(Extremely Biased) 10 Champions That Should Be Removed From The Game | League of Legends

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@VigilTheProtogen 2 жыл бұрын
Vars that's not how you spell "based"
@SoullessNazzerin 2 жыл бұрын
based comment
@dr0plague 2 жыл бұрын
@@SoullessNazzerin based comment on a based comment
@ironintegral6631 2 жыл бұрын
@@dr0plague based comment on a based comment on a based comment
@squfi 2 жыл бұрын
based comment on a based comment on a based comment on a based comment
@onehuman1445 2 жыл бұрын
based comment on a based comment on a based comment on a based comment on a based comment
@VarsVerum 2 жыл бұрын
Apparently a lot of league players have never known someone named Jin and genuinely think my name is spelled Jhin LMAO
@Gus.JSegovia 2 жыл бұрын
Your name is Jhin don't try to deny it 😂
@randomspectator4417 2 жыл бұрын
As a Blazblue fan I don't have such weaknesses
@blop-a-blop9419 2 жыл бұрын
Stop hiding, we know that 10 is binary code for 4 ! We finally unmasked you, you criminal bastard !!
@The_Infinite_Hotel 2 жыл бұрын
His name is Jin. Now he needs to OTP Jhin Top to High Elo Challanger.
@The_Infinite_Hotel 2 жыл бұрын
Wait so your fav number is 3 ? 1 2 THREE !!!
@caue77 2 жыл бұрын
0:59 gotta love how the second most hated champion for Aurelion mains is Aurelion himself 💀
@carlosbenitez5717 2 жыл бұрын
Its a sad life bro
@quelquundautre3292 2 жыл бұрын
Same for Elise
@Edman459 2 жыл бұрын
I cri ;-;
@thebernardoespinacovers6081 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah.. would you love a champ who's nerfed to oblivion? Well, me.. Lmao 🤣 But i still hate him.. but i still love him.. :/
@LukeSykpeMan 2 жыл бұрын
As somebody who regularly duos with an asol one trick it's because they have gotten so comfortable that their champion has a near 0% pick or ban rate that they can play him every game, so when he is picked by the enemy team it's a sad time
@edde2429 2 жыл бұрын
Assasins: Kills one target quickly and tries to escape. Qiyana: Dashes in, stuns and oneshots 3 enemies with aoe, sits invis for 5 consecutive seconds, oneshots another person and then escapes.
@adampiaseczny5090 2 жыл бұрын
But then again you miss an element and you die, sorta why she is very rarely picked in high elo
@mrskull6216 2 жыл бұрын
Durability Patch: Let me introduce you myself.
@thomasmart 2 жыл бұрын
U lie poorly
@user-os3ml4uu6i 2 жыл бұрын
@@adampiaseczny5090 no? Lol
@helvarruneheart2332 2 жыл бұрын
@@mrskull6216 Does the durability patch out yet ? Because yesterday my friend got one shot by Qiyana in 0.5s, so I just feel the patch isn't released yet XD
@bluebilberry 2 жыл бұрын
One thing you forgot about Akshan: I swear he is the only champion that is capable of tilting teammates with his voice-overs. There's nothing like making an embarassing mistake, having teammates spam-ping the "?", and then suddenly re-appear in the fountain with Akshan saying "Dear friends, please stop dying. -Love, Akshan."
@erykeee3355 2 жыл бұрын
I play Akshan only for tapping his ctrl4 and making my teammates feel uncomfortable
@LimeAtions 2 жыл бұрын
gwen is pretty bad for that. there are some ones that just push me over the edge. (plus most gwen mains are either extremely toxic racists, or think qwen is cute so its a lose lose dying either way)
@themeatballcommander Жыл бұрын
@@LimeAtions how's gwen bad with that? I mained her for a bit and didn't think she was awful aside from maybe one or two voice lines
@sirreginaldfishingtonxvii6149 Жыл бұрын
Well I have a personal hatred for Ezreal's voice lines, and want to strangle him every time I hear him. But that's just me I think.
@bullettime1116 Жыл бұрын
@@LimeAtions i think you are confusing kassadin mains for gwen mains, also yes gwen is cute
@PerfectCellGoat 2 жыл бұрын
I'm so glad you actually mentioned Kennen. People legit forget that he exists then he performs well in Worlds and everyone starts spamming the fuck outta him. I'm so glad he's not played much otherwise he would be my permaban. Honorable mention to Jayce, extreme lane bully that deals loads and loads of damage. If you dare touching a minion you basically explode while facing him.
@gojiratar1132 2 жыл бұрын
I completely forgot how much I hate Kennen lol. He's so fucking annoying and worst of all is that he's pretty trashy, so not only does he make laning miserable, he gives you wins with a bad taste on your mouth.
@owo4470 2 жыл бұрын
I personally dislike gangplank more than Jayce
@alejandrogomezfernandez7350 2 жыл бұрын
Jayce doesn't even do that much damage in the laning phase tbh
@lussor1 2 жыл бұрын
@@alejandrogomezfernandez7350 ya, y ademas se gasta mitad de la barra de mana para llegar a hacer 300 de daño
@jeremytewari3346 2 жыл бұрын
Thing about GP is he’s balanced by his mana problem and breaking barrels comes down to who has better timing (GP has an advantage of course but you still got a shot). Jayce on the other hand can bully you with his range for free and if you ever get on top of him he sends you flying backwards and deals like 10% max health damage while he does. I’d rather fight GP all day
@AnchorDB 2 жыл бұрын
Finally, the list that’s just Yone 10 times.
@marekcarlisle6937 2 жыл бұрын
would honestly not be surprised o_o
@J.JONAH.Jameson 2 жыл бұрын
I'm sure yuumi on on here at least twice
@Sebastian36962 2 жыл бұрын
Yone, yone, yone , yone, yone , yone, yone, yone, yone, Yumi
@stealthgamer4620 2 жыл бұрын
@@Sebastian36962 be like one is a typo: Yummi > Yone
@HK-gm8pe 2 жыл бұрын
Yasuo is way worse
@conecarina2566 2 жыл бұрын
You should make a vid on what champs would make it to League 2 were it ever conceptualized, think it'd be a pretty neat watch :)
@VarsVerum 2 жыл бұрын
OHHH good idea :o
@noamias4897 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly Hashinshin video about this was on point
@AsrielCypher 2 жыл бұрын
Fix the spaghetti code, preferably.
@Super_Top_Secret_Area 2 жыл бұрын
Did you notice that Wild Rift had very few monster champions at first? And so they had to add a bunch all at once (Rammus, Renekton, Kha'Zix) because people complained. I think that is what LoL 2 would look like, a game full of young, attractive human champions that Riot knows will sell skins.
@asmodiasmobilemoba 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this word conceptulized, I was having an extentential crisis earlier but now it's all perfect life has meaning and I do have a place in the world,conceptulized
@hanthu3647 2 жыл бұрын
As a toplaner, I would just remove Tryndamere from the game. If he's even or above you 'til 6, you're just screwed up: wins short trades due to q, wins extended trades due to passive and R, you can't outrun him if you're losing a trade because he will permablink into you, burn ghost or slow you, you can't win extended trades against him because he just presses a button and now you can't kill him, and all he takes is run you down with crits, slowdowns, blinks and ghosts if u try to escape, or just blink out of every situation. There is no counterplay to that unless you're playing a ranged top, a Lillia top or a Jax, and the fact they want to rework him just scares me. He's even getting buffs now, just permaban.
@backbone93 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe youre just bad If you cant beat trynda with a riven, olaf, darius teemo, whatever then youre jjst bad at this game
@nandreniers9506 2 жыл бұрын
to me you're actually right
@kampikun6194 2 жыл бұрын
Well, there is a reason to why he‘s one of the candidate for a VGU
@no1evefan 2 жыл бұрын
@@backbone93 delusional tryndamere player
@backbone93 2 жыл бұрын
@@maddog_majima9553 not if you know how to play to your champs abilitys If you get cdr and much ap trynda cant do sht You perma blind him and he will die everytime he goes all in on you
@somesillyname9714 2 жыл бұрын
12:10 my god this just reawakened a memory I’d repressed. My team plays an awesome teamfight, going 4 for 0 and positioning for baron. The 3/13 yone hits a nice 5 man ult (which at least three of us were clearly not inside the indicator for, but I digress). Cool, wp, he probably takes a good chunk off of our team and maybe stops the baron. Nah, fuck that, he *oneshots our entire team* at two items (shieldbow + IE ofc), straight through defensive items like zhonyas (not the active ofc), then proceeds to half the baron by himself before his team shows up to finish it off and give them such a massive gold swing that they manage to snowball and end the game from there. It’s so infuriating to see that no matter how hard I dumpster a yone, if he farms a side lane for 5 mins and hits his two item spike, he’ll be unstoppable regardless.
@joaopedrofm1299 2 жыл бұрын
I mean after the team fight your team evn tho they did good would still have a small health after it so a yone getting a penta isn't that impressive but as you stated aparently 3 people weren't inside the ult indicator wich is the big problem of yone, a good ult is supposed to be a rewarding and and exiting moment because it's game changing now when it's not that Hard to make a good ult it destroys it's whole pourpouse and the whole 3/13, when i get destroyed as mundo i'am useless because mundo relies on doing great because having more regen then the enemie is his gimick now yone and yasuo can get destroyed and still be usefull because both have abilitys that don't relie on scaling to work (if yone is 13/0 or 0/13 his ult still CC's you if yasuo was afk until 10 minutes of the game his Wind wall still blocks projectiles) but both are assasins not frontlines that need to absorb the most projectiles and autos possible to defend the team so all their abilitys should scale because they are assasins that need to get rewarded for kills and get punished for not getting any.
@ethanstyant9704 2 жыл бұрын
I remember when I started playing league me and the jg caught out a Yone in the side lane and he was able to win because every 4 seconds we were knocked up and he got a shield every 8. After "skillfully outplaying" us instead of backing after being at 80 health he Qed a minion twice and went up to half hp.
@youtubeveteran2745 2 жыл бұрын
let me guess, you're plat or lower.
@YWNBAW69 2 жыл бұрын
i wish every game of yours was like that
@Nalhy 2 жыл бұрын
that definitely happen
@kyledsouza1286 2 жыл бұрын
Number 1, Aurelian Sol. After terrorising the rift since release, Asol has consistently been the most OP champion despite Riot’s best efforts to fix this
@Mon01 2 жыл бұрын
I think u mean ryze
@ironintegral6631 2 жыл бұрын
@@Mon01 nah bro he's talking about rell
@mohammedalsma266 2 жыл бұрын
@@ironintegral6631 wait rell got released?!!!?
@lantami1199 2 жыл бұрын
@@mohammedalsma266 who?
@professeurmythologeek7695 2 жыл бұрын
@@mohammedalsma266 I thought they cancelled her release
@Snolem12 2 жыл бұрын
I see yone in the thumbnail and I already completely agree with this list
@sir_gregory3528 2 жыл бұрын
@sebaagers 2 жыл бұрын
@@sir_gregory3528 🗿
@TremiX911 2 жыл бұрын
when some1 says yone is broken i just spot bronze opinion
@sebaagers 2 жыл бұрын
@@TremiX911 he may be not broken However he is really overloaded. You cant change that fact
@titaniafae4114 2 жыл бұрын
@@TremiX911 broken or not he is overall just pretty annoying to deal with as a champion whether bad or good. Sorta like how people don't actually care as much if a champ is broken unless they are either outrageously broken to the point of them not being able to lose or they are just annoying. People call Yasuo broken whether how good or bad he is because he is simply annoying and I think the same applies to Yone. It's like how orianna was one of the biggest picks in pro play for a really long time but no ones complains about her since they don't find her kit as annoying.-
@gingerdude3666 2 жыл бұрын
I think Viego is one of the most counter intuitive designs in league. He feels as snowball and reset heavy as Master Yi, but he can punish you if he gets ahead OR if you get ahead, since he can steal your items. Considering his thematic as the Ruined King and the lord of the black mist, I've always thought an old-Mordekaiser style ult would fit him well if he ever came out, so when he was released, I was really disappointed.
