Dr. Westman Reacts: 9 nutrition studies every ketogenic dieter needs to read

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Dr. Eric Westman - Adapt Your Life

Dr. Eric Westman - Adapt Your Life

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The “diet wars” can get quite contentious. Even politics seems to be a safer topic for respectful conversation compared to talking about nutrition!
Since the beginning of his career, Dr. Westman has always been committed to following the science, including having spearheaded clinical trials and written hundreds of peer-reviewed papers, himself. Check out his latest video to see his reaction to research that supposedly points to keto being dangerous.
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@pdeb70 Жыл бұрын
I'm 70, was vegetarian for 25 years and decidedly chubby (!) Changed to vegan, still struggled with carb addiction. Now changed to keto and lost all the weight, and doing great!😊
@judylapp1139 Жыл бұрын
Started Keto a year ago last April,lost 46 Lbs. still maintaining my weight and I feel great I'm 84 years old.
@darlenebartos3889 Жыл бұрын
That’s fantastic news! I’m impressed! Plus you’re on KZbin.
@happynjoyousnfree Жыл бұрын
@jamescalifornia2964 Жыл бұрын
Great 👍
@Mrs.TJTaylor Жыл бұрын
Isn’t it amazing, losing that weight? I’m 69 and everyone assured me that it’s impossible for us older gals to lose weight. Well, they’re wrong! I did it too and quickly. And we won’t be gaining it back either!
@jamescalifornia2964 Жыл бұрын
@@Mrs.TJTaylor - Yes indeed ! Same age - same results. Low carbohydrate diet has allowed me the ability to do occasional 5-day fasting. Another "secret " many never understand. I am no longer in danger of Type 2 diabetes. No more BG spike after meals. Much lower A1-C .😉👌
After losing 100 plus pounds on Keto in 2016 and maintaining it until 2022, I decided to try the Vegan Broad diet. Over 3 months I gained 20 pounds. I'm back on Keto now and thankful I'm losing those Vegan pounds...
@tslilbearshoppe9870 Жыл бұрын
same thing happened to me because you get hungry eating vegan. That's why they tell you to eat every two hours. Perfect storm for Diabetes.
@simonround2439 Жыл бұрын
The Ornish study was not just a dietary intervention, he also had his subjects do an exercise programme and stop smoking. Little wonder their heart outcomes improved.
@golaoi Жыл бұрын
It's a fact that NO vegan trial comes close to Virta's success for the treatment of diabetes. That's why they steer clear of comparison with LCHF. It makes them "uncomfortable." Dr.Westman is one of my dietary heroes. I've my weight off on a lowcarb approach for 9y and this approach has kept me free from depression which bothered me a lot.
@dianalantz2645 Жыл бұрын
When I was vegan then vegetarian, my weight just went up & up, BP kept going up, plus inflammation and joint problems. My overall health, not just my weight, is so much better on keto. We're so fortunate to have an academician like Dr. Westman on our side.
@betseyspencer5370 Жыл бұрын
At 70 yo I struggled for 50 years with weight and multiple autoimmune issues. Yo yo dieting, carb cravings etc. At beginning of 2020 I started Wahls protocol. (Between her veg and keto version) drifted closer and closer to carnivore. Healthy than I've been since high school. Am currently about 95% carnivore. Love it. My BP this am was 95/61. Sleeping better, arthritis and psoriasis are gone, hair coming back thick full of body, and a number of other improvements. Low fat. Plant based ruined me for 50 years. Not going back.
@Mrs.TJTaylor Жыл бұрын
Wow! You were brave. 50 years! Me too. I was so well indoctrinated that I still get scared eating fat and all the eggs and bacon and red meat. I’m also 70. But the proof is in the pudding and I’m losing weight and feeling healthier every day. My lab values and BP support my claims.
@DebraRN1195 Жыл бұрын
Sounds very much like my story. But please add animal fats - trust Drs. Westman, Mason, Fung, Berry, Baker, etc
@betseyspencer5370 Жыл бұрын
I did add animal fats. Fatty meats, butter, bacon, etc. Made a huge difference in my hair, skin, sleep
@wilmaanvieh147 Жыл бұрын
@@betseyspencer5370 would like to know how long it took for you to see hair improvement and was the hair issues due to hormonal imbalance? TIA
@betseyspencer5370 Жыл бұрын
After about 4 months I noticed that my hair was staying fluffy and not going flat as it got longer.
@richardmonson8657 Жыл бұрын
When I started Keto 4.5 years ago (lost 45 lbs and improved metabolic panel) I decided it would be prudent to look at the contrarian view of KETO for any issues. I found several, even doctors who opposed KETO for varying reasons. In each case, however, after continued inquiry I discovered that in each case the doctors were opposed to the eating of animals. In fact they were vegetarians or vegans and at no time disclosed that they were against the eating of animal products for any reason, but it became clear that this was the foremost reason. In fact they disclosed very little science as to their beliefs. You are responsible for your own health…so beware of anyone who cares more for their agenda than they do your health.
