Dumb Things In Star Trek Beyond Everyone Just Ignored

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@harryunderhill5041 7 жыл бұрын
1. How does Krall know about the alien artifact? Krall managed to obtain a Star Fleet probe which they'd been shooting into the nebula, and linked it to his own computers, thus managing to to piggyback on its subspace links to gain access to the Yorktown database (there was a scene showing this after the first escape attempt - do you guys miss this?). From the Yorktown database he presumably learned about the other half of the alien artifact and devised his plan on luring the Enterprise in. Why was it on the Enterprise? Maybe they dropped that shit off on Earth and hadn't been back yet. Why does he need the super alien weapon? Maybe that wasn't his original plan. 2. How did Scotty get off the cliff? Scotty climbed down. That's not really a mystery. There's no evidence that he climbed down the same fucking cliff face that he was left dangling off. 3. Why doesn't Krall use his drones instead of the super weapon? The drones work on superior numbers and surprise. It took down the Enterprise but it took a while and also depended on him having the surprise of knowing Star Fleet shield technology and how to get past it. I doubt the drones would be effective against a prepared fleet of any size with working shields. 4. Why did Krall forget about his ship the Franklin? Krall probably knew where it landed but why would he care for it? It's not important for his plans and you got to drop it off a cliff to get flying again. He's got other newer ships so logically he just didn't care for it anymore. 5. Why is the Beastie Boys relevent in the Star Trek universe? No one said the Beastie Boys were "relevant" in the film. No one except Kirk recognized it for starters. It was just in the Franklin's database and Jayla like it. There's probably every Earth song ever in the Frankin's database. But why is there a bike on the USS Franklin? Crew personal effects. Next you'll be asking why there's a trombone in the wreck of the USS Enterprise D. 6. How does Uhura know Krull is Edison without seeing his face? Uhuru knows Krall is Edison because she hears and recognizes his voice not because she recognizes his face! She's not even looking at the screen when the penny drops - she just here's the audio. She's the Enterprise's comms officer with triple A linguistic skills. She's got a good ear and it's been shown in the previous films too. 7. Why is the Yorktown security so bad? Yep, the Yorktown has terrible security. 8. Why doesn't Krall/Edison get rescued as soon as he makes contact? Krall is out for revenge. He doesn't want to be saved by Starfleet he wants to end it. How does he hack into Starfleet? He's obviously got the tech skills to engineer and repurpose alien gear to make it work for him, so his skills here aren't exactly implausible. 9. Scotty wrote the script. Boy, where to start with this one. Let's just go for the transporter thing. At the start Scotty doesn't trust the transporters but (again, in the film!) he says "with a wee bit of modification" i.e. he's got time to fix shit and improve it. He's Scotty. He's the Enterprises' engineer and anything he does with tech is perfectly within the realms of what Scotty did in the original series as a "miracle worker" at fixing stuff. Why doesn't the Franklin fly in an atmosphere? Because it needs to get up some sort of speed before it's thruster/impulse work (again that's in the fucking film) so landing on a planet would be daft without a massive spaceship sized slingshot to get it moving again. Hence they had to drop it off a cliff. Of all of these this one is the daftest "plot hole" to debunk. The only plot hole you've nailed is the lack of security at Yorktown. The rest of your plot holes are shite.
@frankiefierro7129 7 жыл бұрын
Harry Underhill With the Yorktown security I thought a distress signal was sent but the signal would send the ships to a different location thus unable to protect the station
@trancer1 7 жыл бұрын
Underrated comment.
@harryunderhill5041 7 жыл бұрын
With the Yorktown security it wasn't just the lack of ships patrolling the station, it was also the weak as internal security and lack of point defense on the station itself that was odd. Bones says something like it looked like a Christmas decoration or something, looking ready to break. It did and I was surprised it didn't have some sort of better defense both inside and outside.
@kabella66 7 жыл бұрын
Don't forgot about the "cop cars" in the tunnel on yorktown .. the ones that flew right past Krall's ship and did nothing to stop him. LOL. Keystone cop moment.
@Pretz_Starwind 7 жыл бұрын
I agree with all but the number 7 there. As Frankie said in his comment, there was the distress signal that was sent out in the film to lure the majority of the ships away from Yorktown. Also here's the big thing, Starfleet is STILL NOT MILITARY, this was the main focus of the Star Trek Into Darkness, where the admiral was able to use Kahn and his tech to engineer a nearly fully automated military grade warship that was a few times the size of the Enterprise. Now you get introduced to Yorktown and you see the dozens upon dozens of crowds, many of which were civilian family members of starfleet officers. Sure they have some great tech and advanced ships that were a bit better than what they had before but they still don't have the punch like what Kahn's ship in Into Darkness had. This was shown by how the drone army was so good against the Enterprise and other ships. Now when you get shown the docks of Yorktown do you see a whole fleet of ships like the Enterprise? Nope, only a few, and you see mostly smaller interior transport crafts darting around inside Yorktown. Like many spacestations in the Star Trek universe it is not a big Military installation but rather a science facility and only going to have enough to hold out for help to arrive. If I'm not mistaken this movie is still taking place before the Romulan Empire war and I think before the Kligon war, it mentioned tensions being high during Into Darkness but I can't recall if they said anything about any wars having been fought in Beyond.
@VintageLJ 7 жыл бұрын
Mozart was the highest selling CD of 2016. Are you telling me that people 300 years from now won't know of our music, considering how widespread it already is? We know shit tonnes of classical mucicians of the enlightenment, and that's without radio and the internet or digital recordings. Unless the Earth gets wiped out, we will still be listening to Led Zeppelin 300 years from now.
@gadgetsage 5 жыл бұрын
Especially what with how crappy in general music is these days, not surprising people are reaching back to when it didn't suck
@brucehunter8235 7 жыл бұрын
"Name a pop-star from the 1760s". Mozart. Took me about a second
@NickCutroneo 7 жыл бұрын
More importantly -- Mozart toured Europe as a child prodigy early in his life. So he was pretty much the equivalent to a popstar...
@DangerLevel10 7 жыл бұрын
Ross Balmer right. How stupid are people these days, I thought we went hive mind with the internet years ago.
@Haaris.Qureshi 7 жыл бұрын
Also, it's an interesting thought exercise - but we live in a world where data increasingly travels further, faster, is available for longer and at more convenience - with this is mind, one does wonder the affect it will have on human society's collective knowledge of stuff.
@dumbnutz5145 7 жыл бұрын
I wrote a whole paragraph and lost it by accident so I will just say this, technology is much more advanced than it used to be, to the point we can at any second pull up all almost all the music ever published on our phone anywhere! bam!
@bsotech 7 жыл бұрын
ok, so name two. lol
@adamthoen8823 7 жыл бұрын
Uhura is an expert at linguistics, the first of the reboot films hinted at her ability to distinguish languages and the subtleties of language. I haven't seen the movie, but one would guess that she heard him giving orders and deduced the result from the undertones that makes people's voices slightly unique to one another. But, I haven't seen the movie, so I can't say for sure.
@theelusive9625 7 жыл бұрын
Pretty good, but you've got the one about Uhura realizing who Krall was wrong as you missed where, when walking passed the monitor, she hears a voice say 'Frontier' in the same way that Krall said it earlier, why do you think she kept rewinding it in order to hear the person say 'Frontier' over and over again? Pay attention, will you. Second, the reason Krall, then Edington, never sent an SOS to Starfleet is... well, actually he did, it's in his final log when he mentions that all their calls for help had gone unanswered. The reason for this was because when the ship crashed there, a hundred some years ago, there WAS no Federation out that far: Scotty believed that they were likely sucked into a wormhole and spat out there. Hello?????
@pyrezombiezero 7 жыл бұрын
TheElusive Those were the exact things I was going to criticize the video about. You've done a masterful job with the explanation.