@creaketh 2 жыл бұрын
Same. The champ is overloaded af, he only steals people's kits for their dashes and CC and then returns to Viego to be cancerously op again. I wish they would stop making auto attack champions, from the past 14 champions, 10 of the last 15 champions pretty much just auto attack you to death, some with a few abilities they throw in now and then. There's no room for outplay potential when being 20 meters away from them makes them immediately three-shot you with undodgable bullshit.
@titanofyoutube4834 2 жыл бұрын
The issue with viego is that his base kit is hot garbage. W and ult are super mediocre abilities in a vacuum, his E and Q are only OK, nothing special. His passive takes up way too much of his power budget, so he ends up being the only skirmisher in the game whose base kit offers basically no defensive options. Fiora has W and passive heal, sylas has W and E (possibly ult too), gwen W, jax R and E belveth has her E, kayn has E and R, kled has his passive, master yi has W, tryndamere has R and Q, yasuo has passive and W, yone has E and w, lillia has R and movespeed for kiting, riven has Q and E. Viego has nothing. If you can't straight up statcheck or one-combo your target, most other melee champs will dumpster you because they have something to help them survive, while the best viego gets is the camouflage on his e
@hoanganhngo7840 2 жыл бұрын
I hate Viego, or I would say, I so disapointed when he release. Swain, a general, stand for Noxus's "Vision"(W). Azir, the Emperor,has an entire army. Viego, Ruined King, who supposed to "command" the Mist: hide inside the Mist, hide inside other's body.When not, fight people with a sword. Just an angry simp.
@YanYanicantbelievethistakenffs 2 жыл бұрын
I have seen so many viegos turn into my suckass 0 7 jhin and try to do something that i dont hate him anymore.
@strongsuccessfulweeb1400 2 жыл бұрын
Me too. I thought the RK is a juggernaut. Or a battle mage like the Witch King and I always pictured him as an ugly pasty wraith with hints of his former handsome looks but just twisted but I guess he needs to be commercialized. Thus we got an edgy emo boy with a Walmart frostmourne
@necrolicious 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with you on Kennen, but my problem with Kennen is the braindead way players just E into your team, turn on ult, then turn on invincibility.
@gofrisuto Жыл бұрын
As a Kennen main, I hate that combo too. It's not fun, and it makes Kennen a truly ult dependent champ, disregarding everything else about him. That's why I usually don't buy Zhonya, unless necessary, and go for Riftmaker. It makes his ult less deadly, however he can actually use his other abilities, without dying after a single combo from a support.
@LPh976 2 жыл бұрын
The main issue of GP is the 40%armor ignored on kegs. I can understand that he is supposed to burst, but in lategame he legit burst even tanks. That and the fact that he is a lane bully, that scales incredibly, with free gold generation thanks to first strike and Q passive.
@pinkpaesh3474 2 жыл бұрын
Is so stupid that he gets 100% of the gold with first strike, he has way too much range and in toplane is literaly getting 50 gold every 25 secs
@googloocraft12 2 жыл бұрын
Your wrong he cant burst tank who know how to build correctly. Unless 4barrels is a one shot for you
@LPh976 2 жыл бұрын
@@googloocraft12 40% ignored armor, plus LDR, plus some lethality here an there. But please, tell me how to build against him. I remember barrels that dealt 1/2 of my health as cho'gath full armor with 12 stacks. That damage is just too much for a basic ability. Even if it is a very conditional skillshot, it hits too hard and if the enemy has no mobility it's not so hard to land
@Underworlder5 2 жыл бұрын
@@LPh976 i guess the hefty damage is supposed to be a reward for landing the move in the first place. theoretically you have to walk in the range of a very obvious trap, so either GP outplayed you or you were an idiot for moving in that range in the first place. the problem is the barrel can be stealthed in bushes, and GP can shoot a barrel THEN put a new one before the chain reaction is complete. the result is a surprise attack that can cripple teams and offers no risk to GP himself. at least assassins have to go in to do their damage. the balanced thing about this is that multiple barrels do not stack damage on the same champ, and the barrels themselves have a hefty cooldown. still a small consolation when two regular skills combined can be more potent than an ultimate
@LPh976 2 жыл бұрын
@@Underworlder5 in a teamfight, the tank cannot just "move away". Your duty is to eat slows/roots that would otherwise hit the dps, you have to be near the enemy to be of any menace (75% of your damage is close range). Moreover, it is not a flashy shot that you can have much time to dodge: wrt other flashy animations GP's is quite negligible and can be overlooked. Any skillshot "can be dodged" but almost none does the damage of a keg. Just to make a comparison: Rumble's R does a comparable damage, but you have plenty of time to move away, and it is an ultimate.
@VolodyaTheFroge 2 жыл бұрын
I dislike Senna very much. Lane bully who scales late, can afford to buy very expensive items because of her passive, can duel people despite being a support and has a very good supporting tools on top of that. She is often difficult to balance because of her kit. If she is strong, she is very unfun to play against in my opinion.
@creaketh 2 жыл бұрын
I hope she accidentally gets deleted forever. Or forced into the adc role where she belongs.
@verestoyjanos5013 2 жыл бұрын
I absolutely agree. I hate how she can deal so much fucking damage while healing her adc like a soraka.
@verestoyjanos5013 2 жыл бұрын
@@somebodyspecific2410 yeah i wasnt taking that seriously. Of course soraka has the best healing but an "adc" really shouldn't heal that much like senna.
@BrumBrum89 2 жыл бұрын
Lane bully and scaling, sounds familiar (Draven and Gp)
@matejazivkovic6471 2 жыл бұрын
How can I double like a comment?
@ahmedabdelkhalig6253 2 жыл бұрын
Even tho they have 200 years dashes or untargetability, Yone and yuumi can't dodge this list for sure
@sagirem 2 жыл бұрын
Add Bel’veth to it, she’s even worse than Yone in my opinion
@barnacle3214 2 жыл бұрын
@@aiogamesreal Useless but has a insanely high ban and pick rate. Despite that, also has a high win rate, even after the nerfs.
@sagirem 2 жыл бұрын
@@aiogamesreal yeah so I need to use the mechanic I don’t have ?
@chubbyanemone696 2 жыл бұрын
@@sagirem no CC?
@zandromex8985 2 жыл бұрын
@@aiogamesreal It doens´t disable the damage reduction...
@edmondt.edmonds5604 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with a lot of the ones mentioned in the comments so far, but my salt flavored choices are: pyke because I hate playing against a good one and I refuse to play him myself, and Kalista because I still have nightmares from when the meta favored her
@xox-lh6fh 2 жыл бұрын
Don't forget that if your own support picks pyke they think they have the right to take the kills even without there ult and when you "steal" them one kill they begin to mess up your farm...
@bandi642 2 жыл бұрын
kalista needs a rework cause she is either fucking shit or perma broken in pro play
@lantami1199 2 жыл бұрын
@@bandi642 r/RyzeMains would like a word
@bandi642 2 жыл бұрын
@@lantami1199 yeah thats the reason why ryze had like a rework per season
@GutGekon 2 жыл бұрын
@@lantami1199 7 time the charm
@Levimnat 2 жыл бұрын
The editing on this one was actually crazy good, not overedited, funny, cool style like damn stepped it up again
@xelastone 2 жыл бұрын
bel'veth for me. Its not that she is broken her damage numbers arnt amazing but playing against her makes me feel like no matter what I do she will escape and then scale to 5.0 attack speed at 20 min.
@Pteriidae 2 жыл бұрын
I don't want any champion removed from the game. I want champions that are annoying to face, have overtuned kits (not in numbers) or just plain stupid champions to be made fair to play both as and against. I'm aware that's wishful thinking and against the very biased nature of this video, but I can dream. And no, Yuumi does not count. I'm talking about champions, not items.
@Pteriidae 2 жыл бұрын
@@jaopedrorelesbeles As I said, since you didn't get the joke, we're talking about champions. Yuumi is an _item,_ it's not that she should be removed, it's that she should have never existed in the first place.
@jaopedrorelesbeles 2 жыл бұрын
@@Pteriidae oh sorry I hadn't read everything just the beginning 😞
@sucklemecockles541 2 жыл бұрын
yuumi is a dlc
@andrewswingle8825 2 жыл бұрын
@@Pteriidae but an item costs gold, so there needs to be a new name for what yummi is
@Pteriidae 2 жыл бұрын
@@andrewswingle8825 Sarcasm, people. There's a thing called sarcasm. If you're really hard-pressed to find the reasoning, the figurative gold you're paying is your sanity for having that abomination leech off of you for the entire game, _anything_ goes. Or, just like rune items, they do not need to be paid for, especially since it's someone else making the choice of picking her. Calling her an item is a far better option than the nasty leech that she is, since that would ruffle her mains' feathers the wrong way... If they could read.
@nikhilkundu4181 2 жыл бұрын
To be irredeemable the answers to the following questions must both be “no”: 1. Can their abilities be tweaked to fulfill their fantasy in a less toxic way? 2. Can their fantasy be changed to be less toxic? Here are some champions not already found in your video. Viego - Infinite abilities - normally after using all your abilities you are vulnerable until they come off CD - Viego just gets 3 free basics and a free R - R is unstoppable - possession grants extra healing AND untargetability for enough time to stall - effectively resets his abilities once, and then again when he returns to his base form (low CDs) Zilean - Chronoshift cuckold - Started when I saw Bjergsen pick him at Rift-Rivals or All-Stars - ruined the unga-bunga fights by reviving a teammate - turns slightly losing games into unwinnable games - R prevents pick-making for 6 seconds - E makes it impossible to run away from his team - needs reworking of both E and R to become less frustrating Pyke - Gold inflation - Quite common for Pyke to provide 3-6k gold to allies, not counting the gold he keeps for himself - doesn’t have to stay in-lane, can actually just move Bel’Veth - Infinite scaling for farming - in season 10 camps spawned every 2 minutes - Shyvana, Karthus, Master Yi could scale for existing - Riot explicitly stated it was a problem and increase spawn times to 2:15 - Bel’veth rewards the player for doing the same - also 30% + 2x lifesteal and 70% damage reduction on her E - Shieldbow + bork + BT + legend bloodline -> >100% lifesteal (: Tryndamere - Rarr - many of my friends have lost lane to a Tryndamere - because of his R he walks over them, stays ungankable, and kills our inhibitor at 16 minutes Katarina - full resets and partial ult reset - Tristana, Vex only reset their mobility, not their main damage abilities - Katarina expends her abilities on someone and then gets to do it again - see Viego for similar issues Yuumi - Untargetable - thought about a kit where Yuumi could apply buffs to a nearby ally - but she would have to stay close to them and use their body as a meat shield - maybe 10% less damage taken from targeted abilities while near ally
@kostii.220 2 жыл бұрын
That was very nice to read
@dawkinsrichard2743 2 жыл бұрын
for yuumi , maybe making her take a portion of the damage ( post mitigation damage ) taken by the ally she's attached to would fix the issue .
@pokepe12 2 жыл бұрын
For yuumi, they could also make her mana costs way higher, but also make her passive have almost no cooldown late game, so she is forced to get out to get more mana, would also make her have more skill expression since you need to know what times are safe to get out so you dont get hit by cc.