@jimrutherford2773 Жыл бұрын
There is always an agenda behind a medical professional who pushes a vegan diet over a diet with animal products. I'm amazed how they can lie knowing they are causing people harm and even death.
@Mrs.TJTaylor Жыл бұрын
Excellent point! And it’s hard to get to the bottom of their undisclosed belief system. I’m very old so I’ve known a lot of vegans and vegetarians over the course of my life. Only the vegetarians who eat eggs and dairy and heavily supplement their diet have seemed to remain healthy. I’ve never known a robustly healthy vegan. A strict vegetarian diet made my sister very sick and puny. She had to add back eggs, fish, dairy and a little chicken, still predominantly vegetables though.
@richardmonson8657 Жыл бұрын
@@jimrutherford2773 Hippocratic Oath?
@beardumaw24 Жыл бұрын
100% correct, there is a religious cult coming up to the government and the medical establishment that is against an animal-based diet and wants people on a 100-percent unhealthy plant-based diet
@ericag2233 Жыл бұрын
Dr Westman, these guys can not trick me any more. Keto for almost 2 years.
@papac7160 Жыл бұрын
I was diagnosed with diabetes last July. I decided I couldn't eat carbs and went Keto. My A1c went from 6.5 to 5.2. I've lost 57 lbs, don't need a Cpap machine anymore and have gotten one cold in the last 6 months. I was having one after another before. 20 years with 7 heart attacks and no angina for 4 months even when climbing a mountain. something I couldn't do before Keto.
@jobrown8146 Жыл бұрын
Great to hear. Thank you for sharing your experience. I've been low carb for 15 months now and it was comments like yours that I read whilst researching diabetes and diet that encouraged me to try diet to see if it would work. It only took 3 months (or less - blood test was 3 months later) to reverse my diabetes.
@Mrs.TJTaylor Жыл бұрын
I’m so grateful for this new way of life. It’s also turned my life/health around. I wonder what my life would have been if I had known this 30 years ago instead of eating the SAD of very low fat/high carb which made me fat and trashed my health. It still shocks me to open the frig and see mayonnaise, eggs, butter, cream, cheese, bacon and RED MEAT, all the forbidden foods. I feel like I’ve won the lottery! And nothing hurts anymore.
@jobrown8146 Жыл бұрын
@@Mrs.TJTaylor I think there are many people who wish they had known about low carb decades ago, but we were "educated" wrongly about foods. I'm 65 y so saw the introduction/continuation of low fat, few eggs, small amount of lean red meat etc, and the increase in processed foods and fast foods.
@mattm1686 Жыл бұрын
Soon they’re gonna be telling you to eat bugs it’s better for the planet
@Mrs.TJTaylor Жыл бұрын
Low fat, SAD dieting is exactly why my weight skyrocketed and my health crashed. I’m off that roller coaster now with a ketogenic diet for life.
@Lemminaide Жыл бұрын
I like to watch until the end but it infuriates me to hear this type of misinformation. People need to hear the truth. I’m glad you are committed to sharing your knowledge and expertise. Thank you for all you do.
@VJShordee Жыл бұрын
I started Keto almost 11 months now. I’ve lost 70lbs so far. I tried for 10 yrs to lose this weight. Nothing worked but Keto. I gained the weight after I took the drug lyrica for pain. I stopped the drug but couldn’t lose the weight. I have found that I intermittently fast automatically. I also find that don’t seem to need 3 meals. The other day I noticed that I eat my meals on much smaller plates. However, I still crave desserts if I see a picture of something. I keep coming back to watch your videos for support.
@alexaad1712 Жыл бұрын
Dr. Westman was the first person I came across to give the right diet advice, backed by science that actually works. I had been looking for answers to why my body was causing me problems despite eating all the things I was told were healthy and exercising at least 2 hours daily, running at least 8-10 miles a day and still could not lose the weight. I am finally free of all of it at 50 and have never been more healthier. Started with keto, now carnivore and not going back. I am healthier than all my colleagues who are already having heart attacks and strokes. Halle Berry is diabetic by the way and has been keto for decades, she looks fabulous at 56. I am sure she wouldn’t have continued if it was detrimental to her health. She is after all in a profession where being lean and healthy is vital to her job. The other studies are pretty much bogus the way it is presented. I can’t help but notice how healthy Dr. Westman looks compared to the pale, pasty people in the video. I wish we were taught what real nutrition was in medical school, never had a nutrition class. Yes, Doctor here. Now I have been advocating keto and carnivore to everyone. Highly recommended, especially Dr. Westman, he knows what he is talking about.😊
@jackschitt6235 Жыл бұрын
Halle Berry made the news about her diet and diabetes situation many years ago by now. She was supposedly making some statements that the diabetes experts said didn't pass the "smell test". She was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and all type ONE's are on insulin immediately and permanently even if they never consume carbohydrates. If she said her diet was allowing her to live without insulin she was either dangerously misinformed or maybe she really was a type 2 diabetic. It's not like I watched an interview with her about it though so possibly she was misquoted or what she was saying was taken out of context etc. Unfortunately doctors don't routinely order all the different tests to be 100% sure if it's type 1 or 2 immediately like they should. The majority of the cases do fit the pattern of young and slim type 1. Older and overweight type 2. But it's well known that adults can develop type 1 and oftentimes they are sent on their way with pills only when they really need insulin. Not everyone who develops type 2 is seriously overweight. I guess the concern was she might be leading many type 1's to stop carbs and stop insulin and that's a recipe for disaster. Just because she's rich and beautiful doesn't mean she's smart. She may have been taking advice from a quack was the speculation. I know this is long but I've been living with it and reading about it since my diagnosis in 1998.
