealthy and they could have asked for a lot more but they only knew about the bonus which they could have heard from Patsy or a friend of hers at a pageant or from someone, such as the housekeeper or her friends. There was a documentary I seen a long time ago where this guy followed up on a lead from a woman in prison who claimed it was some guy and forgive me but I forget the details. They guy also had a daughter in beauty pageants at the same time JonBenet was in pageants so he knew of the family. She provided evidence of his identity which was followed up on and confirmed - it included pictures of him with him and his daughter in the same pageants as JonBenet. This guy had connections to the mysterious SBTC group. This documentary discussed a guy connected to that guy that worked at a junk yard I believe who had told friends that he was going to buy a new truck in the week or two leading up to the murder with a large sum of money he was expecting to come into in the near future. This was also confirmed by people who knew the guy. This guy or someone connected to him had a friend who mysteriously committed suicide in the weeks following the murder but the crime scene showed there was no way the person could have committed suicide with the rifle that was used since there was no way he could have pulled the trigger based on the point of gunshot and shoes which closely resembled the footprints found in the cellar were found at the deceased's house. I'm curious what credible evidence you are referring to which you think proves to a fact one of the Ramseys killed her or that it was an accident.
@jerrykaralis2679 10 күн бұрын
I think John did it as well. I don't think Patsy would have covered on his behalf she just wasn't willing to accept her husband would do this to her child.
@internationalwoman9547 3 жыл бұрын
John Ramsey killed jonbenet. I've always had a creepy feeling about him .the pictures say a million words .
@user-pg1mu2qu6b 7 күн бұрын
And the evidence of ongoing sexual abuse
@ivettek3190 2 ай бұрын
RIP Dr. Cyril Wecht
@PuffyPersianCat 2 жыл бұрын
JonBenet being a surrogate for John makes a lot of sense! Especially since Patsy had ovarian cancer, most likely she closed the hole after JBR was born. Also, they named their child after their names, JonBenet - John Bennet, JBR's middle name, Patricia - (Patsy) Patricia Ramsey. Like.. Who names their child such an awful name? Who names the first name of their daughter Jon/John? It's so wrong! You don't name your child after you, just so you feel like you have the power over them to do whatever you want!? If they really wanted a french name, they could've just went with Jean.. The real way to spell it! Not Jon!!
@michelleper5065 2 жыл бұрын
yes this is inside job, it is a given here, sexual abuse by the dad but the mom knew about it ofc.
@PuffyPersianCat 2 жыл бұрын
@@michelleper5065 How do you know or guess the mum had known any of this?
@michelleper5065 2 жыл бұрын
@@PuffyPersianCat because if she did not, she would have never wirte the note.. she would have found a way to sneak to neighbor house screaming her heads off
@PuffyPersianCat 2 жыл бұрын
​@@michelleper5065 But I've read from a very reliable source on reddit. That the note was written by John. Why? Because papers/cards with other people's handwritings were found in the house left in places where they weren't normally found at, a dictionary was found, flipped opened on one of the harder words used in the note. "Supposedly", John used the papers/cards as handwriting references for the ransom note. The dictionary, was used to search up certain words, like "attache"... It's very plausible that John copied a bunch of people's penmanships down (trying to mimic how they'd write), after all he crafted the knot, he's delusional and delusional people are ofter overly-creative people who come up with the most craziest ideas sometimes. But in the ransom note, it states not to go to anyone for help, the neighbours would have been someone Patsy wouldn't go to either if she weren't guilty, but she's kinda cray-cray too, I mean after all, she called the number one person she shouldn't have dialed!
@michelleper5065 2 жыл бұрын
@@PuffyPersianCat no he is a male, a male would not write the note this way, not this type of male, also the q of the mom is exact same q as in the note, only one individual write q like that it is extremly unique and in an 8 shape, no one write it this way beside mama and the note writer.. daddy's little toy!
@yvonnecandia7573 Жыл бұрын
This man is 💯💯💯💯 correct!!
@PuffyPersianCat 2 жыл бұрын
...And it was said that child pornography was found on several of the Access Graphics computers. Coincidence? It still baffles me today, that a group of individuals could gather in a workplace watching CP!