@spinosaurusaegypticus8341 2 жыл бұрын
btw bel veth's best item is kraken slayer
@t3hasansub170 2 жыл бұрын
I wish pyke even generated gold, with the recent nerfs now he's a useless ult bot :(
@DAN-gf3qx 2 жыл бұрын
I also want to piss people off, so i am gonna post my own list just to see how much we agree. 10: Kaisa, she is supposed to be the adc that "adapts" her build according to the situation but every kaisa will always build whatever lord mobafire said it has the best winrate. 9: Samira, she is yasuo but with extra range and a free aoe nuke that heals her and has no cooldown and the melee aa are extra damage for not kiting. 8: Quinn, unless she misplays, you cant get close to her as a melee champ in the top lane, so you cant play the game. 7: Rengar, if he is having fun, no one else is. 6: Fiora, she just beats you because haha %true damage + healing + dashes + slow + free crit, and riposte is just broken. 5: Le Blanc, if she gets one kill you cant play the lane anymore, and she is super safe. 4: Sylas, can fail every skill shot, gap close anyway with W, heals all his hp and can use every ult in the game. 3: Yone, the stronges champ in the game in my opinion, high physical/magic/true damage, free trades with E, tons of cc thanks to 3Q and R, good synergy with life steal, no mana costs, low cooldowns, Amazing Scaling, good early/midgame, no weaknesses 2: Akali, she is a fucking battlerite character in league of legends 1: Fizz, he always gets fed when i am not playing mid and then i have to face him when he already has 10 kills, fuck this champ. i will never stop banning him. Bonus: Nilah has every tool to handle range champs as a melee champion (extra aa range, W is literaly jax counter, and 2 targeted Dashes,), and also has giant value thanks to the extra healing and shielding, free armor pen, AND EXTRA EXP.
@beppermint4092 2 жыл бұрын
i didn't agree with several champions on the list but #2 cracks me up lmao
@loik1loik1 2 жыл бұрын
10, the fact that people are building a champion wrong doesn't mean it should be remeoved 9, agree 8, that's how every ranged top works 7, that's how assassins work 6, true but you forgot about the invincibility on her w 5, agree 4, agree, yone has only one weakness, yone players are shit at league 3, agree but not in a way you said it. For me the problem with sylas is he is basically unstoppable if you have a low damage comp in you team (2 or more tanks). If he can get a few items you basically can't kill him, and he does not have to hit anything for that to happen 2, agree 1, he's an assasin, and I don't know a single assassin which is fun to play against.
@doomkingraye7692 2 жыл бұрын
When kai'sa AP was meta, I built her AD galeforce Now the kraken slayer is meta, I still build galeforce I just enjoy rocketbelt and galeforce as items
@doomkingraye7692 2 жыл бұрын
I'd also argue that since you put both Samira and yone... You could consider yasuo Unlimited dashes and says no to the entire kit of half the champions in this game, playing control mage or adc against him is really reality really REALLY frustrating
@DAN-gf3qx 2 жыл бұрын
@@doomkingraye7692 that is the giga chad way to play kaisa, also, i dont know why but i just dont hate yasuo as much, he i really strong but at least i feel like i have windows to fight when he doesnt have his W, i still think he is strong, but i wouldn't remove him from the game, (actually, i dont want any champ to be removed from the game, with a few changes a lot of this champs would be cool, i just dont like them the way they are now)
@shunpofx 2 жыл бұрын
Akali 100%. Idk how they thought it was okay for her to have 3 dashes flying across the map. She's near impossible to gank because she can just shroud and get away, or ult away when she's in a tough spot. Not to mention she is able to build rocketbelt and zhonyas
@nnn4376 Жыл бұрын
Over the past few months Ive learned enough about the Akali matchup that I can go even with her. When playing into her as Shen top or mid I actually win most of the time now but I still hate playing against her. She's just so... exhuasting to lane against. "Oh Akali used shroud time to back off for 10s. Jungle's coming I'll posture up here- oh nevermind she used a dash to get away. Good thing I've got taunt, I can taunt her- oh she just used another dash to get out of it, down to my jungle's CC- nvm she just flashes away" She feels like a champ that is impossible to actually outplay, to the point where the only way you can kill her is by waiting for the Akali player to egregiously screw up.
@Himekocchi 2 жыл бұрын
"Camille has shit ton of durability and Sett's W has a big compensation" *3:07** ... Camille instantly loses more than half her HP for the horribly positioned MF and greedy af Viego, cant even get MF and is forced to pop stopwatch, only wins the fight because of Wukong and Swain being nearby and Ashe virtually AFK in that fight* This guy either has never played Camille or has no idea how that champion works. If it was a Sett he would just ult Viego into MF and kill them both alone.
@xox-lh6fh 2 жыл бұрын
Okay I can agree with your list but I have a deep personal grudge against senna. I am an adc main who prefers playing champs like xayah, aphelios and kai'sa, so very short ranged adc's. Normally that's not that much of a problem but against a senna sup I just can't play the game because she does so much damage while not having to farm, scaling infinatly, having aoe cc and healing for a tone. On top of that she also has her global ult so even if she is stuck in bot bullying me to all hell she can still shield her 1/5 irelia who gets the big shutdown on our jungler who gets instantly tilted and runs it down mid! Yeah I hate this champ...
@lucasgerosa4177 2 жыл бұрын
I never know how far I have to stand from her because her range scales infinitely. I hate it so much
@urmomvia 2 жыл бұрын
This... Idk why they made her as a support should have been another adc if u asked me
@urmomvia 2 жыл бұрын
Also her along with that pyke
@BioUmano 2 жыл бұрын
I hate it too, but I think that removal isn't necessary, she just needs a little rework
@connortravers2865 2 жыл бұрын
And she can build rapid fire cannon which makes her range so stupid
@noksi2001 2 жыл бұрын
After seeing the last few new champions I struggle to think that we actually need more champions
@phoenixflamegames1 2 жыл бұрын
We don’t but they bring in more money than reworks so....
@novaseer 2 жыл бұрын
There's plenty of novel champion designs that they could go for, they just... don't, and pander to highlight reels instead.
@Limrick1029 2 жыл бұрын
@@phoenixflamegames1 I really don’t believe Riot when they say that at all. You cannot convince me reworked Akali hasn’t brought in more money than any new champion since her rework. Same for Irelia, Kayle, Aatrox, etc.
@vector1084 2 жыл бұрын
@@Limrick1029 They actualy said reworks give more money, the problem with reworks is that they need to remake all skins AND remove a champion from the game(something "mains" hate), new champions are just easier to make and after some time people just forget about them.
@YWNBAW69 2 жыл бұрын
they haven't made enough overloaded mobile diversity quota champs yet
@victorzzt 2 жыл бұрын
The one not in the list I'd pick on the top is probably Viego, his passive grants him 15 basic abilities + 5 zhonya's + 5 stridebreaker + 5 heal in fight (if you only count till last enemy that's still 12+4+4+4) with that amount of value, his basic kit should be weak, but his basic kit also deals massive amount of damage that can 100-0 squishies, solokill normal jungler champion lv1-2, not to say there's excessive amount of bugs when stealing enemy champions.
@igrazm2437 2 жыл бұрын
Id be more fine with him if at least his base numbers were lower. instead he does the damage that most assasins can't do just with his lvl 6 powerspike, which already enables him to make kill chains if one squishy ends up exposed for even a short time. and then good luck catching him when he gets ahead with his two dashes stun and invis, most fed Viegos I've seen die to their own overagression, thinking their champ is even more op than he is.
@xanderalexander2545 2 жыл бұрын
Viego can't use enemy summon spells or active items
@creaketh 2 жыл бұрын
I wish he was locked in stolen champions' bodies for a few seconds instead of just using their dashes/CC then pressing R because Viego himself is 100x better than any champ he steals. His autos do ridiculous amounts of damage, which is partially because of items too. As an alternative to that, I'd love for Riot to just cut all item damage in half. I swear, look at the death recaps after dying to someone with Bork and Kraken Slayer, it's literally: Items - 1531 Auto attacks - 746 Abilities - 352 Like what is that?! People are actually playing items now instead of their champions and it's really infuriating. I can't ban items. It's not just Viego either, he's just a prime example of this.
@sarunightamber701 2 жыл бұрын
@@xanderalexander2545 so?xd
@xanderalexander2545 2 жыл бұрын
@@sarunightamber701 he cant use the zhone heals and strikebreakers in the original comment
@eretheltan609 2 жыл бұрын
If theres one champ i'd love to be removed that isn't included here, it would be senna. Its not that hard kill her yea but, when ur teammates feed the hell out of her it becomes a living nightmare to even fight her. Why they gave her Q a slow is beyond me. Shes long ranged, High dmg, Supportive, and scales even harder late game. Shes a support, idc if shes supposed to be an ADC support hybrid. You buthered pyke and you do nothing to her?
@warninja288 2 жыл бұрын
Yone is the Garen of mid lane but he actually scales. If you have a basic understanding of the game he's easier to play than Annie.
@Spedyboy 2 жыл бұрын
I love cass being in the game just for the fact that dodging her ult, picking that perfect timing to turn around, is so satisfying to pull off
@sveeme 2 жыл бұрын
And then you get stunned anyway HAHA
@freezy2613 2 жыл бұрын
try to play vex vs her and tell me if u still feel the same way
@gavabundo_0072 2 жыл бұрын
@@freezy2613 Vex is a Mage that is supposed to be trash against any other Mages.
@Cassicopium 2 жыл бұрын
@@freezy2613 burst vs dps will always be bad in extended trades, welcome to league
@Uberphish 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like they could do a lot to fix GP by just making Paarley a skillshot but letting it one-shot barrels regardless of health. Currently his only real counterplay if you can't hard-engage on him constantly is to hope that he runs _himself_ out of mana by farming for silver serpents, and good ones don't really do that.
@evenjesuscantsaveyouanymor6163 2 жыл бұрын
Skillshot sure, oneshoting barrels? HELL NO! Imagen prowlers into barrel q auto, you remove the skill part of the "conter play". If I see a gp on the enemy team I just hope that my adc picks jinx or cait and won't let him get a single barrel off or I go jinx top myself if we don't have enough range. Jinx with titanic, gale/eclips he won't be getting a barrel of anytime soon that's for fkn sure.
@IYPITWL 2 жыл бұрын
A good GP gets to the point where he can oneshot ranged minions with a barrel. Then it's off to the silver serpent races. Now that his flaming sword passive got buffed u really don't want to challenge him melee.
@The_White 2 жыл бұрын
@@evenjesuscantsaveyouanymor6163 Try Zeri, she is a professional anti-barrel person. She even destroys the old Barrrl In The Buah trick
@Uberphish 2 жыл бұрын
@@evenjesuscantsaveyouanymor6163 Yeah, rethought that one after posting it. Letting him just insta-combo barrels would get pretty bonkers pretty quickly. Might be able to justify making Q deal two damage to barrels rather than one, meaning he'd still have to wait for it to tick down once before firing. The big thing is mostly that he wouldn't be able to poke through minions/teams anymore, and that would be big.
@dxhynieee 2 жыл бұрын
trust me, i play gp myself and you would not like Q being a skillshot and oneshoting barrels.
@cutcutado 2 жыл бұрын
Y'know, I love this. The most based league content is the one you just throw stat aside and start full on malding.
@khaledyasser8293 2 жыл бұрын
Riven: Just bullshit stats. You can never really tell how much damage they're gonna do. One riven jumps on you and does a full combo and it does 100 damage, the other riven deletes you from full doing what looks like the same thing. Irelia: You can't just dash 10 times and heal to full mid fight. It feels so fking bullshit. Fiora: You can't just be an item down and win anyways because durability patch made you tankier while basically not affecting your damage at all. Also conceptually the champ makes no sense. You shouldn't have a "I win 1v1s" champ in the 1v1 lane. What if riot introduced a champ that can 1 shot any mage by right clicking them as soon as they have vision with global range? Would be bullshit right? And it wouldn't stop being bullshit when I say "Oh but it's the anti mage champ". In both cases you have similar counterplay. Heimerdinger: He will one shot you if you're melee and he can't do anything if you're ranged. Cringe. Ekko: Me see enemy. Me E Q auto. Combo no work. Me R back. Me see enemy. Me E Q auto. Combo Work. Profit. Katarina: I cannot compel my team to not int to her. No matter how behind she is she always comes back and wins. Viego: I shouldn't lose a fight after 3 enemies are down just because viego got a posses. Also he stacks conqueror in 1 and does Yi levels of damage with Kraken build. Bel'Veth: I know she's new, and I don't mind her most of the time, it's just that she has a fiora situation where she can beat any fighter a whole item down by pressing E. Yi's fine cuz at least he's killable, this shit ain't Yuumi: Duh Lulu: Remove her because of the playerbase that plays her. Hopefully hey quit. I also basically only play fighters, and I'm fine with hard counters like cassio and leblanc. Cuz even though I stand no chance to kill them it's pretty hard for them to run me down as well. But the above shit is not only unkillable for fighters, but also has no problem at all killing them or breaking their base.