@SexyButCurious 7 жыл бұрын
TheElusive I was wondering if someone was going to mention your comment.
@luisoceguera4466 7 жыл бұрын
Also she's able to briefly see his face when he's feeding or whatever to extend his life earlier in the film
@JG-mg7zl 7 жыл бұрын
It makes sense Uhura would be the one to realize it was Krall from his voice since in the previous movies she has been set up as someone who specializes in linguistics as well as philology
@AtrumNoxProductions 7 жыл бұрын
There is also the scene where he is sucking people's life forces, and he momentary reverts back to his human form.
@thepoliticalstartrek 7 жыл бұрын
The biggest issue is that Star Fleet didn't change its communication password in over 200 years.
@StacieMMeier 7 жыл бұрын
Well some of this was explained in movie...For example, Scotty didn't want to possibly kill his " friends" and he didn't know they were in danger so he did it safely. When it came time to rescue the whole of crew he had no choice but to risk it... He also says, even in your video, that he'd have to modify it. Also, the bike was on the ship and we learn earlier that the girl who now lived there was repairing many of the items on it. While we never are told she kept it up (Maintained), we are given a hint she maintained everything. The ship isnt made for terran travel, however, in the lore of Star Trek, that type ship was known to have traveled in the atmosphere and had safe guards if it did entre such. The reason Krall didn't think of his ship was because it been a few decades and because he assumed it were destroyed and not possible for anyone to live in nor use it. And finally, Krall didnt attack the Station with the " bees" it is hinted he was going to go beyond the Space station and attack other locations, thus he didnt want to destroy them, which it would have done. Also, the movie says how they knew of this musical group and others, they were being played as classical music on whatever passed as a radio station in that era, so the movie gives the hint to this.
@ericpipe141 7 жыл бұрын
Yeah, the movie clearly goes over the answers for most of this stuff... The rest is just editing, i.e. no one really wants to watch Scotty pull himself up, and spend time finding a way down...
@TheBlueGeebee 7 жыл бұрын
Honestly the only thing that bugged me from the movie he missed - After the Deflector dish is destroyed they're like ZOMG SHIELDS ARE DOWN, Kirk then goes WARP US OUT OF HERE. Part of the "Science" is the defector dish is used in warp to create some kind of forward shield to "deflect" space dust, debris particles? etc out of the path of the ship. Without this just assume the ship's hull would be taking massive amounts of damage from a multitude of micro-impacts or suffer a fate similar to a CD/DVD in a microwave.
@gregwillis3711 7 жыл бұрын
I don't know about the Constitution but allot of Starfleet ships have secondary deflectors that are not always visible. Look at the Prometheus. It Had 3 Deflectors but only one was visible.
@robertcampbell661 7 жыл бұрын
No necessary fr warp though,See earlier starships
@originalhgc 7 жыл бұрын
I would prefer that the movie not be crowded with so many cliffhangers that they don't have time to even resolve them all. Too many cliffhangers drains tension and diminishes the effectiveness of the ones that really matter. If they weren't going to show Scotty getting out of his situation, why show him getting into it?
@DaveEllis_01 7 жыл бұрын
The author of this video obviously has not really watched the movie with the understanding that it is science fiction, and also has no sense of imagination. Each one of these 'goofs' can be explained perfectly: 1. Random Chance - yes, it was random that this artifact was found, just as all things that are found floating in space. Keeping the artifact secure on the ship is expected... what do you expect is safer? A shuttlecraft? C'mon. And Krall's monitoring of Starfleet logs let him know that the Enterprise had it, so he sets the wheels in motion. Whether he had preconceived that this weapon would be perfect, or that he figured it out when he heard about it is what is called 'literary licence', and that's what you get with FICTION. 2. Dangling Plot Thread - c'mon, your whole argument about this is that you can't believe that Scotty can climb down a mountain. You see, what, 2% of the mountain geology in that shot. And Scotty is a Starfleet officer. I don't know what military outfit you served in, but it's usually pretty standard that physical fitness is a requirement, and he does look pretty fit. Oh, and he's not in a pod... he's in a torpedo. If you're gonna point out 'dumb stuff' in a movie, try to get your facts straight. See comment above re: you obviously have not really watched the movie properly. 3. Those Darn Drones - Ok, if you had a limited number of these things, and they do destroy themselves when they use themselves as a weapon, wouldn't you rather have a more efficient way of wiping out multiple species in one shot? Look how many they lost just attacking the Enterprise, and, even though Starfleet is not overflowing with starships at the time, I'm sure 2 dozen starships could take out the rest of the drone fleet. And how did Krall reprogram them? He's been on that planet for a LONG time. And he's a starfleet captain. Pretty smart, I guess. Scotty can reprogram a robot within a couple minutes, I think Krall could reprogram computer aided drones with some code. Not too hard, actually, when you think about it. 4. Total Rekrall - See my point above. He's been on that planet for a LONG time, and since the ship doesn't work, it can be safe to assume that Krall abandoned it, and never gave it a second thought. Why should he. The planet is pretty big, and with the physical changes to his anatomy, and the emotional changes shown in his video, reason is probably not as high in the scale as before. 5. Beastie Bikes - Ok, we'll give you this one. This has been one of my pet peeves on Science Fiction movies set in the future. Reference: Star Trek - First Contact. You'd be lucky to get a top 40 rock song remembered 40 years from now, let alone 300. But, still, what else are the producers supposed to use for music in the soundtrack? And think of all the poor rock stars that won't get their royalties. Sad, so sad. The comment about Classical music is pretty funny, because music from the 1760s now is considered that. I think it works. But your point about the bike is flawed. Obviously someone on the ship liked it, and, like the Franklin itself, and the other stuff fixed on the movie, getting a motorcycle to work again really wouldn't take too much, especially if you have two genius engineers working on it. C'mon... imagination is key! 6. Uhura's Spidey-sense - Does it really have to be explained what Uhura's job is, and why she is so important? She is a LINGUIST, specializing in recognition and dissemination of vocal inflections, morphology, etc etc. Watch 2009 Star Trek to get the specifics. But linquistical dissemination is key. Her hearing of speech and language is a skill that is unmatched. And she had extensive conversations with Krall, so when she HEARS his voice on the video, that's the recognition. C'mon... a 90 year old grandmother could figure that out. I'm surprised you didn't, unless you didn't watch the movie. 7. Terrible Security - Starfleet is hurting after loosing most of their fleet in the first movie. So obviously space stations will be slightly under-manned. Give them a break. And, really, like your point 3, you don't think a fleet of starships would have been a match against the drones anyway, so your argument, besides being naive, is moot. 8. The Big Questions - All of these questions are simple to answer. Krall didn't contact starfleet to get help because he hates them, not for him being on the planet, but because they put him in as a lowly captain after a successful career as a starfleet warrior. He can hack the logs because anyone with starfleet access can do it (see any other Star Trek franchise for proof of this). He knew how to do this because a) he's a few hundred years old b) he's a starfleet captain (supersmart), and c) because the script says he can. Welcome to science fiction. It's not unreasonable and dumb as you imply, just takes some imagination and reasoning. Try it, it's fun. 9. Scotty Wrote the Script - Well, he co-wrote it, but your arguments are lame. The transporter couldn't do 20, until he modified it, and he still didn't trust it, but it was their only option. Alternative was to leave the people there, better possibility of death. And if you don't like Deux ex Machina, then stop watching Science Fiction movies. Scotty is brilliant. Has been throughout the whole franchise. Almost every episode and movie involves him being a miracle worker. He even admits it in IV. You can disrespect the movie, disrespect the franchise, but never, ever, disrespect Scotty. Us Canadians will rise up and beat you with bottles of maple syrup. So, I guess that wraps it up. Sorry, Looper, but this one would be a fail. Watch the movie before you start tearing it to pieces.