@rawmilkmike Жыл бұрын
@Jack Schitt Type 1 diabetes was once called insulin-dependent or juvenile diabetes. It's an autoimmune disease that usually develops in children, teens, and young adults after vakc1nation, but it can happen at any age.
@krisjustin3884 Жыл бұрын
Great recommendation with substance here! 👍
@danoakes4071 Жыл бұрын
I agree! They look like they would blow away in a strong wind. I'd be interested to see a study on the link beteen a vegan/high carb diet and narcissistic personality disorder. Some custodians of the aged narcissistic personality have expressed to me benefits of a keto diet in reducing symptoms of anxiety, paranoia, selfishness, hoarding, sleep quality, delusions, nightmares, theft from other residents, call button requests, and the number and severity of disruptions they cause overall. Whereas high carb diets appear to produce the opposite effects, and require more psychiatric medication to moderate their behavior.
@alexaad1712 Жыл бұрын
@@danoakes4071 There are already many proven studies that a low carb diet improves mental health and includes a whole spectrum of mental disorders.
@redxxxxxxx Жыл бұрын
When they attack keto it means they are losing customers.
@katdoe192 9 ай бұрын
i lost 80 pounds and reversed my diabetes with keto 4 years ago. when my doctor saw what i was doing he told me he would drop me as a patient if i did not get of keto and start eating whole grains. I did what he said. As you can guess all my medical issues came back, got worse and i developed some new ones. Needless to say I went back to keto and now ketovore and fired my doctor. I am now fixing things again lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks and my blood sugars are coming back down.
@cynthiaproffitt8326 Жыл бұрын
My son was vegan for 12 years. He believed he was eating healthy. However, he was getting emaciated and was having digestive issues. He started watching and listening to me regarding the keto diet and much to my surprise, he started eating what I cooked…meat! He is now mostly carnivore. He has put on healthy weight and muscle. There is a spring to his step and loves eating with us as a family. I never pushed my way of eating on him, I was just an example and he finally wised up!
@georgeholman6745 Жыл бұрын
I love the "Dr. Westman Reacts" videos. Sometimes I see some of the videos that you comment on and when I see them before you do your critique, I find myself wondering what the hell they are talking about or even maybe I have been wrong about my KETO diet. Thanks, and keep up the 'Good Work' Doc - much appreciated. 👍 PS - Only because I see folks mentioning age in the comments, I'm 78. I'm doing much better on KETO than eating whatever they put in 'manufactured foods' my weight is down from 215 to 160lbs which was my weight at age 21 active military weight. Also, I have a lot less stress in my life knowing that when I go for my annual medical checkups my doctor will not be yelling at me about my 'blood work' results. Oh, and prompted by one of the commentors "Yes I too am on KZbin" I may be 78 but that doesn't mean that I missed the 1984 computer revolution. 😜
@happynjoyousnfree Жыл бұрын
Yep he needs to do these a LOT!
@ericrichards9249 Жыл бұрын
Started a Keto lifestyle back in July 2021. I have lost over 50lbs (235-180), which I have maintained the 180lbs for over 1.5 years. Reversed my Type 2 diabetes. I'm off all medications, (Metformin, Lisinopril and the Cholesterol medication). A1c went from 7.6 to 5.4 now. I can't thank Dr. Westman and Dr. Berry enough for their insightful information.
@Mrs.TJTaylor Жыл бұрын
Finally! Doctors with real answers!
@lloydhlavac6807 Жыл бұрын
Dr Westman and Dr Berry are 2 of my favorites also!
@garymohr7557 Жыл бұрын
started keto 11/2021. Weight 188, CHOL 188, HDL 51, LDL114, TRIG 114. Latest blood test 12/2022. Weight 173, CHOL 160, HDL 80, LDL 67, TRIG 63. Dr has reduced my hypertension medications by 75%. My knees do not hurt, I am not out of breath walking. I do intermediate fasting which furthers my strength and stamina. I am unable to do much exercise due to a condrosarcoma in 2017. KETO works!