@Adonisrose7493 2 жыл бұрын
The only two champ I think need to be removed are veigar and malphite edit: OH YEAH. YOU REMINDED ME HOW STUPUD KENNEN IS. Those are the only 3 I need gone. Everyone else can stay.
@H3kaman 2 жыл бұрын
honestly I feel like the one bad thing about yone is his passive, yone can already do really stupid dmg late game even if said yone is 0/10/0 because of the fact that all it takes is two weapons with 20% cr.
@creaketh 2 жыл бұрын
That and the amount of healing and shielding he gets with W and Shieldbow. The counterplay Yasuo has with his shield is that it can be easily be proc'd before a fight or trade and only comes back on his ultimate, plus it's much smaller (if Yone doesn't just hit creeps with his). It's so cringe how he can build his standard build every game without a single fuck and yet I'm forced to buy both anti-healing and the ONE anti-shielding item in the game, taking up 2 slots and costing a lot of gold just so I can play against this guy. This applies to high heal+shield champs in general, especially in solo queue where no one builds around you.
@azizabdul8914 2 жыл бұрын
this is what happens when you design a champion with the same principle of the previous ones but lower its skill ceiling and balance them in the same way as the previous champ, despite having a completely different gameplay. seriously, what's with Riot trying to make Yone the same as Yasuo while they plays completely different?
@yharleththegrandobserver236 2 жыл бұрын
@@creaketh oh and God help you if you're playing an ap champ, because you don't get an anti shield item and your anti heal item is even worse. Not only that, but the durability patch took away the one thing you could hope to do against yone as a mage: burst him down before he "dps's" you from 100-0 in 0.75 seconds.
@raindrops6985 2 жыл бұрын
@@yharleththegrandobserver236 You technically have shadowflame. Definitely not as good as serpent's fang, but it still is an anti-shield item.
@bumpwimp6554 2 жыл бұрын
@@creaketh no the downside to yasuo is that he needs some sort of setup while yone doesn’t. But it’s countered with the fact that yone isn’t nearly as good as a laner compared to yasuo. Yone has engage potential, team fight carry potential and scaling potential.
@suham5132 2 жыл бұрын
As akali main, i never had much problem laning against yone. I remember once I was 4/0 with akali and yone was 0/3 Was 1 item up and he didn't even have immortal sheildbow. Suddenly a teamfight broke in drake, i was pressuring top And boy, yone got 3 man ult on my backline, killed adc and sp and rest of the team cleaned up. Later , we lost the game and i was tearing my hairs.
@LordGoos 2 жыл бұрын
I can't feel sorry for you since you're an Akali main. You deserve it :)
@Pyrrha_Nikos 2 жыл бұрын
I remember one game I was 9/1 on Kindred and the enemy Akali was 2/6. She landed e on me, pressed q and r1, I was dead before I could press r. Next fight, she did the same, but through Hexdrinker. We lost the game and I permabanned Akali for 2 weeks after that Fuck Akali
@quincy7258 2 жыл бұрын
I must say, you are pretty brave for admitting you're an Akali main. We could never be friends, but you have my respect! 😂👌
@creaketh 2 жыл бұрын
@@Pyrrha_Nikos The only issue with Akali is that her E scaling is 90% ap and already has a lot of base damage. I've died 100-0 from just an Akali E Q before, even with MR. That ability is so overtuned.
@pullsane 2 жыл бұрын
@@Pyrrha_Nikos That had to be pre e and q nerf which happened early 2022 or maby late 2021 I can't quite remember We used to be able to q during e and w had a lower base energy cost giving us basicly q e 1 q e2 q r1 q damage which on a 2/6 Akali would mean arround 1600-1700 damage if she had Conq and Riftmaker at that point. We can only do e 1 e2 q r1 now which would be arround 900-1100 damage given we are missing 2-3 q's now, don't weave in passive auto and the damage has been nerfed in general. If this was recently she had to build hyper assasin instead of slayer having electrecute, sudden impact, night harvester and ignite. Which gives her stupid burst but she can't do much more than maby up to 2000 damage in one combo at that poinz where u throw out and hit your entire ability list and you are super super squishy with that build. So basicly one cc and you are dead. Everything else would be mathematicly not possible. I have 780 Mastery Points on her. I know the math. I am sorry if it feels like this champion is not fun to play against but akali is really hard to play got nerfed really hard over the years and had a 42-45% winrate for late S10 till this winter when her stupid broken Korean Tank build was found which was nerfed twice in a row making many people play her who can't play which inturn would be a good thing for you. Moreover how do you think assasins feel like when u can just deny their existence and entire kit with one correctly timed R. The reason so many people probably hate her is because of prior seasons where she was ngl absolutly busted and she is quite strong in the hands of someone who knows her ins and outs. If you see an Akali player in todays times you are probably fighting someone with lots of experience on that champ and that is annoying to play against regardless of who it is. If you have problems with the champ I can gladly give you some tips how to counter her more effectivly.
@elastores5051 2 жыл бұрын
My personal hate champ is Viktor. Even though his E is a "Skillshot" its almost undodgable poke with super high range and no interaction, other than being forced to backport after tanking too many of 'em.
@iUseDemFrapz 2 жыл бұрын
yeah i play him a lot he feels like he has no counterplay. He has so little bad matchups and is so hard to punish for anything. Very obnoxious to play against.
@troyjohnson2137 2 жыл бұрын
@@iUseDemFrapz constant harass, an incredible zoning tool, and that neat little mini fiddle ult make him a permaban for me
@пароход-ш5ь 2 жыл бұрын
@zodiacsagittarius344 2 жыл бұрын
If u didn’t know u should’ve played him before his rework. His E has burn damage that could one shot anyone it was disgusting but fun. It was during the time when one Cass Q or Nida spear can oneshot you
@CSEabdulalimkhan 2 жыл бұрын
That e needs to be slowed down. You need to start dodging it when his 3rd arm moves. If the beam is out, you can't dodge.
@fidelregueiro2803 2 жыл бұрын
Im suprised viego is not here. I think he is the worst offender by far, he just does nothing, gets a random reset, blows all its new cooldowns and executes you with ult, repeat. Easy as hell snowball, and at the same time he can't be behind.
@Levimnat 2 жыл бұрын
I think viego is kinda fine now because his base kit is so standard, he has a stun, a stab and some mist. He only has one thing that makes him really annoying which is the resets but there are loads of champs that have one thing that's really busted about them. Pyke R, Illaoi E, Sion Passive etc but the rest of their kit is fine so they arn't that bad
@fidelregueiro2803 2 жыл бұрын
@@Levimnat You cant compare any other champion reset with viego reset, he resets an execution ultimate + a whole kit. He can be fine in numbers but he will always be a stat stick with an overpowered passive. Look proplay, he has been meta since release, and will always be, because a single random reset gives you a fight.
@Levimnat 2 жыл бұрын
@@fidelregueiro2803 I agree his reset is really stupid but I still don't think he should be here because the rest of his kit is so tame. I also only compared his reset with Pykes because pyke's R is just as overtuned, Its an AoE Dash execute that ignores shields and grants his team bonus gold. I think for viego to make the list of stupid designs he would have to be better in neutral or disadvantage (not in terms of gold) because right now hes only broken when he's in advantage state (that being after getting a reset).
@luckypeanut9943 2 жыл бұрын
I can respect losing to a gp, it takes a good amount of hours to get that skill Meanwhile senna has been an absolute monster since release but because her thematic sells so well they'll never truly balance her. She gets insane poke, can easily sustain in lane with grasp while scaling on health, and gets free crit/lifesteal. I'm a tank support main so that's probably where my resentment comes from
@CSEabdulalimkhan 2 жыл бұрын
Tank support mains aren't real. Therefore you don't exist. This message was bought to you by kraken slayer and so many champs that have built in true dmg in their kits.
@wuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwu4376 2 жыл бұрын
gp require no skill nowadays bruh, just like he said in the video; poke with q, put barrel on your feet to be safe, w if cc'ed and ult bot before they fight. and you dont need to be faker to pull of a barrel combo, you can almost master barrel combos after like 20 games of course stuff like one-part is harder im talking about just basic 2-3 barrel chain combo. GP was such a cool champ for me but now he is just cancer.
@chowderr8740 2 жыл бұрын
For me (in order) 10: Brand He just does way to much damage even as support, i don't think he is that strong as a champion but its personally irritating to get 100 to 0'd by a brand support with 1 item 9: Malzahar Literally the most interactive boring champ to play and to play against. Also can just makes the game unfun for 1 person with his R 8: Vayne Im a sion main, nothing much more needs to be said 7: Diana Very low skill assassination combo with huge dash while having a super ultimate and great scaling (plus has the luxury to build zhonyas bc ap) 6: Shaco You can never kill him while he just runs around places boxes and doing nothing helpful for his team while being nothing more then an annoyance to my team 5: Eveylnn Very poor design champ that does nothing for her first 6 levels then suddenly can win a game all by herself after a single double kill 4: Fiora PERCENT HEALTH TRUE DAMAGE HAHAHAHAHAHA 3: Yone This video already explains my dislike for yone 2: Gangplank He may have a really high skill celing but even an infant ape whos blind can Q spam in lane and just win the lane that way 1: Kayn I. Hate. Kayn.
@kazeryuu3603 2 жыл бұрын
I feel you bro I also have a HUGE hate for Kayn
@chowderr8740 2 жыл бұрын
@@mythmage8231 i think a better way for me to put it is evelynn is either useless or absolutely dominating, no in between.
@mythmage8231 2 жыл бұрын
@@chowderr8740 She can dominate if the enemy team AFKs in front of her for a bit
@creaketh 2 жыл бұрын
Respectable list. I miss when Diana's Q didn't explode and her dash was her ult. She still did a lot of damage, but she actually had counterplay back then. Also Guinsoos should be removed to make Vayne, Kog'Maw and a few other champions balanced.
@datzfatz2368 2 жыл бұрын
based list, but aany of these lists that dont contain pyke are objectively wrong lul^^ (mostly kidding but im really not)
@callmeandoru2627 2 жыл бұрын
It's actually kinda what Riot did with Wild Rift. The majority of the most hated champs are either not in the game, or reworked
@giovanniarana5619 2 жыл бұрын
Yasuo,Yuumi,Irelia,Katarina and Fiora?
@casualmarkit9969 2 жыл бұрын
@@giovanniarana5619 Katerina got massively reworked on transfer because an item here is Broken and hitting her was easier to do; Irelia had to be reworked to *function* on a mobile platform and the AI for not manually using Q is worse than an Iron player and thats the only way to even remotely copy the pace of PC irelia. Camille lost her ability to make sheen items true damage on transfer. Other than that there is no contest to that list. Also you forgot Riven, a horsewoman of toplane, joined too and they preserved her down to a T in all but specific numbers.
@casualmarkit9969 2 жыл бұрын
Though i will give credit in that OP said *Most* of the hated ones arent here and not all.
@crazyperson2733 2 жыл бұрын
​@@casualmarkit9969 Wait Camille is stronger at the non mobile version???
