The One Secret to Losing Weight

  Рет қаралды 3,764

Dr. Daniel Amen

Dr. Daniel Amen

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Пікірлер: 17
@Themystergamerr 4 жыл бұрын
Dr amen you’re so right. I’ve put on weight during quarantine and I’ve started exercising again. Thanks to you, this time round (I’m a yo yo dieter as well ) when I jog, my motivation is that I’m healing my brain. I don’t obsess about running at a specific pace or how many calories I’m burning. That makes it so much easier to maintain my regime. Blessings from England
@cha.7410 4 жыл бұрын
The video is to long . What is the reason he says?
@g.standard9567 4 жыл бұрын
Outstanding! Thank you!
@madhhviraj4089 Жыл бұрын
This is so magical If you care ..........💖
@dianemalcom-nutter3348 4 жыл бұрын
I’ve always respected your work. In 2006 I had, You The Owner’s Manual, and I listened to it on a CD Walkman while I started running to lose weight. In 2007 I was able to run 3 Half Marathons and was down 58 lbs. My weight has risen again but I’m working on it. Do you have any recommendations for a Insulin Resistant person who cannot run like I did? I’m 52 now with some knee issues. This is life changing information. Thank you for all the passion you put into your work!
@JackB2646 4 жыл бұрын
This information literally blew my mind! Wow!
@iknovate 4 жыл бұрын
Had an evaluation just last week. I have so many other issues we didn't even get to weight. That likely explains some of the narrowing of my frontal lobes. But I did buy a copy of the cookbook while I was there so I will finally crack it open and work my way through it.
@alavalle69 4 жыл бұрын
Dr I quit eating flours, sugar, rice and potatoes and I lose 12 kg (from 11/15/2019 to 01/05/2020), just diet change, no sport at all. I'm a woman, 50 years old, 2 daughters (ages 23 and 21). I was slim until I was 26 years old, I didn't have weight problems until pregnancies. I would like to lose another 10 kg to feel 100% ok with my body sthetic look. Nowadays I weight 76 kg, height 1 ,63 meters.
@donnacallahan4198 4 жыл бұрын
So...the "secret" to losing weight is *to care* about brain health, your family and those you love; and the fear of increased risk of Alzheimer's disease? Got it. Simple. *Just care* and your weight will automatically be managed...because you care now, whereas you didn't care before. "If you care, you will get serious about getting your weight under control." Got it. So, by default, those who are obese don't care about their weight, reduced brain volume, risk factors, etc. And they only care about themselves? And they aren't serious about getting their weight under control? Obviously the subtext is that those who struggle with their weight are selfish and don't care about their brain health. Does that mindset seem troubling? What if...and let's just spitball for a second here...what if obesity is a *symptom* of a deeper problem, and not the problem itself? Now THAT would be worth investigating. Perhaps attacking obesity from the causal side, rather than the symptom side, would be a worthwhile pursuit. Please return to the approach that employs the wisdom for which you're known. The approach used in this particular presentation is not the caliber of excellence your viewers have come to rely on. #RantFontOff
@tonyaTx777 4 жыл бұрын
Sounds to me like an excuse to blame excess weight on 'a reason" instead of taking action and executing a solution. This hits a nerve for me because I am watching my own diabetic obese mother eat herself to death, literally every day and she only gets angry when I point out the fact how detrimental her food choices are contributing to her poor health.
@tinaan5523 4 ай бұрын
Я давно слухаю доктора Амена. І схуднення заради мозку це дуже сильна мотивація. Мозок же сильно визначає якість усього нашого життя. Зайва вага - це фактор ризику для здоров'я мозку. Так, зайва вага це комплексна проблема, але дбаючи про здоров'я мозку за концепцією 4 кіл доктора Амена, напевно із проблемою ваги можна впоратися. Я поки не впоралася.. Бо змін потребують всі 4 кола одночасно, а я то одне практикую то інше... І так, зміни є, але ж і відкати, нажаль. І ще, слухала книгу "12 кроків до сироїдіння", і там залежність від термічно обробленої їжі прирівнюється до алкогольної залежності. А тепер уявимо, що скрізь куди би ми не пішли є їжа, її рекламують, її пропонують, вона вдома, у друзів і навіть на екранах ТВ чи ПК, тож їжа - це велика проблема. Інший же фактор - відсутність здоров'я, навичок або і того і іншого, щоб долати стрес та вирішувати життєві виклики. Особисто я помітила, що без комплексного підходу неминуче ловлю відкати. Якось так... Часто лише усвідомлення ризиків не допомагає впоратися з проблемою, бо у людини не вистачає якихось ресурсів.
@kanwarudaysingh4348 4 жыл бұрын
Great lecture.Thanks for info.
@kanwarudaysingh4348 4 жыл бұрын
@@cha.7410 Now that is called as criticism for sake of criticism. If you didn't like the video then watch the next. Don't devalue the doctor who is doing a social service.
@4135ja 3 жыл бұрын
I need to lose lose 14 pounds to be where I feel is the right weight for my health and wellness. My brain tells me, it’s just 14 pounds. Your cholesterol isn’t THAT bad. You are sleeping sort of okay. And you aren’t in a deep depression so what’s the big deal? But I KNOW if I let this go any farther, the depression will be remarkable. I will need sleep aids again. The foggy brain will be way worse. So WHY don’t I just take care of it, lose the 14 pounds and stick to the whole food diet that I know is best for me? Any thoughts?? Help...
@elliep7683 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@tobes911 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you! 🙏😎🙏
@DianneElizabeth64 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you
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