@T-aka-T Жыл бұрын
That drop in trigs is great, ditto rise in HDL. I have been focusing on that lately as a prime marker of improvement. (the rest is great too of course - congrats!) 🥳🥳🥳
@priscillagreer6471 Жыл бұрын
Wow, I don’t look at keto as diet. But a way of eating! I’m m 71 and I feel better.
@eringo-bragh4243 Жыл бұрын
True, I've also referred to it as a lifestyle, people are always telling me it isn't sustainable but I've been pretty forward with telling people they are addicted to carbs, just like I was.
@priscillagreer6471 Жыл бұрын
Yes sugar is my downfall so I can’t even cheat anymore, and carbs forget it!
@hardtruth2039 Жыл бұрын
Their version of low carb is a complete joke. Not even close. Carnivore has save my life. Down 195lbs, off of all 12 meds the “doctors/drug dealers” had me on for 30 years and all of my labs are stellar. My A1c is 5.4, hdl 60, ldl 105, triglycerides 60, glucose 102 and my BP averages 119/72. I’m 60yo and my wife is 70 and her numbers are within a couple of points of mine. Fixed diabetes, hbp, gout, Ed, sleep apnea and more.
@euhdink4501 Жыл бұрын
Yes there seems to be. Our bodies are so stupid. 🙂
@1timbarrett Жыл бұрын
Your weight loss is amazing but even more impressive is that you got off TWELVE meds and are now sleeping better. Live long and prosper!🖖
@Philipk65 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Dr Westman. All these studies were comparing a plant based diet to a standard American diet not a ketogenic diet. Everyone needs to be aware of this and Dr Westman's reaction video is a great one to share with people who are on the fence.
@beardumaw24 Жыл бұрын
I used to be a vegetarian and it darn near ruined my health !!! I ended up having gallbladder stones, irregular heartbeats caused by the low-fat low sodium in the vegetarian diet. Also developed bad joint pain. I switched to an animal-based diet while still including some vegetables and berries and within a week the irregular heartbeats were gone, my achy joints were gone and after about 8 months to a year on a ketogenic diet my gallbladder pain was gone my triglycerides are lower than my HDL and my blood work is fantastic. So sick of this unhealthy plant-based vegan diet being pushed. I think they're actually trying to make people unhealthy by eating a plant-based diet so they can keep them on medications. Dr. Barnard is a vegan that explains his bias
@lynnries7729 Жыл бұрын
Dr. Westman, you're much to knowledgeable, educated and fair to be asked to be on this review board! The last thing this board wanted was the voice of reason; and thank you for that.
@RisteSekuloski Жыл бұрын
As a clinician, I have utmost respect for Dr. Westman's approach to keto dieting. Simple, no-nonsense and fact based. And as they say: proof is in the pudding: Dr. Westman ages gracefully. Dr. Fuhrman, on the other hand (I have been watching his videos through the years), looks as an emptying shell of his former great physique.
@1timbarrett Жыл бұрын
Dr Fuhrman is not looking so good, that is true. He is an engaging speaker however; clearly his lifestyle has not yet affected his cognition.
@celinescrappassion2184 Жыл бұрын
i know people on plant based diets who are overweight because they abuse of carby foods like bread, rice, pasta and sugar. A plant based diet is perfect for people who love sugar!
@eringo-bragh4243 Жыл бұрын
People can't seem to distinguish that complex carbs (grains) break down into sugar or simple carbs
@celinescrappassion2184 Жыл бұрын
@@eringo-bragh4243 exactly!! My sisters BF is diabetic, and he thinks that by eating bread, rice, pasta, he is cutting down on sugar! He just does not understand how it works!
@richardmullins2850 Жыл бұрын
Dr Westman I have to say you are a true gentleman I would like to see Dr Ken Berry react to this same study LOL 😀
@gaganmeetsingh7195 Жыл бұрын
When you go high fat low carb in vegan diet, you also go high on oxalates, phytates, tannins, lectins and other anti nutrients. I was religiously vegan for 16 years and developed every gut problem Sibo, ibs, H. Pylori and IC. Changed my diet to Keto and I am doing much better.
@rawmilkmike Жыл бұрын
Doctor westman. The study that this vegan guy quoted. The one that suggested a low carb high fat animal based diet was less healthy, Didn't use an actual animal based keto diet or even an actual low carb diet. Both groups were consuming a standard American diet. Both groups were consuming plenty of vegetable oil, bread, and sugar. And very few animal products. And with that understanding then you apply a healthy user bias. The average American who cares about their health will eat less junk food and more fruits and vegetables.
@gener.1253 Жыл бұрын
The best argument against a plant based diet is that humans have an acid based digestive system. Designed to digest fat and protein. That makes us carnivores. There are essential proteins and fats that we must have in our diet while there are no essential carbs.
@roxanneben1222 Жыл бұрын
Cholesterol is not the enemy
@tonygriffith2164 Жыл бұрын
There are so many people on the keto/Carnivore diet that have lowered their HbA1C by 5 or 6 points and have reversed their type II diabetes, the highest risk factor of CVD.