@casualmarkit9969 2 жыл бұрын
@@crazyperson2733 No, she is FAR stronger pc. PC she can convert all of any sheen's damage into True damage with Q2, which is missing from WR. In WR they also nerfed the true damage early game. It deals 40% damage at ability lvl 1. Meaning it deals less damage than Q1 against all enemies you encounter, and the reason i bring this up is because im mentioning ways WR handled the super annoying and rage inducing parts of champ's kits, and they removed 2 of them for Camille. Sheens converting to true damage and excessive amounts of true damage at all points in the game; she literally cannot do the former and she only has decent or excessive true damage as early as the mid game, meaning she lost any meaningful amounts in lane and that was half the true damage related frustrations simply Removed. She is 100% very balanced in WR compared to PC Camille. As anti Tank is always Anti champ she is still frustrating to fight at all points as anyone (assuming a good Camille player) as thats the point of her design basically, but she is in a FAR healthier place than PC in WR.
@cloudynguyen6527 2 жыл бұрын
Shaco: hard to catch up due to true stealth Camille: easy access to true damage Yuumi: shift her pressure for free to ally Kayn: 2 empowered version of Kayn turns high risk high reward to low risk high reward Gangplank: physical damage control mage, an OP archetype Leblanc: juggernaut stands no chance against her Cassiopeia: very strong cc especially ground from miasma Akshan: abomination of overloaded kit with no personality Yone: he may not forgive Yasuo his kit forgives players for being bad Kennen: huge advantage for being energy base so he can spam skill as long as he has health
@redgoesfaster5792 2 жыл бұрын
If I had to remove one champ it would have to be Warwick. Warwick sorta just… stops taking damage when he gets low.
@Benjilovescats 2 жыл бұрын
Teemo is invisible that’s why he wasn’t shown
@thechainwarden 2 жыл бұрын
Aside from Yone and Yi I really hate Ekko. Specifically his ultimate. You miss played and dived right in the middle of the enemy team missing every ability? Any other champion would just at that point die but Ekko gets to press the undo button and be turned invincible, moved back to where he was before, be healed and do some damage. It's so stupid. Every champion should be punished for misplays or being outplayed but not Ekko apparently.
@kadalix 2 жыл бұрын
ikr! idk why tf ekko HEALS thanks to his fucking ult because LORE WISE, IT MAKES NO SENSE if you've watched the ekko cinematic ("seconds") he CLEARLY RETAINS THE INJURIES HE HAD WHEN HE TIME TRAVELS WHY DOES HE HEAL HIS ENTIRE HEALTH BAR WHAT
@claudionosotti8812 2 жыл бұрын
This. + the fact he has a stacked kit that gives him shield, cc, a double gap closer, attack enhancement, long range-low mana poke that also procs the stacks of his bonus dmg passive TWICE, both his passive and his w gives him bonus dmgs, his passive gives him ms. Why he has so much in his kit. He was Akshan way before we got Akshan.
@The_White 2 жыл бұрын
@@claudionosotti8812 Not only does he get a shield HE GETS A SHIELD TWICE HIS HP, Sett's max grit haymaker shield is small compared to Ekko W
@uknlogic2924 2 жыл бұрын
@@claudionosotti8812 exactly! The only reason why people why no one mentions him is since he isn't like every game popular like yone or kane
@solidderx7 2 жыл бұрын
@@kadalix He doesn't retain his injuries, he retains the memory of the pain of the injuries he just sustained 4 seconds ago
@ossessionw 2 жыл бұрын
This video was fun. I love hearing a channel that's usually calm and composed just be as biased as possible lmao
@luwai8686 2 жыл бұрын
I'd love more lighthearted content like this, sometimes the usual design videos get stale. Keep it up!
@matusdurovec2734 2 жыл бұрын
if you are a toplaner and you dont put fiora on this list you are low elo change my mind
@SirLANsalot 2 жыл бұрын
Surprised that Akali and Katerina are not on this list, as those two can outright win a game on their own. They are true feast or fammine champs, if fed, game is pretty much over unless you can focus your hard CC on them.
@Barnesofthenorth 2 жыл бұрын
"Assassins are meant to be high risk high reward" The boat has long since sailed on that. Kha has him jump for a free escape and stealth, Talon jumps over any wall, Zed shadows away, Shaco has everything to escape forever, Kayne can cross a billion walls. Honestly at this point in the game it feels like assassins are the safest class to play, they've given them just a ton of escape tools to make sure that if they don't get that kill they don't need to be punished.
@lemon3389 2 жыл бұрын
I mean...yes and no Kha'zix needs evolved wings AND a kill for jump reset. That's technically safe, but also very conditional Talon jumps over any wall...unless he jumps over it to gap-close or engage Zed same. You want your shadow for damage, not escape. His ult is much more of an escape tool than his W Shaco yes. he's very safe. Kayn, well, his E does have a long cooldown, but I kinda agree it's quite safe. It's nowhere near braindead, but it's very safe I'm surprised you didn't mention Evelynn though. Honestly.
@Jacob-zn6ov 2 жыл бұрын
yk that assasins are supposed to have mobility and outplay potential right and zed has one of the shorter dashes compared to most assasins most of what he has is reposition but its predictable
@creaketh 2 жыл бұрын
@@Jacob-zn6ov Yeah, Zed is definitely balanced and has a lot of counterplay. Kha'Zic and Shaco are very irritating and don't have so much. They really need to add a true-visio-granting support item to the game, even if the active only lasts a few seconds.
@creaketh 2 жыл бұрын
@@lemon3389 You realize Duskblade alone nullifies all of your counterarguments.
@Barnesofthenorth 2 жыл бұрын
@@Jacob-zn6ov I mean that's my point, he said they were high risk high reward, but in lol having a load of mobility makes you low risk, and all assassins have loads of mobility so are low risk.
@greatgatorgaming6024 2 жыл бұрын
Well we know yone and yuumi are gonna be on there. It’s time to theory craft the other 8 bois.
@warudobaby5625 2 жыл бұрын
Akshan maybe
@daine322 2 жыл бұрын
maybe some of the more hardcore balance nightmares like ryze that you really can't fix without either making him unplayable in soloq/proplay or throwing the entire champion gimmick out the window.
@Gamber63 2 жыл бұрын
Akshan, Ryze, Katarina, Master Yi, Tryndamere, Viego, Graves, Fizz These, no matter strong or weak, no matter the elos, they still cause lots of troubles bcz their whole gimmicks is doing more harm than good to the game is just toxic.
@andrewpalella9923 2 жыл бұрын
Personally I dislike kayle. The fact that she scales so hard off of levels, doesn't have the worst early game, and the fact that if you play correct and zone hard and play aggro it's a jungle magnet
@andreijorge7084 2 жыл бұрын
She's like the worst champ in the game if you can't abuse kayle's early game then you don't deserve to win
@st1lysh35 2 жыл бұрын
nah man she has the worst early game. I also dislike kayle bcs she will not fight u in lane therefore u can t get fed if u play better than her as she sits in her tower. U can t dive her neither bcs she has R, and even if u play better than her, in late game she still absolutely destroys you bcs she is so op at lvl 16 and if she ults herself she can still attack u at the end of her R but she remains dmg immune for a second. So boring to play, so boring to play against
@matthewporter7871 2 жыл бұрын
Doesn’t have the worst early game? If I don’t have a kill or 20 CS lead on Kayla by level 6, either I got ganked or I REALLY messed up.
@andreijorge7084 2 жыл бұрын
@@matthewporter7871 true if you lost lane against Kayle it's simply a top difference
@RiverNunu 2 жыл бұрын
That just means you don't play correctly. As simple as that.
@kickless7776 2 жыл бұрын
Xerath q range being the same length as your monitor is fun
@iridradiant 2 жыл бұрын
The champions with the "pull you out of position" abilities - Blitzcrank and Pyke especially. At least with the diving abilities, the enemy doing so is putting themselves in bodily harm's way, including Lee Sin diving in to kick you away. Blitz and Pyke? Nah. You can be doing just fine positioned under your tower and/or with your team then get hit with ONE ability and suddenly you're in the middle of their team getting dogpiled while they remain grouped up and safe. Thresh's is almost ok because it doesn't pull you that far and he has to dive in to basically use the rest of his kit.
@hansrajbhogal4762 2 жыл бұрын
Just listing a few that I think could have been on this list that weren’t already mentioned Akali - 3 in built kit dashes, flash and rocket belt. Her W gives her MS, camouflage, and extra energy… 3 buffs from one button (and imagine it made her invis under turrets at one point too). Makes it almost impossible to engage on unless you have a lot of skill shots and ganks or counter picks. Trynd - just his ult, your team have to sacrifice a lot of CC to deal with him and you’re limited to your picks. Unless you already have decent CC he can just perma split and win. Quinn - her ult being on such a low cool-down and giving her so much MS that you have to keep constant map awareness cause she will everywhere all the time. More annoying than broken, but just makes you have to play safe whenever she disappears off the map
@Adonisrose7493 2 жыл бұрын
Akali has 3 dashes, but so does Ahri. The difference though is that Akali needs to be in range to use her first ult, but Ahri can use hers any time and also resets on kills. She also has cc and built in healing. I don’t think she needs to be removed, she’s fine. She’s just fucking annoying to catch. That’s just a personal gripe. Edit: I’m sure you don’t care, but I do main Akali, that’s the only reason I responded. I don’t really care if people like her or not, I just never liked when people say some champs are busted when there are champs that can do everything one can, but better or more often. Like people saying Gwen needs to be nerfed when fiora can do the exact same things as her (albeit, with a bit more skill. But also a bit less punishing and can provide healing for the entire team.)
@CSEabdulalimkhan 2 жыл бұрын
@@Adonisrose7493 as a sett main, i will say that any champ that needs to get close to burst me but doesn't have much health isn't broken. You have to come in my E range, not lose around 70% of your ms(because stride and the other 30% slow item) and disengage with enough dmg on me to make the trade even worth anything.
@ethanstyant9704 2 жыл бұрын
@@CSEabdulalimkhan God I hate how brainless Sett is. I first timed a Sett against a Mastery 5 Darius and fucking rocked his shit because of how branded easy he is
@CSEabdulalimkhan 2 жыл бұрын
@@ethanstyant9704 that's why sett doesn't have any escape or engage. You have to force a engage, hold it, maybe die or hope your team comes to help, and move on. Also one of the worst stat scaling and beginning stats in the top lane. Sett feels braindead cause he plays like a fighting game character instead of a moba character. But in mid elo people are going to never engage you and deny all farm if possible. But yes, sett is braindead.
@nooscrim3674 2 жыл бұрын
I love how you indirecty said that Yuumi is just an OP item
@luminocat2107 2 жыл бұрын
Nilah in her current form, just remove her befor she even gets to exist on the public servers xD
@Jhadahhh 2 жыл бұрын
I find nila almost balanced(not counting numbers, just the kit). She is bound to duo lane for her passive, but she has really low range and to increase it a bit she has to spend mana every 4 seconds, the dashed have huge cooldown like sira, but they don't reset like her. She has armor pen and heal only when she has crit, so she will basically don't have it in laning phase. They will remove the thing that she can dodge tower aa and her ult is like orianna but she has to be in the middle of ppl so as a squishy it's understandable she can dodge things. Her early lane is shit so just play Lucian or Caitlyn and don't let her farm.
@nikolakrastev8880 2 жыл бұрын
fully agree
@Autoswitched 2 жыл бұрын
3:28 "Fiora is much easier to kite" She gains 20-50% move speed when she hits a vital, and she can press r to also gain this move speed for 8 seconds. Her q is a dash on a 6 second cd at rank 5 that goes down to 3 if she hits a target WITHOUT any ability haste, imagine with ability haste. If you think this is much easier to kite, idk what game we're playing here.