@Fernando-qk2hp 2 жыл бұрын
Some of you are silly This man is brilliant. Even those who disagree with him believe that. He is correct about his view on this. I don’t agree about jfk but that’s ok.
@freddie3206 Жыл бұрын
Fernando, Who are you calling brilliant, The Doctor? He said JonBenet had no mark on her neck from being strangled. Look at the autopsy photos? The rope was embedded in her neck.
@Fernando-qk2hp Жыл бұрын
@@freddie3206 me and a whole lot of other people apparently. Look at his resume and life’s work. Even his critics admit that. Example Vincent Bugliosi. Let me guess you know more ????
@freddie3206 Жыл бұрын
@@Fernando-qk2hp No need for me to look at his resume. He clearly lied when he said JonBenet had no mark on her neck. The rope was embedded into her neck. Review the autopsy photos unless you are legally blind.
@Fernando-qk2hp Жыл бұрын
@@freddie3206 I believe you after all the autopsies you’ve done.
@freddie3206 Жыл бұрын
@@Fernando-qk2hp You don't have to believe me. I am sure you saw those autopsy photos that speak for themselves.
@Goldrefinedthrufire 2 жыл бұрын
NO intruders! This guy is right! Think about the evidence....what other family...average or poor would even get away with finding a child in the home like that? Not to mention all the other evidence that cannot rule the family out.
@jimwerther 2 жыл бұрын
You are thoroughly unfamiliar with the basic facts of the case, leading you to falsely slander an innocent family with a murder accusation. Just stop.
@SimpleLifeAlways81 Жыл бұрын
@@jimwerther you are wrong. Patsy and John knew but didn’t supervise the kids downstairs.
@jimwerther Жыл бұрын
@@SimpleLifeAlways81 Your comment is rather unclear
@davidwilliams4498 11 ай бұрын
Look at the brutal autopsy photos read the entire Boulder police report the many suspicious people they knew an lived close by.
@lindajanes5698 11 ай бұрын
I don't know how the dr. can call a fracturing blow to her head an "accident"
@Luna_and_Miles Жыл бұрын
This bozo Wecht was out of his mind. And what the heck was he laughing about? He talks about this like it was some cheap lurid novel. Disgusting, the way he laughed his way through this interview. Anyway, he forgets that the Boulder Police totally botched the crime scene from the start, along with the several friends of the Ramsay's. The crime scene was totally contaminated, which is why no clear indications of an intruder were found. It was also the utter incompetence of the Boulder investigators that they didn't interview enough people. They never interviewed the neighbors who were watching the Ramsay's dog? And the border who was living at the neighbors' wasn't interviewed either? Why not? So many people were overlooked, because the Boilder Police were dead set on blaming the Ramsays.
@jameswhoever3730 2 жыл бұрын
So the father put the suitcase to the wall, made scuff Mark's on wall, and if he was doing what you say, why this day, he chokes her to death? Only finger penetration and then he on that day, too kill her? I wanted to believe Cyril had something good here, but he seems to let me down a lot.
@chattahuffman5117 2 жыл бұрын
The suitcase would have been positioned differently had it actually been used. Look up the photo. And the scuff was prob john had to break and climb through the window when he was locked out
@jimwerther 2 жыл бұрын
I used to think highly of Wecht, but no longer. He traded in whatever credibility he once had in favor of cameras and cash, his two addictions.
@glamdolly30 2 жыл бұрын
Dr Cyril Wecht's analysis of the Jonbenet case is the most credible by far. No one has better explained the bizarre events of 25/26 December 1996. Jonbenet's autopsy confirms what Dr Wecht says about John Ramsey's long-term sexual abuse of that poor child. Patsy Ramsey's ovarian cancer and its detrimental effect on their sex life, gave her husband a convenient excuse to molest their daughter. This explains why he and Patsy always vehemently denied Jonbenet was ever sexually abused - even by her supposed 'abductor' just before her death, though the evidence of both long term abuse and molestation before death, was clear. The couple were terrified of John's criminal sexual abuse of Jonbenet being exposed, so they just blanket denied she'd experienced any such abuse from anyone - even when they knew the autopsy confirmed she'd been penetrated with the paint brush used as a garrote. Child sex abuse takes multiple forms, no idea why you are doubtful about finger penetration? Some men tell themselves if they don't rape their daughters with their penis but instead with fingers or inanimate objects, it is OK and not rape or abuse. Obviously it is still rape/sexual abuse! For John Ramsey, the fact he didn't use his penis had the advantage he didn't leave tell as much tale-tale forensic evidence behind.