@fad1969 7 жыл бұрын
+Dave Ellis Yeah, he's not too sharp.
@keithcraig506 7 жыл бұрын
"Beastie Bikes - Ok, we'll give you this one." But I won't. Throughout the entirety of the Star Trek franchise there has been numerous references to classical music, theater and even old movies. There is precedence for this type of thing. Due to the digital age, almost every song that has had any sort of popularity has made it's way on to the internet. Sure, you might not remember a pop song from 40 years ago, but you can bet your last dollar that there is a copy of it on the internet and someone, somewhere, is listening to it. Why would something like the Beastie Boys be any different? So, it is not beyond reason to think that someone a few hundred years from now stumbled on an "old timey" collection of music, decided they liked it and added it to their private collection.
@dudemanjac 7 жыл бұрын
Perfect example, I fell in love with a batch of Beethoven music while watching "Play it again, Charlie Brown" when I was 8 years old.
@numberyellow 7 жыл бұрын
@Dave Ellis - I'd like to add that Edison wasn't "hundreds of years old", as you, and others have stated. He was clearly over 100 years old, by the time he encountered the enterprise, but less than 200 years old. Additionally, with respect to how he was able to "hack" starfleet, and make use of alien technology - while Edison was a starfleet captain, he was a MACO before that, so his expertise would have most likely been in the realm of tactical operations, and command of ground forces, not engineering, or science. Luckily, the other two surviving members of his crew were a science officer, and an operations officer. The math is easy on this one. I won't give them this one, with respect to the music.. Looking at it from a scriptwriting perspective, it was a call back to the first time we see Kirk, in the '09 film..plus the song's title (sabotage) is quite fitting. Another point about Edison - While he was deeply resentful of Starfleet's decision to disolve MACO, and make him a starship captain (an act that he saw as them "putting him out to pasture"), the actual reason he hated starfleet (and by default, the federation), was due to his belief that they had deliberately abandoned him and his crew...left them to die.. At the time, they had no way of knowing that they'd been displaced by a wormhole, and that there was absolutely no way starfleet would ever receive their calls for help.
@justinrobinson9644 7 жыл бұрын
Dave Ellis j
@RobbyBabes 7 жыл бұрын
Yes it's wild that Kirk has the artifact that a person has been searching so long and hard for I agree, but how he found Kirk and how Kirk found that planet is not that far fetched at all. He was set up to go there by that pink female alien in "distress" and Kral himself. Kral was "hacking" into Yorktown through the Nebula. He found a way to retrieve data through all that interference, Kral probably salvaged the equipment of what was left of the ship that brought Jaylah to the planet as a young girl. He probably also salvaged equipment from the ship of those things who attacked Scotty by his torpedo/escape pod. That trio that Jaylah beat up were no natives of that planet and were stuck there. Ahura and Sulu found out Kral was "Piggybacking" a signal through space or something like that when they were sneaking around his base. The Enterprise, like other ships I'm sure, "uploads" it's logs into the Yorktown database, there were many stored artifacts on the Enterprise. Remember when Spock stored it, it was one of hundreds. It would be weird if they weren't set up and attacked for what the Enterprise contained. I also find it strange how Ahura spotted Kral in that old video log, his face was exposed in one frame! I guess bridge crew members are super skilled which explains Sulus take off in the older ship or Scottys engineering skills and concerns, ahah. When she paused the video the reason she recognized the old captain's face is from that time Kral was sucking the life out of her two crew mates. It's when she and Sulu were just getting to know him and his nature. The director had made it so when Kral was absorbing life his face would form into his original human face, briefly but she saw it, I saw it. The reason why Yorktown was so exposed and had horrible security is for one, no one has dealt with this swarm before, the enemy is usually ships. Another reason is because the distress signal Sulu sent to Yorktown was tampered with, leaving some really nice defensive offensive ships and weapons stuck and lost in the Nebula. About Scotty surviving that cliff, he probably grabbed onto those vine/root like plants that are growing by his hand. How did he not slide off? I feel his super fat ring played a huge role and the surface he was holding onto was just perfect for his hands to lock into. Who knows, if he was more built and heavier his hands probably would have failed him haha. Its hysterical that hes the co-writer, didn't know that. About Kral not knowing of his old ship's whereabouts, he probably did know. It was just useless to him. Kral and his original crew ended up on that planet by a wormhole, not by a path through the Nebula so he could'nt leave, it would have been suicide risking leaving if they were lost. The ship was less advanced than the swarm drones he found on that planet and probably less advanced than the later ships he took down. He could have left the planet the moment he found a way out of the nebula, by the time he did discover a way out he was too hell bent on destroying others rather than leaving and saving himself. It became his home where twisted game plans were formed.
@warrenjewell2995 7 жыл бұрын
Yeah didn't he find out that kirk had it through yorktown or smth and set it up? xD
@stevenpigford2252 7 жыл бұрын
trekie NERD...RITE?
@RobbyBabes 7 жыл бұрын
I only know information on this movie and the first two. To a true Star Trek fan that is pathetic. Back in 2008 when I saw the very first teaser/trailer of guys welding panels onto the Enterprise and I heard a piece of JFK's space race speech, Nasa sound bites and also Spock's voice, my mind was totally *blown away*. I can still see those sexy propulsion blades slowly spinning, as I saw them for the first time. It was so realistic, so beautiful, I had a Sci-Fi erection.
@cityhunterfan 7 жыл бұрын
As for Uhura, I don't think she 'saw' Krall's face, but she heard the video playback and heard a familiar sound. She kept tweaking the playback to isolate the sound and realized it coincided with Edison (Elba). I mean, she is a highly trained and skilled linguist.
@RobbyBabes 7 жыл бұрын
I'm playing this in my head and I see it now. I thought the sound got her attention then she saw the face and isolated the face. I never looked at it as she was isolating the sound then ended up discovering the face. That actually solves how she saw the face for a split second, she actually didn't! You have enlightened me Dev. Thank you!
@Bicketybam68 7 жыл бұрын
So you believe Scotty can get a crashed spaceship working again, but he can't get an old motorbike working?..... right.
@PocokPresents 7 жыл бұрын
Maybe next time you watch a movie, dont fall asleep. Uhura recognized the voice, thats how she knows who is the captain.
@mallios13 7 жыл бұрын
Granted, given his massive physiological metamorphosis, it's amazing his voice would be the same. Can't fault the film for her recognizing the voice, but really, he shouldn't even have the same voice.
@EdCarefree 7 жыл бұрын
Maybe next time you type, open a grammar book - "she, not he"
@PocokPresents 7 жыл бұрын
Um.... what do you mean?
@DissociatedWomenIncorporated 7 жыл бұрын
Edwin, what would a grammar book have to do with that situation? Would a dictionary not suffice?
@Pretz_Starwind 7 жыл бұрын
actually if you pay attention to the second reboot film it's stated very clearly how exceptionally great her hearing is and her knowledge of languages, including recognition of dialects. In the first reboot film she can even hear Kirk mouth breathing under the bed while her and her lingerie clad roommate are talking to each other. Note also that it isn't a single sentence that she suddenly makes the connection but she replays it a good couple of times.
@cracno1125 7 жыл бұрын
Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, Bach These are three pop stars from 1760...
@grendelsbayne 6 жыл бұрын
Beethoven and Bach weren't alive in 1760. But you're right that beastie boys complaint is stupid.
@julius-stark 7 жыл бұрын
Uhura knows its Krall because of his voice. She's got a good ear for dialects.
@Michelle-zx9mu 3 жыл бұрын
Also she saw him use transference on 2 of the crew, giving her glimpses of his human form.
@michaelwilkinson4816 3 жыл бұрын
And in some story lines she also works for Starfleet intelligence.