@stevec3872 Жыл бұрын
I believe humans evolved to be opportunistic eaters, being able to survive on what food was available since we are not obligate carnivores but likely humans preferred meat because it made them stronger & healthier. But today any diet that avoids processed foods is certainly healthier than the carb loaded SAD.
@sheilacollins9384 Жыл бұрын
Lost 17 lbs in 6 weeks. Used some fasting but mostly strict keto. It works!
@ClassicJukeboxBand Жыл бұрын
Update: I heard Dr. Paul Mason say a couple of days ago that when people start eating meat, that their LDL goes up not primarily because they are eating meat, but instead because vegetable oils suppress natural LDL levels...he said this on the Dr. Anthony Chaffee podcast...interesting theory.
@luisdecaro4982 10 ай бұрын
This is educational to me since every time I see a doctor tehy go the same way ALWYAS: No fat, less meat and lots of veggies and fruit as well as grains, whole grain bread...Vegetabel oils, no salt... etc etc . I eat ketovore And I see positive signs in my health. Im not a doctor but I KNOW better. Docs dont know about nitriotion so Its my job to learn by mysewlf
@plflaherty1 Жыл бұрын
Great video Doc! I think a lot of us need to see this propaganda debunked line by line. If feel bad for the contentious people who are trying to fix their health and find those type of bad videos first.
@dkayser1500 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for all you do Dr. Westman :D
@amisoftau2659 Жыл бұрын
"I'm not going to go through the rest of the video" Thank goodness for that! :). It's just a hit piece, an attack on the Ketogenic diet because Keto condones consuming animal products. What most people don't yet understand including all the vegans, is how hugely dangerous the health damaging Standard American Diet (SAD) really is. So that ANY diet including veganism will represent a potential health improvement in comparison. Given the health dangers of the SAD diet, claiming that a "plant based" approach is better than the SAD , is of very dubious merit. It's a very minor point that is at best irrelevant to the question of how healthy or damaging a pure plant based diet might be. Personally for pure plant based, I'd be very very wary of a potential over exposure to the many and dangerous natural plant toxins represented by such a plant based diet. The bottom line, remember that humanity has for thousands of years preferred and consumed a mostly animal based diet, with at times plants added as supplements to that heavy meat diet. The ketogenic diet IS basically such a diet, representing an average of the traditional human diets - proven safe and healthy for humanity over thousands of years. In fact until very recently even the western diet was heavily meat centric. As one random example, check the menus as served on the cruse of the Titanic :). Those menus are over 95% meat, and that was for all classes on board, not just the highest classes. Very sadly the religious fervor of the vegan cult is attempting to rewrite history - falsely claiming that "plant based" was the traditional human diet!?. The history and science are clear however, humanity has always preferred animal food products. Oh no, the concept of "pure plant based" is very new and very untested. The full ramifications of such a diet will not be known for many decades yet. And right now it's NOT looking good.
@BretAtwood Жыл бұрын
The second I hear Ornish mentioned, I start to squirm in my seat...
@marnasletten3988 Жыл бұрын
I know right
@Mrs.TJTaylor Жыл бұрын
Laughing, me too. Talk about an unsustainable way of eating. Pure torture for anyone who actually enjoys eating.
@touchofgrace3217 Жыл бұрын
Or Michael Greger
@annietomsik3717 Жыл бұрын
Dr. Westman, you don't have to debunk these accusations. There ate millions of us eating a Ketogenic Diet for many years, that know better. With or without studies, we are walking living testimonies. People see us and change because of what they see and hear. Just keep giving us advice and don't worry about them.💕
@kimlav3508 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for addressing these types of videos and pointing out what they get right and what they get wrong.
@deniseyounger6004 11 ай бұрын
I’ve been watching your videos and others and have come to the conclusion to eat less bread some meat and some vegetables! I’m done trying to figure this out. I’ve lived 67 years so I’m doing something right.
@jobrown8146 Жыл бұрын
Thank you. I like these critiques. Quite often I listen to something and it sounds good but doesn't quite "gel" with me but I don't know why. It helps to get things explained.
@fredsmit3481 Жыл бұрын
Great Video! I like the way you focus on evidence as opposed to feelings and theory. One thing to keep in mind is that a keto diet is a diet that caused the production of ketones. Calling it keto is not based on the food, it is based on the production of ketones. When the head-to-head comparison is made between keto and vegan hopefully they measure ketones to ensure that the people are actually on a keto diet and they don't make assumptions based on the food that is eaten.
@tobe2btobe Жыл бұрын
Most people I speak with don't really look at what they eat. For instance, I ask people how much they spend per month on food for themselves and for their family. Most people estimate about 50-60% of what they actually spend. If you ask them how many oz of protein they eat per meal most people wouldn't really know. So I think asking people what they eat is really a lousy measuring system. They've never really paid attention to it and few people keep a food journal to really discover exactly what they are eating. I've kept a food journal for years and was surprised over time just how bad my diet was and just how much I was actually eating and spending per month.