@alexsdb9712 Жыл бұрын
​@@glamdolly30Well said. There's also the finding of JB seeing the doctor more than 10 times in a year or so, due to UTI and vaginal issues. Also the bedwetting problem that JB had.
@glamdolly30 Жыл бұрын
@@alexsdb9712 Yes, great point - Jonbenet's medical history features many of the typical red flags indicating child sex abuse. (UTIs and bedwetting are textbook, as are fecal incontinence which Jonbenet also suffered). That poor child had the most miserable six years on the planet, sexually exploited by her twisted father, while her cancer-stricken mother mother looked the other way. And finally, perhaps inevitably, the incestuous sexual abuse escalated to such extremes, she died a depraved death by ligature strangulation, in her own home where she should have been safe. How appalling her killer father still hasn't faced justice, almost three decades later, thanks to his money and status. American justice is a sick joke.
@anglewings8309 Жыл бұрын
I agreed with everything you said up until he got to the point of the blunt force trauma,from someone who actually looked at the autopsy photos. Her skull had an 8 inch long gash on one side of the skull, which roughly measure the same length as a flashlight found in the House so no that’s not a small hit that’s enough to cause anyone to go unconscious in very short amount of time that could have been what led her to then suffocate from the grot that was around her neck.
@BabzV Жыл бұрын
Maybe she was being suspended in the air during the abuse, she died, and the ropes were loosened causing her to fall down to the ground hitting her head hard because of the dead weight.
@poseidon3201 2 ай бұрын
People said that since day 1.
@kelleyjoseph3032 2 жыл бұрын
Why did Patsy let him cover it up?
@susanbell6851 Жыл бұрын
I know right!
@franklinholt8054 Жыл бұрын
I have a hard time believing that as a mother you "just go along with it"... not saying hes wrong, its just not that easy for me to believe...great theory tho
@missannettep6796 3 жыл бұрын
You guys ever do the Missy Beavers murder? Not solved in over 4 years. Texas. Sadly, noboy has been arrested.
@shirleystein6521 28 күн бұрын
Only just found out through this video that the rope was tied over JBR's clothes, so that it wouldn't leave any marks. This video has definitely convinced me that it was the father. Probably didn't mean to kill her, but was clearly abusing her.
@clarkanthony538 2 жыл бұрын
The reason more weight and or accusation by authorities isn't leveled at John Ramsey is because as odd as the facts were the day Jon Benet was discovered is because all members of the family, Patsy, Burke, John, all acted oddly consistent and indignant, almost arrogant, all three, from the very first night she was found acted the opposite of a dysfunctional family. In most cases you'll have a fighting spouse or another sibling placing blame on the other. Not in this case. The police found all three of them to be arrogantly distant, eccentric and less than helpful, which planned or not confused police by the very nature of their odd support of one another, almost orchestrated in its denials. So, the reaction by the Ramsy family members after her death wasn't the usual text book reaction which was enough to slow the investigation and confuse authorities. IMO
@alfredfant5280 Жыл бұрын
the guys writting did not match the ransom note
@onesolvedmystery2274 2 жыл бұрын
I Know I am in the minority on this, but I Agree with, 200+ Cases Worked with 90% Solve Rate Detective: Lou Smit and the Legendary FBI Profiling Pioneer: John Douglas. This was an Intruder - that was out to cause harm to John Ramsey, and his business, over revenge & greed. I believe this links back to Bud & Sandra Henderson, whom each owed Access Graphics a "remaining 18k" in 1996, after the company that bonded them paid 100k of their debt. Sandra was a Convicted Felon Embezzler & DisGruntled Ex-Access Graphics Employee who got caught stealing from them in 1991 and was getting ready to go back to prison in Early '97 for (presumably) un-related (but possibly related) forgery charges (as she forged her husband Bud's name on promissory note to pay Access money owed). But to anyone looking for a reasonable new theory as to the motive for this heinous crime you should look into the Henderson Family, they profited substantially via the exit of John Ramsey from Access Graphics! But that's just what my findings have shown me, no offense meant to those dead set against the Ram Fam.
