Hailey is one of the younger kids in her class. We decided to put her in with the older kids because she was doing so well academically. We did not want her to wait as she would not be challenged at all. We also wanted her to learn how to be more social and make friends. She has grown so much and is not as bashful. Every morning we work on saying “good morning” to the teachers at the school entrance. At first she would not say anything or make eye contact, but now she is doing great at greeting the teachers and other students.
いずれ皆んな親になるので知識や、小学生くらいから判明したり、発見が遅いのかな!お母さん支援員みたいで大変勉強に成ります、thank you “”☺️❤️インスタも本当いつも投稿、いろんな遊び場所観ること出来て、デイズニーシンデレラパレード嬉しいです♪♪ここで違う話ですみません!ヘイリちゃん素敵❤いつかお会い出来るのが夢ですん