Congratulations. Glad you did it. I did mine in both eyes after wearing glasses for 50+ years and now can see clearly without glasses. I can even drive without them. Never seen bluer sky and see clearer the whole work
Congrats to your new vision, I cried during the 1st night after my cataract ops cos the halo ring is so strong. Big and bright. As time goes by my eye adjusted to the environment and the halo get smaller and eventually disappears . Now this is the best upgrade I ever had to my body. Only set back is I can no longer put myself to extreme physical excersion.
我做的是lasik的手术。我超爱做了手术后的生活!如果眼睛健康的近视眼,真的可以去做。我在加拿大做的,同一时段我闺蜜在中国做了。手术上有一个小小的不一样是,我的cornea不是全切,圆切但还留有一部分和主体连在一起,做完手术flap back on眼球上。我闺蜜的是全圈切,做完手术放回眼球上。但我们都超喜欢做手术的决定!