@Luna_and_Miles Жыл бұрын
Spot on. I agree with you.
@paulphillips684 Жыл бұрын
How do you explain the autopsy showing her Hyman was obliterated. Prior sexual abuse. These are forensic FACTS
@alexsdb9712 Жыл бұрын
​@@paulphillips684Definitely. That information and finding was no secret. Also, the bedwetting factor which is a factor and effect of SA.
@davidwilliams4498 11 ай бұрын
Agree. Most all who believe the easy dad sex abuse the Burke hit long ransom letter cover up night has never seen the brutal autopsy photos or read all of Boulder police report the official report more than a few sick pedophiles an jealous friends neighbors of Ramsey's.
@dangelamarx80 2 күн бұрын
Her Father was sick as hell !
@margaretmyles1523 2 жыл бұрын
Angel ❤️ no more pain now he will answer to god 🙏
@deidre995 Жыл бұрын
I dont believe it was the family. I think it was someone who knew them and his bonus. I dont appreciate y'all laughing while telling this.
@kimwilbanks286 3 жыл бұрын
I pray for this family, for a mother to pass away knowing her daughter was assaulted and tortured at 6. This was not the family, per DNA so this opinion is disgusting with no proof. He needs to look up the new evidence and dna these assumptions are why this has not been solved.
@vicksta8875 2 жыл бұрын
Not to worry Kim W.. Patsy was there!! She knows EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED!! And, I do not believe she is in Heaven with Jonbenet
@darkhorse9472 2 жыл бұрын
@@vicksta8875 Evidence doesn't give a flying rat's ass what you believe.
@LivingLegendMe 2 жыл бұрын
I'd have killed him if he did that to my daughter. She was dying of cancer, what did she have to loose?
@smellycat264 2 жыл бұрын
@@vicksta8875 exactly!!!!!! There was never no intruder. They did it. A real parent would be furious on trying to catch the killer. They would cooperate with the cops.but they did the whole opposite.
@peggypasson8794 2 жыл бұрын
One d.a. said dna wasn't a match . another said not so fast .....again it's clear that something was very very wrong here in that house .
@stevensonjc21 2 жыл бұрын
dudes spewing a lot of nonsense very fast...
@dariusmenda8487 3 жыл бұрын
JonBenét’s murderer’s “Hi-Tec” boot print found next to her body was of the “Left Boot Tread” of a female’s “1996 Lady Shasta” (Grey & Purple) or “Shasta” (Brown & Green) not to be confused with “Shasta II” .. This was not a Law Enforcement or EMS type boot .. The only other “Hi-Tec” boot to have the same “Solid Triangular” tread was the “Topaz Jr.” (Mocha & Spruce / Navy & Plum) .. These 1990’s “Hi-Tec” boots were basically made for “Women & Children” .. So were the colors.
@Stardust27777 2 жыл бұрын
What size was it? please
@MsBackstager 7 ай бұрын
IF JR was a child molester because his wife was ill with chemo, why didn't he just get a mistress?
@taintedmeat9740 3 жыл бұрын
There it is a straight up answer for a change.
@darkhorse9472 3 жыл бұрын
Straight up bullshit. There is zero evidence to support one word of Cyril Wecht's statement. Zero. The Ramseys were cleared over a decade ago.
@jimwerther 3 жыл бұрын
@@darkhorse9472 Go you
@thecuriousblackcat8590 3 жыл бұрын
@@darkhorse9472 stfu .. you’re always in these videos trying to shoot down conspiracy theories is that your job or something or do you not have better shit to do ?
@darkhorse9472 3 жыл бұрын
@@thecuriousblackcat8590 I prefer to go by the scientific evidence in this case...not the fairytales and bullshit Cyril Wecht is peddling. Don't you have better shit to do?