@Autoswitched 2 жыл бұрын
@Nathan Waterser Her hookshot can be cancelled with cc if timed correctly, fiora can parry any attempt to cc her during her q dash lol, and will instead stun you the target
@xdrago1051 2 жыл бұрын
@@Autoswitched camille's q also Grant's her ludicrous amount of movespeed, and with trinity it's like double your movespeed. They can both easily stick to you once already in range but camille can do so from much farther away, hookshot has like triple fiora Q range
@Autoswitched 2 жыл бұрын
@@xdrago1051 She has to hit you with the q at melee range to get the move speed for 1 second. Fiora can just press her r button or hit a vital in the general area. Once again, hookshot can be cancelled and has a 12 second downtime at max rank. Fiora q has a 2 second downtime if she hits a champ/minion with a few items. You can cc camile whilst she's mid air, and simply escape. Fiora you cannot do this as ccing her risks you eating a parry into stun thus making her impossible to kite.
@xdrago1051 2 жыл бұрын
@@Autoswitched fioras parry stun is a rarity, I rarely get hit by it and rarely hit it on others unless telegraphed. Not to mention not every champ has cc. You're acting like her parry is a 100% stun when in reality 99% of the time you just predict their cc and pray they try it Camilles q cd is so low you can always keep the movespeed up, Camille can use e twice in all in's usually, alongside R, and her 80% slow off w. Camille also has more effective engage to actually stick to her target. While I believe camilles harder to escape, they're both hard and camille has more effective range. So camille wins when it comes to engaged and overall stickiness.
@zura2263 2 жыл бұрын
fiora is hard to kite, camille is impossible to kite
@shojinsensei 2 жыл бұрын
I personally think every champ has a place in league no matter how much I hate them, except for Akshan, this champ just shouldn't exist. Most hated champions for me tho are probably: Akshan, Shaco, Xerath, Zac, Nocturne, Kayn, Amumu, Vex, Olaf and Ziggs
@walkelftexasranger 2 жыл бұрын
There's only one champ I want to remove and it's Bel'veth. Otherwise I have no problem with most champs. Only champs I have problem with are new ones/stat checkers, but rather than removing them I would rework/rebalance them.
@creaketh 2 жыл бұрын
That's fair. I hate Bel and stat sticks too. I love the concept of outplay so seeing the enemy delete me by clicking on me once with a targetted ability or auto attack and makes me so depressed. Many tanks too, since they have so much CC, damage and HP/resistances. Very uninteractive.
@kevinhowe543 2 жыл бұрын
*Laughs in fed crit Garen*
@pyjaman6017 2 жыл бұрын
My list: - Veigar: best cc skill ? easy infinite AP stacking ? Massive outplay potential with his ultimate ? count him in - Yuumi: hate playing with her, against her, as her - Master Yi: "just cc him lel". Hopefully he'll never get tenaci- nevermind - Zeri: even Riot doesn't know what to do with her since she gets buffed/nerfed every patch - Illaoi: "just dodge her e" - Yorick: "just dodge his e" but unironically - Yone: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA - Ryze: just free the poor souls that still main this guy
@TheFlashyLucario 2 жыл бұрын
I hate Illaoi so much, I’m a top lane Mundo main and whenever I have to pick before the enemy top laner I have a 90% chance to fight her and even if I perfectly poke her to near death and fight her at level 6 at full hp I still lose because of that stupid ult that one shots me and heals her
@nox_cadit 2 жыл бұрын
Veigar is so ridiculously outplayed that including him on the list just cause of his cage, his infinite AP scaling in a game that is evermore faster and ending before he can even get enough AP, and because of his ult that completely fits the character theme, is just bs. I'm main mage, and if one knows how to deal with him, then you're screwed. You have a terrible low range, you have no mobility, your cage is easily avoidable, and the ult you have to be really close to use it. It's only fair that he gets this "massive outplay potential" with his ult, he's slow as fuck and don't have mobility, what do you want?😂😂
@ondrahorsak1927 2 жыл бұрын
Gp is understandable, but I would argue, that he is balanced around how difficult he is… what I have in mind is timing barrels, passive resets, and one parts. You can easily tell a good gp from a bad one as soon as he gets lvl 3.
@OSKR-uz2wt 2 жыл бұрын
He isn't difficult, its just so easy to mess up with him
@ondrahorsak1927 2 жыл бұрын
@@OSKR-uz2wt how’s it different?
@khbeoze 2 жыл бұрын
@@ondrahorsak1927 Champions that can one shot you with a single spell shouldn't be in the game, that's all
@davide.schiaffino 2 жыл бұрын
@@khbeoze We'd have to get rid of 30% of the roster lol
@titaniafae4114 2 жыл бұрын
I am not gonna lie. currently he can hit you with a q and do like 70% of your health pretty regularly so I honestly am gonna have to disagree. Barrels are definitely annoying but lord he does ridiculous dmg rn.
@Webxs231 2 жыл бұрын
While I agree with like 80% of this list there are four champions that feel missed their spotlight in this video for similar reason listed here, those champion being sylas, katarina, and especially ekko and Diana. The four of these champion prove almost without a doubt that mage items are subpar at best and that it’s the kits that make the champ, Diana and katarina prove this really well with the new meta bruiser and tank build using divine sunderer and sunfire aegis and still nuking the whole team with a low cdr ult, then ekko does that same effect one shots a team just with ult but also heals all dmg just taken, but that’s not even his op part, his passive that does 1100 dmg on third hit plus the ability dmg, then sylas, a dash into a heal into a knock up into a high dmg q then autos that shred in a aoe, oh just to then steal any one’s ults, maybe even these op ults listed here but even better. So point being just imagined if they actually made good ap items and these champs got ahold of them, nerfed immediately
@jackcabaniss9571 2 жыл бұрын
Can we talk about removing ults? Because I would love to see Qiyanna's, Tryndamere's, and Olaf's ults completely destroyed
@ahlannoursencio4722 2 жыл бұрын
Oh don't worry my dear. Olaf's ult is completely changed. To fk u and your entire team, rendering ur ccs worthless, while his w will fk up ur anti heal, and make u shut the fk up, and u're to speechless to even rant, as he 1v5s u and the br
@danielwoods3896 2 жыл бұрын
Why Qiyannas?
@CSEabdulalimkhan 2 жыл бұрын
A champ that's like kayo from valorant? Might be interesting.
@jackcabaniss9571 2 жыл бұрын
@@danielwoods3896 Because its like a three second stun that deals 500 damage and has no counterplay whatsoever because the area of effect is so big
@danielwoods3896 2 жыл бұрын
@@jackcabaniss9571 No counterplay? The area of effect isn't hard to dodge at all. If she's on top of you you were most likely going to die anyways.
@bDe4d 2 жыл бұрын
I'd definitely delete Brand It's just unfair how much dmg he can deal
@pointlessfeather5830 2 жыл бұрын
Yepppp.... brand is stupid af
@bDe4d 2 жыл бұрын
It's just plain stupid when me and my adc are outdps'd by a "support"
@abutterfly1351 2 жыл бұрын
Since I'm a support main, I've LOVED the small taste of 200 years that Senna has provided, so much so to the point where she became my main. In League, most overloaded champions are annoying skirmishers that exist in the top lane. Personally, I hate going against them, but I also hate playing them too due to personal tastes, so I cannot really take advantage of their existence. However, Senna has permanently scaling AD and AUTO-ATTACK RANGE, AoE damage, lots of healing, camoflauge for the team, and a global ult that both does sniping damage and can single-handedly protect an entire team. She also has a Jhin-style passive that makes kiting on her much easier compared to high attack speed marksmen. They took a marksman, which is a class I enjoy but cannot play well, but put it into a support WITH OVERLOADED MECHANICS. She also has a crit build, a lethality build that makes her vision control uncontested with Umbral Glaive, and even a tank build. Her only downside is her CC being somewhat lacking, but her root can still hit an entire team, and its range is still insane. I'm glad that she was the first POC woman in the game, tied into the lore well, and combined my two favorite playstyles while adding a bunch of unnecessarily strong stuff on top. Even then, she's not that bad to begin with compared to a lot of the more recent champions.
@demiurge67321 2 жыл бұрын
dude same man i love playing her too. i cannot play marksman because i get tunnel vision so senna was perfect to climb for me . but she was nerfed to the ground last patch in wildlife .
@aidanspence1178 2 жыл бұрын
Should do a video on "The problem with High-Skill Champions" or something like that. This is because I've noticed a lot of the community's most hated champions are mechanically demanding. All the Four Horsewomen of Top Lane, Gangplank, Leblanc, Qiyana, Akali, Zed, Katarina, stuff like Zeri, Samira and Pyke down in botlane, and probably some more I can't think of right now. Now that I look at the list, you could probably do to add that assassins especially suffer from this problem. I have my own reasons for why I think these parallels exist, but I think it would be really cool to hear your take.
@tonguepop9453 2 жыл бұрын
its a simple answer most of these champs are suppose to be high skilled but they really arent and their kits are too forgiving for the skill level that should be required to play them. pyke for example is an assassin support that is suppose to ks. you would think to counter his damage they would make him really squishy and once he is caught he is dead but no, he gets a speed boost that allows him replenish missing health and go invisible. so he can basically get out of any bad situation easily, and almost everyone of the champs you mentioned have similar abilities.
@The_White 2 жыл бұрын
@@tonguepop9453 Well, he IS very squishy, having 1300 HP lvl 18. He is just very slippery
@sirnick12 2 жыл бұрын
Simply the skill they need to be used well needs some reward. And that reward is performing better than their "noskill" counterparts. While on paper it sounds ok in practice it feels like one person is playing a soloplayer game. Instead of the game being a tactical and strategy based battle there is one person having all the tools and you just have to wait for them to screw up. By giving one player agency it takes away ot from the other. That is basically why they had to make THE hugh skill ceiling champion, Azir, basically unplayable.
@zer0sevenine153 2 жыл бұрын
Kind of funny how everyone thought that Aphelios would be the most cancerous to go up against just cause of the overloaded kit. Now thinking about it, playing him is fun and i maybe know only like ten people who dislike playing against him. I'd rather face aphelios all day than have one game against a sweaty bald akali main dude..
@aidanspence1178 2 жыл бұрын
@@zer0sevenine153 Aphelios is how to do a difficult champ right imo. Most of the skill in playing him lies in game knowledge, and that's a lot harder to master than mechanics. Same with stuff like TF.
@Lecheconplatanoxd 2 жыл бұрын
I hate champions that reward not interacting with the enemy, especially with how soon lategame picks scale nowadays, Azir, Anivia, Corki, Vladimir, Viktor and Veigar just hit waves on autopilot until they can wipe out entire teams and durability patch didn't help as now they are imposible to force out of lane.
@brianlamptey4823 2 жыл бұрын
Lux, Morgana, Master Yi, Miss Fortune, Caitlyn, Swain, Katarina, Akali. I'm out of champions. For background on Caitlyn I used to struggle against her, then I got like a 70+%wr against her, but still banned her for how annoying she is. Katarina is wildly inconsistent. She's either behind and useless or ahead and can't be stopped because her entire combo casts faster than your one ability leaving you little to no room to either avoid her or fight back. Lux just throws out 'skill' shots without concern for mana until one hits then you're toast, but still has more movement speed than many ranged champions with less range than her(but still needs a shield btw) and completely retarded hitboxes/cooldowns riot refuses to change. Morgana is just a different kind of Lux. Both of these champions show that you don't need to be good at landing skillshots to succeed with mages. Miss Fortune is to marksmen what Lux is to mages. Someone can lack the fundamental skills of a class and still be more successful than those who have it with this one.
@charliepea 2 жыл бұрын
Yone (obviously), Yasuo, Riven, Fiora, Irelia, Yuumi, Master Yeet, Fish, Vayne, and Katarina. They're all so annoying with their insane mobility, OPness, and toxic playerbase.