@grayeaglej 7 жыл бұрын
Almost every single one of these "plot holes" was explained by either the movie itself or one of the two previous films if you ACTUALLY WATCH THEM.
@starkiller18 7 жыл бұрын
that wasn't an escape pod that scotty left the ship in. it was one of the torpedoes that they had khans people in
@JakubRC 7 жыл бұрын
You're perfectly right. This is why the swarm ignored the pod in the first place. Dumb mistake from the crew of Looper.
@MrChaosTheory09 7 жыл бұрын
Err nope, because they sent those to the ship in the other movie.
@JakubRC 7 жыл бұрын
That's true, still it was a torpedo for sure - just a different one. You can see a difference between the escape POD (1:10) and the thing Scoty used (1:05).
@scottishastronomer 7 жыл бұрын
It's why Scotty has to use an oxygen mask, because there is no breathable atmosphere in the torpedo.
@ShiftingDrifter 7 жыл бұрын
I thought it was an unloaded torpedo. (In the TV series, they had torpedo-like pods that could be rigged for science experiments.) Problem is, the torpedo bay scene zips by so fast it's easy to miss. I'm a pretty obsessed Trekkie nerd and even I didn't surmise what Scotty had done until after the fact.
@SoHBetaSword 7 жыл бұрын
"You gave your Girlfriend a Tracking Device!" ... "That was not my intention." - Yeah Spock, that long pause between his statement and your reply, was more than clear to us.
@electricmagnetic 7 жыл бұрын
I see people already schooled you about certain things but I'd like to say something about the lack of security. the premise of the original TV show was utopia or something close to it. the show was made as the US and USSSR started the cold war. the show wanted to bring some relief and visualize a harmonious future where it doesn't matter who you are, we can all live together in peace. hence no security. every time they encounter a new species they first use all available tools of negotiation and diplomacy and never fire their weapons first, only if attacked and even then they keep trying to contact the "enemy" to negotiate. the premise is "let's find common ground" rather than "I'm all out of bubblegum".
@ohauss 7 жыл бұрын
Actually, while the movie was supposed to present an ideal vision for humanity to strive for, it still took model of the expeditions of old, which regularly took place on military ships so as to be able to defend yourself. James Cook sailed on HMS Endeavour. Charles Darwin went on his journey on HMS Beagle. All ships venturing out on research missions, but manned by Navy personnel and equipped with guns. And already the TOS episode "Errand of Mercy" showed that mankind was still capable of getting carried away in a conflict.
@joshuagiehll3737 7 жыл бұрын
electric_magnetic While the original show was centered on this, the reboots are very different. Starfleet is far more militarized in the reboots because of the loss of the Kelvin from an unknown hostile entity...the ships are far bigger and the weapons more advanced.
@Mystickneon 7 жыл бұрын
The defenses were present and used.... just inadequate. And there were internal security vehicles. They were chasing the insurgent craft.
@joshuagiehll3737 7 жыл бұрын
Michael Alvarez the Andorans are one of the prime Starfleet races. That should have happened a hundred years before the time line split even occurred so it should still be the case.
@fucheduck 7 жыл бұрын
which is why reboots are wrong! lack of creativity and lazy writing! The spirit of TOS(and even some of TNG) was reason before viloence. Chris Pine's captain dJerk, is nothing but a macho jerk.
@WadeTheWilsonTV 7 жыл бұрын
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Took me 3 seconds, no Google. So yeah.
@WadeTheWilsonTV 7 жыл бұрын
@yaoi.5565 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah and?
@vollelektrolysierer5773 6 жыл бұрын
Exept that Bach was dead 10 years before the 1760s, so yeah.
Me 2 this guys clearly I dumb fuck 😂
@Haaris.Qureshi 7 жыл бұрын
I'm sure Krall knew where his ship was. What does that matter? He abandoned it because it was grounded. Does it matter if Beastie Boys are relevant? I thought it was just one of the songs on the ship's database (which was launched 100 years earlier). And it was Jaylah who chose it, so the age is irrelevant because they're all new to her. (Unless you're complaining about it's use in Star Trek, which is a different movie, so I'm assuming not, but in any case you can justify that too). We're told the Franklin can't LAUNCH from the ground. That's different from operating in atmosphere.
@Stephaniededson 7 жыл бұрын
When Uhura and Sulu sent off a distress signal Krall changed the location so all of York Towns security ships got lost in the nebula.
@pelementmaker 7 жыл бұрын
i liked it, sure it had its flaws. but you can't honestly say that most movies made don't have any flaws.
@starkiller18 7 жыл бұрын
exactly nothing is perfect and most things don't come even close. you will be a lot happier in life and enjoy things a lot more if you take them for what they are. not what you think they should be.
@jazzx251 7 жыл бұрын
It was pure hokum - but I loved the space station (just wow!), and some of the dialogue between the characters. [loved the "you fitted your girl with a tracking device" gag!] The other two modern Star Trek movies didn't have as good dialogue as this one - so I would say it is the best of the three.
@Azzataky 7 жыл бұрын
Does not matter really, its not Star Trek anyway. Aka raping of known fantasy worlds by hollywood continues.
@pelementmaker 7 жыл бұрын
could you be more dramatic. its an adaptation of a known franchise, not a raping of anything, please go away.
@Azzataky 7 жыл бұрын
:D Its not that I'm that mad. But I'm a bit mad they did it by alternative timeline. They could've created some new story, connect it to Star Trek that is already existing. It was fun to see Kobayashi Maru test etc. in the movies, but I'm too big of a star trek fan to let them remake captain Kirk without saying a word! :D But I like the movies to some degree. :)
@G1NZOU 7 жыл бұрын
The Uhura one wasn't dumb at all, she's an expert with linguistics and picking up inflections, she heard Krall speaking and deduced it's the same person. The mining drones, are so so, the same plot device is used in Guardians of the Galaxy, supposedly mining drones are built to take a beating, so apparently rip through starships which are somehow not built to take a beating. As for 1760's Joseph Haydn was very influential, known as the "father of string quartet", and regardless of detailed knowledge of composers of a particular time period, most people can still listen to classical music and enjoy it.
@seankirby7055 7 жыл бұрын
Deus ex machina. Not Deuce. It's pronounced Dey-uh s. You'd know that if you studied theatre instead of critique it.
@IanHollis 7 жыл бұрын
Theatre ... or Latin.
@seankirby7055 7 жыл бұрын
Theatre has many languages. Latin was just one of the first.
@AJZulu 7 жыл бұрын
Shit from the machine. Deuce ex Machina...lol
@H4hT53 7 жыл бұрын
...that would be "two from the machine" in a very peculiar mix of languages.
@pilouuuu 7 жыл бұрын
Do sex machina.
@KermitTheArchitect 7 жыл бұрын
There is a point you missed, there was no security in yorktown, because Krall said he realligned signal of uhura to call for aid into the nebula. While the starfleet is away, and out of comms, they initiated attack on yorktown. It's plain said in movie.
@Michelle-zx9mu 3 жыл бұрын
How could she use a distress signal to call them to nebula when there is no signal from nebula to Yorktown?
@KermitTheArchitect 3 жыл бұрын
@@Michelle-zx9mu ask that to the director ^^ I just said what movie implied
@MarkWarbington 7 жыл бұрын
All of the Star Trek reboot films have plot holes that you could drive a dreadnought through. They are FUN and appeal to a more general audience, which is where the money is, but the writers have made no attempts to confine themselves to the rules of the Star Trek universe. Remember Khan beaming himself from Earth to Kronos? OMG. Khan's blood can apparently cure death? I'll bet we never hear about that little miracle in the franchise again. Continuity out the window.