@elishevarosenfeld6755 2 жыл бұрын
Burke had nothing to do with it
@rebeccagangi4228 2 жыл бұрын
I don’t think it was the father exactly but she was unfortunately part of a sex traffic ring within the elite community. Hopefully we’ll have the answers & it all comes to light! SAVE THE CHILDREN!
@darkhorse9472 2 жыл бұрын
There is zero evidence to support your statement. Zero.
@smellycat264 2 жыл бұрын
@@darkhorse9472 exactly
@vicksta8875 2 жыл бұрын
@@darkhorse9472 How many people, involved in child trafficking do you hear about?? These elite group protect the entire group. They hide behind wealth, big jobs, authority figures, etc.. THEY PROTECT THIER GROUP!! Just because there isnt any History we've not bern able to find, cause we never will... They've covered all thier tracks( as pedos) often do!! The Photographer was the center of thier ring. He was tried and convicted on child porn! He had provocative pictures of Jonbonet, along with hundreds of other kids!! Hello
@loralieisa Жыл бұрын
I don't think her father had anything to do with harming his baby. BPD is withholding DNA evidence that recently improved to the point that the people involved would be discovered in hours.
@austintaylor6152 5 ай бұрын
Here's my argument, if John did it and Patsy wrote the note why would they both stay quiet? Makes you wonder if they were both involved
@jimwerther 3 жыл бұрын
Wecht getting everything wrong, as usual.
@MissJensk1 3 жыл бұрын
@darkhorse9472 3 жыл бұрын
I agree, Jim Werther!
@jmsnordness 3 жыл бұрын
Dr is a professional with experience and there are so many know it alls who are truly ignorant
@jimwerther 3 жыл бұрын
@@jmsnordness Indeed, you are describing Wecht to a T - ignorant know-it-all. There is a reason that the Ramseys were long ago cleared. PS - did you upvote your own comment?
@KateBates22zabu 3 жыл бұрын
@@jimwerther I agree with you cyril wecht is a publicity hound
@michaelkakert6645 2 ай бұрын
The freshly painted room in the basement where she was found is the clincher. How did she get in there & not disturb the paint? The dad didn't check that room & told the police it didn't need to be checked because it was painted shut. When found the dad grabbed her & ran upstairs with her thus disturbing the crime scene & placing his DNA on the body. The long ridiculous note, supposedly left on the step by the kidnapper/murderer. The brother was obviously drugged & traumatized by threat, hence it is obvious he is scared stiff with a perpetual smile & happy demeanor at all times with no actual emotions at all no matter what topic is discussed, a perpetual programmed dazed smile on his face.
@markshaw1727 Жыл бұрын
There was no evidence of sexual abuse in the autopsy
@SimpleLifeAlways81 Жыл бұрын
Sexual abuse - not that night but she was fondled with a paintbrush. Who would use paintbrush in her? And why was JonBenets vaginal area scrubbed vigorously? Cuz Patsy and John didn’t wNt evidence there. Lint from Johns clothes was under JonBenets panties. The whole rope, tape, etc was staged. And there was 2 adults in the staging. Juror revealed that.
@bf6048 Жыл бұрын
Oh yes there was. Old scars from sexual abuse. That’s why she was a bed wetter and had frequent uti’s thst she was taken to Dr for.