@tspithas6862 2 жыл бұрын
Noo vayne ... I get it I have Lovehate relationship with her and she is my main
@creaketh 2 жыл бұрын
"Fish" lmao I think Fizz and Riven aren't so bad, but pretty good list overall
@noodlesandeggs1512 2 жыл бұрын
My list of 10 champs I want removed 10: Olaf- What even is Olaf? He literally gets in your face and wins the game. His ult makes him immune to crowd control, Q spam lv 1 is annoying af, and he gets a shield and attack speed oh and true damage. Does not help that his design is lazy and unoriginal. 9: Malzahar- Versing Malzahar in midlane to me is torture. Point-and-click mini ignite that also attracts all 30 of his pets, a projectile that silences making it hard to play neutral or chase him down, and his stupid ult that is like (hahaha you can’t play the game now I win.) 8:Shaco- Literally the exact same reasons as you said. While I saw the Shaco player in the clips is trolling both the enemy and ally team, I was just crying in the corner. 7:Irelia- Good lord what the hell is this?Has infinite dashes it feels like, that annoying projectile that freezes you in place, all while pelting you with high damage while you try to crawl to tower for safety. Rinse and repeat until you die. Does not help that her dashes heal her when she kill minions and she is a 1v5 hypercarry. (Also very personal opinion, she looks like such a brat especially her splash art) 6: Yummi- Same as Shaco, you said it perfectly. I heard from someone that she is just a “glorified item” and that couldn’t be anymore true lmao 5: Morgana- No…just no. As a Rakan and Rell sup, she’s the bane of my existence. Dark Binding makes it so I can’t engage or run away, a shield that protects from CC, and her ult which if timed perfectly, can win teamfights. 4: Warwick- It’s a shame I put him here. I love his design but Warwick to me is toxic as hell. The fact that he can just press E and R and win fights while healing is freaking mental. His W makes it so I can almost never push my lane. He’s a well balanced character I just hate playing against him Edit: I feel like Warwick probably does not deserve this spot now thinking about it. I would probably replace him with Tryndamere or Qiyana if I made this now. 3: Vladimir- It says a lot when I put my main here. He’s so degenerate to play against. Point-and-click Q that steals HP, massive circle of damage that destroys minion waves, and his W, good god his W. He can literally just Q and E spam you in lane and when you are low on hp, he just flashes and uses empowered Q and then uses W to avoid tower damage. Granted, his abilities do cost a significant amount of HP to cast, however that does not stop him from being a ranged, hypercarry, stat-checker that has infinite lane sustain. I love the idea of a hemomancer that uses hp instead of mana but he needs to be reworked. The Anthony Sun VGU project would be a good place to start. 2:Tristana- Dude, an Adc that gets in your face and pelts you over and over again with her E and Q. Adc’s are kept in check for their low mobility and reliance on help. I would not mind her at all if the W did not exist. Makes her escape and advantage state way too easy. 1:Yasuo- His design and abilities makes him feel overloaded. When people mention overloaded champions I am flabbergasted that they never mention him. A passive that grants him a shield and increases his critical strike chance, Q is fine but the tornado is kinda annoying, W invalidates all projectiles. Especially concerning that no other diver/assassin really has this good of an ability, E is basically almost like Irelia’s, and his ult makes it so he can not only immediately dash straight toward you, deal massive damage to everyone caught in his tornado, but also gaining MORE armor penetration on crits? It’s so easy to snowball with him. He is so annoying, overloaded, and not really fun for the enemy or ally team. I only decided not to include Yone here because he’s actually fun to play. He’s the worst. Edit:Just grammar mistakes and better explanations
@baptistecochennec5956 2 жыл бұрын
Just asking why do you put yas but no yone I find him way more toxic (and yas r doesn't give more crit chance but it give 50%bonus armor pen
@noodlesandeggs1512 2 жыл бұрын
@@baptistecochennec5956 I guess it’s because I haven’t really faced Yone as much as I did Yas. Most of the time he’s either on my team or I’m playing him (I’m sorry). If I fought him more he could easily share a spot
@firstwaddledee9182 2 жыл бұрын
I understand all of these except Warwick. I think his concept and design, visual and gameplay, are just too cool to want him outright gone. The others I totally get.
@A.C_B. 2 жыл бұрын
Agree with most of these. Season 6 Malz was probably the most toxic champion to ever exist in this game. I'm super happy that support Malz isn't a thing anymore. Kind of confused with Warwick though.
@noodlesandeggs1512 2 жыл бұрын
@@A.C_B. Tbh I think I have been a bit to rude to Warwick now that I think about it. I just hate it when I’m pushing lane and he runs at me at Mach4, Ults me, then I just die. It just happened to me way too many times
@MrLolguy93 2 жыл бұрын
Pretty sure Nilah will be included to the list in the near future
@Lowaver 2 жыл бұрын
Definitely. Unless she gets abysmal ratios.
@zer0sevenine153 2 жыл бұрын
@@Lowaver Out of her entire kit, it's kind of sad to say the two dash ability is the most fair one, considering how many jokes were made about every champ having thousands of dashes... cause giving jax E, diana R, AoE autoattacks and a free shared spirit visage + xp boost to an adc is completely fair lmao.
@Gorn27877 Жыл бұрын
Good list, tho i don't share your hatred for Cassio and Camille (if they'd remove her %truedmg interaction with Divine Sunderer). Personally i would add Fiora, Gwen, Pyke, Senna, Sivir and Veigar. And while typing this, I just realized how much more Champs have broken or annoying parts in their kit... so I'll stop with the worst offenders.
@MobTheKnight 2 жыл бұрын
I imagined you didnt play with duelists but hearing from your mouth that you play juggernauts and divers? Based. Vars is based.
@TechMiser0001 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly I'd remove/rework every champ since Viego. Not even being dramatic, each of them has been a balance disaster. The only one that feels like their in a healthy place now is Vex. But Veigo, Gwen, Zeri, Bel Veth Ahkshan all have the most baffling design to me. Especially Gwen, so little actual gameplay in that kit.
@EmaSkyeRealForensicScientist 2 жыл бұрын
You forgot to list Renata, her too?
@chrs-wltrs 2 жыл бұрын
And you forgot Renata, just like Riot did 🙃
@walkelftexasranger 2 жыл бұрын
Agree with you. Only champ that is OK is Renata, but I would remove her Revive from W, so it would work like old Yorick R.
@MrReaperHand 2 жыл бұрын
@@walkelftexasranger It is not a revive, it is death prevention. If they WOULD die they have a short chance to get a takedown and if they do their life is set at 25% always and only get it once per cast. I have yet to see it as that much of a problem and most people forget about her cause overall she is pretty weak and a niche pick of a support.
@creaketh 2 жыл бұрын
@@walkelftexasranger I think they should make it so you have to activate it at least a second before the champion dies in order for the "revive" to work, plus it should have more indication. It's so poorly designed how a champion can literally die the second it activates and immediately be granted another life. Zilean is irritating, but at least you can see his ult on his target and wait it out if needed. Counterplay.
@vatum20 2 жыл бұрын
It's not "low effort" content, it's content we love, its your content
@yummy8074 2 жыл бұрын
YUUMI!!! Wait, Yuumi is not a champion, she is just a legal AFKing tool.
@nekoitsudashi7415 2 жыл бұрын
A yugioh tool card in a champion
@TheArne959 2 жыл бұрын
Yuumi is not a champion she is the equivalent of having an extra mythic item
@FadeMorningstar 2 жыл бұрын
the thing is as a shaco main I can speak on behalf of the community and agree with you because that's literally why we play him it's the fact that he's so annoying and hated that we love him, there is a certain type of pleasure we get when we one tap someone with an auto without them even seeing us before or after the kill or from running away trolling the enemy team with our clone or jacky box because we know on the other side of the screen they're crying and screaming and from now on going forward we'll live in their heads rent free as they keep perma banning our champ and explaining why they hate us so much and wish nothing but pain and misery for us ik we sound pretty sadistic but that's because we are even if we aren't toxic or annoying we embody that persona when we play him because we are one with him when play him and that's how you become a great shaco play, by being shaco himself in a way also great vid love it :D
@blop-a-blop9419 2 жыл бұрын
Camille easy fix : Transfer power from her Q to her R. Make her R deal burst physical damage based on AD & missing HP. Remove the unescapable web from her R. Maybe add a .5 s silence and slow to her R on impact.
@jennywithaglock3916 2 жыл бұрын
then shes just another garen/darius/sett type
@josh7825 2 жыл бұрын
Figure every champ will have insane mobility or untargetability. My personal unbiased pick I haven’t seen yet is Vayne. Fuck Vayne.
@lucaiozzo8273 2 жыл бұрын
I like the concept of yuumi but the execution is terrible. It would be more fun, skill expresive and balanced if she, instead of attaching to a champion, gives all her buffs if she stands close enough. I would give her an ms bonus near your ally so she can stick to them and that would alow her to have actual gameplay
@qt_peaches5093 2 жыл бұрын
I like this concept, but at that point you’re just single target Sona
@pajama5364 2 жыл бұрын
I quite like her design if they forced her to jump between allies, she can remain untargetable but be much less effective which is the safe option, or jump between allies and have far more impact but she puts herself at risk. She goes from a brainless e bot to actually taking thought to be effective.
@qt_peaches5093 2 жыл бұрын
@@pajama5364 very true, it’s easy to play her, but a great Yuumi actually does more than meets the eye
@whichhunter7087 2 жыл бұрын
10 Tristana 9 Samira 8 Katarina 7 Swain 6 Mordekaiser 5 Tahm Kench 4 Akshan 3 Ekko 2 Lucian 1 Master Yi
@dimondsi 2 жыл бұрын
I can't help but agree with a lot of your list, even for characters I personally love. I've often thought about outright changes to shaco and yuumi specifically to make them less frustrating to play against. Less CC, more interaction mechanics, something I'd raise my own delete from the game champ, pyke. He's a more consistent blitz crank, who's whole balance factor was he had to land his Q to be any good. For pyke, he is just stacked with privilege. His Q doesn't pull as far, so it has a brutal slow built in and can be quick cast at melee range because the safety champ can't be allowed to struggle ever. He can't build tanky like bitz, so he gets over the top good regeneration in lane tied to camo and a massive speed buff that doesn't even slow you afterwards. Those are just the parts that match blitz, he's got a whole kit that invalidates blitz and a lot of counter play too. Quick dash for extreme safety on top of what hes got, and it's a stun so you can't even match him with other hyper mobile champs, An AOE stun even. it's so easy to land off of it's dash and his crazy movement W. And my god the privilege on that execute. Double gold on landing one of the easiest aoe spell in the game with safety boxes in an X shape on what is already an easy to land circle cast? Try that but it refreshes on that privilege execute kill. It invalidates any last stand mechanics like olaf or the rune "last stand". On a squishy no mobility adc this would be a strong ult, but on the safest champ in the game, even over yuumi who is untouchable for 99% of an encounter, this is just a game buster of a no fun champ to see in game. I know he falls under the feast or famin flag, but i think he has that yone quality where his feast is unplayable against and his famine isn't quite famine enough. At worst he has a safer yone ult with less damage. Sometimes I wonder if both akshan and pyke would be better if they swaped their execute and revive mechanic
@santumi2298 2 жыл бұрын
4:35 nonononono. Yuumi decreases pressure for the crucial first 15 minutes of the game. Also Yone would actually be a feast or famine champ if they removed the crit from his passive.
@yaman9463 2 жыл бұрын
The passive is the reason he is feast or famine, it locks your build to crit so if you lose early, you can't build defense without being useless, and if you win early, you get a big powerspike with 100 crit.
@santumi2298 2 жыл бұрын
@@yaman9463 "It locks your build to crit" We ignoring that Yone top mains rush botrk rn?