@DanteSolablood 7 жыл бұрын
Well to be fair some of the original movies had some rather large plot holes. Star Trek V: The Final Frontier is quite notable for having a rift that "no ship has ever passed"... yet the Enterprise just flies through with no problems? Star Trek 3, the Enterprise barely fits through the space station's port... yet the Excelsior that's twice it's size sails through? What about Generations on Piccard (a supposedly intelligent man) choosing to return to stop Professor Soron JUST before the Nexus hits? Not before the Enterprise crashes, not before his surviving family dies in a fire?
@septixskeptix1107 7 жыл бұрын
While I agree with you, I just finished rewatching TNG recently and I have to say that people are far more picky now than they were when these series originally aired. I mean both the original and TNG at times were just laughably corny. I can't speak for the older movies as I have not seen them but both TV series I had watched (TNG and the original) were just hot illogical messes of nonsensical techno-babble that left the viewer with more questions than answers with it's overabundance of ninth-grade level feel-goodism philosophies. Not to mention the glaring stereotypes derived from terrible character development and lazy writing. I guess what I'm trying to say is that the whole franchise has been far from perfect from the get-go but then again, what great story or idea isn't flawed?
@DanteSolablood 7 жыл бұрын
SeptixSkeptix To be fair, TOS was pretty ahead of it's time for most of the things you mentioned... just not as far as now. :P TNG? Was ahead of Voyager on plot & consistency... does it get a pass?
@JFDSmit-rm6tw 7 жыл бұрын
I think people were more at ease with TOS and TNG, because TOS came when a lot of the tech we have now were still far into the future and TNG, well, they needed an ST-fix. It was much speculation about "if this could be real, then that could be the result." The modern movies and series get judged harsher, because much of the tech or at least, the precursor-tech for what they do in the movie, is either already existing or in testing.
@DanteSolablood 7 жыл бұрын
***** You might be onto something, though I think another element is that TOS & TNG always tried to show a more enlightened culture. Later Star Trek series & definitely the new movies are pretty much humans as we are now... just in space.
@tsBodhiMon 7 жыл бұрын
There's no extra security because when Uhura sent the distress call from the planet, Krall redirected it to a different location so the fleet of starfleet ships went somewhere else. Krall says this. You're supposed to pay attention when you watch a movie.
@abe_froman8360 7 жыл бұрын
Uhura's a language expert who already heard Krall say the word "frontier." Her sharp hearing heard the same pronunciation in the video, and kept rewinding to verify. Plot hole sealed.
@Dwarfurious 7 жыл бұрын
the same pronunciation from somebody who has aged hundreds of ears and biologically changed into a different species ? Uhura decided it was more likely that it must be some captain from hundreds of years ago rather than someone pronouncing a word the same way? Thats so fucking stupid it could of been a scene in this movie.
@grendelsbayne 6 жыл бұрын
He hasn't aged hundreds of years.Also, Uhura literally saw him do his life sucking thing in person, so she knows he is much older than he looks, and that he looks different every time he uses that tech. She was even able to hear him talk extensively before and after, so she had plenty of opportunity to pinpoint specific tells that persist even when his voice physically changes.
@clamadieu 7 жыл бұрын
I think Uhura recognizes Krall's voice in the video toward the end, not that she recognizes his face or anything. She does have pretty good linguistic skills, as the 2009 film established. Part of that training would include auditory recognition.
@DanielMaddux 7 жыл бұрын
I liked the movie a lot. AND, i can explain most all of these supposed plot holes. sounds more like just some hate on for Star Trek. Normally Looper is pretty good about their knowledge on stuff, but im a little shocked at this one. Seems like they didnt watch the movie or didnt pay attention to the dialog much, as most of these holes are explained.
@valken666 7 жыл бұрын
Excuses are not good explanations, a plot hole is a plot hole.
@DanielMaddux 7 жыл бұрын
Valken and an ass is an ass
@Dougal-Mcguire 7 жыл бұрын
if they are explainable please explain them :)
@Brakiros 7 жыл бұрын
only when they're not
@ejungleska 7 жыл бұрын
1) After a 100 years, I'm sure Krall forgot where the ship was, especially since he didn't stay there after it crashed. Some people forget where they park their cars after a few hours of shopping, a planet is a bit bigger than a parking lot. 2) He didn't contact Starfleet because they had not spread out that far when he crashed. By the time they did, I'm pretty sure he was a bit insane by then. 3) The artifact was close by because it not likely it could've "warped" a few thousand light years away. The opening scene, the starbase, Krall's planet was all within the same general area.
@wishbone346 7 жыл бұрын
Love the look Spock gets on his face after being called out for giving his girlfriend a tracking device. His reaction is perfect lol. XD
@charlie4443 7 жыл бұрын
I might be wrong, but I feel like I remember that when Kirk and Chekov were running away from the bad guys and they flipped the crashed Enterprise, the person chasing them was crushed dramatically and yet the two of them somehow managed to run the entire radius of the ship in under a minute to escape the same fate.
@HUNVilly 7 жыл бұрын
None of these things are that terrible, actually.
@starkiller18 7 жыл бұрын
ya i really get the feeling this guy is ether just looking for reasons to not like the movie has no real knowledge of star treks history because all the crap he was going on about scotty is common in nearly every star trek movie or show. the engineer comes up with some random thing to save the day in the 11th hour to save the day.
@ericjohnson_72 7 жыл бұрын
No they are not. He doesn't even know what he is talking about half the time anyway. As an example, that was not an escape pod Scotty rode in. Also, who wouldn't put the thing in the vault and head to the main base.
@85Funkadelic 7 жыл бұрын
Actually yeah some of them are really really stupid...... But to each their own.
@edwardm.500 7 жыл бұрын
Scotty dangling from a cliff was stupid. On an entire planet, what is the chance that a pod will land on a cliff? And halfways off it? 1 in a billion? 1 in a trillion?
@hoeky442 7 жыл бұрын
The movie as a whole was total garbage, so who cares?
@KiithNaabal 7 жыл бұрын
Uhura is depected in all installments as having perfect hearing and a superhuman ear for dialect, rhythem and langue. It is really clearly depicted in the scene that she HEARS something in the background. So she heared a familier voice, turned around to investigate, rewinds and then realizes it.
@Michelle-zx9mu 3 жыл бұрын
Also she saw him use transference on 2 of the crew, giving her glimpses of his human form.
@bbroekem 7 жыл бұрын
I don't feel like you paid attention to the movie. Every single one of these "observations" are explained in the film.
@lorrainewilliams7896 7 жыл бұрын
Brian, thank you! They were really fishing for things to dis and finding none, just made chit up.
@phydeux 7 жыл бұрын
Uhura's "Spidey sense" is actually her keen hearing, which is a key plot point in the 2009 movie. She was the one who picked up and picked apart the Klingon distress signal. So it's not at all surprising she'd hear that log video playing and recognize Krall's vocal patterns in it. She's just that good.
@Michelle-zx9mu 3 жыл бұрын
Also she saw him use transference on 2 of the crew, giving her glimpses of his human form.
@pesadovolna3504 7 жыл бұрын
The movie was really fun. I didn't even want to overthink
@GeorgeMonet 7 жыл бұрын
In order to enjoy Beyond you'd have to do no thinking whatsoever and be completely brain dead.
@TheSpeeddemondriver8 7 жыл бұрын
One thing.. Uhura recognized Krall on the screen since she saw a form of his normal self when he was draining the life from one of the crewmen, aside from the other numerous points the others have made. That's how i figured Krall was human before while watching it for the first time....
@lovipoekimo176 7 жыл бұрын
Oh jeez. Uhura HEARD Captain Edison in the recording and after re-playing his bit of sound bite was able to deduce that it's Krall. Either you didn't watch the movie or you just have a poor comprehension of it. Maybe you got spoiled by watching too many dumbed down Marvel movies?
@codex1809 7 жыл бұрын
Yeah, because that would EVER happen in real life. It's still a stupid conclusion to come to with only that data and it's completely contrived.