@authorgalahad 2 жыл бұрын
this is a fictional theory on what happend based on three things a stun gun a scream and the amount of the ransom note i do not know what company mr ramsey worked for but i assume they had a few security guards perhaps one of those guards overheard someone talking about the christmas bonus mr ramsey would get so one evening at the dinner table he is telling his wife and his teenage son is there also maybe around seventeen or eighteen years old so his son tells his best friend and they come up with a plot to kidnap the girl so they go by the ramsey home a few times while they are not home to survey the situation to see where they could beak in discover the broke window in the basement and on that night before they leave to carry out their plot the security guards son steals his stun gun to use that night who would be dumb enough to ask for a certain specific amount for ransom the rameys were rich so a criminal could ask anywhere from two hundred thousand to five hundred so only stupid teenagers would ask for that specific amount and who would take time to write a long note that's taking up time only stupid teenagers perhaps the effect of the stun gun caused the little girl to faint and when the get to the basement one of the guys climbs out reaches back to get her by the shoulders while the other one has her feet and then she comes to and screams and that's when a neighbor heard a scream but no one in the house did so one of those guys panicked wrapped something around her neck slung her around she came loose hit her head on the wall or floor then they decide to put duct tape on her mouth and start to tie her arms and by that time they think she might be dead so they leave quickly perhaps in a van
@rosewd2 3 жыл бұрын
Well thats a good theory. But when did she eat the pineapple? I don't buy the intruder theory, it just makes no sense. The older brother says there is an elevator in the house? Where. Whats that extra room in the basement with the bookcase in front of the door? Obviously someone would have to know that house very well, no intruder would, much less use patsy's pad and pen to write a 2.5 page ransom note. And they leave a broken window in their basement by burkes train room in the winter ? Seriously ? Im my opinion it is was someone in the house that murdered Jonbenet. Maybe brain fingerprinting will solve the case. Its your fly on the wall ;)
@porkythepig7608 3 ай бұрын
I believe Cyril Wecht. He is one of the most brilliant men on earth. He puts everything together with facts. Facts that make sense. John going immediately to that hidden room and bringing her up was very suspicious. He knew she was there.
@angeladlane 3 жыл бұрын
No Patsy wrote that ransom note !
@darkhorse9472 3 жыл бұрын
Patsy did not write the ransom note. It was proven she didn't
@angeladlane 3 жыл бұрын
@@darkhorse9472 No it was not !! But like most controversial topics always you ppl who reinvent facts !!
@darkhorse9472 3 жыл бұрын
@@angeladlane Six highly qualified professionals hired by Boulder Authorities and the FBI determined Patsy, John, or Burke Ramsey did not write the ransom note. Chief Beckner confirmed that the investigation had retained the services of Chet Ubowski, Leonard Speckin, Edwin Alford, and Richard Dusack, Howard Ryle and Lloyd Cunningham to perform handwriting analysis and comparisons. Not ONE of the examiners identified Patsy Ramsey as the author of the ransom note. -Excerpts from former DA Alex Hunter's deposition 11/27/01 #knowthefacts #evidencematters #justiceforjonbenetandherfamily
@RawOlympia 2 жыл бұрын
@@darkhorse9472 Not at all, the note always points to Patsy, it's the smoking gun in the case.
@RawOlympia 2 жыл бұрын
@@darkhorse9472 Not true, and if it was Boulder police, well, pfffft, what a bunch of lizards when it comes to solving anything. Just a botched case from them, making any decent sort of crime solving nigh impossible. The note was written on Patsy's paper with her pen and with her little weird sayings. They would have been better off without the letter, it just was staging.
@theresagosnell7645 2 жыл бұрын
He doesn't explain why the blow to the head happened and why could Burke not recognize the pineapple when he was being interviewed ?
@SimpleLifeAlways81 Жыл бұрын
JonBenet was eating pineapple when visitor arrived. It was interrupted. Read Kolar book.
@theresagosnell7645 Жыл бұрын
@@SimpleLifeAlways81 What visitor? Does Kolar talk about a visitor?
@roxxyflwrs7830 3 жыл бұрын
Omg finally I’ve been saying it the whole time it was dad
@miguelito2361 2 жыл бұрын
She was in child beauty pageants, and those things are no doubt crawling with pervs. I'd imagine that they get down in a "wife swapping" sorta way, if you catch my drift. With the kids. I'd imagine a lot of money is exchanged and nice jobs are handed out too. (Epstein rewarded a lot of his "victims," you know. Many of the females involved in that whole deal were well-rewarded for their participation & silence.) It seems exceptionally likely that either the dad did it or he knows who did. One of his fellow "buddies," perhaps.
@lindamon5101 2 жыл бұрын
@equalityforall4175 Жыл бұрын
@southerngirlraven7 3 ай бұрын
The door to the room was latched from the outside which from my understanding is why the police didn’t search the room in the first place. How could it have been latched like that if the killer left out of the basement through the window?
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