@sladernom 2 жыл бұрын
Dang you really hit my main (shaco) on the first beat Not that I blame you :) My picks would be: Yuumi - I don't need to explain Yone - I don't need to explain Yasuo - So many main character copium Yas mains that somehow turbo carry on the enemy team and turn the 0/10 powerspike into a 0/15 flame or afk when they're on my team. That's aside his kit being irritating to deal with Akshan - Being able to revive his teammates is such a dumb mechanic. I don't care about the passive double attacks, I don't usually have issue with it. I forget he can revive people until he brings back half his team after a fight and then I hate him more Viego - I don't need to explain Evelynn - Perma invis with an easy to get cc *and* and easy escape out. Cring'e Qiyana - With how far her ulty knocks you back it's near impossible for her to miss hitting you into a wall stun, as long as you're not on the opposite side of the lane from the wall she hits you to. Assassin with high single target damage *and* aoe cc/burst for teamfights? Ew Kayne - Same reasons honestly, and if he was removed it'd let me start banning other champs again. I don't think I've had a match with a Kayne for the past 100 games or so, and I like it that way. Nasus - Usually played by people that just afk farm/push into getting collapse-killed on repeat. No fun no matter what team he ends up on. Illaoi - Stupidly beefy with stupid amounts of damage and stupid amounts of sustain. Almost always super dangerous to gank in laning unless I'm playing a ranged jg and later in the game you have to send 3 or more people to deal with her usually depending on your team comp
@miguelmonteiro3899 2 жыл бұрын
Actually i love to see more opinionated content like this, its refreshing. Keep up the good work :)
@kennethponce1640 2 жыл бұрын
I just can't believe you left Akali out, i used to main it, but man. She's the flashiest and easiest assassin, simply ridiculous. It's the only champ in the game that can kill you through everything, if she wants to kill you, ain't no teammate gonna save you. I just think she would be my first go to, i love the lore and the character, but with that kit i ain't never touching her again
@sirreginaldfishingtonxvii6149 Жыл бұрын
It's fine, Akali is balanced by being unable to _not_ recast her E, even if it'll kill her to do so. I don't know why they keep doing it, but if I'm a full health tank fed out of my mind and she's got a sliver of health left, she still _just can't resist_ going for that shuriken flip recast. Happens all the time lol
@beepbop1762 Жыл бұрын
​@@sirreginaldfishingtonxvii6149Akali enjoyer here. I plead guilty lol
@INFINITY_99 2 жыл бұрын
Great video! If I'm being honest I'd probably remove every infinitely stacking champion because I just dislike the concept of it.
@gofrisuto Жыл бұрын
I don't wanna answer, because I'm a Kennen main, but here are mines: Nasus: No matter, how much you outplay him in the earlygame, he will be invincible, and he will omeshot you. Jax: I'd hate to bring this champ up, because I love the players behind it. In 80% of games, Jax players are the most wholesome and funny people in the match. That doesn't change the fact that he invalidates positioning with his insane jump, tricky and risky plays with his counter, he will have better damage and crowd control, and just everything you try to do, he will beat you at it. And imagine if he had a real weapon! Teemo: Doesn't matter that my champ counters that thing, it scares me. Every Teemo player just watches a video on which are the statistically best places to place the shrooms, and the path finding AI will always walk into them. It's not mindgames, if I have to nonstop keep in mind to only walk at the middle. Also Teemo forces me to buy rocketbelt and zhonya, which results in the most boring, brainless play a Kennen player can think of. While it's effective, I don't wanna press 3 buttons, and call it a fun game. Trindhwogjskwhf how do you call the undying sword dude: He won't die. Fuck him. Yeah that's all.
@floodoodle3657 2 жыл бұрын
This is tough because I'm toxic and play a lot of the champs I hate to play against, but my list would be Yuumi, Viego, Bel'Veth (currently eating my ban slot formerly reserved for Viego... I need that back plz), Pyke, Shaco, Samira, Morde, Teemo, Olaf, Vlad. Yuumi: they can be completely brain dead and get a free ride (literally). Gets to take double combat spells since she doesn't need flash, and can skip boots for a DARK SEAL. If they get kicked off bc their Uber died, attach should go on CD. Or maybe if they stay attached too long to one person, her stats and heal lose effectiveness. Or idk, maybe just make her participate in the actual game regularly and make w a temporary state for like ~5 seconds. Perish the thought of having to move the mouse. Viego: no more invulnerability or healing. No more super forgiving r reset that he can just use as a gap close. Bel'Veth: pushes to end waaaay too fast after one mistake. I can dunk on her as lillia, but she gets baron/herald and it's gg. Pyke: dumbass r spam. Slinks away after a bad fight and comes back full hp to r spam once more. Can 1 v 1 handily as "support" after a few kills. Shaco: waiting at my buff to ignite me, early cheesing my team into malding and ff spamming, stupid boxes, perma invis, clone etc etc Samira: too much damage, too hard to engage on bc of w, having to watch her like a hawk as well as my teammates hp bar. Unironically rather face Kat. Morde: can replace with Malz depending on who's flavor of the month. Stupid Stat stick that takes you out of the fight and into Uninteractive Land. Top always somehow feeds him. Hard to gank bc he makes it a 1 v 1 Teemo: My top laner picks it and we lose. Absolutely useless troll pick. Can be replaced with Quinn, but I think I have at least a 25% chance of winning with Quinn. Olaf: no way to peel him off my team. Way too much damage and healing. Only saving grace is that most of his player base is him irl: brain dead and wishing for death. Vlad: Uninteractive. Ticking time bomb. Runs ghost and phase rush to either run me down or run away at his leisure.
@100organicfreshmemes5 2 жыл бұрын
I think Camille would be fine if Precision Protocol's second cast just had the damage nerfed like you said or, rather than making the bonus damage true damage instead of all of it, the 2nd cast instead has a large amount of armor penetration (40-60%?) so that damage reduction still works against it and she can't shred tanks quite as fast.
@mohamedsahalmahil1448 2 жыл бұрын
its from 20% to 100% based on level
@CSEabdulalimkhan 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe make the true dmg in a specific part like sett.
@kevinhowe543 2 жыл бұрын
shaco's deceive was designed when pink wards revealed all stealth units. it was a form of counterplay in early league. when they removed that they gave him his largest buff in all of his history
@Toastar27 2 жыл бұрын
He's still not really that good. Just more annoying
@ethanstyant9704 2 жыл бұрын
Shaco is one of my most played champs and ap shaco is some of the funniest games I've ever had. They hate me so much
@Wikant18 2 жыл бұрын
9:36 okay, but she's a mage specifically made for the midlane and specifically made to stop all the assasins mobility. I mean it would be better if she didnt benefit as much from the tank items, but if you take out the grounded effect you take out her viability in the midlane, which she is made for
@CSEabdulalimkhan 2 жыл бұрын
She flickers faster than katarine or kassadin. I rest my case.
@multivitamin425 2 жыл бұрын
Every champ that was released 2018 onward
@MolleonOSRS 2 жыл бұрын
LeBlanc is clown champ. You can never catch her and she does WAY too much damage. Always one-shots if ur against a decent LeBlanc. I fucking hate that champ. (But where’s Teemo though?)
@MolleonOSRS 2 жыл бұрын
Too add to this… Teemo is straight up dumb. His Q blind for a stupid amount of time, he can go totally invisible if not moving and his ult is absolutely braindead. Who ACTUALLY thinks it’s ever fair or well played by the enemy Teemo when they walk into a randomly placed shroom? (Or just a shroom in general?)
@ihavehiv5815 2 жыл бұрын
There are some good agreeable points though I would like to make some adjustments/additions that fit my biased view of the game: 1. Zilean: Nobody likes to play him, nobody likes to play against him. One of the most unpopular champions that even riot themselves has admitted is very overpowered and the only reason he's not nerfed into the ground is because of his low pickrate. There's just nothing to do against this guy, a 0/5 and a 5/0 Zilean are pretty much the same E R spam bots. 2. Fiora instead of Camille: A Camille will beat you in lane if she's better than you, a fiora will beat you if she's good at all. Basically you don't really have a say in the fiora matchup, you can just pray that this guy can't land the chinese fiora 0.1sec ult combo or lose. Also she's way harder to shut down late game than a Camille, her reposte is probably one of the best trading tools in the game even without timing it well to counter a cc ability it slows your attack speed so much that most auto attackers wouldn't notice a difference between the heavy slow and insane attack speed slow or not being able to move at all 3. Bel'veth should be changed or just removed: I dread having this champion on my team and I dread having her on the enemy team. If she's on my team I know I'll pretty much get no jungle assistance and if she's on the enemy team she feels like a hyper mobile melee kayle with resets and true damage that I cannot zone off xp for her terrible early game. 4. Even though I play him a lot Ornn isn't the healthiest champion at the moment. He just provides too much for his team. Good damage? Check. Amazing cc? Check? Insanely tanky? Check. Not to mention that past level 13 he just gives thousands of gold worth of stats to his team for free. It's also insane how differing in gold value all his Ornnaments are. I will straight up just tell my team tp build Frostfire, Rocketbelt, Eclipse, Kraken or Moonstone because if we have those 5 items I might aswell just randomly generated 5-7k gold for our team out of thin air, also he himself gets INSANE amounts of tank stats for upgrading items. I don't think Ornn should be outright removed hes really fun and has a place in the game but damn he kinda feels dirty to play at the moment 5. Vayne: Even fucking fiora has to get into harms way to do her bullshit % health true damage not to mention that she still has to hit a specific side of her oponent which is really hard to do in teamfights while avoiding cc and damage all from melee range. Vayne just kinda has to sit back and auto attack, why the fuck does she have an invisibility on a 1.5 sec cooldown when she ults again? I don't know lol, don't think riot does eather but whatever. And I'm serious saying that I really wouldn't be making a problem out of Vayne if she was forced into building pure damage like all other adcs, but no that would be too fair to make her a squishy champion that dies easily in fights haha! Why not allow her to build 4 tank items while still shredding everything she touches with a Shieldbow and Rageblade. Slap an enchantnter on her ass and you have a 3K hp 200 armor 150 mr creature that goes invisible 20 times per fight, gets constant shields heals and buffs, has a point and click disengage and kills any tank in the game within 12 autos. Even her "low range" problem is mitigated by the LT rework.
@chester1437 2 жыл бұрын
both camille and fiora should be removed no cap
@CSEabdulalimkhan 2 жыл бұрын
Whoever added true dmg passive to vayne needs to be skinned then dipped in salt.
@kaihoyen945 2 жыл бұрын
My list will be 10.vladimir buying life steal is one thing, having it in your kit is another 9.singed he just doesn't have a play style for league 8.kayn to many times i almost one shoted him just for him to press r and win 7.yone as vars said privilege 6.gank plank w is too annoying (maybe cuz i started as mord main and my hatr for him just sticked) 5.pyke r reset more gold for kill should i say more 4.yummi 3.illaoi e and you won the trade the enemy didn't even strated 2.akshan fucking revive 1.vayn %max health true damage 0.ryze if you can't fix my main just delete him and end my suffering riot
@kaihoyen945 2 жыл бұрын
Somehow forgot teemo
@alaakhedr3832 2 жыл бұрын
Trynd better be on there or i riot
@Lorenzo_631 2 жыл бұрын
Since i otp singed this is my list. 1.Camille - stated in video 2. Darius - just an actual stupid champ especially if they go flash ghost, can pull you from under tower, him building tanky and still being mobile, that dumbass bleed. 3. Shen - dude can literally build one item and be tanky as fuck to to mention his q w and passive being a little bit stupud at times.( rather a nerf but definitely had games where i wanted him deleted) 4. Tryndamere - i really dont feel like i need to explain. 5. Gp - his crit build is actually dumb like, laning against him is literally getting q'd the whole time, if you try to proxy he can clear wave with 1-2 barrels. 6. Yorick - kinda like gp laning is just getting Qd and taking too much dmg from his ghouls, plus he clears waves fast af when u try to proxy. 7. Karma - her ms, root and slow are so fucking rediculous not to mention on top of her healing and shielding, so hard to close on her or her team. 8. Mundo - quite literally just counters singed plus has a free get out of jail free card with his passive. 9. And 10. - idk atleast for rn probably a support or mid laner that has too much shit in their kit or main build that is just toxic gameplay.
@gahansambhar4337 Жыл бұрын
I dont have 10 Yummi Seraphine Heimer Akshan Legit no reason for any of these to exist in the game. Seraphine just doesn't fit the theme of the game bruh lmao
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