@Broccoli_32 7 жыл бұрын
Codex1 yes but she also did see his face when he was sucking the life out of those people you could see his face
@peves- 7 жыл бұрын
Scotty walked down the cliff. You are right the the old motorcycle didn't have to be there, neither did any other thing in the whole damn movie on the same point, but they all happened to come together in the places where they were because that's what happens in literally every single movie ever made. Right place right time. It happens in real life too. These points are all speculation and they are lacking at best.
@ThePurityControl 7 жыл бұрын
Name a pop star from the 1760s is a daft idea because the media didn't exist then to allow pop stars to exist. A bit like asking to name a popular blogger from the 1960s.
@KhanGarth 7 жыл бұрын
you forgot the part where Kirk and the alien chick are falling and Kirk gets beamed out and grabs her hand, and he transfers the "transporter magic dust" to her too. thats not how transporters work at all.
@RAFMnBgaming 7 жыл бұрын
Transporter safety protocols. They have to make sure they beam the whole person so i'm assuming they make sure that any and all people beam completely. If they can get away with hisenburg compensators then they can get away with this in my books.
@KhanGarth 7 жыл бұрын
they didnt have a transporter lock on her though right? essentially the only reason she was beamed out was because Kirk touched her and thats not how transporters work. its not something you can transfer to someone else by touching them, they have to be locked onto and initiated transport or else they wont beam out, the person whose hand they are holding will just disappear without them.
@fucheduck 7 жыл бұрын
I think they did "Once upon a Time" in space, probably why that show's so popular, and I hate it so much.
@Sevicify 7 жыл бұрын
Simple explanation that makes perfect sense, Kick was holding a beacon to let them get a transporter lock and when he grabbed Jaylah's hand she was well within a consistent range of the beacon for them to get a lock on her and thus extend the transport to her as well.
@suddenkancho4968 7 жыл бұрын
Nope. This is all pre-Next Gen transporter tech. Cannot do that. This movie is garbage.
@coolidgedollar2154 7 жыл бұрын
Did he say "deuce ex machina"?
@TheSeeker2013 7 жыл бұрын
You know, I didn't care about any accuracy of information in the video because the presentation, video editing and various clips perfectly arranged, plus the narration (which was the best part) was perfect. I laughed all the way through it. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Much thanks.
@jesusdiscipledon1499 7 жыл бұрын
Looper would be great at Cinema sins....DING!
@A_DrunkenBear 7 жыл бұрын
@MehrumesDagon 7 жыл бұрын
no, not really - they are nitppicky, but usually their "sins" can't be debunked by just paying attention to the movie - like it is possible with pretty much anything mentioned in this movie
@bradwright9477 7 жыл бұрын
Donnie Walston CinemaSins really liked the movie. He still sinned it, but he might've removed more sins away than any other film I've seen in that video
@FRISHR 7 жыл бұрын
Uhura recognized Krall because of the sound his voice, she is a translator and communications officer who specializes in linguistic. It's her job to recognize people's dialects.
@Michelle-zx9mu 3 жыл бұрын
Also she saw him use transference on 2 of the crew, giving her glimpses of his human form.
@cypherglitch 7 жыл бұрын
Does Looper watch the moviez they talk about????? They explain in the movie why and how kirk ended up on the planet with the artifact... it was all planned. They also explain why they had the bike. Bloody watch the movie before posting these clips
@AlexIsModded 3 жыл бұрын
Uhura identifies Krall because of his voice, not his face. She stands there replaying that footage multiple times and listening to what he's saying, which the movie heavily emphasizes. She is a linguist, so it made perfect sense for her to identify him that way.
@maloperverso8118 7 жыл бұрын
And why the F was Crawl turned into an Alien!? And Learned an Alien Language!? And somewhat Forgot How to Speak English!? WTF!?
@yaymanyayman6892 3 жыл бұрын
Because the aliens he took the life form of he started to look like
@rbnzdave 7 жыл бұрын
I enjoyed the film, it was the kind where they are stuck. always seems to be a case of them either trying to find something or being stuck somewhere. but the biggest issue I had with the film, and noticed it the first time I saw it, was the scene with kirk riding the bike into the fray, all adventure like. The camera flies over and past him to the enemy stronghold, also showing that had the bike remained in shot any longer you'd have gotten to see it plow into a large boulder or whatever it was which ended the randomly convenient trail it started on.
@loandbehold650 7 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry, hearing you say "Duece" ex machina was painful
@geraldrob5150 7 жыл бұрын
Mcoy asks Spock if they were playing Classical Music and Spock confirms it. We still listen to Mozart, Beethoven, etc. By your reasoning "The Flight of the Valkyries" by Wagner was inappropriately used in Apocolypse Now.
@ZoniacMan 7 жыл бұрын
Meh. I wish I had ignored this video.
@Broccoli_32 7 жыл бұрын
ElectricRazer right
@Wulfcry 7 жыл бұрын
Me to.
@HeadlessChickenTO 6 жыл бұрын
Uhura has good ears which is why she is the ship's comm officer. She recognized Krall's voice, not his face. What was convenient was having those logs being played as she was walking by looking for Krall where his ship punctures the Franklin's hull.
@johnossendorf9979 7 жыл бұрын
The motorcycle Still ran because the gasoline was ethanol free!!!
@Plasmacore_V 7 жыл бұрын
Yep because not only does gasoline seem to last for over a century, but apparently so did the motorcycle's tires, battery, and oil. Worse than the jeeps in Jurassic World.
@edwardpaulsen1074 7 жыл бұрын
As if there is no other fuel in the universe (ethanol or alcohol {which still exists}) nor are there any other types of electrical power source that could supply direct current, no elastic replacements that might mimic the characteristics of a tire, and no such thing as synthetic oil.... are you REALLY that freaking stooopid? they have ALL of those alternative things right now... otherwise there would be no such thing as cordless drills or cell phones that can fit in your pocket... batteries alone have come a long way since just the 80's... yeesh, every bit as clueless as the rest of the monkeys.
@rsrt6910 7 жыл бұрын
No joke. I can't leave my 84' VF700C in the garage for more than a week before the ethanol in the carbs evaporates and the jets clog up. Nearest ethanol free gas station is 40 miles away... until I found out I can use the 100LL AVGAS leftover from preflight checks at my local airport.
@johncrafton8319 7 жыл бұрын
Krall had trapped multiple ship crews over time. He likely learned how to hack into Starfleet through them.
@greenisnotacreativecolour 7 жыл бұрын
Deuce ex machina?
@silverspear21 7 жыл бұрын
Ya what is a Deuce ex machina? I keep hearing that.
@greenisnotacreativecolour 7 жыл бұрын
silverspear21 I think it's like a Deus ex machina, but with a surprise poo.
@silverspear21 7 жыл бұрын
Green Is Not A Creative Colour Do not know what that is either. Unless you mean the movie which I have not seen.
@greenisnotacreativecolour 7 жыл бұрын
silverspear21 Come on lad, you could have googled it quicker than replying to me!
@silverspear21 7 жыл бұрын
Green Is Not A Creative Colour Can not get reddit at work. Firewalled.
@septixskeptix1107 7 жыл бұрын
Name a popstar from the seventeen sixties? Apples and oranges homeboy. Back then we didn't have the massive worldwide media juggernaut that we have today. The realistic errors you people choose to focus on while being able to perfectly suspend disbelief on other more outrageous situations in movies is just confusing.
@Loves2smoodge 7 жыл бұрын
Did you guys just pinch this concept from cinema sins? They do a much better job.
@grendelsbayne 6 жыл бұрын
Not really. Their video on this film actually claimed that the woman who lured the Enterprise into the nebula was an innocent victim who 'had good reasons' for doing it. Somehow they completely ignored the very clear and pretty extensive action sequence that revealed she was literally one of Krall's crew all along.