@chazwyman8951 Жыл бұрын
Only plants? - take me out and shoot me in the head. And only for one point of A1C? Give me meat eggs and fish. A natural diet for which I as a human am adapted. People with high LDL over 50yo live longer then those with normal LDL, since LDL is an important part of the immune system.
@lesliescully3544 Жыл бұрын
Balanced thought and comments. Thank you.
@paulklahr997 Жыл бұрын
One of the main arguments from all those folks is - increases cholesterol. Well, the are automatically assuming that is bad. Does quality not funded by drug company research exist proving cholesterol is actually bad for us?
@eringo-bragh4243 Жыл бұрын
Ask David Diamond
@euhdink4501 Жыл бұрын
Look up the statin wars by low carb down under. And after that read Kennedy's book about fauci ...
@KYSA0806 Жыл бұрын
That's one of the things I don't understand. Many, many news title mentions keto but then they aren't actually about keto. But they tend to throw out in their article "So, remember keto/red meat/fat bad.... vegetables/vegan/low fat good!"
@UnknownUser-sc6jx Жыл бұрын
Lowing LDL is linked to increased risk of cancers, Alzheimer's and early death. And plant sterols or plant cholesterol that's in all plant foods is linked to atherosclerosis, lots of information is coming out about plant sterols and their deleterious affects on humans. The highest concentration of plant sterols in the western diet is vegetable oils, cereals, and processed vegan foods.
@yuka-youtube 2 ай бұрын
do you have back up for this?
@karenschmid5465 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Dr. Westman.
@antoinetteblair4 Жыл бұрын
Excellent video Doctor Westman!
@chrisconklin2981 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this presentation. I can't make a statement until I read the article you mention. I will say that the full name of the video is "9 Nutrition Studies Every Ketogenic Dieter NEEDS To Read" and it was published in June of 2018 on the Plant Base News Channel. As to reference the video directs you to their website that gives more details.
@harrynickel8691 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Doc. Keep up the good fight.
@pennywise1003 Жыл бұрын
A1C 6.2 up from 5.8 after eating more veggies more fruit. Now on carnivore diet and I’m down 10lbs no shakes eating twice a day steak eggs and salmon mostly twice a day third meal is bone broth. So far I enjoying this diet with not pooping three times a day like veggies no inflammation in knees anymore lots of energy better sleep only meat butter and water. No fried meat and no seed oils.
@deniseschroeder8444 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Dr Westman.
@KetoCookbooksCorner Жыл бұрын
*Very important and informative video. Thank you* 🙂
@richardcardinale7152 Жыл бұрын
I'm so angry about those vegan doctors , its just propaganda and I pay the price when I was on the low fat whole foods plant based. 10 years on that diet cause me so much harm. Now the carnivore diet is fixing all that. Thanks for debunking those clown.
@happynjoyousnfree Жыл бұрын
As soon as I heard Dr. Barnard I was like... hmmm I bet I know where this is going 🤣Those people are so slick but so wrong and they talk to people like we're idiots.
@CashMoneyMoore Жыл бұрын
The Ornish "diet" also included added exercise and stopping smoking. lol
@cornstar1253 Жыл бұрын
And continued statin use through the study.
@annierodenberg2327 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this valuable information!
@2fixmj563 Жыл бұрын
They are running into more folks who have seen the truth about the nutrition in animal products. Can't unsee the truth.
@MyCoachLorraine Жыл бұрын
Cholesterol always seems to be the sticking point for folks who want to do Keto and carnivore. Can you present us with more details as to the function of cholesterol in the body because I don't think people recognize that cholesterol is part of our transport system of nutrients and different things in our bodies and probably much more. What about deficiencies of vegan/vegetarian women over 50. I'm not convinced either. Thanks for this episode of Dr. Westman reacts.
@AdaptYourLife Жыл бұрын
Hi Coach Lorraine, here are a few videos Dr. Westman has covered relating to cholesterol. Cholesterol links. kzbin.info/www/bejne/moOlipiMnrZ6bbs kzbin.info/www/bejne/Zqe9aXaAr5qAmZo kzbin.info/www/bejne/jJ7GnnSDbt14mcU kzbin.info/www/bejne/mne8fImHl7J2e6s kzbin.info/www/bejne/moOlipiMnrZ6bbs
@rickjean63 Жыл бұрын
These plant based people are misinformed or lying.