@dareka9425 7 жыл бұрын
The one thing that puzzled me is that Uhura can easily knock several of bad guys unconscious when others struggled to fight them. Even Sulu who is trained in hand-to-hand combat can't fight them properly. Not only that this brings up the old Star Wars trope of people wearing useless armor- Uhura was able to knock down armored enemies with mere kick, punches and rocks while the blind dude in Rogue One knocked out a squad of armored Stormtroopers with a stick.
@chrisklecker 7 жыл бұрын
Oh oh, Looper. You've made a bunch of Star Trek Fans very angry with your video. :D
@-M0LE 7 жыл бұрын
David Klecker anyone who likes this film isn't a Star Trek fan
@chrisklecker 7 жыл бұрын
Uh... Er... Um... Actually I tend to disagree with that, however I can see strong arguments for and against it. In fact if I watched this movie a few more time I could try and come up with those arguments. I am a rather large Trek fan. I enjoy most of the series with the exception of Voyager. Not watched Enterprise so I cannot comment on that. Star Trek Beyond wasn't bad. It was better than the last one, which could have been stellar, but decided to sell out. And I think it was on par but slightly better than the first which was okay but not realized as well as it could have been. In the end, it's just a popcorn flick. I reminds me a lot of the Next Generation movies.
@jameskling9400 7 жыл бұрын
I left the theatre thinking.... "Did that space station not have *any* teleporters for the final sequence?" when clearly it did in the opening sequences.
@patrickmorgan3840 6 жыл бұрын
This is about 250 years after the beastie boys and it’s classical people can still remember bheetoven plus that ship was made about 150 years after the beastie boys also we can’t name a pop star from the 1700s because there was no way to record it back then
6 жыл бұрын
how about Mozart? Born in 1756...
@MrMikedeel 7 жыл бұрын
One thing that happens in a lot of the Star Trek movies and TV shows is the anti-matter. In the OS, they used a cup full to blow off "half of the planet's atmosphere". For one of the episodes of DS9, on a couple of other instances, they jettisoned the warp core presumably because they didn't want it to explode when they crashed. But on other ST media, they had no problem crashing with it. As was the case with the Franklin, which seemed to store quite nicely for decades, and then be available to relaunch the ship and fight space battles. Oh, and you don't push-start a space ship, it isn't a manual transmission Buick. The Franklin had the aerodynamics of cinder block. You can push it as fast as you want, it wont fly.
@Blendeture 6 жыл бұрын
This video would be good to watch if I remembered a damn single thing about that piece of crap movie.
@Technodreamer 7 жыл бұрын
The drones were SEEMINGLY unstoppable. As we saw in the movie, they did have one massive flaw as a weapon that it really didn't take the heroes much time at all to figure out. They were probably also limited in range, given that the only place with facilities to refuel/repair them was on that one planet.
@johnedgar7956 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video, although after 2,001 comments placed a year ago, I doubt you'll see mine. :-) I'm a Trek fan, and I hated this movie. You were correct on everything you pointed out here. NONE of it made any sense. The only other thing I'm sorry about, other than having sat through this steaming turd of a movie while it hammered another nail into the coffin of my childhood fondness of Star Trek, is the abuse you got from the dorks here who can't seem to separate real life from their fanatical religious attachment to anything that says Star Trek on it. There is a LOT of stupid vitriol on here.
@0hvist 7 жыл бұрын
the reason why Krall has such a grudge against Starfleet is twofold: firstly Krall was an officer of the United Earth Government (back when Starfleet was merely a small part of it alongside the Medical Corps and the Military Assault Command Operations: back before the formation of the Federation we all know today), not just any officer: Krall was part of the Military Assault Command Operations (MACOs for short: better training and expertise than the modern day Starfleet Security, able to hold their own in a firefight if Star Trek Enterprise is anything to go by), However with the formation of the Federation, the UEG was rolled under the rug as Starfleet took full control over Human affairs as the go-to authority, and with that the MACOs were rendered obsolete and no longer needed since Starfleet wanted Humanity to embrace a "Strength in Numbers" policy as the strength of the Federation: unknowingly making the defense of Humanity being piled on the backs of other species part of the Federation. Krall viewed Humanity as being weak-willed and completely vulnerable (he has a point though if the events of the Dominion War during the events of Deep Space 9 was anything to go by)
@mrrodgers1099 6 жыл бұрын
Dumb things in star trek beyond everyone just ignored: the entire movie and the two movies before it.
@DyrewulfNV 6 жыл бұрын
Scotty isn't in an escape pod, he's in a torpedo shell (no warhead) - he jury rigged a handheld unit to navigate it.
@Anaximander29A 7 жыл бұрын
This movie wasn't good at all... the same humor and similar "jokes" like in every other hollywood movie. The plot was also boring and predictable. Filmmakers today just don't want to risk something and walk new ways or be more creative. There was a time when moviemaking was an art, even in hollywood. For me this was just another boring assembly belt production...
@fad1969 7 жыл бұрын
+HeavilyArmedTrashPanda You're boring us buddy.
@PassportKings 7 жыл бұрын
It wasnt bad, but the for some reason the "trekkies" seem to like it. I liked 1 and 2 way better.
@liquide01 7 жыл бұрын
The things that bugged me the most were the tales of kralls days as a maco major and starfleet captain. 1. He mentioned losing people in the "Xindi wars". The war with the Xindi, which is covered in season 3 of ST:ENT, did not feature almost any major engagements. The only way krall would have lost MACOs to the xindi would be if he was a part of the MACO team aboard the Enterprise, which he definetly was not (Krall was a major(I think), and the only MACO major on the Enterprise was Foyle, although that may not be his name). Something is wrong there. 2. The USS Franklin is referred to in the movie as "one of earths first warp 4 starships". They also mention it launching in the 2160s, which makes no sense whatsoever considering the fact that the Enterprise NX-01, earths first warp 5 starship, launched in 2152, a decade earlier. This makes no sense.
@CashelOConnolly 7 жыл бұрын
Didn't everyone just ignore this shit SCFI
@kaos2317 7 жыл бұрын
I noticed. Since this was made for the Zack audience I knew most won't notice or care about the plot holes. I thought "typical of a Abrams production"
@alexwr 7 жыл бұрын
Considering it wasn't made by Abrams, I don't know why you thought that!
@kaos2317 7 жыл бұрын
+Alex Wilson....it is true that Abrams didn't direct the 3rd reboot, but he is still top producer so his influence is still present.
@Goraka91 7 жыл бұрын
It was better than the other two and better than some of the older movies, namely The Final Frontier and Insurrection. Stop being salty 'true fans' and enjoy a movie.
@marcusjackson5108 7 жыл бұрын
She heard his voice it's that simple. No Spidey senses necessary. Lol
@MrJoshcc600 7 жыл бұрын
I LOVE LOVE LOVE star trek, but this film was the biggest disappointment of my 2016.
@3Rayfire 7 жыл бұрын
The reason that there were no defensive vessels at Starbase Yorktown is because Krall modified the Enterprise crew's distress beacon to send the Fleet stationed at Yorktown off on a wild goose chase. A simple military redirection tactic that one would expect from a former MACO and Starfleet officer. The station itself did fire at the swarm, but it was going to be overwhelmed just like the Enterprise. That also explains how he can intercept Starfleet communications, he was trained for that type of thing, and it's in English. I can't believe you criticized SCOTTY of all people for repairing a starship's engines and modifying it's transporter in short order. Did you EVER watch the original series?
@darthjaymoonstar6 7 жыл бұрын
Ignored? i hated this dumb movie
@rhbrown2193 7 жыл бұрын
most advances in 20th & 21st century technology came fro the original Star Trek TV series. I bet you love your smart phone.
@saleendriver 5 жыл бұрын
I could explain all the places you went wrong, but why bother?
@normski10 7 жыл бұрын
I now actually hate Looper. Their vids are mostly moaning crap. As quite a few of you say, these plot holes are explained pretty well if you just watch the movie. Stick with Screen Junkies and Honest Trailers. More entertaining and fun :)
@BuzzRatchetGaming 7 жыл бұрын
When Scotty navigated his so called "pod" as he put it. Scotty was actually in a torpedo.
@Termenoil 7 жыл бұрын
This movie was SOOOO much worse than the other 2
@fleshanthos 7 жыл бұрын
I didn't "just ignore" these things. I've often said JJDrek was the hugest disservice to Gene Roddenberry and everyone else involved with Trek that has ever happened by far. He dumbed it down into a generaic action flick that could be released under ANY franchise, slapped Star Trek stickers and uniforms all on it, and claimed it to be something it's not. Yep. There's some of us old enough to remember what REAL Trek was.
@morgandraegar7301 7 жыл бұрын
That movie was broken af
@danielworden 7 жыл бұрын
I agree with your points, but a few nitpicks. Scotty was in a torpedo which he navigates down to the planet, but yea cliff? Uhura's main job is communications, she always has that thing in her ear and is used to listening for sounds, its her job and THAT is what caught her attention as she walks by, she heard the Franklin's captain talking and recognized the voice and goes to watch the clip a few times before figuring out who she heard and puts it all together from there. And 30 seconds of watching the same 5 seconds of clip over and over does not equal "instantly", btw. Spot on with all the other points though, basically.
@steveo9009 7 жыл бұрын
trek beyond was garbage. time to bring in at least one writer from real trek. sorry simon pegg, you wrote crap.
@-M0LE 7 жыл бұрын
Steve Ostrowski he has totally ruined any of his respect I had for him .... Totally overrated actor and as for writing he sucks
@MarySamsonite 6 жыл бұрын
You forgot the part where you tell everyone to get off your lawn
@felixklinkhammer2411 7 жыл бұрын
To point out just one of your mistakes: Scotty didn't leave Enterprise in an escape pot but in a torpedo tube. Thats why he needed that oxygen mask. Because the torpedo tube by coincidence is airtight (which comes in handy in this case) but has no lifesupport.
@priell3 7 жыл бұрын
Silly and childish nitpicking.
@D3adT0m1 7 жыл бұрын
The Drone thing explains itself. They're mining drones, so they're built with the possibility of crashing into a boulder or a collapse happening. They could easily penetrate the hull of a starship. As for why not use them instead of the bio-weapon, they're a finite resource. Krall only has so many of them at his disposal, and they aren't invincible. Some of them are surely lost in every attack. They work perfectly well in the ambush role he uses them in, but if he throws them all at an armada of ships, he's going to lose. I assumed the pilots have weapons simply for self-defence in the event of encountering some sort of gribbly, or that Krall just modified some of the mining tools they had into anti-personnel weapons.
@ds9quark 7 жыл бұрын
Star Trek beyond was crap! I walked out.
@fad1969 7 жыл бұрын
+ds9quark It was awesome, you missed out. Not surprising from a DS9 fanboy lol.
@simergoth 7 жыл бұрын
Horrible...horrible movie! "Name a pop star from the 1760s" hahahaha (that joke was better than the entire movie!)
@ladymay30 5 жыл бұрын
Enjoy the film and stop searching for plot holes :-)
@cerickNY 7 жыл бұрын
I like that your definition of "Still relevant" is that one kid from Iowa is a fan and someone had some of the artist's music on a ship that went missing less than 2 centuries after the artist worked.
@Xubjekt 6 жыл бұрын
"the chances of beastie boys being relevant three centuries from now?" dude right after that scene Bones asks "is that classical music?"
@vshazam 6 жыл бұрын
Uhura didn't recognize Krall from a glance. The whole movie she noticed weird shit about him. That he knew English when they were trapped in that compartment together in space. That he kept a bunch of logs about Starfleet. The way he said frontier
@TCGView 7 жыл бұрын
If you're going to criticize, you need to make sure you thoroughly research. Two of your "dumb things" actually weren't so dumb (Star Fleet SOS and Uhura figuring out who Krall is)
@k1productions87 7 жыл бұрын
So wait a sec.... you say its all coincidence that Krall happens to find the one ship carrying the artificat,... but then point out that Krall hacked into Starfleet to know where the artifact is. ... Oh, but I guess that is a mistake we all just ignore, huh? LOL As for Scotty and the transporter,... the "wee bit of modification" should be all you need to know, as Scotty has been doin a wee bit of modifying to make things do impossible things since 1966. "Not designed to function in a planet's atmosphere", no, not designed to hover vertically in a planet's atmosphere, it can FLY from momentum and angular thrust just fine, so long as it reaches a speed fast enough for it to do so. They explain this. Y'know,... I think this video is aimed at people who haven't actually seen the movie. And you want to talk about dumb things people ignore, lets please take a look at Wrath of Khan, because there is PLENTY
@martinkeatings7126 7 жыл бұрын
As for him "hacking into starfleet" it tells you in the movie that many ships have crashed on the planet as a result of krall, one assumes that the federation now has a base nearby and federation worlds, that at least one of those craft are federation. Ergo, the ships have both the equipment to do it / salvage and probably tech manuals on how to work it. Remember as well - he has an army of worker drones designed for engineering repair. One assumes they are pretty good at techno stuff.
@padoruupadoruu 7 жыл бұрын
Okay dude, 1) Bones brought up to Spock that the Beastie Boys was classical music. So your comparison to naming an artist from the 17th/18th century is irrelevant because it's also classical music to us. 2) Uhura knew Krall was the long lost captain from something he said as the captain and as Krall.
@lucofparis4819 6 жыл бұрын
Krall knows where the device is because after the Federation expanded this far he got a grasp on their communication network. He didn't "hack into it" remotely. He connected one of his drones to a satelite/relay. He was in special forces and fought the Xindi. He sure can find a way to hack a satelite without notice, since he had all the time he needed. Scotty magically appearing down the cliff is a legit continuity error. He wouldn't have the time to do so. Same can be said for the repair of the Franklin : the guy apparently repaired propelling, warp drive, transporter and shields with little to no help. Repair and modify the transporter could have been possible, especially since the girl have been scavenging the area for decades. And she actually repaired all she could on the Franklin. Still a giant plot hole that Scotty is basically they God of Machines now. He can fix a whole ship in one or two day. Uhura is trained to hear things and recognize specific patterns. Se heard the way the Captain of the Franklin said "frontier" and recognized Krall's way of speaking. She saw Krall's face morphing when he absorbed life off of a crew member. 1+1, here you are. The motocycle makes even more sense than the buggy in Star Trek Nemesis. When you want something that can travel though most of natural terrain without being a shuttle craft that sounds a neat idea. It's just a scout vehicle for an away team. Problem is : Krall would have taken it with him. Beastie boys is at a time gap similar to the time gap we have with classical music. It's old as F, and we barely know the composer. Yes we still listen to it (and create new classical themes for movies). This is not gonna go away and time soon, and the Franklin is an exploration ship. It needs to have an extensive playlist. Neat idea to bring it back. Though, I would sac that defeat the drones with basically Kirk's theme song is a stretch. And this type of solution has been done already in Voyager. The hyper mega space station should have been well defended I agree. Even in a somehow context of peace, this place would have got more than a tiny defense satelite. As for security officers, I don't get it. They don't really what the guy look like. It even takes them a while to figure out that he looks human. Not that big of a deal to miss him in a crowd. This film has many little problems that we can nitpick. At least, they don't break immersion.
@TrueLink00 7 жыл бұрын
How about Krall's whole thing being individual strength while also working with others, relying on others life to live, and fighting in mass instead of individually?
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