@touchofgrace3217 Жыл бұрын
Dr. Westman, would you consider reacting to Dr. Fatima Cody Stanford’s assertion that obesity is a brain disease? She said it on 60 Minutes a few weeks ago. Thank you. I am so glad that my brain disease is better now that I eat a low carb diet 😆😆
@elhombreloco3680 Жыл бұрын
hahaha, 1 point drop in A1c - I'm dropping 6 points by switching to keto + intermittent fasting
@mabelheinzle2275 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Sir
@cyndimanka Жыл бұрын
I’m not keto, because yes, I lost weight, but my physical ailments did not go away. All three of them have subsided substantially and I will not go back to eating vegetables which were highly inflammatory to me and I’m not going to go back to spices. I am 90% carnivore and I have healed so much and lost weight but I’ve exercised more since November and that has made a huge impact. I just got, my blood work back after 10 minutes of being carnivore and my triglycerides are 90 and my VLDL is 18 with a LDL of 170 with my doctor said the other two offset that although he would like to see it lower
@stevec3872 Жыл бұрын
After more than 2 years keto I've reaped its weight loss & health benefits. My TRG/HDL ratio is 1 since my TRG dropped & my HDL increased. Yes, LDL has increased but my Dr. isn't bothered by it. My physical next month I will get and ApoB test which I've never had before to present a clearer cholesterol picture.
@eringo-bragh4243 Жыл бұрын
It took a couple of years to get my TRG/HDL ratio under 2, but considering this was 14 at one point tells me I'm doing something right. Too many health professionals have been socialized into believing cholesterol misinformation and role of statins.
@IonTrone Жыл бұрын
another great "Dr Westman Reacts" video, debunking anti-keto myth-information :)
@ladyjatheist2763 Жыл бұрын
just before 2:10... there's no carb counting they just eat plants... this will KILL a diabetic eventually. I spent 3 years doing vegetarian after being diagnosed a t2d, then when that didn't help, another 3 years doing vegan, and while my numbers did come down a SMIDGE, (I was not on metformin as I had no insurance and couldn't afford a doctor on what I was making), it wasn't enough. When the peripheral neuropathy hit and I finally understood why people who have it can BEG for their feet to be cut off, fortunately for me, I knew that the problem was systemic and wouldn't help do anything but deprive me of my feet no matter how much they screamed. The feeling of my neuropathy was as follows: Imagine a pair of UGG boots that go up to under the knee. Now imagine those boots filled with the finest shards of crystal in existence. Now imagine those shards of crystal heated to the color of volcanic magma. Now imagine slamming your feet into those boots and wearing them 24/7, NON STOP, for 5 years now. Finally in a job where I had insurance and could get to an endocrinologist (PPO no HMO)... I'm on Metformin... in Feb it will be 6 full months, and have a cgm, and am on a ketovore moderate fat, moderate protein way of eating. I still love my salads and cauliflower, but the higher fat content has sent my numbers into the green zone (under 180 ml/dl... often into the 140's after a meal) 87% of the time over the last 14 days. Finally some REAL headway and hope without constant hunger, and without the carb crash that came from a WFPB low fat diet.
@1timbarrett Жыл бұрын
Your description of neuropathy as you experienced it, is almost poetry. Spot on. 🙏
@Jonathanmissinglink Жыл бұрын
The Ornish study also had people stop smoking...
@EdJacobson77 Жыл бұрын
Does anyone really believe that these videos are actually aimed at helping people on a ketogenic diet? These videos are for the plant-based people, not the meat-based people. Their purpose is to shore up the doubts that plant-based dieters experience when they are confronted with the accounts of people having success with meat-based diets. Oh, and about that all-cause mortality study? Well, in the Ornish study, twice as many people on the Ornish diet died compared to the control group. So, to use the relative risk language these folks love so much, the Ornish diet increases your risk of death by 200%.
@robyn3349 6 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@divadyrdnal Жыл бұрын
Amazing, plant based folks are like trying to convert you to a religion. I’m ok with anyone going plant based…feel free! I’m also ok with me eating lots of ribeyes, having now lost 60lbs keeping it off for 6 years and with a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes now having an A1c of 5.3…
@just-me6023 3 ай бұрын
I believe the studies into the Blue Zones and all the different ways of eating resulting in longevity bear out that their are multiple ways of "eating healthy".
@dougphillips5686 Жыл бұрын
The cabs to cut are bread, crackers, cookies. They usually contain seed oils that are bad for your health.
@sheilacollins9384 9 сағат бұрын
Dr McDougall, the 'Starch Solution' vegan doctor, just died at 77. He was the one who attacked Dr. Atkins, accused his family of covering up his real cause of death, insisted that starch would get us to a happy healthy long life. So much for that. His supporters are now doing the equivalent of what he did in attacking Atkins; insisting his 'real' cause of death was due to stroke early in his life. They are in damage control mode. But in fact Dr. McDougall was slowly losing muscle and mind for some time before he died. His diet was inadequate.
@LifeofBrianP Жыл бұрын
I believe it was Dr Berry that pointed out the TMAO study was too short term and was measuring the gut while in dissarrrrrrrrrray. if the study was longer it would show animal products like meat is not dangerous.
@daveb8449 3 ай бұрын
I eat meat and plants. And I stay away from processed foods. I keep the carbs under 75 per day. I'm happy with my diet and my blood work is very good.
@jimrutherford2773 Жыл бұрын
Dr. Westman, stop being so polite with these frauds. Rip into them for putting out lies.
@theskyehiker Жыл бұрын
Weird. My total and LDL cholesterol went down when I started with the keto way of eating. My triglycerides are very low and my HDL is very high. Everything has gotten better for me on Keto.
@easyhealtheducation Жыл бұрын
I am so mad at Dr Westman! How could he ignore this being a physician?!! Even I could see that those people in the video needed Keto diet to revive their brains! Dr westman should have really recommended that in his polite way! In fact I am going to find the video and let them know. God! Things I have to do for humanity! 😂
@krisjustin3884 Жыл бұрын
I follow the science that lowers pharmaceutical sales. There is often too much money at stake to know which study to follow.
@AW-uf1mk Жыл бұрын
Keto is working for me.
@TheExpeditionUK Жыл бұрын
switching to a whole food plant based diet is probably amazing.... when you've been eating crap all your life
@grrmtthgrrmtth3000 Жыл бұрын
Did vegan 3yrs got really sick
@marnasletten3988 Жыл бұрын
It almost killed me
@Mrs.TJTaylor Жыл бұрын
It made my sister really sick too.
@ladyj4795 Жыл бұрын
They fail to tell you vegan diets don’t provide adequate fat soluble vitamins (A, D,K2, E, omega 3s) and B12 unless you supplement or at the least eat an egg or two daily. Even fish would be good.
@eringo-bragh4243 Жыл бұрын
@@ladyj4795 Yes exactly, non-meat 'diets' don't provide all essential nutrients
@cyndimanka Жыл бұрын
10 years ago my triglycerides were 172. And I have been doing keto and carnivore and ketovore for the last six years and my triglycerides this year are 90 so which one do you think I’m going to do? The sad diet or a high fat high-protein diet
@MarijkeWillemsen990 Жыл бұрын
You can see the video of dr. Barnard is misleading, when they start with a picture of “the ketogenic diet” they show a lot of meat and fat without vegetables! Ketogenic is with (a lot of) low carb greens…
@dennisbauer3315 Жыл бұрын
@AdaptYourLife Жыл бұрын
Thank you Dennis 😊
@T-aka-T Жыл бұрын
Dennis you're a great example of "putting your money where your ears are" 😁😁😁🥳😁😁😁
@jamescalifornia2964 Жыл бұрын
~ Two practicing M.D.s who actually treat patients with low-carbohydrate whole food diet - Eric Westman & Ford Brewer. Would be nice if they made a video together 👌
@TableTopTroubadour Жыл бұрын
Important to point out that the Ornish study had MANY interventions - smoking cessation, regular aerobic exercise, group psychological support, stress management training. SOOOOoooo many confounding variables. While the control group was simply treated normally. It's actually a TERRIBLE conclusion, and irresponsible medicine, to say that ONE of these variables (the 10% fat, vegetarian diet) was responsible for the improved outcomes. It's ridiculous, really. And obviously, it has nothing to say about keto.
@anthonykennedy5324 Жыл бұрын
Dr Westman's message : Keto is not the only diet. Other diets might be better for other people. But it works for me. And check below for other testimonials. When it comes to nutrition (and science generally) there will always be a dearth of good quality evidence. The evidence is group-based, not based on the individual. So, just do it. But NOT the SAD diet. That is why you are here.
@ronsilva516 Жыл бұрын
Well said on your part👍
@thuggie1 Жыл бұрын
i was on a high carb low fat vegan diet for almost 10 years i gained 140lb i also started to loose my hair, skin rashes, anxiety problem and brain fog. in my personal experience the vegan diet was damaging my body
@IanRushtonMusic Жыл бұрын
Interesting. Early on in the review I thought it was unfortunate where you seemed to misrepresent by saying they compared a vegan diet to a "traditional diet" - one that no one apparently supports. However, the study clearly said a conventional DIABETES diet which is very different to a 'traditional American diet'. This diabetes diet is still widely recommended by healthcare professionals and organizations for individuals with diabetes. You make a good point about the short comings of observational studies and lack of consideration for confounding factors, but this was also just one of several limitations noted with your own study. Elsewhere I also thought it was unfortunate that you didn't provide citations/data to support your counter-claims but meanwhile at various points through the video you were critical of such omissions by those under review.
@crisfield4364 Жыл бұрын
I've noticed that most critics of keto and low carb are hyper- focused on high fat as the main ingredient of keto and low carb and seem to believe that we don't eat any plants. They're just not listening because plants seem to be their religion.
@darlenebartos3889 Жыл бұрын
Question- how can ‘plaque go away’ what plaque? Heart, coronary artery plaque? Hmmmm……. Sounds impossible! ?
@robinbeers6689 Жыл бұрын
Plaque goes away the same way it got there, gradually.
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